Community Recreation Resources - North East Independent School

Community Recreation Resources
Individuals with Disabilities
PLEASE NOTE: NEISD is not responsible for, nor endorses, the content of the
resources/information listed below .
This list of recreat ional communit y resources was com piled by Cindy Slagle, Lead
Adapt ed Physical Education Specialist and Henr y Gonzales, Social W orker, NEISD
Department of Special Education. It is not intended to be an endor sement of any of the
programs but an inf ormational tool f or staff and parents when planning outside acti vities
f or their children with special needs. Finding appropriate activit ies f or children with
disabilities can be a dif f icult exper ience. W e hope this guide helps you wit h your search.
Contact: Cindy Slagle, Lead Adapted P.E. Specialist 407.6200 or Henr y Gonzales, LMSW
at hgonza3@neisd. net concerning additional progra ms in the San Antonio area off ering
recreational opportunit ies f or special needs children.
The Arc of San An t onio
Various programs f or af ter school care, evening and summer programs
Elem entar y through age 22
13430 W est Avenue,
Ph: 490.4300
W eb site: www
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
S AFI RE – San Antonio Fitness, Independent & Recreational Environment
Are you looking f or a place f or your young ad ult to spend their summer days? SAFIRE is
the place. W e off er f un f illed days of Individual W orkout Programs, Full Gym games and
activities, and communit y outing ever y ot her week. Summer program off ered 8:00 am to
4:00 pm (extended hours available). 15 yrs & older.
11111 Iota 78217
Contact: Teresa Sullivan, Dir ector
Ph: 236.7662 or teresasul li
W eb site: www
C AMP Camp
Children’s Associat ion f or Maximum Pot ential
CAMP of f ers a variety of activit ies f or children with all disabilit ies including a week long
summer camp pr ogram.
This program provides a wide range of recreational,
rehabilitat ive, and respite ser vices f or children with severe disabilities and their families.
The CAMP program is designed f or children who ar e not able to attend other camps due
to medical or physical reasons. Sliding fee scale and stipends available.
Camp Respite Club is a compr ised of several components: Respite W eekend Camps,
Parents Night -Out (PNO), and Teen and Adult Day Advent ure (TADA). F am ilies must
enroll their childr en in the Respite Club i n order to participat e in any of the Respite Club
events. Siblings are also welcome at Respite W eekends and PNO. Membership aff ords
the f amily inf ormation about, and invit ations to Respite Cl ub events.
P.O. Box 27086
San Antonio, 78227
Ph: 671.5411
W eb site: www
Updated b y Cind y Slagle , Lead Adapted Phys ical Ed ucatio n Sp ecialist & He nry Go nzal es , L MSW 5/2/ 13
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Mission Roads Mini stries S .O. A.R. Camp
Mission Road's Sum mer Outreach And Recreation Program ( SOAR) is specially designed
to give children with intellectual and developmental disabilit ies a healthy & active
summer. The program is ver y structur ed and designed to pr omote and maintain progress
academ ically, socially, and behaviorally.
Program f or ages 6 -17 June through Aug ust. Mon -Fr i 9am-3pm
Fee f or services and transportation also available f or a f ee
8706 Mission Rd. 78214
Ph.: 924.9265
W eb site: www .missionroadmini
Contact : Julie O’Toole at 334.2427 or jot
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
San Antonio Botanical Garden
Animal Summer Camp:
Anim al Botanical Special Needs (Ages 7 - 11)
June 10-13 9 am - 1 pm $135
Anim al Botanical Special Needs (Age s 12-19) July 15-18 9 am - 1 pm $135
It is a time f or campers to exper ience nature, craf ts, games, and develop f riendships.
555 Funston, San Antonio, Texas 78209
To register contact : programregistrar@sabot .org or
Contact Timothy Roa n Ph: 207.3250 or 207. 3278
W eb site: www s
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Bright Beginnings
Brighten Center for Inclusi ve Communi ties
Bright B eginnings of f ers an inclusive school - age summer cam p program. The pr ogram is
designed to promote learning experience in t he ar eas of team sports, computer
explorat ion, active weekly workshops, and social clubs. The program begins at 6:30am 6:30 pm and in cludes breakf ast, lunch and an af ternoon sn ack.
