Canton Observer for January 9, 2014

LET IT SNOW: Snow y scen es from a w intertim e day, A6
O b s e r v e r
T H U R SD A Y , JA N U A R Y 9 , 2 0 1 4
h o m e to w n lif e .c o m
Slavens to seek state Senate seat
Term-limited state representative will challenge Stewart
for Democratic nomination in 7th District race
21st H ouse d istric t, announced
M onday sh e will ru n fo r the
sta te Senate 7th D istric t seat
c u rren tly held by Canton Re­
publican P a tric k Colbeck.
T h e sen ate seat, w hich Col­
b eck won in 2010, ha s been
red istricte d an d now includes
Canton, Plym outh, Livonia, the
c ity o f W ayne an d p a rt of
S tate Rep. D ian Slavens, a
D em ocrat from Canton w ho is
term -lim ited in th e state
H ouse, will tu rn he r attention
to th e oth e r half of th e Legisla­
tu r e this fall.
Slavens, com pleting he r
th ird te rm rep rese n tin g th e
State Rep.
Dian Slavens
Slavens jo in s fellow Dem o­
c ra t Jo hn Stew art, who serv e d
th ree te rm s in th e sta te House
a s a Republican be fo re sw itch ­
ing parties, in th e Senate race.
S tew art announced his in­
ten tio n s la st month.
“I hav e big c o ncerns about
th e rep rese n ta tio n the 7th
D istric t has b e en getting,"
Slavens said Monday.
Befo re joining th e H ouse in
2009, S lavens w orked a s a
from Canton,
seat currently
held by
See SLAVENS, Page A2
Man faces sentencing for
robbing Kroger in Canton
Confessed b e e r bandit R ich­
ard K enneth Shock is facing
sentencing in F e b ru ary a fte r
he pleaded guilty to felony
la rceny charg es fo r stealing
packages of C orona and Modelo from the K roger sto re ne ar
M ichigan A venue and Canton
Shock, a 48-year-old Ypsilanti m an, could fac e penalties
ranging fro m probation to 10
y e a rs in prison w hen he is
se ntenced Feb. 20 in Wayne
County C ircuit Court.
Shock's sentencing com es
a fte r he pleaded
guilty in N ovem ­
b e r to la rceny
from a person,
follow ing allega­
tions he tussled
w ith K roger
w orke rs who
stopped him Oct. Shock
21 a s he trie d to
flee th e sto re w ith four 18-pack
cases of Corona, th re e 12-packs
of Modelo and Cheetos.
TVvo loss prevention em ploy­
ees told Canton police Shock
shoved them before th e y tack­
led him and held him on the
ground until auth o ritie s a r ­
Shock’s plea cam e a s au­
thorities a g re ed to dism iss a
m ore serious charg e of un­
arm e d robbery, w hich c a rrie s
a 15-year prison te rm w ith a
Canton D etective Sgt. Chad
Baugh has said K roger w ork­
e r s c alled police fo r help a fte r
Shock resisted a ttem p ts by
Austin Luokkala works on getting his
the bottom of his driveway, photos
Residents struggle to navigate snow-dogged streets
p p m
as students enjoy extended holiday school break
F inally fre e a fte r a couple
o f h elp ers p u sh ed his c a r into
th e stre e t, Luokkala, 18,
rolled alo n g M onday m orning
a fte r a rav ag in g snow storm
p ack in g bone-chilling w inds
pounded Canton an d th e en­
tire so u th east M ichigan area,
slow ing resp o n se tim es for
firefig h te r param ed ics,
Canton teen A ustin Luokkala's fru stra tio n grew a fte r
h is c a r got stuck in a snowy
d rivew ay a s he trie d to leave
hom e fo r his jo b in Wayne.
“I t’s rea lly crappy,” he
said. “It sucks. I don’t think
I ’ve e v e r driv en in anything
like this."
Icicles reach nearly to th e ground a t Summit on the Park in Canton.
See SNOW, Page A2
See BEER. Page A2
Good Counsel scouts get lifesaving m edals
By M att Jachm an
Six people affilia te d with
youth scouting a t O ur L ady of
Good Counsel C atholic C hurch
w ere given th e Boy Scouts of
A m erica's lifesaving m edal
last m onth fo r th e 2012 resc u e
of th re e ra fte rs in Canada.
N icholas A rm strong, Scott
Davison, E rica Bingham , Ja c ­
queline M cCorm ick a n d Mi­
ch ael Fluegem ann, now all
college stu d en ts, and Alan
Deal, a n ad u lt sco u t leader,
w ere aw ard ed the H onor M ed­
al in a C ourt o f H onor cere ­
mony a t Good Counsel. D uring
a scouting trip in Ju ly 2012,
e ac h played a role in saving
tw o m en an d a woman who
w ere on an inflatable ra f t in
O ntario's B arrow Bay and
O b se r v e r & E c c e n t r ic
..... " " " M E D I A
w ere being d riv en by stro n g
w inds to w ard the la rg e r G eor­
gian Bay, on Lake Huron.
Jo h n Reesor, a BSA ex ec ­
u tiv e, p resid ed a t th e Dec. 29
cerem ony, and th e Rev. John
R iccardo, p asto r a t Good Coun­
sel, b lessed th e medals.
A rm stro n g , now 18, said he
w as “a little ov erw h elm ed ” at
See SCOUTS, Page A2
© TheObserver 4 Eccentric
Volume 39-Number 58
Boy Scouts of America Honor Medal recipients (from left) Nicholas
Armstrong, Scott Davison, Erica Bingham, Jacqueline McCormick,
Michael Fluegemann and Alan Deal, a Troop 781 leader, pose for photos
during a reception a t Our Lady of Good Counsel. Each received the
Honor Medal for their part in the rescue of three people, tom beaudoin
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Continued from Page At
stra n d in g d riv ers and
closing tow nship hall, the
lib ra ry and Sum m it on
th e Pa rk recre atio n cen­
ter, except as a w arm ing
W ith a plow tru ck ,
shovels, a snow blow er
a nd help from w ife M ari­
lyn, Sheddscape Co. ow n­
e r R obe rt Shedd m ade it
to his custo m e rs as
q uickly he could, esti­
m ating C anton's snow fall
a t 12 inches o r more.
“I t ’s challenging,” he
said, durin g a stop in a
n o rth end neighborhood.
“We’r e try in g to ge t to
o u r custo m e rs as soon as
w e can to se rv e th em .”
O ver a t Canton-Plym outh M ettetal A irport,
92-year-old Bill Brown
u sed a front lo a d er to
c le a r snow from ru n ­
w ays, taxiw ays and hang­
a r a reas.
A lthough no flights
w ere de p artin g o r a rriv ­
ing Monday, he plow ed
snow in case a pilot need­
ed to m ake an em ergency
“We tr y to k eep the
runw ays open all the
Bill Brown, 92, takes a break from his job keeping the runway and taxiways clear at
Mettetal Airport, using a CAT front loader, bill bresler | staff photographer
tim e,” Brow n said.
F ire Chief Josh u a
M eier said officials
called in e x tra firefig h te r
p ara m ed ics to cope w ith
calls fo r help a s many
subdivision stre e ts Mon­
day m orn in g rem ain ed
b u ried in snow befo re
county ro ad c re w s o r
p riv a te c o n tra cto rs a r ­
Snowfall has residents
scrambling, chilling
"The biggest fac to r is
g e ttin g in an d out o f the
subdivisions," M eier
said. " It’s posing a ch al­
M eier im plored re si­
d e n ts to h e ed Canton's
snow e m erg en cy an d get
th e ir veh icles o ff stre e ts
so ro ad cre w s could plow.
M e ier said w in try condi­
tio n s had slow ed re ­
spo n se tim es.
"O u r tra n s p o rt tim es
to hospitals a re lo nger
d u e to tra ffic an d the
conditions of roadw ays,”
h e said, urg in g resid en ts
to sta y a t hom e if they
L au rie Golden, the
lib ra ry ’s m ark e tin g and
com m unications d e p art­
m en t head, said custom ­
e rs stocked up ove r the
w eekend f o r th e storm
they knew w as coming.
“We saw a lot of DVDs
go out th e door," she said.
M unicipal Services
D irecto r Tim Fa a s said
the tow nship’s tra s h haul­
er, C anton W aste R ecy­
cling, suspended its
rou n d s Monday, p artly
b eca u se lan dfills had
“T he plan is to stick to
th e norm al collection
schedule the r e s t o f th is
w eek an d sw ing back
e ac h d ay to g e t th e re s t
o f M onday’s ro u tes a t the
e n d o f e ac h day,” F aas
N ext to M ettetal Air­
p o rt, Bill Brow n Auto
Clinic ow ner G erry Folk,
a Livonia resid ent, said
busin ess had been steady
e arly th is w eek as m otor­
ists bought item s such as
new b a tterie s to jum ps ta r t th e ir storm -coping
effo rts.
“I’m not too crazy
about the cold te m p er­
a tu re s (th at fell below
zero),” Folk said, “b u t I
do like th e w in ter be ­
cau se I sk i an d play hock­
e y - indoor hockey, for
th e m ost p a rt.”
T h e snow storm Sun­
day an d M onday w as a
prelu d e to som e of the
coldest tem p era tu re s
local resid en ts and busi­
ness ow ners had endured
in years.
Plym outh-Canton
C om m unity Schools
closed Monday, lliesd a y
and W ednesday.
T he storm caused
w idespread problem s on
roadw ays. M onday m orn­
ing, th e northbound ram p
from M ichigan A venue to
1-275 was closed a fte r a
sem i tr a ile r and other
vehicles becam e stuck.
T h at w as ju s t one of
m any a re a s w here d riv ­
e rs had problem s.
Sum m it on th e Park
w as open as a w arm ing
center, though an em ­
ployee said M onday the
fitn e ss a re a w as closed.
E ven in places such as
H erita g e Pa rk, w here
c hildren m ight typically
enjoy a school snow day,
no one could be seen
e arly M onday afternoon.
T he tow nship adm ini­
stra tio n building, in­
cluding th e police de p art­
m ent re c o rd s bureau,
w as closed Monday,
a long w ith th e library.
Twitter: @CantonObserver
Continued from Page At
th e recognition.
C anton resid en ts
D on and K ay Glass
b rav e d th e crow ds Sat­
u rd ay a t M eije r in Can“A bout tw o and a
h a lf hours,” he said of
th e ir re g u la r grocery
shopping, ham pered
w hen th ro n g s de sce nd­
ed on th e sto re in an tici­
pation of th e snow storm
a n d bone-chilling cold.
“I t w as ju s t a norm al
shopping trip . It was
m ostly food item s.
C row ded b eyond be­
D on G lass, a Spanish
te a c h e r a t C entral M id­
d le School in Plym outh,
h ad to w ait fo r a shop­
p ing c art. H e couldn’t
g e t th e reg u la r c arrots
h e likes fo r lunch.
Packing lunch be­
c am e moot w hen his
school distric t closed
M onday. “I'v e been out
th e re w ith th e snow
b low er se v eral tim es,”
G lass said M onday
m orning. “I’ve got a
w hole new fre sh batch
o f snow out th e re .”
T he w eekend snow ­
sto rm and su bsequent
cold rem inded Glass,
who grew up in H ol­
land, M ich., of w inters
o f th e late 1970s.
Plym outh Township
r e sid en t D orothy G rant
Continued from Page At
em ployees to stop him
a s he le ft the sto re w ith­
out paying fo r th e m e r­
E arly on, Baugh said
a n investigation in­
d icated th e b e e r m ay
h ave b e en ta k en as
p aym ent to a m echanic
fo r auto repa irs.
Shock w as taken into
custody, bu t has since
w as also hom e M onday
m orning. She’s a n ad ­
ju n c t p ro fe sso r in col­
lege rea d in g an d c riti­
cal th inking a t School­
c ra ft College, w hich
w as also closed.
"M y hu sband Ja ck
say s th e snow blow er is
the b e st invention in the
w orld,” sh e said Mon­
d ay m orning. “W e a re
d e finitely p re p a re d fo r
th e long haul, no p ro b ­
lem .”
T h e G ra n ts didn't
need to shop Saturday,
b u t did go to 4 p.m .
M ass a t O ur Lady of
Good C ounsel Catholic
C hurch in Plym outh
Tow nship. T h ey w ere
sta rtled w hen th e la te r
S atu rd ay M ass w as
c an celed by th e priest
due to th e snow storm .
“ I’d n e v e r h e ard of
th a t e v e r happening,"
sh e said.
T h e G ra n ts had re ­
c en tly re tu rn e d fro m
h oliday trav e l to Con­
n e ctic u t, w hich w ent
smoothly. "E v ery th in g
w as fine, no problem ,"
sh e said. T h eir daugh­
te r w as also able to fly
fro m Flo rid a to N ew
Y ork City w ithout delay.
T h ey w ere m ulling
taking th e ir 2014 C h rist­
m as c a rd p ic tu re out­
d oors Monday. “I ’ve
n e v er se en it like th is,”
she said. “It’s b eautiful,
isn’t it?”
b een rele ased on a
$25,000 p e rso n al bond
a s he aw aits his sen ­
te n cin g by W ayne Coun­
ty C ircu it Ju d g e David
G roner. T h e case had
b een se n t to th e hig h er
c o u rt in e arly N ovem ­
b e r a fte r Shock waived
his rig h t to a p relim i­
n a ry h earin g in fro n t of
35th D istric t Ju d g e
J a m e s Plakas.
Twitter: @CantonObserver
I n s t i n c t iv e r e s p o n s e
'W e didn’t rea lly th in k
of, ‘Oh, I’m going to get a
m edal a fte r th is ,”’ A rm ­
stro n g , of Canton Town­
ship, said du rin g a re c e p ­
tion follow ing th e m edal
cerem ony. “Ju s t kept
th in k in g o f how to help
th em and m ak e su re
th e y ’r e a ll rig h t.”
I t w as A rm stro n g and
D avison, b oth Boy Scouts
a t th e L ife Scout ra n k at
th e tim e, w ho s e t out in a
canoe a fte r D eal noticed
th e ra f te rs w ere in trou­
ble. T h ey w ere followed
in a seco n d canoe by Boy
Scout Flu eg em ann along
w ith Bingham and M c­
Corm ick, who w ere in
V enture Scouting, BSA’s
co-ed p ro g ra m fo r young
“I w as ju s t kind of
doing w hat I know how to
do,” said D avison, 19, also
o f Canton.
T he resc u e rs decided
conditions w ere too
ro u g h to tow th e windto ssed ra f t an d th a t they
should fe r ry the ra fte rs
to sh o re, D avison said.
A rm stro n g an d D avison
took a m an and a woman
in th e ir canoe and some­
one on a p e rson al w a­
te rc r a f t picked up the
th ird ra fte r, th e resc u ers
said. D eal, th e ad u lt lead­
er, h ad follow ed in a kay­
a k to oversee.
B u t meanw hile, the
canoe w ith Fluegem ann,
Bingham an d McCor­
m ick a b o ard w as
sw am p ed w hen th e wind
pick ed up th e ra ft, to
w hich th e canoe w as
attach ed .
“I w as kind o f scared
w hen th e canoe flipped. I
w asn’t e x p ectin g th a t,”
Continued from Page A1
resp ira to ry th e ra p ist for
m o re than 20 y e a rs in
so u th east M ichigan hos­
p itals - first a t William
Beaum ont H ospital and
la te r a t H en ry Ford H o s­
pital, in spirin g h e r ded i­
c ation to en su rin g citi­
John Reesor of the Boy Scouts of America's Michigan Crossroads Council talks about the
organization’s Honor Medal during th e Court of Honor for six new recipients a t Our Lady
of Good Counsel. At right is Steven Monaghan, a 2009 Honor Medal winner and a scout
leader a t Good Counsel, photos by tom beaudoin
T he six a w a rd s brin g
to e ight th e nu m b e r of
BSA H onor M edals
a w arded through Good
Counsel. F e w er than
2,400 H onor M edals have
been aw arded nationw ide
b y th e BSA in th e la st 90
Scott Davison of Canton (middle) was one of six people
given the Boy Scouts of America's Honor Medal for the
rescue of three people in Ontario in 2012.
said B ingham , 19, also of
Canton. T he th ree decid ­
ed th e y couldn’t rig h t a
w ater-filled canoe, she
said, an d clung to it until
th e y could b e picked up.
Both th e r a f t an d the
canoe w ere lost.
'N ic e t o b e
r e c o g n iz e d '
Bingham w as picked
up by A rm stro n g and
D avison, w ho h ad re ­
tu rn ed to th e w ater a fte r
depositing tw o ra f te rs on
th e shore. F luegem ann
and M cCorm ick w ere
zens hav e acc ess to a f­
fordable h ealth care.
In th e H ouse, Slavens
sponsored a law to hold
h ealth c a re professionals
accountable w hen they
engage in h arm fu l and
u nethical m edical p ra c ­
tic es an d w as in stru ­
m en tal in p assin g the
statew id e ban on sm ok­
ing in m ost indoor places
in M ichigan, including
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p m r-rim .m ed.w ) u p g d o cs.o rg
picked up by som eone on
a w atercraft.
“I feel like N ick and
Scott deserv e it m ore,”
Bingham said of the Hon­
o r Medal, adding, “I t ’s
n ice to be recognized.”
Ja cq u elin e McCor­
m ick’s p a rents, Ken and
C heryle M cCorm ick of
Ply m o u th Ib w n ship, who
had accom panied the
sco u ts on th e trip, w it­
nessed th e ordeal.
“I felt the Holy Spirit
saying, som ething hap­
p ened he re - profound,”
K en McCorm ick said.
b a rs and restau rants.
Slavens voted to c u t
la w m ak ers’ sa laries including h e r own - by 10
p e rcen t. Slavens also
cham pioned a plan to end
taxpayer-funded lifetim e
h ealth care fo r law m ak­
e rs an d volun tarily gave
up th e expensive perk
f o r he rse lf. Slavens is
also a m e m b er o f the
W omen’s H ealth and
E conom ic Security Task
Force, w hich seeks to
im prove wom en's access
to h ealth c a re and ex­
pand econom ic opportu­
n ities fo r women in
M ichigan.
S tew art, w ho had been
w aiting on a delayed
Slavens decision before
finally filing la st month,
said he w as “disappoint­
ed" th a t Slavens decided
to g e t into th e race.
“I think h e r voting
rec o rd is too lib eral to
get h e r elected in the
new 7th D istrict," Stew ­
a r t said.
S lavens also believes
h e r sup p o rt o f public
schools will b o lster he r
r a c e fo r th e Senate.
F o rm e r PlymouthCanton Board o f E duca­
tion P re sid e n t Steven
S neidem an, now a Canton
Tow nship tru ste e, and
Steven Monaghan,
G ood Counsel’s liaison to
its scouting organiza­
tions, won th e m edal in
2009 for aiding a Ply­
m outh wom an who was
being a ttac k ed by a
sw arm of be es, a n in­
cident th a t pu t both of
them in th e hospital.
M onaghan's son E than, a
scout in fifth grad e a t the
tim e, won th e m edal in
2008 fo r resc u in g his
b ro th er from a potential
M onaghan said “the
grac e of God" had pu t the
scouts n e arb y w hen th e
r a f te rs needed help, but
th a t any scout would've
done w hat th e y did.
“T hese kids are
trained to respond,” he
Twitter: @mattjachman
c u rre n t school board
Vice P re sid e n t Ju d y
M ardigian joined Slavens
fo r h e r announcem ent.
“T his a re a loves its
public sc h o o ls... I think
th a t’s a com m on goal,"
Slavens said. “I fought
fo r policies th a t benefit
ou r com m unity, while
Republicans have instead
slashed funding to our
schools and raised taxes
on our seniors a nd fam ­
ilies who c an le ast afford
M ardigian tru m p e ted
S lavens’ lead e rsh ip on
school issues.
"(Slavens) is a tru e
le ad e r in th e e ffo rt to
provide vital funding
th a t public schools in
M ichigan need in ord er
to thrive and to provide a
rich learning experience
for the le ad e rs of tom or­
row," M ardigian said. “I
look forw ard to D ian’s
leadership in the M ichi­
gan Senate, as a tru e
advocate for th e b e tte r­
m ent of M ichigan’s pub ­
lic schools.”
bkadrich9hometownlife. com
Twitter: Obkadrich
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F r a u d u le n t c h e c k s
Canton police took th ree
people into custody a fte r
investigating an incident
involving frau d u le n t checks
D ec. 31 a t th e H untington
Bank bran ch on F o rd Road.
Police got involved a fte r
receiv in g re p o rts o f a 21year-old wom an who had
trie d to pass a bad c h eck to
a te lle r - and th e in v estiga­
tion led police to tw o m ales
who w ere w ith her, a police
rep o rt said.
The su sp ects, all in their
e arly 20s, w ere from Ypsilanti.
One o f th e m ale suspects
told police th e check he was
try in g to cash cam e from a
te m p o rary em ployent agen­
cy he had w orked for in
2010. H e said he h ad n’t
cash ed th e c h ec k e a rlie r
becau se he had b een in ­
carce ra te d .
The fem ale su sp ect told
police sh e had rec eiv e d a
check from a "se c re t shop­
p e r” company. O ne of the
check s also w as supposedly
from a h ealth c a re agency
in Ypsilanti.
Police le arn ed th a t tw o of
th e su sp e cts also h ad alleg­
edly been involved in pa ss­
ing fra u d u le n t check s at
an o th er bank b ran c h on
M ichigan Avenue. T he in­
vestig atio n w as continuing.
