
I would like to extend to you a warm welcome to the UWS HR Good Practice Conference –
Building sustainable HR practice in Higher Education through collaboration and innovation.
The University of Western Sydney (UWS) aspires to be an organisation that brings positive
change to the lives of our students and staff and that contributes to the development of our
UWS has benefited greatly from the implementation of the Our People 2015 Staffing Strategy.
Through Our People 2015 we have been able to introduce a wide range of improvements to
work life at UWS, contributing to our Making the Difference Strategic Plan and enhancing the
lives of our students and staff.
UWS received a grant from the Australian Government’s Workplace Productivity Program
to implement key initiatives within the Our People 2015 Staffing Strategy and to convene
a national conference. I am delighted that the UWS HR Good Practice Conference brings
together representatives from a number of Australian universities which participate in the
Workplace Productivity Program to showcase the outcomes of projects undertaken to enable
HR reform in universities.
I invite you to take this opportunity to discuss and share innovative ideas and practices in
HR, to network with your colleagues and to celebrate the diversity and talents within your
Professor Janice Reid AM
Thursday 2 December 2010
UWS Parramatta campus, building EB, ground floor room 2
8.30 – 9.10
Conference Registration
9.10 – 9.20
Welcome and overview - Professor Janice Reid, Vice-Chancellor & University President,
University of Western Sydney (UWS)
9.20 – 10.00
Opening Keynote - Dominic Thurbon, Chief Creative Officer & Co-Founder ChangeLabs
10.00 – 10.30
The Higher Education Landscape – Rhonda Hawkins, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Corporate
Strategy and Services, UWS
10.30 – 11.00
Our People 2015 overview, development and implementation of an holistic staff strategy
– Susan Hudson, Manager, Executive Projects Office & Program Manager for the
implementation of the Our People 2015 Staffing Strategy, UWS
11.00 – 11.30
Morning refreshments
11.30 – 12.15
UWS Systems implementation “Moving to online systems” – Narelle Kennedy, external
consultant to UWS on systems implementation
12.15 – 1.00
HR Systems and Processes Renewal - Mark Western, Information Systems Group, Central
Queensland University
1.00 – 2.00
2.00 – 2.45
Strategic directions in workforce planning at Charles Darwin University – Dr Scott Snyder,
Pro Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Education, Health & Science, Charles Darwin University
2.45 – 3.30
CareerNet@UOW – John Steele, Human Resources Director, UOW and David Reynolds,
Project Manager, Workplace Productivity Program, UOW
3.30 – 3.50
Afternoon refreshments
3.50 – 4.35
Standards for the Professional Practice of HR – Richard Boddington, Senior HR Consultant –
WPP (Workplace Productivity Program) Talent2 and
Dr Chris Andrews, Director of Human Resources, Bond University
Shuttle buses will leave from the Parramatta campus to hotels in Parramatta area at 5.15pm
Shuttle buses will pick delegates up from Parramatta hotels commencing 6.15 and transport
to the dinner venue
Pre-dinner drinks and Conference Networking Dinner: Sahra by the River, 2/76 Phillip Street,
Friday 3 December 2010
UWS Parramatta campus, building EB, ground floor room 2
8.30 – 9.00
Tea and coffee on arrival
9.00 – 9.10
Keynote address – Mark Jenkins APM, Assistant Commissioner, Human Resources,
New South Wales Police Force
9.10 – 9.50
Development and Evolution of the NSW Police Force Sexual Harassment Policy –
Juliet Adriaanse, Manager, Workplace Equity Unit, NSW Police Force
9.50 – 10.30
Plenary: HR in Higher Education - panel discussion
Eric Sidoti, Director, Whitlam Institute, University of Western Sydney
Jennifer Gilmore, Director, Human Resources, University of Technology Sydney
Karen Fitzpatrick, Director, Human Resources, Victoria University
Ann Tout, Director, Human Resources, University of Western Sydney
David Reynolds, Project Manager, Workplace Productivity Program, University of
10.30 – 11.00
Morning refreshments
