Capital Region Board of Cooperative Educational Services Regular Meeting - - October 17, 2011 1 Board Members interested in walking to the pond created by the Schoharie students should meet at the Schoharie Center at 5:15 p.m. W = Written I = Information O = Oral A = Action AGENDA 1. Pledge of Allegiance Board President O 2. Approval of Agenda Board President W/A Board President W/A Mark Jones Kathryn Gerbino Kathryn Gerbino Directors Charles S. Dedrick O/I O/I W/A W/A O Audit Committee Mark Jones W/A W/A 3. Approval of Proposed Minutes 2 ( ) 4. Privilege of the Floor 3 5. Reports/Comments a) Program Report 1. Energy Education Stewardship Award 2. Skills USA Washington, DC Field Trip 3. Professional Development Plan (PDP) Update 4. Grants b) District Superintendent c) Committee Reports (Legislative Advisory Committee, Policy Advisory Committee, Component/ Community Relations Advisory Committee, Facilities/Finance Advisory Committee, Human Resources Advisory Committee, Audit Committee) 1. Audit Committee Minutes - September 19, 2011 2. New York State Municipal Benefit Coalition 6. Executive Session to Review Tenure Recommendations and To Discuss a Particular Employment Issue Board President O/A 7. Personnel Items Robert Zordan a) Creation/Abolishment of Positions 1. Certified 2. Civil Service b) Resignations/Retirements/Layoffs/Terminations/Recalls/Reinstatements/Leaves c) Appointments 1. Certified 2. Civil Service 3. All Other Appointments 4. Change FTE/Hours/Salary 5. Tenure/Permanent Actions 6. Change of Status Actions W/A 8. Business Items a) Bid Awards b) Cooperative Bid Resolution c) Resolution to Standardize d) Sole Source Resolution e) Approval of Contracts f) Treasurer’s Report g) Claims Auditor Report h) Budget Adjustments/Transfers Mark Jones W/A Charles S. Dedrick W/A Mark Jones Charles S. Dedrick Kathryn Gerbino W/A W/A W/A Board President O/A 9. Other Items a) Administration Considerations 1. New York State School Boards Association a. Proposed Resolutions - Annual Meeting b. Membership c. BOCES Educational Consortium 2. Inter-Municipal Agreement(s) 3. Ratify the PAO Collective Bargaining Unit Agreement b) Career and Technical Education Consideration 1. Equipment Reserve Funds 2. Overnight Field Trip 3. Blood Drive c) Individual Board Members 10. Executive Session to Discuss Collective Bargaining Unit Negotiations 11. Adjourn 1 2 3 Schoharie Career and Technical School, Route 30, Schoharie, New York and will begin at 6:30 p.m. Minutes will be posted on the Capital Region BOCES website within 5 days after Board approval. Privilege of the Floor shall be extended to any person in attendance. Each person wishing to exercise this privilege shall be allowed five (5) minutes in which to address matters of interest. The total amount of time spent on privilege of the floor shall be limited to fifteen (15) minutes. This limit may be extended by vote of the Board. This meeting will be held at the Page 2 REPORTS/COMMENTS (Agenda Item 5) a) Program Reports 1. Energy Education Stewardship Award Mr. Mark Jones, Assistant District Superintendent for Management Services, and Mr. Daniel Haggerty, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, will introduce representatives from Energy Education. 2. Skills USA Washington, DC Field Trip Dr. Kathryn Gerbino, Assistant District Superintendent for Instructional Services, will introduce staff and students from the Career and Technical Education Division who will discuss their Skills USA Washington, DC field trip. 3. Professional Development Plan (PDP) Update Recommend the Board adopt the Professional Development Plan, as recommended by the PDP Committee, under the requirements of Section 100.2 (dd) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education. 4. Grants a. Grant Application 1. b. Request permission for the Career and Technical Education Division to apply for a grant entitled “Community Rebuilding: Reaching Out and Partnering” in the amount of $25,000. The purpose of the grant is to provide funds for SkillsUSA students to rebuild Lasell Park and Fox Creek Park in the Village of Schoharie which were devastated by Hurricane Irene and additionally by subsequent related storms a week later. Grant Amendment 1. Project No. 0291-12-0043, “New York State Title IID/EETT Grant” (Enhancing Education through Technology) from $47,083 to $56,745. The State Education Department has authorized the amendment. These additional funds will be used to procure equipment to build the capacity of high need districts to increase participation in virtual and online learning and indirect costs. b) District Superintendent c) Committee Reports (Legislative Advisory Committee, Policy Advisory Committee, Component/Community Relations Advisory Committee, Facilities/Finance Advisory Committee, Human Resources Advisory Committee, Audit Committee) 1. Audit Committee Minutes - September 19, 2011 Recommend acceptance of the September 19, 2011 Audit Committee Minutes. 