Riverside, CA 92521
TEL: (951) 827-3488
FAX: (951) 827-2435
Department of Chemistry
Eric L. Chronister, Chair.
Leonard J. Mueller, Vice-Chair.
Degrees Offered: B.S, M.S, Ph.D.
Fields of Specialization: Analytical, Inorganic, Organic, and Physical Chemistry.
Interdisciplinary Program: Chemical Physics, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Toxicology,
Neuroscience, Genomics.
BARDEEN, CHRISTOPHER J. (b.1967) Associate
Professor. B.S, 1989, Yale University; Ph.D, 1995, University of California, Berkeley. Postdoctoral Fellow,
1996-1998, University of California, San Diego. Nanochemistry; Physical Chemistry. Time-resolved studies of
electronic energy transfer in conjugated organic materials, photochemistry and photomechanical response of organic nanocrystals and aggregates, exciton fission in molecular crystals, imaging reactive oxygen species in biological tissue. TEL: (951) 827-2723 FAX: (951) 8274713
Rabih O. Al-Kaysi and Christopher J. Bardeen, Reversible
photoinduced shape changes of crystalline organic nanorods,
Adv. Mater. (Weinheim, Ger.), 19, 1276-1280 (2007).
Tai-Sang Ahn, Nicholas Wright and Christopher J. Bardeen, The effects of orientational and energetic disorder on
Forster energy migration along a one-dimensional lattice,
Chem. Phys. Lett, 446, 43-48 (2007).
Astrid M. Mueller, Yuri S. Avlasevich, Wolfgang W.
Schoeller, Klaus Muellen and Christopher J. Bardeen, Exciton Fission and Fusion in Bis(tetracene) Molecules with Different Covalent Linker Structures, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129,
14240-14250 (2007).
Astrid M. Mueller and Christopher J. Bardeen, Using a
Streak Camera to Resolve the Motion of Molecular Excited
States with Picosecond Time Resolution and 150 nm Spatial
Resolution, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, 12483-12489 (2007).
Rabih O. Al-Kaysi, Robert J. Dillon, J. Michael Kaiser,
Leonard J. Mueller, Gonzalo Guirado and Christopher J. Bardeen, Photopolymerization of Organic Molecular Crystal Nanorods, Macromolecules (Washington, DC, U. S.), 40, 90409044 (2007).
Sumit Chaudhary, Haiwei Lu, Astrid M. Mueller, Christopher J. Bardeen and Mihrimah Ozkan, Hierarchical Placement and Associated Optoelectronic Impact of Carbon Nanotubes in Polymer-Fullerene Solar Cells, Nano Lett, 7, 19731979 (2007).
Alan H. Chin, Tai S. Ahn, Hongwei Li, Sreeram Vaddiraju, Christopher J. Bardeen, Cun-Zheng Ning and Mahendra
K. Sunkara, Photoluminescence of GaN Nanowires of Different Crystallographic Orientations, Nano Lett, 7, 626-631
Kerry M. Hanson, Sara K. Davis and Christopher J. Bardeen, Two-photon standing-wave fluorescence correlation
spectroscopy, Opt. Lett, 32, 2121-2123 (2007).
Kerry M. Hanson, Sara K. Davis and Christopher J. Bardeen, Two-photon standing-wave fluorescence correlation
spectroscopy. [Erratum to document cited in CA147:
530449], Opt. Lett, 32, 3308 (2007).
Tai-Sang Ahn, Rabih O. Al-Kaysi, Astrid M. Muller,
Katherine M. Wentz and Christopher J. Bardeen, Self-absorption correction for solid-state photoluminescence quantum yields obtained from integrating sphere measurements,
Rev. Sci. Instrum, 78, 086105/1-086105/3 (2007).
Thomas W. Owen, Rabih O. Al-Kaysi, Christopher J. Bardeen and Quan Cheng, Microgravimetric immunosensor for
direct detection of aerosolized influenza A virus particles,
Sens. Actuators, B, B126, 691-699 (2007).
Tai-Sang Ahn, Astrid M. Muller, Rabih O. Al-Kaysi,
Frank C. Spano, Joseph E. Norton, David Beljonne, Jean-Luc
Bredas and Christopher J. Bardeen, Experimental and theoretical study of temperature dependent exciton delocalization
and relaxation in anthracene thin films, J. Chem. Phys, 128,
054505/1-054505/11 (2008).
Rabih O. Al-Kaysi, Robert J. Dillon, Lingyan Zhu and
Christopher J. Bardeen, Template assisted synthesis of silicacoated molecular crystal nanorods: From hydrophobic to hydrophilic nanorods, J. Colloid Interface Sci, 327, 102-107
Ngoc Hoa Tran Huy, Bruno Donnadieu, Francois Mathey,
Astrid Muller, Kathryn Colby and Christopher J. Bardeen, A
Novel Family of Phosphole-Thiophene Oligomers for Optoelectronic Applications, Organometallics, 27, 5521-5524
BARTELS, LUDWIG (b.1971) Associate Professor.
M.S, 1995, Fritz-Haber-Institute; Ph.D, 1997, Freie
Universitaet. Postdoctoral Guest, Special Research Center, 1997, German Science Foundation; Postdoctoral Scientist, 1997-1998, Paul-Drude-Institute for Solid State
Electronics Berlin, Germany; Postdoctoral Fellow, 19982000, Columbia University. Physical Chemistry. Analysis and control of chemical reactions on their intrinsic
length and time scale as well as molecular robotics.
Methods used are low temperature scanning tunneling
microscopy (STM) and femtosecond laser spectroscopy.
Recent studies addressed the STM guided synthesis of
organic molecules such as biphenyl and the readout of
surface diffusion processes induced by ultrafast laser
pulses. The molecular robots efforts address ‘walking’
molecules and other means of guiding surface mobility.
TEL: (951) 827-2041 FAX: (951) 827-4713
Greg Pawin, Urvinee Solanki, Ki-Young Kwon, Kin L.
Wong, Xing Lin, Tong Jiao and Ludwig Bartels, A Quantitative Approach to Hydrogen Bonding at a Metal Surface, J.
Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 12056-12057 (2007).
K. L. Wong, G. Pawin, K.-Y. Kwon, X. Lin, T. Jiao, U.
Solanki, R. H. J. Fawcett, L. Bartels, S. Stolbov and T. S.
Rahman, A Molecule Carrier, Science, 315, 1391 (2007).
G. Pawin, K. L. Wong, D.-H. Kim, D. Sun, L. Bartel, S.
Hong, T. S. Rahman, R. Carp and M. Marsella, A Surface
Coordination Network based on Substrate-Derived Metal
Adatoms with Local Charge Excess, Angewandte Chemie,
47, 8442 (2008).
Greg Pawin, Kin L. Wong, Ki-Young Kwon, Robert J.
Frisbee, Talat S. Rahman and Ludwig Bartels, Surface Diffusive Motion in a Periodic and Asymmetric Potential, J. Am.
Chem. Soc, 130, 15244-15245 (2008).
Greg Pawin, Molecular Diffusion, Energetics, and Structures on Cu(111) As Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. (D)
BERAN, GREGORY J. O. (b.1978) Assistant Professor. B.S, 2000, University of California, San Diego;
Ph.D, 2005, University of California, Berkeley. Postdoctoral Researcher, 2005-2007, Massachussetts Institute of
Technology. Computational Chemistry; Theoretical
Chemistry. Development of fast methods in quantum
chemistry for modeling large, challenging systems, including condensed-phase systems. Studying complex reaction mechanisms in heterogeneous catalysis. TEL:
(951) 827-7869 FAX: (951) 827-4713
David C. Graham, Gregory J. O. Beran, Martin Head-Gordon, Gemma Christian, Robert Stranger and Brian F. Yates,
Nitrogen activation via 3-coordinate molybdenum complexes—an assessment of DFT performance, J. Phys. Chem.
A, 109, 6762-6772 (2005).
Timothy J. Lee, Cesar N. Mejia, Gregory J. O. Beran and
Martin Head-Gordon, Search for stratospheric bromine reservoir species: Theoretical study of the photostability of mono, tri-, and pentacoordinated bromine compounds, J. Phys.
Chem. A, 109, 8133-8139 (2005).
Gregory J. O. Beran, Brian Austin, Alex Sodt and Martin
Head-Gordon, Unrestricted perfect-pairing: The simplest
wave-function-based model chemistry beyond mean field, J.
Phys. Chem. A, 109, 9183-9192 (2005).
Gregory J. O. Beran, Steven R. Gwaltney and Martin
Head-Gordon, Second-order correction to perfect pairing: An
inexpensive electronic structure method for the treatment of
strong electron-electron correlations, J. Chem. Phys, 124,
114107 (2006).
Alex Sodt, Gregory J. O. Beran, Yousung Jung, Brian Austin and Martin Head-Gordon, A fast implementation of perfect pairing and imperfect pairing using the resolution-of-theidentity approximation, J. Chem. Theory Comput, 2, 300-305
Gregory J. O. Beran and Martin Head-Gordon, On the nature of unrestricted orbitals in variational active space wave
functions, J. Phys. Chem. A, 110, 9915-9920 (2006).
Gregory J. O. Beran and Martin Head-Gordon, The localizability of valence space electron-electron correlations in pairbased coupled cluster models, Mol. Phys, 104, 1191-1206
Y. Shao, L. Fusti Molnar, Y. Jung, J. Kussmann, C. Ochsenfeld, S. T. Brown, A. T. B. Gilbert, L. V. Slipchenko, S.
V. Levchenko, D. P. ONeill, R. A. DiStasio Jr, R. C. Lochan,
T. Wang, G. Beran, N. A. Besley, J. M. Herbert, C. Yeh Lin,
T. Van Voorhis, S. Hung Chien, A. Sodt, R. P. Steele, V. A.
Rassolov, P. E. Maslen, P. P. Korambath, R. D. Adamson, B.
Austin, J. Baker, E. F. C. Byrd, H. Dachsel, R. J. Doerksen,
A. Dreuw, B. D. Dunietz, A. D. Dutoi, T. R. Furlani, S. R.
Gwaltney, A. Heyden, S. Hirata, C.-P. Hsu, G. Kedziora, R.
Z. Khalliulin, P. Klunzinger, A. M. Lee, M. S. Lee, W.-Z.
Liang, I. Lotan, N. Nair, B. Peters, E. I. Proynov, P. A. Pieniazek, Y.-M. Rhee, J. Ritchie, E. Rosta, C. D. Sherrill, A. C.
Simmonett, J. E. Subotnik, H. L. Woodcock III, W. Zhang,
A. T. Bell, A. K. Chakraborty, D. M. Chipman, F. J. Keil, A.
Warshel, W. J. Hehre, H. F. Schaefer III, J. Kong, A. I. Kry-
lov, P. M. W. Gill and M. Head-Gordon, Advances in methods and algorithms in a modern quantum chemistry program
package, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 8, 3172-3191 (2006).
Richard H. West, Matthew S. Celnik, Oliver R. Inderwildi,
Markus Kraft, Gregory J. O. Beran and William H. Green,
Toward a Comprehensive Model of the Synthesis of TiO2
Particles from TiCl4, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, 46, 6147-6156
Richard H. West, Gregory J. O. Beran, William H. Green
and Markus Kraft, First-principles thermochemistry for the
production of TiO2 from TiCl4, J. Phys. Chem. A, 111, 35603565 (2007).
Keith V. Lawler, Gregory J. O. Beran and Martin HeadGordon, Symmetry breaking in benzene and larger aromatic
molecules within generalized valence bond coupled cluster
methods, J. Chem. Phys, 128, 024107/1-024107/13 (2008).
D. Wayne Blaylock, Gregory J. O. Beran and William H.
Green, Jr, Computational investigation of steam methane reforming thermochemistry and microkinetics over Ni(111)
catalyst, Prepr. Symp.—Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem, 53,
213-214 (2008).
BERTRAND, GUY (b.1952) Distinguished Professor
and Director of the UCR-CNRS Research Chemistry
Laboratory. B.S, 1972, Univ. de Limoges; M.S, 1975,
Ecole National Superieure de Chimie; Ph.D, 1979, Univ.
de Toulouse. Research Associate, 1980-1981, Sanofi-Recherche Company. Inorganic Chemistry; Organometallic
Chemistry. Heteroatom chemistry of group 13 to 15 elements. Stabilization of highly reactive species such as
carbenes and diradicals; synthetic methodology and catalysis. TEL: (951) 827-2719 FAX: (951) 827-2725
Gad Fuks, Nathalie Saffon, Didier Bourissou and Guy
2,2,4,4-Tetrabromo-1,1,3,3-tetramethylcyclodiborazane, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online,
E63, o4476, So4476/1-So4476/4 (2007).
Rodolphe Jazzar, Rian D. Dewhurst, Jean-Baptiste Bourg,
Bruno Donnadieu, Yves Canac and Guy Bertrand, Intramolecular “hydroiminiumation” of alkenes: application to the
synthesis of conjugate acids of cyclic alkyl amino carbenes
(CAACs), Angew. Chem., Int. Ed, 46, 2899-2902 (2007).
