COURSE SYLLABUS SAA076: Methodologies and Techniques of Project Management I ACADEMIC YEAR 2010/2012 DEGREE: International University Master in Peace, Conflict and Development Studies 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Department and area of knowledge: IUDESP (Interuniversity Institute of Social Development and Peace) Type (Basic Training, Compulsory, Optional, Work Placement, End-of-Degree Project): Compulsory Course (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th): 2nd year Semester (1st, 2nd, annual): 2nd semester Credits: 3 Language(s) of instruction: English Main Lecturer: Dr. Irene Comins Mingol Class Schedule: See the LLEU guide (from 9.30 a.m. to 2 p.m., from Monday to Friday) 2. INTRODUCTION (Brief description of the subject within the Degree syllabus) The subject Methodology and Techniques of Project Management I provides essential training to the students who take the professional itinerary of the Master. In this course students will learn the basic competences on the functioning and elaboration of projects. 3. RECOMMENDED BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE No specific previous knowledge is required to take this course. 4. COMPETENCES AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Generic and specific competences Learning outcomes (This section will be automatically completed with information from the report on the Verifica UJI programme) (This section will be automatically completed with information from the report on the Verifica UJI programme) 1. General aims 1.1. To spread the ideas of peace, conflicts, humanitarian aid and development cooperation as proposed by UNESCO, so that the future professionals and researchers include these ideas entirely in their working fields, both as part of their objectives as well as of their processes (multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches). 1. General outcomes 1.1. To be able to spread the ideas of peace, conflicts, humanitarian aid and development cooperation as proposed by UNESCO, so that the future professionals and researchers include these ideas entirely in their working fields, both as part of their objectives as well as of their processes (multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches). 1.2. To create an environment of study and critical research and of academic excellence according to the statutes of University Jaume I and the convergence process of European Higher Education Area within the Bologna Framework. 1.2. To be able tocreate an environment of study and critical research and of academic excellence according to the statutes of University Jaume I and the convergence process of European Higher Education Area within the Bologna Framework. 1.4. To develop individual, social and professional skills to make peace (peaces) and to transform conflicts by peaceful means. 1.4. To be able to develop individual, social and professional skills to make peace (peaces) and to transform conflicts by peaceful means. 1.6. To move forward in the construction of cultures for peace by means of intense academic and professional work. This work would be developed both in the seminar rooms of the Master of Arts as well as by the graduates in the program. Once they join their working places in their native countries, their point of view would be critical, intercultural, gender based, with a perspective of conflict transformation and alternative diplomacy. 1.6. To be able to move forward in the construction of cultures for peace by means of intense academic and professional work. This work would be developed both in the seminar rooms of the Master of Arts as well as by the graduates in the program. Once they join their working places in their native countries, their point of view would be critical, intercultural, gender based, with a perspective of conflict transformation and alternative diplomacy. 1.7. To consolidate the necessary knowledge, tools and attitudes to establish working networks in order to implement world policies based on sustainable development, cooperative responsibility and the environmental security. 1.7. To be able to consolidate the necessary knowledge, tools and attitudes to establish working networks in order to implement world policies based on sustainable development, cooperative responsibility and the environmental security. 2. Knowledge outcomes 2. Knowledge aims 2.1. To know and recognize the main 2.1. To be able to know and recognize the international schools of Peace Research main international schools of Peace from a historical and from a historical and methodological Research methodological perspective. perspective. 2.2. To be able to know the main schools specializing in 2.2. To know the main international schools international specializing in resolution, management and resolution, management and transformation transformation of conflicts by peaceful of conflicts by peaceful means, ranging from means, ranging from the interpersonal to the the interpersonal to the spheres of state and global governance. spheres of state and global governance. 2.9. To know the policies of the Generalitat Valenciana, the Spanish Government, the European Union, the International Organizations and other NGOs in the areas of humanitarian aid and development cooperation. 2.9. To be bale to know the policies of the Generalitat Valenciana, the Spanish Government, the European Union, the International Organizations and other NGOs in the areas of humanitarian aid and development cooperation. 3. Competence aims 3.3. To build capacity for the analysis of main measuring instruments for the global situation, with special emphasis on those territories or populations characterized by poverty, marginalization and exclusion. 3. Competence outcomes 3.3. To be able to build capacity for the analysis of main measuring instruments for the global situation, with special emphasis on those territories or populations characterized by poverty, marginalization and exclusion. 3.4. To develop skills for the planning, execution and evaluation of development 3.4. To be able to develop skills for the and co-development projects (North-South, planning, execution and evaluation of development and co-development projects South-South and South-North). (North-South, South-South and SouthNorth). 