Algebra A Solutions

Algebra A Solutions
Suppose a, b, c > 0 are integers such that
abc − bc − ac − ab + a + b + c = 2013.
Find the number of possibilities for the ordered triple (a, b, c).
Solution. Subtracting 1 from both sides and factoring, we obtain
2012 = (a − 1)(b − 1)(c − 1).
Writing a0 = a − 1 and similarly with b0 , c0 , it suffices to count the ordered integer triples
(a0 , b0 , c0 ) such that a0 , b0 , c0 ≥ 0 and a0 b0 c0 = 2012.
Immediately, we require a0 , b0 , c0 > 0. Let τ (n) denote the number of positive divisors of n.
The prime factorization of 2012 is 22 · 5031 , so the number of possible triples is
τ (d) = τ (1) + τ (2) + τ (22 ) + τ (503) + τ (2 · 503) + τ (22 · 503)
which simplifies to 1 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 6 = 18 .
Find the number of pairs (n, C) of positive integers such that C ≤ 100 and n2 + n + C is a
perfect square.
Remark. This problem was inspired by the “New Year’s Problem” of the 2008-2009
Wisconsin Math Talent Search.
Solution. We can write n2 + n + C = (n + m)2 for some integer m ≥ 1. Expanding and
rearranging, C = m2 + (2m − 1)n, so we have reduced the problem to counting pairs (m, n)
of positive integers such that m2 + (2m − 1)n ≤ 100. This is
100 − m2
2m − 1
= 99 + 32 + 18 + 12 + 8 + 5 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 0
which simplifes to 180 .
Let x1 =
10 and y1 =
3. For all n ≥ 2, let
xn = xn−1 77 + 15yn−1
yn = 5xn−1 + yn−1 77
Find x65 + 2x45 − 9x45 y52 − 12x25 y52 + 27x25 y54 + 18y54 − 27y56 .
Solution. Let fn = x2n − 3yn2 . We factor
x6n + 2x4n − 9x4n yn2 − 12x2n yn2 + 27x2n yn4 + 18yn4 − 27yn6 = (x2n − 3yn2 )3 + 2(x2n − 3yn2 )2
= fn3 + 2fn2 .
Moreover, f1 = 1, and by induction, we can prove fn = 2fn−1 for all n ≥ 2. In particular,
f5 = 24 , so the answer to the problem is 212 + 3 · 28 = 4096 + 512 = 4608 .
Suppose a, b are nonzero integers such that two roots of x3 + ax2 + bx + 9a coincide, and
all three roots are integers. Find |ab|.
Solution. Write
x3 + ax2 + bx + 9a = (x − r)2 (x − s)
for some integers r, s. Expanding and equating coefficients, we require
 r s
= −9a
+ 2rs = b
 2r + s
= −a
Combining the first and third constraints gives r2 s − 18r − 9s = 0. Solving this quadratic
in r, we find that 36(s2 + 9) must be a perfect square, because r, s are integers. Therefore,
s2 + 9 = d2 for some d > 0, whence (d + s)(d − s) = 9. We cannot have s = 0 because this
would imply a = 0 by the first constraint in the display, so the only solutions for s are ±4.
Then (r, s) = ±(6, 4), so |ab| = |(2r + s)(r2 + 2rs)| = 1344 in both cases.
Suppose w, x, y, z satisfy
w + x + y + z = 25
wx + wy + wz + xy + xz + yz = 2y + 2z + 193
The largest possible value of w can be expressed in lowest terms as w1 /w2 for some integers
w1 , w2 > 0. Find w1 + w2 .
Remark. This problem was inspired by USAMTS Year 21, Round 4, Problem 2.
Solution. We solve the problem in greater generality. Suppose W, X, Y, Z ≥ 0 satisfy the
modified system
W +X +Y +Z =A
W X + W Y + W Z + XY + XZ + Y Z = B
Expanding (X − Y )2 + (X − Z)2 + (Y − Z)2 ≥ 0, we obtain (X + Y + Z)2 ≥ XY + XZ + Y Z.
B = W (X + Y + Z) + XY + XZ + Y Z
≤ W (A − W ) +
(A − W )2
After rearranging, we get the following quadratic inequality in W :
2W 2 − AW + (−A2 + 3B) ≤ 0,
whence the largest possible value of W is ≤ (A + 9A2 − 24B)/4. But this value is actually
attained at X = Y = Z, as we can see by solving the system where W + 3X = A and
3W X + 3X 2 = B.
