Baby Profiles - Happy Life Children's Home

1. Joshua
Joshua was abandoned by the mother soon after delivery on
22/10/2002 at Kenyatta National Hospital. He was later taken to
Nairobi children’s home and later transferred to HLCH on 7th Jan
2003. Joshua is 6 years old and in pre-unit class at Thika Road
School. He was taken for foster care on 5th December 2008 and he is
now living with his foster parents at Githurai – Nairobi, Nancy and
John Mureu. He was very excited and he is very happy with the new
parents. His names now are Joshua Mshindi Mureu.
Joshua & his adoptive mother on the day he was taken from HLCH
2. Israel
Israel was abandoned at Dandora
estate in Nairobi shortly after
birth and later picked by a Good
Samaritan Maurine Atieno on 7th
May 2004. She reported the
matter to the police. She then took the baby to a clinic at Dandora
and referred him to KNH. He was admitted with severe dehydration
and malnourishment and weighed 2.4 kgs. He was later brought to
HLCH on 19/05/04. He was taken for foster care on 21/01/2009 by
Mr and Mrs. Joseph Mutua Muinde. He is now staying with his
adoptive parents at Ngelani in Machakos district.
3. Fred
Fred was born as his mother was on the way to the hospital on
23/04/2004. As per the records, the mother was from Kimilili,
Musenwa location, Bungoma district. The mother was admitted to
KNH with the baby and later left him behind in the ward. He was
placed at HLCH on 27/05/04. He is now 4 yrs old and in nursery class
in our school
4. Graham
Graham was abandoned at KNH at the new born unit shortly after
birth on 2nd Jan 2005. He got placed at HLCH on 23/02/2005. He is
baby class in our school.
5. David
David was born at KNH on 24/01/2005. The mother had been
referred from Mathare mental hospital where she was admitted on
30/11/2004. After delivery the baby was placed at the New born
unit as the mother was not in a position to care for the baby and
was taken back to the mental hospital. From her hospital records
she had two other children. The social worker at HLCH later tried to
follow up on the whereabouts of the mother with the mental
hospital and was told that she had been released and her husband
came for her. The area chief tried to trace them but it didn’t bear
any fruits. He is Nursery class.
6. Loise
Loise was left by the mother one month after delivery in the care of
his father who also abandoned her. The provincial children’s
officer together with the father took her to Nairobi Children’s home
as he tried to bring the grand parents. He never re-appeared and
efforts to trace him are fruitless. She was brought to HLCH on
14/01/05 from Nairobi Children’s Home. She is in nursery class.
Loise does not have the required documents so that she can free for
7. Lena
Lena was abandoned at Githurai
Kimbo on 27th May 05. She was
about 2 days old. She was
admitted at HLCH on the same
day and suffered malnutrition. After proper medical attention and
care the baby picked-up and grew well she was in nursery class by
the time she was identified. She was taken for foster care by her
adoptive single mother on 7th August 2008; they leave at Taita
Taveta District.
8. Sammy
Sammy was abandoned at Thika District Hospital outpatient
department on 10/01/06. He weighed 4.7 kgs. He was placed at
HLCH on 19/01/06. He is in baby class.
9. Emmaunel
Emmanuel was abandoned at Kangangi Estate in Ruiru. He was
rescued by a street boy who reported the matter to the police who
took him to Thika district hospital. He was around 2 weeks old and
weighed 3.6 kgs. He was placed at HLCH on 13th October 2005. He
is in baby class.
10. Anne
Anne was abandoned at KNH on 04/04/2005 and she was born preterm. Her birth weight was 1100 gms . She was placed at HLCH on
05/07/2005. She is in baby class. Anne has had some problems with
seizures from some water on her brain.
11. Cyrus
Cyrus was abandoned at Thika District Hospital shortly after birth in
the post-natal ward on 21/09/05. His birth weight was 2.73 kgs. He
was taken to the nursery and treated neonatal sepsis for 7 days. He
was placed at HLCH on 13/10/05. He is in baby class.
12. Mark
Mark was abandoned at Ruiru Toll area on 4/23/06. His weight was
3.6 kg. The police took him to the Thika District Hospital on the
same day. He was about one week old. He was admitted at HLCH
on 5/3/06.
13. Praise
Praise was abandoned at Githurai Kimbo in a sewage trench on 18 th
April 2006. The case was reported to the police who took her to St.
