RNA Methodology : Post-transcriptional gene regulation by RNA-binding proteins & MicroRNAs SAIHST, SKKU Hyeon Ho Kim 3’UTR 5’UTR Hyeon H Kim CR AAAAAAAA RNA Methodology 1 Building Blocks of DNA & RNA Differences between DNA and RNA 1. Sugar component : in case of DNA, deoxyribose; in case of RNA, ribose 2. Thymine in DNA; Uracil in RNA 3. Stability : DNA is more stable than RNA - presence of thymine rather than uracil in DNA is important to the stability of DNA - hydroxyl group on C2 of ribose makes RNA more chemically labile than DNA Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 2 Structure of RNA Unlike DNA (long double helix), most RNAs are single-stranded and exhibits a variety of conformations 1. Structures - Secondary structure (depending on distance of pairing nucleotides) : Hairpin, formed by pairing of bases within 5~10 nucleotides : Stem-loop, formed by pairing of bases that are separated by >10 to several hundred nucleotides - Tertiary structure (Pseudoknot) : formed by interaction of secondary loops through base pairing between complementary bases [example: telomerase RNA core domain] : catalytic capacities: Ribozyme 2. Ribozyme - RNA that acts as a catalyst - some ribozyme can catalyze Splicing : cut, remove, and ligate RNA * Some RNAs carry out self-splicing Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 3 Structures of RNA Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 4 Polymerization of RNA Transcription - One DNA strand acts as template - Polymerization of RNA using rNTPs and RNA polymerase : Nucleophilic attack by the 3’ oxygen → formation of phosphodiester bond and release of pyrophosphate (PPi) * always synthesized in the 5’ → 3’ direction - The site on the DNA at which RNA polymerase begins transcription is numbered +1 - Newly synthesized RNA is complementary to the template DNA strand * identical with the nontemplate DNA strand Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 5 Transcription – Step 1. Initiation Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 6 Transcription – Step 2/3. Elongation / Termination Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 7 RNA Processing : Modification & Splicing Modification of two ends 1. Cap of 5’ end (7-methylguanylate, m7Gppp) : - protects an mRNA from enzymatic degradation - assists in its export to the cytoplasm - bound by a protein factor required to begin translation in the cytoplasm 2. Polyadenylation of 3’ end - add adenylic acid to free 3’-hydroxyl group by poly(A) polymerase - resulting poly(A) tail contains 100~200 bases - poly(A) polymerase is part of a complex of proteins and cleave a transcript at a specific site RNA splicing - internal cleavage of a transcript to excise the introns, following by ligation of the coding exons - functional eukaryotic mRNAs retain noncoding regions on 3’ and 5’ ends (UTR, untranslated regions) - in mammalian mRNAs: 5’ UTR (a hundred or more nucleotides long), 3’ UTR (several kb in length) - Alternative splicing in eukaryotic genes : multiple introns permits expression of multiple, related proteins from a single gene : an important mechanism for production of different forms of a protein, called isoforms Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 8 RNA Processing : Splicing Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 9 3 Types of RNA : mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA 1. Messenger RNA (mRNA) - carries the genetic information transcribed from DNA in a linear form - mRNA is read in sets of three-nucleotide sequence, called codon, each of which specifies a particular amino acid 2. Transfer RNA (tRNA) - key to deciphering the codons in mRNA - each type of amino acid has its own subset of tRNA, which bind the amino acid and carry it to the growing end of a polypeptide chain - correct tRNA with its attached amino acid is selected at each step because each specific tRNA molecule contains a three-nucleotide sequence, an anticodon, that can base-pair with its complementary codon in the mRNA 3. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) - associates with a set of proteins to form ribosomes - these complex structure, which physically move along an mRNA molecule, catalyze the assembly of amino acids into polypeptide chains - they also bind tRNAs for protein synthesis - ribosome are composed of a large and small subunit, each of which contains its own rRNA Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 10 Synthesis of Proteins on Ribosome Key players in protein synthesis Process of translation 1. mRNA 1. Initiation 2. Aminoacylated tRNA 2. Elongation 3. rRNA-containing ribosome 3. Termination Methionyl-tRNAiMet - Methionyl-tRNAiMet recognizes the AUG start codon - AUG codon for methionine functions as the start codon in the vast majority of mRNAs Two different methionine tRNAs * Synthesized by same aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (MetRS) 1. tRNAiMet : initiates protein synthesis - Only Methionyl-tRNAiMet (activated methionine attached to tRNAiMet) can bind at the appropriate site on the small ribosomal subunit, P site 2. tRNAMet : incorporate methionine only into a growing protein chain - The regular Met-tRNAMet and all other charged tRNA bind only to another ribosomal site, A site *In bacteria, initiation methionine linked with a formyl group, N-fomylmethionine Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 11 Translation : Decoding of mRNA by tRNA Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 12 Synthesis of Aminoacyl-tRNA Aminoacyl-tRNA - Translation requires tRNAs and enzyme called aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase - To participate protein synthesis, tRNA molecule must become chemically linked to a particular amino acid via a high-energy bond, forming an aminoacyl-tRNA Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 13 Translation : Step 1. Preinitiation complex - Large and small subunits are not engaged but are kept apart by binding of two initiation factors - For small subunit, eIF3 and for large subunit, eIF6 Preinitiation complex - 40S subunit containing eIF3 - eIF3 associates with eIF1A - Ternary complex (eIF2-GTP + Met-tRNAiMet ) * Only GTP-bound eIF2 can bind to Met-tRNAiMet * If eIF2 is phosphorylated on serine residue, eIF2 is not able to exchange GDP to GTP → it can not bind to Met-tRNAiMet : Anti-cancer target Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 14 Translation : Step 1. Initiation complex * eIF4, cap-binding protein 1. eIF4E: bind to 5’ cap structure 2. eIF4G: bind to eIF3 3. eIF4B: architectural role positioning eIF4A 4. eIF4A: RNA helicase (unwind RNA) Initiation complex - Preinitiation complex + eIF4 (cap-binding complex) + mRNA Kozak sequence - (5’) ACCAUGG (3’) specific surrounding nucleotides - helping to search for start codon Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 15 Translation : Step 1. Initiation Correct binding of Met-tRNAiMet to start codon 1. the GTP bound by eIF2 is hydrolyzed to GDP: irreversible step preventing further scanning 2. eIF1, 2, 3, and 4 dissociate 3. Small subunit forms complete 80S ribosome catalyzed by eIF5 and 6 Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 16 Translation : Step 2. Elongation - Entry of aa-tRNA & Ribosome conformational change - At the completion of initiation, Met-tRNAiMet is bound to the P site, Second aminoacyl-tRNA is brought into A site as a ternary complex in association with EF1a-GTP When that occurs correctly, the GTP in the associated EF1a-GTP is hydrolyzed Hydrolysis of GTP promotes a conformational change : Proofreading step lead to tight binding of the aminoacyl-tRNA in the A site and release of EF1a-GDP complex Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 17 Translation : Step 2. Elongation – Peptide bond formation & Ribosome translocation - Formation of peptide bond : α amino group of the second amino acid reacts with the “activated” Met on the initiator tRNA : this peptidyltransferase reaction is catalyzed by the large rRNA - Following peptide bond synthesis, GTP in EF2-GTP