2. New York State Municipal Benefit Coalition Recommend the Board approve the following changes relating to the New York State Municipal Benefit Coalition (NYSMBC). Page 3 a. Slate of Directors Robert Domenici - President Lynne Lenhardt John Phelan b. Removal of Officers 1. 2. 3. c. Sandra Beloncik Barbara Mauro Renee Brozowski Anne Kennison Arpy Ernest Vice-President Vice-President Treasurer Appointment of Officers 1. 2. 3. 4. Robert Domenici Mark Jones Dana Piazza Adam Hotaling President Executive Vice President Vice-President Treasurer Page 4 PERSONNEL ITEMS (Agenda Item 7) a) Creation/Abolishment of Positions 1. Certified a) Recommend the Board create the positions listed below: POSITION PROGRAM/LOCATION EFFECTIVE DATE Teacher-ESL IS 09/26/2011 b) Recommend the Board abolish the positions listed below: None 2. Civil Service a) Recommend the Board create the positions listed below: POSITION PROGRAM/LOCATION EFFECTIVE DATE Administrative Aide (Trainee) (3 positions) RIC 10/01/2011 Finance Clerk I Trainee MGS 10/01/2011 Public Information Specialist MGS 11/01/2011 b) Recommend the Board abolish the positions listed below: None b) Resignations/Retirements/Layoffs/Terminations/Recalls/Reinstatements/Leaves of Absence 1. Resignations Name Position Division Effective Date Evan Lloyd Programming Technology Specialist Trainee School Psychologist RIC (06/20/2011) 10/14/2011 SPE (03/29/2011) 06/30/2011 Jennifer Walis 2. Retirements Name Position Division Effective Date Daniel Andrews Lynnette Dalland Computer Programmer Teacher Aide RIC SPE 12/31/2011 11/01/2011 3. Layoffs Name Position Division Effective Date Amy Grogan Secretary I SPE (05/28/2010) 10/31/2011 Page 5 4. Terminations None 5. Recalls Name Position Division Effective Date Theresa Chrysler Amanda Drobysh Vanessa Gannon Jessica Walthers Teaching Assistant Teacher-ESL (.2 FTE) Teaching Assistant Teacher-Special Education SPE (01/10/2011) IS (05/03/2010) SPE (09/08/2009) SPE (09/06/2005) 09/28/2011 09/26/2011 09/15/2011 10/03/2011 6. Reinstatements None 7. Leaves of Absence Name Position Leave Type Effective Dates Barbara Burnham Bambi Decker Jodie Grestini Patricia Lindemann Patricia Lindemann Teaching Assistant Senior Account Clerk Teacher-Special Education Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant FMLA (Unpaid) FMLA (Paid) FMLA (Paid) FMLA (Paid) FMLA (Unpaid) 09/26/2011-10/07/2011 09/26/2011-12/05/2011 10/03/2011-11/27/2011 10/03/2011-10/17/2011 10/18/2011-11/11/2011 Name Position Leave Type Effective Dates Jamie St. Martin Jamie St. Martin Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant FMLA (Paid) FMLA (Unpaid) 09/06/2011-10/04/2011 10/05/2011-11/28/2011 Amended Action (Reference: August 18, 2011 Board Agenda) c) Appointments 1. Certified Name: Tenure Area: Salary: Location: Kristine Beedon Library Media Specialist $46,238 Instructional Services/ Itinerant Appointment Type: Part-time Effective Dates: 09/20/2011-06/30/2012 Column: 4 Step: 3 FTE: .5 Certification: School Media Specialist (Library) (Permanent) 2. Civil Service (Permanent Appointment subject to defined probationary term indicated in the effective dates) Name: William DeVoe CS Title: Public Information Specialist Salary: $43,683 Location: Management Services Appointment Type: Provisional Appointment Date: 09/26/2011 FTE: 1.0 Name: Danielle Domicolo CS Title: Administrative Aide Salary: $38,945 Location: Regional Information Center Appointment Type: Permanent Probationary Term: 10/03/2011-10/02/2012 FTE: 1.0 Page 6 Name: Leah LaFera CS Title: Librarian II (Electronic & Media Resources) Salary: $48,500 Location: Instructional Services Appointment Type: Provisional Appointment Date: 09/19/2011 FTE: .6 Name: Michael Masuk CS Title: Network & Systems Technician Salary: $47,312 Location: Regional Information Center Appointment Type: Permanent Probationary Term: 10/18/2011-10/17/2012 FTE: 1.0 Name: Mary McGeoch CS Title: Managing Program Coordinator I (Administrative Services) Salary: $65,000 Location: Regional Information Center Appointment Type: Provisional Promotion Appointment Date: 09/19/2011 