Equipment for Engineering Education Instruction Manual HM150.07 Bernoulli’s Principle Demonstrator G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH P.O. Box 1125 D-22881 Barsbüttel • Germany Phone (040) 670854-0 Fax (040) 670854-42 All rights reserved G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Barsbüttel HM150.07 Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration Apparatus Instruction Manual Puplication No. 917.00007A15012 10/95 HM150.07 Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration Apparatus Contents 1 Unit description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 Performance of experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 All rights reserved G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Barsbüttel 3 Assessment of experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.1 Velocity Profile Venturi Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.2 Pressure Distribution Venturi Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.3 Determining the Flow Rate Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 4 Technical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1 HM150.07 Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration Apparatus 1 Unit description The HM150.07 is used to investigate Bernoulli’s law. The measurement object is a venturi tube with 6 pressure measurement points. The 6 static pressures are displayed on a board with 6 water pressure gauges. All rights reserved G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Barsbüttel The overall pressure can also be measured at various locations in the venturi tube and indicated on a second water pressure gauge. Measurement is by way of a probe which can be moved axially with respect to the venturi tube. The probe is sealed by way of a compression gland. Water is supplied either from the HM150 Fluid Mechanics Basic Module or from the laboratory mains. The HM150 enables a closed water circuit to be constructed. Possible experiments: 1 Unit description - Demonstration of Bernoulli’s law - Pressure measurements along venturi tube - Determination of flow rate factor K 2 HM150.07 Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration Apparatus Components: 10 1 All rights reserved G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Barsbüttel 2 7 8 3 9 5 6 4 1 Assembly board 6 Compression gland 2 3 Discharge pipe 7 Probe for measuring overall pressure (can be moved axially) 4 Outlet ball cock 8 Hose connection, water supply 5 Venturi tube with 6 measurement points 9 Ball cock at water inlet 1 Unit description Single water pressure gauge 10 6-fold water pressure gauge (pressure distribution in venturi tube) 3 HM150.07 Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration Apparatus All rights reserved G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Barsbüttel 2 Performance of experiment 1 - Arrange the experimentation set-up on the HM150 such that the discharge routes the water into the channel - Make hose connection between HM150 and unit - Open discharge of HM150 - Set cap nut [1] of probe compression gland such that slight resistance is felt on moving probe - Open inlet and outlet ball cock - Close drain valve [2] at bottom of single water pressure gauge - Switch on pump and slowly open main cock of HM150 - Open vent valves [3] on water pressure gauges - Carefully close outlet cock until pressure gauges are flushed - By simultaneously setting inlet and outlet cock, regulate water level in pressure gauges such that neither upper nor lower range limit [4,5] is overshot or undershot - Record pressures at all measurement points. Then move overall pressure probe to corresponding measurement level and note down overall pressure - Determine volumetric flow rate. To do so, use stopwatch to establish time t required for raising the level in the volumetric tank of the HM150 from 20 to 30 litres 3 2 4 5 2 Performance of experiment 4 HM150.07 Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration Apparatus ATTENTION! The experimental set-up should be arranged absolutely plane to avoid falsification of measurement results (use of spirit level recommended). All rights reserved G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Barsbüttel For taking pressure measurements, the volumetric tank of the HM150 must be empty and the outlet cock open, as otherwise the delivery head of the pump will change as the water level in the volumetric tank increases. This results in fluctuating pressure conditions. A constant pump delivery pressure is important with low flow rates to prevent biasing of the measurement results. 80 mm The zero of the single pressure gauge is 80 mm below that of the 6-fold pressure gauge. Allowance is to be made for this fact when reading the pressure level and performing calculations. Both ball cocks must be reset whenever the flow changes to ensure that the measured pressures are within the display ranges. 2 Performance of experiment 5 HM150.07 Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration Apparatus 3 Assessment of experiment The measured values are to be compared to Bernoulli’s equation. Bernoulli’s equation for constant head h: All rights reserved G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Barsbüttel p1 w12 p2 w22 ρ + 2 = ρ + 2 = const. Allowance for friction losses and conversion of the pressures p1 and p2 into static pressure heads h1 and h2 yields: w2 w2 h1 + 2g1 = h2 + 2g2 + hv Condition 1 Condition 2 p1: Pressure at cross-section A1 h1: Pressure head at cross-section A1 w1: Flow velocity at cross-section A1 p2: Pressure at cross-section A2 h2: Pressure head at cross-section A2 w2: Flow velocity at cross-section A2 3 Assessment of experiment ρ: Density of medium = constant for incompressible fluids such as water hv Pressure loss head 6 HM150.07 Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration Apparatus The mass flow is constant in closed systems. . . m1 = m2 Given . m1 . . m =V ⋅ρ : . m2 All rights reserved G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Barsbüttel . . V1 ⋅ ρ = V2 ⋅ ρ . . V1 = V2 Given . V =A⋅w : . A1 ⋅ w1 = A2 ⋅ w2 = V = const. 