Muhedin Danny Turkovic, Alexander James Shippey, Clary Dejuan Scott Jr. and Joseph Charles Holland are
facing sentencing for a robbery a t a Canton party, canton police
Four face sentencing for
robbery at apartment
By Darrell Clem
F our m en acc u sed o f rob ­
b ing tw o W estland te e n s who
p olice sa y had gone to a Can­
ton p a rty to buy d ru g s are
facing se ntencing Ja n . 23 a fte r
pleading g uilty to tw o counts
e ac h o f u n a rm e d robbery.
One v ictim w as punched
a nd kicked w hile th e oth e r
w as stru c k in th e fac e a s the
ro b b ery unfolded shortly b e­
fo re 9 p.m . Nov. 2 a t The
C rossings, an a p a rtm e n t com ­
plex n e a r Joy Road and 1-275
on C anton’s f a r n o rth side.
Follow ing initial indications
a gun m ay have been involved,
fo u r m en - M uhedin D anny
TUrkovic, 17, a n d Jose ph
C harles H olland, 18, bo th of
C anton, A lex an d er Ja m es
Shippey, 22, o f Livonia, and
C lary D ejuan Scott Jr., 17, of
D etro it - had b e en ch arg ed
w ith arm e d robbery.
H ow ever, th e fo u r m en
have p lead ed to le sse r counts
of u n a rm e d ro b b ery a fte r 35th
D istric t Ju d g e M ichael G erou,
citing a lack of ev id en ce lin k ­
ing th em to a gun, re d u c ed th e
c h arg es d u rin g a p relim in a ry
he arin g in mid-N ovem ber.
Canton D etectiv e E rik Kaled as h as said th e W estland
victim s, b oth 18, w ere robbed
of belo n g in g s such a s money
and a cellphone am id alleg a ­
tions th e y had gone to the
p a rty to buy drugs.
T urkovic, H olland, Shippey
an d S co tt could h av e faced
pen alties ran g in g u p to life in
p riso n if th e y had b e en con­
v ic ted o f original c h arg es of
a rm e d robbery. T h eir pu n ish ­
m en t could ran g e fro m p roba­
tio n to 15 y e a rs fo r th e lesser
All fo u r m en h av e been
r ele ased on bond a s th e y aw ait
th e ir sen tencin g , but they
h ave been o rd ered not to con­
ta c t th e W estland te en s. They
also a re u n d e r co u rt o rd ers
n o t to c a r ry firea rm s , use
dru g s o r co n su m e alcohol.
T h e m e n a re ex p ec ted to
face sen ten cin g b y W ayne
C ounty C ircu it Ju d g e M argie
A rr ests m a d e , d r u g s
se iz e d
Police seized d ru g s from
a wom an who w as in vesti­
g a ted by Canton police ne ar
th e S u per 8 M otel a t Michi­
gan A venue an d Lotz, a
police re p o rt said.
The wom an also w as
w anted fo r a shoplifting
c h arg e out o f P ittsfield
Township, while a m an who
w as w ith h e r w as a rrested
fo r an un related w arran t out
o f W ashtenaw County, a
police re p o rt said.
Police learn ed th e woman
h ad heroin an d cra ck co­
cain e in h e r possession.
Police in v estig ated the
woman, a 30-year-old Ypsi­
la n ti resid en t, an d th e man,
29, o f Ann Arbor, a fte r no­
Twitter: @CantonObserver
C ar b u r g la r y
A Pensacola, Fla., woman
rep o rte d having h e r pu rse and
its c ontents - including cash
a nd identification - stolen from
th e tru n k of a frien d ’s c a r as
th e y attended a N ew Y ear's
E ve p a rty in Plym outh Town­
T he w om an told police her
f rien d ’s Pontiac G rand Am was
p a rke d on Burning T ree Lane
w hen th e th e ft o c cu rre d be-
tw een m idnight and 1 a.m. Jan.
1. T he c a r had been le ft u n ­
locked, she said, an d th e car's
ow ner also had m oney stolen
fro m inside of it.
F ra u d
» A tow nship wom an rep o rt­
ed Ja n . 30 th a t h e r Social Secu­
rity nu m b er had been u sed to
open accounts w ith a c ellu lar
phone com pany an d a cable
television p ro v id er w ithout he r
perm ission.
T h e wom an filed th e rep o rt
a fte r being notified o f the
fra u d by a cred it-w atch se r­
» A nother tow nship woman
rep o rte d Ja n . 30 th e fraud u len t
u se o f a c re d it c a rd fo r a $180
p u rch a se from V ictoria’s Se­
cret, th e lin g erie company. The
m erch an d ise had b een deliv­
e re d to an ad d re ss in Ohio, she
- By Matt Jachman
ticing suspicious activity in
th e motel pa rk in g lot about
10 p.m . Dec. 30, a police
rep o rt said.
- T he re p o rt noted there
has been ongoing activity
involving narcotics and
p rostitution in th e area.
Police arre ste d the male.
T he fem ale also w as initia­
lly ta ken to Oakwood An­
napolis H ospital a fte r she
a pparently w as suffering a
panic a ttac k and having
trouble breathing, th e re ­
p o rt said.
A t t e m p t e d b r e a k - in s
A 23-year-old man who
lives on N ec ta r D rive in T he
C rossings, an ap artm ent
com plex southeast of Joy
Road and 1-275, notified
police to re p o rt someone
trie d to brea k into his a p a rt­
m ent betw een 6 p.m . Mon­
day and 10 a.m . Tliesday, a
police re p o rt said.
The m an told police he
retu rn e d home to find the
door to his a p artm e n t had
been dam aged, th ough it
a p pea re d th e would-be in­
tru d e r ne v er made it inside
th e residence. N othing w as
T he la test incident cam e
a fte r police investigated
a nother attem p ted break-in
on N ec ta r that occurred
Dec. 26. In th a t incident, a
w oman a rriv e d home to find
p ry m arks n e a r th e door
X an ax s w ip e d
An 18-year-old Canton
w oman told police a bottle
of X anax w as stolen from
her 2000 Ford E xplorer
while it w as p a rk e d in the
drivew ay of he r resid en ce
in th e 400 block o f R idge
betw een 10 p.m. Dec. 27 and
9:30 a.m . Dec. 28.
T he w oman told police
she had th e prescription
filled fo r 60 pills ju s t before
C hristm as. She said th e re
still should have been 54
bills in th e bottle.
She said th e c a r w asn’t
locked be ca use th e lock
doesn't w ork properly.
3PM - 10P M
10AM - 10PM
1 0 A M -6 P M
D ueling C h a in saw C o m p e titio n
O pening C e re m o n ie s
Friday, 7PM
S a t u r d a y 7PM
C o lleg e C a rv in g C om pet i t i o n s
Awa r d s C e re m o n ie s
S atu rd ay 9AM- 1 2 NOON, (Individual)
S a t u r d a y 1PM (In d iv id u a l)
S u n d a y SAM - 12N 0 0 N (T e a m )
S u n d a y 1PM ( T e a m )
Interactive Ice Carvings
C ross-country skiing
fo r th e kids all w eekend
“Hot Spot”
Heated Vendor
Ice Throne
Fire and Ice
Ice Bench
Towers @ night
Wood Carving
Plenty of
Food and
- By Darrell Clem
Concerts will help
fund arts complex
W e lc o m e to O a k w o o d 's
By Brad Kadrich
T he Canton P a rtn e r­
sh ip fo r th e A rts & H u­
m anities, in an e ffo rt to
raise fu nds in e a rn e st for
its a r ts com plex projec t
a t th e old Ford factory in
C h e rry H ill Village, will
u se all m oney from 2014
fu n d ra ise rs fo r th a t pro ­
je ct.
F irs t up is n e x t w eek’s
tw o-concert sla te a t the
Village T h ea te r a t Cher­
ry Hill, w hen th e p a rt­
n ership will jo in w ith the
W estland Com m unity
Foundation to brin g Sim­
ply D iam ond, a Neil Dia­
m ond trib u te band, to the
V illage T h ea te r stage.
T h e groups a re sponsor­
ing a 2 p.m . m atine e and
a 7 p.m. show Saturday,
Ja n . 18.
T h e sponsoring or­
g anizations (including
th e W estland C ham ber of
Com m erce) will split the
p roceeds and th e Canton
P artn esh ip f o r the A rts &
H um anities will apply
100 p e rc en t of its sh a re
fro m th e se c o n ce rts an d a M arch 1 fu n d ra ise r
featu rin g Steve K ing &
th e D ittilies - tow a rd its
a r ts com plex projec t.
W estland C om m unity
Foundation P resident
G lenn Shaw said he’s
co n fident th e conce rts
will do well.
‘T v e alw ays w anted to
do som ething like this,”
Shaw said. "T his is a
p retty good nam ed group
th a t's com ing in.”
Several hundred
tick ets a re available for
b oth th e m atinee and the
ev en ing concert, which
f e a tu res a cocktail recep­
tion and hors d’oeuvres.
T h e th re e group s will
r eceiv e th e proceeds
fro m those tic k ets they
e ac h sell. M ain Stre et
C atering is donating
d e sse rts fo r th e evening
in term ission and Biggby
W ei n e s s 101 S e rie s
-FIB 101
Proceeds from tw o Jan. 18 concerts will help fund the
Canton Partnership for the Arts 8t Humanities's dormitory
project in Cherry Hill Village.
C offee in W estland is
donating coffee. 502 G rill
is o ffe rin g a 10-p ercen t
discount b efo re an d a fte r
th e evening p erfo rm an ce
f o r an y p urchases.
H o rs d’o euvres will be
p rovided by LaB istecca
Italian Grille, The Sa r­
dine Room, A ntonio’s
Cucina Italiana, C ourt­
house G rill and H ayden's
B a r & Grill.
T he Canton P a rtn e r­
sh ip fo r the A rts & H u­
m anities will direc t all of
its p ro ceed s to w ard the
p ro jec t, designed to c re ­
a te a regional a rts com ­
plex. F irst up is the
W orld W ar II V eterans
D orm itory, th e first
p h ase o f its fu tu re A rts
D istric t project.
T he goal fo r th e dor­
m itory, once com pleted,
is to o ffe r a rt th erap y
se rv ice s to local v e ter­
ans, “c re atin g an indoor
an d outdoor location for
th em to fin d peace," said
J ill Engel, th e p a rtn e r­
sh ip ’s ex ecu tiv e director.
"H e n ry Fo rd had cre ­
a ted th e Village Industry
in C h e rry H ill so th at
disabled v e teran s re tu rn ­
ing fro m W orld W ar II
had a p lace to live and
w ork while receiving
reh ab ilitatio n and train ­
ing," Engel said. "This
will also tie th e building
back to its original h e ri­
E ngel said th e p a rt­
n ersh ip is "excited" to
continue w orking w ith
C anton-based T he Mannik & Sm ith G roup to
finalize th e arc h ite ctu ra l
desig n and begin reno­
vations th is spring. She
said th e p a rtn e rsh ip
would also "g re atly ac ­
c ep t" donated supplies
su ch a s roofing m a teri­
als, he atin g an d cooling,
paint, window s, doors,
landscaping, flooring,
plum bing, cem en t, an
elev a to r an d others.
T ickets fo r th e 2 p.m .
a fternoon m atin ee are
$25 an d a re available
th ro u g h th e Village T h ea­
te r w ebsite (
T ickets fo r th e ev e­
n ing ev en t a re $75 each
a n d include cocktail re ­
ception an d hors
d ’oeuvres, follow ed by
th e co n cert a t 8 p.m .
T ick ets fo r th e evening
c o n cert a re available
th ro u g h th e W estland
C om m unity Foundation
(734-595-7727), th e W est­
land C ham ber of Com­
m e rc e (734-326-7222) o r
th e Canton Partn ersh ip
fo r th e A rts & H um an­
ities (734-765-7061).
O a k w o o d ’s W e lln e ss 101
is a se r ie s o f FREE c la s s e s
d e s ig n e d to g iv e y o u an
in -d ep th u n derstan din g o f
understand atrial fibrillation and how
to find permanent relief - Including
techniques and the surgical minimize
s o m e o f th e m o st p re ssin g
health c o n c e r n s in our
com m un ity.
H ave your q u e s tio n s
BACK PAIN 101 simplifies the
complex anatomy of the spine
and discusses the latest treatment
options - including medical
management, physical therapy.
Injection therapy and surgery.
a n sw e re d p ersonally by
O a k w o o d clinical e x p e rts,
including prim ary c a re
p h y sicia n s, navigators,
thera p ists a n d su rg e o n s.
C la s s e s a r e FREE a n d
c l a s s s iz e is lim ited , s o
p l e a s e r e g is te r t o a tte n d
b y c a llin g 8 0 0 .5 4 3 .
W ELL (9 3 5 5 ) o r v isitin g
o a k w o o d .o r g /c la s s e s .
JO INT C L A SS 101 discusses
common causes and treatment
options for shoulder, hip and knee
pain - including medical management,
physical therapy, injection therapy
and total joint replacement
PRIM ARY CARE 101 explains
the new Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
and the 10 essential health benefits
Included In your new coverage.
You will learn the importance of
annual health screenings and how
to choose a primary care physician
that is right for you and your family.
Twitter Obkadrich
| W e specialize in you"
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Join the Showroom of Elegance and "Share the Watmth ” this winter! Stop in January 7th
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Pick your sale amount from dozens of mittens, hats and scarves, then at the end of the month
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6018 N. Canton Center Rd. - Canton, Michigan 48187 - Ph: (734) 207-1906 -
Andrew Malik of Westland takes on the sledding hill a t Plymouth Township Park in spite o f zero degree temperatures, sill bresler | staff photographer
A snowstorm to remember
t w as the sto rm e v e ry ­
one in southeast M ichi­
gan w as expecting —
and th e n some.
F irst cam e the snow that
m ade d riving n early im pos­
sible, followed by frigid
te m p e ra tu re s th at added to
the m ess a nd closed schools
and businesses, a s well as
canceling com m unity activ­
B efore the snow even hit
late S aturday-early Sunday,
m a jo r roads w ith g rocery
sto re s and gas stations w ere
busy a s shoppers stocked
up fo r food, o th er supplies
and gasoline. It w as a justin-case kind o f move.
But th e re w ere still those
who — snow and cold tem ­
pera tu re s o r not — h ad to
brav e the roads th a t w ere
still being plowed early
M onday a s frig id w eather
began to set in.
M ost m o torists w ho w ere
out M onday m orning r e ­
ported th at the freew ays,
such as 1-275, M -5,1-696 and
1-96 w ere the m ost tre a c h e r­
ous fo r driving. T h at didn’t
stop som e resid en ts from
w ondering w hen th e ir su b ­
divisions would be plowed.
By Tliesday, though, life
in O akland and W ayne coun­
ties w as beginning to settle
down — except fo r th e a rc ­
tic-like te m p e ra tu re s that
w ere e x pected to last
through W ednesday m orn­
Derek and Claire Moraco, sledding in Hines Park. They are Canton Township residents, bill bresler | staff photographer
as slow going on 12 Mile in Farmington Hills Monday morning, joanne mauszewski
David Moraco pours hot chocolate for his children Derek,
12, and Claire. 13. during a break from sledding in Hines
Park. They are from Canton . bill bresur | staff photographer
A 7C )
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j o a n n e m a l is z e w s k i. e d u
L _ W
New owner moves franchise forward
N orth franchise of T\vo
M en And A TVuck is un­
d e r new ow nership. Mi­
chael Stafford, who ac ­
q uired th e fra nchise Oct.
31, a nsw ered th e follow­
ing questions about the
b u siness specializing in
and com ­
m e rcial
packing and
Tell us
ab ou t your
th e ty p e s o f services
and/or products you
Two M en A nd A TVuck
is a fra nchised resid en ­
tial and co m m ercial mov­
ing company. O ur core
purpose is to m ove peo­
ple forw ard, and we are
heavily involved in our
local com m unities. We
specialize in providing
packing and moving
serv ices, as we aim to
help anyone's m ove go as
sm oothly as possible.
What m akes your
bu sin ess unique?
We a re constantly
striv in g to live out our
b ran d 's cu ltu re th ro u g h
ou r ta gline, “M overs Who
C are." We are in th e cus­
to m e r se rv ice business
an d work h a rd ev ery day
to continuously exceed
ou r custo m er's ex p ec ta ­
tions in value an d a high
stan d ard of satisfaction.
How did yo u first
decide t o op en your
o w n business?
1 had been contem ­
platin g busin ess o w n er­
sh ip for sev eral years,
an d 1 have a fellow M ich­
igan State U niversity
alum who is a TVvo Men
And A TVuck fran ch isee
w ho introduced m e to the
en terp rise. U nfortunate­
ly, th e re w ere no open
te rrito rie s in the are a
until recently, when the
Livonia / W ayne - N orth
a s a g re a t o pportunity for
Do you h ave a funny
tid b it or story t o share
w ith our readers abou t
your exp erien ce s o far
as a sm all bu sin ess
ow ner?
One of our co re values
is T he G randm a Rule to
tr e a t everyone th e way
you would w ant your
G randm a to be treated.
W hat m ost people don’t
realize is th a t th e com pa­
ny w as founded by a
family, and th e fra nchi­
se e fam ily continues on
w ith th e se strong values
as an ope ra ting a rm of
th e original founders.
fran ch ise o f T\vo Men
And A TVuck becam e
available. I had been
looking fo r an opp o rtu n i­
ty to apply m y learned
b u sin ess sk ills to m y own
busin ess, an d I w as also
ex tre m e ly in trig u ed to
ow n and o p erate a b u si­
ness th at m e m b ers of my
fam ily m ight one day be
a b le to pa rticip a te in, so
th is b ecam e the p e rfec t
Two Men And A Truck, 31037
Schoolcraft Road, Livonia,
provides moving services seven
days a week. Office hours are 8
a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through
Friday and 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Saturdays. For more
information, call 734-722-6683
or visit
www. twomenandatruck. com.
How did yo u decide
to lo ca te in Livonia?
I acq u ired th e a ssets
of an ex istin g franchise
th at has been located in
Livonia fo r w ell ove r 10
ye ars, and I saw th e are a
Plym outh attorney
C atherine L. H eise has
earn ed th e professional
in surance designation of
C ha rtered P ro p e rty Ca­
su alty U nderw riter.
H eise, an attorney
w ith A m erisure In su r­
ance based in F arm ing­
ton H ills, w as aw arded
th is designation by the
CEO of T he
an educa­
tional o r ­
th a t confers
CPCU des­
ignation on
who com ­
p lete eight rigorous
c ourses and exam ina­
tions to m e et its ethics
and experience req u ire ­
m ents.
A ll CPCU's a re re ­
q uired to m aintain and
im prove th e ir p rofession­
a l know ledge, skills and
com petence through
th e ir com m itm ent to T he
In stitu te ’s CPCU Code of
Profession al Conduct.
H eise is one of a few
a ttorneys in M ichigan
w ith th e CPCU desig­
nation. In addition to her
role a t A m erisure, Heise
is a m em ber of th e Michi­
gan B oard of Oestheop athic M edicine and
S u rg e ry and th e Plymouth-Canton Com m uni­
ty Schools’ Policy Ad­
visory Com m ittee.
N e w p h y s ic ia n s
G arden City H ospital’s
m edical sta f f is growing.
Now w ith m ore than 350
physicians in 47 sp ecial­
tie s able to se rv e the
comm unity, GCH has
b ecom e a le ad e r in pro ­
viding quality health
care an d se rv ice to pa­
tie n ts, v isito rs and staff.
G ard en City H ospital
w elcom es th e following
new m edical sta ff m em ­
» Dr. K eith R. Barbour
has b e en p racticin g p h y s­
ical m edicine and reh a ­
b ilitation sin ce 1988. He
is board certified by the
A m erican A cadem y of
and Reha-
is approved
b y th e N ational C e rtifica­
tion B oard f o r T h erap eu ­
tic M assage an d Body­
w ork a s a continuing
education p ro v id er Cate­
g o ry A. H e h as offices a t
Prizm Pain Specialists,
6200 N. H aggerty, Can­
» Dr. H ad i Bert7 is
b oard c e rtifie d in in­
tern a l m M edicine. He
a tten d ed N ova Southeast­
e rn U niver­
sity M ed­
ical School
p leted ms
resident y
at St. J o ­
seph M ercy
Ann Arbor.
H is o ffice is located at
A m erican In tern a l M edi­
cine PC, 2040 M onroe St.,
Suite 208, D earb o rn .
» Dr. M. Salik A. Jah ania is board ce rtifie d in
c ard iac/th o racic surgery.
He atten d e d Sindh M ed­
ical College an d co m p let­
ed his fellow ship pro ­
g ram a t U n iv ersity of
K en tu ck y H ospital and
th e U n iv ersity o f W iscon­
sin H ospital
H is clinical
g e ry endovascular, and
tran sp lan tatio n . H is of­
fice is a t 18181 Oakwood
Blvd., Suite 102, D ear­
» Dr. Rossitza P. Pironkova is bo a rd ce rti­
fied in ped iatrics. She
a tten d ed A lbert E instein
College of M edicine and
c o m pleted h e r in te rn ­
ship, resid en cy an d fel­
lowship pro g ra m a t Co­
h en Childrenls M edical
Center. She ha s a n office
a t 43380 W oodward, Suite
105, Bloomfield Hills.
B o tsfo r d s e le c t s
Botsford H ospital
Laboratory s ta ff selected
M aureen Olszewski, a
nationally c ertified m ed­
ic al lab o rato ry te ch ­
nician, to receiv e th e Dr.
Josep h H. Langnas Me­
m orial L ab o rato ry En­
rich m en t Award.