complex is hydrolyzed : irreversible process → prevents the ribosome from moving along the RNA in the wrong direction or from translocating an incorrect number of nucleotides : Proofreading step - GTP hydrolysis induces conformational change of 80S ribosome : tRNAiMet (without activated methionine) is moved to the E (exit) site on the ribosome Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 18 Translation : Step 3. Termination & Reuse of ribosome Releasing factor (RF) 1. eRF1 : similar shape to tRNA : binding to A site and recognize stop codon directly 2. eRF3 : second eukaryotic RF : GTP-binding protein : eRF3-GTP acts in concert with eRF1 to promote cleavage of the peptidyl-tRNA : releasing complete protein chain - Peptidyl-tRNA bond of tRNA in the P site is not cleaved until eRF1 recognizes stop codon correctly : Proofreading step - A newly synthesized protein folds into its native 3-D structure, a precess facilitated by chaperones Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 19 Simultaneous Translation to increase overall rate of protein synthesis - Two ways for increasing the overall rate of protein synthesis 1. Simultaneous translation of a single mRNA by multiple ribosome: Polysome or Polyribosome 2. Rapid recycling of ribosomal subunits - Poly(A)-binding protein I (PARPI) can interact both an mRNA poly(A) tail and the eIF4G - Two ends of an mRNA molecule can be bridged: Circular mRNA Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 20 Common Questions: the perspective of PTGR Q1. Although promoter activity was not changed, the level of mRNA was different - Stabilization of mRNA - Destabilization of mRNA Q2. Despite the same level of mRNA, protein expression was different - Decreased translation of mRNA - Increased translation of mRNA A: Post-transcriptional gene regulation by RNA-binding proteins or MicroRNAs Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 21 Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation P-body Stress granule Translation Exosome Decay RNA pol II Stabilization DNA Transcription Splicing Maturation mRNA Turnover mRNA mRNA General Introduction Global Analysis of Stress-regulated mRNA Turnover B A Total RNA Extraction Nuclei Isolation Total RNA Array Labeling of Nascent RNA (33P) by Elongation of Established Transcription Complexes Labeling of cDNA (33P) by Reverse Transcription Hybridization of Reverse Transcripts Hybridization of Transcripts Nuclear Run-on (NRO) Array Nuclear Run-on (NRO) Array Total RNA Array y = fold increase in transcription x= p21, Gadd45 HS UVC PG HS UVC PG Fold change in steady-state levels y= Fold change in transcription levels Hyeon H Kim 11% 17% 40% DATA ANALYSIS x/y Transcriptional Downregulation mRNA Stabilization control control mRNA Destabilization DP1, Cyclin D1, Cdk4, Cdc25C, Cyclin A, Cyclin B1 RNA Methodology 32% Transcriptional Upregulation 23 Non-Coding Region in Animal Genomes C. elegans H. sapiens 3 Gb 100 Mb Coding region Coding region 1% 15% 85% Non-coding region 99% Non-coding region General Introduction RNA-Binding Proteins vs. MicroRNAs [A]n [A]n RBPs Regulate: MicroRNAs regulate: Pre-mRNA splicing Nuclear maturation Export of mRNA to cytoplasm Integrity of the 5’ and 3’ ends mRNA stabilization/destabilization Subcytoplasmic mRNA localization Translation Small RNAs (20-22 nt) Hyeon H Kim Translational suppression (incomplete complementarity) mRNA decay (complete complementarity) RNA Methodology 25 Conserved RNA-binding Motifs RNA recognition motif (RRM) = RNA-binding domain (RBD) : most common RNA-binding domain in hnRNP protein, consisting of 80 residue domain - RRM domain : consist of a four-stranded beta sheet flanked on one side by two alpha helices : beta sheet forms a positively charged surface to interact with negatively charged RNA - KH motif : found in hnRNPK protein : similar to RRM domain but smaller, consisting of a 3-stranded beta sheet - RGG box : contains five Arg-Gly-Gly (RGG) repeats with several interspersed aromatic acid (arginine-rich