11.00 – 11.45
Building VU Workforce Capacity – Karen Fitzpatrick, Director, Human Resources,
Victoria University and
Sarah Wood, HR Strategist, Human Resources, Victoria University
11.45 – 12.30
Career and Reward Structures for Academic and Professional Staff –
Jennifer Gilmore, Director, Human Resources, University of Technology Sydney and
Greg Giles, Manager, Organisational Development, University of South Australia
12.30 – 1.30
1.30 – 2.15
Performance Management Framework Blueprint – Martin Hanlon, Director, Planning
and Quality, University of Technology Sydney
2.15 – 3.15
Open discussion on day 2
Facilitator: Aggie Lim, Director, Organisational Development Unit, University of Western Sydney
Afternoon refreshments and conference close
Shuttle buses will take delegates to hotels in Parramatta area from 3.15pm
Disclaimer: This conference program is confirmed at the date of publication. However, we reserve the right to make changes to this
program at any time as circumstances dictate. Speakers and topics were confirmed at the time of publishing however, circumstances
beyond the control of organisers may necessitate substitution, alteration or cancellations of the speakers and/or topics.
collaborative tools and cultures to drive
organisational innovation and productivity.
Dominic Thurbon
Chief Creative Officer & Co-Founder
Dominic is Chief Creative Officer and CoFounder of international behaviour change
organisation ChangeLabs. He is a globally
consulted thought leader in the fields of
generational change, workforce trends,
the future of education and organisational
collaboration and innovation. His clients
include IBM, Johnson & Johnson Medical,
GlaxoSmithKline, the Australian Council of
Education Leaders, the Commonwealth
Bank and ING.
At ChangeLabs, Dominic has led the
design and development of some of the
most innovative behavior change initiatives
in the world, including the multi-award
winning StartSmart program, the world’s
largest face-to-face financial literacy
program which reaches over 150,000
people every year. He has also designed
programs working with teachers around
adopting technology in the classroom,
and business leaders around leveraging
Dominic graduated from the University
of Sydney with a degree in political
science, and was head of research on the
bestselling book Flip: How counterintuitive
thinking is changing everything, published
throughout North America, the UK, Europe
and Asia. He is also co-author of the
White Paper Talent Magnets: Attracting
and Retaining Top Young Staff and of the
forthcoming White Paper Game On: How
Computer Games are Changing the Way
We Live, Work and Learn.
Dominic is an inspiring, dynamic speaker
with a track record of performance at
the highest level. He has spoken across
Asia, Europe and the Middle East, and
is also a world top 10 debater, having
been grand finalist at the 2008 World
Debating Championships in Thailand. He
has built a reputation for his provocative,
entertaining and high energy style that
leaves audiences feeling entertained and
enlightened in equal measure.
His academic and professional expertise,
coupled with his international business
experience, makes Dominic an influential
thought leader who can help businesses,
educators and students shift their mindset
out of the world as it used to exist, and
into the world as it exists today.
Rhonda Hawkins
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Corporate Strategy & Services
University of Western Sydney
Rhonda is Deputy Vice-Chancellor,
Corporate Strategy and Services, at
the University Of Western Sydney.
Rhonda is Secretary to the University’s
Board of Trustees and leads the Division
of Corporate Strategy and Services
which comprises: Finance, Campus
Development, Capital Works and Facilities,
Student and Academic Administration,
Student Support Services, Strategic
Planning and Quality Management,
Management Information, Organisational
Development, Policy and Governance,
Executive Projects, Office of University
Legal Counsel, Audit and Risk
Management, Equity and Diversity, and
includes support to the Board of Trustees
and Board Committees.