B otsford’s D ep a rt­
m en t o f L ab o rato ry Ser­
vices hosted th e a w ard
cerem ony in D ecem ber,
w hich w as atten d e d by
Olszewski's co-w orkers,
th e hospital’s pathology
OCC offers Microsoft
certification courses
O akland Com munity
College is offering a
M icrosoft C ertified Solu­
tions Associate certifica ­
tion course through the
M icrosoft IT Academy.
T he class is fo r pro­
fessionals who a re al­
rea d y in th e field and a re
looking for additional
c ertifications. Those with
Windows S erver 2012
(M icrosoft Certified
Solutions A ssociate)
certification will have
Windows S e rv er 2012
skills, which a re relevant
a cro ss multiple solution
a re a s in a business envi­
ronm ent to red u c e IT
c osts and deliver addi­
tional business value.
A Windows Server
2012 certification qual­
ifies for a position as a
netw ork, com puter sy s­
te m s ad m in istra to r or
co m p u ter su p p o rt sp e ­
cialist. T h e th re e co u rses
collectively co v er im ple­
m enting, m anaging,
m aintaining an d pro v i­
sioning se rv ice s and
in fra stru c tu re in a Win­
dow s S e rv e r 2012 envi­
ron m en t. IT e x p erien ce
and g e n eral netw orking
an d W indows know ledge
is a p re req u isite to atten d
MCSA 2012 classes.
T h e co u rses include:
Classes a re 6-10 p.m.,
M onday and W ednesday
sta rtin g M arch 3 a t the
O rc h ard Ridge Campus.
» C ourse 20410: In ­
stalling and C onfiguring
W indows Se rv er 2012
(E xam 70-410). Course
co st is $1,580. Class is
M arch 3 th ro u g h April 2.
>» Course 20411: A d­
m in isterin g Windows
Se rv er 2012 (Exam 70411). Course c o st is
$1,580. Class is A pril 7
th ro u g h M ay 17.
» Course 20412: Con­
fig u rin g A dvanced Win­
dow s Se rv er 2012 S e r­
v ices (Exam 70-412).
Course co st is $1,580.
Class is M ay 19 th rough
Ju n e 23.
R eg ister online at
w w
F o r m o re inform ation,
call 248-232-4150.
Courses a re no n cred it
an d o ffered th ro u g h the
Continuing E ducation
d e p artm en t. D etailed
co u rse in form ation is
listed on the Continuing
Education w ebsite u n d er
th e subtitle: Com puter
N etw orks, click on
ProCam offers free camera cla sse s
ProCam is offering
tw o fre e c am era classes
a t its Livonia facility,
34224 Plym outh Road.
"Photography 101: A
C ra sh C ourse fo r All
D igital C am era U sers,"
will be o ffe re d 11 a.m . to
2 p.m . Saturday, Ja n . 11.
A fiv e-p art se ries called
"G et to Know Your DSLR
Cam era" beg in s 11 a.m . to
2 p.m . Saturday, Feb. 8.
F o r m o re inform ation,
visit http^/www.event /o/procam -2022
038881 o r call 734-8386900.
sta ff, m e m b ers o f the
Langnas family, and
L angnas’ fam ily e stab ­
lished th e aw a rd to sup­
p o rt the atten d a n ce o f a
B otsford H ospital lab
em ployee a t a pro fessio n ­
al society educational
T his aw a rd honors
O lszew ski fo r o u tstan d ­
ing dedication an d com ­
m itm en t to patien t care
an d th e su p p o rt o f h e r
d ep artm e n t for more
th an 25 y e a rs sin ce the
day in 1988 w hen she w as
h ired by Dr. L angnas,
who w as B otsford H ospi­
tal’s m edical d irec to r of
L ab o rato ry S erv ices and
c h airm an of its Patholo­
g y D ep artm en t. L angnas
p assed aw ay in 2005.
At Botsford, Olszew­
ski ha s p e rfo rm ed count­
less te sts on blood sam ­
ples. For a q u a rte r of a
century, sh e ha s been
in stru m en tal in detecting
dise ases o f the blood and
tissu es th a t fo rm blood.
G u b e r n a to r ia l
a p p o in tm e n t
F arm in g to n H ills re si­
d e n t B renda D onaldson
is one o f th ree sta te re si­
d e n ts appointed by Gov.
R ick Snyder to the M ichi­
gan B oard o f A cupunc­
tu re. H oused w ithin the
M ichigan D ep a rtm en t of
L icensing an d R egula­
to ry A ffairs, th e 13-mem­
b e r board ov e rse es the
lic en su re an d p ra c tic e of
a cu p u n ctu re. M em bers
se rv e four-year te rm s
e x piring Ju n e 30,2017,
and th e ir appointm ents
N e w d ir e c t o r
Special TVee Rehabili­
ta tion System , a le ad e r in
b rain injury and spinal
cord in ju ry rehabilita­
tion, has announced that
W estland re sid en t K ate
M cClain has joined the
R om ulus-based com pany
a s th e new dire c to r of
W orkforce Engagem ent.
M cClain w as p rev i­
ously th e hum an re ­
sources d irec to r a t E m er­
gency Physicians M ed­
ical G roup, PC, in Ann
Arbor. She is responsible
fo r direc tin g and devel­
oping all o f Special T ree ’s
em ployee engagem ent
and w orkplace devel­
o pm ent program s.
K nightsbridge
A ntique M a l l w
3 0 5 Seven Mile Road • (Just 2 M iles west o f 1-275) W Northville. M I 48167 • 248-344-7200 g j g
W e V nm c w m e M
T .
m g
26,(10(1 sq. ft.
with over 200 dealers
o f quality antiques
• Furniture - M id-C entury/ A rt Deco/. M odern • Coins
• Stained G lass • Jew elry • V intage Toys1* L inens • M ilitary
— • G lass/C rystal/C hina • Tiffany Lam ps • C lothing
P e rs o n a liz e d H e a rin g C a re, Inc.
A u d io lo g y a n d H e a r in g A id s
Im p ro v e y o u r
h e a r in g ...
I m p r o v e y o u r life
Dr. Kanssa Jagack
\ :■'
P eace of M ind P rotection
• 3 Years Repair Warranty
• 3 Years Loss and Damage Protection
’ • 3 Years Free Batteries
Dr. Ja g a cki
2011 W estland Business
Person o f the Year
2013 Sou th Lyon H erald
P eo p le's C hoice
A w a rd W inner
W estland
S o u th Lyon
35337 West Warren Road
7 3 4 - 4 6 7 -5 1 0 0
321 Pettibone Street, Suite 105
2 4 8 -4 3 7 -5 5 0 5
w w .pe rso n alize d h ea rin g c are .eo m
Plumber: Heed tips to avoid
frozen pipes in sub-zero cold
Plum bing problem s
a re com m on in sub-zero
w eather, bu t m a ste r
p lu m b e r Sam Stukel of
Plym outh's Horton
Plum bing and Rem od­
e ling ha s som e tips for
hom eow ners.
"A little tric k le of
w ater” thro u g h faucets
h elps, said Stukel, who
m anages com m ercial
plum bing a t Horton.
“W ate r com ing through
d oesn’t freeze."
In m anufactured
hom es, heat ta p e is used
on plum bing. W hen
H orton c re w s visit m an­
u fac tu red hom es with
plum bing problem s,
o ften th e y find sk irting
p ieces missing.
Siding c an blow off
th e home, he said. “T hat
little b it of a ir hole can
fre ez e pipes. It doesn’t
ta k e a lo t to freeze them
H e w as in a Plym outh
Tbwnship Lake Pointe
home Tuesday, w here
th e m ain b ath ro o m was
25-30 d e g re es cooler
th a n the
; Jv.
your therStukel
th is w eather.
"T h e heat’s got to
c ra n k up to com bat it,”
h e said.
H e had 3 5 4 0 m ore
c alls to g e t to la te Tues­
d ay afternoon.
“We a re ju s t cran k ed
up," Stu k el said.
H o rto n Plum bing, in
b u sin ess sin ce 1988,
d oesn’t usually see th at
volum e. "E v ery five
A/ A
down too
m uch in
y e a rs o r so, y ou g e t a
b ad one,” Stukel said.
H orton cre w s have
v isited m ainly hom es in
th is cold snap, along
w ith a couple o f d ental
p ractices. It is good fo r
th e plum bing b usiness.
“It’s alm o st like the
g uys plow ing," he said.
"We’re going to be going
th ro u g h m ost o f the
n ig h t an d s ta r t again
tom orrow . We look for­
w ard to it.”
Some hom eow ners
don't h eed th e p lu m b ers’
ad v ice to keep w ater
trick lin g throu gh taps.
H orton cre w s have
m ade re p e a t calls like
S tukel, a t his own
home, said, “I checked
th em the o th e r night. I
tu rn e d on all m y fau c ets
to m ake su re I had wa­
care f o r and a b o u t o u r residents
and their families.
Canton couple receives
wish for wedding vows
Like m an y couples,
M aureen C ahalan and
D avid G orden o f Canton
will exchan g e vow s in a
p riv ate com m itm ent
cerem o n y Friday su r­
rou n d ed b y fam ily and
T h e differen c e here:
T h eir wedding w ish has
b e en gran te d by the
M ichigan ch ap te r of the
nonprofit group, Wish
U pon a W edding. It’s the
second w edding wish
gran te d by th e group and
ta k es place a t Silver
G ard en E v en t C en ter in
T h e e n tire w edding
will be com pletely donat­
ed b y D etro it-area w ed­
ding ven d o rs through
W ish U pon a W edding,
th e w orld’s first nonprof­
it organization d edicated
to pro v id in g weddings
an d vow ren ew als for
individuals facing a lifeth rea te n in g illness and
o th e r serio u s life-alter­
ing circu m stan ces, re­
ga rd le ss of sex u al ori­
“W e a re th rilled to
g ran t o u r ch ap te r’s sec­
ond w edding wish,” said
L aura Allis, M ichigan
ch ap te r president. "The
M ichigan Board of D irec ­
to rs an d I a re extrem ely
g rate fu l fo r th e many
ta len ted professionals
who have generously
Maureen Cahalan and David Gorden of Canton will
exchange vows in a private commitment ceremony Friday
surrounded by family and friends, dionne hagluno. the
donated th e ir se rv ice s to
m ake th is d e serv ing
couple’s wish com e tru e.”
G orden an d Cahalan
both su ffe r fro m c e re ­
b ral palsy an d fir s t m et
20 y e a rs ago. T h eir un­
w avering com m itm ent to
each other, W ish U pon a
W edding o fficials said,
has seen them thro ugh
th e to u g h est tim es, in­
cluding th e h e artb rea k ­
ing decision to give th e ir
beloved d a u g h ter up fo r
adoption 17 ye a rs ago.
T h eir d eep love for
e ach other, sh a rp m inds
an d g re a t se n ses of hu­
m o r are often overlooked
as o th e rs place m ore
focus on th e ir physical
lim itations. Even having
a w edding has been an
insurm ountable obstacle
for G orden and C ahalan a legal m arria g e would
resu lt in Cahalan losing
he r survivor benefits
from th e governm ent.
“D avid and M aureen
a re an inspiration to us
all,” Allis said. "T hey
rem ind us th a t w ith a
fighting sp irit and un­
conditional love, we can
overcom e any challenge
b y facing it head on.”
Weather delays sidewalk clearing
O ur s ta ff is professionally trained a n d able to p ro vid e the support a n d care
• Relaxed, caring atmosphere
• Spacious studio-styled suites
• Accommodations for couples
• Handicap accessible suites
• 24-hour staff physician services
• Daily medication management
• Contained outdoor courtyard
• Housekeeping/laundry
• Beauty/barber shop
•Variety of activities and programs
• State Licensed
Call us for an appointment today
8121 North Lilley Rd.* Canton, Ml 48187 • www.crystalcreekassistedliving.
P l y m
o u th
C h r is t ia n
A c a d e m
p a rt of its ongoing snow
a n d ice rem o v al opera­
tio n s to assu re th a t tow n­
ship-ow ned sidew alks
a re k e p t c le a r to provide
p e d estria n access.
B oth m anual and me­
c h an ic al m ean s will be
u tilized to continue
c lea rin g an d chem ically
tre a tin g th e se areas.
Township o fficials are
a sk in g re sid en ts to be
p a tien t an d allow tim e
fo r cre w s to com plete
T h e com bination of
h eavy snow fall, cold
te m p era tu re s an d d rift­
ing snow m ay delay the
rem o v al of snow an d ice
fro m Canton Tbwnshipow ned sidew alks, p a rk ­
ing lots an d p athw ays
su rro u n d in g Canton
facilities, p a rk s and d e s­
ignated rig h t o f ways.
A s larg e am o u n ts of
snow accu m u late, offi­
cials said, tow nship sta ff
will b e d isp atch ed as
th a t y o u r loved o n e needs, all while pro vid in g a secure lifestyle.
th e full c lea rin g and
c lean-up of th e se tow n­
ship-ow ned sidew alks as
q uickly as possible.
Snow and ice rem oval
ope ra tions will continue
un til a ll sidew alks and
p a thw ays a re accessible.
F o r additional in­
form ation , ple ase con­
ta c t th e Canton Pa rk s
O ffice a t 734-394-5310 or
v isit w w w .canton-m
Monday, January 13th a t 7:00 pm
E ducating for E ternity S ince 1976,
The A cadem y Offers:
FR E *
p a
r k
i n
’ /
"vAth skating
a d m is s io n
" 'V / x / s r '
P resch o o l - 1 2 th G rade
Y oung Fives, B eg in d erg arten
MCA, ACSI A ccreditation
C hristian W orldview E ducation
S m all C lass S izes
C ollege P rep ara to ry C urriculum
AP C la s se s a n d Dual E nrollm ent C lasse s
S erv ice -O rie n ted L earning
Full A th letics an d Fine A rts P ro g ra m s
9 8 % of G ra d u a te s P u rsu e C ollege E ducation
M on.-Thurs.....1 1am - 10 pm
Friday.............. 1 la m - M idnight
Satu rd ay ........ 10 a m - M idnight
S u n d a y........... N oon - 8 p m
Family O utings
Private Ic e Parties
Field Trips
Birthday Parties
Group R ates
Skate R entals
C onvenient
A d ja cen t Parking
> O p en 7 D ays
Including H olidays
-T h e *
i n
C A M PU S____
i M A R T I U 5>
800 W o o d w a rd A v e n u e
3 B lo c k s N o r th o f J e ffe r s o n
43065 Joy Rd Canton 48187 • (734) 459-3505 x2120
F or r e s e r v a t i o n s & f u r t h e r in fo ,
c a ll 3 1 3 -9 6 3 -9 3 9 3
P L Y M O U T H -C A N T O N
Date/Time: Friday. Jan. 1 , 10-11
Location: Plymouth Cultural
Center, 525 Farmer, Plymouth.
Details: The Plymouth Council
on Aging hosts state Rep. Kurt
Heise, who will hold a "Senior
Conversation with Kurt" coffee
and doughnut hour. Heise will
present a legislative update for
the upcoming 2014 session in
Lansing, as well as a questionanswer forum on any issues that
concern the senior population.
This is a free event.
Contact: RSVPto 734-453-1234,
ext. 236.
Date/Time: Saturday, Jan. 11,
noon to 4 p.m.
Location: Plymouth Community
United Way. 960 W. Ann Arbor
Details: Visitors can enjoy free
hot chocolate while warming up
while learning about the work
the local United Way does in
Plymouth, Canton and the
western Wayne County. Pick up
information on volunteering
April 26 for Rake-N-Go to help
disabilities, or the monthly
emergency food assistance
program. Keep the giving sea­
son going by bringing nonperishable food items or new
hats, gloves, scarves, socks and
blankets for men, women and
children. The PCUWHats for the
Homeless Drive is in full swing as
low-income families and home­
less individuals struggle to
survive the Michigan winter.
Contact: For more information,
visit www.plymouthunitedHEISE HOURS
Date/Times: Monday, Jan. 13,
10-11 a.m. (Canton), noon to 1
p.m. (Northville) and 3-4 p.m.
Locations: Parthenon Coney
Island, 39910 Ford Road, in
Canton; Northville District
Library, 212 W. Cady, in North­
ville; and Plymouth District
Library, 223 S. Main, in Ply­
Details: State Rep. Kurt Heise
invites local residents to meet
with him to share their perspec­
tives and ask questions. Heise is
also available to meet with
constituents by appointment
either in the district or at his
Lansing office.
Contact Residents can call toll
free 1-855-REPKURTor email
kurtheise©house.mi,gov to
schedule an appointment.
DateFTime: Monday, Jan. 20,10
Location: Plymouth District
Library, 223 S. Main, Plymouth
Details: The Plymouth Demo­
cratic Club is sponsoring its fifth
annual Socks and Undies drive
to support the Plymouth-Canton
Community Schools Clothing
Bank. This year's event is "Seats
and Feets Drive,” a day of ser­
vice event honoring Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. Club members
will be collecting new socks and
underwear in all sizes (boys,
girls, women and men). Other
new or gently used clothing will
also be accepted. All donations
are tax deductible.
Contact: For more information,
call 734-634-6837.
Date/Time: Saturday, Jan. 11,
sign copies of her book Mar­
riage, Incarcerated. Married to
an abusive man for eight years,
what does a woman do upon
discovering he has also duped
er by as:
arriage. Incarcerated author
Beverley Dunn has experienced
this scenario first-hand. Dunn
describes the genesis of this
doomed relationship, the abuse
that followed, and the stagger
ing revelation of her husband's
Contact: For more information,
contact 877-727-0697 or Mi­
chelle Whitman at michelle0
Date/Time: Tuesday, Jan. 14,
5:30 p.m.
Location: Bailey's Pub &Grille,
1777 N. Canton Center, Canton
Details: Plymouth-based Ribar
Floral sponsors a Business-2Business mixer. Participants are
encouraged to bring business
cards to exchange with fellow
business owners in Plymouth,
Canton, Northville, Livonia and
Contact: Lori Morrison. 734455-8722
Details: The American Red
Cross sponsors blood drives at a
variety of locations during
January. Walk-ins are welcome,
» Sunday, Jan. 12,7:30 a.m. to
1:15 p.m., St. Kenneth Church,
14951 Haggerty. Plymouth
» Monday, Jan. 13,10 a.m. to 3
p.m., Webasto, 14988 Pilot Drive,
» Thursday, Jan. 16.2:30-8:15
Warren, Canton
» Monday, Jan. 20.9:30 a.m. to 3
p.m., Biggby Coffee, 44601 Five
Mile, Plymouth
» Thursday, Jan. 23,11 a.m. to
7:45 p.m., Gardner White Furni­
ture, 39453 Ford Road, Canton
» Friday, Jan. 24,1-6:45 p.m.,
Central Middle School, 650
Church. Plymouth
» Monday, Jan. 27,1:30-7:15
p.m., Trinity Presbyterian
Church, 10101 W. Ann Arbor
Road, Plymouth
» Tuesday, Jan. 28,1:30-7:15
p.m., St. Michael's Church, 7000
N. Sheldon, Plymouth
Sarah, John, Carmen and Colin Freek enjoy the LEGO open house a t the Plymouth library,
LEGO fun draws crowd at library
Je n M iller o f Ply­
m outh Township
b ro u g h t son Ja c k Perrizo, 7, S atu rd ay to the
Plym outh D istric t Li­
b r a r y fo r som e LEGOs
“We ju s t moved h e re
L abor D ay weekend,"
said Miller, w ho'd lived
w ith h e r fam ily ne ar
Colum bus, Ohio. “We
like it here."
Ja c k is in Cub Scouts
a n d a first-g ra d er a t O ur
Lady o f Good Counsel.
"H e ha s th re e ste p sis­
te rs a t hom e," she said.
"H e need s to m e et some
frien d s."
J a c k d idn’t h esitate
w hen asked about LE­
GOs du rin g a LEGO
open house th a t a fte r­
noon a t th e library. “I
ju s t lik e LEGOS,” he
said. H e h as police and
S ta r Wars LEGOs.
“I got a sp acesh ip one
tim e," said Ja ck , who
also has m onsters.
Saturday, he quickly
built a red an d blue
h ouse, then a d d ed its
C hildren’s lib rarian
L auren B aker w as as­
sisted by N ational H onor
Society v o lu n te er H an ­
nah T brnbull, 17, a Can­
ton H igh School ju n io r
from Canton. Baker, 31,
d idn’t play m u ch with
LEGOs a s a child.
“I believe m y b ro th e r
had them ," said Baker,
w ho lives in Wixom.
“H e’s 3 4 .1 do n 't rem e m ­
b e r playing w ith th em .”
H irn b u ll play ed w ith
th em som e. "M y b ro th er
had a bu n ch and then I
had som e cousins I'd
p lay w ith,” said Thrnbull, who is in te reste d in
p sychology stu d ies be­
yond high school.
“It se em s like som e­
th in g th a t would b e fun
to do," th e te en said of
helping y o u n g er c h il­
d ren play that day. She
a lso needed N H S service
B a k er n oted the li­
b rary , 223 S. M ain in
dow ntow n Plym outh,
h a s a LEGO Club th a t
m e ets 4-5:30 p.m . the
f irst T h u rsd ay of each
m onth fo r ag es 5-12. It
b e g an in th e sp rin g of
la st year.
"We c hanged th e tim e
to 4 o’clock and the num ­
b e rs ju s t boom ed,” the
lib ra ria n said. "A couple
o f ou r reg u la rs like to
build th e tow ers. They
p re tty m uch build w hat­
e v e r th e y feel like."
S paceships an d rockets
a re popular.