FTE: 1.0 3. All Other Appointments a. Recommend the Board approve the appointments of the substitutes listed below, with effective dates as noted. Teacher - $95.00/day - effective 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2012 Alotta, Jennifer Ashline, Joelle Astemborski, Kendra Birkmayer, Kimberly Blakely, Michele Bowden, Amanda Brockmyer, Erica Bugler, Margaret Burchill, Brittany Caporta, Julie Chrysler, Theresa Colucci, Sarah Darpino, Dan DiCocco, Monica DiNuzzo, Alicia Dionne, Eric Fermann, Kristina Fitzgibbon, Mary Gabriel, Julie Galica, Sara Gannon, Vanessa Glanzrock, Scott Harding, Christine Heritage, Deborah Karl, Karen Kusaywa, Kaitlyn Le Barron, Rachael Longe, Regina McClure, Karen Meier, Michael Miller, Kristen Moseley, Kristopher Naik, Varsha Ogburn-McCall, Rita Oparowski, Amy Parnett, Kara Person, George Provost, Nicole Rodriguez, Shannon Sankowski, Edith Severin, O’Neal Steegmann-Clarke, Catherine Stone, Jaclyn Stone, Leana Subik, Denise Sunega, Steve Tompkins, Matthew Trombley, Holly Walsh, Katherine West-Evans, Susan Teaching Assistant - $11.94/hour - effective 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2012 Alotta, Jennifer Ashline, Joelle Astemborski, Kendra Aysola, Uma Birkmayer, Kimberly Blakely, Michele Brockmyer, Erica Bowden, Amanda Bugler, Margaret Burchill, Brittany Caporta, Julie Chrysler, Theresa Colucci, Sarah Darpino, Dan Delucca, Dawn DiCocco, Monica DiNuzzo, Alicia Dionne, Eric Fermann, Kristina Fitzgibbon, Mary Gabriel, Julie Galica, Sara Gannon, Vanessa Glanzrock, Scott Harding, Christine Heritage, Deborah Jones, Moira Karl, Karen Kusaywa, Kaitlyn Landers, Kelly Le Barron, Rachael Longe, Regina Malik, Saba McClure, Karen Meier, Michael Miller, Kristen Moseley, Kristopher Naik, Varsha Ogburn-McCall, Rita Oparowski, Amy Parnett, Kara Person, George Provost, Nicole Rodriguez, Shannon Sankowski, Edith Severin, O’Neal Steegmann Clarke,Catherine Stone, Jaclyn Page 7 Stone, Leana Sunega, Steve Tompkins, Matthew Trombley, Holly Walsh, Katherine West-Evans, Susan Whitman, Jaclyn Zimmerman, Karalina b. Recommend the Board approve the appointments and re-appointments of staff listed below for the 2011-12 school year, in accordance with Policy #4035, with effective dates as noted. Employees are not eligible for benefits (health, dental, vision, long term disability and life insurance). Name Division Rate Karen Cusato Kathy Meron IS IS $325.00 $1,000. Michele Atallah Timothy Connelly Andrew Kourt William Reilly Joanne Agresta Thomas Brophy Christopher DePoy Carol Farrere Rose Gigliello Kerstin Gilman Ella Hanley Pam Lane Kristen Lashway George Lorang Christina Loukides Teresa Martucci Louise McGann John Meyer Shelly Peck Brent Pierce Carolyn Pierce Catherine Rickert RIC RIC RIC RIC SPE SPE SPE SPE SPE SPE SPE SPE SPE SPE SPE SPE SPE SPE SPE SPE SPE SPE $43.00 $43.00 $43.00 $43.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $40.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 Term of Employment Not to Exceed Position Category Daily Daily 07/01/2011-06/30/2012 07/01/2011-06/30/2012 15 Days 8 Days Expert (Miscellaneous) Expert (Miscellaneous) Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly 07/01/2011-06/30/2012 07/01/2011-06/30/2012 07/01/2011-06/30/2012 07/01/2011-06/30/2012 10/10/2011-06/30/2012 10/10/2011-06/30/2012 10/10/2011-06/30/2012 11/01/2011-06/30/2012 10/10/2011-06/30/2012 10/10/2011-06/30/2012 10/10/2011-06/30/2012 09/25/2011-06/30/2012 10/10/2011-06/30/2012 10/10/2011-06/30/2012 10/10/2011-06/30/2012 10/10/2011-06/30/2012 10/10/2011-06/30/2012 09/19/2011-06/30/2012 11/01/2011-06/30/2012 10/10/2011-06/30/2012 10/10/2011-06/30/2012 10/11/2011-06/30/2012 20 Days 20 Days 20 Days 20 Days 10 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 120 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 40 Hours 50 Hours 5 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours Presenter (Model Schools) Presenter (Model Schools) Presenter (Model Schools) Presenter (Model Schools) Presenter (VISTA) Presenter (VISTA) Presenter (VISTA) Presenter (VISTA) Presenter (VISTA) Presenter (VISTA) Presenter (VISTA) Presenter (VISTA) Presenter (VISTA) Presenter (VISTA) Presenter (VISTA) Presenter (VISTA) Presenter (VISTA) Presenter (VISTA) Presenter (VISTA) Presenter (VISTA) Presenter (VISTA) Presenter (VISTA) Hourly/Per Diem/Stipend c. Advisors Name Organization Location Stipend Cynthia Jennings National Honor Society, Advisor Albany $675.00 David Zafonte Skills USA, Lead Advisor Schoharie $1,350.00 Gretchen McDonough