Susan Hudson
Narelle Kennedy
Mark Western
Manager, Executive Projects Office and
Program Manager for the implementation
of the Our People 2015 Staffing Strategy
University of Western Sydney
External Consultant to UWS on systems
Information Systems Group
Central Queensland University (CQU)
Narelle has over 20 years experience
in the Human Resources field gained in
senior corporate HR as well as consulting
with clients in private, public and higher
education sectors. Projects have
been diverse, such as the review and
improvement of HR strategy and practice,
orientation programs and guides, capability
frameworks, recruitment strategy, learning
strategy and delivery and performance
and succession management. Consulting
clients say they particularly value Narelle’s
insight, flexibility, breadth of expertise and
her ability to establish relationships and
new concepts with management and staff.
Mark started in IT back in 1983 working in
a purely technical role. He started working
on payroll systems in 1989 at a bureau
running the payroll for all New Zealand
hospitals, 32,000 employees paid weekly.
Susan has 20 years experience in tertiary
education management across three
Australian Universities. Her experience
spans administration and management
in faculties and colleges, in student
administration and in divisional support
units. Her current role is Manager of the
Executive Projects Office at the University
of Western Sydney where her major
project involves the implementation of the
University’s staffing strategy “Our People
2015”. Susan has an undergraduate
Arts degree majoring in Communications
and a Masters degree in Leadership
and Management in Education. She is a
graduate member of the Australian Institute
of Company Directors.
Mark commenced working with Concept
Systems (Alesco) through the 90’s
as technical resource, pre-sales and
implementation consultant and did the
Concept implementations at Waikato
University and Victoria University in New
Zealand. He then moved onto a number of
contract roles, converting a payroll bureau
and also performing the HR/payroll data
conversions. Mark is qualified as an Oracle
and Microsoft database analyst.
Mark then took on a role with PayGlobal
doing HR/payroll systems implementation
and ongoing consulting work before going
back as an independent consultant and
implemented the HR/payroll system,
designed and implemented OLAP
reporting cubes for the ASB Bank. Once
this project was finished Mark went back
to working for another company as lead
Project Manager and systems implementer
for HR/payroll systems. In 2007 he got
sick of the NZ weather and moved to
Rockhampton as a Business Analyst for
CQU and took over as Project Manager
for the upgrade and roll out of Alesco and
Web Self Service under the Work Place
Productivity Grant and currently works as a
full-time Project Manager with nine current
projects underway.
Key Messages
Change the way CQU views and utilises
its HR information systems. Significantly
re-engineer and improve the associated
business processes, providing greater
intereaction by targeting areas which
involve complex manual procedures. The
utilisation of HR information and systems
as a tool to support and promote the
strategic development of human resources
and the University.
Dr Scott Snyder
John Steele
Pro Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of
Education, Health & Science
Charles Darwin University
Human Resources Director
University of Wollongong
Dr Snyder is currently Executive Dean,
Faculty of Education, Health & Science
at Charles Darwin University, on a twelve
month secondment. His substantive role
is Executive Director, Corporate Services
at that University, a position he has held
for 6 1/2 years. Dr Snyder has led four
enterprise bargaining rounds at Charles
Darwin University, a dual-sector institution
with a single collective agreement covering
all staff (General / Higher Education /
Vocational Education and Training).
Key Messages
Charles Darwin University is in the process
of making a number of strategic workforce
planning changes. For academic staff, this
includes taking advantage of the dual-sector
nature of the University in order to change
the nature of workforce planning in relation
to improving staff career opportunities
and providing greater flexibility around
workload development. This presentation
will discuss these strategic changes along
with a number of the systems developments
supported by WPP that enable it.
John is currently Director of HR at the
University of Wollongong where he has
executive responsibility for the recruitment,
staff services, benefit administration, HR
policy and planning, professional and
organisational development, staff relations
and health and safety portfolios. Prior
to joining the University of Wollongong
in 2002 John held senior HR positions
at universities in Australia and the UK.