Jean-Baptiste Bourg, Amor Rodriguez, David Scheschkewitz, Heinz Gornitzka, Didier Bourissou and Guy Bertrand, Thermal valence isomerization of 2,3-diborata-1,4diphosphoniabuta-1,3-dienes to bicyclo[1.1.0]butanes and
cyclobutane-1,3-diyls, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed, 46, 5741-5745
Alan DeHope, Vincent Lavallo, Bruno Donnadieu, Wolfgang W. Schoeller and Guy Bertrand, Recently reported
crystalline isothiazole carbenes: myth or reality, Angew.
Chem., Int. Ed, 46, 6922-6925 (2007).
Jason D. Masuda, Wolfgang W. Schoeller, Bruno Donnadieu and Guy Bertrand, Carbene activation of P4 and subsequent derivatization, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed, 46, 7052-7055
Donde R. Anderson, Vincent Lavallo, Daniel J. O’Leary,
Guy Bertrand and Robert H. Grubbs, Synthesis and reactivity
of olefin metathesis catalysts bearing cyclic (alkyl)(amino)
carbenes, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed, 46, 7262-7265 (2007).
Sergio Pascual, Matthew Asay, Ona Illa, Tsuyoshi Kato,
Guy Bertrand, Nathalie Saffon-Merceron, Vicenc Branchadell and Antoine Baceiredo, Synthesis of a mixed phosphonium-sulfonium bisylide R3P:C:SR2, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed,
46, 9078-9080 (2007).
Michele Soleilhavoup and Guy Bertrand, Let’s play with
valence isomers: the influence of different main group elements on their relative stability, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn, 80,
1241-1252 (2007).
Jason D. Masuda, David Martin, Celine Lyon-Saunier, Antoine Baceiredo, Heinz Gornitzka, Bruno Donnadieu and
Guy Bertrand, Stable P-heterocyclic carbenes: scope and limitations, Chem.—Asian J, 2, 178-187 (2007).
Maoying Song, Bruno Donnadieu, Michele Soleilhavoup
and Guy Bertrand, Synthesis of phosphaformamidines and
phosphaformamidinates, Chem.—Asian J, 2, 904-908 (2007).
Xavier Cattoen, Heinz Gornitzka, Fook S. Tham, Karinne
Miqueu, Didier Bourissou and Guy Bertrand, Transient Amino-Hydrazino-Carbenes: A Radical Pathway for Intramolecular 1,2-Migration Reactions, Eur. J. Org. Chem, 912-917
Jason D. Masuda, Wolfgang W. Schoeller, Bruno Donnadieu and Guy Bertrand, NHC-Mediated Aggregation of P4:
Isolation of a P12 Cluster, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 1418014181 (2007).
Joan Vignolle, Heinz Gornitzka, Laurent Maron, Wolfgang
W. Schoeller, Didier Bourissou and Guy Bertrand, Transient
Palladadiphosphanylcarbenes: Singlet Carbenes with an “Inverse” Electronic Configuration (p␲2 instead of ␴2) and Unusual Transannular Metal-Carbene Interactions (␲C씮Pd Donation and ␴Pd씮C Back-donation), J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 978985 (2007).
Rodolphe Jazzar, Jean-Baptiste Bourg, Rian D. Dewhurst,
Bruno Donnadieu and Guy Bertrand, Intramolecular “Hydroiminiumation and -amidiniumation” of Alkenes: A Convenient, Flexible, and Scalable Route to Cyclic Iminium and
Imidazolinium Salts, J. Org. Chem, 72, 3492-3499 (2007).
Vincent Lavallo, Guido D. Frey, Shazia Kousar, Bruno
Donnadieu and Guy Bertrand, Allene formation by gold cata-
lyzed cross-coupling of masked carbenes and vinylidenes,
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A, 104, 13569-13573 (2007).
Guido D. Frey, Vincent Lavallo, Bruno Donnadieu, Wolfgang W. Schoeller and Guy Bertrand, Facile Splitting of Hydrogen and Ammonia by Nucleophilic Activation at a Single
Carbon Center, Science (Washington, DC, U. S.), 316, 439441 (2007).
Joan Vignolle, Bruno Donnadieu, Didier Bourissou and
Guy Bertrand, An unusual norcaradiene/tropylium rearrangement from a persistent amino-phosphonio-carbene, Tetrahedron Lett, 48, 685-687 (2007).
Vincent Gandon, Jean-Baptiste Bourg, Fook S. Tham,
Wolfgang W. Schoeller and Guy Bertrand, The existence of
two short-bond isomers for bicyclo[1.1.0]butane derivatives
based on boron and phosphorus, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed, 47,
155-159 (2008).
Joan Vignolle, Heinz Gornitzka, Bruno Donnadieu, Didier
Bourissou and Guy Bertrand, Palladium-oxygen and palladium-arene interactions in complexes derived from biaryl aminocarbenes: comparison with biaryl phosphines, Angew.
Chem., Int. Ed, 47, 2271-2274 (2008).
C. Adam Dyker, Vincent Lavallo, Bruno Donnadieu and
Guy Bertrand, Synthesis of an extremely bent acyclic allene
(A “carbodicarbene”): a strong donor ligand, Angew. Chem.,
Int. Ed, 47, 3206-3209 (2008).
Vincent Lavallo, Guido D. Frey, Bruno Donnadieu, Michele Soleilhavoup and Guy Bertrand, Homogeneous catalytic hydroamination of alkynes and allenes with ammonia, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed, 47, 5224-5228 (2008).
Vincent Lavallo, C. Adam Dyker, Bruno Donnadieu and
Guy Bertrand, Synthesis and ligand properties of stable fivemembered-ring allenes containing only second-row elements,
Angew. Chem., Int. Ed, 47, 5411-5414 (2008).
Matthew Asay, Tsuyoshi Kato, Nathalie Saffon-Merceron,
Fernando P. Cossio, Antoine Baceiredo and Guy Bertrand,
Synthesis and ligand properties of a stable five-memberedring vinylidenephosphorane, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed, 47,
7530-7533 (2008).
Guido D. Frey, Maoying Song, Jean Baptiste Bourg, Bruno
Donnadieu, Michele Soleilhavoup and Guy Bertrand, A Persistent P,N-Heterocyclic Carbene, Chem. Commun, 47114713 (2008).
Wolfgang W. Schoeller, Guido D. Frey and Guy Bertrand,
Tuning the nucleophilicity in cyclopropenylidenes, Chem.—
Eur. J, 14, 4711-4718 (2008).
Amor Rodriguez, Gad Fuks, Jean-Baptiste Bourg, Didier
Bourissou, Fook S. Tham and Guy Bertrand, 1,3-Diborata2,4-diphosphoniocyclobutane-1,3-diyls
through a para-phenylene linker, Dalton Trans, 4482-4487
Matthew Asay, Bruno Donnadieu, Antoine Baceiredo, Michele Soleilhavoup and Guy Bertrand, Cyclic (Amino)[bis
(ylide)]carbene as an Anionic Bidentate Ligand for Transition-Metal Complexes, Inorg. Chem. (Washington, DC, U.
S.), 47, 3949-3951 (2008).
Emrah Giziroglu, Bruno Donnadieu and Guy Bertrand, Reluctance of 4-Chloro-5-metalla-1,3,2-diazaborolines To Undergo Metal Halide ␤-Elimination: An Opportunity for CFunctionalization of 1,3,2-Diazaborolines, Inorg. Chem.
(Washington, DC, U. S.), 47, 9751-9753 (2008).
Guido D. Frey, Rian D. Dewhurst, Shazia Kousar, Bruno
Donnadieu and Guy Bertrand, Cyclic (alkyl)(amino)carbene
gold(I) complexes: A synthetic and structural investigation,
J. Organomet. Chem, 693, 1674-1682 (2008).
Glenn Kuchenbeiser, Bruno Donnadieu and Guy Bertrand,
Stable bis(diisopropylamino)cyclopropenylidene (BAC) as
ligand for transition metal complexes, J. Organomet. Chem,
693, 899-904 (2008).
Joan Vignolle, Matthew Asay, Karinne Miqueu, Didier
Bourissou and Guy Bertrand, Rearrangement of Biaryl Monoaminocarbenes via Concerted Asynchronous Insertion into
Aromatic C-H Bonds, Org. Lett, 10, 4299-4302 (2008).
Donde R. Anderson, Thay Ung, Garik Mkrtumyan, Guy
Bertrand, Robert H. Grubbs and Yann Schrodi, Kinetic Selectivity of Olefin Metathesis Catalysts Bearing Cyclic (Alkyl)(Amino)Carbenes, Organometallics, 27, 563-566 (2008).
C. Adam Dyker and Guy Bertrand, Soluble Allotropes of
Main Group Elements, Science, 321, 1050-1051 (2008).
BOCIAN, DAVID F. (b.1950) Distinguished Professor. B.S, 1972, North Carolina State University; Ph.D,
1976, University of California, Berkeley. Postdoctoral
Fellowship, 1976-1979, California Institute of Technology. Materials Chemistry; Physical Chemistry. Spectroscopic (vibrational, electronic, magnetic) and electrochemical studies of tetrapyrrolic systems with applications towards biological and materials chemistry: heme
and photosynthetic proteins, synthetic light-harvesting
arrays, molecular photonic devices, electrically addressable molecular-based memories, and light-mediated
diagnostics, imaging, and therapy. TEL: (951) 827-3660
FAX: (951) 827-4713
Patchanita Thamyongkit, Ana Z. Muresan, James R. Diers,
Dewey Holten, David F. Bocian and Jonathan S. Lindsey,
Meso-13C-Labeled Porphyrins for Studies of Ground-State
Hole Transfer in Multiporphyrin Arrays, J. Org. Chem, 72,
5207-5217 (2007).
Jieying Jiao, Patchanita Thamyongkit, Izabela Schmidt,
Jonathan S. Lindsey and David F. Bocian, Characterization
of Porphyrin Surface Orientation in Monolayers on Au(111)
and Si(100) Using Spectroscopically Labeled Molecules, J.
Phys. Chem. C, 111, 12693-12704 (2007).
Jonathan R. Stromberg, Andras Marton, Hooi Ling Kee,
Christine Kirmaier, James R. Diers, Chinnasamy Muthiah,
Masahiko Taniguchi, Jonathan S. Lindsey, David F. Bocian,
Gerald J. Meyer and Dewey Holten, Examination of Tethered Porphyrin, Chlorin, and Bacteriochlorin Molecules in
Mesoporous Metal-Oxide Solar Cells, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111,
15464-15478 (2007).
Oleg V. Kulikov, Izabela Schmidt, Ana Z. Muresan, Marcia A.-P. Lee, David F. Bocian and Jonathan S. Lindsey,
Synthesis of porphyrins for metal deposition studies in molecular information storage applications, J. Porphyrins
Phthalocyanines, 11, 699-712 (2007).
Hooi Ling Kee, Christine Kirmaier, Qun Tang, James R.
Diers, Chinnasamy Muthiah, Masahiko Taniguchi, Joydev K.
Laha, Marcin Ptaszek, Jonathan S. Lindsey, David F. Bocian
and Dewey Holten, Effects of substituents on synthetic analogs of chlorophylls. Part 1: Synthesis, vibrational properties
and excited-state decay characteristics, Photochem. Photobiol, 83, 1110-1124 (2007).
Hooi Ling Kee, Christine Kirmaier, Qun Tang, James R.
Diers, Chinnasamy Muthiah, Masahiko Taniguchi, Joydev K.
Laha, Marcin Ptaszek, Jonathan S. Lindsey, David F. Bocian
and Dewey Holten, Effects of substituents on synthetic analogs of chlorophylls. Part 2: redox properties, optical spectra
and electronic structure, Photochem. Photobiol, 83, 11251143 (2007).
Chinnasamy Muthiah, Masahiko Taniguchi, Han-Je Kim,
Izabela Schmidt, Hooi Ling Kee, Dewey Holten, David F.
Bocian and Jonathan S. Lindsey, Synthesis and photophysical characterization of porphyrin, chlorin and bacteriochlorin
molecules bearing tethers for surface attachment, Photochem.
Photobiol, 83, 1513-1528 (2007).
Duane E. Prasuhn, Jr., Jane Kuzelka, Erica Strable, Andrew K. Udit, So-Hye Cho, Gabriel C. Lander, Joel D.
Quispe, James R. Diers, David F. Bocian, Clint Potter, Bridget Carragher and M. G. Finn, Polyvalent Display of Heme on
Hepatitis B Virus Capsid Protein through Coordination to
Hexahistidine Tags, Chem. Biol. (Cambridge, MA, U. S.), 15,
513-519 (2008).
Hee-eun Song, Christine Kirmaier, Masahiko Taniguchi,
James R. Diers, David F. Bocian, Jonathan S. Lindsey and
Dewey Holten, Determination of Ground-State Hole-Transfer Rates Between Equivalent Sites in Oxidized Multiporphyrin Arrays Using Time-Resolved Optical Spectroscopy, J.
Am. Chem. Soc, 130, 15636-15648 (2008).
Izabela Schmidt, Jieying Jiao, David F. Bocian and Jonathan S. Lindsey, A bipodal-tethered porphyrin for attachment
to silicon surfaces in studies of molecular information storage, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol, 8, 4813-4817 (2008).
Ana Z. Muresan, Patchanita Thamyongkit, James R. Diers,
Dewey Holten, Jonathan S. Lindsey and David F. Bocian,
Regiospecifically ␣-13C-Labeled Porphyrins for Studies of
Ground-State Hole Transfer in Multiporphyrin Arrays, J.