B ak er said som e 7580 p e rc en t o f p a rtic i­
p an ts a re boys. The
la rg e r Duplo pieces a re
u sed fo r y o un ger chil­
d ren a t Fam ily Fun
N ights, w h en p a re n ts
a tten d , b u t not fo r the
LEGO Club.
C hildren get to social­
ize and use team w ork.
B a k er said: “T hey can
p ic tu re it in th e ir head
and then they can actu ­
a lly m ake it happen with
th e LEGOs.”
Jo h n F re ek o f Ply­
m outh Township
b ro u g h t th ree of his
y o un gsters to th e event,
w ith one p refe rrin g the
n e arby books. “I th ink
it's a good idea," Freek
said of th e open house.
“I thoug ht th e re ’d be
m ore people he re , actu ­
H e’s a lib ra ry fan,
finding children’s re ­
so u rce s good. "The chil­
d ren 's lib ra ry is excel­
lent fo r th e kids," Freek
P a re n t J e n M iller
n oted th e Plym outh
lib ra ry is m uch la rg e r
th a n w as th e one in Ohio
n e a r w h ere sh e lived.
She likes th e kids' books
o rganized by holidays.
"H e lo ves that, ju st
e very th in g ’s available,”
she a dded of DVDs and
m ore. She also likes the
“T hat's huge fo r m e,"
M iller said. She and
Ja c k like parking in
dow ntow n Plym outh and
visiting th e ir stops. "I
ju s t love w alking all
throug h th e tow n.”
“Why All the Household Dust?”
ir belongings. Tti
cleaned will drasiic-jlly
professional and / was rcn satisfied U-
■•landing in professional >
ie debris dial is pulled fp
New Year’s Special
1 /2 OFF
E x te n d e d Final W eek
888-61-power o r 248-656-0600
Location: Canton Chiropractic
Clinic 6231 N. Canton Center,
Suite 109, Canton
ganza" with demonstrations
chiropractic dental, massage,
Reiki, Reflexology, essential oils,
BioMat Co., Kangoo Jumps,
raffles, free sessions and more.
Contact: Call 734-455-6767 for
Date/Time: Tuesday, Jan. 14,
7-10 p.m.
Location: The Elks Lodge, 41700
Ann Arbor Road, Plymouth
Details: Features Bobby Murray
Band with Murray on guitar,
David Uricek on bass and vocals.
Lenny Watkins on vocals and
Ron Pangborn on guitar. A $5
donation is asked at the door.
Blues ®the Elks happens the
second Tuesday of each month.
Contact Call 734-453-1780 or
email plymouthelks1780@yaDEMOCRATS MEET
Date/Time: Thursday. Jan. 16,
7-8:45 p.m.
Location: Plymouth District
Library, 223 S. Main, Plymouth
Details: Jonathan Cohn, senior
editor of The New Republic and
author of Sick: TheUntold Story
of America's Health Care Crisis and the People Who Pay the
Price, will be the guest speaker
at the monthly membership
meeting of the Plymouth DemoBOOK SIGNING
Date/Time: Saturday, Jan. 11,
2:30 p.m.
Location: The Next Chapter
Book Store &Bistro. 141 E. Main.
Details: Plymouth author
Beverly Dunn will be available to
C a re fo r t h e w h o le p e rs o n a n d t h e w h
piiymuan n e tw o rk
Believe in better |
W h en yo u n e e d t o se e a prim ary care do cto r, y o u w a n t a d o ctor th a t tre a ts you
a n d y our fam ily a s individuals. Pat Freem an, D O and Radhika Chintalapally, MD
o ffer co m p a ssio n a te , com p rehensiv e care for th e en tire fam ily.T h ey provide
preventative care ex a m s and screen ing s, sick visits and tre a tm en t o f chronic
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Our fundamental purposes are to enhance
th e lives of our readers, nurture the
hometowns w e serve and contribute
to the business success of our customers.
Safety com es first
A rc tic
b la s t
Thank DRW crews
for keeping us safe
on the roads
A s we rem a in in th e g rip s o f a snowy, som e­
tim es dow nright frig id M ichigan w inter, th e re ’s a
g roup o f m en and w omen w hom w e all n eed to
tha n k fo r keeping ou r ro ad s p assab le and fo r
keeping u s all safe a s we go ab o u t o u r w ork and
o u r lives.
Public w orks cre w s in th e c ity o f Plym outh,
a long w ith road c re w s fro m W ayne C ounty w ork­
ing in Plym outh and Canton tow nships, have had
few hours of sleep o r tim e w ith th e ir fam ilies, p a r­
ticularly since N ew Y ear's Eve. R eg ard le ss o f th e
hour or w ea th e r conditions, cre w s h av e a rriv e d a t
w ork to m an th e m assive snow plow s a n d salt
trucks. And w hen we’re a ll gettin g rea d y fo r a
good night’s sleep, th e cre w s a re out ag ain m aking
su re th e ro ad s a re sa fe f o r w hen we aw ak e and
head to w ork and school.
As a com m unity, let’s giv e th e se hard-w orking
c re w s a b ig round o f applause, n o t o nly fo r the
hours th e y h ave spent w orking on only a few
hou rs o f sleep, b u t for tru ly carin g th a t th e re s t of
us sa fe ly rea ch o u r destinatio n s a s th e snow, wind
and cold te m p era tu re s pound away.
W hile we a re thanking th em , le t’s also help
them . All hom eow ners an d m o to rists c an m ake
c re w s’ w ork lives e a sie r an d sa fe r b y rem e m b e r­
ing som e im po rtant tips.
A bove a ll, give w ay w hen you se e a snowplow.
T hey a re m assive vehicles an d can n o t sto p on a
dim e. M otorists' lightnin g fast m a n eu v ers to
speed around a snow plow c re a te s d istra ctio n and
danger. G ive th e snow plow p len ty o f room so
cre w s can do th e ir jobs — it’s fo r y o u r safety.
Safe driving fo r th e w in te r conditions will en ­
su re not only y o u r safety, b u t o th e rs who sh a re the
road w ith you — including th e DPW crew s. L et’s
a ll be m indful o f keeping not only o u rselv es safe,
b u t oth e rs, a s well.
T his p a st w eekend, w hen so u th east M ichigan
w as hit w ith a foot or m ore o f snow in som e areas,
Plym outh, P lym outh Tbw nship an d Canton Town­
ship d e clared a snow em erg en cy . T h at m ean s ev ­
e ryone m u st rem ove th e ir ve h icle s fro m the
roads to m ake w ay for th e snow plow s. I t’s d iffi­
c ult and dangerous for th e snow plow s to m ake
th e ir w ay around p a rk e d vehicles.
W hen th e snow falls, it’s h a rd to re s is t picking
u p th e shovel o r sta rtin g the snow blow er. Be su re,
how ever, not to m ove your snow into th e road. I t
ju st m akes it toughe r fo r o th e r d riv e rs a n d fo r the
DPW crew s. W hile yo u 're a t it, b e su re your kids
a re not playing in th e snow banks n e a r roads.
DPW c re w s a re all too fam ilia r w ith hom eow n­
e r s ' com plaints th a t a s th e ro ad s a re plow ed, snow
piles up a t th e end of drivew ays. T h ere 's nothing
that can be done about th a t — if you w ant your
roads c leared. Wait un til th e plow com es through
b e fo re you s ta r t y our ow n driv ew ay clearing.
T h at way, you don’t have to re p e a t y o u r effo rts.
H elp out th e snow c re w s an d local firefig h te rs
b y ensu rin g th a t snow is c leared aw ay fro m fire
h ydrants. You will be tha nk fu l th a t firefig h te rs
c an rea ch a hy d ran t if a fire b re a k s out.
L et’s a ll p itch in to help each o th e r d u rin g se ­
v e re w ea the r and to m ake it sa fe an d e asie r for
DPW c re w s to do th e ir w ork. We count on th em to
keep us s a fe and th e y should b e ab le to count on us
to allow th e m to do th e ir jobs.
With low visibility because of falling snow Thursday, pedestrians dodged cars at Ann Arbor Trail and Main Street in
downtown Plymouth. The winter weather made things treacherous for both drivers and pedestrians, as residents
in Plymouth and Canton - like those all over the area - had to dig out from under more than a foot of snow, bill
T h a n k s f o r h e lp
I w anted to publicly th a n k the
s e rv ice d irec to r a n d th e sh u ttle
d riv e r a t V ictory Toyota in Can­
ton fo r assistin g me.
I am a se n io r an d n e ed ed help
g e ttin g to a local do cto r appoint­
m ent. W hen I co n tacted V ictory
Toyota reg a rd in g ren tin g a car
for th e day, they resp o n d ed th at
th e y would sh u ttle m e to m y
appointm ent.
H ow w onderful! T h e d riv er
w as v e ry kind an d helpful, giv­
ing m e door-to-door se rv ice . The
sh u ttle is actu ally u sed to assist
people hav in g th e ir c a rs se r­
viced, b u t they kindly o ffe re d to
squeeze m e in the schedule so I
could g e t to m y appointm ent.
T hank you. Victory, fo r sh a r­
ing th e C h ristm as sp irit and
h elping m e out.
Gloria Beckstrom
N o t o p a r k p r o je c ts
I am a resid en t of Plym outh
Township an d I live ne ar
M cClum pha Pa rk . W ith th e up­
c om ing plans fo r an am p h ith e­
a te r an d sh e lte r b ein g added to
th e pa rk , I am co n cern ed about
m any fa c to rs o f th is plan.
One su c h fa c to r is th e fund­
ing. T his plan sta rte d w ith a
s e v eral h u n d red thousand-dollar
sh elter, which w as a la rg e in­
v estm en t to b egin w ith. Som e­
how it ha s grow n, along w ith the
p rice to som ething ov e r $1 mil­
lion. Who is going to p ay fo r this?
You cannot ju s t tax us fo r the
funding o f this. We do not need
this. E specially a fte r losing most
of o u r fire dep artm e n t, it seem s
silly to then spend all th is money
o n a sh e lte r th a t w e do not need.
I am also concerned about the
crow ding, tra ffic an d parking
fo r th e se added a ttrac tio n s. Al­
rea d y we have people who pa rk
on o u r stre e t to acc ess th e pa rk
and it is a sa fe ty problem . I don't
w ant th ese people p ark in g on
o u r stre e t, it is a lre ad y busy
enough. T h e tra ffic is a huge
problem du rin g th e firew o rk s
ev ery year. M aking th e p ark in g
lot la rg e r a t th e pa rk seem s like
we would have to sa crifice tre e s
in o rd e r to do that.
All o f th is seem s lik e a poor
decision. I do not th in k we
should be going fo rw a rd w ith
S t o p d r u n k e n d r iv in g
My w ife an d I w ere reare n d ed last w eekend while driv ­
ing in dow ntow n Plym outh. Our
a cc ident did n 't m ake th e news.
No cele b rity w as involved, no
one in th e political are n a or
sp orts w orld w as involved. How­
ever, th e police o ffice rs in­
fo rm ed u s th a t “w e didn’t realize
how lucky we w ere.”
O u r c ra sh w as th e resu lt o f a
d riv e r who didn’t ev en b rake
b efo re h ittin g us. H e stru c k us
h a rd enough to do significant
dam age to b oth o f o u r cars. We
pulled o v e r to exch an g e in for­
m ation. T h e d riv e r who h it us
d idn’t pull over. He got out o f his
car, looked a t th e dam ag e to the
fro n t end of his 2013 m odel car,
got b ack inside, an d slowly drove
to the fir s t sid e s tre e t, tu rn ed
le ft a n d disappeared.
Thankfully, a couple wit­
n essed this incident an d fol­
low ed th e d riv er who h it us.
T h ey got his license p late and
noted his ad d re ss, then called
9-1-1. T he d riv er w as a rrested
ENDA’s passage honors
our founding ideals
his nation b egan n o t as
m erely a plot o f land o r a s a
g ro u p o f people united by
lan g u age o r ethnicity. I t began
w ith an idea: “T h at ail m en a re
c re ate d eq u al.” O u r sto ry since
T hom as Je ffe rso n w ro te those
w ords h as been a sto ry of pro­
g re ss to w a rd honoring w hat has
b e en called “th e im m ortal
p h rase .”
A few w eeks ago, th e Senate
voted to m ove ou r nation one
im p o rtant ste p fo rw a rd in hon­
o rin g th e tru th of th o se w ords by
finally passing the E m ploym ent
N ondiscrim ination A ct o r ENDA. T h is legislation would en­
s u re th a t no A m erican is de­
p riv ed o f th e o p p o rtu n ity to
w ork - th e op p ortunity to suc­
ceed as all o f u s w ant to succeed
- m erely b e ca u se o f sexual ori­
en tatio n o r g e n d er identity, ju st
a s we have acte d to p ro tec t th at
o p p ortunity a g ain st discrim i­
nation based on age, rac e, color,
religion, n atio n al origin o r dis­
T his legislation is carefu lly
c ra fte d to p ro tec t th e sincere
religious b eliefs m any A m er­
icans hold. I t em bodies a sim ple
b u t p o w erfu l A m erican ideal: On
th e job, w hat m a tte rs is your
w ork, not y o u r g e n d er o r skin
color o r faith o r y o u r sexual
o rien tatio n or a n y o th e r e x tra n e ­
o us m atter.
T h ere m ay have been tim es in
th e p a st w hen th e C ongress
p ushed A m erican s into new and
p e rh a p s uncom fortable te rrito ry
It might look like fun, but plowing th e roads isn’t
easy, especially w hen motorists are trying to speed
around them.
O bserver
Brad Kadrich,
Community Editor
S usan Rosiek,
Executive Editor
Grace Perry,
Director of
a nd tran sp o rte d to an are a hospi­
tal. We la te r found out his bloodalcohol level w as 0.31 - alm ost
fo u r tim es the level deem ed
"intoxicated” and unlaw ful.
U ndoubtedly this d riv e r will
su ffe r significant financial pen­
altie s due to c o u rt fines, c a r
re p a irs and perh a p s attorney
fees. We can only presu m e that
this is not th e fir s t tim e th is
d riv e r has driven w hile under
th e influence. P e rh ap s th e courts
will come dow n on him even
ha rd e r if he has done th is ty p e of
thing before.
W hile our inju rie s w ere mi­
nor, w e realize th e o ffice r’s re ­
m a rk “th a t we w ere ‘lucky’” was
rig h t on th e m ark. M ore than
6,000 people in M ichigan w ere
in jured last y e a r in cra sh e s that
involved alcohol. And 281 people
w ere killed in alcohol-related
crash es. A lm ost 40,000 alcoholrela te d driving a rr e s ts w ere
made la st y e a r in Michigan.
Isn’t th e re som e w ay to dra ­
m atically stop individuals from
d riving w hile u n d e r th e influ­
e n ce o f alcohol? A fte r all, we
h ave seen in credible advances in
autom obiles to m ake them safer:
a ir bags, r e a r back-up m irro rs
a nd detection system s, c a rs th a t
can p a rk them selves and c ars
th a t c an even drive w ithout a
W hat a fan ta stic th ing it
would be th a t our autom obiles
could be so designed to prev e n t
an in toxicated d riv er from get­
tin g behind the w heel. Ju s t th ink
how g rea t it would be th a t we
could pu t an end to a n ightm are
th is nation has e ndure d fo r such
an agonizingly long tim e.
Lynn Gregg
in th e m arch to w ard equality.
B u t today, th e law lag s public
opinion in th is are a. Public opi­
nion polls show th a t roughly
sev en in 10 A m ericans believe
w o rkplace discrim ination
a g ain st gays, le sb ian s and tra n s­
gen d ered individuals should be
a g ain st th e law. In fact, they
th ink it alre ad y is - a cco rd in g to
one poll, 80 p e rc e n t of A m er­
ican s believe su ch d iscrim i­
nation is alre ad y a violation of
fe d e ra l law.
And su p p ort for ENDA is not
confined to one region o f the
co u n try - polls show th at m a jo r­
ities in e v ery sta te in th e union
su p p ort it, including Michigan,
w h ere m o re than 30 municipal­
ities alre ad y have local sta tu te s
prohibiting d iscrim ination based
on sexual orientation. So passage
o f ENDA is not som e bold social
e x p erim en t o r en g in eerin g proc­
ess. It is w hat th e A m erican
people w ant and a re rea d y for.
T h at is as tru e today a s it was
in 1996, th e last tim e the Senate
held a vote on th is m easu re.
Even then, a m a jo rity o f A m er­
icans supported it and, ju s t as
today, it en jo y ed th e su p p o rt o f a
d iv erse group o f religious and
b u sin ess organizations. T hen, as
today, A m erican b u sin esses
recognized th a t discrim ination
on th e basis of sexual orientation
or ge nd er id entity is ju s t bad
T his is also not a partisan
issue. T he Senate's bipartisan
vote w as possible be ca use m em ­
b e rs of both p a rties show ed
principled lead e rsh ip and dedi­
But th e ultim ate rea so n I have
supported th is legislation fo r
decades now is not re la te d to
public opinion polls or endorse­
m ent le tte rs from churc h es and
corporations, though those are
heartening and welcome. Simply,
it is w rong to deny em ploym ent
to anyone who can do the job,
ju st because of th e ir sexual o ri­
“All m en a re cre ate d equal"
m eans giving ev ery A m erican
th e opportunity to earn what
th e ir ta len ts and dedication al­
low, to provide fo r them selves
and th e ir fam ilies. D enying any­
one th a t rig h t is a t odds w ith the
ideals on w hich th is country was
founded and on w hich it depends
to th is day.
I w as proud to vote fo r this
legislation. I have urg ed the
le aders of th e H ouse of R epre­
sen tativ es to recognize ju st how
f a r behind the A m erican people
they have fallen on th is issue and
b rin g the E m ployee N ondiscrim ­
ination A ct to the H ouse floor for
i D ogl
JU .
g Q ifiD E )
s t a r t y o u r N ew Vear
coop aiattts to hear about your goals for th e New Year!
will piCK his favorite. You could win a $25 gift
ificate to guy Zone Indoor Trampoline parK m Canton.
cum/iJ/ofef« ivnvfw fffM logisbafhti online at sky/ bnfoio t td tm s m
U p
Join Scoop’s
Birthday Club!
t When I
N ame:
A d d re sv
Trent Griffith
D ate o f Birth:
Gradu al Adams Ucput btemanlaiy tichuci m Wasllund
When i grow up, I w ant lo become a
chemist. In case you don t know what a
chem ist is, I'll explain It. A chemist can be
someone who develops a synthetic fiber that
can stop a bullet, find out how lo make hairgel work better, discover new medicines that
cease pain or even cure diseases, o r create
new processes that solved then world's
energy crisis.
As you can see, a chem ist can do many
things, which is why this career interests
me. I enjoy having a choice in what I do. If l
become a chemist preferably, I'd like to work
fo r the CDC (Center of Disease Control) and
figure out a cure for th e flu o r another
dreaded disease. Germs seem like an
interesting thing to learn about because I
think it is fascinating to know how much life is
everywhere, yet you can t see it Also, I
would like to hear what others think of
diseases and how to make treatments for
them. That is why a chem ist would be a
great job to have when I grow up.
Boy or Girl:
P h o n e : ________ ______
•Parent s Printed Name:
‘ Parent s Signature:
Till out th e lorm ano Have your
fill In their na m e and signature.
Clip and malt, US that e a sy
' Rcciu'eo for airttiriav Cluh
D o y o u w rite, draw, m ake
crafts, ta k e p h o to g r a p h s,
or d o s o m e th in g e ls e that
y o u w o u ld like o th e rs to
k n o w a bout?
When I
Ju st in tim e fo r N ew Y ear's Day.
find th e h id d en w ords in th e puzzle.
Mail contest entries,
birthday forms and
talent subm issions to:
B ro o k ly n n C rew s
6'" Grade al Adams l* p e r Etomewaiy Sc hod In Wesilnrxj
N e w Y e a r's W o r d F in d
Hut* '
r o w
C 0
I c
RI!S 01 U IO
C 1. S
Q o
M O c:
1 B
Ci K
After sleepless nights o f studying at the
last minute before a test and years o f nearly
dozing o ff on the school desk, my desired
occupation is to become an athletic
trainer. I realized that continuing a life
surrounded by education ts not exactly on
my favorites list. I’ve had past dreams of
becoming a veterinarian to aid pets but wilh
my hobbies and talents of running and
hockey I do day-to-day, I've changed
I believe that running and hockey have
had the most impact on my change of
paths. I can't go through more than 24hours without putting one foot in front o f the
other o r shooting a puck. How do you
expect a young girl who has worked so hard
on developing h e r f u tu r e dream, to just
leave everything behind and do a job that in
the end might not work out as planned?
O ne of my strengths is my agility. I can
outrun most girls and boys my age. Also.
I'm sm aller than other people which gives
me an advantage to run faster than they
can. With my unfailing determination. I
believe HI have the courage to achieve my
future dream
Scoop the Newshound, Observer & Eccentric Media, 615 W. Laf
or email your subm ission to by | J a n u a ry 2 8 ,h
W inning su b m issio n s will b e a n n o u n c e d in a future S c o o p 's H o u n d D o g Highlit
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Thom ann
w eek accep te d th e jo b as Sa­
lem 's in terim v a rsity girls b as­
ketball coach.
She joined T hom ann's sta ff in
N ovem ber as an assista n t coach,
F o r m e r p la y e r to le a d
R o c k s in w a k e o f
T h o m a n n ’s p a s s i n g
By Tim Smith
"H e had called m e an d found
out I w asn't coaching (as an
assista n t a t Concordia U niver­
sity) an d asked m e to com e help
him out," K lem m er said.
K lem m er, 31, will have to
w ait u ntil Th u rsd ay night for
h e r first gam e in c h arg e b e­
cause T uesday's scheduled home
gam e against N orthville was
postponed du e to sub-zero te m ­
peratu res.
