EECE251 Circuit Analysis I Lecture Integrated Program Set 4: Operational Amplifiers Shahriar Mirabbasi Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of British Columbia SM 1 EECE 251, Set 4 Amplifiers • There are various types of amplifiers. • Perhaps the most common type is a voltage amplifier (usually referred to simply as an amplfier!) where both input and output of the amplifier are voltages: Vin • Vout A bit more realistic schematic: Vin SM Supply + + - - EECE 251, Set 4 Vout Common Ground 2 1 Amplifiers • Typically, amplifiers have two supplies: One is positive (+Vcc) and one is negative (–Vcc). +Vcc + Vin + –Vcc - Vout - Common Reference (Ground) SM EECE 251, Set 4 3 Saturation • A practical limitation for amplifiers (at least the ones that we will see in this course) is that the magnitude of their output voltage cannot exceed the supply, that is: –Vcc ≤ Vout ≤ +Vcc • If the output wants to go beyond the supplies (for example when the input is positive and large) then it will be clipped at +Vcc : Vout = +Vcc • If the output is so negative then it will be limited by –Vcc: Vout = –Vcc • In these cases we say that the amplifier is saturated SM EECE 251, Set 4 4 2 Saturation +Vcc + + Vin +Vcc Vout –Vcc - - –Vcc Common Reference (Ground) • Often for simplifying the drawings, the supplies and ground connections of the amplifiers will not be explicitly shown +Vcc Vin SM + + - - Vout EECE 251, Set 4 –Vcc 5 Equivalent Model of a (Voltage) Amplifier • A voltage amplifier can be modeled with voltage-controlled voltage source: Vout = AVin SM EECE 251, Set 4 6 3 Ideal Amplifier • What do you think the input and output resistance of an ideal amplifier should be? • Let’s look at a example: • Let’s assume you have a signal source with a 50Ω resistance (its Thevenin equivalent is the signal voltage source in series with a 50Ω) and a load of 4Ω. • What happens if we naively connect the output of the signal source to the load? SM EECE 251, Set 4 7 Ideal Amplifier • What if we insert an amplifier between the source and the load. • In order to maximize the signal at the output can you guess what should be the values for Rin and Rout? SM EECE 251, Set 4 8 4 Ideal Amplifier Rin → ∞ and Rout → 0 SM EECE 251, Set 4 9 Buffer • An amplifier with the gain of one is typically referred to as “buffer”. • Buffers are very useful when one wants to “drive” a low resistance with a signal source that has a large series resistance. SM EECE 251, Set 4 10 5 Differential Amplifier • An amplifier that has two inputs and amplifies the potential difference between its input nodes (that is, it amplifies the difference between the voltages of its two inputs) inverting input – + + V2 + non-inverting input - SM + Vout=A(V1-V2) V1 - - EECE 251, Set 4 11 Equivalent Model for a Differential Amplifier vd = v2 – v1 and vo = Avd = A(v2 –v1) SM EECE 251, Set 4 12 6 Differential Amplifier For ideal differential amplifier Ri → ∞ and Ro → 0 SM EECE 251, Set 4 13 Operational Amplifier • Operational amplifier (or op amp for short) is a differential amplifier whose gain is very large. • Ideal op amp is an ideal differential amplifier with infinite gain! With Ri → ∞ and Ro → 0 and A → ∞ SM EECE 251, Set 4 14 7 Operational Amplifiers (Op Amps) • In light of their large gain, op amps are usually used in a negative feedback configuration where their output is somehow (usually through a passive component) is connected to their negative (inverting) input. • If there is no feedback, what do you expect the output will be? • If Vp > Vn then the output will be saturated to the positive supply. Why? • If Vp < Vn then the output will be saturated to the negative supply SM EECE 251, Set 4 15 Op Amp • SM What is the relationship between Vp and Vn in an op amp with negative feedback? EECE 251, Set 4 16 8 Op Amp • SM What is the relationship between Vp and Vn in an op amp with negative feedback? EECE 251, Set 4 17 Op Amps • Op amps were designed to performed mathematical operations such as subtraction, addition, multiplication, division, integration, and differentiation (therefore the name operational amplifier!). • So let’s have a look at how we can perform these operations using op amps. • Note that in all these cases we should make sure that we have a negative feedback. Why? SM 18 9 Inverting Amplifier SM 19 Example • What is the gain of this circuit, that is, what is vo/vi? • If vi=0.5V what is the output voltage? What is the current in the 10kΩ resistor? SM 20 10 Non-inverting Amplifier • Find the gain (vo/vi) of the following circuit? SM 21 Buffer • Also known as voltage follower or unity gain amplifier • What is the use of such amplifier? SM 22 11 Example • In the following circuit, find the output voltage. SM 23 Summing Amplifier SM 24 12 Difference Amplifier SM 25 Example • Design an op amp circuit with inputs v1 and v2 such that vo= – 2v1+1.5v2 SM EECE 251, Set 4 26 13 Differentiator SM EECE 251, Set 4 27 Integrator SM EECE 251, Set 4 28 14 Logarithm! • Recall that for a diode we have i • SM D ≈ v V I s e D T In the following circuit, find the relationship between vo and vi . EECE 251, Set 4 29 Exponential • SM In the following circuit, find the relationship between vo and vi . EECE 251, Set 4 30 15 Multiplication and Division • Can you think of a circuit that can be used to multiply two voltages? • How about a circuit that can be used to divide two voltages? SM EECE 251, Set 4 31 Summary • Inverting amplifier vo = − • R2 vi R1 Non-inverting amplifier R vo = 1 + 2 vi R1 • Buffer (voltage follower) vo = vi SM EECE 251, Set 4 32 16 Summary • Summer (adder) R R R vo = − f v1 + f v2 + f v3 R2 R3 R1 • Difference Amplifier vo = R2 (v2 − v1 ) R1 SM EECE 251, Set 4 33 Summary • Differentiator vo = − RC • Integrator vo = − SM dvi dt 1 vi dt RC ∫ EECE 251, Set 4 34 17 Summary • Taking natural logarithm v vo = −VT ln i R ⋅ Is • Raising to the power of e vo = − R ⋅ I s e SM vi VT EECE 251, Set 4 35 Instrumentation Amplifier SM EECE 251, Set 4 36 18