Application Software for Insurance in the 1960s and Early 1970s JoAnne Yates • MIT Sloan Schoolof Management As Martin Campbell-Kelly[5] notesin his paperon this panel,dataon the emergenceof the software industry is sparse,and "In the absenceof hard quantitativedata, the besthistoricalapproachappearsto be one basedon case studies." While his paperprovidescasestudiesof specificsoftwarefirms, this paper providesa different type of case study:a study of the emergenceof applicationsoftware,especiallypackagedsoftware,from the pointof view of one userindustry,life insurance. Fromthefirstadoptionsof UnivacsandIBM 650sbeginningin 1954/55into the early 1960s, firms who bought or rented computerswere faced with the formidabletaskof programming them.Fromthe very beginningof insuranceuse of computers,programmingtime and costs,consistentlyunderestimated, were a majorpartof the expenseof installingcomputersystems.Earlyestimatesranged from onethird to two thirdsthe costof equipmentrental[ 11]. The representative of oneinsurancecompany[30, p. 16] explainedthatmanyinsurance firms turned to computersin responseto a costsqueeze;yet, "This interestin usingcomputers to performmanyof theroutinetasksof dataprocessing, in turn,introduceda new factor into the price cost squeeze":"the tremendouscostsbeing incurredby companiesin the area of systemsdesignand programmingrequiredto install computersto performthesevariousfunctions."He went on to claim that in many cases,companies"were pointingout that programmingcostshad far exceeded predictions,and the anticipatedcostsavingswere not forthcoming." Initial attemptsto reduceprogrammingcosts(for otheruserindustriesas well asinsurance) camein theadoptionof programming languages easierto useand morepowerfulthanmachinelanguage,ultimatelyincludingCOBOL for business programming [11, p. 235; 2, p. 364]. At thesametime,hardwarevendorswerealso providingincreasedsupportto all usersin the form of programmedroutinesgiven • I am gratefulfor theresearch assistance of Bob Hancke,HansGodfrey,CindyCollins, HowardHecht,andPatMurrayin thisresearch.I alsoappreciatethe archivalassistance of Hal Keinerat thearchivesof CIGNA, DanielMay andthelibrarystaffof theMetropolitan Life Archives,of Paul Lasewiczat the archivesof AetnaLife & CasualtyCompany,and PhyllisSteeleat The New England.Hal KeinerandPhyllisSteelewerealsovery helpfulin settingup interviewswith employees for me. My work wasalsoaidedby accessto the BostonInsuranceLibrary. BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC HISTORY, Volume twenty-four,no. 1, Fall 1995. Copyright¸1995 by the BusinessHistoryConference. ISSN 0849-6825. 123 124 to their customerswith the machines.Eventuallysuchcollectionsof software routinestook on the identity of operatingsystems. Like improvementsin programming languages, operating systems greatlyfacilitatedprogramming. This paperfocuses,however,on softwareapplicationpackagesdesigned specificallyto accomplishinsurancefunctions. For this story, IBM's 1969 unbundling wasa crucialinflectionpoint. I will firstsurveytheemergence anduse of insuranceapplicationsoftwarebefore IBM's unbundlingin 1969, focusing primarilyon IBM's bundledinsurancesoftwareandsecondarily on the emerging insurancecomputerserviceindustry.Then, I will look at the eventsfollowing IBM's decisionto unbundle hardwareandsoftwarein 1969,openingthewayfor the rapidexpansion of packagedsoftwareofferedby a varietyof newlyemerged softwarespecialtyfirms. Insurance Software before Unbundling The earliestpre-developed andtestedapplicationsoftwareavailableto the insurance industrywascreatedby thehardwarevendorsthemselves.Initially, the vendorsprovidedtraining and aid to insurancefirm programmersto support applicationprogramming.In addition,they suppliedlibrariesof routinesfor all users[41]. As it becameclearthat costsof programmingwerea majorfactorin decisions to rentor buycomputers, however,vendors sawtheneedto do morethan providegenericprogramssuchas reportgeneratingprograms.They beganto supplyindustry-specific applicationprograms. '62 CFO IBM's '62 CFO (Consolidated FunctionsOrdinary,1962),designedfor the 1401tapecomputer, seemsto havebeenthefirst--andwascertainlythebestknown-of suchapplication programs designed for theinsurance industry.The software(it wasactuallya setof programs)wasbasedon the Societyof Actuaries'notionof a Consolidated Functions planfbr handlingordinaryinsurance