Directives/ eDirectives targeted marketing and communications 2 perception. creativity. practical solutions. a snapshot Founded in 1988, DIRECTIVES/edirectives is an independent consulting firm dedicated to finding practical, yet innovative solutions for 21st century business challenges. We serve: Multichannel retailers and service organizations, using multiple sales & communications vehicles—brick-andmortar stores, catalog, internet, email, mobile, DRTV, direct mail, space advertising, telemarketing, etc. Business suppliers to the broad retail community, and Not-for-profits and companies that practice conscious capitalism. 3 perception. creativity. practical solutions. a closer look Over the years, clients have included both B2C and B2B marketers, ranging from small retailers to Fortune 200 companies, in all types of industry segments, from: Apparel to Finance Technology to Travel Health to Hard Goods. Expert in integrating a wide variety of communications vehicles with practical, profitable solutions: Bricks & Mortar, Catalog, Internet, Email, Mobile, Social Media, Solo Direct Mail, Telemarketing, Publishing, Advertising, and DRTV. Carolyn Gould, Ph.D., president, was editor of CATALOG AGE and DIRECT magazines prior to founding her own company. 4 perception. creativity. practical solutions. practical , integrated solutions New Concept Creation, New Business Development Strategic Insights for established companies or entrepreneurial start ups Customer Experience Management & Customer-Centric Communications, Merchandising, and Customer Service Interaction Tactical, Integrated Campaign Management in diverse media & vehicles, electronic or print CRM/Database Marketing Programs for customer loyalty, retention, reactivation, and prospecting Creative Direction of Your Team or Ours from concept through execution & production Market Research & Trend Analysis 5 perception. creativity. practical solutions. What clients say [Carolyn] brings an extensive amount of experience to the table in all areas of direct and multi-channel marketing. The strategies she develops are innovative, creative and focused. A top-notch mentor, she's passionate about improving brands, the customer experience, and, as a result, company performance. --Michael Schuster, formerly Catalog Director, The Franklin Mint; currently, General Manager, Nancy’s Notions All I can say is I appreciate your efforts, integrity and commitment to do what is in the best interests of all. You are a professional with a brand I support and admire. --Michael Ellison, Founder and CEO, Trivita; CEO, Amazon Herb perception. creativity. practical solutions. 6 the new three R’s: results, improved ROI, & increased response Among a wide variety of projects, DIRECTIVES/eDirectives has: Launched a word-of-mouth Referral Campaign that broke even within six months ($25 product honorarium) while significantly reducing customer acquisition costs Routinely increased electronic and print campaign results, for example, a 40% increase in revenue earned per book (season-to-season) for a company’s largest catalog title Repeatedly cut costs for multichannel businesses—up to $1MM/year—by changing contact strategies. 7 perception. creativity. practical solutions. Managed cultural change for several B2B and B2C companies, including the internet division of the world’s largest travel global distribution system. Developed the three year strategic and business plans for a venture-financed retail, internet, and catalog start-up in the bridal registry/gift business—a business that was then acquired by a large multi-channel media company. Created over 80 turn-key customer retention programs by forming partnerships between retailers and publishers, which most often resulted in a 15% (or higher) increase in subsequent purchase behavior among best customer segment. Provided CRM/database sales and training programs for what was then the nation’s 2nd largest newspaper/online publisher, resulting in routine double digit sales increases in its direct division. perception. creativity. practical solutions. 8 Delivery—o n time, cost-effectively with candor, wit, true grit and grace Management Issues Strategic Planning Business Plans, Feasibility Studies, Start-Up Businesses New Business Development Cultural Change Organizational Analysis and Change Management Database Development Re-Positioning Marketing Market Research (Qualitative and Quantitative) and Consumer Trends Analysis Marketing Partnerships and Joint Ventures Customer Retention, Reactivation, and Relationship Marketing Prospecting and New Opportunities Development Competitive Analysis Customer Communications Programs Customer and Market Research and Analysis Word-of-Mouth Marketing Sales Advertising Product/Offer Analysis and Critique Product Selection, Layout and Pagination Product Testing Recommendations Square Inch Analysis Merchandising Trend Recommendations Product Development Vendor Referral Advertising Evaluation Advertising Concept and Creative Development Agency Interface and Reviews Media Recommendations Use of DM in Newspapers and Other Non-Conventional DM Channels Creative Merchandising Strategic Program Development Collateral Creative and Direction Sales Training and Promotion Prospecting, Contact and Client Development Catalog, Solo Direct Mail, Website, Email, and Publication Critique Creative Direction (all communications channels) Copywriting—web and print; script writing Layout Design and Illustration Packaging Design Store Layout, Signage Editorial Editorial Critique and Repositioning Public Relations Feature Writing Feature Article and Book Editing Editorial Placement perception. creativity. practical solutions. 9 representative clients Multi-Channel Retail/Wholesale Bloomingdale’s Discovery Health Channel The Franklin Mint The Golden Bear Habitat Mignon Faget Nancy’s Notions Norm Thompson PGA Tour Direct SmartPak TriVita/Amazon Herb Voice Systems Engineering Walnut Acres Start-Ups Concepts, Branding & Planning Playboy Enterprises The Wedding List (now part of Martha Stewart/Omnimedia) Applied Interactive Media (now part of Ziff-Davis) SAVA Apparel Other C2B & B2B Companies Business-to-Business The Goldenrod Foundation Knight-Ridder Newspapers (now disbanded) Paralyzed Veterans of America Sabre Virtually There Discovery Channel—Middle School Science Catalog Entex Information Services (now Siemen’s Business Services, Inc.) Lion Brand Yarn Data Providers/DBM Companies Acxiom Direct Marketing Technology (now part of Experian) Yankelovich Various agencies, list brokerage & management companies 10 perception. creativity. practical solutions. Breadth of experience As editor of CATALOG AGE magazine, Carolyn conceived of, produced, and marketed the CATALOG AGE REPORT, the first comprehensive survey of catalog marketing trends and practices. Carolyn was also instrumental in founding the prestigious AMERICAN CATALOG AWARDS and programming the ANNUAL CATALOG CONFERENCE (once the ACCM). A recipient of the distinguished Deutscher Akademischer Austausdienst (DAAD) fellowship and Fullbright nominee, Carolyn is a member of Marketing Executives Networking Group (MENG) and Phi Beta Kappa. She is Vice Chair of the Southeastern Massachusetts Pine Barrens Alliance. Carolyn is a frequent speaker at marketing and other trade association conferences and author of several seminal articles on retail and database marketing. 11 perception. creativity. practical solutions. some work with client teams 12 perception. creativity. practical solutions. A Taste of Directives/express 13 perception. creativity. practical solutions. Contact: 215-554-3015 Directives/ eDirectives targeted marketing and communications References, Sample Creative, and An Expanded Client List Available Upon Request Contact: Carolyn Gould 1022 Avalon Way Plymouth, MA 02360 215-554-3015