SLSCB BUSINESS PLAN – ACTIONS, TIMESCALES, OUTCOMES AND RAG RATINGS PRIORITY 1a Early Help and Prevention Strategic Lead from SLSCB Executive: Nancy Barber/Jill King (BHFT) Chair of Quality and Performance Sub Group OBJECTIVES: SLSCB to take a robust role in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Early Intervention Strategy. To improve the effectiveness of universal services to reduce the number of children requiring early help and targeted services To reduce the number of children referred into child protection and other specialist safeguarding services though more effective integrated early help that improves outcomes for CYP Specific Actions 1. To ensure that the Early Intervention Strategy addresses safeguarding priorities by engaging in the consultation on, and agreement to, the Strategy. 2. Support the implementation of the Early Response Hub to ensure that safeguarding priorities are to the fore. Allocation of Munro training monies to support programme of multiagency training to support effective implementation of Early Response Hub operation Timescale/ Target Strategy agreed and in place by April 2012 Training programme to run across financial year 2012/13 Lead Chair of SLSCB Pan-Berkshire Training SubGroup and Early Intervention Sub Group of Children’s Partnership Output/Outcome measurement Strategy agreed and in place by April 2012. (Agreement to strategy secured at joint meeting of SLSCB and CP on 11th April 2012) Target number of staff across each agency? RAG rating Evaluation of staff understanding/operational effectiveness Early help data in scorecard. 1 3. Support the implementation of the Referral Hub co-ordinated by Thames Valley Police. Receive first evaluation of operation of Hub and determine if further actions required to secure operational effectiveness. Evaluation of Jim Reeves Hub to be received in June/July 2012 Review of Hub operation completed by September 2012 Any new arrangements in place by September/Oct ober 2012 4. Monitoring of the impact of Early Intervention Strategy in terms of their effectiveness in delivering early help and the planned reduction in the numbers of children referred into child protection/tier 3 and 4 services Performance Chair of Quality scorecard and Performance reporting to all Sub-Group meetings of the Quality and Performance Sub-Group, Executive and SLSCB Targets set on indicators met Evaluation reported to SLSCB July 2012 SLSCB and other partnership responses secured by September 2012 Any responsive action taken by September October 2012 Reduction in number of inappropriate referrals to Duty Team. Report back to SLSCB in December Performance Data Overall: Proportions of child population in tier 1, 2, 3 and 4 services Rate of referrals into child protection Number of children ‘stepped down’ from tier 3 and 4 into tier 2, Early Help provision Specific data: 1. Incidence of bullying reported in schools and 2 other settings 2. The number of CAFs carried out 3. The proportion of referrals received by children’s social care that already have a CAF/Proportion that do not 4. Repeat incidents of domestic abuse where children live in the household 5. MARAC Data – number of cases reviewed/repeat rate/number of children in the household 6. Number of children that have run away from home/care 7. Repeat attendance at hospital A&E and analysis of ‘walk-in’ centre data 8. Health Visitor initial home visit data – % of visits taking place within required timescales and number triggering crossagency referral Qualitative evidence 1. Multi-agency audit of 3 CAFs – testing multiagency engagement in assessment and service delivery 2. Multi-agency audit of referrals into child protection with and without CAFs Priority 1b: Quality support to children that require formal child protection and/or care Strategic Lead: Assistant Director, Children, Young People and Families To secure efficient and effective safeguarding practice when children are in the child protection and care services both in terms of adherence to working together requirements, timeliness of action and quality of provision To secure quality partner contributions to services/support to children who have a child protection plan or are in the care of the local authority. To assess the effectiveness of partner contributions in securing improved outcomes Specific Actions Timescale/ Lead Target To receive reports on and to scrutinise and Performance Chair of Quality challenge all actions within the Safeguarding scorecard and Performance Improvement Plan in relation to ‘Social Care reporting to all Sub-Group Practice’ and ‘Capacity and Capability’ meetings of the Quality and Performance Sub-Group, Executive and SLSCB Output/Outcome measurement Overall performance outcomes sought: RAG rating Effective safeguarding practice Reduction in the number of children in both child protection and care Performance Data: Targets set on indicators met Contact, Referral and 4 Assessment 1. Total number of contacts received by social care 2. Total number of referrals received by social care 3. Source of referrals 4. Number/% of referrals that progress to Initial Assessment (IAs) 5. Rate of IAs completed within 7 days 6. Conversion of