nature) Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 26 RNA-Binding Proteins (RBPs) RBP Function HnRNP A1 HnRNP A2/B1 HnRNP C1/C2 HnRNP D HnRNP F HnRNP H HnRNP I (PTB) HnRNP K HnRNP L HnRNP Q HnRNP U PABP Splicing, export Splicing, localization Splicing, stability Telomeres, stability Splicing Splicing, polyadenylation Splicing, polyadenylation Transcription, translation Export, stability Splicing Nuclear retention Stability, translation HuR Stability, translation αCP1,2 BRF1 TTP Stability, translation Stability Stability Hyeon H Kim RBP Function Yra1 Npl3 Nab4 SF2/SRp30a SC35/SRp30b SRp20 9G8 Magoh Y14 Aly/REF RNPS1 DEK Upf3 SRm160 TIAR, TIA-1 ……… Export Export Polyadenylation Splicing Splicing Splicing, export Splicing, export EJC, localization EJC, NMD EJC, export Splicing, EJC, NMD Splicing, EJC EJC, NMD EJC, splicing Translation ……… RNA Methodology 27 Exon Definition in Long Pre-mRNAs In human genome, average length of an Exon ≒ 150 bases - average length of an Intron ≒ 3,500 bases How is RNA splicing precise? SR proteins - RNA-binding proteins, interacting with sequences within Exons called as Exonic Splicing Enhancers - Subset of hnRNP containing one or more RRM RNA-binding domains - Several protein-protein interaction domains rich in serine (S) and arginine (R) residues - Working mechanism 1. Binding of SR proteins to exonic splicing enhancer 2. Cooperative binding of U1 snRNP to a 5’ splice site and U2 snRNP to a branch point through a network of protein-protein interactions : Cross-exon recognition complex Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 28 AREs Influence mRNA Stability and Translation 3’UTR 5’UTR CR AAAAAAAA ARE (U- or AU-rich element) - UUUUAUUUAAAAGUAUUUUAAAAAGAAAAUUUAUUUAUU UUUUAUUUUACAUUUUAUUUUUUUUUUUUUAUUGUUA - ARE (AU-rich element) (1) Generally present in the 3’ untranslated region (UTR) of labile mRNAs (2) Consisted of 40 - 120 nucleotides (3) Function as potent regulators of mRNA stability and/or translation (4) mRNAs encoding stress-response proteins, cytokines, growth factors, transcription factors, oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, and cell cycle regulatory proteins Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 29 Gene Regulation by HuR STORAGE SG DEGRADATION Exo TRANSLATION PB DNA HuR TRANSCRIPTION EXPORT STABILIZATION SPLICING MATURATION mRNA Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 30 Functions of HuR HuR Survival of Apoptotic Damage ProTα SIRT1 p21 Bcl-2 Hyeon H Kim Evasion of Immune Recognition TGF-β Galectin-1 MKP-1 Elevated Local Angiogenesis VEGF HIF-1 RNA Methodology Invasion and Metastasis Enhanced Cell Division MMP-9 MTA1 uPA EGF GM-CSF Fos Myc Cyclin A Cyclin B1 Cyclin D1 31 Enhanced Expression of HuR in Cancer Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 32 Screening for RBP Target mRNA: IP mRNA:Protein Complex Total RNA Hyeon H Kim RT-qPCR or Microarray IgG IP RNA Methodology RBP IP 33 Experimental Procedure of RNP IP Coating magnetic beads Sepharose protein A magnetic beads + Antibody (5~20 mg): control IgG or RBP Wash 5 times with NT2 buffer Digestion of DNA in IP Incubating with DNase I at 37’C Digestion of proteins in IP Incubating with Proteinase K and SDS at 56’C Isolation of RNA Treated with phenol, precipitated using isopropanol, and wash with 75% EtOH Measurement of target mRNA RT-qPCR Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 34 Identification of RBP’s Motives Identification of Motif RBP IP (w/ control IgG) mRNA Stabilization Translational Enhancer Translational Suppressor Associated with SG/PB HuR Motif Lopez de Silanes et al. (2004) PNAS TIA-1 Motif RNA isolation Lopez de Silanes et al. (2005) MCB Microarray Identification of motif mRNA Stabilization Translational Suppressor mRNA Destabilization Translational Enhancer NF90 Motif AUF1 Motif Kuwano et al. (2010) NAR Mazan-Mamczarz et al. (2009) Hyeon H Kim TIAR Motif Kim et al. (2007) MCB NAR RNA Methodology 35 General Methods RBP Modulates Target mRNA Stabilization mRNA Stabilization Stimulus mRNA Destabilization