John’s Hospital for check up and she was later referred to Thika
district hospital. She weighed 2.36 kgs. She was admitted at HLCH
on 3rd May 2006. Praise was taken for foster care pending adoption
on 27th June 2008 by a single lady from Mwea, Mbeere district. Her
new name now is Tana Claire.
14. Moses
Moses was abandoned in Mathare area in Nairobi on 7 th June 2006
outside a house where there was a home fellowship. He was taken
by a couple and when they reported the case to the police they
were allowed to go with the baby home. On 21/06/2006, he fell sick
and was taken to KNH and diagnosed with a B`Pneumonia and
started treatment. He weighed 4.5 kgs. He was later placed at
HLCH on 10/08/06.
15. Baraka
Baraka was born on 06/08/2006. His mothers was 16 years old.
She stayed with her sister at Thika. According to their culture; this
baby was not accepted in the society because of being born outside
wedlock. The life of the boy and the mother were at a risk of being
killed and so she gave him away for adoption. He was admitted at
Happy Life on 8th August 2006.
16. Kevin
Kevin was found abandoned at the gate of Jackline Nyaata on 9 th
May 2006 at Kinoo in Nairobi. She reported the case to the police
and He was then taken to KNH and diagnosed with severe
malnutrition, anemia and rickets. He was about 18 months old and
weighed 5.6 kg. He was admitted at HLCH on 11/07/06. He is in
baby class
17. Rehema
Rehema was abandoned at Witeithie on 11th December 2006. She was approximately 2 months old. She
was rescued by the public and taken to Thika Police station, who took her to Thika district hospital. She
weighed 4 kgs and was sick looking with a fever of 39.7 and also vomiting. She was treated and later
placed at HLCH on 28th December 2006. She was taken for foster care by a mother who had earlier
adopted a girl (Beth) still from HLCH on 13/08/08.
18. Peace
Peace was found near a river in
Matuu on 8th November 2006.
She was taken by a Good
Samaritan lady and taken to
Matuu police station. She was
later taken to Thika District hospital and weighed 1.93 kgs. Her
umbilical cord was septic. She was received at HLCH on 28th
December 2006. She has retarded growth due to micro cephalous.
Peace has been transferred to Hope and Faith Center for the
disabled where they will give her therapy and good care.
Patricia was abandoned by an
out-patient mother in the
pediatric ward at Thika district
hospital on 5th January 2007. She was approximately 8 months old.
The mother left a note with the baby indication that she was an
orphan. Patricia was taken for fostering by Pastor Samuel and
Pamela Olweny on 16th April 2008. Now she is known as Ruth.
19. Leah
Leah was admitted at HLCH on 16th January 2007. Her father 66
years old had stayed with her for 6 months in very poor conditions.
Her mother died after delivery. Leah will be given back to her father
when he will be in a position to take care of her. He has a brother
(Daniel) and a sister (Mother) who stays and goes to school in a
mission centre and only stays with their father when the school
20. Hope
Hope was abandoned by her
mother at Thika district hospital
annex ward on 29th December
2006. On admission at the new
born unit she was diagnosed as having neonatal sepsis. She was
treated and improved. She was admitted at HLCH on 5th February
2007. She was taken for foster care awaiting adoption on 22nd Nov 06 by
a single mother (Milkah Mwende) who has one son (Maina – who is 19
years old). They leave in Nakuru town.
21. Samson
Samson was left in the house for a week without food by his mother
Esther Njeri. The Good Samaritan who rescued him later reported
the case to Kasarani Police station. He appeared very weak, frail and
malnourished. He was admitted at HLCH on 19th July 2007. The
mother who it is claimed has on several occasions abandoned and
abused her other children was arrested and charged in court. After
she was released she didn’t follow up on where her son was. He has
recently been taken for adoption!
22. Tumaini
Tumaini was abandoned by his
mother at KNH on 12th June 2007.
Details about the mother were
not given. Tumaini was placed at HLCH on 22nd August 2007. He is
now 1 ½ years and leaving with his adoptive parents Agnes and
Samuel Mwangi, who took him on 19/01/09 awaiting adoption.
23. Elijah
Elijah was found abandoned at
Kahawa West Kongo shortly after
birth on the night of 24th June 2007. A Good Samaritan, Mrs. Winnie
Wanjiru Njoroge reported the matter to Kiamumbi police station.