14207 Higgins, San Antonio, Texas 78217
Ph: 826.4492
W eb site: www .brightonsa. org
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Camp Summit
The goal is to he lp childr en age 6 and older who are physically challenged,
developmentally delayed, dual sensor y impaired or who have multiple disabilities reach
their own personal peak by providing recreational, therapeutic and social act ivities in a
nature camp setting.
921 Copper Canyon Rd., Argyle, TX 76226
Ph: 972.484.8900
W eb site: www
Camp Sw eeney
Camp Sweeney off ers a camp setting f or children/ young adults wit h diabetes to have f un,
build f riendships a nd develop self -esteem .
Southwester n Diabetic Foundation
PO Box 918, Gainesville, TX 76241 -0918
Ph.: 940. 665.2011 billieh@campsw
W eb site: www .campsw eene
Updated b y Cind y Slagle , Lead Adapted Phys ical Ed ucatio n Sp ecialist & He nry Go nzal es , L MSW 5/2/ 13
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Updated b y Cind y Slagle , Lead Adapted Phys ical Ed ucatio n Sp ecialist & He nry Go nzal es , L MSW 5/2/ 13
Dow n Home Ranch
An innovat ive camp in Elgin, TX f or children and adults with mental impairments, ages 13
and up. The mission of Down Home Ranch is to build a rur al, self -reliant communit y f or
adults with intellectual and developmental disabilit ies, off ering training, housing,
recreation, and dignif ied employment, as well as opportunit ies f or growth in mind, body,
and spir it.
20250 FM 619, Elgin, TX 78621 -5343
Ph: 1.888. 926.2253
www .dow
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Elks Camp
Texas Elks Children’s Ser vices, Inc.
Any child with a special need, bet ween the ages of 7 and 15, there is no f ee. Located on
8 rural acr es bet w een Luling and Gonzales. Fishing and hiking are available at nearby
Palm etto State Park. The Gonzales Elks Lodge provides a large swimming pool.
1963 FM 1586, Gonzales, TX 78629
Ph: 1.830. 875.2425
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Jew ish Communit y Center
Monday-Fr iday 9:00- 3:30, ages 5 and older, two f our week sessions. This is an inclusive
program f or children who are typically developing or who have a special need (lim it ed
12500 NW Milit ar y Hwy, San Antonio, Texas
Ph: 302.6959
www .jew ishcommunit ycenter. org
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Marbridge Summer Camp
Summer Camp f or young adults wi t h cognitive challenges, ages 16 -30
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
P.O. Box 2250, Manchaca, TX 78652
Ph: 1.512.282.1144
E-mail: info@marbri
W eb site: www
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Camp Abilities Texas
This camp is f or campers ages 11 -16 with visual impairments.
Contact Joe Paschall at 512.206.9191 or paschallj@
For registration pack et contact Diana Sag nes at 512.206.9364 or sagnesd@tsbvi .edu
C AMP For All
CAMP f or A ll with neurof ibromatosis is a place to experience the joy of the great outdoors
without barr iers. Charlene & Red McCombs –NF Family Can
6301 Rehburg Rd.
Burton, Texas 77835
Web site:
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Updated b y Cind y Slagle , Lead Adapted Phys ical Ed ucatio n Sp ecialist & He nry Go nzal es , L MSW 5/2/ 13
Texas Lions Camp, Inc.
Texas Lions Camp is a 400 bed, res idential camping f acility f or children wit h physical
disabilities, type 1 diabetes and cancer. The camp is locat ed on over 500 acres in the
Texas Hill Count y, and is designed to introduce the “Can Co” philosophy to children
dealing with special medical co ndit ions. Your child's medical f orm should be dated within
6 months of the session they ar e att ending.
Call or visit their website f or more
inf ormation.
P.O. Box 247
Kerr ville, Texas 78029 –0247
W eb site: www
Call a local Lions Club f or more inf ormation.
Summer camp f or children with asthma.