Org. Chem, 73, 6947-6959 (2008).
Hooi Ling Kee, Jayeeta Bhaumik, James R. Diers, Pawel
Mroz, Michael R. Hamblin, David F. Bocian, Jonathan S.
Lindsey and Dewey Holten, Photophysical characterization
of imidazole-substituted Pd(II), In(III), and Zn(II) porphyrins
as photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy, J. Photochem.
Photobiol. A, 200, 346-355 (2008).
Jieying Jiao, Eric Nordlund, Jonathan S. Lindsey and David F. Bocian, Effects of Counterion Mobility, Surface Morphology, and Charge Screening on the Electron-Transfer
Rates of Porphyrin Monolayers, J. Phys. Chem. C, 112,
6173-6180 (2008).
Franklin Anariba, Hugo Tiznado, James R. Diers, Izabela
Schmidt, Ana Z. Muresan, Jonathan S. Lindsey, Francisco
Zaera and David F. Bocian, Comprehensive Characterization
of Hybrid Junctions Comprised of a Porphyrin Monolayer
Sandwiched Between a Coinage Metal Overlayer and a Si
(100) Substrate, J. Phys. Chem. C, 112, 9474-9485 (2008).
Jieying Jiao, Izabela Schmidt, Masahiko Taniguchi, Jonathan S. Lindsey and David F. Bocian, Comparison of Electron-Transfer Rates for Metal- versus Ring-Centered Redox
Processes of Porphyrins in Monolayers on Au(111), Langmuir, 24, 12047-12053 (2008).
Franklin Anariba, Izabela Schmidt, Ana Z. Muresan, Jonathan S. Lindsey and David F. Bocian, Metal-Molecule Interactions Upon Deposition of Copper Overlayers on Reactively
Functionalized Porphyrin Monolayers on Si(100), Langmuir,
24, 6698-6704 (2008).
Masahiko Taniguchi, David L. Cramer, Anil D. Bhise,
Hooi Ling Kee, David F. Bocian, Dewey Holten and Jonathan S. Lindsey, Accessing the near-infrared spectral region
with stable, synthetic, wavelength-tunable bacteriochlorins,
New J. Chem, 32, 947-958 (2008).
Hooi Ling Kee, Ralph Nothdurft, Chinnasamy Muthiah,
James R. Diers, Dazhong Fan, Marcin Ptaszek, David F. Bocian, Jonathan S. Lindsey, Joseph P. Culver and Dewey Holten, Examination of chlorin-bacteriochlorin energy-transfer
dyads as prototypes for near-infrared molecular imaging
probes, Photochem. Photobiol, 84, 1061-1072 (2008).
Chinnasamy Muthiah, Hooi Ling Kee, James R. Diers, Dazhong Fan, Marcin Ptaszek, David F. Bocian, Dewey Holten
and Jonathan S. Lindsey, Synthesis and excited-state photodynamics of a chlorin–bacteriochlorin dyad: Through-space
versus through-bond energy transfer in tetrapyrrole arrays,
Photochem. Photobiol, 84, 786-801 (2008).
CHANG, CHIA-EN Ph.D, 2003, U. of Maryland,
College Park. Postdoctoral researcher, 2005-2007, UC,
San Diego. Biophysics/Biophysical Chemistry; Computational Chemistry. The central goal of our work is to understand the fundamental mechanism of biomolecular
recognition and binding kinetics using theory and classical mechanical models. Our research involves the development and application of computational methods and
theoretical models to address medically and chemically
important problems. TEL: (951) 827-7263 FAX: (951)
C.-E. Chang, W. Chen and M. K. Gilson, Evaluating the
accuracy of the quasiharmonic approximation, J. of Chemical
Theory and Computation, 1, 1017-1028 (2005).
C.-E. Chang, T. Shen, J. Trylska, T. Tozzini and J. A.
McCammon, Gated Binding of Ligands to HIV-1 Protease:
Brownian Dynamics Simulations in a Coarse-Grained Mode,
Biophysical J, 90, 3880-3885 (2006).
W. Chen, C.-E. Chang and M. K. Gilson, Concepts in Receptor Optimization: Targeting the Peptide RGD, J. Am.
Chem. Soc, 128, 4675-4687 (2006).
C.-E. A. Chang, J. Trylska, T. Tozzini and J. A. McCammon, Towards Understanding the Binding Pathways of Ligand to HIV-1 Protease, Chemical Biology and Drug Design,
1, 5-13 (2007).
Valentina Tozzini, Joanna Trylska, Chia-en Chang and J.
Andrew McCammon, Flap opening dynamics in HIV-1 protease explored with a coarse-grained model, J. Struct. Biol,
157, 606-615 (2007).
C.-E. A. Chang, W. Chen and M. K. Gilson, Analysis of
the Change in Ligand Entropy upon Protein Binding, Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A, 104, 1534-1539 (2007).
C.-E. A. Chang, W. A. McLaughlin, R. Baron, W. Wang
and J. A. McCammon, Entropic contributions and the influence of the hydrophobic environment in promiscuous protein-protein association, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A, 105,
7456-7461 (2008).
CHENG, QUAN (b.1964) Associate Professor. B.S,
1986, Nanjing University, China; M.S, 1989, Nanjing
University, China; Ph.D, 1995, University of Florida.
Postdoctoral Research Associate, 1995-1997, University
of California, Berkeley. Analytical Chemistry; Materials
Chemistry. Our research is centered at developing novel
biosensor technologies for biological and pathogenic
agents. We apply molecular recognition and advanced
signal transduction schemes to the detection of protein
toxins, viruses and bacteria. Our approach emphasizes
the design of self-organizing supramolecular assemblies
capable of optical or electronic signaling and the development of surface plasmon resonance spectroscopic and
imaging methods. TEL: (951) 827-2702 FAX: (951)
K. Scott Phillips and Quan Cheng, Recent advances in surface plasmon resonance based techniques for bioanalysis,
Anal. Bioanal. Chem, 387, 1831-1840 (2007).
Zhuangzhi Wang, Thomas Wilkop, Danke Xu, Yi Dong,
Guangyu Ma and Quan Cheng, Surface plasmon resonance
imaging for affinity analysis of aptamer-protein interactions
with PDMS microfluidic chips, Anal. Bioanal. Chem, 389,
819-825 (2007).
K. Scott Phillips, Jong Ho Han and Quan Cheng, Development of a “Membrane Cloaking” Method for Amperometric
Enzyme Immunoassay and Surface Plasmon Resonance
Analysis of Proteins in Serum Samples, Anal. Chem, 79, 899907 (2007).
Na Zhang, Thomas Wilkop, Soohyun Lee and Quan
Cheng, Bi-functionalization of a patterned Prussian blue array for amperometric measurement of glucose via two integrated detection schemes, Analyst (Cambridge, U. K.), 132,
164-172 (2007).
Benedict C. Okeke, Guangyu Ma, Quan Cheng, Mark E.
Losi and William T. Frankenberger, Development of a perchlorate reductase-based biosensor for real time analysis of
perchlorate in water, J. Microbiol. Methods, 68, 69-75
Joseph D. Taylor, K. Scott Phillips and Quan Cheng, Microfluidic fabrication of addressable tethered lipid bilayer arrays and optimization using SPR with silane-derivatized nanoglassy substrates, Lab Chip, 7, 927-930 (2007).
Thomas Wilkop, Danke Xu and Quan Cheng, Characterization of Pore Formation by Streptolysin O on Supported
Lipid Membranes by Impedance Spectroscopy and Surface
Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy, Langmuir, 23, 1403-1409
Thomas W. Owen, Rabih O. Al-Kaysi, Christopher J. Bardeen and Quan Cheng, Microgravimetric immunosensor for
direct detection of aerosolized influenza A virus particles,
Sens. Actuators, B, B126, 691-699 (2007).
Yi Dong, Thomas Wilkop, Danke Xu, Zhuangzhi Wang
and Quan Cheng, Microchannel chips for the multiplexed
analysis of human immunoglobulin G-antibody interactions
by surface plasmon resonance imaging, Anal. Bioanal. Chem,
390, 1575-1583 (2008).
Matthew J. Linman, Joseph D. Taylor, Hai Yu, Xi Chen
and Quan Cheng, Surface Plasmon Resonance Study of Protein-Carbohydrate Interactions Using Biotinylated Sialosides,
Anal. Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 80, 4007-4013 (2008).
Zhuangzhi Wang, Thomas Wilkop, Jong Ho Han, Yi
Dong, Matthew J. Linman and Quan Cheng, Development of
Air-Stable, Supported Membrane Arrays with Photolithography for Study of Phosphoinositide-Protein Interactions Using
Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging, Anal. Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 80, 6397-6404 (2008).
Thomas Wilkop, Danke Xu and Quan Cheng, Electrochemical Characterization of Pore Formation by Bacterial
Protein Toxins on Hybrid Supported Membranes, Langmuir,
24, 5615-5621 (2008).
Jong Ho Han, Joseph D. Taylor, K. Scott Phillips, Xiqing
Wang, Pingyun Feng and Quan Cheng, Characterizing Stability Properties of Supported Bilayer Membranes on Nanoglassified Substrates Using Surface Plasmon Resonance,
Langmuir, 24, 8127-8133 (2008).
Guangyu Ma, Development of novel biomimetic optical
sensors for the detection of bacterial protein toxins and viruses. (D)
Joseph Daniel Taylor, Biomimetic membrane-assisted architectures for protein sensing using 1- and 2-dimensional
surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy. (D)
Thomas William Owen, Part I: Characterization of electroactive supramolecular assemblies. Part II: Applications of
supramolecular assemblies in the design and fabrication of
biosensors for influenza A. (D)
Yi Dong, Development of membrane-assisted microfluidic
immunosensors with optical detection. (D)
Zhuangzhi Wang, High-throughput study of biospecific interactions with surface plasmon resonance imaging. (D)
CHRONISTER, ERIC L. (b.1958) Professor. B.S,
1980, University of California, Los Angeles; Ph.D, 1985,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Postdoctoral
Fellowship, 1985-1987, University of California, Los
Angeles (U.C.L.A.). Chemical Physics; Physical Chemistry. Ultrafast vibrational and electronic dynamics in
crystalline and amorphous molecular solids at high pressure; time-resolved coherent nonlinear spectrosopy; transient grating studies under high pressure; optical and
chemical sensor properties of organically doped sol-gel
glasses. TEL: (951) 827-3288 FAX: (951) 827-3420
Bohdan Schatschneider and Eric L. Chronister, High-resolution FTIR study of the para-terphenyl phase transition at
high pressure, J. Lumin, 127, 34-40 (2007).
Bohdan Schatschneider and Eric L. Chronister, Molecular
dynamics simulations of temperature- and pressure-induced
solid-solid phase transitions in crystalline para-terphenyl,
Molecular Simulation, 34, 1159 (2008).
Bohdan Hindulak Schatschneider, Structural and Vibrational Dynamics of Molecular Solids Under Variable Temperature and Pressure. (D)
FENG, PINGYUN (b.1962) Professor. B.S, 1984, Taiyuan University of Technology; M.S, 1991, Rochester
Institute of Technology; Ph.D, 1998, University of California, Santa Barbara. Postdoctoral Fellow, 1998-2000,
University of California, Santa Barbara. Inorganic
Chemistry; Materials Chemistry. My research interest
centers on the development of synthetic methodologies
based on self-assembly and supramolecular templating to
prepare novel catalytic, electronic, and optical materials.
Our research in this area is aimed at developing new synthetic methodologies to generate nanoporous materials
with unprecedented framework compositions and pore
geometry. Quantum confinement in size and dimension
can lead to chemical, electrical, and optical properties
that are substantially different from those observed for
the bulk material. These new properties can lead to numerous technological applications. My group is interested in exploring new synthetic methodologies employing
colloidal systems, porous frameworks etc. to prepare nanoparticles with simultaneous control in size, surface
features, and spatial arrangements from one to three dimensions. TEL: (951) 827-2042 FAX: (951) 827-4713
Jian Zhang, Rui Liu, Pingyun Feng and Xianhui Bu, Organic cation and chiral anion templated 3D homochiral openframework materials with unusual square-planar {M4(OH)}
units, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed, 46, 8388-8391 (2007).
Xiqing Wang, Rui Liu, Mahesh M. Waje, Zhongwei Chen,
Yushan Yan, Krassimir N. Bozhilov and Pingyun Feng, Sulfonated Ordered Mesoporous Carbon as a Stable and Highly
Active Protonic Acid Catalyst, Chem. Mater, 19, 2395-2397
Xiqing Wang, Rui Liu, Mahesh M. Waje, Zhongwei Chen,
Yushan Yan, Krassimir N. Bozhilov and Pingyun Feng, Sul-
fonated Ordered Mesoporous Carbon as a Stable and Highly
Active Protonic Acid Catalyst, Chem. Mater, 19, 2395-2397
Nanfeng Zheng, Jian Zhang, Xianhui Bu and Pingyun
Feng, Cadmium-Porphyrin Coordination Networks: Rich
Coordination Modes and Three-Dimensional Four-Connected CdSO4 and (3,5)-Connected hms Nets, Cryst. Growth
Des, 7, 2576-2581 (2007).