Still, it h as been a w hirlw ind
o f em otions an d activ ity for
K lem m er a n d h e r team .
Last Friday, K le m m er sco u t­
T he job sta rte d by legendary
S alem ba sketball coach Fred
T hom ann is L indsay K lem m er’s
to finish and sh e is honored for
th e opportunity.
T hom ann's sudden death at
a ge 71 on Dec. 27 cre ate d a tem ­
p o ra ry coaching void.
B ut K lem m er — a sta r point
g u a rd fo r T hom ann's Rocks
fro m 1997-2000 who w ent on to a
fine c a re e r in th e back c o u rt at
M adonna U niversity — last
A m em o rial ga th ­
e rin g for longtim e
Salem High School
ba sketball coach
Fre d Thom ann will
be held 9-10:30 a.m.
S aturday a t Vermeulen Fun e ral Home,
46401W. Ann A rbor
Road, Plym outh. A
se rv ice will follow
th e gathering.
A scholarship
fund is being se t up
in T hom ann’s m em o­
Thom ann, who
died Dec. 27, is su r­
vived by a sister,
G loria Shelton, and a
niece, T anya T ho­
m ann.
ed th e Canton Chiefs in th e ir
gam e ag ain st G rosse Pointe
South. I t w as one o f many p a rts
o f th e coaching jo b th at Tho­
m ann relished.
T he p revious day, sh e m et
w ith th e p la y ers to help them
continue g rieving and to talk
about picking up w here the 5-1
team le ft o ff in th e last gam e
u n d er Thom ann (Dec. 19 against
W estland Jo h n Glenn).
“We c a n 't co n trol w hat hap­
pened to Fred ," K lem m er said.
"B ut now w e can m ove on and
we can play in his honor.
"We can play for him. We
know th a t he's alw ay s w atching
a n d w e know he's alw ay s w ith us
in h e a rt a ll th e tim e."
Salem grad Lindsay Klemmer has
played and coached a t the college
See KLEMMER, Page B2
L acrosse
m eetings
» A m andatory
m eeting fo r th e Can­
ton boys la crosse
team is scheduled
for 7 p.m . W ednes­
day in th e Canton
H igh School library.
Those w ith ques­
tions about th e m eet­
ing a re ask ed to con­
ta c t M aura Topper,
» Prospective
p la y ers fo r th e 2014
Salem boys lacrosse
team a re invited to
a tte n d a registra tion
m eeting se t fo r 7
p.m . Monday, in the
Salem P resentation
Room (No. 2112).
For m ore info rm a ­
tion, contact SalemRocksLax@
One to remember
W h a le rs ro o k ie
re w a rd e d fo r
r e s p o n s i b l e p la y , n e t s
firs t O H L g o a l
Plym outh W halers rookie
C ullen M e rc er's eyes lit up like a
C hristm as tr e e S aturday night
w hen ta lking a bout his first
O ntario H ockey League goal.
M e rc er hopes m any m ore
soon will follow.
“I t w as ju s t re lie f a t first to
get th a t first one o u t of th e way,
an d then I w as ju s t so happy,”
said th e 16-year-old about his
reaction to scoring, during Ply­
m outh's 4-3 win ove r N iagara at
Com puw are A rena. “I love sc o r­
ing goals and to finally ge t one
in th e OHL is ju s t great."
T he m ilestone goal cam e in
h is 40th gam e of th e season.
M ercer slam m ed hom e a p e r­
fect feed from linem ate Zach
L orentz a t 5:55 of th e second
period to pu t th e W halers up 3-2.
" It’s obviously been fru stra t­
ing so fa r to this point," said
M ercer, in th e W halers' d ressing
room following th e contest. "But
I’m ju s t rea lly glad to ge t it out
o f th e w ay and I hope th a t kind
o f brea k s th e dam and I get a
few m ore h e re going on fo r th e
r e s t of th e season."
B efore recalling th e se ­
quence that resu lted in th e big
goal, a ph otographer snapped a
photo o f M e rcer holding up the
p u c k used on th e play.
H e then cre dite d team m ates
L orentz and de fensem an N ick
M alysa for m aking th e goal
“It w as a g rea t chip to sta rt
o ff w ith by N ick M alysa, who
th e sked
A rctic-like te m ­
p e ra tu re s that
slam m ed Canton and
Plym outh e a rlie r th is
w eek forced all high
school c o n tests to be
E ffo rts a re con­
tinuing to reschedule
those va rious gam es,
m e ets and m atches,
noted Sue H einzm an,
co-athletic d irec to r
fo r Plym outh-Canton
Com m unity Schools.
Som e gam es al­
rea d y have been
rescheduled. Tues­
day’s boys and girls
basketball gam es
betw een N orthvilleSalem and W estland
John G lenn-Canton
will be played T h u rs­
day. Plym outh and
L ivonia Churchill
w ere to tip-off on
W ednesday night.
Whalers forward Cullen Mercer holds up the puck he scored his first OHL goal with.
MU coach
A braham
cam ps
See MERCER, Page I
Eagles can’t stop Lenawee Christian duo
N ig e ria n t r a n s f e r s
o v e rp o w e r PC A c a g e r s
Plym outh C hristian A cadem y
v a rsity boys b asketball coach
D om inique W ashington knew
S aturday's opponent A drian
L enaw ee C hristian fea tu re d a
couple of big sophom ores who
tr a n s fe rr e d to M ichigan from
N igeria.
U nfo rtu n ately , W ashington
a n d his p la y e rs found out more
th a n th ey w anted to know about
6-8 im p o rts M axw ell an d Collins
— th e y only go by th e ir first
n am es — d u rin g L enaw ee
C h ristian ’s 65-30 v icto ry a t
“Any tim e you h av e g u y s 6-8,
ath letic an d u n de rstan d the
gam e, th e y ’re going to do som e­
th in g ,” W ashington said. "T hey
did a good job, th e y hav e p re tty
good p o st moves.
“D efensively, th e y can check
on th e p e rim ete r, th e y u n d e r­
stood th e w hole help-side con­
cept. T h ey c o n tested sh o ts very
w e ll.... T h ey defin itely changed
a lot o f thin g s we do well."
M axwell led all sc o re rs w ith
23 p oints w hile Collins ta llied 11,
including a th u n d erou s slam
dunk in th e fo u rth q u a rte r w ith
th e nonleague m atch u p long
M adonna U niver­
sity w om en's softball
coach J e rr y A bra­
ham will o ffe r funda­
m entals cam ps from
8:30-11:30 a.m. Jan .
11,18 a nd 25 a t the
MU A ctivities Cen­
MU also will o ffe r
a pitching cam p
from noon to 2:30
p.m . Ja n . 12,19 and
F or m ore inform a­
tion, em ail ja bra ham@ m
o r call 734432-5612.
T h e E agles trailed 17-4 a fte r
th e f ir s t q u arter, u nable to get
n e a r th e b a sk et a t e ith er end
and m issing b adly on p e rim ete r
shots. F o r th e gam e, PCA m a n ­
aged to m ake ju s t 23 p e rc en t
fro m th e floor (co m p ared to
Lenaw ee C h ristian ’s 59 p e r­
PCA tra ile d 35-15 a t halftim e
a n d 47-22 a fte r th re e fram es.
“We m issed a lo t of shots the
See HOOPS, Page B2
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Chiefs run streak to six
P re tty m uch th e only thin g sto p ­
p ing th e Canton v a rsity boys b ask et­
ball team these days is the w eather.
Frid a y night, th e Chiefs im proved
to 6-0 ove ra ll on th e season w ith a
43-35 victo ry ove r v isiting Saline.
T h eir chance to m ake it seven stra ig h t
w ins w as stym ied when 'R iesday's
scheduled contest a t W estland John
G lenn w as postponed.
T he Chiefs and R ockets will try to
g e t th a t gam e in T hursday, w ith the
KLAA South D ivision m atch u p to
b egin a t 7 p.m.
In th e win against Saline, the
Continued from Page B1
e n tire ballgam e,” said W ashington,
w hose team dropped to 1-4 ov erall. " It
sta r ts in prac tic e. O ur guys, w e go
thro u g h th e m otions in p rac tic e. We
r ea lly don’t p ra c tic e a t gam e speed. I
p rea ch a bout it, b u t it show ed tonight.
"We had a lot of open shots, we
ju s t didn't knock th em down. We ju s t
got to ge t b a ck in th e gym on M onday
a nd tr y harder, tr y to do a b e tte r job."
One o f PCA's b e tte r p e rfo rm ers
w as senior fo rw a rd D aniel dipping,
who scored nine points and pulled
dow n six rebounds.
Also re g is te rin g nine po in ts fo r the
E agles w as senior forw ard/g u ard
R yan H overm ale w hile ju n io r fo r­
w ard /g u a rd Evan H o m e ch ip p ed in
w ith six points.
A ugm enting M axw ell an d Collins
fo r th e C ougars (6-2) w as senio r for­
w ard G ra n t H ohlbein, w ith 14 points.
Adding se ven w as senior fo rw ard
B rad H arrah .
Chiefs fell behind 11-8 a fte r one q u a r­
ter, but bounced b ack to tie th in g s up
19-all a t halftim e.
T h en Canton outsco red Saline by
scores o f 11-7 and 13-9 in th e final
fram es.
L eading the c h arg e fo r th e Chiefs
w ith 17 points (along w ith seven re ­
bounds) w as Jo rd an Nobles.
H elping the cause w ith 11 points
w as Chase W inningham , w hile Javon
Taylor c o n trib u ted nin e points an d
seven b oards.
Canton h o sts W ayne M em orial a t 7
p.m . Friday.
L ook o u t
Continued from Page B1
W ashington said th e N igerian play ­
e rs d efin itely m ak e Lenaw ee C h ris­
tian a stro n g c h am pionship c o n ten d er
in C lass D.
“A t th is level, size m ak es up f o r a
lot," W ashington noted. “Lenaw ee will
b e a team th a t will give p re tty m uch
anybody in th e sta te , a t le ast C lass D
a ru n f o r th e ir money.
“T h ey ’r e de fin itely th e team to
w atch fo r a sta te cham pionship."
W ashington also said th e re was
n othing suspicious a bout th e Cougars
ad d in g “th e one-nam e g u y s” in M ax­
well, Collins an d a th ird tow ering
N ig erian tran s fe r, K ingsley (who
d id n 't play Saturday).
“T h e sto ry I h e ard , th e y cam e o v er
to A m erica, th e y had nobody to ta k e
c a re o f th em ," W ashington continued.
“T h e Su p re m e C ourt ru led they could
sta y w ith som ebody if som ebody
ad op ted th em . And a fam ily o u t in the
A d rian a re a ad o p ted them .
“F ro m w h at I know, it's legal. It
ju s t so h a p pen s th e y go to a school
th a t w e hav e to play.”
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N ever fo r g e t
K lem m er stre ssed th a t th e girls
"m ove fo rw a rd ” — w hile n e v er fo rg et­
tin g th e m an who touched m any lives
o v e r the p a st four decad es a t Salem.
l b th at end, a sp ecial trib u te to Thom an n is planned fo r T iesday, Ja n . 14
b e fo re the Salem home gam e against
Livonia Stevenson.
A s of late la st week, m o re th a n 20
fo rm er Salem p lay ers p lanned on a t­
ten d in g (the cerem o n y is a t 6:30 p.m.
w ith th e gam e to follow) an d th e y will
b e in tro d u ced a t halftim e.
Those in te reste d in tak in g p art
should RSVP via e-m ail to K lem m er
(coachklem 3@ ). T hey should
include th e y e ars play ed fo r Thom ann
a n d w hen they grad u ated .
Also th at night, a plaque honoring
T hom ann will b e unveiled, p lay ers will
beg in w earin g blue w ristbands w ith the
in itials "FT." a s a fu rth e r trib u te to his
m em ory a n d a "white-out” is planned.
“We a re doing a w hite-out an d asking
e v ery o n e to w ear white in his honor as
we com e to g e th er as a com m unity,” she
T uesday's festiv ities will continue an
“overw helm ing” outpouring of su p p o rt
th a t has overw helm ed K lem m er since
news b roke of T hom ann’s passing.
"I have he ard fro m people I h av en 't
he ard fro m in 15 y e ars,” K le m m er said.
“I’ve h e ard fro m coaches I'v e n e v er
m et. I ’ve h eard from p a re n ts I ’v e n e v er
“T h e com m unity itself, you c an tell
it’s one big family. I t show s you how
much he affec te d peo p le’s lives on a
J o b t o f in i s h
O f course, K lem m er know s th e re is
w o rk y e t to be done on th e b asketball
c o u rt d esp ite Salem ’s stro n g s ta r t this
"This season w e'v e m ad e a lot of
strides, an d a lot o f p ro g re ss," Klemnoted. "I cam e in specifically to
w ork on d efen se, and th a t’s going to be
Who: Lindsay Klemmer. 31, interim head
coach for Salem High School's varsity girls
basketball team.
Preps: She graduated in 2000 from Salem,
having played three seasons for the late Fred
Thomann. The point guard was instrumental
in the Rocks posting records of 17-3 her junior
year and 18-2 her senior year. Salem lost in the
regionals each season.
College hoops: Klemmer enjoyed a success­
ful career as a guard at Madonna University,
coached by Carl Graves. She followed that up
with four seasons as an assistant coach for
Andrea Gorski at Concordia University (200913).
Early coaching: After graduating from Ma­
donna in 2007 with a bachelor's degree in
sports management, Klemmer coached Ladywood High School's freshman team for two
Return to Salem: Thomann recruited Klem­
mer to join his coaching staff (which also
includes Kelly Jascot and Bill Mair) for 2013-14
after learning Klemmer wasn't returning to
the Cardinals.
Tribute to Fred: Klemmer is helping orches­
trate Tuesday's 6:30 p.m. "celebration” of
Thomann's life and long coaching career. He
coached 41 years at Salem, including both
boys and girls basketball. Former players of
Thomann's are invited to RSVP if they plan on
attending. E-mail Klemmer at and include which seasons
they played for Thomann and year of gradua­
tion. A "white-out" during the Salem-Livonia
Stevenson game (7 p.m. tip-off) will be fol­
lowed by a reception in the Salem cafeteria.
Also, a scholarship fund in Thomann's memory
is being set up.
one of m y b iggest things is changing
our tem po on defense.
“We’r e going to be a lot m ore in­
tense, and th a t’s not going to change.
T hat’s w hat F re d w anted m e to do. So I
told the girls th is is w hy I’m here, this
is w hy he brou g h t m e in and th is is
w hat we’r e going to stick w ith.”
K lem m er w ould like nothing m ore
than to fulfill T hom ann's drea m fo r the
season, th a t th e Rocks contend in the
KLAA C e ntral D ivision and enjoy post-
t o a 6 o r 1 2 m o n th te r m a g r e e m e n t * 3 0 m ln c lrc u
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Young guns
spark Whalers
It h a sn 't been an e asy sea­
son fo r th e Plym outh W halers,
who at th e s ta r t lost pow er
fo rw a rd Tbm W ilson and defensem an Connor C arrick to
th e NHL's W ashington Cap­
B ut th e team is beginning to
m ake strid e s as the second half
o f th e schedule unfolds, w ith
y o ungsters such as forw ards
Cullen M e rc er and Francesco
V ilardi show ing coach and
g eneral m a n ag e r Mike Vellucci th e y a re pla y ers to be cou n t­
ed on.
S atu rd ay night a t Compuw are A rena. M e rc er tallied the
first goal of his O ntario Hock­
ey L eague career, and Vilardi
scored tw ice in Plym outh’s 4-3
shootout v ictory ove r Niagara.
"We w ere on th e bench say­
ing one of our 16-year-olds was
going to sc o re tonight," said
Vellucci, w hose team ha s won
fo u r of its la st five gam es. “I
thought (fo rw ard B ryce) Yetm an had a ch ance to score,
M e rc e r scored w ith 14:05
le ft in th e m iddle period to put
th e W halers up 3-2.
D efensem an and captain
N ick M alysa m oved th e puck
u p to forw ard Zach L orentz in
th e rig h t c irc le and L orentz
dished it in fro n t to M ercer.
The 16-year-old from E xeter,
Ontario, snap p ed th e puck past
IceD ogs goalie Blake Richard.
T hat stood a s th e gamew inning goal until the IceDogs
sco red a pow er-play goal with
28 seconds le ft in th e gam e.
Left w in g er B ren d an Perlini
drove a low sh o t th ro u g h a
sc re en th a t b e at Plym outh
goalie Alex N edeljkovic (39
N iag ara (12-21-2-4) actually
had a tw o-man ad v an tag e with
R ichard pulled fo r th e e x tra
Vellucci sh ru g g ed o ff the
late p e n alty th a t se t up N iag­
a ra ’s ty in g goal, especially
since h is team w ent on to get
the e x tra point anyway.
“T h at happ en ed to u s the
gam e before, w h ere w e pulled
th e goalie an d sco red on the
p ow er play,” Vellucci said,
re fe rrin g to T h u rsd ay ’s game
a g ain st Sault Ste. M arie. "So as
long as we got the tw o points,
I'm happy w ith it.”
T h e W h alers (15-21-0-4)
poured it on in o v ertim e, outshooting N iag ara 7-3 and com ­
ing close on sh o ts by de fe n se ­
m an Jo sh Wesley, forw ard
M att M istele an d Vilardi.
In th e shootout, Plym outh
won 2-0 w ith rig h t w inger Con­
n o r Chatham going top sh elf
ag ain st R ichard an d L orentz
c o n v ertin g his forehand-backhand bid.
A t th e o th e r end, N edelj­
kovic denied Billy Je n k in s and
V ila r d i s t a r t s it o f f
Plym outh opened the sc o r­
ing a t 2:10 of th e first, when
Vilardi — who tu rn s 18 T h u rs­
d ay — tipped in M istele’s shot
w ith th e W halers on th e pow er
A fter N iagara's E ric M ing
made it 1-1 a t 7:42, th e W halers
regained th e lead a m inute
later, when V ilardi sco red his
second o f th e gam e an d sev­
en th o f th e season.
"You know w hat, th e second
one w as a d irty goal," Vellucci
said. "Those a re the kind of
goals he’s got to get. H e got in
fro n t o f the n e t an d got the
rebound. H e play ed well and
sc o re d tw o big goals.”
E arly in th e second, the
IceD ogs tied it u p again when
defen sem an Luke M e rc er
h am m ered a sh o t fro m th e left
circ le th a t cleanly b eat N ed elj­
T he W halers n eeded ju st
1:42 to go b ack up again, on
Cullen M e rc er's m ilestone
Plym outh now has the
eighth and final p lay o ff sp o t in
the W estern C onference with
34 points.
Still, K itch en er an d Sarnia
a re n ’t too fa r behind, so Velluc­
ci w ants his squad to keep
grin d in g out as m any p oints as
"We’v e been a t hom e a little
bit and th a t alw ays helps," he
said. “T he guys a re playing
real hard and com peting and
th a t's the key. I f you com pete
and m ake m istakes, th a t's all
right. B ut if you don’t com pete,
th a t’s when I have a problem ."
T he W halers next play F ri­
d ay night a t Sarnia and retu rn
to Com puw are A rena a t 7 p.m.
S aturday fo r a gam e a gainst
O ttawa.
W hen th e y do, th e y will
have c e n te r Ryan H artm an
back in th e lineup a fte r com ing
back fro m th e W orld Ju n io r
T ournam ent (he played for
Team USA). D efensem an Alex
P e te rs also is exp ec ted to re ­
turn a fte r m issing a month
w ith a leg injury.
Bad puck luck costs Wildcats
T he first p a rt of th e 2013-14
v a rsity boys hockey season has
been v e ry eventful fo r G erry
Vento's Plym outh W ildcats.
O f course, the team ’s 4-0
v ictory over Canton a t De­
tro it’s Com erica P a rk on Dec.
19 a s p a rt of th e two-week
H ockeytow n W inter F estival
w as th e highlight so far.
B u t d espite a 4-6 record
following S aturday’s tough 2-0
loss to N ovi-D etroit Catholic
C entral a t C om puw are Arena,
Vento is enthusiastic about
w hat th e second p a rt of the
season m ight bring.
“We played a rea lly tough
schedule up to now and that's
how we planned it,” V ento said.
“We’r e hoping to battle-test
th em fo r th e playoffs, (and) I
th ink th e y 're rea d y to take the
next step.
"We ju s t got to sta y w ith o u r
defensive gam e plan and w e’U
b e fine.”
C atholic C e n tral goalie Mi­
ch ael R onayne stopped all 13
sh ots he faced, helped by the
f a c t Plym outh ju n io r forw ard
Jo sh Sm ith drilled tw o shots
o ff goal posts.
T he Sham rocks se n t 20
shots in th e direction of Wild­
c ats’ ju n io r ne tm inde r Ja re d
M addock. N etting th e CC
m a rk e rs w ere Dillon Jon e s and
D avid Spiegel.
"T hey’r e alw ays to ugh and
talen ted and I thought we
played a g rea t gam e." Vento
said. “Shots w ere close both
w ays, we kept th em to 20 and
w e h ad ou r chances.
“We h it tw o goal posts, ju st
cou ld n 't b u ry th e puck. But as
f a r a s b a ttlin g an d playing
h a rd , w e did th at.”
W ith th e loss to th e Sham ­
rocks, th e W ildcats picked up
w here th e y le ft things befo re
th e holiday brea k — unable to
lig h t th e lam p d esp ite strong
ov erall play.
On Dec. 20, Plym outh
dro p p ed a 2-1 decision to Salem
a t Plym outh C u ltu ral Center.