American Lung Associat ion of Texas
8207 Callahan Rd. Suit e 140
San Antonio, Texas 78228
Ph: 308.8978
www te/pp.asp?c=dvLUK9O0E&b=38032
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Boy Scout s of America
2211 Northwest Milit ary Highway
Contact : Terry Ellis
Ph: 341. 8611 ext. 33 or
Mike Dunnell
Ph: 341. 8611 ext. 32
W eb site: www .alamoarea -boyscouts. org/
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation .
Girl Scouts of America
10443 Gulf dale
Ph: 349.2404
W eb site: www .girlscouts-sw
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation .
Spina Bifida Associ ation of Texas, Inc.
Off ers scholarships t o Camp C. A. M.P.
Execut ive Dir ector - Nora O yler
Ph./Fax: 653.1800
Toll Free 1.866.59.SBATX (72289)
W eb site: www
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation .
Muscular D ystrophy Association
Summer camp f or children with MD or related neuromuscular diseases.
8610 Broadway #200
San Antonio, TX 78217
Ph: 650.3181
Fax: 654.7346
W eb site: www lcode=78217&submit=find
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation .
Updated b y Cind y Slagle , Lead Adapted Phys ical Ed ucatio n Sp ecialist & He nry Go nzal es , L MSW 5/2/ 13
Bus y Bodies
Activit y based program designed to f acilitate the development of language, and gross and
f ine motor skills. Pr ovides a f un and ef fective motor behavior center wher e the lear ning
atmosphere is one in which success is the rule rather than the except ion .
For children ages 2 - 18 years of age.
Dr. Robert Strauss
11985 Starcrest
Ph: 545.2840
Email: sabusybodi
W eb site: http://sabusybodies. org/
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation .
Dow n Syndrome Association of San An tonio
Provides f amily/ social act ivities
Kid Connect ion Program - ages 4-12.
Playgroup- ages 0-3.
Teen Club- ages 13- 17.
Ph.: 349.4372
W eb site: www
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation .
For Children wit h Epilepsy
The Epilepsy Foundation Central & South Texas’ Ca mp Brainstorm is a f ive -day, f our night resident sum mer camp exper ience f or children with epilepsy, ages 8 -18. Cam p
Brainstorm will be held June 9 - 13, 2013 at Camp Aranzazu in Rockport, TX.
Camp Aranzazu is a therapeutic recr eational camp f or childr en w ith special needs.
Open to youth ages 8-18 with a primar y, single diagnosis of epilepsy and well controlled
seizures residing in Central & South T exas. Children attending camp must be able to
care f or their own basic needs, f ollow direct ions, part icipate in the regular camping
activities and be emotionally and behaviorally ready f or a live -away camp experience.
Medical super vision and volunteer support are provided, but one -on-one super vision is
not available.
Space is lim ited and eligible campers are acce pted on a f irst -come, f irst -serve basis.
There is NO cost to attend cam p, however, donat ions are accepted and welcomed. The
cost f or each camper is $350. Camp Brainst orm is f unded by grants and Epilepsy
Foundation Central & South Texas’ generous donors. 100% of all f unds raised f or Camp
Brainstorm support camp f ees.
Applicat ions f or Cam p Brainstorm Campers and Camp Counselors will be available online
at www .
10615 Perr in Beitel Rd Ste 602 78217
Contact: Elizabeth Ortiz, Program Manag er or phone 653 .5353
Ph: 653.5353 Fax: 653.5355
Email: elizabeth@ef
W ebsite: www
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Updated b y Cind y Slagle , Lead Adapted Phys ical Ed ucatio n Sp ecialist & He nry Go nzal es , L MSW 5/2/ 13
Speci al Reach Summer Enrichment
The Special Reach Summ er Enrichment Program f eatures structured f un activit ies that
create a wide variety of experiences f or childr en with special needs, under the
super vision of trained, state certif ied prof essionals.
The Summer enrichment Programs have included guests such a s prof essional athletes,
police and f ire departments, and mascot s such as the Spurs Coyote, Shamu, Ballapeno,
H-E-Buddy, etc.
Other f eatures include t wo snack times, catered lunch, and scheduled bathr oom breaks.