Before coming to the Higher Education
Sector in the 1990s he worked in senior
specialist industrial relations roles in the
health insurance and gas reticulation
industries. John has also worked as a
consultant to the Queensland Government
and taught in undergraduate and
postgraduate academic programs in the
areas of human resource management,
organisational psychology, industrial
relations practice and employment law at
Griffith University, QUT and the University
of Western Sydney, Macarthur. He has
broad experience across all aspects of the
Human Resources function
David Reynolds
Richard Boddington
Project Manager, Workplace Productivity
University of Wollongong
Senior HR Consultant – WPP (Workplace
Productivity Program)
Talent 2
David has worked for the University of
Wollongong (UOW) as an Organisational
Development Consultant since 2002. Prior
to joining the University David operated
as a private consultant and worked in the
Retail Industry as a trainer. At UOW David
is currently seconded to the role of Project
Manager for the Workplace Productivity
Program. In this role, David has
implemented two iterations of the UOW
Workforce Survey using the “Voice Project”
climate survey instrument. His major focus
in 2010 has been the scoping, design
and implementation of the University’s staff
portfolio and career management system.
Richard’s comprehensive human
resources background encompasses
experience in the private and public
sectors of Australia and Papua New
Guinea, as an internal and external Human
Resources specialist at operational and
strategic levels. He has provided advice,
coaching and support for managers and
staff on areas including: attraction and
selection; performance management;
learning and development, and all aspects
of HR policies, guidelines and procedures
including information and clarification of
Appointments include:
Key Messages
The design and development of a staff
portfolio and career management system
at UOW
»» HR Manager, Housing Commission of
»» HR Development Manager, Melbourne
»» HR Development Manager, Redland City
»» Manager, HR Consulting, Coopers &
Lybrand WD Scott
At Talent2, he has been a co-contributor
to the development of national advisory
HR Standards for Australian Universities.
Standards set the basis for quality
assessment, performance examination
and for demonstrating to stakeholders that
value for money is being achieved.
Richard’s HR career is complemented by
an audit focus in undertaking process and
business improvement reviews; assessing
efficiency, effectiveness and economy of
departmental operations; and providing
recommendations that improve operations,
systems, governance and controls.
He graduated in Economics (Monash)
and Education (Melbourne); completed
a Master of Educational Psychology at
UQ; is a member of the Institute of Internal
Auditors (Australia), and has been a
registered Psychologist in Queensland.
Dr Chris Andrews
Eric Sidoti
Ann Tout
Director of Human Resources
Bond University
Director, Whitlam Institute
University of Western Sydney
Acting Director HR, UWS
Chris is the Director of Human Resources
at Bond University. His doctoral research
focussed on human resource performance
auditing. From that beginning he developed
a further interest in HR Standards in the
higher education context.
Key Messages
Develop standards for the professional
practice of HR in Australian universities to
set the basis for staff quality assessment,
performance examination, and international
Eric has been actively engaged in public
policy development, strategic planning
and communications throughout his
career. For over a decade, prior to his
appointment at the Whitlam Institute, Eric
has managed Strategic options and his
own small consultancy. This enabled
him to develop long-term relationships
with a small number of clients, principally
the Dusseldorp Skills Forum and the
Australian Red Cross in addition to
the Enterprise and Careers Education
Foundation, Greening Australia and Job
Futures. He has been engaged in projects
across a broad range of policy fields
(education, training and employment,
human rights, development, Indigenous
land rights and education, humanitarian
law and conflict, and welfare issues).
Eric was the Executive Director of the
Human Rights Council of Australia
(HRCA) 1992–1995, Communications
Director of Amnesty International
Australia 1987–1992 and National
Secretary of the Catholic Commission
for Justice and Peace 1985–1987.
Ann’s association with UWS over the last
5 years initially began as a Consultant
to the UWS Senior Executive before
stepping into the role of Acting Director
HR in August 2010. Ann has more
than 20 years in human resources and
general management in the community,
private and public sectors including
Energy and the Environment, Food and
Beverage, and Banking. More recently
her consultancy business includes
providing Executive Coaching, Mentoring
and general organisational consulting
to universities, the ATO, NSW Health
and government departments.