“G uys a re ju s t sn ak eb itten
(on offense),” Vento said. "We
had a couple g re a t chances
today (ag ain st CC). We rung
tw o o ff th e goal posts.
“I'd b e m o re w o rrie d if we
w eren ’t gettin g chances. But
w e’r e ge ttin g ch an ces and
ev en tu ally th e lid ’s going to
com e o ff th a t net."
Vento added th a t he is proud
o f how his p la y ers “stick to the
gam e plan, we lim it chances
and we give o u rselv es a chance
Plym outh w as sched u led to
ho st N orthville W ednesday
n ig h t a t A rctic Edge A rena and
th e n trav e l to Sault Ste. M arie
fo r a p a ir o f g am es Frid ay and
Satu rd ay (ag ainst Soo and
Je ffe rs , resp ectiv ely ).
"We alw ay s ta k e th e trip ,”
h e said. “We ta k e th e bus, get
aw ay from all the distractions.
It’s a good tim e."
S a l e m n i p s 'C a ts
In th e afo rem en tio n ed p re ­
holiday gam e, Salem parlay ed
e xcellent goalkeeping by P a rk ­
e r G odfrey and tim ely offense
into a 2-1 win o v e r Plym outh on
D ec. 20.
G odfrey stopped 26 o f 27
W ildcats’ shots, giving up only
a second period goal to Josh
S m ith (from Z ach Thvierne and
J o h n V anD enBergeury).
T h e R ocks opened the sc o r­
ing e arly in th e first period,
when Jason N ewel se n t the
puck p a st Plym outh goalie E rik
V andenBosch (19 saves).
S etting up th e tally w as Ja k e
Sealy, who la te r in th e fra m e
m ade it 2-0.
A ssisting on Sealy’s goal
w ere Ja c k D riscoll an d C a m e r­
on Clark.
" It w as a good gam e an d a
solid win fo r us,” Salem head
coach Ryan O ssen m ach er not­
ed. " It was an even gam e w ith a
lot o f b ack and fo rth action.
Both goalies played w ell.”
On Friday, th e Rocks travel
to Eddie E d g ar A rena fo r a
gam e ag ain st Livonia Chur­
chill. Salem th e n w elcom es
Livonia Stevenson to PCC fo r a
gam e se t fo r 8:30 p.m . S at­
al JohnGlenn. 7pm.
Calvaiyat luth Westland. 5 id pm
JohnGlennat Canton. 7pm
Ladywoodat DivineChild. 7:30p.m.
Lth W^tla*^'Jan’10 0
Ladywoodvs.G.P. South
at A/cticPond, 5:30pm.
Friday, Jan. 10
Churdtillvs. Salem,
at EdgarArena. 6 &8 pm.
ladywootlvs Mercy
at ArcticPond. 530 pm.
Stevensonvs Salem
luth. Westland
Continued from Page 81
ju st ch ip p ed it up th e re ," said
M ercer, who a tten d s Plym outh-Canton Educational
P ark. "Zach L orentz cau g ht it
w ith speed an d I know h e ’s a
g rea t playm aker.
“So I j u s t trie d to get open
fo r him an d he h it m e w ith a
b eau ty pa ss in th e slot, th ere
w asn’t rea lly m uch I could
h ave done to m iss it.”
A ccording to Plym outh
coach an d g en eral m an ager
M ike Vellucci, it w as good to
see th e yo u n g ste r from E xe­
ter, Ont. rew ard e d fo r solid
tw o-way play.
“M e rc e ha s had good
c h an ces an d I play ed him like
a v e teran (ag ain st N iagara),"
V ellucci said. "H e sta rted
p lay in th e o v ertim e, he’s
p e n alty killing. I f you’re re ­
sponsible d efen siv ely a coach
is going to play you and he’s
responsible defensively.
“ I think he’s going to
sco re, rig h t now he’s ju st
m aking su re he’s good d efe n ­
sively. W hen you g e t older
and stro n g e r and m ore com ­
fortab le I think the offense is
d efinitely th e re .”
M e rc er said his overall
gam e is sta rtin g to round into
shape, e videnced by Vellucci
using him in such im portant
situations as ove rtim e and
killing penalties.
"I think I’m ju s t getting
m ore and m ore com fortable
w ith th e speed and m y coach­
e s a re tru stin g m e in m ore
situations here," M e rc er
c ontinued. "So, I ju st tr y to be
a s stro n g a s I can defensively
so I ge t lots of tim e and hope
m y offensive chances come."
One of the f irst things
M e rc er said he planned on
doing S aturday n ight was
calling siste rs C arly and Caylee M e rc e r — p la y ers for
C larkson U niversity’s wom ­
en's hockey team in upstate
N ew York.
"I c an 't rea lly razz them ,
th e y ’ve been scoring the ir
fa ir sh a re ,” he said, sm iling.
" B ut I will let them know I
sco re d and they'll be v e ry
sup portive abo u t th a t.”
Plymouth sweeps opponents at Highland Duals
Salem victorious at Adrian
Plym outh’s va rsity boys
w restling team retu rn e d from
th e holiday hiatus Saturday
an d plow ed through the opposi­
tion a t the H ighland Duals.
T he W ildcats toppled all
five opponents to im prove to a
ste lla r 13-1 e n terin g Wednes­
day’s K ensington Lakes Activ­
ities A ssociation divisional
m atches a gainst W estland John
G lenn and W ayne Memorial.
“M any w re stlers w ent un ­
defeated, including Brandon
H arris, M oham ad Youssef, Jon
Conn, S ofus N ielson and Mi­
chael Jo rd an ,” noted Quinn
G uernsey, head coach fo r Ply­
B ut o th e rs w ere ju s t a s key
to the run of success, including
"the bro th e rs Schiftar" in the
day’s opening m atch — a 45-21
v ictory ove r Lake Fenton.
Spencer S c h ifta r pinned
state -ran k e d Ja re d C orcoran at
125 an d Sterlin g Sch ifta r win
via fall o v er R yan Franks.
N ext fo r th e W ildcats was
a n un d e rstaffe d Ann A rbor
Skyline team an d Plym outh
rolled to a 72-9 win.
Plym outh then g rin d ed out a
39-25 triu m p h o v e r Anchor
Bay. Jo ey Shaver, H ussein
Y oussef and Zach L ohrm ann
e arn ed hard-fought w ins to
sp a rk the team , G u ern sey said.
Rounding out the tourney
w ere w ins o f 45-25 ag ain st
H ow ell and 67-0 a g ain st a team
m ad e up o f back u p s from
H ow ell an d o th e r participants.
R o ck s t o p f i e l d
A t th e A drian D uals, Salem
w ent 4-1 an d cap tu red the
T h e Rocks posted w ins over
Jack so n (51-27), Farm ington
(38-31), Chippew a Valley (3937) and A drian (63-15).
Salem's varsity wrestling team prevailed a t Satu rd a/s Adrian Duals.
"T he guys rea lly pulled it
to g eth er and I w as proud o f
th e ir e ffo rt," Salem head coach
P e te Isra e l said. "We are a
young team , b u t a re developing as th e season goes.
"T he places w h ere we n e ed­
ed pins o r e x tra points guys
really ste p p ed up."
One highlight, he said, was
the last m atch against Chippe­
w a Valley w here Cam eron
Shaughnessy needed to w in by
m ajor fo r Salem to tie.
“H e (Shaughnessy) cam e up
big fo r us and pinned his guy,"
Isra el said. "B ut o th e rs con­
trib u te d as well.
“It w as good to see M itch
Rosinski com e up w ith some
w ins as he continues to w ork
“Caleb McCabe had some
tough m atches, bu t he w as able
to pull out pins."
Isra el also cited o th e r high­
lights. Senior c aptain H am ad
A bed and Seth D unn success­
fully split d u ties a t 140, Roy
F oster and Charly Woody had
some stro n g m a tche s and
A kash Rai needed ju st 42 sec­
onds fo r a pin.
Livonia’s Kesler goes for the Gold again
Canucks center
anticipates trip to Sochi
y an K esler's resum e
w hen it com es w earing
th e Red, W hite and Blue
in in ternational hockey com ­
pe tition is p re tty d a m im p re s­
H e’s re p rese n te d th e U.S.
in five Interna tional Ice
H ockey Federation-sanc­
tioned events w inning one
W orld Under-18 Cham pion­
ship gold m edal, one W orld
Ju n io r C ham pionships gold
m edal and th e 2010 W inter
O lym pics silv er m edal. He
also particip a te d in th e 2001
W orld U-17 H ockey Challenge
and won a gold a s well.
So to nobody’s su rp rise, the
29-year-old L ivonia n ative and
c e n te r fo r th e NHL’s Vancou­
v e r C anuchks is o ff next
m onth to Sochi, R ussia to
re p re se n t Team USA again
fo r his second stra ig h t Olym ­
T he an nou ncem ent was
m ade Ja n . 1 follow ing the
NHL’s W inter Classic in Ann
A rbor and K esler will be
w earing h is sig n a tu re nu m b er
“I th in k th e y did a good job
of p utting us together," said
K esler, w ho had tw o goals in
six gam es in th e V ancouver
“We have a lot of fac es th at
w eren 't th e re w hen we w ere
on th e silv er m edal th e la st
tim e around. We a dded some
young guys th a t a re playing
e x ceptional this year, so I
th in k you alw ays n eed th at
youthful e nergy to be in the
lineup and I think it will help
trem endously."
his new coach. "H e ex p ec ts a
lot out of each individual. I
have a lot of resp e ct fo r him.
H e’s h a rd on you a t tim es, but
all he w ants is w inning and
w e 're all pulling in th e sam e
direction. And you can see
how passionate he is about
th at.
“I think he’s rea lly big on
defe n se first. And th e goals
will come from your defense.
I think this y e a r he's e xpand­
ed m y gam e trem endously. I
only scored goals one or tw o
w ays, bu t now th e re ’s a lot of
d ifferen t options I can use to
p u t th e puck in the ba ck of the
S e le c t c o m p a n y
K esler, a 2002 C hurchill
H igh grad, is only one of
th re e L ivonians (A1 la fra te ,
1984; an d M a rk B eaufait,
1994) to play fo r th e U.S.
m en’s hockey team .
G row ing up in th e U.S.
Ju n io r N ational Team D evel­
o pm ent p ro g ram in Ann A r­
bor, K esler h a s play ed in his
fa ir sh a re of international
g am es, including a couple of
stin ts in Russia.
"We g e t to play th e host
co u n try again, so th o se are
alw ay s fun g am es to get up
for,” K esler said. “I t’s going to
be a blast. I h e ard th e Olym ­
pic Village is ex tre m e ly nice
o v e r th e re and
I’m looking for­
w ard to seeing
D esp ite su f­
ferin g a h e a rt­
brea k in g 3-2
ov e rtim e loss to
Team Canada in
th e gold m edal
gam e in 2010, K esler c a n ’t get
enough o f th e O lym pic a tm o s­
“I th in k it's g re a t,” h e said.
“T h e last tim e in V ancouver
th o se ex p erien c es w ere d e fi­
n ite ly th e b e st I ’v e had in
hockey. It w as a ton of fun.
T h e g u y s w ere g rea t an d we
w ere suc ce ssfu l to a point. It
m ak es th in g s m o re fun when
you’r e su cce ssfu l an d we had
a good tim e th o se tw o w eeks.”
T h e 6-foot-2,202-pound
K esler, w ho c an also play
rig h t w ing, will once again
b rin g his v e rsa tility to the
S im ila r s c e n a r io
“I envision a sim ilar role
than w hat I h ad last tim e ... a
little b it o f e v ery th in g ,” K es­
Livonia native Ryan Kesler will make his second appearance on USA
men’s hockey team a t the Sochi Winter Olympics, gannett news service
le r said. "As the tournam ent
goes on I th in k th in g s change
an d lines change, b u t I see
m y se lf b eing a big p a rt of this
gold m edal team .
“I d e finitely th in k th e p ace
is faster. I t’s a b it o f a d iffer­
e n t gam e w ith th e big g e r ice.
T h ere ’s m o re room widthwide, but the offen siv e zone is
sm aller. We have to fig u re out
how to play on th a t ic e rig h t
away. And th e coaches did a
good jo b in th e su m m er mak­
ing us aw a re o f th a t and tell­
ing u s w hat to do."
A fter su ffe rin g th ro u g h an
N H L lockout an d tw o injuryp lagued seasons, K esler is on
a b it o f a ren a issa n ce this
seaso n w ith the C anucks, who
stan d 23-13-8 (fou rth in the
W estern C o n feren ce’s Pacific
K esler lead s V ancouver
w ith 17 goals and has ad d ed 12
a ssists in 44 gam es.
H e is slow ly reg ain in g the
form th at earn ed him th e 2011
Selke TVophy fo r NHL’s best
tw o-way forw ard.
R e g a in s fo r m
“I t’s been a couple of
y e ars,” said Kesler, who has
174 goals an d 205 assists in
622 NH L re g u la r season
gam es. “I g ot a su m m er of
conditioning u n d er m y b elt
an d I’m happy w h ere my
gam e is at, b u t I still fig u re I
c an expand an d im prove. I'm
looking fo rw a rd to th e ch al­
In 57 NHL c a re e r playoff
gam es, K esler h as 12 goals
and 26 assists.
K esler w as one o f th e m a­
jo r reaso n s th e Canucks
reach ed th e 2011 Stanley Cup
Finals befo re falling to Bos­
ton in G am e 7.
K esler, w ho w as a firstround pick (23rd o v erall) by
th e C anucks a fte r playing a
season a t Ohio S tate, h as also
ad ap ted to a new coach in
V ancouver as Jo h n Tortorella
(fo rm erly o f th e R a n g ers and
Tam pa Bay) rep la ce d Alain
“H e’s good,” K esler said of
F a m ily s u p p o r t
W ith a w ife and th ree
young c hildren a t home, K es­
le r will m ore th a n likely go it
alone when it com es to Sochi.
H is father, Mike, c u rren tly
a scout and fo rm e r player a t
Colorado College, m ight be
th e only fam ily m e m ber to
m ake th e trip . (M ike coached
R yan’s B antam team in the
Livonia H ockey Association
before he moved up to play
fo r H oneybake, Com puware
a nd C aesars in th e M ajor
M idget ranks.)
“T h ere ’s only so m uch they
can do ove r there." Ryan said.
“I f I said yes, m y dad would
b e th e only one.”
A nd a s his second Olym ­
p ics draw s closer, K esler
w on't speculate on w hat his
specific role m ight be under
coach D an B ylsm a (P itts­
b urgh Penguins).
"I haven't talked w ith any
coaches," K esler said. "I’m
su re th e y ’r e still try in g to
figure it out, and once they
do, I’ll be th e first to know.”
Canton boys win Ladywood Holiday title
Rocks fo urth at Super
Bowl Lanes tournament
Canton’s boys bow ling team
finished first a t S atu rd ay ’s
2014 L ivonia Ladyw ood H oli­
day bow ling tournam ent, held
a t S uper Bowl L anes in Can­
T he Chiefs p revailed sh o t a
3,496 to earn th e boys tourney
title ove r St. C lair Shores Lakeview (3,428) and W ayne
M em orial (3,418) a t th e Lady­
wood H oliday T ournam ent.
Canton rolled a 761 in the
f irst re g u la r gam e, bu t
bounced back w ith 992 and 944
gam es. In th e four ba k er
gam es, th e C hiefs tota le d 799
“We sta rte d out ve ry slow
a nd w ere out of sync fo r the
f irst gam e but p u t to g e th er
tw o nice re g u la r gam es and a
r ea l good f ir s t tw o ba k er
gam es,” C anton coach K arl
B ru b a k er said. “T his w as on
th e ‘M iddle Road’ p a ttern th at
w e u se fo r th e sta te s an d re ­
g ional so its a good te st to get
th e k id s ready.
“W hile th e sc o re s a re not
high it pu ts a n em p h asis on
m aking a good f ir s t sh o t and
m aking a sp a re .”
O th er a re a fin ish e rs in­
cluded Salem , fo u rth (3,401);
Jo h n G lenn, fifth (3,397); Novi
D etro it C atholic C entral, sixth
(3,396); F arm ington-H arrison,
12th (3,184); an d N o rth F a r­
m ington, 15th (3,044).
L akeview ’s M itchell Cunha
w as th e individual w inner w ith
a 663 se ries including a high
g am e o f 273.
W ayne’s K ody W ojewski
w as ru nner-up w ith a 644, in­
c lu d in g a high gam e o f 253.
A lso earn in g all-tournam ent
honors included South Lyon’s
T yler M agee (619), S alem ’s
S teve Cadw ell (fo u rth , 613)
an d CC’s Jo e Alvord (602).
Sp earh ead in g th e Chiefs
w as M ichael R ich ard s, who
tallied a 160-234-183-577 series
to finish n in th overall.
O th er Plym outh-Canton
Educational P a rk bow lers w ith
top-20 show ings included Sa­
lem ’s T yler S n y d er (12th, 557)
an d Nolan Rudis (14th, 556)
an d Canton’s M itchell Zelenak
(18th, 543, including a 209
“I w as ve ry p roud an d a b it
shocked to win a fte r the v e ry
slow s ta r t we had,” B ru b ak er
continued. “It's good to see
th em not give up and to keep
w orking b e ca u se you ne v er
know w h at can happen.
"I alw ays like to tell them
its n o t how you s ta r t its how
y ou finish.”
G le n n g ir ls f ir s t
O n th e g irls sid e o f th e led­
ger, W estland Jo h n Glenn
e m erg ed a s th e w in n er by a
single pin over Farm ingtonH arriso n , 3,366-3,365.
Canton took th ird w ith 3,046
follow ed b y N orth F arm ington
(3,020) an d Fa rm ington H ills
M ercy (2,999) rounding out the
to p five.
O ther a re a fin ish e rs in the
field of 20 included Wayne
M em orial, 10th (2,766); Salem,
13th (2,634); an d th e h o st Blaz­
e rs, 16th (2,444).
F arm in g to n -H arriso n ’s
C andyce B rad ley w as th e indi­
v idual le ad e r on the day w ith a
618 th ree-g am e se ries, includ­
ing a to u rn ey high gam e of
Jo h n G lenn’s Olivia Cabildo
w as ru nner-up w ith a 593, in­
cluding a high o f 212.
Also nam ed to th e all-tour­
n am ent team along w ith B rad­
ley and Cabildo w ere Canton’s
B rian n a Bailey (587) and
M egan M acunovich (580),
a long w ith South Lyon’s M or­
gan H atto n (564).
Ladywood's Sabine H u tte r
w as 20th w ith a 512 an d led all
co m p etito rs w ith a 213 G am e
T hree.
C anton's Kim Ah earn and
S alem 's B rynna Sam uels
placed 29th and 34th, resp e c ­
tively, w ith se ries o f 479 and
Chiefs top field at Rockford Invitational
Success is contagious w ith
C anton’s v a rsity g irls gym nas­
tics team .
All one has to do is look at
S aturday's R ockford In vita­
tional, w hich th e Chiefs’ strong
ta len t and dep th spa rk in g a
first-plac e finish w ith 141.675
F ive Canton gym nasts
placed a t o r n e a r the top of the
standings in th e ir various
ev en ts, a s th e Chiefs topped
th e 17-team field.
F inishing second w as F a r­
m ington U nited (139.975), fo l­
low ed by Rockford (139.7) and
F o re st H ills (139.55).
V eteran Canton coach Jo h n
C unningham said H ailey H odg­
son “had a g re a t m eet,” fin­
ishing f irst on b alance beam
(9.3), floor e x ercise (9.275) and
all-around (35.225). H odgson's
total o f 9.05 on v au lt w as good
fo r fo u rth place.
A lso ste lla r w as E rica Lu­
cas, who "continued h e r dom ­
in atio n ” on vault w ith a firstplace m a rk o f 9.2. She also
finished second on beam (9.2)
an d th ird in all-around (34.9).
Jo cely n M oraw ’s led the
D l’s w ith th ird s on uneven
p a rallel b a rs (8.4), beam (8.95)
a n d a ll-around (35.575).
O th er Canton perfo rm ers
included M elissa G reen (sec­
ond on beam , 9.25; fifth in all-
a ro u n d 35.025) an d Stephanie
Cox (fo u rth on floor, 9.125).
M eanw hile, Canton’s “B"
team o f Ellie Bachm an, Ste­
p h an ie Cox, K atie K leabir,
K atie Law era, K ayley Lazarski, O n ajitte O kabare, Sarah
P lant, Je ssic a Siegler and Val­
e rie V anG ilder sco re d a total
o f 131.425. T h at se t a new Bteam school reco rd .
Mercy girls remain competitive on the lanes
Marlins have another
solid bowling team
for 2014 season
By Dan O 'M eara
A lw ays a solid, com petitive
te am in th e sp o rt of girls bow l­
ing, M ercy H igh School is
e xpected to continue th a t tr a d i­
tion in 2014.
T he M arlins have finished
fifth in tw o tourn am en ts to
date - the N orth Farm ington
E arly B ird Invite in D ecem b er
and th e 20-team Livonia Lady­
wood ev en t Saturday.
M ercy’s first Catholic
L eague dual m atch w as po st­
poned H ies day because of the
snow and cold, so th e open er
will be T h u rsd ay a t Bowl One
in Troy.
Follow ing th e grad u atio n of
tw o-tim e all-area bow ler M aria
W alaw ender, th e M arlins will
b e led by th e ir only senior,
H ayley Caddell, who raised
h e r a v erag e to 170 th is year.
