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Holiday 2014 Observations
A Time to
Give Thanks
Dear Acme Fresh Market Associate,
“Thank You”, two simple words that when put together can put a smile on
someone’s face. Sometimes it is to a family member, sometimes it is to a
customer, but today I am saying “Thank You” to you.
Acme Fresh Market is only as strong as the team of associates that work for
our company. This year you have improved the amount of Highly Satisfied
Customers who shop at Acme Fresh Market to 86%, an all-time high. You
have done this by satisfying the needs of our customers, “creating need” with
your spectacular merchandising, and providing excellent customer service
in all departments throughout your store. Then you finish with those two
simple words, “Thank You” as the customer leaves the checkout line.
So as 2014 comes to a close, “Thank You”. May you and your family have a
joyous holiday season.
Jim Trout
The word “local” is one of the
strongest buzz words in marketing
today. Lucky for us, Acme Fresh
Market is about as local as it gets in
Northeast Ohio. Our established
ties to the community and our
strong relationship with local
vendor partners enables us to create unique products that
can only be purchased at Acme Fresh Market.
Last year, Acme started an exclusive relationship with Pavs
Creamery to sell its custard at our stores. Pavs has been a
landmark in the Portage Lakes community since the late
1960’s and makes award winning custard and gelato. The
core lineup of custards sell great, but the real winners are
the special one of a kind flavors that Acme Fresh Market and
Pavs create. Earlier this year, we created an ice cream with
our friends at ESPN radio that called to attention one of the
most popular new Cleveland sports stars, Johnny Manziel.
Currently, we have teamed up with Pavs and Hoppin’ Frog
Brewery, located on Route 224 across from the Goodyear
Airdock, to produce a Christmas Ale Custard. Hoppin’ Frog
was rated one of the top 20 breweries in the world and their
Frosted Frog Christmas Ale is one of the most popular beers
that we sell during the holidays. The sky is the limit to what
we can create with our friends at Pavs Creamery!
We also launched Bernie Beer, a specialty crafted Brown
Ale honoring Bernie Kosar. Bernie is a friend of Acme Fresh
Market and has given us the right to sell his beer exclusively
for the first 30 days in the market. The Browns are actually
in the playoff hunt! This new product hit at a perfect time
for us to take advantage of the resurrection of a team that
has been a bottom dweller for a long time. Browns fans are
hungry for a winner….and I’m betting thirsty too!
Nickles Bakery is one of the largest bakeries in the country.
Fortunately for Acme Fresh Market, they are located in
Lima, Ohio. Category Manager Carol Heiser recently met
with the owners of the bakery and negotiated a deal to
increase the number of private label offerings we sell. This
is great for Acme Fresh Market because the commercial
bread department has a very high gross margin. We will
soon offer Honey Buns, Kaiser Rolls, Hoagie Buns, and we
are crossing our fingers that we might have the opportunity
to sell Acme Fresh Market branded Maple Twist Rolls and
bagged donuts as well!
Our relationships with local vendors goes far beyond the
three examples above. Soon we will offer private label
bagged popcorn and new flavors of kettle chips through
Dan-Dee, reintroduce a nostalgic soft drink brand called
Norka (Akron spelled backwards), and partner with local
breweries like Thirsty Dog and Hoppin’ Frog to bring
fresh new ideas to the beer category. “New products are
the lifeblood of the industry,” is a quote that often gets
thrown around in the grocery industry. With the strong
relationships we have locally, we will be able to control
our own destiny by offering fun and exciting products that
resonate with our shoppers in Northeast Ohio.
What’s the one thing that almost
every customer that walks
through the doors at Acme Fresh
Market has in their pocket or
purse? You guessed it – a mobile
phone. Everyone’s got one, and
everyone checks them hundreds of times a day.
Acme Fresh Market is always trying to figure out the best
way to communicate sales and value to customers. We use
the newspaper, radio, billboards, and our weekly ad. With so
many customers using mobile phones, Acme Fresh Market
figured it would be a great idea to talk to our customers
through their phones.
How do we communicate through a mobile phone?
