NEW FEATURES IN KEPLER 5 chart wheel styles (both North Indian and South Indian style), the 16 vargas, and calculation of shad bala and a graphic presentation of gochara, which now means that Kepler provides you with most of the fundamental features of Vedic astrology. In late November, 2001, we began shipping Kepler Version 5. Listed below are the features that were added. If you are upgrading from a version of Kepler earlier than version 4.7, then there are many other features that will be new for you as well. BIRTH DATA CATEGORIES: In recent versions of Kepler our database of famous people, companies, earthquakes, and other notable events has grown. In fact, it has grown to over 18,000 charts! Having all of this data is wonderful, but as we add one feature, it creates the need for another feature! Now that we have the data, it would be nice to select all musicians, or more specifically all pianists, or perhaps all singers, etc. Earlier versions of Kepler had a complex system of research codes that sometimes could help you do this, but we have replaced this with an easy-to-use menu selection. This is available in the data entry screen as well as in the research section of Kepler. Another big improvement: if you select, for example, basketball players, in the research section, Kepler will now be smart enough to search only through the basketball players and give you the research results promptly. Research in earlier versions of Kepler was slow because Kepler would search through all 18,000 charts even if you wanted to research just basketball players. Well, it was difficult to select only basketball players, anyway, and this seriously limited the usefulness of Kepler's research feature. Now it is easy to research any particular group that you are interested in. ART WHEELS: Art wheels are beautiful chart wheels. These chart wheels are works of art and suitable for framing. They are best printed on a color printer. For an incredibly stunning chart wheel, print an art wheel on glossy paper with your color printer. Kepler comes with 30 different art wheels, with themes ranging from sky images to nature scenes to geometric patterns. The images used in our art wheels were developed by graphic artist Paul Guess. For each wheel style, you can choose a portrait (normal) or landscape (sideways) version. NEW FORECAST FEATURES: Suppose that you are an astrologer and you would like for your clients the following information for the coming year: outer planet transits to the natal chart, secondary progressed to natal, secondary progressed to progressed, and solar arc to natal aspects. Kepler has been able to provide you this information for the last 10 years, but now it is much faster to obtain and easier to read. In Kepler Ver 5, you no longer have to individually select these printouts. A screen is displayed that allows you to check which forecasts you want, and you can save this set of selections as a default for the future. The forecasts are displayed in time line format. The simple text listing format is still available, but only the time line format is available in this more elegant method of selecting forecasts. Making your own categories for data, and quickly retrieve them: In Kepler 5 you can also save the members of your church group in a category that you give it (perhaps "church members" for example) or save the members of your students in a class you teach in "Adv. Astro 2001". There are already many pre-defined categories for you for family members, friends, etc. and you can also make up some of your own. We also made improvements to the time line format: now the calendar date is printed periodically so that while scrolling through the printout, you can see what the dates are without needing to scroll up and down repeatedly. You can also easily read in a group of charts quickly. Suppose you need to run a chart wheel for all students in a particular class. Now you can do this very easily. Also, the date when the aspect is exact now appears in the time line printout. Because the date was not given, some Kepler users continued to use text listings, but now this limitation has been removed. ASTEROID EPHEMERIDES: We have improved the ephemeris calculation feature of Kepler to allow you to produce an ephemeris of any of the 1,000 asteroids included in Kepler, and if you own the 22,000 asteroids option, any of these asteroids as well. (Note that our 10,000 asteroids option is now a 22,000 asteroids option! We are adding asteroids to this collection almost as fast as they are being discovered!) The time line format is quickly becoming the preferred method of most Kepler users, and with these new features will undoubtedly continue to become more popular. The time line format has the advantages of allowing you to quickly and easily see what astrological influences are occurring, when they occur, and how strong they are at any time. RECTIFICATION ASSISTANCE: You can now enter the date when a person got married, was in an accident, or experienced other major events, and obtain a total score based on how many transiting and progressed aspects occurred that match the events. Then you can adjust the birth time and compare scores. You can, of course, change the astrological weighting for each transiting or progressed aspect. For the astrologer who is serious about chart rectification, this feature is a big help. After making your selections, you can scroll through the list of transits and progressions without needing to jump between printouts. We have also made the selection of forecasts easier by providing a menu that allows you to jump more quickly to the different kinds of forecasts available. In earlier versions, all of these methods appeared together in a large menu, and some users did not realize, for example, that they have the powerful Profile Time Line feature which gives scores for areas such as athletic performance, accident proneness, etc. Now you won't miss these features hiding in a menu of selections that takes time to read. AUTO-SELECT PRINTOUTS: In addition to the easier selection of forecasting that is mentioned above, it is now also possible to save a selection of printouts and auto-select it later. EDITING INTERPRETATIONS: It has always been possible to edit interpretations in the Kepler program. Doing it has always been easy too; just read in the file and edit the interpretation and save it back. There has been one problem, though: knowing which file to read, and finding the specific interpretation within that file. Now you can select the interpretation from a menu; no more hunt- VEDIC ASTROLOGY: Kepler has been able to produce a listing of dasa and bhukti periods (used in forecasting in Vedic astrology) and the nakshatra of the Moon, but many other basics of Vedic astrology were not available. We have added the Vedic square COSMIC PATTERNS: 6212 NW 43rd Street, Suite B, Gainesville, FL 32653 Phone #:352-373-1504 Fax #:352-374-8826 Toll Free Order Line Only:1-800-779-2559 Web Site: or E-mail: 1 ing through the file to find it. A list of interpretive reports is provided, followed by an index to the interpretations in that report, so you can quickly find the interpretation you want to edit. interpretations zero in on specific details of the person's life. Robbi describes how