Cristina Austria, Jian Zhang, Henry Valle, Qichun Zhang,
Emily Chew, Dan-Tam Nguyen, J. Y. Gu, Pingyun Feng and
Xianhui Bu, Amine-Controlled Assembly of Metal-Sulfite
Architecture from 1D Chains to 3D Framework, Inorg.
Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 46, 6283-6290 (2007).
Qichun Zhang, Xianhui Bu, Zhien Lin, Maurizio Biasini,
Ward Beyermann and Pingyun Feng, Metal-Complex-Decorated Homochiral Heterobimetallic Telluride Single-Stranded
Helix, Inorg. Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 46, 7262-7264
Qichun Zhang, Xianhui Bu, Jian Zhang, Tao Wu and Pingyun Feng, Chiral Semiconductor Frameworks from Cadmium Sulfide Clusters, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 8412-8413
Xiqing Wang, Diannan Lu, Rebecca Austin, Arun Agarwal, Leonard J. Mueller, Zheng Liu, Jianzhong Wu and Pingyun Feng, Protein Refolding Assisted by Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicas, Langmuir, 23, 5735-5739 (2007).
Qichun Zhang, Yang Liu, Xianhui Bu, Tao Wu and Pingyun Feng, A rare (3,4)-connected chalcogenide superlattice
and its photoelectric effect, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed, 47, 113116 (2008).
R. Liu, X. Wang, X. Zhao and P. Feng, Sulfonated Ordered
Mesoporous Carbon for Catalytic Preparation of Biodiesel,
Carbon, 46, 1664-1669 (2008).
Qichun Zhang, Zhien Lin, Xianhui Bu, Tao Wu and Pingyun Feng, Solvothermal Conversion of Discrete Cubic Cadmium Thiolate Cluster into Supertetrahedral Cluster Decorating Quartz-Type Chiral Superlattice, Chem. Mater, 20, 32393241 (2008).
Qichun Zhang, Tao Wu, Xianhui Bu, Tri Tran and Pingyun
Feng, Ion Pair Charge-Transfer Salts Based on Metal Chalcogenide Clusters and Methyl Viologen Cations, Chem. Mater,
20, 4170-4172 (2008).
Jian Zhang, Tao Wu, Pingyun Feng and Xianhui Bu, In
Situ Synthesis of Tetradentate Dye for Construction of
Three-Dimensional Homochiral Phosphor, Chem. Mater, 20,
5457-5459 (2008).
Tao Wu, Xianhui Bu, Rui Liu, Zhien Lin, Jian Zhang and
Pingyun Feng, A new zeolitic topology with sixteen-membered ring and multidimensional large pore channels,
Chem.—Eur. J, 14, 7771-7773 (2008).
Qichun Zhang, Xianhui Bu, Zhien Lin, Tao Wu and Pingyun Feng, Organization of Tetrahedral Chalcogenide Clusters Using a Tetrahedral Quadridentate Linker, Inorg. Chem.
(Washington, DC, U. S.), 47, 9724-9726 (2008).
Jian Zhang, Shumei Chen, Tao Wu, Pingyun Feng and Xianhui Bu, Homochiral Crystallization of Microporous Framework Materials from Achiral Precursors by Chiral Catalysis,
J. Am. Chem. Soc, 130, 12882-12883 (2008).
Rui Liu, Xiang Zhao, Tao Wu and Pingyun Feng, Tunable
Redox-Responsive Hybrid Nanogated Ensembles, J. Am.
Chem. Soc, 130, 14418-14419 (2008).
Zhenyu Zhang, Jian Zhang, Tao Wu, Xianhui Bu and Pingyun Feng, Three-Dimensional Open Framework Built from
Cu-S Icosahedral Clusters and Its Photocatalytic Property, J.
Am. Chem. Soc, 130, 15238-15239 (2008).
Jong Ho Han, Joseph D. Taylor, K. Scott Phillips, Xiqing
Wang, Pingyun Feng and Quan Cheng, Characterizing Stability Properties of Supported Bilayer Membranes on Nanoglassified Substrates Using Surface Plasmon Resonance,
Langmuir, 24, 8127-8133 (2008).
Qichun Zhang, Metal Chalcogenide Clusters and Their Extended Frameworks. (D)
Xiqing Wang, Synthesis, Functionalization, and Applications of Ordered Mesoporous Materials. (D)
HADDON, ROBERT C. (b.1943) Distinguished Professor and Director of Center for Nanoscale Science &
Engineering. B.S.(Hon), 1966, Melbourne University;
Ph.D, 1971, Pennsylvania State University. Postdoctoral
Research Associate, 1972-1973, University of Texas at
Austin. Materials Chemistry; Organic Chemistry. The
electronic structure and properties of molecules and materials, with emphasis on transport, magnetism, superconductivity, device fabrication, nanotechnology, and the
discovery of new classes of electronic materials. Synthesis, purification and chemistry of carbon nanotubes and
graphene, and their applications in sensors, IR detectors,
fuel cells and composites for thermal management and
high strength materials. Synthesis and solid state properties of neutral carbon-based radicals. TEL: (951) 8272044 FAX: (951) 827-2233
Jason M. Tang, Kurt Jensen, Wenzhen Li, Mahesh Waje,
Paul Larsen, Palanisamy Ramesh, Mikhail E. Itkis, Yushan
Yan and Robert C. Haddon, Carbon nanotube free-standing
membrane of Pt/SWNTs as catalyst layer in hydrogen fuel
cells, Aust. J. Chem, 60, 528-532 (2007).
Kimberly A. Worsley, Palanisamy Ramesh, Swadhin K.
Mandal, Sandip Niyogi, Mikhail E. Itkis and Robert C. Haddon, Soluble graphene derived from graphite fluoride, Chem.
Phys. Lett, 445, 51-56 (2007).
Leanne Beer, Swadhin K. Mandal, Robert W. Reed, Richard T. Oakley, Fook S. Tham, Bruno Donnadieu and Robert
C. Haddon, The First Electronically Stabilized Phenalenyl
Radical: Effect of Substituents on Solution Chemistry and
Solid-State Structure, Cryst. Growth Des, 7, 802-809 (2007).
Elena Bekyarova, Irina Kalinina, Mikhail E. Itkis, Leanne
Beer, Nelson Cabrera and Robert C. Haddon, Mechanism of
Ammonia Detection by Chemically Functionalized SingleWalled Carbon Nanotubes: In Situ Electrical and Optical
Study of Gas Analyte Detection, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129,
10700-10706 (2007).
Sushanta K. Pal, Mikhail E. Itkis, Fook S. Tham, Robert
W. Reed, Richard T. Oakley, Bruno Donnadieu and Robert
C. Haddon, Phenalenyl-Based Neutral Radical Molecular
Conductors: Substituent Effects on Solid-State Structures and
Properties, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 7163-7174 (2007).
Elena Bekyarova, Erik T. Thostenson, Aiping Yu, Mikhail
E. Itkis, Danylo Fakhrutdinov, Tsu-Wei Chou and Robert C.
Haddon, Functionalized Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
for Carbon Fiber-Epoxy Composites, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111,
17865-17871 (2007).
Jason M. Tang, Kurt Jensen, Mahesh Waje, Wenzhen Li,
Paul Larsen, Kevin Pauley, Zhongwei Chen, Palanisamy
Ramesh, Mikhail E. Itkis, Yushan Yan and Robert C. Haddon, High Performance Hydrogen Fuel Cells with Ultralow
Pt Loading Carbon Nanotube Thin Film Catalysts, J. Phys.
Chem. C, 111, 17901-17904 (2007).
Aiping Yu, Palanisamy Ramesh, Mikhail E. Itkis, Elena
Bekyarova and Robert C. Haddon, Graphite NanoplateletEpoxy Composite Thermal Interface Materials, J. Phys.
Chem. C, 111, 7565-7569 (2007).
E. Bekyarova, E. T. Thostenson, A. Yu, H. Kim, J. Gao, J.
Tang, H. T. Hahn, T.-W. Chou, M. E. Itkis and R. C. Haddon, Multiscale carbon nanotube-carbon fiber reinforcement
for advanced epoxy composites, Langmuir, 23, 3970-3974
Jason M. Tang, Kurt Jensen, Paul Larsen, Wenzhen Li,
Mikhail E. Itkis, Yushan Yan and Robert C. Haddon, Carbon
nanotube free-standing film of Pt/MWNTs as a bifunctional
component in hydrogen proton exchange membrane fuel
cells, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc, 1018 (2007).
Mikhail E. Itkis, Ferenc Borondics, Aiping Yu and Robert
C. Haddon, Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Semitransparent Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Films by a Bolometric Technique, Nano Lett, 7, 900-904 (2007).
Ting Zhang, Syed Mubeen, Elena Bekyarova, Bong Young
Yoo, Robert C. Haddon, Nosang V. Myung and Marc A. Deshusses, Poly(m-aminobenzene sulfonic acid) functionalized
single-walled carbon nanotubes based gas sensor, Nanotechnology, 18, 165504/1-165504/6 (2007).
A. Yu, P. Ramesh, X. Sun, E. Bekyarova, M. E. Itkis and
R. C. Haddon, Enhanced thermal conductivity in a hybrid
graphite nanoplatelet—carbon nanotube filler for epoxy composites, Adv. Mat, 20, 4740-4744 (2008).
N. Amos, R. Ikkawi, R. Haddon, D. Litvinov and S.
Khizroev, Controlling multidomain states to enable sub10nm magnetic force microscopy, Appl. Phys. Lett, 93,
203116 (2008).
J. G. Smith Jr., J. W. Connell, D. M. Delozier, K. A. Watson, E. Bekyarova, A. Yu and R. Haddon, Preparation and
properties of nanocomposites from pristine and modified
SWCNTs of comparable average aspect ratio, High Perf.
Poly, 20, 567-587 (2008).
Robert C. Haddon, Arindam Sarkar, Sushanta K. Pal,
Xiaoliu Chi, Mikhail E. Itkis and Fook S. Tham, Localization
of Spin and Charge in Phenalenyl-Based Neutral Radical
Conductors, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 130, 13683-13690 (2008).
Sushanta K. Pal, Mikhail E. Itkis, Fook S. Tham, Robert
W. Reed, Richard T. Oakley and Robert C. Haddon, Trisphenalenyl-Based Neutral Radical Molecular Conductor, J. Am.
Chem. Soc, 130, 3942-3951 (2008).
Palanisamy Ramesh, Mikhail E. Itkis, Jason M. Tang and
Robert C. Haddon, SWNT-MWNT Hybrid Architecture for
Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Cathodes, J. Phys.
Chem. C, 112, 9089-9094 (2008).
Mikhail E. Itkis, Aiping Yu and Robert C. Haddon, SingleWalled Carbon Nanotube Thin Film Emitter-Detector Integrated Optoelectronic Device, Nano Lett, 8, 2224-2228
Erik B. Malarkey, Reno C. Reyes, Bin Zhao, Robert C.
Haddon and Vladimir Parpura, Water Soluble Single-Walled
Carbon Nanotubes Inhibit Stimulated Endocytosis in Neurons, Nano Lett, 8, 3538-3542 (2008).
Leanne Beer, Robert W. Reed, Craig M. Robertson, Richard T. Oakley, Fook S. Tham and Robert C. Haddon, Tetrathiophenalenyl Radical and its Disulfide-Bridged Dimer,
Org. Lett, 10, 3121-3123 (2008).
L. L. Lumata, J. S. Brooks, P. L. Kuhns, A. P. Reyes, S. E.
Brown, H. B. Cui and R. C. Haddon, Se-77 NMR investigation of the field-induced spin-density-wave transitions in
(TMTSF)2ClO4, Phys. Rev. B, 78, 020407 (2008).
K. Kamaras, A. Pekker, M. Bruckner, F. Borondics, A. G.
Rinzler, D. B. Tanner, M. E. Itkis, R. C. Haddon, Y. Tan and
D. E. Resasco, Wide-range optical spectra of carbon nanotubes: A comparative study, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 245, 22292232 (2008).
LARIVE, CYNTHIA K. (b.1957) Professor. B.S,
P. Liao, Synthesis, chemistry and properties of phenalenylbased neutral radical conductors. (D)
HOOLEY, RICHARD JAMES (b.1977) Assistant
Professor. B.A, 1999, Emmanuel College, Cambridge
University; M.Sc, 1999, Emmanuel College, Cambridge
University; M.A, 2001, Princeton University; Ph.D,
2004, Princeton University. Skaggs Postdoctoral Fellow,
2004-2008, The Scripps Research Institute. Organic
Chemistry; Supramolecular Chemistry. The synthesis of
water-soluble host molecules and study of their properties as enzyme mimics. The study of the properties of
molecules in confined spaces. Synthesis and properties
of functionalized cavitands as enzyme mimics. TEL:
(951) 827-4924 FAX: (951) 827-4713
Richard J. Hooley, Hillary J. Van Anda and Julius Rebek,
Jr, Extraction of Hydrophobic Species into a Water-Soluble
Synthetic Receptor, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 13464-13473
Richard J. Hooley, Tetsuo Iwasawa and Julius Rebek, Jr,
Detection of Reactive Tetrahedral Intermediates in a Deep
Cavitand with an Introverted Functionality, J. Am. Chem.
Soc, 129, 15330-15339 (2007).
