Brophy College Preparatory Summer 2010 Junior Justice Project Orientation Handout 1. What is the Junior Justice Project? a. The Junior Justice Project is a ½ credit REQUIRED theology course that all juniors must take. b. You will receive a letter grade for this course and that grade WILL APPEAR on your transcript and affect your GPA. c. Your grade is based on the following: i. Attendance at Orientation (today) and Volunteer Fair (3/31 at lunch in the Black Box Theatre). ii. Submission of signed contract by Wednesday, April 14. iii. 2 Blackboard Reflections, due June 6 and June 27 respectively. iv. 3 Cohort Meetings, times TBD. v. Answers to questions at the end of the article for Blackboard reflection #2, due in June 27. vi. Final Integration Essay, due July 25, 2010, emailed to your faculty mentor. vii. Timesheet signed by your agency confirming 50 hours of service completed, due July 25, 2010, scanned and emailed (not mailed) to your faculty mentor. 2. What you need to do now: a. Make sure you are registered for Summer 2010 Junior Justice Project. b. Visit and go to the OFJ link. Click on Junior Justice Project. c. Read all the material on that site. d. Download and Print the Junior Justice Project Contract. e. Research the agency you wish to serve with by looking at the Approved Agency list (on the JJP page of the Brophy website and by attending the Volunteer Fair next Wednesday, March 24 at lunch in Black Box Theatre. f. Contact that agency and set up a time to visit them in person, find out about volunteer requirements, and have them sign your completed contract. g. Bring the contract to Mr. Broyles in the OFJ BY APRIL 14, and then check back in a few days to see that it has been approved. h. The blackboard site for this course will become available to you in May. You will submit your reflections via blackboard. 3. What is an Approved Agency? a. Brophy has established relationships with a wide variety of groups working with marginalized people in our community. The list of Approved Agencies is on the JJP page on the Brophy website. b. We encourage our students to serve at one of these agencies as they are well-known to us and we have a longterm and consistent track record with them. c. However, occasionally students ask if they can serve at agencies not on our approved list. This is possible, but in order to have the agency approved, you need to fill out the form called “Placement Agency Approval Form,” which is also on the JJP link, and submit it to me for approval before you can submit your contract. This needs to take place WELL IN ADVANCE of the April 14 contract due date. 4. A word about cohorts and faculty mentors: a. Every student will be assigned to a Faculty Mentor and to a Cohort Group. b. With the approval of the OFJ, your faculty mentor is the person who will assign your grade, grade your written work, and keep track of how well you are progressing with the project. c. You and your cohort members will meet with your faculty mentor three times as a group. These meetings are mandatory, and ten percent of your grade is based on you being there. Times for these will be determined by the faculty mentor at your first meeting. 5. For those going on the Peru, Puebla, Kenya or Appalachia Immersion Trip: a. The immersion trip will count for ½ of your 50-hour service requirement for JJP. Therefore, you must complete the other 25 hours with an approved agency before July 25. b. You will be responsible for Blackboard reflections, cohort meetings and the final integration paper (as are all other Summer Justice Project students) due by July 25. c. For those of you going on the Peru or Appalachia Trip, plan to complete your hours AFTER the experience. If you are going to Puebla or Kenya, you need to get your hours done BEFORE the experience. But you still need to get your contract in to me by April 14. 6. How points are earned for JJP Experience Component Hours 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Points received 650 585 520 455 390 325 260 195 130 65 Reflection Component Assignment BB Reflection 1 Original Post Response Points 30 20 BB Reflection 2 Original Post Response Article Q’s 30 20 25 Cohort Meeting #2 50 Cohort Meeting #3 50 225 Final Integration Component Final Paper 125 TOTAL POINTS 1000 7. Summer 2010 JJP Timeline a. Wednesday, March 31, at lunch: Volunteer Fair in BLACK BOX THEATRE. b. Wednesday, April 14, CONTRACTS DUE IN THE OFFICE OF FAITH AND JUSTICE c. Begin service once you have received approval from OFJ or your JJP Mentor. d. By mid-May: Cohort Meeting #1 will be called by your faculty mentor to set dates for other meetings. e. Sunday, June 6, 2010: 1st Blackboard Reflection Due. f. Week of June 6, 2010: Cohort Meeting #2 will be called by your faculty mentor. g. Sunday, June 27: 2nd Blackboard Article Questions and Reflection Due. Email article questions to your mentor. h. Week of June 27: Cohort Meeting #3 will be called by your faculty mentor. i. Timesheets and Final Integration Essay due by July 25 to your Faculty Mentor. Your scanned time sheet and final integration essay MUST BE submitted via email no later than this date. NO MAILED TIMESHEETS OR PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. j. NO TIME SHEETS, ESSAYS OR REFLECTIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER JULY 25. ANY WORK TURNED IN AFTER JULY 25 WILL RECEIVE A ZERO.