billing,accounting, andrelatedfunctions,initiallyconceivedin the 1950sin preparation for the first computers(thoughbased on an earlier, tabulatorera notion of integrated applications) butonlyrarelyachieved in thesoftwaredeveloped by insurance firms in thefirstdecadeof computerization [52, 53]. A fewyearslatertherepresentative of oneinsurancefirm describedCFO's inceptionasfollows: IBM, one of the computermanufacturers, beingcloseto the problem[of high applicationprogramming costs]andawareof its impactontheirmarketsetoutto do somethingaboutit. In addition to engineering changes in computers to simplifyprogramming, they assembleda systemsand programmingteam to develop a ConsolidatedFunctionsSystemfor OrdinaryLife Insurancewith threeprimaryobjectives: 1. To developa systemsapproachfor computers that will allow automaticprocessingof all scheduledtransactions and requested processing for all non-scheduled transactions involvingOrdinary Life contracts. 125 2. To writea seriesof computerprogramsfor the 1401 whichwill performall record-keeping functionson a daily, monthly,or annual cycle for Ordinary Life Insurancecontractsand miscellaneous accountingapplicationsthat are directlyrelatedto OrdinaryLife Insurance contracts. 3. To test and documentthesecomputerprogramsto such an extentthat theycan be usedbroadlythroughoutthe Life Insurance Industry as operationalcomputerprogramsor as a guide in the development of personalized totalsystems on an individualcompany basis[30, pp. 16-17]. In springof 1962,IBM helda one-weekcourseat theirEndicottfacility to presenttheunfinished softwarethencalledCFO '62 to interested representatives of thelife insurance industry.Accordingto an attendee,in developingtheprograms, "The PAL [ProgramApplicationLibrary] unit of IBM has been guidedby a consultingactuaryand severallife companies"[34]. '62 CFO, as it cameto be called,wasnotyetreadyfor customers, but wasintendedto be field testedstarting laterthatyear. Indeed,thefirsttworeferences to CFO '62 in theproceedings of the Insurance Accounting andStatisticalAssociation(IASA--oneof severalinsurance trade associationsto devote considerableattention to the use of computers) appearedin 1963,andin neithercasehadit yet beenfully implemented[49, 50]. By the 1964IASA meetings, however,'62 CFO wasclearlybeingusedin variouswaysat severalmedium-sized companies.Three presenters discussed it extensively.Onepresented a paperon "TheCFO Packageasa Guide"in whichhe explainedthathiscompany's specificequipmentconfiguration precludedits using thepackage directlyaswritten;nevertheless, thefirm wasfindingit veryusefulas a guide in its own development of a similarsystem[14]. The packageprovided guidancein areasfrom systemdefinitionto documentation techniques, andfrom recordformatdesignto training.In spiteof thislimiteduseof it, he announced that "Frankly, my impressionof the packageis rather favorable"[14, p. 13]. The representativeof anotherfirm describedhis firm's adoptionof the packagewith only minormodifications[30]. He was alsoenthusiastic aboutit, but notedthat it did noteliminateall workinvolvedin convertingoperations ontoa 1401computer: In closingI wouldlike to illustratemy appraisalof '62 CFO in this manner....We now have an objective we wish to reach-- automaticprocessing of ordinarylife insurance -- '62 CFO is theSantaFe Trail fbr thisobjective.It is clearlymarked and documented.There will be somehardshipsalongthe way. However, if you follow the trail, I'm sure you will reach the objective[30, p. 18]. In general,thepackageseemedto be well on its way towardswidespread acceptanceby 1964. In that year the first of threeregionalCFO usergroupswas established by insurance companies in the westernpart of the country[46]. Papers givenat IASA in the nextfew yearsillustratedthat acceptanceandgavethe clear impression thatbothinsurance usersandIBM benefitedfrom it. One speaker,for example,notedthat"If a companywereto adoptCFO in its entirety,about35 manyears of research,planning,and programmingwould be saved";even with his 126 company'smodifications to CFO, "We realizeda savingsof approximately 22 manyearsin our installation" [43, p. 13]. The representative of anotherinsurancefirm notedthathisfirm "decidedto orderanIBM 1401,specificallyto utilizetheIBM 'package'of programsfor Life Insuranceknown as '62 CFO" [48, p. 225]. Indeed, insuranceindustrysourcesfrom that era and