ENG3U: Macbeth Literary Essay As a summative assignment for this

Macbeth Literary Essay
As a summative assignment for this unit, you will be responsible for writing a 3-5 page
literary essay on a topic that you may choose. Here are some basic guidelines:
1. Your essay must have a clearly articulated and original thesis statement
2. Your essay must include quotations from the text to support your points
3. Your essay must be between 3-5 pages, typed, double-spaced, and in 12 point Times New
Roman font
4. You must cite all of your work in the proper MLA format
5. You must develop and submit a PPE chart for assessment
6. All rough work must be submitted with your final polished copy
7. Some topics you may wish to consider writing your essay on include the following:
 To what degree are the witches responsible for Macbeth’s downfall? Examine and explain.
 “Ambition is the root of Macbeth’s evil.” Decide whether or not you agree with this statement, and
write your essay defending your position on this topic.
 “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Explain this statement in relation to
 Compare and contrast how Lady Macbeth and Macbeth lose their minds over the course of the play.
 “The central character of Macbeth is Lady Macbeth, as it is she who initiates all of the action and
ultimately, it is she who pays the most horrible price.” Decide whether or not you agree with this
statement, and write your essay defending your position on this topic
 You may develop your essay around a topic of your choice, but you MUST get your teacher’s
approval prior to starting your essay
Due dates for this essay:
Your PPE Chart is due on ____________________________________________________
Peer Editing Day is on _______________________________________________________
Your final copy, with all rough work and the PPE chart, is due on
Work Periods in Class:
Class time: _________________________________________________________________
Computer Lab time: ________________________________________________________