She c a rrie d a 163 av erag e
la st y e a r in a sta rtin g ro le and
had a high gam e o f 242. She
m ade th e Ladyw ood all-tourn ey team a fte r bow ling gam es
o f 201 an d 209 an d sh e was
fifth in th e league singles
e v en t w ith a high o f 181.
C addell an d ju n io rs Ashlei
Brooks an d A rianna Watson
will co m p rise th e core o f the
team , coach Vicky K owalski
B rooks m ade th e all-tourna­
m en t team a t N orth F arm in g ­
ton w ith a th ree-g am e se ries of
587, w hich included a high of
235. S h e’ll b e the leadoff bow­
le r an d Caddell th e anchor.
W atson rolled an a v erag e of
157 w ith a high o f 213 la st se a ­
son. She w as six th in th e sin ­
g les ev en t w ith a b e st gam e of
172. W atson bow led a high
gam e o f 190 in th e Ladywood
Kow alski an d th e M arlins
had a ple asa n t su rp rise from
left-handed sophom ore H eath ­
e r Lillystone, w ho w ill be the
fo u rth starter.
She w as fo u rth and got a
m edal a t th e singles to u rn ey in
which she had a high gam e of
178. H er b e st gam e ha s been a
190 in th e E arly Bird.
L illystone w as a JV bow ler
last season w ith a 116 av erag e,
b u t K owalski said she “g ot the
bug” an d did a lot o f p racticin g
o v e r th e su m m er an d fall
m onths to e a rn a place on the
v arsity.
T h e fifth sp o t in th e lineup
will be sh a re d by ju n io rs Carly
B a rtes an d T ’y a ra McMillan.
B a rtes sp e n t tw o y e a rs on
the JV, av erag in g 137 last se a ­
son. She has im p ro v ed h e r
gam e, bow ling a 192 in the
sin g les to u rn ey an d 171 in the
L adyw ood event.
M cM illan w as a varsity
bowler, b u t not a sta r te r last
year. She w as in th e 140s on
a v erag e an d h as had high
g am es o f 164,167 an d 160 in the
th re e to u rn am en ts th is year.
“With h e r an d Carly, we’re
try in g to find consistency,"
K ow alski said. "We can usually
g e t one good gam e out of each
o f them , so th a t’s v e ry help­
fu l.”
at invite
By Dan O'Meara
Statf Writer
In its fir s t big m eet of th e
2014 g y m nastics season,
F arm ington U nited got an
idea as to w here it sta n d s in
re g a rd to its statew ide com ­
p etition Saturday.
F arm ington U nited did
v e ry w ell in w hat could be
considered a m ini-state
m eet, taking th e runner-up
trophy in the annual Rock­
fo rd Invitational.
Canton R ed c ap tu red the
team cham pionship w ith a
141.675 score, while F ar­
m ington U nited won a threete am battle fo r second
place, accum ulating 139.975
points to edge R ockford
(139.70) and F o re st H ills
O range (139.55).
F arm ington U nited w as
in fir s t place through th ree
e vents, bu t it didn’t have a
good te am perfo rm an c e on
th e uneven b a rs and “kind
o f fell a p a rt,” a ccording to
c oach J e f f Dwyer.
H e w as h e a rten e d by the
fac t his team w as right
th e re w ith Canton, which
has sco re d as high as 145
this season, how ever.
Canton, w hich m ight be
th e top-ranked team in the
sta te w hen th e first coaches
poll is rele ased, w as runnerup to G rand Ledge in la st
y ear's sta te m eet.
F a rm ington U nited was
th ird and will shoot fo r an­
o th e r top five finish in
M arch. Ideally, it hopes to
battle the aforem entioned
two fo r first o r second
Senior Claire Saunders
w as Farm ington's top alla rou n d e r and w as fourth in
D ivision 2 w ith a 34.725
total. Senior A lyssa Millinoff was tied fo r fifth place
(34.675) and ju n io r M arissa
Schuh w as ninth a t 34.10.
Saunders w as p a rt of th e
‘B ’ team . She continues to
w ork he r w ay back from a
broken leg and D w yer didn’t
think sh e w as rea d y to re ­
join th e 'A' team ju st yet.
T hat perception will
likely change a fte r her p e r­
form ance Saturday. Saun­
d e rs also was third on the
beam (8.975), ninth on ba rs
(8.05) and 10th on vault (8.8).
Senior M eredith Jonik
w as the D ivision 1 b a rs
c ham pion w ith an 8.625
score and she also tied for
second place on vault w ith a
Theater group races time to create,
stage a show in 24 hours
By Sharon Oargay
M aureen P a rav e n ti will
w rite — a nd polish — a one-act
play in less th a n 10 hours th is
w eekend.
L eanne Young will rehearse
and m em orize a sc rip t in le ss
th a n five hours on Saturday.
A nd Linda Pohl w ill make
su re th e fast-tra ck w riting,
auditioning, and rehearsing, all
leads to a public perform ance
Satu rd ay night a t th e Biltm ore
Studio a t th e Village T hea te r at
C h e rry Hill, in Canton.
P araventi, a novelist and
playw right from Redford
Tbw nship, and L eanne Young,
an a c tre s s from South Lyon,
a re am ong m ore than 50 partic­
ipants, including w riters, ac­
to rs, d irec to rs and technical
crew , w ho will collaborate and
stage eight-10 original one-act
plays a t StageLab24, which
ru n s from 8 p.m . Friday, Jan.
and 10-8 p.m . Saturday, Ja n . 11,
a t th e Village Theater, 50400
C he rry Hill Road.
Pohl, and h e r fellow foun­
d e rs of TLC Productions, Tim
Chanko and C hristopher TVemblay, have be en planning the
experim e ntal th e a te r ev en t for
months. T hey receiv ed a gran t
from th e P a rtn ersh ip fo r the
A rts & H um anities to offset
c osts and will be on hand the
e n tire 24 h ours to m ake su re
everything ru n s smoothly.
“B ringing o riginal produc­
tions to th e stage is w hat we
like to do," Pohl said. “We don’t
buy scripts. We bring in orig i­
n als o r w rite ou r own. T h is was
a nother w ay of doing som e­
who have been p aired up w ith
a w riter, will m eet a t 7 a.m.
S atu rd ay to look a t th e new
scrip t an d g e t prop, se t and
lighting re q u e sts ready. A ctors
will audition from 9-11 a.m.
w ith a one-m inute, p rep a re d
monologue. A fter th e direc to rs
choose th e ir casts, th e y ’ll re ­
h earse fo r four-five hours.
T echnical w ork will s ta r t a t 4
p.m . an d th e perfo rm an c es will
sta rt a t 8 p.m . T ick ets a re $12
and available from o r a t th e door. The
Biltm ore Studio se ats 80.
T h e p u blic m ay drop in to
w atch the w riting, auditioning
o r reh e a rsa l p ro cess, b u t are
lim ited to an hourlong stay. A
v id eo grap her will b e on hand
to rec o rd th e ev en t and c re ate
a finished piece by p e rfo r­
m ance tim e.
Pohl said StageLab24's sh o rt
tim e com m itm en t o f 12-24
h ours is app ealin g to busy
a c to rs an d d irec to rs who may
b e involved in o th e r p ro jec ts at
th in g original."
T i c P ro d u ctio n s created
two o ne-hour m usicals, B ehind
the Curtain an d FO NTS! A
Type o f M usical, sin ce they
began w orking to g e th er in
2008. T he g roup sta g ed its first
Canton One A cts F estiv al in
2011 and ag ain in 2013.
F o r StageLab24, TLC
reach ed o u t to w rite rs and
d irec to rs in th e th e a te r com ­
munity acro ss th e sta te an d got
c om m itm ents from e ig h t di­
rec to rs, e ig h t w riters an d one
w riting team who plan to p a r­
ticipate in th e event. T hey also
allow ed potential c ast m em ­
b e rs to “sign up" online at for audi­
tions on Saturday. W alk-ins a re
w elcome, too.
T ig h t s c h e d u le
Pohl said a u th o rs will a rriv e
a t 8 p.m . Friday fo r an ori­
entation and then will work
o v ern ig h t on th e ir one-act,
10-minute plays. T h e d irecto rs,
th e sam e tim e.
C h a ll e n g in g e v e n t
P a rav e n ti an d Young both
hope to stre tc h th e ir cre ative
a b ilities d u rin g th e event.
"I n e v er com p letely polish
som ething in one night," said
P arav en ti, who ha s w ritten
p lay s an d novels. "“I have a
few ideas in m y head, but I'm
n o t going to ch ea t an d w rite
a n y thing out ah ea d o f tim e.
"I th ink th is will give me
m o re c o n fid e n ce ... it will b e a
w onderful a d v en tu re."
Young, who te ac h es E nglish
a t Farm in g ton H igh School,
said he r big gest challenge, if
sh e ’s cast, will be m em orizing
dialogue. Pohl said a cto rs m ay
hold th e ir sc rip ts during the
p e rform anc e, bu t Young said
sh e and oth e r a cto rs likely
w ould m em orize th e ir lines.
"You e ith e r know your story
o r not. Everyone will be testing
th e ir m ettle, seeing w hat th ey
can do a t th e ir c ra ft. I’d like to
think I'll be pushing m y lim its
a little. T here's no tim e for
stage frig h t o r overth inking it.
I’m excited."
Time/Date: Gallery hours, 8:30 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, through Jan.
Location: Costick Center, 28600 W. 11
Mile. Farmington Hills
Details: "Elements: Sky, Water, Land,"
features the paintings, drawings and
three-dimensional mixed media works
of Martine MacDonald
Contact 248-473-1856
Time/Date: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. MondayFriday. during public performances, or
by appointment
Location: 50400 Cherry Hill Road,
Details: Glass sculpture by JB Wood is
on display through May
Contact 734-394-5300
Time/Date: Gallery hours, 1-5 p.m.
Wednesday-Saturday, through Feb. 1
Location: 215 W. Cady. Northville
Details: "Altered Perceptions" features
paintings by abstract expressionist
artist Jan Brown
Contact 248-344-0497; http://
Time/Date: 12:30 p.m. registration, 1
p.m. audition, Sunday, Jan. 19
Location: Farmington Players Bam,
32332 W. 12 Mile, Farmington Hills
Details: Rumors, by Neil Simon will be
staged in late April through mid-May
Contact rumors®
Time/Date: Noon to 5 p.m. SaturdaySunday, Jan. 25-26
Location: Costick Center, 28600 W. 11
Mile, Farmington Hills
Details: Camp Rock - The Musical, will
feature a wide variety of roles, at all
performance levels. Auditions are on a
drop-in basis. Participants should bring
a recent school photo. Preliminary
materials will be available for review
beginning Jan. 8 at
Contact: 248-473-1859
Time/Date: 7 p.m. Jan. 14-15
Location: Motor CityTheatre, 27555
Grantland, Livonia
Details: The musical production of The
Lady Pirates of Captain Breer has roles
for 10 men and one woman. High
school students may audition for roles
auditions held for solo roles only
Contact 313-535-8962;
Time/Date: 7 p.m. Friday, Jan. 10 and
16; and 4:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. SaturdaySunday, Jan. 11-12
Location: 760 Penniman Ave., PlyDetails: Frozen, admission $3
Contact: 734-453-0870;
Time/Date: 8 p.m. Jan. 17 and 2 p.m.
Location: 17360 Lahser, north of Grand
River Avenue, Detroit
Details: Amadeus, 2002 director's cut
Coming up: True Grit, 8 p.m. Jan. 31
and 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Feb. 1
Contact 313-537-2560
Time/Date: 8 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 11
Location: 6424 Michigan Ave., Detroit
Details: Bringing Up Baby, the 1938
comedy staring Katharine Hepburn and
Time/Date: 7-9 p.m. the third Saturday
of the month through May
Location: The JWH Center for the Arts,
Plymouth Community Arts Council, 774
N. Sheldon, Plymouth
Details: The event includes open mic
performers and featured musicians.
Tickets are $5 at the door. Annual
memberships are 525 for individuals
and include free admission.
Contact: Scott Ludwig at
Time/Date: 7-10 p.m. the second TuesLocation: Plymouth Elks Lodge #1780,
41700 Ann Arbor Road, Plymouth
Details: The Bobby Murray Band will
perform Jan. 14; $5 donation at the
Contact: 734-453-1780
Time/Date: 8 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 11
Location: Seligman Performing Arts
Center, located on the campus of De­
troit Country Day School, 13 Mile at
u S a W
Lahser, Beverly Hills
Details: The Jasper String Quartet in
collaboration with pianist Christopher
O'Riley and cellist Matt Haimovitz, plays
quartets and quintets by Haydn, Mozart
and Schubert. Tickets range from $15524 for students and $30-560 general
admission, available online at Student rush tickets
priced at $10 also are available at the
box office beginning at 6 p.m. on
concert night.
Contact: 248-855-6070
Time/Date: Most shows start at 8 p.m.,
doors open at 7:30 p.m.
Location: 38840 W. Six Mile, Livonia
Details: Timothy Monger. Jan. 10; Floyd
King and the Bushwackers Old Time
Gospel Show with Campfire Compadres, Jan. 11; Red Tail Ring, Jan. 17;
Billy Brandt and the Sugarees, Jan. 18;
Ronny Cox, Jan. 19; Jeff and Mike
Karoub, Jan. 24; Sweethearts of the
Yellow Room Gang, with Jan Krist Kitty
Donohoe and Annie Capps, Jan. 31.
Most shows tickets are $15, and $12 for
subscribers. Only cash and checks acContact: 734-464-6302
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B6 (CP)
p o rts nutritio n isn ’t ju s t th e dom ain of
professional ath letes — fo r a good w ork­
out and quick recovery, e v ery d ay a th ­
le te s need th e rig h t diet, too.
“A good w orkout is drain in g an d can le ad to
fatigue and so re m u scles,” said M ichele Macedonio, R.D., C.S.S.D., L.D ., a v e te ra n sp o rts
nutritio n ist and team d ietitian fo r th e Cincin­
n ati Reds. "T he rig h t com bination o f foods
helps re sto re e nerg y an d n u trie n ts u sed d u r­
ing e x ercise, and p rep a re s y o u r body fo r the
n e x t workout."
K eep th e se tip s in m ind w h en fu eling u p to
sta y fit:
» M ake frien d s w ith fat: F a t is an im portant
' M
A f l
e n erg y sou rce fo r ath letes, b u t it’s im portant
to choose h e alth y fats. Canola oil, for ex am ­
ple, pro v id es a valuable so u rce o f un satu rated
fats, including m on o u n satu rated an d omega-3
» Pum p up protein: M axim ize m uscle
g row th w ith a sn a ck th a t con tain s carbohy­
d ra te s plus 10 to 20 g ram s of p rotein con­
su m ed w ithin IS to 30 m in u tes a fte r a w ork­
out, w hen m u scle is m ost receptiv e to grow ­
» D on't ignore com plex carbs: A thletes
n eed healthy carb o h y d rates, th e p refe rre d
so u rce o f e n erg y fo r activ e m uscles.
W hole g rain s, bean s, v eg etab les an d fru it
a re good sources.
» Feed th e fu rnace: R unning on em pty?
Your body needs co n sistent fuel to function. A
sm all pre-w orkout snack m ay im prove your
w orkout p erfo rm an ce. Liquid foods suc h as
sm oothies d ig est m o re quickly than solids,
w hich m akes th em ideal pre- o r post-w orkout
fo r energy, hy d ratio n and re sto rin g nutrients.
D ishes such as th e se from Canolalnfo con­
tain less than 300 calories and provide com ­
plex c arb o hy d rates, fib er and protein w ith
nu trition-packed in g redients including whole
grains, bean s, nu ts, fru its and plenty of vege­
tables. F o r m ore g rea t recipes, visit
Courtesy of Family Features
Yield: 6 servings
into thirds
1 medium celery stalk, cut into 1-inch pieces
2 cups water
2 dried bay leaves
y . teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1 can (15 ounces) reduced-sodium navy beans.
rinsed and drained
1 cup grape tomatoes, quartered
14cup chopped fresh Italian parsley
1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary
Serving size: 1cup
1 tablespoon canola oil
1 cup onions, diced
2 cups red bell pepper, diced
114 cups water
y. cup quinoa. uncooked
1 can (15 ounces) reduced sodium black
%cup chopped walnuts
2 teaspoons chili powder
Vi cup crumbled, reduced-fat feta cheese*
y. cup fresh cilantro, chopped
1 medium garlic clove, minced
14teaspoon salt
In large, nonstick skillet heat canola oil over
medium-high heat. Add onion and pepper. Saute 5
minutes or until onions begin to brown on edges,
stirring occasionally. Add water and quinoa. Bring to
boil over medium-high heat reduce heat cover and
cook on medium-low for 12 minutes or until water is
Remove from h e at stir in beans, walnuts, chili
powder, feta, cilantro, garlic and salt Cover and let
stand 2 minutes to heat through and absorb flavors.
•Vegetarian option: Replace feta with vegan
cheese ortofu.
Nutritiorat analysis per serving: 230 calories; 8 g total fat
(1.Sg saturated fat); 10mg cholesterol: 31 g carbohydrates; 7
g fiber. 3 g sugars; 10g protein; 360 mg sodium; 445 mg
y. cup seedless green grapes
14cup ripe banana slices
y.cup chopped kale
14cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
114teaspoons canola oil
14cup icecubes
In blender, combine all ingredients. Blend for
about 30 seconds to 1 minute or until desired smooth­
ness is achieved.
Nutritional analysis per serving: 290 calories; 7 g total fat
(0.5g saturated fat); 0 mg cholesterol; 42 g carbohydrates; 3
g fiber;31 g sugars; 17 g protein; 75 mg sodium; 502 mg
In Dutch oven, heat 1 tablespoon canola oil over
medium-high heat. Add chicken and cook about 3
minutes per side or until it begins to brown (center
will still be slightly pink). Remove from oven and set
Add remaining canola oil, onion, carrot and celery.
Saute, stirring frequently, for 5 minutes or until vege­
tables just begin to lightly brown on edges. Add
water, bay leaves and pepper flakes. Bring to boil
over high heat. Reduce heat to medium low and
simmer covered for 20 minutes or until vegetables are
Stir in chicken, beans, tomatoes, Italian parsley,
rosemary and salt. Cover and cook 5 minutes or until
tomatoes are tender and chicken is cooked. Serve
immediately or let stew stand 30 minutes to develop
flavors and texture.
Nutritional analysis per serving: 220 calories; 7 g total fat
(I q saturated fat); 50 mg cholesterol; 17g carbohydrates; 6 g
fiber; 3 g sugars; 22 g protein; 380mg sodium; 532 mg
Obituaries, Memories 6t Rememberance'
>r Sunday paper • Wcdncsd
formerly of Wayne
land, passed away pci
January 2, 2014 of |
Age 66, January 6, 2014 of Can­
ton. Beloved husband of Dcbbi.
Loving father of Tanuny (Todd)
Hill. Ken Compton, Tina (Derek)
Kaunelis, Shelly (Dan) Cervcnan
and Bob Compton. Brother of
Ella, Beverly, Barbara, Pam and
John. 10 grandchildren. Visita­
tion Friday 1-9 p.m. at the R.G.
& G, R. Harris Funeral Home,
15451 Farmington Rd„ Livonia.
Visitation continues Saturday
ice at 10:30 a.m. at Our Lady of
Good Counsel Catholic Church,
47650 N. Territorial, Plymouth.
Share a memory of Ken at:
f r v o u / e
Lotowicz on 1113/1921, Leonard
Lane was welcomed into heaven
on 1/2/2014 at the age of 92 by
his beloved wife, Ruth, who he
married on 10/17/1945, and his
two sons, Randy and Lenny
Caring and loving father of his
surviving six children, Charles,
Barry, Russell, Christine (Gary)
Zalcwski, Maureen (Michael)
Brodie, and Daniel; grandfather
of Jennifer (Michael) Robertson.
Sarah (Jesse) Wiebusch, Bryan
Lane, Lisa and Jacob Brodie; and
great-grandfather of Brady and
Garret Wiebusch. Leonard was
Sophie Lotowicz and is survived
by his sister, Doris Zerkowski.
Leonard proudly served his
country in the U.S. Army during
WWII and was awarded the Pur­
ple Heart. Leonard's
Lakes Nat. Holplanned for a later date. Mcmori als may be directed to the Macu­
la Vision Research Foundation at
January 4, 2014 age 92 of Can­
ton. Predeceased by husbands
Odell Murray and Robert Jack­
son. Loving mother of Caroline
Nonvood, Modcll (David) Yates,
David (Judith) Murray. Dear sis­
ter of Mildred Kilbum, Robert.
C.L. Cunningham and Joan Cun­
ningham Green. Predeceased by
siblings Raymond, Grace. Ed,
Vemon, Herman, Lavem. Fred
Cunningham and Evelyn Cun­
ningham Davis. Proud Grands. Alanj
Younts, David
David Ray Jr. and Brian Murray.
Great Grandmother of Brandon
David Yates, Corey Jason and
Tommy Neil Silveus. Jennifer
Dunn. Bradley Michael Merchant. and Meghan, Ethan and
Jeremy Murray. Great-Great
Grandmother of Isiah David
Silveus. Visitation Sunday 2-4
p.m. until the 4 p.m. Funeral
Service at Vermeuien Funeral
Home, 46401 W. Ann Arbor
Road, (Btwn Sheldon and Beck)
Washtenong Memorial Park.