Skills USA, Co-Lead Advisor Albany $1,012.50 Debra Toy Skills USA, Co-Lead Advisor Albany $1,012.50 Margaret Bugler Skills USA, Advisor Albany $675.00 Scott Cooper Skills USA, Advisor Albany $675.00 Jacqueline Gleckman Skills USA, Advisor Schoharie $675.00 Andrea Rea Skills USA, Advisor Schoharie $675.00 Gregory Restina Skills USA, Advisor Albany $675.00 Page 8 Marc Peimer Skills USA, Advisor Albany $675.00 Helen Wos Skills USA, Advisor Albany $675.00 Jacqueline Gleckman Yearbook, Advisor Schoharie $675.00 Barbara Burnham Yearbook, Lead Advisor Albany $1,350.00 Wendy Cotter Yearbook, Lead Advisor Albany $1,350.00 Mark Brucker School Lunch Supervisor Albany $1,533.63 Scott Cooper School Lunch Supervisor Albany $1,533.63 Paul Dolan School Lunch Supervisor Albany $1,533.63 Paul Rother School Lunch Supervisor Albany $1,533.63 d. Building Liaison Leader Name Division Location Stipend Craig Kennedy Paul Schultz Ellen Sherman SPE SPE CTE Rotterdam Academy I Rotterdam Academy II Schoharie $2,884.00 $2,884.00 $2,884.00 Name Cluster Location Stipend Mark Brucker Patricia Gollub Erica Dow Linda Keifer Jeannine Moran Charles Paravella Paul Roberts, Jr. William Rouleau Daniel Rupracht Hospitality and Tourism Human Services Alternative Education Health Student Services Off Site Architecture/Construction Schoharie Campus Transportation Albany Albany Albany Albany Albany Satellite Locations Albany Schoharie Albany $2,884.00 $2,884.00 $2,884.00 $2,884.00 $2,884.00 $2,884.00 $2,884.00 $2,884.00 $2,884.00 e. Cluster Chairpersons f. Mentors Name Diane Balog Diane Balog Lucy Brady Joan Brucker Samuel Frink Patricia Gollub Carol Green William Rouleau Caroline Saccone Caroline Saccone Stephanie Warlik Level I Stipend Level II Stipend $1,534.00 $383.42 $1,534.00 $383.42 $1,534.00 $383.42 $383.42 $383.42 $1,534.00 $383.42 $1,534.00 Total Stipend $1,534.00 $383.42 $1,534.00 $383.42 $1,534.00 $383.42 $383.42 $383.42 $1,534.00 $383.42 $1,534.00 Page 9 g. Middle States Teacher Leader Name Division Stipend James Haas CTE $2,884.00 4. Change FTE/Hours/Salary Name Position Shireen Ali Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Jason Berkowitz Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Kayla Bisaillon Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Brandi Bornt Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Lynn Brown Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Lynda Casey Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 James Chambers Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 John Chwaz Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Rhonda Cooper Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Linda Cutter Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Mary Davis Teaching Assistant 7.5 6.5 09/06/2011 Lynn Donnelly Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Donna Eager Library Media Specialist 1.0 .8 09/01/2011 From To Effective Involuntary Dennis Edney Teaching Assistant 6.5 7.0 10/03/2011 Mary Ann Ferraro Teaching Assistant 7.5 6.5 09/06/2011 Nikki France Teaching Assistant 6.5 7.0 09/06/2011 Kimberly Green Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Geneva Grice Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Joyce Hickey Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Elaine Howland Teaching Assistant 6.5 7.0 09/06/2011 Donna Irish Educational Interpreter 7.0 6.5 09/12/2011 Catherine Jakway Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Suzann Kipp Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Anna Latham Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Page 10 Gordon McDaniels Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Richard Mossey Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Courtney Overton Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Pearlie Price Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Erika Ries Teaching Assistant 6.5 7.0 09/07/2010 Erika Ries Teaching Assistant 6.5 7.0 09/06/2011 Steven Rosado Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Cathy Savage Teaching Assistant 6.5 7.0 09/06/2011 Lori Sinisgalli Speech Therapist .6 1.0 09/20/2011 Stacey Stevenot Teaching Assistant 6.5 7.0 09/06/2011 Helen Summers Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Christine Suriano Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Jaclyn Townsend Teaching Assistant 7.0 6.5 09/06/2011 Nicole Van Zandt Teaching Assistant 6.5 7.0 09/06/2011 5. Tenure/Permanent Actions a. Recommend the Board appoint the following employees to tenure status based upon