from the present consider'62 CFO the mostsuccessfulinsurancesoftwarepackageever, with the estimatednumberof usersrangingfrom 200 to 300 insurancecompanies,manyof whichhad multiple1400 seriescomputersin their operations[46, 19]. In 1972, seventy-fivelife insurancecompaniesattendedthe Midwest-AtlanticCFO user groupmeeting,one of threeregionalusergroups. The popularityof '62 CFO wasclearlyinfluenced by thepopularityof the 1401 computer,which,accordingto IBM accounts,"quicklybecameone of the mostimportantandsuccessful productsIBM hadeverannounced," the "Model-T Ford of the computerindustry"with over 12,000 (far over the initial estimates) produced[2, pp.473,676n]. But thehardware'spopularitywasin turn influenced by industry-specific softwarepackagessuchas '62 CFO, which allowedmedium andsmallinsurance firmsto computerizefor a reasonable cost. Firmssuchasthe onecitedaboveadoptedthe 1401becausetheCFO softwaremadedoingsofeasible evenfor a smallfirm; theconversionprocessfor the firm's life andhealthpolicies (thelatterrequiringsomemodifications to theprograms)tookonly threeemployees andwascompletedin one andone half months[48, p. 225]. While the insurance industrywasonly oneindustryusingcomputers, onesoftwarevendorservingthat industryin 1970assertedthatit was"probablythe largestuserof computersoutside thebankingindustry"[3, sec.2, p. 55]. Clearly,providingsuchsoftwarefree with the hardwaremadethe 1401 moreattractiveto smallerinsurancefirms that might otherwisehavedelayedcomputerizingor goneto other,lessexpensivevendors. The largestinsurancefirms did not generallyuseCFO, for at leasttwo reasons.First,firms suchas the Prudential,MetropolitanLife, andJohnHancock dependedon much larger computersthan the 1401 to handle their enormous numbersof policies[53]. In addition,thesefirmstendedto preferto programtheir computersthemselves, with only limitedhelpfrom vendorsor othersources.As someoneworkingin the systemsareaat thePrudentialsaid,"We liked to do things the Prudential way" [28]. Thus the vendorsmight provide supportand utility programsto suchlargeinsurancefirms, but the targetsof '62 CFO were medium and small firms. TIP and ALIS By the late 1960sIBM's successwith '62 CFO had beenobservedand imitated by at least one other vendor and by itself with its next generationof hardware. The three hardwarevendorsthat, accordingto insuranceindustry sources,put the mosteffort intoattractingcustomers from the insuranceindustry, mountingexhibitsat IASA meetings, LOMA (Life OfficeManagementAssociation) triennialSystems Forums,andotherindustryevents,wereIBM, Honeywell,andthe UNIVAC Division of Sperry Rand Corporation[15, pp. 140, 155]. While UNIVAC appearsonly to haveprovidedgeneralpurposeprogramsfor functions suchas input-outputand reportgeneration(its lack of applicationprogramswas undoubtedly oneof itscompetitiveproblems),Honeywellwasmorecompetitiveon the applicationprogrammingdimension. 127 At the end of 1963 when Honeywellannouncedits forthcomingH-200, whichwasplug-compatible with theIBM 1401(but much faster),it alsopromised a programcalledLiberatorthatwouldtranslate1401programsfor the H-200 [38, p. 162]. Liberatorwasintendedto makeit easyfor IBM 1401 usersto upgradeto Honeywell'sfasterH-200. Thus this programwould translate'62 CFO for useon the H-200. In addition,however,Honeywellsoonprovidedits own life insurance applicationpackagecalledtheTIP (Total InformationProcessing) System[15, p. 161]. Thispackagewas,according to onesoftwarevendora few yearslater,"The CFO system... putintoHoneywelllanguage withfrontandrearextensions" [46, p. 141]. He wenton to notethatit wasan exampleof "IBM competitionrecognizing the importanceof industry-oriented software."Judgingby thelack of discussion of thispackagein paperspresented at theIASA andLOMA conferences, however, its popularitydid not approachthat of '62 CFO. A moreimportantdevelopmenteffort wasIBM's ALIS (AdvancedLife InformationSystem),designed to takeadvantage of theIBM 360's newcapabilities. While IBM alsoprovidedwaysof adapting'62 CFO to the 360 architectureand languagethroughemulationandadaptation[26, p. 327], thesewaysdid not take advantageof the 360 series' speednor its direct accessstorageand inquiry capabilities.Thusin 1964a groupof insuranceindustryrepresentatives andIBM industrymarketers cametogetherto discuss a projectfor developing a consolidated functionsinsurance packagefor the 