4. Skill aims 4.2. To prepare for the use of web pages with information related to international 4. Skill outcomes organizations, to European, African and 4.2. To be able to prepare for the use of web with information related to American Human Rights' Charters, to the pages programs of the different agencies working international organizations, to European, in the field of development cooperation, to African and American Human Rights' the main NGOs working for peace and Charters, to the programs of the different development, to the strategies of regional agencies working in the field of development associations like the European Union, the cooperation, to the main NGOs working for African Union, the Organization of American peace and development, to the strategies of regional associations like the European States, and others. Union, the African Union, the Organization 4.3. To exercise the use of bibliographic of American States, and others. databases related to peace, development cooperation and study of conflicts, as well 4.3. To be able to exercise the use of as the use of the main international journals bibliographic databases related to peace, working on the issue, most part of which we development cooperation and study of can be consulted in the library of this conflicts, as well as the use of the main University and in the Documentation Center international journals working on the issue, of the Bancaja International Center for most part of which we can be consulted in the library of this University and in the Peace and Development (CIBPD). Documentation Center of the Bancaja 4.4. To train in basic methodologies of International Center for Peace and Humanitarian Aid, in combination with those Development (CIBPD). NGOs which critically consider this kind of aid as an intermediate stage towards a 4.4. To be able to train in basic methodologies of Humanitarian Aid, in longer-term development. combination with those NGOs which 4.8. To train in the analysis of the critically consider this kind of aid as an functioning of International Organizations, intermediate stage towards a longer-term such as the UN and its agencies, other development. NGOs, and NGOs on development issues, by means of simulation exercises and taking 4.8. To be able to train in the analysis of the benefit of the capacities of many students functioning of International Organizations, who work or have worked in such such as the UN and its agencies, other NGOs, and NGOs on development issues, institutions. 4.10. To prepare for the development and co-development projects following the criteria of logical framework, and the development cooperation policies of the Generalitat Valenciana, the Spanish Government, the European Union and other international institutions and NGOs. by means of simulation exercises and taking benefit of the capacities of many students who work or have worked in such institutions. 4.10. To be able to prepare for the development and co-development projects following the criteria of logical framework, and the development cooperation policies of 4.11. To exercise the multilingual the Generalitat Valenciana, the Spanish communication, due to the multilingual origin Government, the European Union and other of the participating students with special international institutions and NGOs. emphasis on English, Spanish and Valencian, which are the employed 4.11. To be able to exercise the multilingual languages of the program at the University communication, due to the multilingual origin Jaume I. of the participating students with special emphasis on English, Spanish and Valencian, which are the employed languages of the program at the University Jaume I. 5. CONTENTS Course descriptors (This section will be automatically completed with information from the report on the Verifica UJI programme) Data collection techniques. Field work. Internships in NGOs, companies and international organizations. Management of the Third Sector organizations. Diagnosis and proposal design. Application to the specific practices of the NGOs or institution where the student is going to develop the activity. 6. UNITS (State titles of units, sections and, where appropriate, subsections) 1. Introduction to the Project Cycle, Results-Based Management and the use of the Logical Framework Approach to project design. 2. Diagnostic tools: Stakeholder’s analysis and Problem analysis; 3. Project Identification tools: analysis of objectives and analysis of alternatives. 4. Logical Framework Matrix: objectives and activities, indicators, means of verification, assumptions. 5. Project costing 7. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND ADDITIONAL RESOURCES 7.1 Basic bibliography EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2005): ECHO Manual, Project Cycle Management. INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (1997): Evaluation: A Management Tool for Improving Project Performance, Washington, D.C. WORLD BANK (2000): The LogFrame Handbook, Washington, D.C., pages 37-46, 55-61. CIDA (2000): RBM Handbook on Developing Results Chains 7.2 Complementary bibliography CIDA (2007): Results Based Management 101 series, Ottawa NORAD (1999): Logical Framework Approach LFA: handbook for objectives-oriented planning, Norway NORAD (2008): Results Management in Norwegian Development Cooperation. A practical guide, Norway 7.3 Websites 7.4 Other resources 8. TEACHING METHODOLOGY (State the methodology to be applied according to the philosophy of the European Higher Education Area) The teaching methodology of this subject will be mainly practical. Each session will include a theoretical explanation of the contents by the lecturer, but all the topics discussed in class will be further analyzed in a practical way by the students, who will identify the relation of the course contents with their future internship. 9. ACTIVITY PLANNING Summary (The number of hours required for each activity are indicated in the Verifica UJI programme and must be fulfilled. Class hours should be 30-40% of the total hours of work expected for each subject, while non-class hours should take 60-70% of the time) Activities Theory sessions Practical sessions (problems) Practical sessions (laboratory) Seminars Workshops Small group tutorials Assessment Individual work ............ ................. TOTAL HOURS (no. of credits x 25) Class hours 8 12 Non-class hours 2,5 52,5 75 10. LEARNING ASSESSMENT 10.1 Assessment type (Copy the assessment types shown in the Verifica UJI programme) Percentage of final grade (Copy the percentages shown in the Verifica UJI programme) Attendance and participation 60% Course paper 40% 10.2 Assessment Criteria: A) Indicate the minimum grades required in order to pass the course. B) Indicate the strictly necessary activities in order to pass the course. A) The minimum grade required to pass the subject is 5. B) In the first session, the submission of the academic paper is compulsory in order to be graded for the subject. In the second session, it will be necessary to repeat the academic paper that, in this case, will account for the 100% of the final grade. 11. OTHER INFORMATION Total or partial forms of plagiarism in the course paper, will automatically imply to fail the subject.