The police later referred him to HLCH on the same day.
24. Samuel Muhia
Samuel was abandoned by her
mother who is an orphan and left
the child with her sister on 27th
September 2007. The sister could not take care of him for a long
time since she was a small girl in Githunguri primary school in Ruiru,
thus affecting her education. He was admitted at HLCH on 2 nd
October 2007.
25. Favor
Favor was found abandoned at
Githurai 45 on 12th November
2007. She was approximately
5months old. She was brought at HLCH by the police from Kasarani
Police Station on 17th November 2007. Favor was placed for foster
care awaiting adoption by Mr and Mrs Jason Nyaga on 19th July
2008. Her new name is Lisa Nyaga.
26. Gloria
Gloria was found abandoned shortly after birth on 13 th November
2007 at Juja road estate. The members of public who found her
took her to Rose Mwangi who is a children’s officer but she was on
leave. She brought her to HLCH on the same day. A single lady has
already identified her and has forwarded all the necessary
documents to the adoption agencies and will be taking her soon.
27. Jeremy
Jeremy was found abandoned at
Makongeni estate, phase 7 on
12th November 2007. He was
taken to Thika District Hospital where he was admitted. He weighed
2.6 kgs. He was placed at HLCH on 18th December 2007. Jeremy
was taken for foster care on 15th October 2008 by his adoptive
parents Margaret and David Thande. His new name is Dan.
28. Victoria
Victoria was reported having been abandoned by her mother on 2 nd
December after birth at Thika district hospital. She weighed 3.4 kgs.
She was admitted at HLCH on 18th December 2007. She was taken
for foster care pending adoption on 22/11/08 by a single lady (Lucy
Vicky and her Mama
29. Zawadi
Zawadi was abandoned at Thika district hospital shortly after birth
on 1st November 2007. She weighed 3 kgs wand in fair general
condition. She was admitted at HLCH on 18th December 2007.
30. Bahati
Bahati was found abandoned by the pupils of Kasarani primary
school in the morning of 23rd January 2008. Her umbilical cord was
not tied and she was naked with nothing to cover her. The pupils
reported to their teachers who took the baby to Kasarani police
station who took the baby to Kasarani dispensary for the cord to be
tied properly and cut off. She was admitted at HLCH on the same
day. She later got very sick and dehydrated she was taken to
hospital and improved on medication. She was taken for foster care
pending adoption by a single lady (Joyce Karimi) on 28/01/09 who
resides at Kasarani estate in Nairobi.
Bahati and her adoptive mother on the day
she was taken for foster care.
Winnie Joy was left alone in the house by her mother 2 weeks after
delivery while her father was at work. Her father Julius Murigi, sells
grocery in a small kiosk came home later and found the child alone
in the house. According to the police report, the baby was at risk
since the mother mistreated her and the father had already
reported the case to the police. She was summoned at Kasarani
Police station and warned and any report of cruelty to the baby was
to be reported to the police. Winnie was placed at HLCH on 26th
March 2008 for care and protection for a period of one year and will
then be given back to the father.
31. Winnie Joy
32. Patience
Patience was abandoned at Kerugoya district hospital at the
outpatient department on 4th February 2008. She was placed here
on 8th May 2008.
33. Jonathan
Jonathan was seen by police officers on 18th April 2008 at a place
known as Kenya Kiiru village of Baricho division Kirinyaga district.
The police took him to Kerugoya district hospital. He was placed
here on 8th may 2008. Two Weeks after admission the child was
reported sick .He was taken to the hospital and found to be suffering
from menengitis which was at its tertiary stage He was admitted at
the hospital for a period of two weeks. He responded positively
though he is on close observation since meningitis has it side effects.
Currently the child is doing well.
34. Gabriel
Gaby was abandoned at Githurai roundabout along Thika/Nairobi
highway on 17th May 2008. Some one from Overcoming Faith
Church who was going to the church was among the crowd that saw
him. He took the baby and and called HLCH nurse who later took
the baby to Githurai Kimbo police station. He was brought to HLCH
on the same day. He was taken for foster care pending adoption in Oct
08 by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen King’ori Mwangi who live at Kerugoya, central
province. His new name is Levi.