successful completion of the required probationary period: Name Tenure Area Effective Date Brenda Cole Teaching Assistant 10/27/2011 b. Recommend the Board appoint the following employee to permanent status based upon successful completion of the required probationary period: None 6. Change of Status Actions a. Recommend the Board approve a change in status for the following employees, from provisional to permanent, for the following titles, with probationary period as indicated: None Page 11 BUSINESS ITEMS (Agenda Item 8) a) Bid Awards The following bids have been received, analyzed and are recommended for award: 1. Proposal No. Title 11-029 Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 16 Reporting on Controls at a Service Organization (SSAE 16) Effective: FY ending 2011 and 2012 with three (3) optional annual renewals Award to: D’Arcangelo & Company Rye Brook, New York Bid No. Title 11-031 Small Wares (Cooperative Bid) Effective: October 18, 2011 through June 30, 2012 Award to: Buffalo Hotel Supply Co., Inc. Guilderland, New York Bid No. 2. Amount:$142,711.00 (anticipated five (5) year payment) Amount: $8,048.05 Title 12-002 Four Wheel Alignment Machine Effective: October 18, 2011 through October 17, 2012 Award to: Award to: Total Tool, LTD Castleton, New York Amount: $26,489.55 Bid Extensions Bid No. Title 10-039 Automated and Emergency Notification System Effective: September 1, 2011 through August 31, 2012 with optional renewals Vendor: Blackboard Connect f/k/a Alert Now/Saf-T-Net Raleigh, North Carolina Amount: $43,800.00 Tech Radium, Inc. Sugar Land, Texas Amount: $2,500.00 One Call Now Troy, Ohio Amount: $6,300.00 Vendor: Vendor: Bid No. Title 07-225 Snow Plowing Services Effective: November 15, 2011 through May 15, 2012 Vendor: Northeast Striping Service, Inc. Schenectady, New York Amount: $29,800.00 Page 12 b) Cooperative Bid Resolution Participant Recommend adoption of the following resolution which will authorize the Albany-SchoharieSchenectady-Saratoga BOCES to participate in joint Cooperative Bids for the procurement of commodities and/or services as listed below, and, WHEREAS, the lead agency shall coordinate the cooperative effort, as authorized by New York State General Municipal Law, Section 119-o, and WHEREAS, the lead agency shall assume the responsibility for the drafting of specifications, advertising for bids, accepting and opening bids, tabulating bids, and reporting the results to the participates, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the lead agency(s) listed below shall hereby represent all of the participants in awarding the bid as indicated, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, participants have agreed that unless all bids are rejected, it shall award contracts according to the recommendations of the lead agency. c) Bid Type Lead Agency VM Ware Software 2011-12-C07 Southern Westchester BOCES Resolution to Standardize Recommend adoption of the following resolution which would permit BOCES to standardize on specific equipment, products or services. WHEREAS, the Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga Board of Cooperative Educational Services desires to enhance existing or acquire additional equipment, products or services, and WHEREAS, said equipment, products or services are designed to work in a specific manner and WHEREAS, staff has been or will be specially trained in the use of said equipment, products or services, and use of a single manufacturer’s equipment, products or services results in services being delivered more efficiently and in a more cost effective manner, and WHEREAS, member districts have specifically requested specific equipment, products or services, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that there is a need to standardize future purchases of equipment, products or services in order to provide efficiency and economy of operation, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga Board of Cooperative Educational Services hereby authorizes to standardize on future purchases of all such equipment, products or services by limiting such future purchases of equipment, products or services, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that contracts for the purchase of such standardized equipment products or services be made to the lowest responsible bidders after advertisement for sealed bids, as provided in General Municipal Law, Section 103, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be in effect for a period of twelve months from the date of adoption for the following equipment, products or services. 