IAs to Core Assessments(CAs) 7. Rate of CAs completed within 35 days 8. Number of Section 47 enquiries 9. Number of Section 47 enquiries proceeding to CP conference Child Protection 1. Number of children subject to Child Protection Plan (CPP) 2. Categories of abuse – number and rate – across Neglect, Physical, Emotional, Sexual, Multiple 3. CPP reviews within timescale 4. CPPs ceasing after 2 5 5. Number of children subject to a CPP for a second or subsequent time 6. Ethnicity of children subject to CPP 7. CPP cases allocated to a QSW 8. Attendance of agencies at core groups 9. Engagement of agencies in CPPs Looked After Children 1. Number of children in care 2. Number of children looked after with more than three placements in a year 3. % of under-16s that have been in care for at least 2.5 years that are in stable placements 4. % of LAC care plans that include clear outcomes that are understood by children and parents 5. Number of LAC who have visited the dentist within last 12 months 6. Number of LAC that have had their annual 6 7. Educational Achievement data for LAC at KS2 and KS4 8. Care Leaver accommodation data: With parents/relatives With former foster carer Supported lodgings Independent living 9. % of LAC that participated in their LAC Review 10. % of LAC with allocated qualified social worker Undertake audits to qualitatively test the quality of service provision. Multi-Agency Audits The effectiveness of Core Groups in defining and reviewing outcomes that facilitate ‘stepdown’ of cases to earlier help services; The effectiveness of permanency planning for children under-5 in care. 7 Priority 2: Targeting Areas of Risk in Slough Strategic Lead: Jim Reeves, Thames Valley Police Objectives: To improve performance on Domestic Abuse and Children Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking To investigate the need for action on E-Safety, Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol Misuse, forced marriage/FGM/Honourbased violence/unlicensed circumcision/fabricated illness and Neglect. Specific Actions Timescale/ Target Lead RAG rating Performance data Domestic Abuse Test whether all agencies have appropriate arrangements in place to identify and respond to incidents of domestic abuse. Output/Outcome measurement Monitor data on scorecard as above Sophie WingKing 1. Repeat incidents of domestic abuse where children live in the household Domestic Abuse audit Support the implementation of the Referral Hub coordinated by Thames Valley Police, receive reports on its performance and take any actions arising from See 1a 3. above Jim Reeves See 1a 3. above review of performance Child Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation 1. Establish sub-group to lead on CSE/Children Missing 2. Develop and effective local strategy to ensure that there is a co-ordinated response 3. Map level of prevalence/need in Slough June/July 2012 Jim Reeves/Helen July/August Gore 2012 April – July Sub Group established Strategy agreed and published Data presented to SLSCB 8 4. Report to SBC Scrutiny Committee 5. Monitor ongoing prevalence and responses 6. Increase understanding and awareness of CSE/Trafficking 7. Safeguard and promote the welfare of groups of children that are potentially more vulnerable on basis of needs analysis. 8. Establish effective links with other local authorities and national agencies 2012 July 2012 Scorecard reporting to all Board cycles Develop training and awareness programme Ongoing monitoring of scorecard Berkshire and TV Chairs meetings Report to SBC Scrutiny Scorecard reporting to SLSCB Training evaluations reported Scorecard reporting E-Safety During 2012/13 the following will be undertaken in preparation: identification of lead person investigative work to assess prevalence; audit work undertaken in neighbouring/similar authorities Work to be Julian King-Harris Report to determine whether completed by area becomes a priority in January 2013 2013/14 to enable consideration for Business Plan 2013/14 + Mental Health – including parental mental health During 2012/13 the following will be undertaken in preparation: identification of lead person investigative work to assess prevalence; audit work undertaken in neighbouring/similar authorities Work to be Jill King completed by January 2013 to enable consideration for Business Plan 2013/14 + Report to determine whether area becomes a priority in 2013/14 9 Drugs and Alcohol Misuse During 2012/13 the following will be undertaken in preparation: identification of lead person investigative work to assess prevalence; audit work undertaken in neighbouring/similar authorities Work to be Julia Wales completed by January 2013 to enable consideration for Business Plan 2013/14 + Report to determine whether area becomes a priority in 2013/14 Work to be Sophie Wingcompleted by King January 2013 to enable consideration for Business Plan 2013/14 + Report to determine whether area becomes a priority in 2013/14 Geoff Gurney Work to be completed by January 2013 to enable consideration for Business Plan 2013/14 + Report to determine whether area becomes a priority in 2013/14 Forced marriage, genital mutilation, honourbased violence, unlicensed circumcision