Ann holds a BA, GradDipApplSci
(Psychology of Coaching)
In 2008 Mark was appointed as General
Manager of Human Resource, Special
Projects, completing a Senior Leadership
Program with the Scottish Police in
2009, at which time he also undertook
a three-week attachment to the British
Transport Police, United Kingdom,
examining strategy development,
deployment, intelligence, counter
terrorism prevention and response.
Mark Jenkins APM
Assitant Commissioner, Human Resources
New South Wales Police Force
Mark joined the New South Wales Police
Force in 1981 working general duties up
until 1985 when he moved into special
criminal investigations. In 1994 he was
appointed as the Senior Investigator
on the TASK Force Gap, investigating
the murder of John Newman MP, and
subsequent arrest. He was appointed
as Crime Manager 1999 to Castle Hill
Area Command, moving to Holroyd,
Macquarie Fields and Blacktown Local
Area Commands throughout his career.
Mark was seconded to the Australian
Crime Commission as Head of
Investigations, Firearms and Trafficking
in 2003 and promoted to Commander
of the Counter Terrorist Coordination
Command in 2004, where he assumed
responsibility for intelligence collection
and proactive investigation of terrorist
related matters, as well as responsibility
for dignitary protection, protective security
intelligence and critical infrastructure.
Mark was appointed to Director,
Corporate Human Resources (Assistant
Commissioner), temporary, in 2010.
Mark has been awarded many
honours, including:
»» Australian Police Medal in the
Australia Days Honours List 2007 for
Distinguished Service
»» National Medal and First Clasp
»» NSW Police Medal and Third Clasp
»» Commissioner’s Commendation for
Leadership of Operation Pendennis
»» Commissioner’s Unit Citation for
Operation Pendennis
»» Commissioner’s Unit Citation for service
during APEC
Mark holds a Master of Public Policy
from Charles Sturt University, and has
completed an Executive Leadership
Program at Manly Police College.
Juliet Adriaanse
Manager, Workplace Equity Unit
New South Wales Police Force
Juliet is legally qualified with extensive
experience in strategic HR and industrial
relations. For nearly 10 years she worked
in the NSW Department of Education
and Training involved in large scale
industrial arbitrations and involved in
reforms to teacher performance and
conduct following the recommendations
of the Wood Royal Commission.
She has worked as a committee
officer for the Standing Committee on
Parliamentary Privilege and Ethics in
the NSW Legislative Council and in the
Family Violence area with the Department
of Aboriginal Affairs. At the Department
of Premier and Cabinet Juliet held the
position of Assistant Director, Employee
Relations Policy and Advice being involved
in a number of high profile public sector
wage negotiations and the challenges
of the electricity privatisation issues.
Juliet has been Manager of the NSWPF
Workplace Equity Unit since December
2008 responsible for the implementation
of significant procedural and cultural
change reforms following the report by
Chris Ronalds SC into sexual harassment
and sex discrimination in the NSWPF.
Karen Fitzpatrick
Director, Human Resources
Victoria University
Karen Fitzpatrick commenced at
Victoria University (VU) in July 2007
as Director Human Resources and
has overall responsibility for all HR
functions including workforce planning,
industrial relations, organisational
development and HR services.
Karen joined VU after an assignment
as Group Human Resources Manager
at Repco Ltd. Karen’s previous roles
include senior human resource positions
at the Victorian Employers Chamber of
Commerce and Industry, the ANZ Banking
Group and at the City of Melbourne.
Karen has also held positions in
academia, including periods as an Industry
Partnership Adviser at Deakin University
and as a Senior Lecturer in the School of
Management at RMIT. She is also a former
Director of the TAFE Development Centre
Karen holds a Bachelor of Business
Degree from RMIT and a Graduate
Diploma of Human Resource Management
from Victoria College (now Deakin
University). She has also trained in
Mediation and Alternative Dispute
Resolution at Melbourne University.
