Lab #4 Transistors - BJTs Due: Start of NEXT Class (Monday) Name / SN:____________________________________ TA: __________ Name / SN:____________________________________ TA: __________ A) Pick up the following components from the TA: 1. 2. 3. 4. 2N3904 BJT (1) 2N3906 BJT (1) 100 resistor (2) 10K resistor (2) B) Connect each BJT in the configuration shown in Fig 1 (NPN transistor shown) with R1 = R2 = 10K. Set the signal generator to a 5Vpeak, 100Hz square wave. Use one scope probe to measure the input signal, the other to measure the signal across one 10K resistor, and the math function to subtract the two. Repeat for both resistors. TA: ____________________________________ 1. Which transistor is an NPN and which is a PNP? What is the associated collector/base and emitter/base forward bias voltage drop for each. Ans: ____________________________________ NPN Ans: ____________________________________ cb / eb voltage drop Ans: ____________________________________ PNP Ans: ____________________________________ cb / eb voltage drop ECE 251 - Circuit Analysis I Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, UBC 2. How do you know which transistor is which? Hint: “Google”, is not the right answer! Ans: ____________________________________ Explanation C) Use the NPN BJT to build the circuit in Fig 2 with Rb = 10K, Rc = 100 and Re = 100. Connect Vc to the DC power supply set to it’s maximum voltage and current. Connect Vb to the signal generator with a 5Vpeak, 100Hz square wave. Use one scope probe to measure the input signal (Vb), and the other to measure the voltage across Re (Vre). TA: ____________________________________ 1. Calculate the theoretical gain value (Vre/Vb). Assume = 100 and use the forward voltage drop you measured above. Ans: 2. Theoretical gain Calculate the measured gain value. Ans: 3. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Measured gain Compute the % error. Is this an acceptable value? Support your answer. Ans: ____________________________________ % Error Ans: ____________________________________ Explanation 4. Adjust VC up and down by 5V. How does this affect Vre? Ans: 5. ____________________________________ Use a piece of wire to short Rc. How does this affect Vre? Ans: ____________________________________ ECE 251 - Circuit Analysis I Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, UBC 6. Use the equivalent circuit model of the BJT to explain your answers in parts 4 and 5. Ans: ____________________________________ Explanation D) Remove the wire shorting Rc. Use both scope probes and the math function to measure the voltage across Rc (Vrc). 1. Calculate the theoretical gain value (Vrc/Vb). Assume = 100 and use the forward voltage drop you measured above. Ans: 2. ____________________________________ Measured gain Adjust VC up and down by 5V. How does this affect Vrc? Ans: 4. Theoretical gain Calculate the measured gain value. Ans: 3. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Explanation Is any part of the circuit affected when VC is adjusted up and down by 5V? If so, show it using your scope. Hint: If you answer is “no” then Kirchhoff must have been wrong! Ans: ____________________________________ ECE 251 - Circuit Analysis I What voltage is affected? Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, UBC Fig. 1 Fig. 2 + vrc _ + vre _ ECE 251 - Circuit Analysis I Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, UBC