Stimulus RBPs P-Body Exosome Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 36 mRNA Stability Assay A B mRNA level -- B - A 10 - - Actinomycin D 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Actinomycin D (h) Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 37 RBP Modulates Target mRNA Translation Induction of Translation Stimulus Repression of Translation Stimulus RBPs Ribosome SG/PB Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 38 Analysis of Translational Efficiency Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 39 OD254 Polysome-associated mRNA Analysis Cytoplasmic Lysates FreeMonosomes 10% Polysomes 28S – 18S – 50% Sucrose Gradients Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 40 Nascent Translation Assay: A ** ** ** less translated Hyeon H Kim B ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 35S labeling IgG A B ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** more translated RNA Methodology 35S-Protein 41 General Introduction RNA-Binding Proteins vs. MicroRNAs [A]n [A]n RBPs Regulate: MicroRNAs regulate: Pre-mRNA splicing Nuclear maturation Export of mRNA to cytoplasm Integrity of the 5’ and 3’ ends mRNA stabilization/destabilization Subcytoplasmic mRNA localization Translation Small RNAs (20-22 nt) Hyeon H Kim Translational suppression (incomplete complementarity) mRNA decay (complete complementarity) RNA Methodology 42 Differences between siRNA and miRNA Imperfect match Hyeon H Kim Perfect match RNA Methodology 43 MicroRNA Biogenesis Ago RNA pol II miRNA-coding gene Transcription Ago Primary miRNA (pri-miRNA) NUCLEUS CYTOSOL Assembly Mature miRNA (miRNA) Drosha complex m7G AAAAAAA 2nt Cleavage : Dicing 1st Cleavage : Cropping Importin 5 Precursor miRNA (pre-miRNA) Dicer complex Breakthrough Discoveries in miRNA Biology Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 45 History of microRNAs Year Hallmarks 1993 Lin-4 recognition as a small ncRNA 2000 Let-7 discovery 2000 RNAi “Unit”: 21~23 nts 2001 Dicer in miRNA biogenesis pathway 2002 miRNAs deregulation in cancer 2004 miRNA as a diagnostic biomarker 2005 miRNA-target interaction relevant to cancer 2005 Altered expression of miRNAs affects tumor formation/growth in vivo 2005 Connection between miRNAs and the Myc oncogene 2005 Inhibition of miRNA by antagomirs in mammalians 2006 Regulation of miRNAs by epigenetics in mammalian cells 2006 Deregulation of miRNAs in cardiovascular diseases 2007 Nuclear import of miRNAs 2007 Deregulation of miRNAs in neurodegenerative diseases History of microRNAs Year Hallmarks 2007 miRNA target sequences in 5’UTR 2007 Deregulation of miRNAs in autoimmune diseases 2007 Deregulation of miRNAs in cancer metastasis 2007 miRNAs as transcription upregulators 2008 miRNAs target gene promoter and upregulate gene expression 2008 Detection of miRNAs in serum/plasma 2008 LNA-anti-miRNAs in primates 2008 miRNAs target coding sequence 2009 Proof of concept: miRNA delivery as cancer therapy 2010 Clinical application of LNA-anti-miRNAs 2010 miRNA as molecular decoys 2010 mRNA destabilization by miRNAs 2010 Overexpression of single miRNA is sufficient to cause cancer Almeida et al. 2011 MicroRNA Target Prediction miRanda miRNA target prediction for human, drosophila and zebrafish genomes miRBase a comprehensive repository for miRNAs and their predicted targets miRDB an online database for miRNA target prediction and functional annotations in animals miRNAMap a genomic maps of microRNA genes and their target genes in mammalian genomes miR2Disease a database providing comprehensive resource of miRNA deregulation in various human diseases TarBase a comprehensive database of experimentally supported animal microRNA targets PicTar microRNA targets for vertebrates, fly and nematodes TargetScan a search for the presence of conserved sites that match the seed of each miRNA Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 48 Databases for MicroRNA Expression microRNA.org predicted microRNA targets & target downregulation scores. Experimentally