you can maximize your potential in your later years to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. The price of the Senior Report is $125. OTHER CHART WHEEL FEATURES: Every chart wheel can now be viewed or printed in landscape (sideways) as well as in portrait (normal). Nature Appreciation Report: The Nature Appreciation Report focuses on our relationship to the natural environment, and how each of us, as individuals, can enhance our environment. Pollution and the degradation of our natural resources are a fact of life that we cannot ignore. In this report Lorna Houston describes how you can be a positive force for the betterment of our planet. The price of the Nature Appreciation Report is $125. In order to make the art wheels as beautiful as possible, we added the ability to add shadowing to the planetary information in the chart wheel. This adds extra pizzazz to the wheel. There are several other improvements, such as the ability to print the positions of the polar ascendant and co-ascendant in a table, ability to add a background color to tables or to the background of the page, and the ability to quickly select among sets of font sizes. Medicine Wheel: This natal report by Dr. Randall Roffe is based on the Native American approach to astrology. Dr. Roffe has extensive experience with various tribal traditions, and is able to convey the language and perspective of this approach to astrology with great depth of insight. The zodiac signs are associated with different animals than those more commonly used, and the interpretations can be a different. The price of the Medicine Wheel report is $100. DECLINATIONS: If you own Kepler 4.7, you can get transit to natal declinations, and progressed to natal declinations, and of course there is a list of declination positions in the chart wheel, as well as the parallels of declination. With Kepler 5 you can also obtain midpoint structures in declination and a graphic ephemeris in declination. AstroQuest Report: The AstroQuest Report has been available for several years. It is a horary report. Rather than entering the birth data of a person, you enter the time that a question arises in your mind, and the AstroQuest Report applies the methods of horary astrology to answer your question. Author Dr. Randall Roffe added a new variation of the AstroQuest Report: the LoveQuest Report, which answers questions specifically regarding love and romance. The LoveQuest Report is now included with the AstroQuest Report. IMPROVED DATA ENTRY SCREEN: Kepler 5 has an improved data entry screen. As you add new entries, the entry appears as a "tab". You can more easily see entries as you add them. You can now delete entries from your current list of entries easily, something which was not possible in earlier versions of Kepler. A list of entries also appears on the right side of the screen in the "Quick Select" list of entries. This list appeared in earlier versions of Kepler, but the listing was short, and if you had a large number of entries, more scrolling was needed to access them. Most people only have a few entries at a time, so this generally was not a problem, but the use of tabs plus the Quick Select list is a nice improvement to the data entry screen. IMPROVEMENTS TO COSMO REPORTS: The Cosmo Natal Report now comes in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, and Norwegian. The Cosmo Forecast Report is now in English, Spanish, French, and Norwegian. The Cosmo Compatibility Report is now in English, Spanish, French, German, and Norwegian. These reports are all included in Kepler 5.0 The Main Data Entry Screen (the screen that appears when you start Kepler) is also more beautiful, which makes using Kepler more enjoyable and pleasant. Cosmo Forecast in English: Now includes the outer planets interpretations. OTHER IMPROVEMENTS: We added the ability to obtain a listing of conjunctions to over 8,000 fixed stars, a list of parans (a feature used by some astrologers in relocation analysis), and Sabian Symbol degree interpretations. See page 12 of the enclosed catalog for more information on these features. We have not mentioned every improvement above, but we have tried to describe some of the most important improvements to the program. NEW VERSION OF PEGASUS: Pegasus users, we haven't forgotten you! There is a new version of Pegasus available now, Pegasus Version 2. Pegasus Ver 2 has a BiWheel, improved atlas, and easier-to-use data entry screen. Call or e-mail us for details on how to upgrade. Free Chart Wheel on Your Web Site: If you own Kepler 4.7 or Kepler 5 and you own at least one interpretive report option, you probably already realize that you have your own automated online chart service. A few months ago we added a new feature to your online chart service: a free chart wheel. If you are unfamiliar with the online chart service feature of Kepler, you can read more about it by visiting our website,, and clicking on the "New Feature" link at the bottom of the screen. We want to welcome our latest staff member, Jorge Lopez, who joined our team this summer. Jorge brings to the job experience in technical support, and making sure that orders are processed, and questions from customers are answered. Jorge is completely fluent in English and Spanish. We also wish to welcome our new authors, Philip Sedgwick and Robbi Dyer. Both of them have worked hard to bring refreshingly new kinds of interpretive reports to us. Learn more about them at our web site, Click on the "Cosmic Patterns Staff" link at the bottom of the screen. The Centaur Report: Philip Sedgwick is well known for his pioneering work with asteroids and deep space objects. In this report, he interprets the influence of Centaurs, a relatively new classification of asteroids. Chiron is now considered by many astronomers to be a Centaur. Centaurs have an orbit that takes them from very deep in space to within the orbit of Jupiter. This is an intriguing and very interesting report. It is short, about 8 pages in length. The price is $100. The Centaur Report works only with Kepler 5. Thanks also to our translators, graphic artists, and distributors for your valuable contributions, as well as to you, our customers, who make all this possible through your support , encouragement and suggestions. The prices on the enclosed price page are accurate, except that a discount price is available through January 2002 if you purchased Kepler very recently. Senior Report: Most astrological reports assume that the reader is an adult, and is concerned with issues of career, marriage, romance, family, and inner development. The Senior Report addresses the issues that people face in later years. Author Robbi Dyer has written intepretations for planet and house combinations and created a database of almost 2,000 interpretations so that the If you purchased Kepler 4.7 in September 2001, then the upgrade price is $50, and if you purchased Kepler 4.7 in October or November, then the price is $30. Add the shipping charge to this amount. These reduced prices are available only through January 2002. Support Your Distributor: If you purchased from one of our distributors, then we recommend making future purchases from your distributor as well. It’s a nice way to support people that have assisted you. 2