and fabricated illness During 2012/13 the following will be undertaken in preparation: identification of lead person investigative work to assess prevalence; audit work undertaken in neighbouring/similar authorities Neglect During 2012/13 the following will be undertaken in preparation: identification of lead person investigative work to assess prevalence; audit work undertaken in neighbouring/similar authorities 10 Priority 3: Board Effectiveness Strategic Lead: Paul Burnett, Interim Independent Chair of the SLSCB Objectives: To implement recommendations from C4EO Review of SLSCB To implement new governance arrangements To agree budget to enable SLSCB to operate effectively To implement the new business plan To implement robust quality assurance and performance management framework including: performance data multi agency audits communication and engagement with service users communication and engagement with front line staff To improve commissioning of services that provides better outcomes from partnership working To act on proposing arising from Munro, new Ofsted frameworks for inspection etc Specific Actions C4EO review Timescale/ Target August 2012 Lead Independent Chair Output/Outcome measurement All actions implemented RAG rating Implement all actions from Audrey Williamson’s C4EO Review of SLSCB (See annex 1 for detailed list of actions and current RAG rating Governance Agree new governance arrangements for Board, Executive and Sub-Groups April 2012 Independent Chair New governance arrangements in place Agree constitution, all TOR, operating frameworks June 2012 Independent Chair All paperwork in place 11 SLSCB meets statutory requirements of Working Together Effective partnership engagement and performance March 2013 Independent Chair Proxy measure through attendance rates at meetings SLSCB able to evidence it own impact on performance in safeguarding and promoting the well-being of children and young people. Budget March 2013 Independent Chair As evidenced by scorecard and audits Agree formula for agency contributions. April 2012 Independent Chair Formula agreed Agree overall budget requirement to deliver functions/support April 2012 Total budget agreed Calculate and secure agency contributions July 2012 Identify other resources – both financial and ‘in kind’ that are being invested by agencies in support of SLSCB activity Business Plan July 2012 Budget commitment secured Resources identified and secured Formulate and secure agreement to the Business Plan April 2012 Independent Chair Business Plan in place Ensure effective communication of the Plan to all constituent agencies and secure the relevant support/resource deployment to enable all actions July 2012 Independent chair Plan circulated and support secured 12 to be delivered Monitor performance against the Business All cycles of Board Business Manager Reports to Quality and Performance, Executive and SLSCB Revise the existing Quality Assurance and Performance framework to reflect the outcomes of this Business Plan. June 2012 Q+P Sub Group New scorecard in place Ensure robust performance reporting from all agencies. Quarterly reporting of data from all agencies Q+P Sub Group All scorecard reports completed Ensure that the SLSCB is provided with exception reporting on performance that is ‘Red’ on the RAG rating by the Quality and Performance Sub-Group Multi-Agency Audit Programme Reports to all SLSCB meetings Q+P Sub Group All scorecard reports completed for SLSCB meetings April 2012 Q+P Sub Group Audit and action plans completed Quality and Performance Management Carry out the agreed programme of multi-agency audits as follows: The effectiveness of the CAF in securing effective multi-agency ‘early help’; The effectiveness of CAF in reducing referrals for child protection The effectiveness of Core Groups in defining and reviewing outcomes that facilitate ‘stepdown’ of cases to earlier help services; The effectiveness of permanency planning for children under-5s in care. The effectiveness of multi-agency responses to domestic abuse. April 2012 August 2012 November 2012 To be confirmed 13 Complete the analysis of Section 11 compliance across all agencies, secure action plans from those agencies not compliant and monitor performance against these action plans May 2012 Q & P Sub Group Run second Section 11 audit May – July 2012 Pan Berkshire Section 11 group Work with Children’s Partnership, Safer Slough Partnership and Health and Well-Being Board to ensure that safeguarding requirements cross-cut all commissioning plans for services to children, young people and families. April – July 2012 Independent Chair Present SLSCB Business Plan and SLSCB Annual Report to these partnerships to secure understanding of key safeguarding priorities to be reflected in commissioning plans. July/August 2012 Support cross-partnership scrutiny and challenge of plans and subsequent performance March 2013 Commissioning Alignment Links between strategic partnerships secured Incorporate proposals from Munro/new inspection frameworks 14 Priority 4: Communication and Engagement – Raising the Profile of the SLSCB Strategic Lead: Julie Penney, CAFCASS Objectives are to improve communication