Richard J. Hooley, Per Restorp, Tetsuo Iwasawa and Julius
Rebek, Jr, Cavitands with Introverted Functionality Stabilize
Tetrahedral Intermediates, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 1563915643 (2007).
Michael P. Schramm, Richard J. Hooley and Julius Rebek,
Jr, Guest Recognition with Micelle-Bound Cavitands, J. Am.
Chem. Soc, 129, 9773-9779 (2007).
Richard J. Hooley and Julius Rebek, Jr, A deep cavitand
catalyzes the Diels-Alder reaction of bound maleimides, Org.
Biomol. Chem, 5, 3631-3636 (2007).
Richard J. Hooley and Julius Rebek, Jr, Self-Complexed
Deep Cavitands: Alkyl Chains Coil into a Nearby Cavity,
Org. Lett, 9, 1179-1182 (2007).
Tetsuo Iwasawa, Richard J. Hooley and Julius Rebek, Jr,
Stabilization of Labile Carbonyl Addition Intermediates by a
Synthetic Receptor, Science (Washington, DC, U. S.), 317,
493-496 (2007).
Dagmara Podkoscielny, Richard J. Hooley, Julius Rebek,
Jr. and Angel E. Kaifer, Ferrocene Derivatives Included in a
Water-Soluble Cavitand: Are They Electroinactive?, Org.
Lett, 10, 2865-2868 (2008).
Agusti Lledo, Richard J. Hooley and Julius Rebek, Jr, Recognition of Guests by Water-Stabilized Cavitand Hosts, Org.
Lett, 10, 3669-3671 (2008).
Richard J. Hooley, Siddhartha R. Shenoy and Julius Rebek, Jr, Electronic and Steric Effects in Binding of Deep
Cavitands, Org. Lett, 10, 5397-5400 (2008).
JULIAN, RYAN R. (b.1974) Assistant Professor. B.S,
1999, University of Utah; Ph.D, 2003, California Institute of Technology. Postdoctoral Researcher, 2003-2005,
Indiana University. Analytical Chemistry; Physical
Chemistry. Studies of biomolecular structure and identity
using molecular recognition, ion chemistry, photochemistry, and radical directed dissociation. Mass spectrometry plays the primary role in all of these experiments.
TEL: (951) 827-3958 FAX: (951) 827-4713
Ryan R. Julian, Tony Ly, Anne-Marie Finaldi and Thomas
Hellman Morton, Dissociation of a protonated secondary
amine in the gas phase via an ion-neutral complex, Int. J.
Mass Spectrom, 265, 302-307 (2007).
Tony Ly, Michael Krout, Don K. Pham, Kousuke Tani,
Brian M. Stoltz and Ryan R. Julian, Synthesis of 2-Quinuclidonium by Eliminating Water: Experimental Quantification
of the High Basicity of Extremely Twisted Amides, J. Am.
Chem. Soc, 129, 1864-1865 (2007).
Zhenjiu Liu, Shijun Cheng, Daniel R. Gallie and Ryan R.
Julian, Exploring the Mechanism of Selective Noncovalent
Adduct Protein Probing Mass Spectrometry Utilizing SiteDirected Mutagenesis To Examine Ubiquitin, Anal. Chem.
(Washington, DC, U. S.), 80, 3846-3852 (2008).
Tony Ly, Zhenjiu Liu, Brian G. Pujanauski, Richmond
Sarpong and Ryan R. Julian, Surveying Ubiquitin Structure
by Noncovalent Attachment of Distance Constrained Bis
(crown) Ethers, Anal. Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 80,
5059-5064 (2008).
Emily A. C. Spencer, Tony Ly and Ryan R. Julian, Formation of the serine octamer: Ion evaporation or charge residue?, Int. J. Mass Spectrom, 270, 166-172 (2008).
Jolene K. Diedrich and Ryan R. Julian, Site-Specific Radical Directed Dissociation of Peptides at Phosphorylated Residues, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 130, 12212-12213 (2008).
Tony Ly and Ryan R. Julian, Residue-Specific Radical-Directed Dissociation of Whole Proteins in the Gas Phase, J.
Am. Chem. Soc, 130, 351-358 (2008).
Tony Ly and Ryan R. Julian, Protein-Metal Interactions of
Calmodulin and a Synuclein Monitored by Selective Noncovalent Adduct Protein Probing Mass Spectrometry, J. Am.
Soc. Mass Spectrom, 19, 1663-1672 (2008).
1980, South Dakota State University; M.S, 1982, Purdue
University; Ph.D, 1992, University of California, Riverside. Analytical Chemistry; NMR Spectroscopy. Bioanalytical applications of NMR and mass spectrometry; metabonomics and metabolic profiling, development and
application of microcoil NMR probes, interfacing separations with NMR detection, NMR measurements for the
study of ligand-protein binding, characterization of heparin structure and function, transformation mechanisms of
aquatic contaminants such as pesticides and pharmaceuticals. TEL: (951) 827-2990 FAX: (951) 827-4713
Cynthia K. Larive and Theodore Kuwana, The analytical
sciences digital library: A useful resource for active learning,
ACS Symp. Ser, 970, 188-198 (2007).
Albert K. Korir and Cynthia K. Larive, On-line NMR detection of microgram quantities of heparin-derived oligosaccharides and their structure elucidation by microcoil NMR,
Anal. Bioanal. Chem, 388, 1707-1716 (2007).
Cynthia K. Larive, Metabonomics, metabolomics, and
metabolic profiling, Anal. Bioanal. Chem, 387, 523 (2007).
Stacie L. Eldridge, Valentino K. Almeida, Albert K. Korir
and Cynthia K. Larive, Separation and analysis of trace degradants in a pharmaceutical formulation using on-line capillary isotachophoresis-NMR, Anal. Chem, 79, 8446-8453
Marcela Rojas-Pierce, Boosaree Titapiwatanakun, Eun Ju
Sohn, Fang Fang, Cynthia K. Larive, Joshua Blakeslee, Yan
Cheng, Sean Cuttler, Wendy A. Peer, Angus S. Murphy and
Natasha V. Raikhel, Arabidopsis P glycoprotein 19 participates in the inhibition of gravitropism by gravacin, Chem.
Biol, 14, 1366-1376 (2007).
Bertha C. Valle, Kevin F. Morris, Kristin A. Fletcher, Vivian Fernand, Drew M. Sword, Stacie Eldridge, Cynthia K.
Larive and Isiah M. Warner, Understanding chiral molecular
micellar separations using steady-state fluorescence anisotropy, capillary electrophoresis, and NMR, Langmuir, 23, 425435 (2007).
Yang Zhao, Tszfung F. Chow, Rachel S. Puckrin, Simon
E. Alfred, Albert K. Korir, Cynthia K. Larive and Sean R.
Cutler, Chemical genetic interrogation of natural variation
uncovers a molecule that is glycoactivated, Nat. Chem. Biol,
3, 716-721 (2007).
Stacie L. Eldridge, Albert K. Korir, Christiana E. Merrywell and Cynthia K. Larive, Hyphenated chromatographic
techniques in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Adv.
Chromatogr. (Boca Raton, FL, U. S.), 46, 351-390 (2008).
Cynthia K. Larive, A picture is worth a thousand words:
animations and simulations in the teaching of analytical science, Anal. Bioanal. Chem, 390, 71-75 (2008).
Albert K. Korir, John F. K. Limtiaco, Sarah M. Gutierrez
and Cynthia K. Larive, Ultraperformance ion-pair liquid
chromatography coupled to electrospray time-of-flight mass
spectrometry for compositional profiling and quantification
of heparin and heparan sulfate, Anal. Chem, 80, 1297-1306
Stacie L. Eldridge, Albert K. Korir, Sarah M. Gutierrez,
Fernando Campos, John F. K. Limtiaco and Cynthia K. Larive, Heterogeneity of depolymerized heparin SEC fractions:
to pool or not to pool?, Carbohydr. Res, 343, 2963-2970
William F. Polik and Cynthia K. Larive, New ACS guidelines approved by CPT, J. Chem. Educ, 85, 484-487 (2008).
Kristin E. Price, Craig E. Lunte and Cynthia K. Larive, Development of tissue-targeted metabonomics. Part 1. Analytical considerations, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal, 46, 737-747
Bridget A. Becker and Cynthia K. Larive, Probing the
binding of propranolol enantiomers to a1-acid glycoprotein
with ligand-detected NMR experiments, J. Phys. Chem. B,
112, 13581-13587 (2008).
Jennifer R. Cruz, Bridget A. Becker, Kevin F. Morris and
Cynthia K. Larive, NMR characterization of the host-guest
inclusion complex between ␤-cyclodextrin and doxepin,
Magn. Reson. Chem, 46, 838-845 (2008).
Kayla A. Kaiser, Christiana E. Merrywell, Fang Fang and
Cynthia K. Larive, Metabolic profiling, NMR Spectroscopy
in Pharmaceutical Analysis (Amsterdam, The Netherlands),
233-267 (2008).
Cristina Branco-Price, Kayla A. Kaiser, Charles J. H. Jang,
Cynthia K. Larive and Julia Bailey-Serres, Selective mRNA
translation coordinates energetic and metabolic adjustments
to cellular oxygen deprivation and reoxygenation in Arabidopsis thaliana , Plant J, 56, 743-755 (2008).
Fang Fang, Application of 1 H NMR and LC-TOF/MS for
Metabonomic Studies of Plasma and Tissue. (M)
Albert K. Korir, Development and Application of Microanalysis NMR Methods. (D)
LARSEN, CATHARINE H. Assistant Professor. B.S,
2000, University of California, Irvine; Ph.D, 2005, California Institute of Technology. Postdoctoral Associate,
2005-2008, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Catalysis; Organic Chemistry. Development of new synthetic methods, specifically asymmetric reactions employing organic or organometallic catalysts, for the syn-
thesis of biologically significant molecules. TEL: (951)
827-4964 FAX: (951) 827-4713
Catharine H. Larsen, Brian H. Ridgway, Jared T. Shaw,
Deborah M. Smith and K. A. Woerpel, Selective C-Glycosylation Reactions of Ribose Derivative: Electronic Effects of
Five-Membered Ring Oxocarbenium Ions, J. Am. Chem. Soc,
127, 10879-10884 (2005).
Yong Huang, Abbas M. Walji, Catharine H. Larsen and
David W. C. MacMillan, Enantioselective Organo-Cascade
Catalysis, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 127, 15051-15053 (2005).
Catharine H. Larsen, Kevin W. Anderson, Rachel E. Tundel and Stephen L. Buchwald, Palladium-Catalyzed Heck
Alkynylation of Benzyl Chlorides, Synlett, 2941-2946
Ruben Martin, Catharine H. Larsen, Ana Cuenca and
Stephen L. Buchwald, Cu-Catalyzed Tandem C-N Bond Formation for the Synthesis of Pyrroles and Heteroarylpyrroles,
Org. Lett, 9, 3379-3382 (2007).
MARSELLA, MICHAEL J. (b.1968) Associate Professor. B.S, 1990, University of Rhode Island; Ph.D,
1995, University of Pennsylvania. NIH Fellowship,
1995-1997, California Institute of Technology. Organic
Chemistry. Design and synthesis of molecules with materials and/or biological application. TEL: (951) 827-7223
FAX: (951) 827-2435
Michael J. Marsella, Shohreh Rahbarnia and Nathan Wilmot, Molecular springs, muscles, rheostats, and precessing
gyroscopes: from review to preview, Org. Biomol. Chem, 5,
391-400 (2007).
MORTON, THOMAS HELLMAN (b.1947) Professor. A.B, 1968, Harvard University; Ph.D, 1973, California Institute of Technology. Organic Chemistry. Gas
phase organic chemistry, ion-molecule reactions, molecular mechanisms in the sense of smell, enzyme and receptor binding. TEL: (951) 827-4735 FAX: (951) 8274713
Ryan R. Julian, Tony Ly, Anne-Marie Finaldi and Thomas
Hellman Morton, Dissociation of a protonated secondary
amine in the gas phase via an ion-neutral complex, Int. J.
Mass Spectrom, 265, 302-307 (2007).
Murray J. McEwan, Paul F. Wilson, Gregory J. Francis
and Thomas Hellman Morton, Transfer of F+ versus fluoronium metathesis, Int. J. Mass Spectrom, 267, 81-88 (2007).
Nicholas V. Hud and Thomas Hellman Morton, DFT Energy Surfaces for Aminopurine Homodimers and Their Conjugate Acid Ions, J. Phys. Chem. A, 111, 3369-3377 (2007).
Jos Oomens and Thomas Hellman Morton, The cationic
C=F+ stretching vibration in the gas phase, Angew. Chem.,
Int. Ed, 47, 2106-2108 (2008).
Sepideh Yaghmaei, Sevana Khodagholian, J. Michael Kaiser, Fook S. Tham, Leonard J. Mueller and Thomas Hellman
Morton, Chelation of a Proton by an Aliphatic Tertiary Diamine, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 130, 7836-7838 (2008).
Tangyuan Cao, Michael K. Nguyen, Scott V. Serafin and
Thomas Hellman Morton, Stereochemical Preferences in 4Center Syn-Eliminations from Gaseous Ions, J. Org. Chem,
73, 6099-6107 (2008).