The 2013 Summer Enrichment Program will run f rom 9:00 AM t o 3:00 PM June 17 to June
21; and f rom 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM July 15 to July 19 at Crown of Lif e Lutheran Church
19291 Stone Oak Parkway 78258.
Special Reach Inc.
P.O. Box 690215
San Antonio, TX 78269
Ph.: 784.7478
E-mail: special.reach@gmai
Summer Enr ichment Program application:
www .specialreach.i nfo/docs/2013%20Summer%20Camp%20 Application.pdf
W eb site: www html
Call or visit their website f or more inf orma tion.
Clow vazar Academy
Our summer school program is perf ect for parents of children in General Ed. or Special
Education abilities who f eel that their children need to continue their educat ion or r isk
f alling back. Childr en enrolled in the summer program w ill be participating in either our
General Special or Education classr oom and given a chance to discover new skills and
meet new f riends. Admission requirements are the same f or our Year -Round program.
Since your child will be part icipat ing in our General or Special Educat ion programs, they
will avoid losing the valuable lessons they learned during their regular school year.
Homework will be given. St udents are expected t o perf orm according to Clowvazar
Academy st andards. Notice: This is not a day -care pr og ram.
Dates: June 3rd to August 30th. Excluding our three week f ull closures f rom June 22nd
to July 6t h and August 5th -9th.
Summer Tuition: O ur summer program is $350/mont h ($1050.00 f or the whole summer.)
The program is three months and is not usually di visible.
Requirements: Students must meet the same requirements t hat year -round applicants
must meet f or either of our General or Special Ed. Programs. Please see adm issions.
Scheduled Da ys:
In-session: June 3rd - 21st
Break: June 22nd - July 7th
In-session: July 8th - August 2nd
Break: August - 5th - 9th
In-Session: 12th - 30th
6391 DeZavala # 106
San Antonio, TX 78249
Ph.: 690.4800
W eb site: www .clow vazar.html
Updated b y Cind y Slagle , Lead Adapted Phys ical Ed ucatio n Sp ecialist & He nry Go nzal es , L MSW 5/2/ 13
Morgan’s Wonderland
Morgan’s W onderland is a wonderf ul special place f or special f riends. It is a place where
there is would an oasis f or those needing a saf e place to r elax and enjoy the outdoors
and each other. Gor don Hartman quickly learned that millions of children and adults wit h
cognitive and physical challenges generally do not have access to f acilities specif ically
established to assist them in enj oying the f un outdoor activit ies that able bodied
individuals have access to and of ten take f or granted.
5223 David Edwards Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78233
E-mail: info@morgansw onderland. com
Ph.: 495.5888
Toll f ree: 1.877.495.5888
W eb site: www .morgansw
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Eva’s Heroes
The Eva's Heroes Enrichment Center program provides an inclusive envir onment f or
individuals 14 -21 years of age to interact and learn wit h their peers. The program strives
to help adolescents/ young adults increase their abilit y to function independent ly while
allowing individuals t o lear n the value of team work.
The Enr ichment Center will provide recreational ac tivit ies such arts & craf ts , sports,
cooking classes, group games, computer activities & reading.
Monthly activit y prog ram 16 - older- times var y
11107 W urzbach Rd. , Ste. 203
San Antonio, TX 78230
Northside Vocat ional Transition Program
The Nellie M. Reddi x Center
4711 Sid Kat z
Ph: 694.9090
Fax: 694. 9092
Contact Jen Stevenson – Program Dir ect or
W eb site: www
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Updated b y Cind y Slagle , Lead Adapted Phys ical Ed ucatio n Sp ecialist & He nry Go nzal es , L MSW 5/2/ 13
Brunsw ick Thousand Oaks Bow ling Ctr: The Indi viduals Bow ling League
Saturday mor ning bowling league f or perso ns with disabilities
4330 Thousand Oaks
Ph: 654.0031
W eb site: www .bow lbrunsw enterNum=1970
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
North East Youth Sports Organization
NEYSO Special Teams
Special Teams and Special Olympics Texas . The purpose of our program is to give
“Special Needs” Athletes the chance to come out and play on a team sport (soccer).