Two ways. First, we email customers with our weekly ad,
special 2 day sales, and special offers. Second, we created a
program called “Mobile Deals.”
What are Mobile Deals? Mobile Deals are valuable
coupons that you receive on your mobile phone. They save
you money every week – a new coupon every Thursday!
Mobile Deals are coupons that appear on a mobile phone
screen - they work just like a paper coupon – you just scan
the phone!
This application is compatible with iPhones, Android and
Blackberry cellular phones.
You can sign up for Mobile Deals! Just visit
from your computer and Create an Account. It’s easier to
(continued on next page)
Acme Fresh Market Mobile Deals Continued ...
fill in the information on a computer – although you can
do it from your mobile phone with a little patience! Once
you’ve created an account, go to from your
mobile phone. A prompt will come up asking you to save
the Acme Fresh Market icon to your home screen. Do that
for easy access! Once loaded, just click on the Acme Fresh
Market ioon and view the current coupons. The cashier will
just scan the barcode on your phone during checkout.
Sign up to Save today with Mobile Deals… and when a
customer hands you their phone, don’t put it to your ear
and say “hello?”!
various seasons I am working 6 to 8 months ahead. It is
very important that we receive the right product at the
We are so fortunate in Ohio to have right price and at the right time to ensure a good gross
all four seasons to enjoy. The snow margin and sell through with minimal markdown losses.
may be falling, and the wind may be With Christmas right around the corner, Acme Fresh Market
howling, but that’s all good because is selling gift-giving items such as toys, small appliances,
we can sell a whole lot of snow and stuffed animals. We are also fucused on seasonal items
shovels and washer fluid!
like bakeware, household decorations and gift wrapping
The seasons bring change not only in the weather but also
in buying patterns and product mix. As Director of General
Merchandise, I select products for our stores to sell based
on the four seasons and also the various holidays that
fall within the seasons. Some products are identifiable
seasonal with a small sales window, such as Valentine’s
Day, St Patrick’s Day, Easter, and Christmas. Other items
are simply seasonal with a longer shelf life such as winter &
snow items. The longest seasonal selling season is summer.
No matter what type of seasonal merchandise we have it
all needs to get out on the sales floor in a timely manner.
When I am planning to purchase items to sell for the
Of course, during the winter holidays, customers are
looking for holiday décor. Our floral shops meet customers’
needs by selling popular seasonal flowers like poinsettias
and decorated Norfolk pines.
When it comes to seasonal merchandise, Acme Fresh
Market “Creates Need” with fun, holiday items, and “Fulfills
Need” with items like snow shovels, rock salt and mittens.
It is all about timing – and our General Merchandise
Managers are experts!
Spotlight on Mike Nichols, Grocery Manager - By Laura Darrow
Have you ever thought about
becoming a Grocery Manager? I spoke
to Grocery Manager Mike Nichols from
Acme #21 to get a firsthand account
of what it’s really like to be a Grocery
Manager at Acme Fresh Market!
Mike, how did you become interested in becoming a Manager?
I’ve worked for Acme for 15 years. While in high school, I worked
as a packer at Acme #17. I really looked up to my Store Director,
John Pribonic. He taught me a tremendous amount about
stock. He inspired me to major in Business Management and
Marketing at Kent State University. I planned on applying to the
Manager Trainee program after graduation.
Why did you want to be in the Manager Trainee program?
I knew I wanted to be a manager. My career goal is to be a
Store Director and Manager Trainee is the starting place at
Acme if that is your goal. I knew that the Manager Trainee
program would allow me to use my Business Management
and Marketing degree in a very practical, hands on way. I
love creating merchandising displays and selling products.
My management classes taught me leadership skills and how
to be an effective manager of people. The Manager Trainee
program was a great learning experience and provided me a
solid foundation to grow as a Manager at Acme. After Manager
Trainee, I became a Perishable Manager. Today, I am the Grocery
Manager at Acme #21 – Acme’s newest store in Green and it’s
an honor to work here.
What are the duties of the Grocery Manager?