3 Assessment of experiment 7 HM150.07 Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration Apparatus 3.1 Velocity profile in venturi tube The venturi tube used has 6 measurement points. 1 2 3 4 5 6 The table below shows the standardised refer__ ence velocity w . This parameter is derived from the geometry of the venturi tube. All rights reserved G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Barsbüttel __ A wi = A1 i Point i Di [mm] [m ⋅ 10 ] reference __ velocity w 1 28,4 6,33 1 2 22,5 3,97 1,59 3 14,0 1,54 4,11 4 17,2 2,32 2,72 5 24,2 4,60 1,37 6 28,4 6,33 1 A 2 −4 Multiplying the reference velocity values with a starting value, the student can calculate the theoretical velocity values wcalc at the 6 measuring points of the venturi tube. At constant flow rate, the starting value for calculating the theoretical velocity is found as: . V w1 = A 1 The results for the calculated velocity wcalc can be found in the following table. 3 Assessment of experiment 8 HM150.07 Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration Apparatus All rights reserved G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Barsbüttel The following values were determined for various flow rates: i h1 [mmWS] h2 [mmWS] h3 [mmWS] h4 [mmWS] h5 [mmWS] h6 [mmWS] hstat. 280 269 120 195 242 250 htotal 369 369 370 364 359 352 hdyn. 9 20 170 89 37 22 wmes. 0,420 0,626 1,826 1,320 0,852 0,594 wcalc. 0,435 0,692 1,785 1,185 0,592 0,4355 hstat. 205 196 62 128 166 173 htotal 293 294 292 288 280 276 hdyn. 8 18 150 80 34 23 wmes. 0,396 0,594 1,715 1,250 0,816 0,671 wcalc. 0,404 0,644 1,662 1,100 0,556 0,404 hstat. 195 191 130 158 173 176 htotal 276 275 273 271 268 264 hdyn. 1 4 57 33 15 8 wmes. 0,140 0,280 1,057 0,800 0,520 0,396 wcalc. 0,262 0,418 1,073 0,715 0,362 0,262 t für 10 l . V [l/s] 36,29 0,275 39,0 0,256 60,0 0,166 The table makes allowance for the following relationships. Calculation of dynamic pressure head: hdyn. = htot.− 80mm − hstat. 80 mm must be subtracted, as there is a zero-point difference of 80 mm between the pressure gauges. The velocity wmeas was calculated from the dynamic pressure wmeas. = √ 2 ⋅ g ⋅hdyn . 3 Assessment of experiment 9 HM150.07 Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration Apparatus Graphical representation The graph below illustrates the measured and calculated velocity profile along the venturi tube at a flow rate of 0,275 l/s. The deviations can be attributed to inexact measurements. Flow velocity All rights reserved G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Barsbüttel w [m/s] 1,8 Measured 1,4 1,0 0,6 Calculated 0,2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Measurement points i on venturi tube 3 Assessment of experiment 10 HM150.07 Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration Apparatus 3.2 Pressure Distribution Venturi Tube Graphical representation The pressure changes in the venturi tube can be represented in a graph directly: Pressure Distribution Venturi Tube 400 350 htotal hstat 250 hdyn in mm WC All rights reserved G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Barsbüttel 300 200 150 100 hdyn 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Measuring Point The graph shows, that the equation hdyn. = htot.− 80mm − hstat. is fullfilled at every point in the venturi tube. Furthermore, it becomes clear, that there is a slight overall pressure loss in the venturi tube. 3 Assessment of experiment 11 HM150.07 Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration Apparatus 3.3 Determination of Flow Rate Factor A venturi tube can be used for flow rate measurements. In comparison with orifice or nozzle, there is a far more smaller pressure loss during measurements of flow rate. The pressure loss ∆p between largest and smallest diameter of the tube is used as measure for the flow rate: ∆p:: All rights reserved G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Barsbüttel . V = K⋅√ ∆ p The flow rate factor K is generally made available for the user by the manufacturer of a venturi tube. If the flow rate factor is unknown, it can be determined from the pressure loss ∆p:: . V K = ∆p √ The following table shows the pressure loss for various flow rates as well as the flow rate factor K. . V =0,275 l/s Measuring ∆p K l Point [mm WC] [ s ⋅ bar √ 1 3 160 2,1 . V =0,256 l/s ∆p K ] [mm WC] 143 [ . V =0,166 l/s ∆p [mm WC] K l ] s ⋅√ bar 2,1 [ 65 l ] s ⋅√ bar 2,1 The pressure loss is read off from the six -tube manometer in mm water column and set in the equation as bar. The flow rate can be used with unit l/s. 3 Assessment of experiment 12 HM150.07 Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration Apparatus 4 Technical Data Water multi tube manometer 6-fold: 300 mm H2O Total pressure tube manometer 1-fold: All rights reserved G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Barsbüttel Venturi meter nom. diameter: min. diameter: Overall dimension (L x W x H): Weight: 4 Technical Data 530 mm H2O 28.4 mm 14 mm 1100 x 640 x 900 mm 40 kg 13