360/30, andin 1965IBM beganworkingon the project,with the participationof monitorgroupsof insurancerepresentatives [46, p. 140]. Scheduledfor releaseat the end of 1966, ALIS wasdelayedrepeatedly, eventuallyappearingin Januaryof 1969 [36, 4]. ALIS wasdesigned to process a singledailyrunto accomplish all routine functionsconcerninga policy, as well as to processspecialperiodic runs for reportingpurposes[26, 16]. Most importantly,as one IBM representative explainedto membersof IASA, it madeuseof the360's directaccessstorageand telecommunications capabilities"to providestatusandseveraltypesof quotations via a teleprocessing terminal"[16, p. 123;seealso29, p. 119]. Thiscapabilitywas perhapsto be the mostinnovativeandattractiveaspectof ALIS to potentialusers, thoughit tooka longtimeto realize. For example,onecompanyinterested in ALIS noted that "the availability of mass storagefacilities with immediateaccess capabilities"was particularlyattractiveto it [36, p. 319]. Someof the firmspreparingfor ALIS werequiteenthusiastic aboutits possibilities in their presentations to IASA andLOMA in 1967and 1968 [e.g.39, 40]. The views expressedby the representatives from two of the five insurance companyBetatestsites,however,weretempered[35, 36, 31]. Oneof thempointed out severalareasthat might poseproblemsfor his company. Perhapsthe most revealingproblemand its originwasdescribedasfollows: The ALIS rate file will not be carried on disk. This will make it necessaryto create an anniversaryextract and provide for a specialrun againstthe rate tape to obtainanniversaryvalues. The monitorcompaniesdid not agreewith thisphilosophy,but IBM felt thedisk approachwouldraisethe minimummachine configurationneededto install and operateALIS. Herein lies one of the basic problems that must have contributed substantially to the unexpected delaysin the completionof the 128 ALIS project. The companywascommittedto providesoftware for a minimum configurationand this restriction worked hardshipson the projectteam [36, p. 320]. While the360 serieswouldincludea widerangeof machines, IBM wasattempting to reachthe samesmallto mediumsizedsegmentthatit hadreachedwith '62 CFO. In fact, at leastone of the largerBeta sites[35; 31] usingthe near-top-of-the-line 360/65, AetnaLife and Casualty,evidentlyultimatelyrejectedALIS in favor of developingits ownsystem,LIAS (Life InsuranceAdministrationSystem),put into place in 1972 [17]. This targetingdecisionclearlyhurtthepackage'schancesof succeeding with firms buyingcomputers in the middleand upperend of the 360 range.In addition,thelatereleaseof ALIS, solongafterthefirst360 machines wereshipped in 1965 [38, p. 171], createdproblemsfor somepotentialusersof it [e.g., 36], perhapsaccountingfor the large numberof userswho insteadopted for an adaptationof •62 CFO to the 360 system,or who developedtheir own systems. Prudential's similarAdvancedOrdinarySystem(AOS), for example,wasconceived before System360 was announced,built on that platformduringthe periodof ALIS's development,and implementedin the sameyear that ALIS was finally released[27, 35]. Moreover,ALIS's eventualreleaseoccurredonly monthsbefore IBM's unbundlingof softwareand hardware,which, as will be shown below, changed the nature of the software market permanently. One immediate consequence wasthataftertheunbundling, ALIS wasno longerfree. Thesefactors undoubtedlycontributedto its relatively modestlevel of successcomparedto that of its predecessor, '62 CFO. By 1972,whentheregionalmeetingof oneof three usergroupsfor '62 CFO included75 companies, the onlyALIS usergroupin the U.S. includeda modest29 user firms. As a recentretrospectiveaccountof computers and insurance described it, "While the 360 quickly became overwhelminglysuccessful, the insurancesoftwaresystemswrittenfor it by IBM in 1965--ALIS (Advanced Life Insurance System) and PALIS (Property and Liability InsuranceSystem)--didnot" [19, p. 28]. Service and Software Companies In theera beforeIBM's 1969 unbundling,firms had a third alternativeto developingtheirown softwareor adoptingthatofferedby theirhardwarevendor: turning to outsidecompaniesas a sourceof data processingservicesand/or software.Oneof theearliestandmostunusual servicearrangements beganin 1955, whenthe relativelysmallAetna InsuranceCompany(a fire and casualtyinsurance companynot at that time affiliated with the much larger Aetna Life Insurance