I fill in for the Store Director in his absence. I am responsible for
leading the workforce and making sure the store is clean, neat,
and safe. I assist customers. I work with our vendors. I plan how
A Day in the life of a Grocery Manager Continued ...
to build merchandise displays based upon Acme’s weekly ad.
Teaching associates the importance of Grocery 101 – keeping
the shelves filled – is very important. I work to provide a Fast,
Friendly checkout. Creating Highly Satisfied customers is my
goal every day.
What’s It Like to be the Grocery Manager at Acme’s Newest,
World-Class Store?
It’s an awesome opportunity. Training our newest associates
has been a very rewarding experience. I am so proud of how
great the store looks. Customers are so happy to shop here and
I’m proud to contribute to the success of Acme #21.
What advice do you have for an Associate that is thinking
about becoming a Grocery Manager at Acme Fresh Market?
Lead by example and impress your store director! Make sure
your store management team knows that you are interested in
a management position. And then be the hardest worker in the
store. Associates must start in the Manager Trainee Program.
One of the interview questions usually is “Are you the hardest
worker in your store?” You better be able to say yes. There
are certain qualities that are essential to being successful as a
Grocery Manager. For instance, it is so important to be highly
organized and to take good notes. Carry a notebook at all times!
A Grocery Manager has great leadership skills and knows how
to solve problems. A Grocery Manager also leads by example.
What is your favorite part of being a Grocery Manager?
Excellent attendance and punctuality are very important. And
The people at Acme are great. I enjoy teaching – If I didn’t work you must be willing to do what it takes to get the job done.
for Acme, I think I would have gone into teaching. Showing
associates what I know is very rewarding. I am a Manager What Does Your Future Hold?
today because of great store directors and managers who were My career goal is to be an Acme Fresh Market Store Director.
willing to share their knowledge with me. I want to be a mentor How can someone apply to be a Grocery Manager?
to Acme Fresh Market associates.
Associates should apply for the Manager Trainee program. It’s
the starting point for the store management career path. All
What is your favorite task to do at work?
I enjoy planning and building displays. I love creative you have to do is keep your eye out for opportunity postings
merchandising. It is the perfect application of my marketing by the time clock. It is how Acme communicates job openings
degree and everything I’ve learned at Acme. It is a challenge to associates. You submit a resume or letter of interest by email.
to build an intense display that really catches the eye of the It’s that simple.
customer and creates a need for the product. It should represent Thank You Mike!
one neat, organized thought. One of my favorite displays of my If you have any questions about the Manager Trainee Program or
career was an Italian display at Acme #15. We made an awesome any positions, contact Laura Darrow (x55251), Director of Human
display that tied together bakery, deli and grocery. You know a Resources Ed Harrison (x55215), Director of Operations or talk to
display is great if it sells product!
your Store Director.
Can you describe a typical work day as a Grocery Manager?
Each day is challenging. Every day I’m working with associates to
teach them how to create Highly Satisfied Customers. As we say
at Acme, I’m always striving to Handle the Situation. I start the
day by checking in with staff to see what needs to be addressed.
I walk the store. I make a list of what I must accomplish, prioritize
the list and get to work. I build displays and check displays to
make sure they are intense and will grab the attention of our
customers. I make sure Grocery 101 is getting done, the store
is clean and that the front end is providing a Fast, Friendly
Checkout. Things pop up all the time and I just re-prioritize my
list. It can be hectic but I really enjoy what I do.
Acme Fresh Market invited local students to color a black and white reusable Don
Drumm bag in our “Make Me Beautiful” contest. Recently, the 6 young artists who
won the contest were honored at a reception at the new Acme Fresh Market in
Green. Winners were chosen by community vote online at, and the
winners won up to $500 for their school’s art program.
The six winners were: Kaylie McCann, Green Intermediate School
Olivia Decaria, Hatton Community Learning Center
Gabi Kovalchik, Valley View Elementary School Merissa Lake, GlenOak High School
Matt Oster, GlenOak High School
Taylor Ball, GlenOak High School
Acme Fresh Market is excited that one of our winners, Matt Oster, is the son of Acme Fresh Market Whipple Avenue associate
Tim Oster. Congratulations to Matt and all the winners!