Year 7 Latin Term 1 Sept Oct Term 2 Nov – Dec Term 3 Jan Topic Skills Cambridge Latin Course Stage 1: Meet the Family Pompeian houses compared to modern houses Introduction to Latin word order and Introduction to Derivations and Numbers Cerberus Translation CLC Stage 2: Introduction to nominative & accusative nouns mercator and in triclinio translations Roman daily life and dinner parties Practising nominative and accusative grammar exercises Topic CLC Stage 3: Consolidation of nominatives and accusatives and introduce declensions in foro, tonsor and venalicius translation Act out tonsor pictor comprehensions questions Town of Pompeii & types of jobs Topic CLC Stage 4: Introduction to verb person endings Hermogenes & in basilica Translations Forum features and functions Comparison of modern town centres to the Forum To be able to discuss key features of Pompeian/Roman houses To be able to compare and contrast Pompeian culture with modern culture To be able to identify words in English derived from Latin words To be able to change word order of Latin sentences to translate naturally in English To be able to discuss key features of Roman daily life and dinner parties To be able to compare and contrast Pompeian daily life with modern To understand different roles of nouns in sentences To write creatively about what it would have been like to be a Pompeian Skills Skills To be able to discuss key features of Roman towns To be able to compare and contrast Roman towns with modern towns To understand different groupings of nouns in Latin Possible Assessment Baseline assessment Rooms in the house quiz Vocab 2 Test PTL Ex 1 & 2 Caecilius Daily life articles Possible Assessment Progress Test Vocab 3 Test pictor comprehension Possible Assessment Translation To be able to discuss key features of and functions of Roman forums assessment Trip to the Pompeian/Roman society To be able to compare and contrast Forum account Vocab 4 Test Roman forums with modern high streets/shopping centres To be able to identify words in English derived from Latin words To be able to translate without reference to vocabulary or grammar help To be able to identify verb person Feb CLC Stage 5: Introduction to plural endings for nouns and verbs actores and Poppaea translations Act out Poppaea Read Theatre background Comparisons between modern and ancient drama Theatre projects Act out plays endings for I, You and he/she/it To be able to discuss key features of Roman theatre To be able to compare and contrast Roman theatre with modern theatre To be able to make inks between Roman and modern theatre To be able to identify singular and plural noun and verb endings To be able to match up singular nouns with singular verbs and vice versa To write creatively about what it would have been like to be a Pompeian Term Topic Skills 4 March CLC Stage 6: To be able to discuss key features of Roman slavery Introduction to imperfect & April perfect tenses To be able to explore human rights in the Roman world pugna & Felix translations Translate Felix et fur To be able to identify words in (pairs) & act out English derived from Latin words avarus comprehension To develop the skills to answer comprehension questions Slaves & freedmen To be able to identify and translate Human rights & letter to accurately verb endings for the emperor (cross curricular – imperfect and perfect tenses Moral & ICT) Term Topic Skills 5 April CLC Stage 7: To be able to discuss key Roman - May beliefs on life after death Consolidation of imperfects & perfects To be able to compare and contrast modern beliefs with Roman beliefs fabula mirabilis, Decens & post cenam translations To be able to identify and translate Act out fabula mirabilis accurately verb endings for the imperfect and perfect tenses Roman beliefs about life after death Comparison of modern & Roman beliefs about life after death Term Topic Skills 6 June - CLC Stage 8: To be able to discuss a range of July entertainment open to the Romans Introduction to accusative plural noun endings (theatres, forum, gladiators) and what it would have been like to gladiatores and in arena have been in the Pompeian riot translations To be able to compare and contrast venatio comprehension modern entertainment to ancient questions To be able to identify singular and Gladiators plural noun and verb endings The riot newspaper articles Vocab 5 Test Singulars and plurals test PTL Ex1 & 2 Theatre Projects Possible Assessment Comprehensio n assessment Humans rights and slavery Vocab 6 Test Possible Assessment Vocab 7 Test An assessed translation End of Year examination Possible Assessment Vocab 8 Test venatio comprehension Riot newspaper articles To be able to match up singular nouns with singular verbs and vice versa