observed expression patterns HMDD Human MicroRNA Disease Database (HMDD) is a database that contains the experimentally supported miRNA-disease association data, which are manually curated from publications. The dysfunction evidence or miRNAs and literature PubMed ID are also given TransmiR a web query-driven database integrating the experimentally supported transcription factor and miRNA regulatory relations Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 49 Detection of miRNA The detection methods of miRNA 1. Based on molecular hybridization (such as Northern Blot) - Insensitive, time-consuming and large amount of RNA. 2. miRNA Q-PCR Detection Kit - Nucleic acid detection standard technology - Rapid, specific and sensitive to detect miRNA 3. Two ways are available - Using stem loop-specific primer (TaqMan) - Using polyA polymerase and Universal primer (SYBR Green) Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 50 RT-qPCR for miRNA Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 51 TaqMan miRNA Assay TaqMan-based RT-qPCR of miRNAs Step 1. Stem–loop RT Stem–loop RT primers bind to at the 3′ portion of miRNA molecules and are reverse transcribed with reverse transcriptase. Step 2. Real-time PCR Then, the RT product is quantified using conventional TaqMan PCR that includes miRNA-specific forward primer, reverse primer and a dye-labeled TaqMan probes. NAR vol. 33 no. 20 e179 Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 52 QuantiMir Assay: System Bioscience (SBI) 1. PolyA polymerase 2. Universal reverse primer 3. Forward primer: miRNA itself 4. SYBR Green system Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 53 IP-RNP Experiments: IP of RISC (Ago2) RISC IP To check specific binding of miRNA - Target mRNA miRNA Transfection of pre-miRNA : increased enrichment of target mRNA in Ago2 IP RISC Ago2 Ago2 Antibody Hyeon H Kim Transfection of anti-miRNA : decreased enrichment of target mRNA in Ago2 IP RNA Methodology 54 Validation of miRNA Binding to Target mRNA: MS2 System MS2 system MS2-binding protein MS2 MS2-binding protein Target 3’UTR MS2 Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 55 HuR negatively regulates c-Myc expression 1 Hyeon H Kim 2 RNA Methodology 56 HuR binds to 3’UTR of c-Myc mRNA 1 2 3 Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 57 c-Myc 3’UTR is required for HuR-mediated suppression Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 58 Several possibilities for HuR-mediated c-Myc suppression 1. Does HuR silencing affect c-Myc mRNA stability or protein stability? 2. Does HuR silencing affect the levels of let-7b or let-7c 3. Does let-7b or let-7c affect the enrichment of c-Myc mRNA in HUR IP? 1 Hyeon H Kim 2 RNA Methodology 59 Let-7 b/c controls c-Myc expression Hyeon H Kim let-7b UGAGGUAGUAGGUUGUGUGGUU let-7c UGAGGUAGUAGGUUGUAUGGUU RNA Methodology 60 Several possibilities for HuR-mediated c-Myc suppression 1. Does HuR silencing affect c-Myc mRNA stability or protein stability? 2. Does HuR silencing affect the levels of let-7b or let-7c 3. Does let-7b or let-7c affect the enrichment of c-Myc mRNA in HUR IP? 2 Hyeon H Kim 3 RNA Methodology 61 HuR requires let-7 binding sites for c-Myc suppression Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 62 Another possible mechanism Cooperative binding of HuR and let-7 into c-Myc 3’UTR ? 5’UTR CR 3’UTR AAAAAAAA ? let7 RISC Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology HuR 63 Ago2 is associated with let-7-mediated c-Myc suppression RISC IP c-Myc mRNA let-7 RISC Ago2 Ago2 Antibody Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 64 HuR is required for let-7 binding to c-Myc mRNA 1 Hyeon H Kim 2 RNA Methodology 65 HuR is required for let-7 binding to c-Myc mRNA MS2 system pMS2 pAB-MS2 AB 2 let-7b let-7 levels in YFP IP MS2-binding protein MS2 MS2-binding protein c-Myc 3’UTR-AB MS2 Hyeon H Kim MS2 RNA Methodology MS2 let-7c MS2 AB-MS2 1 0 Ctrl siRNA HuR siRNA Ctrl siRNA HuR siRNA 66 Proposed Model for Cooperative Regulation of c-Myc Hyeon H Kim RNA Methodology 67