Company)persuadedthreeotherfire and casualtyinsurancecompaniesto buy a computerto serve all of them [45]. SPAN (named for the four companies: Springfield,Phoenix,Aetna, and National) startedwith the IBM 705 and later progressed to theIBM 7070 and7074, in eachcasedevelopingsoftwarepackages that would serveall of the companiesowningandbuyingservicesfrom it. Thus thesepackages weremorewidelyusedthanthoseof a singlefirm, butnotaswidely as'62. In 1963,SPAN was ultimatelyboughtby AetnaLife InsuranceCompany, thoughit continuedto serveits former ownersas well as firms owned by Aetna Life. 129 Oneof theearliestindependent computerservicecompanies targetingthe life insurance firmswasEDS (ElectronicData SystemsCorporation).Startedby dissatisfiedformer IBM salesmanRoss Perot in 1962, EDS sold what came to be calledfacilitiesmanagement services:EDS wouldmakea contractto run a firm's entiredataprocessing operation[21, pp. 27-30]. Life insurancefirmswereamong his early targets.and Mercantile SecurityLife in Dallas was one of his earliest contractsandthe first amongmanyinsurancecompanyclients. A decadelater, a member of anothersoftwareservicesfirm servingthe life insuranceindustry referred to this contract as "One of the first (perhapsthe first) servicing arrangements in which a computerservicescompanyuseda packagesystemto processthe businessof a life company"[46, p. 141]. This marketwas lucrative enoughthat by the mid-1960s,EDS had hired two life insurancemen, who had installed'62 CFO in theirformerlife insurance firmsto developsoftwarefor and sell servicesto life insurancefirms [42; 7, p. D4-1]. The EDS facilitiesmanagementapproachrequiredthat insurancefirmsgive up a greatdeal of control. Other service companiesalso targetedthis life insuranceniche, though not necessarily withsocomprehensive a bundleof services[46, p. 141]. Thusfacilities managementand other servicecontractswere anotherroute by which smaller insurance firmsor firmsthatdidn't wantto developtheir own expertisein this area couldgetapplication softwarewithouthavingto developor eveninstallit. In this independent servicecompanyoption,softwarefor life insuranceapplicationswas bundled with services, not with hardware. Such firms continued to sell their servicesafterthe unbundlingdiscussed in the nextsection[7]. Finally,softwarefirmsin thestill-youngbutgrowingsoftwareindustryof themid-1960sprovidedpackaged general-purpose softwareaswell ascustomized softwareto clients[8, pp. 322-325],includinga few life insurance firms. As early as 1956,ComputerUsageCorporation,whichhasclaimedto be "theworld'sfirst computersoftwarecompany,"hadprogrammed its "first nontechnical application" for the Prudential,an actuarialprogramthatranon an IBM 650 [20, pp. 65, 67]. Around 1965 it developedPru-COBOL for that firm [27, p. 8; 28]. By 1969, Prudentialhadalsoturnedto anotherindependent softwarefirm, Informatics,Inc., for thatfirm's packagedfile management system,Mark IV, to usein its pension work [47]. These contacts,though limited and predominantlycenteringon customizedor general-purpose software,indicatethatthe insuranceindustryhad somedealingswith the youngsoftwareindustrybeforeunbundling. Unbundlingand the Emergenceof PackagedInsuranceApplication Software In addition to the delaysin and lack of enthusiasmfor ALIS discussed earlier, the major eventtriggeringan explosionof softwarefirms and software packages for the life insuranceindustrybeginningin 1969wasIBM's unbundling of softwarefrom hardware[19, p. 32; 8, p. 323]. Whetherin reactionto anti-trust pressures, or asa way of raisingprices,or both,IBM ceasedto includesoftwareand servicesin the priceof hardware[44, pp. 250-252;8, p. 323]. This moveprovided an immediateimpetusto the insurancesoftwareindustry,still in its infancy. In 1969,majorplayersin thissectorof the softwaremarketbeganto be founded,by a varietyof differentprocesses andconstituencies. CybertekComputer Productswasfoundedby a teamthatincludeda memberof the IBM programming team that developed'62 CFO [19. p. 28]. Accordingto a later description, 130 "Cybertekwascreatedin 1969 to providea broadspectrumof computer-related servicesto the life insuranceindustry.