Ages 4 yrs. -55 yrs.
Ph: 650.0093
W eb site: www
Contact: Jackie Thompson at 602.5645
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormati on.
Speci al Ol ympics Texas ( Area 20 - San Antonio Area)
Sports: athlet ics (tr ack & f ield), aquatics, basketball, bocce, bowling, cycling, equestrian,
f igure skating, f lag football, golf , gymnastics, power lif ting, roller skating, soccer, sof tball,
table te nnis, triathlon and volleyball. Ag es: 8 years old to Adult
Young At hletes (YA) Program – Ages: 2-7. This program utilizes physical activities to
develop f undamental motor tracking and eye hand coordination play. Children build these
skills by participati ng in specif ic activit ies on a regular basis. The program concentrates
on applying the skills learned through these activit ies in preparation f or Special Olympics
sports compet itions.
Contact: Shawn Br itt – Program Director 530.9898
10223 McAllister Freeway, Suit e 100
San Antonio, TX. 78216
W eb site: www .sotx/org
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Challenger League Baseball
This program is played on McAllister Par k Little league f ields. The program i s f or ages
6 - 18 yr., f ree and relies on volunteers f or buddies and parent coaches.
McAllister Litt le League Contact : Vickie Van W inkle
Ph: 494.5813
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Al amo Hei ghts Chal lenger League
The Baseball games are played on f ields located on f ield #5 at Olmos Park and start af ter
Spring Break ever y Sat. morning at 10: 00 through May. The baseball league has a f ee
which includes Trophy, Hat, Shirt, Pants, and Belt. Players will need shoes & glove. Both
program s are specif ically designed f or children (6 -22 years) with special needs with any
abilit y. Parents ar e encouraged to participate as this program relies on participant
numbers and adult volunteers f or current inf ormation.
Baseball – Cont act: Sally Bleche r -
Ph: 930.3082
W eb site: www .
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Updated b y Cind y Slagle , Lead Adapted Phys ical Ed ucatio n Sp ecialist & He nry Go nzal es , L MSW 5/2/ 13
Lone Star Pla y Ball
Non-competit ive co- ed sof tball league f or young adults with special needs ages 18 and
over. Games are played at Incarna te W ard HS on Saturday mornings.
Contact: Edward Taylor at 497.7107 f or an application.
Call f or more inf ormation
Miracle League of San Ant onio
Off ers team baseball f or children with mental or physical challenges. Players are
matched with Buddies who as sist with playing the game.
926 Chulie, San Ant onio, TX 78216
Ph: 225.6666
W eb site: www .miracleleagueofsanant
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Kinetic Kids Sports
Goal is to enr ich the lives of special needs children by creating programs that encourage
mobilit y and act ivit y. By pr oviding physical and recreat ions pr ograms not typically
available to children with special needs, we intend to f oster the development of courage ,
conf idence, self esteem, pride, and joy so these children can achieve new possibilities
previously unimaginable.
Sports & Classes Include: Swim, Baseball, Basketball, Dance, Golf , Cheerleading,
Gymnast ics, Soccer, W heelchair sports ( Basketball, Tennis & Track)
Lose the Training W heels: Bike Camp
Contact: Direct ors: Tracy Fontenot, PT & Kacey W ernli, PT
Ph: 748.5867 or 748. 5860
W eb site: www
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
This f acilit y t wo rooms with blown up act ivit y areas f or jumping and lots of large
movement activit ies. This is not specif ically f or children with disabilities but great f or
private parties, etc.
14036 Nacogdoches
Contact Diana
Ph: 653.0700
www .pumpituppart html
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
No specif ic program s f or children wit h disabilities, but they can be ser viced in the
daycare, summ er, and af ter school programs.
Call f or more inf ormation at your nearest branch
Thousand Oaks Famil y YMC A
16101 Henderson Pass 78232
Mon- Fri 5am -10pm
Sat. 7am-8pm
Sun. 1pm -7pm
Ph: 494.5292
W eb site: www
Updated b y Cind y Slagle , Lead Adapted Phys ical Ed ucatio n Sp ecialist & He nry Go nzal es , L MSW 5/2/ 13
Walzem Family YMCA
10710 Nacogdoches 78265
Ph: 656.5777
W eb site: www /
Mays Famil y YMC A Famil y Wellness Center!
