Advanced Algebra 2: Unit 8 Recording Form Bell Work: All bell Date Mon., Jan. 5 +0 +1 Tues., Jan. 6 +0 +1 Wed., Jan. 7 +0 +1 Thurs. Jan. 8 +0 +1 +2 Mon., Jan. 12 +0 +1 Tues., Jan. 13 +0 +1 +2 Thurs., Jan. 15 +0 +1 +2 Name________________ Hour____ work should be completed on the same sheet of paper, organized by date and attached. Topic Score (circle 1) Simplify (handout) A. Done and graded B. Needs more work, show it to me tomorrow Simplify (handout) A. Done and graded B. Needs more work, show it to me tomorrow Write a problem A. Done and graded B. Needs more work, show it to me tomorrow Which one is not like the others? A. Done and graded (handout) B. Needs more work, show it to me tomorrow Rational function definition (notes) A. Done and graded B. Needs more work, show it to me tomorrow Classify functions A. Done and graded B. Needs more work, show it to me tomorrow Compare and contrast A. Done and graded B. Needs more work, show it to me tomorrow Total Bell Work Points Unit 8: _____/10 Bell Work Solutions: Wed., Jan. 7 Tues., Jan. 13 Thurs., Jan. 15 Mini Quizzes: All quizzes should be attached to this sheet, after the bell work and in the order taken. Use them for studying for the retakes and end of unit quiz. The cut score = 7. Date Mini Quiz Topic Score Retake Score Fri., Jan. 9 Operations on rational /8 /8 expressions Wed., Jan. 14 Analyzing rational functions /8 /8 Total Quiz Points Unit 8: ______/16 Agenda/Progress Checks: Use this section to keep track of what is assigned and checked each day. Date Agenda Assigned Progress Check Mon., Jan. 5 Unit 8 prep (exponents) Finish #1-12 (notes, p. 1) ----- Tues., Jan. 6 Unit 8 prep (factoring) Finish factoring, need 30 (online) ----- Wed., Jan. 7 Operations on rational expressions (multiply, divide) ----- ----- Thurs., Jan. 8 Finish problems to get listed solutions (online) ----- ----- Mon., Jan. 12 Operations on rational expressions (add, subtract) Mini Quiz: Operations on rational expressions Intro to rational functions Rational functions Tues., Jan. 13 Rational functions Cont. Rational function breakdown Wed., Jan. 14 Mini Quiz: Analyzing rational functions Applications Mini Quiz Redos Unit 8 review Finish applications (notes, p. 7) Unit 8 quiz Unit 9 prep Fri., Jan. 9 Thurs., Jan. 15 Fri., Jan. 16 +0 +1 +2 (notes, factoring, PPT problems) ----- Rational function breakdown Unit 8 review, finish assignments ----+0 +1 +2 (Rational function breakdown) --------- Practice: Keep all practice attached to this sheet,. Remember that all practice work is due on FRIDAY, JAN 16! Assignment Score Comments Exponent review (notes) +0 +1 +2 Factoring review sets (in class) +0 +1 +2 PPT simplification problems (in class) +0 +1 +2 +3 Rational function breakdown (handout) +0 +1 +2 +3 Applications (notes) +0 +1 +2 Total Progress/Practice Points Unit 8: _____/16 Unit 8 Exit Tickets: Date Topic Mon., Jan. 5 8/12 notes p. 1 Tues., Jan. 6 Factor challenge Wed., Jan. 7 Find the error Fri., Jan. 9 “Think about” notes, p. 4 Mon., Jan. 12 Same vs. different notes, p. 6 Tues., Jan. 13 Super problem Wed., Jan. 14 Which is hardest? Total Exit Ticket Points Unit 8: _____/7 Done Done Done Done Done Done Done +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Revise, Revise, Revise, Revise, Revise, Revise, Revise, turn turn turn turn turn turn turn Score back in back in back in back in back in back in back in Absent, Absent, Absent, Absent, Absent, Absent, Absent, redo/excused redo/excused redo/excused redo/excused redo/excused redo/excused redo/excused