1. Carolina Biological Page 13 d) Sole Source Resolution Recommend adoption of the following resolution designating the sources listed below to be the sole source providers of equipment, products or services required by the Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga BOCES to provide services to a number of school districts. WHEREAS, items which can only be purchased from one source are an exception to Section 103 of the General Municipal Law and therefore are not subject to competitive bidding requirements, and WHEREAS, the sources listed are either the manufacturer or sole distributor of the equipment, products or services and the sole source provider to educational institutions for the specified item, and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga BOCES hereby determines the sources listed below to be the sole source providers, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be in effect for a period of twelve months from the date of adoption for the following equipment, products or service sources. Manufacturer/Distributor: Carolina Biological STC/MS Science Kits Lexis Nexis Lexis Nexis Scholastic Database e) Approval of Contracts 1. BOCES is providing the service a. Recommend approval of an agreement between the Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga BOCES and 233 Genesee Street Corporation, Rochester New York for Installment Purchases based on Bid #07-030 for the districts listed below pursuant to Education Law 1950(4) (4) (w) and General Municipal Law 119-b. The existing bid is valid for the period August 21, 2011 through August 20, 2012. School District Term Principal Amount Lake Placid CSD 5 year $25,021.57 Lease Schedule No. 114 b. Recommend approval of an agreement between the Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga BOCES and The Enlarged City School District of Troy, 2920 Fifth Avenue, Troy, New York 12180. BOCES will provide two 2-hour professional development workshops. The district will pay BOCES $1,020. The contract period is October 18, 2011. (2012-043-IS) c. Recommend approval of an extension to an agreement between the Albany-SchoharieSchenectady-Saratoga BOCES and the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), Empire State Plaza, Corning Tower, Room 515, Albany, New York 12237-0675. BOCES will provide the coordination and implementation for the tobacco prevention youth action program, Reality Check in Albany, Schenectady and Rensselaer Counties. The original contract (approved on September 21, 2009) was for five years and reflected the first two years of funding in the amount of $349,926. The NYSDOH will pay approximately $304,436 during the second funding cycle. This contract period is July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2013. (2010-042e-IS) Page 14 d. 2. Recommend approval of an agreement between the Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga BOCES and The New York State Education Department, 89 Washington Avenue, Room 505, W. EB, Albany, New York 12234. BOCES will provide technical assistance services to 21st Century Community Learning Centers through New York State. SED will pay approximately $1,383,485 over the course of five years. The contract period is October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2016. (2012-044-IS) BOCES is purchasing the service a. Recommend approval of an agreement between the Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga BOCES and D’Arcangelo & Company, LLP, 800 Westchester Avenue, Rye Brook, New York 10573. D’Arcangelo will provide audit services relating to SSAE #16 – Reporting on Controls at a Service Organization. The engagement period encompasses five fiscal years; years ending June 30, 2012, June 30, 2013, June 30, 2014, June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2016. BOCES will pay $14,608 for 2012; $39,063 for 2013; $29,680 for 2014; $29,680 for 2015; and $29,680 for 2016. (2012-045-CA) b. Recommend approval of an agreement between the Albany-Schoharie-SchenectadySaratoga BOCES and madesign, 871 Spring Avenue, Troy, New York 12180. madesign will provide interior design servicesfor RFP preparation related to the BOCES facility evaluation process. BOCES will pay no more than $5,000. The contract period is October 1, 2011 through completion of the project. (2012-046-CA) c. Recommend approval of an agreement between the Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga BOCES and University at