21654 Blanco RD. 78258
Monday – Thursday 5:30am - 9:00pm
Friday – 5:30am – 7:00
Saturday 8:00am - 4: 00pm
Ph.: 497.7088
W eb site: www l y/
Cit y of San Antonio Parks and Recreation Summer Youth Program
The Parks & Recreation Department teams up with local school distr icts in the summer
to provide a struct ured super vised pr ogram f or childr en at approximately 64 sites
throughout the Cit y. The recreat ion -themed act ivit ies include act ive games, sports, arts
& craf ts, a weekly enrichment program in Fine Arts, Science, and Fitness/Nutr ition! The
majorit y of participat ing sites will receive a f ree lunch and snack f or the entire pr ogram.
The Summer Youth Program at School Sites ut ilizes t he school's gymnasium and outdoor
enclosed areas. The program f ollows self -monitored guidelines, which will limit the
number of participants per site.
SYP at School Sites maintains a 1:25 Staff to
participant ratio. Participants will be grouped according to age and staff will conduct
age-appropr iate recr eation act ivit ies. Check you nearest Rec. Center f or more details,
Fee: Summer Participant f ees are based on a sliding scale acco rding to income and
f amily size. If you presume your f amily will qualif y f or a reduced f ee, an I ncome
Verif icat ion Form must be completed pr ior to the SYP School Site Mass .
Registrat ion :.w ww
Ph: 207.3048 or 207. 3018.
Call f or more inf ormation.
Updated b y Cind y Slagle , Lead Adapted Phys ical Ed ucatio n Sp ecialist & He nry Go nzal es , L MSW 5/2/ 13
Kinetic Kids G ymnastics
Gymnast ic Skills and Techniques
Ph: 748.JUMP (5867) or 748.5860
Kacey W ernli, PT
W eb site: www
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Above and Be yond
Above and Beyond off ers gymnastics and cheerleading programs f or children wi th special
4335 Vance Jackson
Program contact: Amy Cardwell
Ph: 213.1458
W eb site: www .abgymnastics@ yahoo. com
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Sunburst G ymnastics Academy
Off ering gymnastics classes to include children with special needs in an inclusive
environment: Evaluates in private setting…majority of special needs students are
autist ic.
7903 Mainland
San Antonio, TX.
Ph: 680.0944
Call f or inf ormation.
G ymnastics of San Anton i o
The program off ers classes that ar e inclusive or classes wit h just special needs children.
Your child will be evaluated to determine the appropriate program and class. They also
have classes f or pre -school children.
Babcock and Eckher t
Ph: 696.9699
Call f or more inf ormation.
Updated b y Cind y Slagle , Lead Adapted Phys ical Ed ucatio n Sp ecialist & He nry Go nzal es , L MSW 5/2/ 13
Kinetic Kids Dance
Children will lear n dance moves of ballet, modern, salsa, and f unk. These classes are
specif ically designed f or special needs children who are able t o walk by himself or herself
or with a walker. The c lass size is limited to 10 - 12. Call f or class dates and tim es.
Ph: 748.JUMP (5867)
W eb site: www
Call f or more inf ormation.
Swimming and Aquatic Sports:
Kinetic Kids Sw im Program
Kinetic Kids of f ers over 12 diff erent types of programs to children with special need s.
Children are separat ed based on age as well as cognit ive and physical abilit ies. There
are 4 categories of programs :
Mommy and Me
swimm ing f or children 5 and under .
Water Explorat ion
f or childr en who want to experience water and exercise
in the pool but are ju st getting comf ortable doing so .
Skills and Dr ills
f or childr en who f ollow direct ions without one on one
assistance and ar e conf ident and enjoy t he wa ter.
Compet itive Swimming
f or children who ar e ver y comf ortable with swimm ing
with some adaptations and want to compete .