and engagement with: Children and young people Communities Front line staff Partner agencies Specific Actions Set up Communications and Engagement SubGroup to lead this work Timescale/ Target June 2012 Lead Business Manager Output/Outcome measurement Communication and Engagement Sub-Group in place RAG rating Children and Young People Formulate and agree an CYP Communication and Engagement strategy Chair of Comms and Engagement Sub-Group Strategy in place Review with existing children and young people’s engagement arrangements to determine the extent to which SLSCB engagement can be secured through existing routes and put in place arrangements to secure this. Review undertaken Following review above consider whether any bespoke arrangements need to be put in place for SLSCB Bespoke arrangements in place Feedback secured 15 Secure feedback from engagement activities into the Business Planning process for 2013/14 Evidence of views of children and young people influencing strategic priorities, business plan objectives, service improvements. SLSCB receiving views of children and young people from specifically vulnerable groups – including those with CPPs and LAC. Evidence of children and young peoples views of services at the point of delivery e.g. CYP views on LAC reviews. Communities Develop a community communication and engagement strategy to raise awareness of safeguarding across the Borough. Appoint Lay Members to represent community perspectives and devise a programme of work for lay members to engage with communities and represent community perspective in the main Board May 2012 Chair of Comms and Engagement Sub-Group Strategy in place Business Manager Lay Members recruited Evidence of views of community influencing strategic priorities, business plan objectives, service improvements. 16 SLSCB receiving views of specifically vulnerable communities. Front-line staff Develop and implement communication and engagement strategy for front line staff to raise awareness of the Board, its priorities, their role in implementing these priorities. March 2013 Chair of Comms and Engagement Sub-Group Enabling engagement of front-line staff in business of the Board to incorporate a front-line perspective in planning and implementation of change/improvement Evidence of community views of services at the point of delivery Front-line staff communication and engagement strategy in place. Staff surveys to test awareness and engagement. Evidence of views of frontline staff influencing strategic priorities, business plan objectives, service improvements. SLSCB receiving views front line staff e.g. through multiagency audit processes Partner agencies Develop and introduce communication and engagement strategy that: Chair of Comms and Engagement Sub-Group Communication and engagement strategies in place. 17 Better informs chief officers of partner agencies about the business, priorities, work and impact of the SLSCB Better informs managers across the Partnership of the business, priorities, work and impact of the SLSCB Survey evidence to test effectiveness of communication and engagement activity Consider means by which partner agencies can better inform the SLSCB of key developments, priorities, work and impact in their individual organisations 18 Priority 5: Workforce Development Strategic Lead: Bev Searle PCT Objective: To ensure appropriate training and development provision in place across all levels from induction to specialist safeguarding provision All partner agencies responsible for providing relevant staff with appropriate safeguarding induction and basic level training March 2013 All SLSCB agencies % of relevant staff new starters CRB checked No. of allegations against staff SLSCB – through East Berkshire Training SubGroup to formulate and deliver programme of multiagency training and specialist training to reflect needs identified in Business Plan July 2012 Jathinder Matharu Proportion of relevant staff trained to Level 1/2 Proportion of relevant staff trained to Level 3/4 Proportion of relevant staff trained to Level 5+ This quantitative data to be supplemented by regular reporting from training evaluation processes covering: Relevance, currency and accuracy of training content Quality of training delivery Short, medium and longer term outcomes 19 Impact on Working Together and interagency partnership working Twice yearly reports from LADOs with agreed data set 20 APPENDIX 1 ACTION LOG FOR C4EO RECOMMENDATIONS No. 1 2 3 4 5 The SLSCB and Children’s Partnership should develop a programme of key issues and themes to be scrutinised by SLSCB, for example Early Intervention services as recommended in the Munro Report. Slough Health and Well-being Board to consider inviting the chair of SLSCB to sit on the Board to ensure that safeguarding children continues to be a priority. Action to be taken Completed at Joint Meeting 11.4.2012 Draft protocol has been drafted and will be presented to the Slough Well-Being Board in December 2012 Slough Safer Partnership and SLSCB to agree reporting There is now regular arrangements on issues of joint concern such as Domestic representation from the SSP at Abuse the SLSCB and sharing of the Annual Plans