Wenli Huang - University of Maryland

Curriculum Vitae
Wenli Huang
wlhuang@umd.edu or hwl208@gmail.com
2181 Lefrak Hall
University of Maryland, MD 20742
University of Maryland, College Park, USA
Ph. D in Geographical Sciences
Thesis: Assessing forest biomass and monitoring changes from disturbance and recovery with lidar and SAR
Beijing Normal University, P. R. China
M.S. in Cartography and Geographic Information System
Thesis: Urban Expansion Simulation based on Artificial Neural Network and Cellular Automata
Wuhan University, P. R. China
B.S. in Geographic Information System (Computer Cartography)
Research Associate, University of Maryland, College Park
2015Project 1: CMS Phase3 Study: Continuing High Resolution Carbon Monitoring and Modeling
Project 2: Detection and Monitoring of LCLUC: Towards Near Daily Monitoring of Inundated Areas over North
America through Multi-Source Fusion of Optical and Radar Data
Research Assistant, University of Maryland, College Park
2009 - 2015
Project 1: Data Fusion Algorithms for Forest Biomass Mapping From Lidar, and SAR Data (NNX09AG66G)
Project 2: Carbon Monitoring System (CMS) Pilot Projects: Biomass and Carbon Storage
Project 3: CMS Phase2 Study: High Resolution Carbon Monitoring and Modeling (NNX10AT74G)
Research Assistant, School of Geography, Beijing Normal University
2006 - 2009
Project 1: Monitoring and simulation of land use change in urban fringe of Beijing (NSFC40671127)
Project 2&3: Detection of land use change in Beijing, Beijing Research center of Agriculture Economic
Project 3: Decision support system of Beijing agriculture, BRAE
Research Assistant, School of Resources & Environmental Science, Wuhan University
2005 - 2006
Project 1: Thematic Atlas of Hainan Province
Project 2&3: Construction of land use database in County of Taishan & Qichun
Peer Reviewed Journal
 Huang, W., Swatantran, A., Johnson, K., Duncanson, L., Tang, H., O'Neil Dunne, J., Hurtt, G.
Dubayah, R. (2015). Local Discrepancies in Continental Scale Biomass Maps: A Case Study over
Forested and Non-Forested Landscapes in Maryland, USA. Carbon Balance and Management.10-19.
 Huang, W., Sun, G., Ni, W., Zhang, Z., Dubayah, R. (2015). Sensitivity of Multi-Source SAR
Backscatter to Changes in Forest Aboveground Biomass, Remote Sensing 8 (7): 9587-9609.
 Cheng, X., Huang, W., & Gong, J. (2015). Adaptive polarimetric decomposition using incoherent
ground scattering models without reflection symmetry assumption. Geo-spatial Information Science, 18,
 Rosette, J., Cook, B., Nelson, R., Huang, C., Masek, J.G., Tucker, C., Sun, G., Huang, W., Montesano,
P., Rubio-Gil, J., & Ranson, J. (2015). Sensor compatibility for biomass change estimation using
remote sensing datasets: Part of NASA's Carbon Monitoring System initiative. IEEE Geos. Remote
Sens. Let.
 Cheng, X., Huang, W., Gong, J. (2014). An Unsupervised Scattering Mechanism Classification
Method for PolSAR Images. IEEE Geos. Remote Sens. Let. 11: 1677-1681.
 Ni, W., Sun, G., Ranson, K.J., Zhang, Z., He, Y., Huang, W., & Guo, Z. (2014). Model-Based Analysis
of the Influence of Forest Structures on the Scattering Phase Center at L-Band. IEEE Trans. Geos.
Remote Sens., 52(9).
 Huang, W., Sun, G., Montesano, P., Ni, W., Zhang, Z. (2013). Mapping Forest Above-ground Biomass
and its Changes from LVIS Waveform Data, Remote Sens. Environ. 134: 319-332.
 Cheng, X., Huang, W., Gong, J. (2013). A decomposition-free scattering mechanism classification
method for PolSAR images with Neumann’s model. Remote Sens. Let., 4:1176-1184.
 Ni, W., Sun, G., Guo Z., Zhang, Z., He. Y, Huang, W. (2013), Retrieval of Forest Biomass from ALOS
Curriculum Vitae
PALSAR Data Using a Lookup Table Method. IEEE J. Sel. Topics Applied Earth Obs. Remote Sens.,
6(2): 875-886.
Wang, D., Wan, Y., Xiao, J., Lai, X., Huang, W., Xu, J. (2012) Aerial Image Mosaicking with the Aid
of Vector Roads. Photogramm. Eng. and Remote Sens. 78 (11):1141-1150.
Chapters in Books edited
 Sun, G., Pang, Y., Ni, W., Huang, W., & Li, Z. (2012). Chapter 14 - Vegetation Height and Vertical
Structure. Advanced Remote Sensing (pp. 439-466). Boston: Academic Press in Liang et al. 2012,
Advanced Remote sensing, Elsevier Inc. ISBN: 978-0-12-385954-9.
Selected Conference Proceedings
 Huang, W., Sun, G., Dubayah, R., Zhang, Z., Ni, W. (2012). Mapping Forest Above-Ground Biomass
and its Changes from LVIS Waveform Data. Proc. of IGARSS 2012.
 Zhang, Z., Sun, G., Wang, Y., Ni, W., Huang, W., Zhang, L. (2011). Biomass Retrieval based on
Polarimetric Target Decomposition”, Proc. of IGARSS 2011.
 Huang, W., Liu, H., Bai, M. (2009). Urban Expansion Simulation Based On Constrained Artificial
Neural Network Cellular Automata Model”, Proc. of SPIE. Geoinformatics 2009 (EI).
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS)
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL)
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations (JSTARS)
International Journal of Remote Sensing and Remote Sensing Letters (RSL)
Remote Sensing; Forests;
Teaching Assistant, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
GEOG372: Introduction to Remote Sensing (23 students)
Teaching Assistant, School of Geography, Beijing Normal University
Graduate Course:
Principle and Practice of GIS
Undergraduate Course: GIS: Theory and Practice
Fieldtrip on application of “3S” Techniques
Jul 2010 & Jul 2012
Sep 2007 - Dec 2007
Sep 2006 - Dec 2006
Aug 2005 & Aug 2006
Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship from University of Maryland Graduate School (5%)
Excellence in Graduate Research Award from University of Maryland at College Park
Jacob K. Goldhaber Travel Grant from University of Maryland
Student Travel Grant from American Geophysics Union
China Scholarship Council Fellowship
Outstanding Graduate of Beijing Normal University (10%)
Academic Scholarship of Beijing Normal University (10%)
Second Runner-Up Student Paper of GPUC 2007
Graduate Fellowship of Beijing Normal University
National Graduate Entrance Examination Waiver to graduate school
Outstanding Graduate of Wuhan University (10%)
Wang Zhizhuo Innovative Scholarship (0.33%)
The Academic Scholarship of Survey and Mapping (5%)
First class Undergraduate Scholarship of Wuhan University (5%)
Outstanding Student, Society Active honor of Wuhan University (5%)
Geographical Sciences Graduate Committee Student Representative, UMCP
Student Volunteer, American Association of Geography Annual meeting
Volunteer, International Symposium on Global Change and Earth System Science, BNU
Volunteer, 1st RSGIS (Graduate Forum of Remote Sensing and GI Science)
Student Member, CPGIS (Association of Chinese Professionals in GI Science)
Vice President, Student Union of Graduate Student Union at School of Geography, BNU
Vice Director, Sport Department of Student Union in School, Wuhan University