Ph: 748.5866
W eb site: www
Call or visit their website f or mor e inf ormation.
Pri vate Sw im Lessons:
Contact : Cindy Slagle 860.2674
ALL Can Ski at SeaWorld in August
Sponsored by the San Antonio Sports Foundat ion
W ebsite: www
Visit their website f or more inf ormation and registration.
Sw imming Lessons For Children w ith Special Needs
Private Lessons (No Groups) Ages 3 -10* (Elementar y Level) . *Except ions can be made
Sessions: 2 W eeks Monday - Thursday with 45 minute lesson s; Times f lexible
or 1 to 3 lessons per week at 45 minute s each.
Cost: $40 per individual lesson or $280 per 2 week session ; $320 per 2 week session at
private residence
Fridays are f or “make up” lessons (missed or cancelled f rom weather) .
Sessions begin June 10 t h .
Contact: Megan Forester Poole
Ph.: 422.5993
Call f or more inf ormation and an over the phone prelim inar y assessment of your child’s
Updated b y Cind y Slagle , Lead Adapted Phys ical Ed ucatio n Sp ecialist & He nry Go nzal es , L MSW 5/2/ 13
The Horse Connecti on
Off ering riding lessons, trail rides and equine interact ive thera py f or children and adults
with or wit hout disabilit ies. .
118 Hillview Loop, Boerne, TX 78006
Contact: Tricia Speaker
Ph.: 723.6345
W eb site: www
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Tripl e H Equine- Therapy Center
This stable of f ers a therapeut ic r iding program f or children and adults wit h physical,
mental, emotional or learning disabilities. Volunteers are the heart of Triple H ( Hooves,
Hearts, and Heroes).
791 Backhaus Rd.
Pipe Creek , TX. 78063
Contact: Keisha Vavila
Ph.: 830.510.9515
Call f or more inf ormation.
Saddl e Light Equestrian Center
Riding lessons f or people wit h disabilities such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy,
etc. Lessons are given by pr ivate pay, insurance, sc holarships, etc.
Retama Polo Center
17530 Old Evans Road
Selm a, TX. 78254
Ph: 651.9574
W eb site: www .thesaddlelight center. com
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
R.O.P.E.R. - Riding Opportunities Promoting Exceptional Riders :
This program off ers a variet y of riding types f or individuals with special needs.
Ph.: 633.2042
W eb site: www .freew
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Therapeutic Horseback Ridi ng Lessons in Fair Oaks Ranch
Contact : Brook Cour chaine
Ph.: 698.2042 or 314.956. 5052
Call f or more inf ormation.
Legends Equestrian
Specializing in progr ams f or individuals with em otional problems.
32772 FM 3351 Boer ne, TX 78006
Ph.: 885.2696
Call f or more inf ormation.
Updated b y Cind y Slagle , Lead Adapted Phys ical Ed ucatio n Sp ecialist & He nry Go nzal es , L MSW 5/2/ 13
Equessense- Therapeutic Horse Pla y
6062 Youngs Ford Rd .
Mar ion, TX. 78124
Contact: Judy Hendon Ph.: 367.3482
W eb site:
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Upw ard Transitions
Therapeut ic Horsemanship
Corgill Happy Heart Ranch
352 W illow Spr ings Dr.
P.O. Box 63656
Pipe Creek 78063
Contact: Barbara Taylor
Ph.: 1.972.977.3833
E-mail: Barbara@upw ard
W eb site: www
Updated b y Cind y Slagle , Lead Adapted Phys ical Ed ucatio n Sp ecialist & He nry Go nzal es , L MSW 5/2/ 13
Good General Information to Know:
The Access Pass
This pass is f or cit izens or permanent residents of the United Stat es, regardless of age,
who have been medically determined to have a permanent disabilit y. It provides access
to, and use of , any Federal recreation sit e that charges and Entrance or Standard
Amenity Fee and pr ovides a discount on some Expanded Amenit y Fees. A per manent
disability is a perma nent physical, ment al, or sensor y impair ment that substant ially limits
one or more major lif e activities, such as car ing f or oneself , perf orming manual tasks,
walking, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and working. Agencies that honor the
Access Pass are t he Forest Ser vice, the National Park Ser vice, Fish and W ildlif e Ser vice,
Bureau of Land Management, and Bur eau of Reclamat ion. In addition, the Corps of
Engineers and Tennessee Valley Authority may honor the Access Pass. Documentation
must be provided to establish eligibilit y.