Sarah Wood
HR Strategist
Victoria University
Sarah joined VU’s HR Department in
February 2004 as a Senior Project Officer
with responsibility for the development
and implementation of HR policies and
projects. Key achievements in this role
included the development of the Staff
Code of Conduct in 2005, implementation
of a University-wide staff performance and
development planning framework in 2006,
and the preparation of VU’s application for
Workplace Productivity Program funding
in 2007. Sarah was the Manager of the
Workforce Policy and Projects area within
HR between 2007 and 2009 before acting
as General Manager HR Advisory Services
for 12 months. In September 2010, she
took up the newly created role of HR
Strategist which aims to provide high
level strategic planning methodology and
advice on workforce policies, initiatives and
strategies in developing a contemporary
HR function for the University.
Before joining VU, Sarah was an HR
Consultant at Curtin University from
1998 until 2003 and has over 20 years
experience in HR generalist and project
Sarah holds a Bachelor of Arts degree
from University of Nottingham, UK, a
Postgraduate Diploma in HR Management
from the University of Westminster UK and
a Diploma of Business Management from
Victoria University.
Key Messages
The outcomes and progress made on the
projects undertaken to equip managers
and staff with the right skills to implement
the Making VU Strategy, in particular the
development and implementation of a
Leadership and Management Capability
Framework, the revamp of the Staff
Induction framework, the development of
a Managers Toolkit, and the Leadership
programs provided for General Staff.
Jennifer Gilmore
Director, Human Resources
University of Technology Sydney
Jennifer has been the Director of Human
Resources at University of Technology
Sydney (UTS) since 2003. Jennifer came
to UTS with over 15 years experience in
HR in roles such as HR Manager European
Programs for Cable and Wireless where
she was involved in the acquisition,
integration and development of 19 IT/
communications businesses to form a new
region of the global organisation. Prior to
this she held a range of both generalist
and specialist HR roles at Optus and
UNSW. She is a graduate of the University
of Sydney (BA Hons) and of the University
of Western Sydney (M. Commerce in
Employment Relations).
Greg Giles
Martin Hanlon
Aggie Lim
Manager, Organisational Development,
HR Unit
University of South Australia
Director, Planning and Quality
University of Technology Sydney
Director, Organisational Development Unit
University of Western Sydney
Martin has overseen development of the
University’s current strategic plan and
KPI framework and enhancement of its
business intelligence system. Before
joining UTS in 2004 Martin was Director
Corporate Planning and Performance at
a NSW government agency. Martin is
also a Board member of Youth Challenge
Aggie has over 16 years’ experience in
the Higher Education sector including her
current position as Director Organisational
Development at UWS and previous
positions as Manager Staff Support
and Development at the University of
Sydney and Director of Professional and
Continuing Education at the University
of Adelaide. She has an extensive
background working in both the private
(financial), public (health and education),
and non-profit sectors (community
education). Along with her team at the
Organisational Development Unit, Aggie
provides OD consultancy services to
senior managers, teams and individuals
in facilitating and building sustainable
organisational, group and individual
capabilities for leadership, change,
performance and well-being.
Greg is currently the Manager of
Organisational Development in the Human
Resources Unit at the University of South
Australia and has occupied this role since
2003. Among his previous roles were
Co-ordinator: Organisational Learning,
Chancellery, UniSA (2000–02), Executive
Officer to the Vice-Chancellor, UniSA
(1997–99); Executive Officer to the Deputy
Vice-Chancellor, UniSA (1995–97). Prior
to this Greg was a professional researcher
for student organisations at the University
of South Australia (1991–95), University
of New South Wales (1984–90) and
Macquarie University (1982–84).
Key Messages
Develop career and reward structure
for academic and professional staff
in universities that provide flexibility
and encourages improved individual
performance outcomes linked to desired
organisational objectives
Key Messages
Deliver an integrated performance
management capability for the University
to support decision making through
monitoring key performance indicators and
consolidating various business intelligence
and planning systems
Principal sponsors
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