Albany (SUNY), University in the High School Programs – Biology 001, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12222. SUNY Albany will provide New Visions Public Communications (Journalism) students with access to University in the High School classes. The contract period is September 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. There are no fees involved. (2012-047-CTE) d. Recommend approval of an agreement between the Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga BOCES and Capital Area School Development Association, East Campus, 5 University Place A409, Rensselaer, New York 12144. CASDA will collaborate with BOCES to develop and deliver the Third Annual Curriculum Coordinators Conference on December 2, 2011. BOCES will pay approximately $10,000. (2012-048-IS) e. Recommend approval of an agreement between the Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga BOCES and The College of Saint Rose, 432 Western Avenue, Albany, New York 12203. The college will provide 12 half days of staff development for participating administrators in the Principals’ Guild. BOCES will pay $500 per participant with an estimated total cost of $17,000. The contract period is September 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. (2012-049-IS) f. Recommend approval of an agreement between the Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga BOCES and Intervention Central: RTI Consultation and Training, 364 Long Road, Tully, NY 13159. Intervention Central: will provide a speaker, Jim Wright, to implement four presentations at Union College on November 4, 2011. BOCES will pay $2,400. The contract period is November 4, 2011. (2012-050-IS) g. Recommend approval of an agreement between the Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga BOCES and Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation, Inc. (LEAF), 7 Elk Street, Third Floor, Albany, New York 12207. LEAF will develop and deliver the workshop, “Training for Lead Evaluators of Principals”. BOCES will pay approximately $85,000. The contract period is August 1, 2011 through October 30, 2011. (2012-051-IS) Page 15 h. Recommend approval of an agreement between the Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga BOCES and LexisNexis, 9443 Springboro Pike, Miamisburg, Ohio 45342. LexisNexis will provide access to LexisNexis Scholastic as requested by member schools. BOCES will pay based on member schools participation. The contract period is July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. (2012-052-IS) i. Recommend approval of an agreement between the Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga BOCES and Rand McNally Education, P. O. Box 1906, Skokie, Illinois 60076-9714. Rand McNally will provide access to Rand McNally Classroom to Sheridan Prep Academy. BOCES will pay $175. The contract period is July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. (2012-053-IS) j. Recommend approval of an agreement between the Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga BOCES and The State University of New York at Plattsburgh, 101 Broad Street, Plattsburgh, New York 12901. SUNY will provide facilities and security/parking at a Capital District/North Country Regional Special Education Technical Assistance Support Center (RSE-TASC), Dropout Prevention training event on December 1, 2011. BOCES will pay approximately $150. (2012-054-IS) k. Recommend approval of an agreement between the Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga BOCES and The Trustees of Union College in the State of New York in the Town of Schenectady a/k/a Union College, 807 Union Street, Schenectady, New York 12308. The college will provide banquet facilities, catering and audio visual equipment for the Third Annual RtI Conference on November 4, 2011. BOCES will pay approximately $3,500. (2012-055-IS) l. Recommend approval of an agreement between the Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga BOCES and Microsearch Corporation, 5 Broadway, Saugus, Massachusetts 01906. Microsearch will build and maintain a database of collective bargaining agreements from school districts within the geographic area serviced by the BOCES labor relations service and provide the capability to search and retrieve information from those contracts. The contract period is November 1, 2011 through October 31, 2013. The price will depend on the number of contracts entered into the database, but is expected to be approximately $11,500 for the first year and $3,000 for the second