has been undertaken Lead Member for Children’s Services, Chief Executive, the Process agreed and reports DCS, Chief Constable, Thames Valley Police and Chief taking place Executive of NHS Berkshire to receive regular reports from the Chair of SLSCB on multi-agency safeguarding issues in Slough. SLCSB to agree with NHS Berkshire on reporting arrangements through the newly established Quality and Risk Group. SAB and SLSCB to agree reporting arrangements for brief updates on issues of joint concern. RAG rating Completed In process In process Completed Arrangements agreed – BHFT chairing the Sub-Group Completed In process 7 Meeting held between chairs and Directors and priorities for action agreed – joint meeting being planned Sub group terms of reference and work plan to be agreed by Completed Completed 8 9 the Executive Board. Reporting schedule to be agreed and monitored. Executive Board to consider how to progress Completed Completed 6 RECOMMENDATION Completed the Sub-Group established and 21 10 11 12 13 first meeting to be held on 13.6.2012 Procedure now in place and operational Completed Report presented to SLSCB at July meeting Completed Head of Service has agreed to report to Q+P Appointment completed with partner engagement In process Completed 14 Delivery of short development session, facilitated by the author Event held in January of this review by January 2012 to agree priorities. Completed 15 Business plan to include implementation of the Business Plan includes all recommendations from this report that are agreed by the C4EO recommendations Improvement Board. Completed 16 Business Plan to be monitored at the Executive Board on a Business Plan is being quarterly basis. reported to both Executive and Completed 17 18 19 20 Communication and Engagement Strategy within existing resources. SLSCB Representatives on Berkshire wide and East Berkshire sub groups to be confirmed and to formally report back to the Executive on progress. CDOP representative to submit a report by the end of the financial year with recommendations on informing frontline staff on lessons learned. Audits from the mental health services to be reported to the Quality and Performance sub group. Partners continue to play a full role in the next round of recruitment of the Independent Chair. Board in every cycle Development session as recommended above (12) to reEvent held in January and new present constitution and roles and responsibilities of SLSCB governance and constitution members agreed LSCB budget to be increased through additional contributions Increased contributions for from Thames valley Police and Slough Borough Council. both 2011/12 and 2012/13 are received The post of LSCB manager to be re-designed to become full- No action to date since budget time and requiring a qualification related to safeguarding work. not yet secured in full – dependent on school contributions to SLSCB The Budget to become a Standing Item on the LSCB Executive Budget is being reported to all agenda to enable partners to agree and monitor spending meetings of Executive and Completed Completed In process Completed 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 Board SLSCB to progress recruitment of Lay Members Two lay members are appointed are currently receiving induction and will attend their first Board meeting in December. School representative to sit on the Executive Board. School contributions to Board are now agreed and place on Executive has been allocated. Schools will determine who takes up the place TVP to consider level of senior representation on SLSCB Agreed SLSCB to monitor attendance at the SLSCB Partnership Attendance is being recorded Forum, Executive Board and Sub Groups and agree standard of attendance. Chair of SLSCB to formally follow-up failure to meet the agreed Arrangement in place standard with heads of agencies. Development session as recommended above to agree the Agreements to both level of above and prioritisation of attendance at SLSCB representation and target Completed In process Completed Completed Completed Completed attendance levels are agreed 27 SLSCB to relook at the performance information it receives with All in place a view to developing a multi-agency data set that will comply with the Munro recommendations. Completed 28 Further work is undertaken to enable SLSCB to make full use All in place with new scorecard of this dataset to develop an understanding of the operation of the whole system. Development session as recommended above to clarify roles Event held and roles and and responsibilities. responsibilities clarified in new Completed 29 31 TOR and constitution Communication and challenge to be addressed in a short Event held and challenge development session as recommended above. culture agreed Evaluation of Safeguarding Event to be reported to the Done 32 Executive Board of SLSCB, December 2011. The impact and progress of the wider Improvement Plan on 30 Arrangements in place through Completed Completed Completed Completed 23 practitioners understanding of their responsibilities in safeguarding to be considered by the Executive Board at SLSCB on a regular basis. scorecard and audit reporting Updated 7.12.12 24