Proposal & Expository Writing YY

Proposal & Expository Writing
What type of writing is usually written in the format of proposal?
Answer: Expository writing
What is “Proposal”?
A proposal is a plan of giving suggestions for people to solve problems
What is “Expository Writing”?
Expository writing is used to explain, describe, give information, inform or give suggestions to solve
Formats of a “Proposal”:
problems . The most important things in expository writing is to show (1) what is being discussed, (2)
explanation on the problems and (3) suggestions to improvement in a clearly organized manner
Letter-form: (1) Heading, (2) Salutation, (3) Complimentary close & (4) signature & Name in capital letter
Characteristics of a piece of expository writing:
Proposal on… … … … … …
The characteristics of a piece of expository writing are as follows. You will find that most of them are very
Dear XX
Respectfully submitted,
familiar to you. You may have never really considered them to be "kind" of expository characteristics. As you
read through the following characteristics, try to figure out how many of them do you already find yourself
writing or speaking on a daily basis?
Some cue words
The author describes a topic by listing characteristics,
for example; characteristics are; such
features, and examples.
The author lists items or events in numerical or
First; second; third; next; then;
chronological order.
The author explains how two or more things are alike
different; in contrast; alike; same as;
and/or how they are different.
on the other hand
b) Schematic form:
(1) Heading, (2) Sub-headings, (3) Complimentary close (optional) & (4) signature & Name in capital letter (optional)
Proposal on… … .
Reasons for… .:
Cause and
The author lists one or more causes and the resulting
reasons why; if...then; as a result;
effect or effects.
therefore; because; cause; lead to
Problem and
The author states a problem and lists one or more
Problems : problem is; dilemma is;
solutions for the problem. A variation of this pattern is
the question- and-answer format in which the author
Solution: puzzle is solved; that is a
poses a question and then answers it.
good way to; should; suggest;
Suggestions for improvement:
Respectfully submitted,
P.S. The words after “Proposal on..”, “Reasons for..” and the enumeration symbols a), b) change from topic to topic.
Topic: You are Chris Wong, the chairperson of the Tourist Association of Hong Kong. The Chief Executive of HKSAR, Mr.
path next to Victoria Harbour. When they find out how contaminated the harbour is, i.e. full of
Tung has required you to write a proposal in which you need to give the reasons why the tourism of HK is on the decline and
rubbish and pollutants, what will they think? Actually, not just the sea is full of rubbish but the
then give suggestions to improvement.
streets also. If tourists find lots of rubbish which falls on the pavement and no one cleans them
(Schematic Form)
Proposal on boosting up HK tourism.
Suggestions for boosting up HK tourism
In recent years, the number of tourists coming to Hong Kong has decreased by 30 %. This in
Cause & effect
Since the HK currency policy that HK dollars are linked to Us dollars cannot be abolished
Cause & effect
recently, we should think about how to solve the other problems so that HK can be more
Cause & effect
business of related sectors are also on the decline.
attractive to the foreign tourists.
Reasons for the decline of HK tourism:
up, such a polluted environment makes tourists stay away.
turn causes a vicious cycle that the rate of occupancy of Hong Kong hotels as well as retailing
The downturn of global economy
Stricter penalty imposed on the shops of malpractice
Laws or rules have to be set up for shopkeepers, travel agents and hotel staff to follow. For
I think the main reason for the decline is the downturn of the economy. Most people prefer
Cause & effect
those who cheat or charge tourists higher prices, punishment or penalties will be given. There
staying in their own countries to work rather than spending money to travel. They have to
should be booklets for tourists to let them know which shops keep good records and often
retrieve what they have lost. Besides, the HK dollar is pegged, i.e. linked to the US dollar. Thus,
provide good services for reasonable prices. Thus, they can choose to go shopping in these
Cause &effect
tourists had to spend more for the same article in Hong Kong than in other Asian countries like
Thailand. Therefore tourists liked to go to other Asian countries for shopping and Hong Kong
Cause & effect
seems to lose the top position of, 'Paradise of Shopping '.The depreciation of currencies in other
Asian countries has helped to attract more tourists and that is the reason for the decline.
Cause & effect
Promoting eco-tourism
We can provide tours that visit country parks, Mai Po and the natural environment and
beauty in Hong Kong. In fact, Hong Kong provides suitable places for birds to stay like Long
b) Malpractice of some retailing shops
Valley' and 'Mai Po'. There are also the China White Dolphins near Lantau Island. Hong Kong
The behaviour of Hong Kong people also plays a role. Tourists may be cheated by shopkeepers
has the conditions to promote this venture. That is a good way to promote tourism as well as to
and forced to buy things at much higher prices, especially jewelry and electronic appliances.
remind and raise attention to the Nature that Hong Kong people take for granted.