year. (2012-056-MS) m. Recommend approval of an agreement between the Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga BOCES and Adobe Systems Incorporated, 345 Park Avenue, Mail Stop A08, San Jose, California 95110-2704. Adobe will provide its Adobe software, licensing, and support. BOCES will pay approximately $30,000. The contract period is November 11, 2011 through November 10, 2012, with one twelve-month renewal option. (2012-057-RIC) n. Recommend approval of an extension to an agreement between the Albany-SchoharieSchenectady-Saratoga BOCES and Blackboard Connect, Inc. (f/k/a Saf-T-Net), 4000 Westchase Boulevard, Suite 190, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607. Blackboard will provide its AlertNow automated and emergency notification services. BOCES will pay an amount based on the number of participating districts, RWADA, and calling option plan. The contract period is November 15, 2011 through November 15, 2012, with one twelve-month renewal option. (2011080a-RIC) f) Treasurer’s Report (see separate report) g) Claims Auditor Report (see separate report) h) Budget Adjustments/Transfers (see separate report) Page 16 OTHER ITEMS (Agenda Item 9) a) Administration Considerations 1. New York State School Boards Association a) Proposed Resolutions - Annual Meeting The New York State School Boards Association - Annual Meeting will be held on October 27 30, 2011 in Buffalo. The Administration and Board may wish to discuss the proposed resolutions to be voted on at the Annual Convention. b) New York State School Boards Association Membership - 2012 Recommend the BOCES continue its membership in the New York State School Boards Association for the 2012 calendar year. The annual fee remains unchanged at $10,635. c) BOCES Educational Consortium Recommend the Board authorize the expenditure of $1,600.00 for the 2011-12 School Year as the membership fee for the “BOCES Educational Consortium,” an association newly formed by boards of cooperative educational services from throughout New York State for the promotion of BOCES through education and advocacy. 2. Inter-municipal Agreement(s) Recommend the Board approve an inter-municipal agreement between the Albany-SchoharieSchenectady-Saratoga BOCES and the Village of Ellenville in the amount of $2,000. Capital Region BOCES will provide GASB45 valuations for fiscal years 2010-2011, 2011-2012, and 2012-2013. The agreement period is the date of signing by both parties through August 31, 2013. 3. Ratify the POA Collective Bargaining Unit Agreement Recommend the Board ratify the collective bargaining unit agreement between the Program Associates Organization and the Board of Cooperative Educational Services of Albany-SchoharieSchenectady-Saratoga Counties. The agreement will commence on July 1, 2011 and expire on June 30, 2013. b) Career and Technical Education Considerations 1. Equipment Reserve Funds Recommend the Board authorize the treasurer to transfer from the Career and Technical Education Equipment Reserve fund $76,500. The purpose of this transfer is to purchase a wheel alignment machine for the Auto Trades Program ($26,500) and to purchase a bulldozer for the Residential/Commercial Heavy Equipment Program ($50,000). The authorization is pursuant to 170.3(k) of the regulations of the Commissioner of Education. Further, an approval application will be filed with the New York State Education Department prior to the expenditure. Page 17 2. Overnight Field Trip Recommend approval of an overnight field trip to Liverpool, New York from November 5 through November 8, 2011. Up to (2) staff members and up to (4) students from Albany along with up to two (2) staff members and up to (2) students from Schoharie will be attending this Skills USA New York Fall Leadership/State Officer Training Conference. Leadership training for the state officers and the chapter officers aligns with the mission and purpose of Skills USA. Additionally, recommend approval of an overnight field trip to New York City from November 4 through November 5. One (1) staff member and the Skills USA State President from Schoharie will participate in this one day pre-fall leadership meeting in New York City on November 4 and travel to Liverpool for the Fall Leadership Conference on November 5. 3. Blood Drive Recommend the Career and Technical Education Division be authorized to sponsor the annual Blood Drive by SkillsUSA on February 4, 2012 throughout the school day at the Albany Career and Technical Education School. c) Individual Board Members