Jos Oomens, Elfi Kraka, Michael K. Nguyen and Thomas
Hellman Morton, Structure, Vibrational Spectra, and Unimolecular Dissociation of Gaseous 1-Fluoro-1-phenethyl Cations, J. Phys. Chem. A, 112, 10774-10783 (2008).
I. Lee, M. K. Nguyen, T. H. Morton and F. Zaera, Thermal
Chemistry of 1,4-Difluoro-2-butenes on Pt(111) Single-Crystal Surfaces, J. Phys. Chem. C, 112, 14117-14123 (2008).
Sepideh Yaghmaei, In Search Of a Low Barrier Hydrogen
Bond in Proton Bridged Diamines. (D)
MUELLER, LEONARD J. (b.1966) Associate Professor. B.S, 1988, University of Rochester; CPGS, 1989,
University of Cambridge; Ph.D, 1997, California Institute of Technology. American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 1996-1998, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. NMR Spectroscopy; Physical Chemistry. Solid-state and liquid-state NMR as a probe of
structure and dynamics. TEL: (951) 827-3565 FAX:
(951) 827-4713
Lingling Chen, J. Michael Kaiser, Tatyana Polenova, Jun
Yang, Chad M. Rienstra and Leonard J. Mueller, Backbone
Assignments in Solid-State Proteins Using J-Based 3D Heteronuclear Correlation Spectroscopy, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129,
10650-10651 (2007).
Xiqing Wang, Diannan Lu, Rebecca Austin, Arun Agarwal, Leonard J. Mueller, Zheng Liu, Jianzhong Wu and Pingyun Feng, Protein Refolding Assisted by Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicas, Langmuir, 23, 5735-5739 (2007).
Rabih O. Al-Kaysi, Robert J. Dillon, J. Michael Kaiser,
Leonard J. Mueller, Gonzalo Guirado and Christopher J. Bardeen, Photopolymerization of Organic Molecular Crystal Nanorods, Macromolecules (Washington, DC, U. S.), 40, 90409044 (2007).
Lingling Chen, J. Michael Kaiser, Jinfeng Lai, Tatyana Polenova, Jun Yang, Chad M. Rienstra and Leonard J. Mueller,
J-based 2D homonuclear and heteronuclear correlation in solid-state proteins, Magn. Reson. Chem, 45, S84-S92 (2007).
Sepideh Yaghmaei, Sevana Khodagholian, J. Michael Kaiser, Fook S. Tham, Leonard J. Mueller and Thomas Hellman
Morton, Chelation of a Proton by an Aliphatic Tertiary Diamine, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 130, 7836-7838 (2008).
Larry Mink, Zhen Ma, Ryan A. Olsen, Joanna N. James,
David S. Sholl, Leonard J. Mueller and Francisco Zaera, The
Physico-chemical Properties of Cinchona Alkaloids Responsible for their Unique Performance in Chiral Catalysis, Top.
Catal, 48, 120-127 (2008).
Amide Bonds in Peptoids, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 1204212048 (2007).
Neel H. Shah, Glenn L. Butterfoss, Khanh Nguyen, Barney
Yoo, Richard Bonneau, Dallas L. Rabenstein and Kent Kirshenbaum, Oligo(N-Aryl glycines): A New Twist on Structured Peptoids, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 130, 16622-16632 (2008).
Lingling Chen, Through-Bond Correlation Methods for
Assigning Protein Resonances with Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy. (D)
Thomas Mueller, Dominik Margraf, Yvonne Syha, Hamid
Reza Nasiri, Christian Kaiser, Rita Maier, Bettine Boltres,
Mark Juhasz and Christopher A. Reed, Unusually stable vinyl cations, ACS Symp. Ser, 965, 51-67 (2007).
Christos Douvris, Evgenii S. Stoyanov, Fook S. Tham and
Christopher A. Reed, Isolating fluorinated carbocations,
Chem. Commun. (Cambridge, U. K.), 1145-1147 (2007).
J. Luis Garate-Morales, Fook S. Tham and Christopher A.
Reed, Do Sitting-Atop Metalloporphyrin Complexes Exist?
Observation of N-H-—-␲ Bonding in Arene Solvates of a
Diprotonated Porphyrin Dication, Inorg. Chem, 46, 15141516 (2007).
Christopher Richardson and Christopher A. Reed, Synthesis of meso-Extended Tetraarylporphyrins, J. Org. Chem, 72,
4750-4755 (2007).
Yun Zhang, Fook S. Tham, John F. Nixon, Charlotte Taylor, Jennifer C. Green and Christopher A. Reed, The low basicity of phosphabenzenes: first examples of protonation, alkylation, and silylation reactions, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed, 47,
3801-3804 (2008).
Yun Zhang, Keith Huynh, Ian Manners and Christopher A.
Reed, Ambient temperature ring-opening polymerization
(ROP) of cyclic chlorophosphazene trimer [N3P3Cl6] catalyzed by silylium ions, Chem. Commun. (Cambridge, U. K.),
494-496 (2008).
Evgenii S. Stoyanov, Irina V. Stoyanova and Christopher
A. Reed, Ir spectroscopic properties of H(MeOH)n+ clusters
in the liquid phase: evidence for a proton wire, Chem.—Eur.
J, 14, 3596-3604 (2008).
Evgenii S. Stoyanov, Irina V. Stoyanova and Christopher
A. Reed, The basicity of unsaturated hydrocarbons as probed
by hydrogen-bond-acceptor ability: bifurcated N-H+···␲ hydrogen bonding, Chem.—Eur. J, 14, 7880-7891 (2008).
Yun Zhang and Christopher A. Reed, Can the hexamethylhydrazinium dication [Me3N-NMe3]2+ be prepared?, Dalton
Trans, 4392-4394 (2008).
Evgenii S. Stoyanov, Irina V. Stoyanova, Fook S. Tham
and Christopher A. Reed, The Nature of the Hydrated Proton
H(aq)+ in Organic Solvents, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 130, 1212812138 (2008).
Torahiko Yamaguchi, Yohsuke Yamamoto, Daisuke Kinoshita, Kin-ya Akiba, Yun Zhang, Christopher A. Reed, Daisuke Hashizume and Fujiko Iwasaki, Synthesis and Structure
of a Hexacoordinate Carbon Compound, J. Am. Chem. Soc,
130, 6894-6895 (2008).
Christos Douvris and Christopher A. Reed, Increasing the
Reactivity of Vaska’s Compound. Oxidative Addition of
Chlorobenzene at Ambient Temperature, Organometallics,
27, 807-810 (2008).
PIRRUNG, MICHAEL C. (b.1955) Professor and
UC Presidential Chair. B.A, 1975, University of Texas,
Austin; Ph.D, 1980, University of California, Berkeley.
Fannie and John Hertz Foundation Fellow, 1978-1980;
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, 1980-1981, Columbia University; Assistant Professor, 1981-1989, Stanford University; Presidential Young Investigator, 1985-1989; Associate Professor, 1989-1994, Duke University; John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow, 19941995; Professor, 1994-2004, Duke University. Chemical
Biology; Organic Chemistry. Chemical biology, synthetic organic chemistry, nucleic acids, combinatorial chemistry; photochemistry. TEL: (951) 827-2722 FAX: (951)
Michael C. Pirrung, Zhitao Li, Erika Hensley, Yufa Liu,
Aparna Tanksale, Bo Lin, Ashok Pai and Nicholas J. G.
Webster, Parallel Synthesis of Indolylquinones and Their
Cell-Based Insulin Mimicry, J. Comb. Chem, 9, 844-854
Hyunsoo Kim, Liu Deng, Xin Xiong, William D. Hunter,
Melissa C. Long and Michael C. Pirrung, Glyceraldehyde 3Phosphate Dehydrogenase Is a Cellular Target of the Insulin
Mimic Demethylasterriquinone B1, J. Med. Chem, 50, 34233426 (2007).
Xin Xiong and Michael C. Pirrung, Practical Synthesis of
7-Prenylindole, J. Org. Chem, 72, 5832-5834 (2007).
Bo Lin, Zhitao Li, Kaapjoo Park, Liu Deng, Ashok Pai,
Ling Zhong, Michael C. Pirrung and Nicholas J. G. Webster,
Identification of novel orally available small molecule insulin
mimetics, J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther, 323, 579-585 (2007).
Bo Lin, Michael C. Pirrung, Liu Deng, Zhitao Li, Yufa Liu
and Nicholas J. G. Webster, Neuroprotection by small molecule activators of the nerve growth factor receptor, J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther, 322, 59-69 (2007).
Yunfan Zou, Marcela Rojas-Pierce, Natasha V. Raikhel
and Michael C. Pirrung, Preparation of methyl ester precursors of biologically active agents, BioTechniques, 44, 377378, 381-384 (2008).
Michael C. Pirrung, Anthony B. Bleecker, Yoshihisa Inoue, Fernando I. Rodriguez, Norimitsu Sugawara, Takehiko
Wada, Yunfan Zou and Brad M. Binder, Ethylene receptor
antagonists: strained alkenes are necessary but not sufficient,
Chem. Biol. (Cambridge, MA, U. S.), 15, 313-321 (2008).
Michael C. Pirrung, Liu Deng, Bo Lin and Nicholas J. G.
Webster, Quinone Replacements for Small Molecule Insulin
Mimics, Chembiochem, 9, 360-362 (2008).
Michael C. Pirrung, Koushik Das Sarma and Jianmei
Wang, Hydrophobicity and Mixing Effects on Select Heterogeneous, Water-Accelerated Synthetic Reactions, J. Org.
Chem, 73, 8723-8730 (2008).
Xin Xiong and Michael C. Pirrung, Modular Synthesis of
Candidate Indole-based Insulin Mimics by Claisen Rearrangement, Org. Lett, 10, 1151-1154 (2008).
RABENSTEIN, DALLAS L. (b.1942) Distinguished
Professor. B.S, 1964, University of Washington, Seattle,
WA; Ph.D, 1968, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Bioanalytical Chemistry; NMR Spectroscopy. NMR studies of peptides, peptoids, proteins, and carbohydrates and
binding of peptides and peptoids by glycosaminoglycans;
analytical applications of NMR; biological chemistry of
sulfur and selenium; development of NMR methods and
techniques, characterization of heparin and heparan sulfates. TEL: (951) 827-3585 FAX: (951) 827-4713
Jing Wang and Dallas L. Rabenstein, Determination of
Residue-Specific Acid Dissociation Constants for Peptides
By Band-Selective Homonuclear-Decoupled 1H NMR, Anal.
Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 79, 6799-6803 (2007).
Qiang Sui, Dan Borchardt and Dallas L. Rabenstein, Kinetics and Equilibria of Cis/Trans Isomerization of Backbone
REED, CHRISTOPHER A. (b.1947) Distinguished
Professor. B.Sc, 1967, Auckland University, New Zealand; M.Sc, 1969, Auckland University, New Zealand;
Ph.D, 1971, Auckland University, New Zealand. Research Associate, 1971-1973, Stanford University. Inorganic Chemistry; Organic Chemistry. Weakly coordinating anions, acids and superacids, H-bonding, reactive
cations across the periodic table, magnetochemical series. TEL: (951) 827-5197 FAX: (951) 827-2027
Y. Zhang, Synthesis and Isolation of Reactive Cations with
Weakly Coordinating Carborane Anions. (D)
SCOTT, GARY W. (b.1943) Professor of Chemistry
and Associate Dean—Student Academic Affairs. B.S,
1965, California Institute of Technology; Ph.D, 1971,
University of Chicago. NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship,
1971-1972, University of Pennsylvania; NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1972-1974, University of Pennsylvania.
Chemical Physics; Physical Chemistry. Molecular photophysics and photochemistry; excited-state interactions
and dynamics; energy migration in aromatic polymers;
excited-state intramolecular proton and electron transfer;
low-temperature photochem. of photochromics; nonlinear optical properties; self-regulation in photosynthetic
electron transfer systems. TEL: (951) 827-3212 FAX:
(951) 827-2243
No publication information submitted for this edition.
SWITZER, CHRISTOPHER Y. (b.1961) Professor.
Ph.D, 1987, Johns Hopkins University. Postdoctoral,
1987, University of Geneva; NSF Fellowship, 19881990, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich. Chemical Biology; Organic Chemistry. Design,
synthesis and characterization of nucleic acid variants
with new properties for molecular recognition, catalysis
and replication. TEL: (951) 827-7266 FAX: (951) 827-
D. Shin and C. Switzer, A metallo base-pair incorporating
a terpyridyl-like motif: Bipyridylpyrimidinone center dot Ag
(I)center dot 4-pyridine, Chemical Communications, 42,
4401-4403 (2007).
B. D. Heuberger and C. Switzer, An alternative nucleobase
code: Characterization of purine-purine DNA double helices
bearing guanine-isoguanine and diaminopurine 7-deaza-xanthine base pairs, Chembiochem, 9, 2779-2783 (2008).
B. D. Heuberger and C. Switzer, A pre-RNA candidate revisited: Both enantiomers of flexible nucleoside triphosphates are DNA polymerase substrates, J. Am. Chem. Soc,
130, 412-413 (2008).