Setting (W, X, Y, Z) = (w − 1, x − 1, y + 1, z + 1), we find that the original problem is
equivalent to the problem in W, X, Y, Z with (A,√
B) = (25, 193 + 25 − 2) = (25, 216). Thus,
the largest possible value of w = W + 1 is (25 + 441)/4 + 1 = 46/4 + 1 = 25/2, giving an
answer of 25 + 2 = 27 .
Suppose the function ψ satisfies ψ(1) =
real x. Determine the greatest integer less than
2 and ψ(3x) + 3ψ(x) = ψ(x)3 for all
n=1 ψ(3 ).
Solution. In order to compute ψ(33 ), we can choose ψ to be any function that satisfies the
stated conditions. In particular, if α is any real number and ψ(x) = 2 cos(αx), then
ψ(3x) = 2 cos(3αx) = 2(4 cos3 (αx) − 3 cos(αx))
= (2 cos(αx))3 − 3(2 cos(αx))
= ψ(x)3 − 3ψ(x).
By applying the half-angle formula twice to 2 cos(π/4) =
2 cos(π/16) =
2, we find
so we can take α = π/16 = 2π/32.
Since 38 = (34 )2 ≡ (−15)2 ≡ 1 (mod 32), we find that ψ(3n+8 ) = ψ(3n ) for all n. Now,
2 cos(3n π/16) = 4 sin(π/8) cos(π/8) = 2 sin(π/4) =
12 2 = 4096 2. We
and similarly 8n=5 2 cos(3n π/16) = 2. Therefore, 100
n=1 ψ(3 ) = 2
check that 5792 is the largest integer whose square is ≤ 2 · 40962 .
2013 + 276 2027 + 278 2041 + 280 2055 + . . .
Remark. This problem was inspired by a theorem of Ramanujan. He famously posed the
similar problem of evaluating
1 + 2 1 + 3 1 + 4 1 + ...
in the Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, with no response after six months. A
good, albeit somewhat romanticized, place to read about Ramanujan is [?].
Solution. We prove that
a+N +n
(a +
+ aN + N
(a + n)2 + a(N + n) + (N + n) (a + n)2 + . . .
for all a ∈ R and N, n ∈ Z≥0 with n | N . The result holds for N = 0 and any a, n, and if it
holds for an arbitrary triple (a, N, n), then squaring both sides and simplifying,
N + a + 2n =
(a + n)2 + a(N + n) + (N + n) (a + n)2 + . . .
so it holds for (a, N + n, n), whence induction finishes the proof.
Our original problem is the case (a, N, n) = (7, 276, 2). The answer is a + N + n = 285 .
The author thanks Will Sawin for his contribution to this solution.
Let S be the set of permutations of {1, 2, . . . , 6}, and let T be the set of permutations of S
that preserve compositions: i.e., if F ∈ T , then
F (f2 ◦ f1 ) = F (f2 ) ◦ F (f1 ).
for all f1 , f2 ∈ S. Find the number of elements F ∈ T such that if f ∈ S satisfies f (1) = 2
and f (2) = 1, then (F (f ))(1) = 2 and (F (f ))(2) = 1.
Solution. We can, and will, write the elements of S in “cycle” notation: For example,
f = (1, 2, 4)(3, 5) means f (1) = 2, f (2) = 4, f (3) = 5, f (4) = 1, f (5) = 3, f (6) = 6. We
write ι for the identity, or null, permutation. Right-to-left composition of permutations can
be expressed as left-to-right1 composition of cycles: For example, (1, 2)(1, 2) = (1, 2)2 = ι
and (1, 2)(1, 3) = (1, 2, 3).
In particular, every permutation can be decomposed into a composition of transpositions,
not necessarily in a unique way. Moreover, all the transpositions are generated by the 6
transpositions (1, 2), (1, 3), . . . , (1, 6).
We want to first describe T completely. For all f ∈ S, there is a uniquely associated element
Ff ∈ T defined by Ff (g) = f −1 ◦ g ◦ f . However, these do not account for all of T . To get
the others, it is necessary to describe S in more detail:
We can classify the elements of S according to “cycle type.” For example, there are 2·4!
= 15
transpositions, or type-2 cycles; there are 3·3! = 40 type-3 cycles, such as (1, 2, 3); there
are 2·2·2·3!
= 15 type-2, 2, 2 cycles, such as (1, 2)(3, 4)(5, 6); and so on. The main thing to
notice is that there are as many transpositions as type-2, 2, 2 cycles, which suggests that a
suitable bijection between them could extend to an element of T , since the transpositions
generate T .