[...] Its main productsare an automatic policyissuesystemandsupportsystems for CFO andALIS" [6, p. 73] Its founders clearlysawan opportunityfor profit openingup, and took advantageof it. Tracor ComputingCorporation(TCC), a softwareand servicecompanyalso startedin 1969, developedits ownconsolidated functionssystem,Life 70, to competewith '62 CFO [6, p. 73; 22]. By 1971,EDS haddecidedto offer its insurancecustomers a standard, ratherthancustomized facilitiesmanagement package,includingitsown standardsoftware[13, p. 58]. The insurance industrywasnot,however,sittingbackawaitingactionfrom softwarefirms;assomeinsurance firmsin earliererashadenteredintorelationships withtabulatorandearlycomputervendorsin orderto shapeavailabletechnology, some of insurancefirms now took action to assuresoftwareavailability in the unbundledera. In 1969, 15 largelife insurancefirms combinedforcesto found InsuranceSystemsof America,Inc. "to developapplications systemsandrelated installationservicesfor the life insuranceindustry. ISA offers applications packages, consultingservices,andcustomcontractservices"[6, p. 73]. Similarly, EquitableLite Assurance societyestablished a joint venturewith Informatics,Inc., a generalsoftwarevendor;the joint venture,called Equimatics,was intendedto design software applicationpackagestargeted at the life insuranceindustry. Whetherfoundedby usersor by softwareand serviceproviders,thesefirms and many others founded within a few years of the unbundlingcontributedto an expandingmarketfor insuranceapplicationsoftware. While suchfirmsbeganto sproutimmediately,the life insuranceindustry did not immediatelyrecognizethe importanceof the changestakingplace. The IASA meetingsin 1970 showedthatinsurance firmsandservicecompaniesserving theinsurance industrywerestruggling to understand theimpactthatunbundling and itsconsequent highercostswouldhaveon their own operations[51; 18]. The one conclusionthatseemedinescapable wasthat"The new repricingof hardwareand softwarewill makeall of usthinkquitedifferentlyin the future"[18, p. 92]. By 1971, however,theemphasishadshiftedto evaluatinginsurancesoftwaresystems and servicesthat had proliferatedon the market[12, 37, 32]. At the 1971 IASA conference, onespeakergavehisassessment of buyingpackagedsoftware: It is usually,but not always,quickerto achieveresults,but for this you mustpay moredollars. It may be moreerrortree, but for thisyou haveto fit youroperationinto their package;it may saveyousomeanalysisandprogramming timeto implement,but you maypay for thisby moretimeto adaptandmaintainthrough itslifetime. Theseandmanyotheritemsareto be weighedin the evaluationof a proposal[37, p. 47]. In spiteof thesetrade-offs,insurance firmswereanxiousto takeadvantage of the opportunities createdby the proliferationof softwarefirms,products,and servicesin the wakeof the unbundling.By 1972,responding to "thevastnumber of softwarepackages beingdeveloped"for insurance, to the "increasingutilization of thesepackages by thelife insurance industry,"andto the manysoftware-related inquiriesmadeto its offices,LOMA issuedthe first of its SoftwareCatalogs,a seriesthat hascontinuedto the present[9]. The first editionwasactuallyin the 131 form of two Systemsand ProceduresReports: "EDP Software and Service Companies,"and"EDP SoftwareCatalog"[23, 24]. The informationon software and servicevendorscontainedin thesereportscame from a surveyof LOMA memberlife insurance firms[9, p. 23]. Thesevendorsweresubsequently surveyed to producedataon 81 vendorsandover275 softwarepackages.The catalogbroke the applicationpackagesinto 25 categories,of which the mostnumerouswere IndividualInsurance--Life,Actuarial,CFO SupportSystems,and ALIS support systems. A co-founder of Cybertekexplainedlaterthat'"...nearlyall the[insuranceoriented]softwarecompaniesthat werefoundedright after IBM unbundledstarted outby providingtheperipheralfunctions a companyneededto make'62 CFO more versatile'" [19, p. 28]. Even in the 1977 editionof the LOMA softwarecatalog, mostof Cybertek'sproductsare still CFO-related,thoughrunningon the IBM 360 or 370 platform[22]. Many othercompanies responded to the marketopportunity createdby ALIS's limitedsuccess by developingalternativepackages for moving CFO usersupto IBM 360 hardware[19, p. 32]. Otherfirmsdevelopedapplication packages for different hardware bases, such as Network Data Processing Corporation'sLILA (Life InsuranceLogisticsAutomated)andrelatedprogramsfor theBurroughs,Honeywell,UNIVAC, andNCR hardware[22, pp. 35-44; 6, pp. 7374]. But many of the firms listed in the LOMA cataloghad multiplepackages, goingbeyondtheconsolidated functionsoperationsintoa varietyof areasfrom file managementsystemsto real estateand mutualfundsapplications.Thus software packages wereexpanding fromtheconsolidated functionsapplicationat thecenter of life insurancedata processingto a variety of other applicationareasin the insurance business. 