B. D. Heuberger, D. Shin and C. Switzer, Two WatsonCrick-like metallo base-pairs, Organic Letters, 10, 10911094 (2008).
B. D. Heuberger, Nonenzymatic oligomerization of RNA
by TNA templates, isoguanine-modified thrombin aptamers,
an antiparallel purine-purine DNA duplex, synthesis and enzymatic polymerization of FNA on DNA templates, and thermodynamics and luminescence of novel metallo. (D)
D. Shin, Syntheses and properties of artificial oligonucleotides: Metallo base-pairs and simplified backbones. (D)
WANG, YINSHENG (b.1971) Professor. B.S, 1993,
Shandong University; M.S, 1996, Dalian Institute of
Chemical Physics; Ph.D, 2001, Washington University,
St. Louis. Bioanalytical Chemistry; Bioorganic Chemistry. There are two areas of interest in the Wang laboratory: 1. DNA damage/mutagenesis. A multi-pronged approach is used to assess how toxic agents induce genetic/
epigenetic changes to DNA and their implications in the
development of cancer and other diseases. 2. Proteomics.
We use MS to investigate the posttranslational modifications of proteins, to discover biomarkers for diseases,
and to elucidate the mechanisms of action of antitumor
drugs. TEL: (951) 827-2700 FAX: (951) 827-4713
Haizheng Hong and Yinsheng Wang, Derivatization with
Girard Reagent T Combined with LC-MS/MS for the Sensitive Detection of 5-Formyl-2’-deoxyuridine in Cellular DNA,
Anal. Chem, 79, 322-326 (2007).
Haibo Qiu and Yinsheng Wang, Probing Adenosine Nucleotide-Binding Proteins with an Affinity-Labeled Nucleotide
Probe and Mass Spectrometry, Anal. Chem. (Washington,
DC, U. S.), 79, 5547-5556 (2007).
Yong Jiang, Haizheng Hong, Huachuan Cao and Yinsheng
Wang, In Vivo Formation and in Vitro Replication of a Guanine-Thymine Intrastrand Cross-Link Lesion, Biochemistry,
46, 12757-12763 (2007).
Yan Zou, Kristofor Webb, Avi D. Perna, Qingchun Zhang,
Steven Clarke and Yinsheng Wang, A Mass Spectrometric
Study on the in Vitro Methylation of HMGA1a and
HMGA1b Proteins by PRMTs: Methylation Specificity, the
Effect of Binding to AT-Rich Duplex DNA, and the Effect of
C-Terminal Phosphorylation, Biochemistry, 46, 7896-7906
Yu Zeng and Yinsheng Wang, UVB-Induced Formation of
Intrastrand Cross-Link Products of DNA in MCF-7 Cells
Treated with 5-Bromo-2’-deoxyuridine, Biochemistry, 46,
8189-8195 (2007).
Dianlu Jiang, Lijie Men, Jianxiu Wang, Yi Zhang, Sara
Chickenyen, Yinsheng Wang and Feimeng Zhou, Redox Reactions of Copper Complexes Formed with Different ␤-Amyloid Peptides and Their Neuropathalogical Relevance, Biochemistry, 46, 9270-9282 (2007).
Huachuan Cao, Yong Jiang and Yinsheng Wang, Stereospecific Synthesis and Characterization of Oligodeoxyribonucleotides Containing an N2-(1-Carboxyethyl)-2’-deoxyguanosine, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 12123-12130 (2007).
Qingchun Zhang, Kangling Zhang, Yan Zou, Avi Perna
and Yinsheng Wang, A Quantitative Study on the In Vitro
and In Vivo Acetylation of High Mobility Group A1 Proteins, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom, 18, 1569-1578 (2007).
Yuan Gao and Yinsheng Wang, A Method to Determine
the Ionization Efficiency Change of Peptides Caused by
Phosphorylation, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom, 18, 1973-1976
Lijie Men and Yinsheng Wang, The Oxidation of Yeast
Alcohol Dehydrogenase-1 by Hydrogen Peroxide in Vitro, J.
Proteome Res, 6, 216-225 (2007).
Yan Zou and Yinsheng Wang, Mass Spectrometric Analysis of High-Mobility Group Proteins and Their Post-Translational Modifications in Normal and Cancerous Human Breast
Tissues, J. Proteome Res, 6, 2304-2314 (2007).
Qingchun Zhang and Yinsheng Wang, Homeodomain-Interacting Protein Kinase-2 (HIPK2) Phosphorylates
HMGA1a at Ser-35, Thr-52, and Thr-77 and Modulates Its
DNA Binding Affinity, J. Proteome Res, 6, 4711-4719
Chunang Gu and Yinsheng Wang, In vitro replication and
thermodynamic studies of methylation and oxidation modifications of 6-thioguanine, Nucleic Acids Res, 35, 3693-3704
Huachuan Cao and Yinsheng Wang, Quantification of oxi-
dative single-base and intrastrand cross-link lesions in
unmethylated and CpG-methylated DNA induced by Fentontype reagents, Nucleic Acids Res, 35, 4833-4844 (2007).
Haizheng Hong, Huachuan Cao and Yinsheng Wang, Formation and genotoxicity of a guanine-cytosine intrastrand
cross-link lesion in vivo, Nucleic Acids Res, 35, 7118-7127
Lijie Men, Marina Roginskaya, Yue Zou and Yinsheng
Wang, Redox-dependent formation of disulfide bonds in human replication protein A, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom,
21, 2743-2749 (2007).
Huachuan Cao, James E. Hearst, Laurence Corash and
Yinsheng Wang, LC-MS/MS for the Detection of DNA Interstrand Cross-Links Formed by 8-Methoxypsoralen and
UVA Irradiation in Human Cells, Anal. Chem. (Washington,
DC, U. S.), 80, 2932-2938 (2008).
Congfang Lai, Huachuan Cao, John E. Hearst, Laurence
Corash, Hai Luo and Yinsheng Wang, Quantitative Analysis
of DNA Interstrand Cross-Links and Monoadducts Formed
in Human Cells Induced by Psoralens and UVA Irradiation,
Anal. Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 80, 8790-8798 (2008).
Qingchun Zhang and Yinsheng Wang, High mobility
group proteins and their post-translational modifications,
Biochim. Biophys. Acta, Proteins Proteomics, 1784, 11591166 (2008).
Yinsheng Wang, Bulky DNA Lesions Induced by Reactive
Oxygen Species, Chem. Res. Toxicol, 21, 276-281 (2008).
Bifeng Yuan and Yinsheng Wang, Mutagenic and Cytotoxic Properties of 6-Thioguanine, S6-Methylthioguanine,
and Guanine-S6-sulfonic Acid, J. Biol. Chem, 283, 2366523670 (2008).
Haibo Qiu and Yinsheng Wang, Quantitative Analysis of
Surface Plasma Membrane Proteins of Primary and Metastatic Melanoma Cells, J. Proteome Res, 7, 1904-1915 (2008).
Mary Ann Rempel, Yinsheng Wang, Jeff Armstrong and
Daniel Schlenk, Uptake of estradiol from sediment by hornyhead turbot (Pleuronichthys verticalis) and effects on oxidative DNA damage in male gonads, Mar. Environ. Res, 66,
111-112 (2008).
Bifeng Yuan, Huachuan Cao, Yong Jiang, Haizheng Hong
and Yinsheng Wang, Efficient and accurate bypass of N2-(1carboxyethyl)-2’-deoxyguanosine by DinB DNA polymerase
in vitro and in vivo, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A, 105,
8679-8684 (2008).
C. Gu, Biophysical and biochemical characterizations of
oxidative intrastrand crosslink lesions of DNA and metabolites of 6-thioguanine. (D)
H. Hong, Formation and characterization of oxidative intrastrand crosslink lesions of DNA. (D)
H. Qiu, Mass spectrometry-based chemical and quantitative proteomics. (D)
L. Men, Identification and quantification of oxidative modification of peptides and proteins by mass spectrometry. (D)
Q. Zhang, Mass spectrometric studies on the post-translational modifications of high mobility group proteins, 20S
proteasome and ABH proteins. (D)
Y. Gao, Identification of chemical modifications of proteins and DNA using mass spectrometry. (D)
Y. Zeng, Photochemistry and photobiology of 5-substituted pyrimidine nucleosides in DNA. (D)
Y. Zou, Mass spectrometric study on the post-translational
modifications of high mobility group proteins in vivo and in
vitro. (D)
YIN, YADONG (b.1973) Assistant Professor. B.S,
1996, University of Science and Technology of China;
M.S, 1998, University of Science and Technology of
China; Ph.D, 2002, University of Washington. Postdoc
Fellow, 2003, University of California, Berkeley; Postdoc Fellow, 2003-2005, Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory. Materials Chemistry; Nanochemistry. My
research interest is in the fabrication, functionalization
and application of nanostructured materials whose physical properties can be widely and easily tuned by adjusting composition, size, shape, crystal structure, and surface properties. My research is oriented to understand the
formation and properties of nanostructures, design and
fabricate novel electronic and photonic devices and other
functional materials based on these nanostructures. TEL:
(951) 827-4965 FAX: (951) 827-4713
Jianping Ge, Yongxing Hu, Maurizio Biasini, Ward P.
Beyermann and Yadong Yin, Superparamagnetic magnetite
colloidal nanocrystal clusters, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed, 46,
4342-4345 (2007).
Jianping Ge, Yongxing Hu and Yadong Yin, Highly tunable superparamagnetic colloidal photonic crystals, Angew.
Chem., Int. Ed, 46, 7428-7431 (2007).
Yujie Xiong, Joseph M. McLellan, Yadong Yin and Younan Xia, Synthesis of palladium icosahedra with twinned
structure by blocking oxidative etching with citric acid or citrate ions, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed, 46, 790-794, S790/1-S790/
8 (2007).
Yujie Xiong, Honggang Cai, Yadong Yin and Younan Xia,
Synthesis and characterization of fivefold twinned nanorods
and right bipyramids of palladium, Chem. Phys. Lett, 440,
273-278 (2007).
Jianping Ge, Yongxing Hu, Maurizio Biasini, Chungli
Dong, Jinghua Guo, Ward P. Beyermann and Yadong Yin,
One-step synthesis of highly water-soluble magnetite colloidal nanocrystals, Chem.—Eur. J, 13, 7153-7161 (2007).
Sunhee Kim, Yadong Yin, A. Paul Alivisatos, Gabor A.
Somorjai and John T. Yates, Jr, IR Spectroscopic Observation of Molecular Transport through PtCoO Yolk-Shell Nanostructures, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129 (2007).
Andreu Cabot, Victor F. Puntes, Elena Shevchenko, Yadong Yin, Lluis Balcells, Matthew A. Marcus, Steven M.
Hughes and A. Paul Alivisatos, Vacancy Coalescence during
Oxidation of Iron Nanoparticles, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129,
10358-10360 (2007).
Jianping Ge, Yongxing Hu, Tierui Zhang and Yadong Yin,
Superparamagnetic Composite Colloids with Anisotropic
Structures, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 8974-8975 (2007).
Yujie Xiong, Andrew R. Siekkinen, Jinguo Wang, Yadong
Yin, Moon J. Kim and Younan Xia, Synthesis of silver nanoplates at high yields by slowing down the polyol reduction
of silver nitrate with polyacrylamide, J. Mater. Chem, 17,
2600-2602 (2007).
Yongxing Hu, Jianping Ge, Yugang Sun, Tierui Zhang and
Yadong Yin, A Self-Templated Approach to TiO2 Microcapsules, Nano Lett, 7, 1832-1836 (2007).
Hongjian Liu, Jinghua Guo, Yadong Yin, Andreas Augustsson, Chungli Dong, Joseph Nordgren, Chinglin Chang,
Paul Alivisatos, Geoff Thornton, D. Frank Ogletree, Felix G.
Requejo, O. Frank de Groot and Miquel Salmeron, Electronic
Structure of Cobalt Nanocrystals Suspended in Liquid, Nano
Lett, 7, 1919-1922 (2007).
Tierui Zhang, Jianping Ge, Yongxing Hu and Yadong Yin,
A General Approach for Transferring Hydrophobic Nanocrystals into Water, Nano Lett, 7, 3203-3207 (2007).
Andreu Cabot, Rachel K. Smith, Yadong Yin, Haimei
Zheng, Bjorn M. Reinhard, Haitao Liu and A. Paul Alivisatos, Sulfidation of Cadmium at the Nanoscale, ACS Nano, 2,
1452-1458 (2008).
Yongxing Hu, Jianping Ge, Tierui Zhang and Yadong Yin,
A Blown Film Process to Disk-Shaped Polymer Ellipsoids,
Adv. Mater, 23, 4599-4602 (2008).
Jianping Ge and Yadong Yin, Magnetically tunable colloidal photonic structures in alkanol solutions, Adv. Mater. (Weinheim, Ger.), 20, 3485-3491 (2008).
Jishan Li, Jianping Ge, Yadong Yin and Wenwan Zhong,
Multiplexed Affinity-Based Protein Complex Purification,
Anal. Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 80, 7068-7074 (2008).
Jianping Ge, Qiao Zhang, Tierui Zhang and Yadong Yin,
Porous Silica Protected Core-Satellite Nanocomposite Catalysts: Controllable Reactivity, High Stability and Magnetic
Recyclability, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 47, 8924-8928 (2008).
Tierui Zhang, Jianping Ge, Yongxing Hu, Qiao Zhang,
Shaul Aloni and Yadong Yin, Formation of hollow silica colloids through a spontaneous dissolution-regrowth process,
Angew. Chem., Int. Ed, 47, 5806-5811 (2008).