35. Beatrice
Beatrice was abandoned outside somebody’s resident at Mwihoko
village at Githurai on 13th June 2008. A Good Samaritan took her
and reported the matter at Githurai Kimbo police station. She was
placed at HLCH on 14th June 2008.
36. Wendy/Hope
Wendy was abandoned on 15th July 2008 at Thika district hospital
shortly after birth. She weighed 3.1 kgs. She was admitted at HLCH
on 21st July 2008. She later became very sick whereby she was
always in and out of the hospital. She was lastly admitted at Kiambu
district hospital for 3 weeks and died on 15th December 2008.
37. Pretty/Irene
Pretty was born prematurely at Thika district hospital with a very
low birth weight of 1.4 kg. She was admitted to the nursery and
placed in an incubator. She was abandoned on 23rd May 2008. Her
mother did not leave any contacts at the hospital records. She was
admitted at HLCH on 21st July 2008.
38. Melody/Blessed
Melody abandoned along Kwihota Ruiru road on 28th June 2008. She
was rescued by a Good Samaritan who reported the case to the police
and was later taken Thika district hospital. She was about 1 week old
and weighed 2.5 kgs. She was admitted at HLCH on 21 st July 2008.
Alex was abandoned by the mother shortly after birth on 16 th July
2008 at Thika District Hospital. He weighed 3kg. He was admitted at
HLCH on 26th August 2008.
39. Joel
Joel was found abandoned on 5th of December 2008 at Thika District Hospital. He was in good health
condition. He was brought at HLCH on 11/12/08. On admission he weighed 3.6 kgs. Joel was taken for foster
care pending adoption on 22/12/08 by a couple Lydia and Washington Ochieng who leaves at Kasarani
40. Austin
Austin was abandoned on 3rd December 2008 at the new born unit of
Thika District Hospital. He weighed 2.8 kg and was in good general
condition. He was brought at HLCH on 11/12/08.
41. Prince
Prince was abandoned at Thika District Hospital on 26 th November
2008. His birth weight was 3.3 kgs. According to the doctor’s report
the baby had diarrhea which was treated and was also born with nonseptic marks on the face which are harmless. He is now in good
general condition.
Victor was born while his mother was on her way to Thika District
Hospital. He was later abandoned at the ward. His birth weight was
2.7 kg. According to the doctor’s report the child was in a stable
condition. He was admitted at HLCH on 11/02/09.
Victor was born with one tooth but it was removed on Thursday
19/02/09. On Thursday night he got sick and had fever and on Friday
morning he was taken to St. Francis hospital and got admitted. He
died on Saturday morning on 21/02/09 due to Pneumonia.
42. Victor
43. Nancy
Nancy was born pre-term with a birth weight of 1.5 kgs on 26th
November 2008. She was left by her mother at the nursery incubator
on 1st December 2008. She is in good general condition but very tiny
and weighed 2 kgs on admission at HLCH on 11/02/09.
44. Rosemary
Rosemary was abandoned outside the pediatric ward around 8 pm at
Thika District Hospital on 22/01/09. She was approximated to be
about 2 months old and weighed 2.7 kgs. She was admitted at HLCH
on 11/02/08 and in good health condition.
45. Nahashon
Nahashon was born pre-term on 16th December 2008 with a birth
weight of 1.8 kgs at Thika District hospital and abandoned
immediately after birth.
46. Daniel was abandoned within Ruiru in Kihunguro village on 16th
January 2009 and suspected to have been born on the same day. He
was then taken to Thika District Hospital by a police officer from
Ruiru police post. His birth weight was 2.5 kgs but weighed. He was
brought at HLCH on 11/02/09 and his weight on admission was 3 kgs.
46. Nathaniel
Nathaniel was left by his mother at Thika District Hospital. We have
not yet gotten most of his documents but will update this when we
get them. He is approximately 3 wks old. He brought at HLCH on
47. Barbra
Barbra was taken to Kasarani police station by one a lady who claimed
that she was left with the child by the mother for a period of one
month. The police through the children department kasarani brought
the child to HLCH for care and protection as they tried to trace the
mother. According to the police latest report, they traced the mother
and found her irresponsible. The child will be under our custody until
the mother is proven worth of taking care of the said child. She is 5
months old and in good general condition. She was admitted at HLCH
on 3rd February 2009.