1972wasan importantyearin theinsurance industry's recognition of how completelythe insurancesoftwarepicturehad changed. In additionto the first LOMA softwarecatalog,a seriesof otherLOMA publicationsalso attemptedto addressthe softwareand its evaluation[6, 25]. Similarly, the IASA conference program for 1972 included several papers on evaluating software packages, includingone by a representativefrom a firm that claimed it had evaluated20 softwarepackages/services in the precedingfour years,andpurchased14 of them [10]. These guides to evaluatingsoftware were designedto help member companieschoosefrom the rapidly expandingarray of optionsin customand packaged softwareaswell ascomputerservices.In additionto suchguides,some of the new softwarecompaniesthemselvespresentednew packagedsoftware projects,suchas a packageto assistin underwriting,at the conference[33]. Conclusion The explosivegrowthof insurance application softwarethatbeganin 1969 wasnotcausedsolelyby IBM's unbundling.As computertechnology becamemore powerful, especiallywith IBM's System/360line, more functionscould be computerized;at the sametime, the enormityof the programmingtaskalsogrew, makingpackaged softwareincreasingly attractivefinancially[8, p. 323]. But until theunbundling move,the largelife insurancefirmsgenerallydevelopedtheirown software,andthe smallto mediumsizedonestendedto adoptIBM's bundledCFO or, to a lesserextent,ALIS. Over time,the lowerlevelof popularityof ALIS might have encouragedthe growth of the small independentsoftwareindustry. By 132 separating the softwarefrom the hardwaredecisionandby increasingandmaking visiblethecostof IBM software,however,theunbundling decisiongaveimpetus to theemerging insurance-focused application softwareindustry.Moreover,from SPAN to ISA andEquimatics,the insurance industryalsocontinuedits traditionof shaping,aswell asbeingshapedby, theinformation processing industry. References 1. 2. Robert E. Baines,"1410 ComputerApplicationsat RepublicNationalLife InsuranceCompany," Proceedingsre' IASA , 1964, pp. 35-40. CharlesJ. Bashe,Lyle R. Johnson, JohnH. Palmer,andEmersonW. Pugh,IBM's Early Computers (Cambridge,MA, 1986). 3. Walt Bohne,"SoftwareTravelingSpecializationRoad," ElectronicNews,(May 4, 1970), section 2, p. 55. 4. KennethR. Brown."The AdvancedLife InformationSystem- Its Value to You," Proceedit•gsqf IASA, 1969, pp. 167-168. 5. MartinCampbell-Kelly, "Development andStructureof the International SoftwareIndustry,19501990,"Bttsiness and Ecomm•icHisrosy.24 (Winter 1995), forthcoming. 6. CharlesH. CissleyandJeanBarnes,EDP &,stemsandApl)licationsin Li/k btsurance(NY. 1972). 7. RaymondA. Duncan,"FacilitiesManagement: Why Wouldan Established Life Insurance Company Contractfor ComputerServiceswith a FacilitiesManagementCompany?"Proceedings•/' the LOMA SystemsFot'ltm,1971, pp. D4-1--D4-3. 8. FranklinM. Fisher,JamesW. McKie, andRichardB. Mancke.IBM at•d the U.S. Data Processi•lg hlduslrwAll Ec'OiIOiiI•(' Hi,•tot)'(New York, 1983). 9. JamesF. Foley,Jr., "LOMA DevelopsEDP SoftwareServicesCatalog,"Proceedingsqf IASA, 1972. pp. 23-26. 10. RayfordA. Freemort."FourteenSoftwarePackages in Fore' Years"Proceedb•gs of IASA. 1972. pp. 27-28. 1I. GordonGoodwin, "TechmcalDevelopmentsin EDP - ProgrammingMethods,"Proceedingsof IASA. 1960, pp. 234-236. 12. H. GordonGoodwin,"Evaluationof ComputerSoftwareSystems,"Proceedings of IASA, 197I. pp. 49-55. 13. JerryGrisham,•'EDSWill Offer Life Insurance Mgmt.Package," Electro•icNews,(April 19, 1971), p. 58. 14. W.K. Headley.•'TheCFO Packageas a Guide," Proceeditlgso! IASA, 1964, pp. 13-16. 15. KennethM. Hills, blsura•lceDaterProcesstrig:Property--Liabili(v--Lil•k (Philadelphia,1967). 16. AllenM. Johnson. "ALIS andPALlS for HealthProcessing," Prm'eedil•gs ef IASA, 1967,pp. 123126. 17. LeithG. Johnson, comp.anded.."FromPunched Cm'dstoSatellites,andBeyond:A historyof data processingat AetnaLife & Casualtypreparedfor an exhibitheld in the AetnaInstituteGallery," April 5. 1984 (typescriptfrom Data Processing, AetnaLife & CasualtyCompanyArchives). 18. JackK. Jones."Unbundle?!"Proceedit•gsq! IASA, 1970, pp. 93-94. 