Equation of Motion In Dynamic Equilibrium In Static Equilibrium Elastic Waves in solids (Longitudinal Wave) Also called dilatational waves Particle motion and wave motion are in the same direction Play Animation Elastic Waves in solids (Transverse Wave) Also called equivolumnal waves Particle motion and wave motion are perpendicular to each other Play Animation 1. Flexural Waves 2. Shear (Distortional) Waves Animation of longitudinal and transverse stress pulses Elastic Waves in solids (Interfacial Waves) Play Animation 1. Rayleigh Waves (On a free surface) 2. Love Waves (Interfaces of layered media) 3. Stoneley Waves (On an internal surface) Elastic Wave Speeds 1. Flexural Waves Elastic Waves during earthquakes Play Animation Note the velocity of the three waves. Also surface waves cause most damage because they attenuate the slowest. The epicenter can be located by knowing the time separation between the waves and by triangulation Reflection and transmission of elastic waves The acoustic impedance of A and B are different. In this case, B has a lower impedance than A. So the reflected wave is tensile (whereas the incident wave is compressive). Confirm this with the direction of the particle velocity and wave velocity Reflection and transmission of elastic waves at a free surface. The profile to the left is for the stress and the one to right is for particle velocity. The compressive wave meets a free surface. The incident wave is compressive while the reflected wave is tensile. Particle velocity does not change sign on reflection. Also recall that a free surface is defined as one without surface tractions. So the reflected wave has to have the opposite sign as the incident. Reflection and transmission of elastic waves at a rigid interface. The compressive wave meets a rigid interface. The incident wave is compressive while the reflected wave is also compressive. Particle velocity changes sign on reflection. Remember that at a rigid interface particles CANNOT move – that is why the interface is rigid. This zero velocity at the interface, is possible only if the reflected particle velocity is opposite in sign to the incident. Reflection and transmission of elastic waves More animations Free Surface Rigid interface Reflection and transmission of elastic waves More animations Low impedance to high impedance High impedance to low impedance In the above animations, we have transverse waves being reflected and transmitted. The change (or no change) in the “phase” on encountering the interface means a change (or no change) of particle velocity, not stress Impact in bars (Length and shape of the pulse) Length of the pulse Shape of the pulse. To the left, we have the theroretical shape of the pulse and to the right we have the real shape of the pulse. Impact in bars Shape of the pulse Effect of aspect ratio (a is the bar diameter and Λ is the length of the pulse). The inertial effects are minimized when the a/Λ ratio is small. Effect of free surfaces Non planarity of the compressive wave and repeated reflections from the free surfaces leads to the oscillations.