We introduce this change in the direction of composition because it makes the results from cycle
composition more clear.
Let S2 be the set of transpositions, and let S2,2,2 be the set of type-2, 2, 2 cycles. By the
associativity of composition of permutations, a bijection S2 → S2,2,2 extends to an element
F0 ∈ T if and only if it preserves compositions on S2 , i.e., F0 (f1 ◦f2 ) = F0 (f1 )◦F0 (f2 ) for all
f1 , f2 ∈ S2 . The composition of two transpositions is either ι, a type-3 cycle, or a type-2, 2
cycle. The composition of two type-2, 2, 2 cycles is either ι; a type-2, 2 cycle, if they share
exactly one transposition; or a type-3, 3 cycle, if they share no transpositions. Therefore, it
suffices to find a bijection S2 → S2,2,2 that sends disjoint transpositions to 2, 2, 2-cycles that
share exactly 1 transposition, and transpositions with 1 number in common to type-2, 2, 2
cycles that share no transpositions, such that in the latter case, the induced map on the
compositions is well-defined: i.e., F0 ((1, 2)(1, 3)) = F0 ((2, 3)(1, 2)) = F ((1, 3)(2, 3)).
These conditions are met if, for example, we let F0 be defined by
(1, 2)
(1, 3)
(1, 4)
(1, 5)
(1, 6)
(1, 2)(3, 6)(4, 5)
(1, 6)(2, 4)(3, 5)
(1, 3)(2, 5)(4, 6)
(1, 5)(2, 6)(3, 4)
(1, 4)(2, 3)(5, 6)
(Our choice of the image of (1, 2) follows the choice in [?].) It is useful to note that F0 ◦ F0
is the identity permutation on elements of S.
We can check that a given element of T takes the form Ff for some f ∈ F if and only if it
sends isolated transpositions to isolated transpositions. Therefore, F0 does not arise from
an f in this way. However, we claim that
T = {Ff : f ∈ S} ∪ {Ff ◦ F0 : f ∈ S}.
First, observe that if C is the set of all elements of S of a given cycle type, then any element
of T , being invertible, must map C bijectively onto another set of the same form, i.e.,
consisting of all elements of another given cycle type. Such a set is called a conjugacy class
of elements of S. But one verifies that the only conjugacy classes of size 15 in S are S2 and
S2,2,2 . Altogether, if we take an arbitrary G ∈ T , then either G keeps the transpositions in
place or exchanges them with the type-2, 2, 2 cycles; in the former case, G = Ff for some
f , and in the latter case, G ◦ F0 keeps transpositions in place, so G ◦ F0 = Ff for some f ,
whence G = G ◦ F0 ◦ F0 = Ff ◦ F0 . This proves the claim.
Finally, we can compute the answer to the problem. Let S 0 be the set of g ∈ S such that
g(1) = 2 and g(2) = 1.
If Ff maps S 0 onto itself, then by computation, any cycle notation for f must either contain
(1, 2), or else cannot contain any cycles involving either 1 or 2. There is a bijection between
the possibilities for f in the former case and those in the latter case; moreover, in the latter
case, counting by cycle type shows there are 1 + 6 + 8 + 3 + 6 = 24 possibilities, so that
in total, there are 48 possibilities. Conversely, any such f yields an Ff that maps S 0 onto
By the example above, we know we can choose F0 such that F0 ((1, 2)) = (1, 2)(3, 6)(4, 5).
Thus, any element Ff ◦ F0 such that Ff sends any one of (1, 2), (3, 6), or (4, 5) to (1, 2) will
map S 0 onto itself. So there are also precisely 3(48) = 144 elements of the form Ff ◦ F0
that map S 0 onto itself. Altogether the answer to the problem is 48 + 144 = 192 .
Remark. For further information about this solution, we advise the reader to consult
[?]. For more about the mathematical objects at work in the problem, we recommend the
beautiful exposition in Ch. 1-3 of [?]. In particular, S and T have the structure of groups;
S is S6 , the symmetric group on 6 letters, and T = Aut(S6 ), its automorphism group.
I. N. Herstein. Abstract Algebra. 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall (1996).
G. Janusz, J. Rotman. “Outer Automorphisms of S6 .” Amer. Math. Mon., Vol. 89,
No. 6 (1982), 407-410.
R. Kanigel. The Man Who Knew Infinity: a Life of the Genius Ramanujan. New
York: Charles Scribner’s Sons (1991). ISBN 0-684-19259-4.