19. GregoryJordahl,"SoftwareExplosion: The Choiceis Yours,"ln.•ttrro•ce & Technology,18 (August 1993), 28-32. 20. Elmer C. Kubie, "Reflectionsof the First SoftwareCompany,"IEEE Amtalsq['the HistotT ql•' Computitlg,16 (1994), pp. 65-7 I. 21. Doron P. Levin. Irreconcilable Diffkrem'es:RossPerot ue•xusGeneral Motors (Boston, 1989). 22. Life Office ManagementOrganization(LOMA), Operationsand SystemsReportNo. 38, "EDP SoftwareCatalog"(NY, 1977). 133 23. __, LOMA SystemsandProcedures Report#14, "EDP SoftwareandServiceCompanies" (NY, 1972). 24. __, 25. LOMA SystemsandProcedures Report#15, "EDP SoftwareCatalog"(NY, 1972). , LOMA SystemsandProcedures Report#16, "Evaluationof SoftwarePackages" (NY, 1972). 26. Richard W. Longing, "A LookatC.O.S.ForC.F.O.on360,"Pr(;ceedmgx o/' IASA,1967.pp.327329. 27. Malcolm MacKinnon, "A Brief History of the Developmentand Installationof Prudential's AdvancedOrdinarySystem( 1963-73)," stenciledinternalPrudentialdocumentwith handnotation of date andauthor,"presented at lunchto commemorate completionof AOS on Dec. 1l. 1973." Documentobtainedfi'omMalcohn MacKinnonandconfmnedby him in interview. 28. __, interviewconductedby RobertHancke,(Sunapee,NH, July 21, 1994). 29. ThomasP. Maher,"The IBM AdvancedLife lnfommtionSystem,"Proceedblgs o/' IASA. 1968, pp. 118-122. 30. BraceK. McBeath,"Up-to-Date-Appraisal of '62 C.F.O. Package."Proceedings •/' IASA, 1964, pp. 16-18. 31. RobertW. McComb,Jr., "TheIBM ALIS Package--Modification, Conversion, andImplementation Problems,"Proceedings q/'theLOMA AutomatiottFortim, 1968,pp. 189-191. 32. EarleA. McKever,"Experiencewith andevaluationof computersoftwareservices,"Proceedmg• q/' IASA, 1971,pp. 53-55. 33. VaughnW. Morgan,"ComputerAssistedUnderwriting,"Proceedings q/' IASA, 1972,pp. 48- 56. 34. NathanO'Neil, SystemsSupervisor, menloto Irwin J. Sitkin,Asst.Secretary,AccountsDept., May 9, 1962.O'Neil DP Records,Chronological File, 1959-1963,AetnaLife & CasualtyCompany Archives. 35. __, Administrator, ComputerSe•Mces,memoto H.G. Goodwin,Asst.Secretary,Computer Services,"Progress ReportJanuary13to January26, 1967,"January27, 1967,O'Neil DP Records, Chronological File, 1967-68,AetnaLife & CasualtyCompanyArchives. 36. Dale H. Pearson,"An Evaluationof IBM's ALIS," Proceedi•gsq/' IASA, 1967,pp. 319-321. 37. RobertL Plageman, "Experience withandevaluation of computer softwarepackages," Proceeding t?/'IASA, 1971,pp. 46-49. 38. EmersonW. Pugh, Lyle R. Johnson,and John H. Pahner.IBM'x 360 and EarIx' 370 (Cambridge,MA, 1991). 39. JamesR. Robinson,"A & S ALIS at Occidental,"Proceedings o/' IASA, 1967,pp. 126-133. 40. RalphRoseman,"ALIS Implementation--One Company'sExperience,"Proceedingxq/'the LOMA AutoulatiotlFornm, 1968, pp. 192-196. 41. Norbert W. Schultz,"ConversionProblemsDuring the Initial ConversionTo ElectronicData Processing," Proceedings tt/'IASA,1962,pp. 593-599. 42. RobertShafto,CEO, The New England,formerlyof EDS, interviewconductedby JoAnneYates andHansGodfrey(Boston,September1, 1993). 43. Douglas L. Smith,"Experiences of a Functioning CFO '62Operation," Proceedmgx q/' IASA, 1965, pp. 13-17. 44. Robert Sobel, IBM.' Coto.v.vus i• Transition (NY, 1983). 45. SPAN Data Processing Center, Inc., November16, 1964 report,"Developments-- June 1960 to Date,"in Oversized Documents: SPANGuestRegister; AetnaLife & CasualtyCompanyArchives. 46. D.W. Stinson,"Long-Range ComputerSystemsPlanning- Software,"Proceedingxo/' IASA, 1972, pp. 140-I41. 47. J.H. Talbot,Jr., "The Mark IV Programming SystemUsedby the PrudentialInsuranceCompany of America,"Proceedins,,x o/' IASA, 1969,pp. '7-9. 134 48. GeorgeR. Tindall,Jr.. '"62 CFO For HealthPolicies,a Historyand Evaluationof One Installation," ProceediJ•gx •i" IASA, 1966, pp. 225-227. 49. GeorgeR. Van Wyck, "Consolidated Functions - SmallScaleComputers,"Pr•;ceedt'm,,x •;/the IASA, 1963, pp 80-82. 50. Gilbert M. Whitfill, "ConsolidatedFunctions- Small ScaleComputers,"Prt•ceedi•tg.v t•l'the IASA, 1963, pp 82-83. 51. DonovanL. Wilson,"ComputerRelatedServices: Unbundling,"Pt't•ceedmgs •[ IASA, 1970, pp. 92-93. 52. JoAnneYates,"Co-evolution of InformationProcessing TechnologyandUse:Interactionbetween the Life InsuranceandTabulatingIndustries,"Btt.vine.v.v HistoryReviews'. 67 (Spring 1993), 1-51. 53. __, "FromTabulatorsto Early Computersin the U.S. Life InsuranceIndustry:Continuities and Influences,"Sloan WP 3618-93 (October 1993), revised,September1994,