Contact the Nat ional Park Service f or more inf ormation.
E-mail: ParksPass@ nationalparks. org
The Compani on Pass
One Day Admissions:
SeaW orld San Ant onio of f ers a 50% off discount on one-day adm issions f or our
disabled/special needs guests and one (1) companion/chaperone (per disabled guest).
Disabled/special needs guest is def ined as anyone who is mentally or physically
challenged, deaf , or blind.
Prices f or our 2013 season are as f ollows:
Adult (10 and above) $60.00 less 50% = $30.00 plus tax
Child (3-9) $52.00 less 50% = $26. 00 plus tax
Children age 2 years and under are f ree.
Please proceed to our Guest Relat ions window or any t icket booth window upon a rrival
and an attendant will be more than happy to assist you or your group.
One Year Annual Passes:
W e also have 1YR/Escort season passes available. Pr ices are as f ollows and subject to
change without notice:
One Year Pass/Escort Pass: Allows a Guest with a disability/special needs to bring
an Escort/companion along at no extra charge. $100+ $8.25 t ax = $108. 13
One Year Pass/Escort Pass: Allows a Guest with a disab ility/special needs to bring
an Escort/companion along at no extra charge. $135.00 + $11.14 tax = $146. 14
If you are int erested in purchasing a 1YR Escort Pass, please call Sylvia Pastrano at
210.523.3123 or Irma Apaez at 210 .523. 3115. These passes cannot be purchased at the
f ront of the park. All transact ions are to take place via mail, f ax and/ or phone. If this is
not a viable opt ion then appointments can be made in advance with Sylvia or Irma
Tuesday-through Thursday only.
Request f or Escort passes f or a school or group home, must be made on School,
Company or Group Home letterhe ad and f axed to 210 . 523.3312, Attent ion: Sylvia
Pastrano or Irma Apaez.
Updated b y Cind y Slagle , Lead Adapted Phys ical Ed ucatio n Sp ecialist & He nry Go nzal es , L MSW 5/2/ 13
Please include the f ollow ing information:
Name of each person with a disab ilit y/special needs
Date of Birth of each person with a disab ilit y/special needs
Address and phone number
Tax exempt f orm if applicable
Proof of disabilit y:
1. Statement of Escort requirement (on letter head f rom Doctor’ off ice)
2. Copy of latest ARD (page that lists Name, DOB and Diagnosis). Please note: A
diagnosis of ADD or ADHD is not eligible f or an Escort pass.
These passes are non -transf erable and non -ref undable. If passes are used by any one
other than the named person on the pass; the passes can and will be conf iscated.
If paying by organizational check, please make check payable to SeaWorld and mail with
the above requested inf ormation to:
SeaW orld San Antonio
10500 SeaW orld Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78251
Attention: Guest Cor respondence
Please f eel f ree to contact Sylvia or Ir ma at 210 .523. 3123 or 210.523. 3115 if you have
any questions. Please visit our off icial website at www .seaw f or updated and
additional inf ormation about our park. Our Accessibilit y Guide can be f ound under Park
Inf ormation.
Texas State Identification Card
Texas Department of Public Safet y
A Texas ID card is your ticket to boarding an airline, cashing a check and other day -today activities that r equire stat e issued identif icat ion. The basic procedure is similar to
obtaining a dr ivers license, but wit hout any test ing requir ements. There are no age
restrictions. Any Texas resident can get one as long as they provide proof of identity.
Kitt y Hawk or other TX Department of Public Saf et y off ice
San Antonio, Texas 78217 -3595
Ph: 655.8102
W eb site: www
Call or visit their website f or more inf ormation.
Updated b y Cind y Slagle , Lead Adapted Phys ical Ed ucatio n Sp ecialist & He nry Go nzal es , L MSW 5/2/ 13