This happens, because of the loss of professionalism and honesty of tourist guides as well as the
Cause & effect
shopkeepers in Hong Kong. They do not know how deeply and seriously the effect may be felt.
c) Preserving old buildings of historical value
Old buildings which are of historical value should be preserved and maintained
Those tourists being cheated may refuse to come to visit Hong Kong again and they may also
so as to show our history and culture to tourists. We can make the buildings museums or
advise their friends not to come here for holidays. Then later, no one will be willing to visit
restaurants or even hotels. Then, special foods, drinks, toys and postcards about past Hong Kong
Hong Kong.
can be sold. Pictures and information about Hong Kong should be shown as well. How
c) Serious pollution in Hong Kong
wonderful Hong Kong is!
The air quality in some districts such as Mong Kok, Tsim Sha Tsui and Causeway Bay is
Respectfully submitted,
worrying. When tourists are walking through these areas, they may feel uncomfortable and
Chris Wong
annoyed. They may worry that their health will be harmed. In addition, the water quality is
worsening. People may imagine this when tourists are travelling on ferries or walking along the
Chris Wong
The Chairperson of Tourist Association
Cause & effect
Letter- form
natural environment and beauty in Hong Kong. In fact, Hong Kong provides suitable places for birds to stay like Long
Proposal on boosting up HK tourism.
Dear Mr. Tung,
I am writing to suggest a proposal on boosting up HK tourism
Valley' and 'Mai Po'. There are also the China White Dolphins near Lantau Island. Hong Kong has the conditions to promote
this venture. That is a good way to promote tourism as well as to remind and raise attention to the Nature that Hong Kong
people take for granted.
I think the main reason for the decline is the downturn of the economy. Most people prefer staying in their own
As well, old buildings which are of historical value must be preserved and maintained so as to show our history
countries to work rather than spending money to travel. They have to retrieve what they have lost. Besides, the HK dollar is
and culture to tourists. We can make the buildings museums or restaurants or even hotels. Then, special foods, drinks, toys
pegged, i.e. linked to the US dollar. Thus, tourists had to spend more for the same article in Hong Kong than in other Asian
and postcards about past Hong Kong can be sold. Pictures and information about Hong Kong should be shown as well. How
countries like Thailand. Therefore tourists liked to go to other Asian countries for shopping and Hong Kong seems to lose the
wonderful Hong Kong is!
top position of, 'Paradise of Shopping '.The depreciation of currencies in other Asian countries has helped to attract more
tourists and that is the reason for the decline.
I hope that the pollution problem can be solved soon or nothing we can do for promoting tourism in Hong
Kong will be effective. I look forward to seeing Hong Kong become a paradise for tourists.
Furthermore, the behaviour of Hong Kong people also plays a role. Tourists may be cheated by shopkeepers
and forced to buy things at much higher prices, especially jewelry and electronic appliances. This happens, because of the
Respectfully submitted,
loss of professionalism and honesty of tourist guides as well as the shopkeepers in Hong Kong. They do not know how
Chris Wong
deeply and seriously the effect may be felt. Those tourists being cheated may refuse to come to visit Hong Kong again and
Chris Wong
The Chairperson of Tourist Association
they may also advise their friends not to come here for holidays. Then later, no one will be willing to visit Hong Kong.
Another reason for the decline is that the pollution in Hong Kong is getting more serious. The air quality in
P.S. How the proposal of letter form is different from that of schematic form are shown by abc
some districts like Mong Kok, Tsim Sha Tsui and Causeway Bay is worrying. When tourists are walking through these areas,
The topic of the coming composition:
they may feel uncomfortable and annoyed. They may worry that their health will be harmed. In addition, the water quality is
worsening. People may imagine this when tourists are travelling on ferries or walking along the path next to Victoria
You are Chris Wong, the chairperson of your school ‘s Sports Council. You are required by your PE teacher, Mr. Lam to write
Harbour. When they find out how contaminated the harbour is, i.e. full of rubbish and pollutants, what will they think?
a proposal to Mr. Yan, the school principal addressing the following points.
Actually, not just the sea is full of rubbish but the streets also. Rubbish bins are full and rubbish falls on the pavement and no
The reasons sports are not emphasized in Hong Kong education
one cleans them up! Such a polluted environment makes tourists stay away.
The benefits of sports for students
Ways of improving this situation
As tourism faces so many problems, I have some ideas to solve them and hence promote tourism. Since the
HK currency policy that HK dollars are linked to Us dollars cannot be abolished recently, we should think about how to solve
the other problems so that HK can be more attractive to the foreign tourists.
Moreover, laws or rules have to be set up for shopkeepers, travel agents and hotel staff to follow. For those who
cheat or charge tourists higher prices, punishment or penalties will be given. There should be booklets for tourists to let them
know which shops keep good records and often provide good services for reasonable prices. Thus, they can choose to go
shopping in these shops.
I would also suggest promoting eco-tourism. We can provide tours that visit country parks, Mai Po and the