Jared M. Ashcroft, Weiwei Gu, Tierui Zhang, Steven M.
Hughes, Keith B. Hartman, Cristina Hofmann, Antonios G.
Kanaras, David A. Kilcoyne, Mark Le Gros, Yadong Yin, A.
Paul Alivisatos and Carolyn A. Larabell, TiO2 nanoparticles
as a soft X-ray molecular probe, Chem. Commun. (Cambridge, U. K.), 2471-2473 (2008).
Jianping Ge and Yadong Yin, Magnetically Responsive
Colloidal Photonic Crystals, J. Mater. Chem, 18, 5041-5045
Yongxing Hu, Jianping Ge, Donna Lim, Tierui Zhang and
Yadong Yin, Size-controlled synthesis of highly water-soluble silver nanocrystals, J. Solid State Chem, 181, 1524-1529
Jianping Ge, Yongxing Hu, Tierui Zhang, Tuan Huynh and
Yadong Yin, Self-Assembly and Field-Responsive Optical
Diffractions of Superparamagnetic Colloids, Langmuir, 24,
3671-3680 (2008).
Qiao Zhang, Tierui Zhang, Jianping Ge and Yadong Yin,
Permeable Silica Shell through Surface-Protected Etching,
Nano Lett, 8, 2867-2871 (2008).
Jianping Ge, Tuan Huynh, Yongxing Hu and Yadong Yin,
Hierarchical Magnetite/Silica Nanoassemblies as Magnetically Recoverable Catalyst-Supports, Nano Lett, 8, 931-934
ZAERA, FRANCISCO (b.1958) Professor. Licenciate, 1979, University Sim.acte.on Bol.acte.ivar (Venezuela); Ph.D, 1984, University of California, Berkeley. Assistant Physicist, 1984-1986, NSLS-Brookhaven National Laboratory. Physical Chemistry; Surface Chemistry.
Surface chemistry with emphasis on heterogeneous catalysis and materials science; use of several surface sensitive techniques including infrared absorption spectroscopy, TPD, XPS, ISS, AES, LEED and SIMS together with
molecular beams and catalytic reactors for kinetic measurements. TEL: (951) 827-5498 FAX: (951) 827-3962
Qing Zhao, Guang-Jie Zhai and Francisco Zaera, Conversion of Alcohol Oxidation on Ni(100) by Fluorine, Acta
Phys.-Chim. Sin, 23, 1447-1450 (2007).
Gabriela Perez-Osorio, Felipe Castillon, Andrey Simakov,
Hugo Tiznado, Francisco Zaera and Sergio Fuentes, Effect of
ceria-zirconia ratio on the interaction of CO with PdO/Al2O3(Cex-Zr1-x)O2 catalysts prepared by sol-gel method, Appl. Catal., B, 69, 219-225 (2007).
Zhen Ma, Ilkeun Lee and Francisco Zaera, Factors Con-
trolling Adsorption Equilibria from Solution onto Solid Surfaces: The Uptake of Cinchona Alkaloids on Platinum Surfaces, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 16083-16090 (2007).
Mingde Xu, Hugo Tiznado, Byung-Chang Kang, Menno
Bouman, Ilkeun Lee and Francisco Zaera, Mechanistic details of atomic layer deposition (ALD) processes, J. Korean
Phys. Soc, 51, 1063-1068 (2007).
Ilkeun Lee and Francisco Zaera, Infrared Spectroscopy
Characterization of the Chemistry of C4 Hydrocarbons on Pt
(111) Single-Crystal Surfaces, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, 1006210072 (2007).
Min Shen and Francisco Zaera, Thermal Chemistry of Water Adsorbed on Clean and Oxygen-Predosed V(100) SingleCrystal Surfaces, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, 13570-13578
Ricardo Morales and Francisco Zaera, Thermal Chemistry
of 1-Methyl-1-cyclohexene and Methylene Cyclohexane on
Pt(111) Single-Crystal Surfaces, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111,
18367-18375 (2007).
Min Shen, Qiang Ma, Ilkeun Lee and Francisco Zaera,
Oxygen Adsorption and Oxide Formation on V(100) Surfaces, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, 6033-6040 (2007).
Francisco Zaera, J. L. Sales, M. V. Gargiulo, M. Ciacera
and Giorgio Zgrablich, On the Formation of Nitrogen Islands
on Rhodium Surfaces, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, 7795-7800
Jarod Wilson, Hansheng Guo, Ricardo Morales, Egor Podgornov, Ilkeun Lee and Francisco Zaera, Kinetic measurements of hydrocarbon conversion reactions on model metal
surfaces, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 9, 3830-3852 (2007).
Francisco Zaera, Surface Science Studies of the Mechanism of NOx Conversion: Correlations between Kinetics in
Vacuum and Under Catalytic Conditions, Surf. Sci. Catal.
Ser, 171, 67-96 (2007).
Min Shen and Francisco Zaera, Hydrocarbon chain growth
on V(100) single-crystal surfaces via vinyl intermediates, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed, 47, 6583-6585 (2008).
Ilkeun Lee, Zhen Ma, Shinji Kaneko and Francisco Zaera,
1-(1-Naphthyl)Ethylamine Adsorption on Platinum Surfaces:
On the Mechanism of Chiral Modification in Catalysis, J.
Am. Chem. Soc, 130, 14597-14604 (2008).
Francoise Delbecq and Francisco Zaera, Origin of the Selectivity for Trans-to-Cis Isomerization in 2-Butene on Pt
(111) Single Crystal Surfaces, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 130, 1492414925 (2008).
Jarod N. Wilson, Ryan A. Pedigo and Francisco Zaera, Kinetics and Mechanism of Catalytic Partial Oxidation Reactions of Alkanes on Rhodium Surfaces, J. Am. Chem. Soc,
130, 15796-15797 (2008).
Francisco Zaera, The surface chemistry of thin film atomic
layer deposition (ALD) processes for electronic device manufacturing, J. Mater. Chem, 18, 3521-3526 (2008).
Hugo Tiznado, Menno Bouman, Byung-Chang Kang, Ilkeun Lee and Francisco Zaera, Mechanistic details of atomic
layer deposition (ALD) processes for metal nitride film
growth, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem, 281, 35-43 (2008).
Manuel A. Albiter, R. Huirache-Acuña, F. Paraguay-Delgado, Francisco Zaera and G. Alonso-Núñez, Co(Ni)/MoS2
Nanostructured Catalysts for the Hydrodesulphurization of
Dibenzothiophene, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol, 8, 6437-6444
Bjorn Brandt, Jan-Henrik Fischer, Wiebke Ludwig, Jorg
Libuda, Francisco Zaera, Swetlana Schauermann and HansJoachim Freund, Isomerization and Hydrogenation of cis-2Butene on Pd Model Catalyst, J. Phys. Chem. C, 112, 1140811420 (2008).
Ilkeun Lee, Michael K. Nguyen, Thomas H. Morton and
Francisco Zaera, Thermal Chemistry of 1,4-Difluoro-2-butenes on Pt(111) Single-Crystal Surfaces, J. Phys. Chem. C,
112, 14117-14123 (2008).
Francisco Zaera, Chiral Modification of Solid Surfaces: A
Molecular View, J. Phys. Chem. C, 112, 16196-16203
Min Shen and Francisco Zaera, Methanol adsorption on
clean and oxygen-predosed V(100) single-crystal surfaces, J.
Phys. Chem. C, 112, 1636-1644 (2008).
Franklin Anariba, Hugo Tiznado, James R. Diers, Izabela
Schmidt, Ana Z. Muresan, Jonathan S. Lindsey, Francisco
Zaera and David F. Bocian, Comprehensive Characterization
of Hybrid Junctions Comprised of a Porphyrin Monolayer
Sandwiched Between a Coinage Metal Overlayer and a Si
(100) Substrate, J. Phys. Chem. C, 112, 9474-9485 (2008).
Ilkeun Lee, Ricardo Morales, Manuel A. Albiter and Francisco Zaera, Synthesis of heterogeneous catalysts with well
shaped platinum particles to control reaction selectivity,
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A, 105, 15241-15246 (2008).
Larry Mink, Zhen Ma, Ryan A. Olsen, Joanna N. James,
David S. Sholl, Leonard J. Mueller and Francisco Zaera, The
Physico-chemical Properties of Cinchona Alkaloids Responsible for their Unique Performance in Chiral Catalysis, Top.
Catal, 48, 120-127 (2008).
Min Shen, Surface Chemistry on a V(100) Single Crystal.
Ricardo Morales Llanos, Surface Science Studies of The
Mechanism of Hydrocarbon Conversion Reactions on Pt Single Crystals. (D)
ZHANG, JINGSONG (b.1965) Professor. B.S, 1987,
University of Science and Technology of China; Ph.D,
1993, University of California, Berkeley. Postdoctoral
Fellowship, 1993, University of Southern California
(U.S.C.). Atmospheric Chemistry; Physical Chemistry.
Studies of elementary photochemical processes and reaction dynamics of small molecules and free radicals in atmospheric chemistry and combustion chemistry, use of
laser spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and molecular
beam techniques. Atmospheric chemistry and air pollution measurements. TEL: (951) 827-4197 FAX: (951)
X. Zheng, T. Wang, C. Li, Y. Chen and J. Zhang, Observation of a New 2⌺ Excited Electronic State of SF by Resonance-Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization Spectroscopy, Chinese J. Chem. Phys, 20, 372-376 (2007).
X. Zheng, Y. Song, J. Wu and J. Zhang, Near-UV Photodissociation Dynamics of Thiomethoxy Radical via Ã2A1
State: H-atom Product Channel, Chinese J. Chem. Phys, 20,
377-382 (2007).
Kevin H. Weber and Jingsong Zhang, Mechanistic Study
of Thermal Decomposition of Isoprene (2-Methyl-1,3-Butadiene) Using Flash Pyrolysis Supersonic Jet VUV Photoionization Mass Spectrometry, J. Phys. Chem. A, 111, 1148711492 (2007).
Xianfeng Zheng, Yu Song, Jingze Wu and Jingsong
Zhang, H-atom Product Channel and Mode Specificity in the
near-UV Photodissociation of Thiomethoxy Radical via the
Ã2A1 State, Chem. Phys. Lett, 467, 46-51 (2008).
Jessy M. Lemieux, Steven D. Chambreau and Jingsong
Zhang, Mixed silicon-germanium clusters, SixGeyHz, in the
gas phase by flash pyrolysis of silane and germane, Chem.
Phys. Lett, 459, 49-53 (2008).
Liming Wang and Jingsong Zhang, Quantum Chemistry
Study on Cation Structures of Fluorinated and Chlorinated
Germanes and Their Radicals, J. Phys. Chem. A, 112, 34543465 (2008).
James Hargrove and Jingsong Zhang, Measurements of
NOx, acyl peroxynitrates, and NOy with automatic interference corrections using a NO2 analyzer and gas phase titration, Rev. Sci. Instrum, 79, 046109/1-046109/3 (2008).
James Hargrove, The Application of Cavity Ring-Down
Spectroscopy to Atmospheric and Physical Chemistry. (D)
ZHONG, WENWAN (b.1974) Assistant Professor.
B.S, 1998, University of Science & Technology of China; Ph.D, 2003, Iowa State University. Post-doctoral Research Associate, 2003-2006, Los Alamos National Laboratory. Analytical Chemistry; Bioanalytical Chemistry.
The research in my group mainly focuses on two areas.
One is to develop novel bio-analytical techniques with
unique specificity and sensitivity for high-throughput detection of biomolecules and pathogens. The other area is
to investigate nanotoxicity using analytical techniques
like capillary (array) electrophoresis, chromatography,
mass spectrometry, microscopy imaging, and flow cytometry. TEL: (951) 827-4925 FAX: (951) 827-4713
Jishan Li and Wenwan Zhong, Typing of Multiple SingleNucleotide Polymorphisms by a Microsphere-Based Rolling
Circle Amplification Assay, Anal. Chem. (Washington, DC,
U. S.), 79, 9030-9038 (2007).
Wenwan Zhong, Yulin Shou, Thomas M. Yoshida and Babetta L. Marrone, Differentiation of Bacillus anthracis, B.
cereus, and B. thuringiensis by using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, Appl. Environ. Microbiol, 73, 3446-3449 (2007).
Jian He, Wenwan Zhong, Aijun Tang, Xiaomei Yan, Cris
Lewis, Vahid Majidi and Wei Hang, A fluorescence detection scheme for ultra large molecules after gas phase separation, Talanta, 71, 2126-2128 (2007).
Jishan Li, Jianping Ge, Yadong Yin and Wenwan Zhong,
Multiplexed Affinity-Based Protein Complex Purification,
Anal. Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 80, 7068-7074 (2008).
Ni Li, Jishan Li and Wenwan Zhong, CE combined with
rolling circle amplification for sensitive DNA detection,
Electrophoresis, 29, 424-432 (2008).
Jishan Li and Wenwan Zhong, A two-dimensional suspension array system by coupling field flow fractionation to flow
cytometry, J. Chromatogr., A, 1183, 143-149 (2008).
Ni Li, Anh Nguyen, Jolene Diedrich and Wenwan Zhong,
Separation of miRNA and its methylation products by capillary electrophoresis, J. Chromatogr., A, 1202, 220-223