UNIVERSITY OF SAN CARLOS The Library System Science Library Acquisitions List FIRST SEMESTER 2011-2012 BIOLOGY & RELATED SUBJECTS Bauman, Robert W. (2011). Microbiology : with diseases by taxonomy. 3rd edition. San Francisco : Benjamin Cummings. 616.9041 B32 Hall, Brian Keith. (2011). Evolution : principles and processes. Sudbury, Mass. : Jones and Bartlett. 576.8 H15 Hartl, Daniel L. (2011). Essential genetics : a genomics perspective. 5th edition. Sudbury, Mass. : Jones and Bartlett Publishers. 576.5 H25 _____. (2010). Molecular biology of plant pathogens / editors, L.V. Gangawane and V.C. Khilare. Delhi : Daya Pub. House. 632.3 M73 ______(2010). Plant biology / Alison M. Smith ... [et al.]. New York, NY : Garland Science. 580 P69 Speight, Martin. (2010). Marine ecology : concepts and applications. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley-Blackwell. 577.7 Sp32 Tarbuck, Edward J. (2011). Earth : an introduction to physical geology. 10th edition. Boston : Prentice Hall. 550 T17 2011 Trujillo, Alan P. (2011). Essentials of oceanography. 10th ; International ed. Boston : Prentice Hall. 551.46 T76 Vallero, Daniel A. (2010). Environmental biotechnology : a biosystems approach. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 628.5 V24 Vandermeer, John H. (2011). The ecology of agroecosystems. Sudbury, Mass. : Jones and Bartlett Publishers. 630 V28 CHEMISTRY & RELATED SUBJECTS Atkins, P. W. (2010). Chemical principles : the quest for insight. 5th edition. New York : W.H. Freeman. 540 At52 Burdge, Julia R. (2011). Chemistry. 2nd edition. New York : McGraw-Hill. 540 B89 _____. (2010). CRC handbook of chemistry and physics : a ready-reference book of chemical and physical data / editor-in-chief, W.M.Haynes ; associate editor: David R. Lide. 91st edition. Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press. 540.2 H19 Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P. (2010). A guide to safe material and chemical handling. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley; Salem, Mass. : Scrivener Pub. 604.7 C42 Cracolice, Mark S. (2011). Basics of introductory chemistry : an active learning approach. 2nd edition. Belmont, CA : Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning. 570 C84 Dorn, James M. (2010). Thanatochemistry : a survey of general, organic, and biochemistry for funeral service professionals. 3rd edition. New York : Prentice Hall. 540.246146 D73 _____.(2010). Handbook of synthetic photochemistry / edited by Angelo Albini and Maurizio Fagnoni. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH. 541.35 H19 _____.(2010). Hydrogen energy / edited by Detlef Stolten. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH. 333.794 H99 Lawrance, Geoffrey A. (2010). Introduction to coordination chemistry. Chichester, U.K. : Wiley. 541.2242 L43 Miessler, Gary L. (2011). Inorganic chemistry. 4th edition. Boston : PPrentice Hall. 546 M58 ______(2010). Novel concepts in catalysis and chemical reactors : improving the efficiency for the future / edited by Andrzej Cybulski, Jacob A. Moulijn, Andrzej Stankiewicz. Weinheim : WileyVCH. 660.2995 N85 Stoker, H. Stephen. (2011). Introduction to chemical principles. 10th edition. Boston : Prentice Hall. 540 St67 COMPUTER SCIENCE & RELATED SUBJECTS Bove, Tony. (2010). iPod & iTunes for dummies. 7th edition. Hoboken, NJ : Wiley. 006.5 B66 Cavaiani, Thomas P. (2010). IT networking labs. Upper Saddle River, N.J. ; Singapore : Prentice Hall. 004.6 C31 Gardner, Susannah. (2010). Blogging for dummies. 3rd edition. Hoboken, NJ : Wiley Pub. 006.7 G17 McDonald, James. (2010). Managing the development of software-intensive systems. Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons. 005.1 M14 Moore, John W. (2010). Principles of chemistry : the molecular science. Belmont, CA : Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning. 540 M78 Morris, Terry Felke. (2011). Web development and design foundations with XHTML. 5th edition. Boston, Mass. ; London : Pearson. 006.74 M83 _____. (2010). Network modeling and simulation : a practical perspective / Mohsen Guizani ... [et al.]. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. : Wiley. 003.3 N38 Pressman, Roger S. (2010). Software engineering : a practitioner's approach. 7th edition. Boston : McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 005.1 P92 Stallings, William. (2011). Cryptography and network and security: principles and practice. 5th edition. Boston: Prentice Hall. 005.82 St18 Trosby, Finn. (2010). Short message service (SMS) : the creation of personal global text messaging. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. ; Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley. 006.7 T75 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & RELATED SUBJECTS Abel, Daniel C. (2010). Environmental oceanography: topics and analysis. Sudbury, Mass. : Jones and Bartlett. 333.9164 Ab34 Enger, Eldon. (2010). Environmental science: a study of interrelationships. 12th edition. Boston : McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 363.7 En32 Lippman, Morton. (2009). Environmental toxicans: human exposures and their health effects. 3rd edition. Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons. 363.7 En89 MATHEMATICS & RELATED SUBJECTS Burton, David M. (2010). Elementary number theory. 7th ed. Boston : McGraw-Hill, Higher Education. 512.7 B95 _____.(2010). College algebra / R. David Gustafson, Peter D. Frisk, Jeffrey D. Hughes. 10th edition. Australia ; Belmont, CA : Brooks/Cole, Sengage Learning. 512.9 G97 Coburn, John W. (2010). College algebra. 2nd edition. Dubuque, IA : McGraw-Hill. 512.9 C63 Coburn, John W. (2010). Precalculus. 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill international. 510 C63 Heiman, Gary W. (2011). Basic statistics for the behavioral sciences. 6th edition. Australia ; Belmont, CA : Wadsworth Cengage Learning. 519.502415 H36 Ma, William. (2010). AP calculus AB/BC, 2010-2011. New York : McGraw-Hill. 515.076 M11 Miller, Julie. (2010). Intermediate algebra. 2nd edition. Dubuque, IA : McGraw-Hill. 512.9 M61 Schoenborn, Barry J. (2010). Technical math for dummies. Hoboken, NJ : Wiley. 510.246 Sch63 Zill, Dennis G. (2011). Calculus : early transcendentals. 4th edition. Sudbury, Mass. : Jones and Bartlett Publishers. 515 Z65 PHYSICS & RELATED SUBJECTS Cutnell, John D. (2010). Introduction to physics. 8th edition. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley ; Chichester : John Wiley. 530 C97 _____. (2010). Introduction to biological physics for the health and life sciences / Kirsten Franklin ... [et al.]. West Sussex : John Wiley & Sons. 571.4 In89 McCall, Martin W. (2010). Classical mechanics : from Newton to Einstein : a modern introduction. 2nd edition. Hoboken, NJ : Wiley. 531 M12 Zikanov, Oleg. (2010). Essential computational fluid dynamics. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley. 532.0501515 Z64 If you wish to borrow any materials listed, please fill up the attached form and submit to your Science Librarian or call 2300-100 local 151. Thank You. 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