Memorials may be made to Sal­
vation Army. To share a memo-
Botanical Gardens :
technician at the L
Michigan Omitholc
now, and no more worry­
ing or pain. You arc with
Grandma now. Heaven
lined another angel this day. -
the Kellogg Eye Institute, www.
i. lor Thursday paper
McKinney. Also surviving (s one
of her four siblings, Fred
Etherington of Arizona,^ and sevwas bom in Wayne on December
IS, 1940 and graduated from
Wayne St. Mary's High School
in 1958. She continued her
schooling and worked as a newsfor weekly papers in Wayne,
Inkster, and Wyandotte and was
Women’s Editor al the YpsiDaily Press. She married in
1 and in 1968 stopped work­
ing to begin her family. In 1978.
ved t Grosse
tc agent. Upon retirement, she
public funeral ^service but there
life at a later date. Any memorial
City of Wayne Goodfellow or
r ftom Livonia. Max
. The Nature
Conservancy, The Audubon Soa Club, guiding numerous nan •e hikes. Max
utdoor fitness
activities. He was
distance runner fc
and was member of the I
City Striders ranning club. He
ran numerous marathons, from
clcd around the world on a series
of outdoor adventure vacations,
often involving hiking, biking,
canoeing, bird watching or
mountain climbing, summiting
Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania
when he was 64 years old. Max
rived by his “ “ John
' ' 1'
i (Lisa daughter Diar
Richardson (Richard), grandchil­
dren Leslie and Lauren Ncmazi,
Kari Kerby, Robert and Eric Ri­
chardson. great granddaughter
Sarah Kerby, sisters-in-law Mar­
ie Ncmazie, Beverly Edens,
Evelyn Jackson, brother-in-law
Herb Cook, and many nieces,
nephews and their children. Max
was pre-deceased by brothers Joe
Ncmazi and Sam Nemazie,
brothers-in-law Thomas Jackson
Formerly of Plymouth, died De­
cember 12. 2013 in Louisville,
KY, at the age of 85. Bom in At­
lanta. Bill grew up in Chicago,
graduating with a BA from
Loyola Univ. of Chicago in
1949. In 1952 he joined the Al­
loy Metal Abrasives Co., the
iident of Plymouth from 1963
1987. Bill was actively in-
Kcnyon, Thomas Jackson, and
iccwill be held at 10 a.m. Satur­
day, January II, 2014 at the
Baldwin Fairchild Chapel, 301
NE Ivanhoe Blvd., Orlando. In
lieu of flowers the family sug­
gests making
ml Gardens hit
May peace be
L et o th ers know ...
"M A G G IE "
i4. of Farmington, o i of
founders, died January i
Maggie is the beloved wife of
the late Paul (d. 2011); devoted
mother of Michael (Laura), Pat­
rick (Kathleen), Paulette (Grego­
ry). Mary, Katy (Jeffrey) and Jo­
seph (Janet); and cherished
grandmother of 17. Maggie's Fu­
neral Mass was celebrated Mon­
day. Jan. 6th, at Our Lady of
b. Farmigton. In lie
al tributes :
it. Judi
Children's Research Hospital. Arrangements en­
trusted to the Heeney-Sundquist
Funeral Home, downtown Farm­
ington (248-474-5200).
p.m. Share a
" with the
Maty Theresa Ncmazi and Bar-
Surrcywood I
OH 45052 or k
away u
2014.~Max was bom August 23.
1925 in Shiraz, Iran, and moved
to the United States in 1948 to
pursue a Master's degree in Die­
sel Engineering at the University
North Carolina. After graduation
work for the Detroit Diesel Divi­
sion of General Motors. He was
married in 1951 to Mary Jack­
son. and they were together for
59 years until her passing in
2010. Max and Mary lived in Li­
vonia, Michigan for over 50
7 p.m. al the
Home, 7707
Counset Parish and its school.
He i
:d by his loving wife
Daniel (Deborah),
Thomas (Agnes). John (Vicki).
James (Gina), and Stephen
(Parwin) Pcnrice; daughter Sus­
an Penricc Riedl (Richard); thir­
teen grandchildren and three
great-grandchildren. He was pre­
ceded in death by a son, Robert
Pcnrice. Donations in Bill's
memory may be made to the
Age 86, January 3. 2014. Be­
loved husband of Ann “Dolly."
Loving father of Constance
(Rick) Bottcma, Kenneth (Patri­
cia), Janet (Charles) Navarro,
John, Dale (Debi), Gary (Denise)
and Al (Lisa). Grandfather of 12.
great-grandfather of nine. BrothDelphine.
I Son Funei Home,
1139 h
Garden City,
s held Tues­
day at St. Raphael Catholic
Church. 31530 Bccchwood, Gar­
den City. Memorials suggested
to the Michigan Humane Society
and St. Jude Children's Research
Santeiu Funeral Home
M a y y o u fin d
o m f o r l in fa m ily
a n d frie n d s
When you have lost a
loved one, place your no­
tice on our website and in
a directory located in
every edition of your
Observer or Eccentric
C all: 8 0 0 -5 7 9 -7 3 5 5
Fax: 3 1 3 -4 9 6 -4 9 6 8
[mall: oeoblls@bometownllfe.cor
Okh™& Ecitxtkic
:n Job
Your Invitation to Worship
( U .S .A .)
Tridentine Latin Mass
8k ¥2l(v\i
Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church
38100 Five Mile Road
avonia, Ml 48154 • (7341462-320
R o s e d a le
G a rd e n s
Making disciples who share the love o f Jesus Christ
Rev. Dean M. Davenport &Rev. Robert F. Bayer
7 3 4 - 5 2 2 -6 8 3 0 _________________
(734)422-0494 :
c4 € t \ i u c f i f a r
Wednesday 7 pm
nsmcHunsnimnKaxiBi 2
S e a so n e d S a in ts
Fellowship Presbyterian Church
Adult Sunday: 9:30 - 10:15 a.m. ■Worship: 10:30 a.m
Childrens Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.
Services held at: Saint Andrews Episcopal Church
16360 Hubbard Road in Livonia • South of Six Mile Road
nursery provided • www.fellowshifl-pKSl/YtCfifllligra
Sr. Paul s Ev. Lutheran
Church& School
Worship Services
F o r I n fo r m a tio n r e g a r d in g th is D ir e c to r y ,
p le a se ca ll S u e S a r e at 2 4 8 - 4 3 7 - 2 0 1 1 e x t. 2 4 7
o r e-m ail: ssa r e @ h o m e to w n life .c o n i
B8 (CP)
R ecently a t its Farm in g to n offices, the
G re ater M etropolitan A ssociation of
R ealtors gave checks to local c h arities.
A total of $2,574 w as given to G leaners
C om m unity Food Bank of Southeastern
M ichigan and $606 w as given to th e F ar­
m ington A rea G oodfellow s. The money
w as raised thro u g h raffle tick ets, 50/50
tic k ets and donations durin g GMAR's
H oliday P a rty and G olf Outing.
A ccepting th e check on b e h alf of
G leaners Com m unity Food Bank of
S outheastern M ichigan w as th e ir Vice
P re sid e n t of M arketing an d Com m unica­
tion Anne Schenk. Farm in g to n A rea
G oodfellows P re sid e n t D ave K enerson
cam e to a cc ep t th e chec k on b e h alf of
th e ir group.
T he G re ater M etropolitan A ssociation
o f R e altors (GMAR) w as fo rm ed in 2010.
Its ove r 6,000 m em bers span th e counties
o f M acom b, O akland, W ayne and th e ir
surrounding counties. GMAR p ro v id es a
slew of ben efits to its m em b ers, such as
a cc ess to th e Realcom p MLS, o v er 220
quality continuing education, train in g
and designation courses, th e R eal E state
S ervice C enter m ark e tin g an d com m uni­
c ation m a teria ls w orkshop, th e ToolShop
rea l e state sto re w ith ove r 1,000 item s,
th e M etropolitan M inute w eekly n ew slet­
te r and th e M etropolitan REALTOR
m onthly eM agazine.
should be
Shown from left are GMAR Staff Liaison to Member Services Committee's Elaine Gatlin, GMAR
CEO Duane Marsh, Gleaners Community Food Bank of Southeastern Michigan Vice President
of Marketing and Communication Anne Schenk, and Member Services Committee member
Marx Elias.
These are the area residential real
estate closings recorded the week
of Aug. 19-23,2013, at the Oakland
County Register of Deeds office.
Listed below are cities, addresses,
and sales prices.
17240 Beverly Rd
18277 Beverly Rd
17215 BirwoodAve
18432 Riverside Dr
31443 Sleepy Hollow Lr
245 Catalpa Dr
1425 Chapin Ave
1428 E Lincoln St
463 Golf View Blvd
1375 Humphrey Ave
975 M
1113 N Old Woodward
1165 5 Eton St
1594 Villa Rd
550 W Merrill St
299 Westchester Way
5486 Brookdale Rd
4961 Dryden Ln
1966 Klingensmith Rd
Unit 14
1197 Banbury Cir
3800 Burning Tree Dr
4612 Chelsea Ln
2851 Colonial Trl
1196 Copperwood Dr
660 Deauville Ln
532 E Fox Hills Dr
2609 Endsleigh Dr
4448 Far Hill Dr
5132 Forest Way
5583 N Adams Way
915 N Reading Rd
4031 Pine Tree Trl
241 Strathmore Rd
359 Sycamore Ct
4316 Vernor Ct
3861 Wedgewood Dr
2336 Brigantine
6072 Brockway St
5098 Carinas Way Ct
1822 Cheshire Ln
1931 Cheshire Ln
3211 Creekview Ln
5618 Deerwood
4986 Foothills Dr
5460 Huron Hills Dr
5239 Kristi Ln
3312 Mandrake St
5815 Pickbourne St
3064 Rio Vista St
3206 Rio Vista St
5312 S River Dr
5870 Turnberry Dr
2125 Winston Dr
23075 Farmington Rd
36819 Heatherton Dr
32236 Leelane
33939 Moore Dr
33111 Orchard St
22906 Ashley St
29473 Beau Rdg
31772 Bella Vista Dr
23986 Brookplace Ct
29962 Club House Ln
23769 Cora Ave
29231 Fieldstone
30420 Fox Club Ct
22559 Glenmoor Hts
29867 Indian Trl
33971 Kirby St
29437 Laurel Dr
22176 Malden St
29920 Mayfair Dr
26056 Meadowview Dr
23179 Middlebelt Rd
29602 Middlebelt Rd
31280 Misty Pines Dr
21341 Parklane St
29461 Parkside St
37685 Russett Dr
30580 Springland St
28450 Venice Cir
29451 Weathervane Avr
24550 N Cromwell Dr
19125 Rackham Dr
18734 Wiltshire Blvd
811 Bird Song Dr
1783 Bristol Dr
824 Chatham Dr
653 Duchess St
1085 Eagle Nest Dr
779 Heritage Dr
1536 Hunters Uke Dr
800 Manderly Dr
1455 Rowe Rd
1569 S Creek Dr
2300 Stoney Blf
180 W
38648 Cheshire Dr
21291 Equestrian Trl
533 Langfield St
22235 Lujon Dr
966 New Haven Ct
21177 StansteadRd
25580 Abbey Dr
43137 Ashbury Dr
49970 Blackberry Trl
50721 Chesapeake Dr
44511 Copland Ln
44677 Ellery Ln
44681 Ellery Ln
44683 Ellery Ln
44685 Ellery Ln
42660 Faulkner Dr
41610 Hamlet Ln
24239 Hampton Hill St
28868 Hearthstone Dr
24051 Heathergreene
27917 Hopkins Dr
24780 Kings Pointe
40608 Lenox Park Dr
40847 Lenox Park Dr
28046 Lightfoot Ln
42119 Loganberry Rdg S
ds Point ‘
24225 Saybrook Ct
41127 Scarborough Ln
45252 Sedra Ct
41703 Steinbeck Gin
30726 Tanglewood Dr
48301 W 11 Mile Rd
24519 Willowbrook
1122 Chestnut Ln
22980 Clarkshire Dr
1153 Colt Dr
23385 Country Club Dr
61238 Greenwood Dr
24299 Martindale Rd
59323 PetersBarn Dr
24338 Ravine Dr
24570 Ridge Pole Ct
22854 Saint Andrews Dr
25256 Stanley Ln
25486 Stanley Ln
22799 Bell Brook St
28738 Brentwood St
19685 Coral Gables St
21900 Mada Ave
17634 Melrose St
21821 NTullerCt
18185 New Jersey Dr
25298 Saint James
9394 Cedar Island Rd
76 Danforth St
663 Sunnybeach Dr
8860 Tackles Dr
8194 Timber Trl
These are the area residential real
estate closings recorded the week
of Sept. 9-13, 2013, at the Wayne
County Register of Deeds office.
Listed below are cities, addresses,
and sales prices.
7002 Becky Dr
2315 Berwick Dr
43718 Brandywyne Rd
1981 Brookline St
200 Cherry Grove Rd
561 Cherry Grove Rd
745 Cherry Orchard Rd
592 Cherry Stone Dr
874 Cherry Stone Dr
2149 Cleveland Way
8722 Columbia Cir
7109 Copper Creek Cir
249 Coronation Ct
44195 Dartmouth St
7038 Epping Ct
50830 Federal Blvd
50867 Federal Blvd
7061 Foxridge Dr
51319 Geddes Rd
48358 Gladstone Rd
6123 Gloucester Dr
46011 Graystone Ln
39682 Hillary Dr
39924 Hillary Dr
7355 Hillsboro Dr
50537 Jefferson St
45224 Lemont Rd
45005 Middlebury Ct
4113 Monarch Ave
6201 N Beck Rd
859 Pheasant Woods Dr
44209 Richmond Ct
3657 Riverside Dr
45870 S Stonewood Rd
42230 Saltz Rd
3778 Shepherd Ct
6153 Stonetree Dr
43793 Sweet Cherry Ln
47507 Vistas Circle Dr N
41052 Westfield Cir
1221 Wildwood Ln
689 Worthington Rd
33210 Alvin St
243 Areola St
6435 Areola St
5932 Belton St
6808 Belton St
6060 Cardwell St
6567 Henry Ruff Rd
28933 James St
30004 John Hauk St
30548 John Hauk St
6850 Whitby St
34133 Six MileRd
36438 Six Mile Rd
19263 Bainbridge Ave
32725 Barkley St
20360 Beatrice St
31242 Bobrich St
33152 Broadmoor Ct
33828 Cindy St
36620 Clarita St
8882 Crown St
9928 Fairfield St
17595 Fairway St
11750 Farmington Rd
15592 Fitzgerald St
17960 Floral St
17960 Floral St
9860 Garvett St
15971 Gary Ln
34653 Grove Dr
32900 Hees St
9047 Henry Ruff Rd
31193 Hillbrook St
32217 Jamison Ct
11200 Karen St
37090 Kingsburn Dr
8857 Knolson Ave
29535 Lamar Ln
9270 Lathers St
14198 Levan Rd
29433 Lori St
18414 Manor Ln
16505 Marsha St
9000 Perrin St
33000 Perth St
19338 Rensellor St
9614 Roseland St
37635 Saint Martins St
31565 Scone St
15986 Shadyside Dr
19475 Southampton Dr
19823 Stamford Dr
14526 Stonehouse Ave
15140 Sunbury St
14238 Sunset St
15424 Sunset St
32439 Washington St
9833 Woodring St
45731 Fermanagh Dr
18443 Fox Hollow Ct
18816 Grande Vista Dr
18873 Grande Vista Dr
17540 Maple Hill Dr
46619 Merion Cir
15996 Morningside
46286 Pinehurst Dr
17449 Rolling Woods Cir
19967 Schoolhouse Ct
17447 Victor Dr
655 Byron St
12881 Glenview Dr
48655 Harvest Dr
13381 Latheron Dr
1380 Linden St
11525 McClumpha Rd
650 N Evergreen St
161 N Mill St
51221 Northview
11211 Pinehurst Rd
51215 Plymouth Lake Cir
49481 Pointe Xing
8848 Quail Cir
1251 Sheridan St
11707 Sycamore Dr
11739 Sycamore Dr
8935 Arnold
16312 Inkster Rd
11731 Marion
18846 Negaunee
16753 Norborne
17170 Olympia
26276 Southwestern Hwy
8931 Wormer
33570 Annapolis St
4065 Randolph St
4345 Woodward St
31629 Antrim Ct
30904 Beechnut St
32628 Bertram Dr
35125 Birchwood St
8539 Blackburn Dr
316 Brookfield Dr
6901 Chirrewa St
8053 Coventry St
BISOCreekside Dr
33207 Creston St
34329 Frances St
31521 Grandview Ave
5705 N Berry St
5664 N Karle St
1517 Norris St
6570 Quail Run Gr
1963 S Globe St
389 S Sybald St
35608 Somerset St
6205 W Morgan Gr
7605 Woodview St
33845 Yuma St
Q. I heard you sp eak ing at
a sem inar ab ou t th e n e e d t o
u p d ate restrictions o f a c om ­
m un ity association . One o f
th e areas you m en tion ed w as
h om e b u sin esses. Could you
b e m ore specific?
A: T he problem w ith m any
deed restric tions, including R ^ < ^ 1 ^ 1
those restric fcrj
jjW !
tions in condo- H U
J lij
m inium s, is
|B "^ .
/fy f
that they have
_ _
a n a ntiquated
d e finition of
M eisner
residentia l use
a nd/or no defi­
nition of residentia l use a t all.
Som e docum ents do provide
fo r a n exception fo r certain
types of “home businesses"
such a s home offices, com put­
e r utilization, etc. However,
w ith the technological revolu­
tion, the e n tire provision r e ­
garding residential use should
be b e tter defined to m ore acc u­
rate ly c larify w hat type of
c om m ercial and/or business
a ctivity will b e allow ed in the
home, taking into consider­
ation the types of " b u sinesses”
th a t can be run th a t do not
a ttra c t tra ffic and/or refuge.
T hat should be one of th e m any
changes m ade to update th e
condom inium docum ents.
Q: I am a condom inium
board m em ber and our m an­
a g e m e n t com p any recom ­
m en ded "their attorney," as
th ey p u t it, t o rep resen t us.
The board, I think, naively
w e n t alon g w ith it. Later, w e
fou n d ou t th a t th e attorney
d o e s n o t represent t h e m an­
a g e m e n t com pany. Should
w e can th e m an agem en t
com pany?
A: T h ere a re som e m anage­
m ent com panies th a t a re d e sir­
ous of ste erin g associations to
a pa rticu la r law yer, and sug­
g e st to th e ir Board of D irec­
tors th a t they have an attorney
for them suggesting th a t the
a tto rn ey w orks fo r the m an­
a gem ent com pany when, in­
deed, th e attorney is actually
w orking fo r and being paid by
the association. The board
should ne v er rely on the m an­
a gem ent com pany’s attorney,
e ith er w ith resp e ct to an a t­
torney who actually does work
fo r the m anagem ent com pany
o r is so financially beholden to
the m anagem ent com pany that
the m anagem ent com pany
tre a ts that attorney as the irs
w hen, in fact, he or she should
be rep rese n tin g the associa­
tion. M any boards have naively
reta in e d attorneys who they
n e v er m eet and have no basis
to choose in th e first instance
o th e r th a n th e fac t th a t the
m a nagem ent com pany asked
them to blindly follow the ir
recom m endation. T his is not a
good m a rk fo r the m anage­
m e n t com pany and you may
w ish to c onsider ge tting a com ­
p any w ith g re a te r integrity.
Robert M. Meisner is a lawyer and
the author o f “ Condo Living 2: An
Authoritative Guide to Buying, Selling,
and Operating a Condominium. “ It is
available for $24.95 plus $5.55 for tax,
shipping and handling. " Condo Living
2" is available in both print and
e-book editions. The e-book is
available for download through
iTunes,, and He is also the
author of " Condominium Operation:
Getting Started & Staying on the Bight
Track," second edition. It is available
for $9.95plus $2.20 for tax, shipping
and handling. Call 248-644-4433 or
visit This
column shouldn't be construed as
legal advice.
A fre e inform ational sem i­
n a r on short sale procedures
will be offered for potential
se lle rs not su re a bout how the
pro ce d u re s work.
Bonnie David, broker/ow ner
o f Q uantum Real E state, is the
p resenter. It will b e 6-7 p.m.
T hu rsd ay s a t 129 N. Lafayette,
dow ntow n South Lyon.
Additional p arking across
the stre e t in back. Call the
office a t 248-782-7130 or em ail
june.quantum @ gm for
rese rv a tio n s or additional
inform ation.
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23 Night flier
24 Run like heck
27 Fall behind
29 Exercise
33 Christina's pop
34 Kind of PC
35 NBA official
42 PBS
"Science Guy"
44 — d e vivre
46 Sluggard
50 Lead (2 wds.)
54 "Pulp Fiction"
Low voice
Army no-show
Leo mo.
Online journal
Lean toward
Wear and tear
1 Dagwood's
2 Europe-Asia
A n sw e r to P r e v io u s P u z z le
J O H !'•: H q n c N NIW LJ H S
A R f 'a s * u t a B n a p
IDDDQ 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0I1E 10
7 Garden-pond
8 With fervor
9 Edit out
10 Becomes
OBE Madia
11 Advanced
17 Female whale
19 “Mona Lisa"
22 Cherbourg
23 Poet — Nash
24 Comic-book
25 Law (abbr.)
26 Reur-de---28 False front
30 Assoc.
31 Sparkler
32 Rear.
to Popeye
37 Play postscript
39 Kind of student
41 Golf ball stand
43 Bond return
44 Nursery rhyme
45 lar ge's pooch
47 Hula-dance
H iring?
3 YurSitan native
4 Warming drink
5 Environmental
6 24-hr. cashier
• BakeryCounterHelp
48 Down Under
49 Come unglued
50 Dinner check
51 Hamelin pest
52 Get a loan
53 Chaney of
horror movies
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