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Contact: Mr. Nicanor L. Torres, Jr.
Executive Director
898 8855 / 818 5656
Photo shows PNP Chief, PDGen. Ricardo Marquez with Metrobank
Foundation President President Aniceto Sobrepena (2 nd from left), DPCR
Director, PDir. Wilfredo Franco and Rotary Club of New Manila East COPS
Chairman, Mr. Christopher Ponce
The Metrobank Foundation, Inc. (MBFI) together with the Rotary Club of New Manila East
(RCNME), PS Bank, and the Philippine National Police (PNP) has recently launched the 2016
edition of Metrobank Foundation-Rotary Club of New Manila East Search for the Country’s
Outstanding Police Officers in Service (COPS). Nomination to the Search is now open to qualified
and interested members of the PNP.
MBFI President Aniceto M. Sobrepeña announced during his New Year’s call to PNP Chief Police
Director General Ricardo C. Marquez last January 13, 2016 at Camp Crame that beginning this
year, the Foundation, through its Chairman Dr. George S.K. Ty, allots P15 million to Metrobank
Foundation Outstanding Filipinos. Outstanding Police Officers will receive an increased cash prize of
Php500,00.00 from last year’s Php400,000.00; likewise for the winners of the Search for The
Outstanding Philippine Soldiers (TOPS). Since 2014, winners of the Search for Outstanding
Teachers (SOT) have also received the same amount.
“It is upright that we increase the reward for our Outstanding Police Officers. This is our expression of
gratitude and appreciation to them who prevent violence and ensure a peaceful and orderly community
for all of us,” expressed Sobrepeña.
Awardees will also receive COPS trophy, Metrobank Foundation medallion, and PNP Plaque of
Merit. Winners will be conferred as 2016 Metrobank Foundation Outstanding Filipinos together with
Outstanding Philippine Soldiers and Teachers on the occasion of Metrobank’s Anniversary.
The Search is open to all Police Commissioned Officers with the rank of Police Inspector up to Police
Senior Superintendent as well as to all Police Non-Commissioned Officers with the rank of Police
Officer 1 up to Senior Police Officer 4 serving for a minimum of seven (7) years.
Various sectors (government officials, non-government and socio-civic organizations, academic and
church institutions, mass media, and other public or private organizations) can nominate their
outstanding police officers whom they believe have contributed to the mobilization and organization of
communities towards peace and order.
from Deadline of nominations is on February 12, 2016. For inquiries, you
may call COPS Secretariat at 898-8757 and look for Hero Hernandez. You may also visit or for other details.
“More than the recognition, the COPS awardees has inspired all of us in the PNP to raise the
standards of performance to accomplish more and perform better in the delivery of police services for
our country and people,” Marquez said in his message during the conferment ceremonies of the 2015
Metrobank Foundation Outstanding Filipinos.
Now on its 13th year, COPS is an annual nationwide Search that affirms the shared responsibility
between gallant police officers and the community in crime prevention and solution. It is a joint
undertaking of MBFI with RCNME, PS Bank, and PNP.
The Metrobank Foundation, Inc. (MBFI) was established on January 8, 1979 by Dr. George S. K. Ty,
sixteen (16) years after he founded the Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company (Metrobank). As the
corporate social responsibility arm of the Metrobank Group, the Foundation implements various
programs in education, visual arts and healthcare and maintains an active and dynamic partnership
with other organizations that likewise provide services for the underprivileged sectors of society and
remains equally responsive to emergency and relief operations for affected Filipinos in times of natural
calamities in the Philippines and in Asia. Among the Foundation’s flagship programs are the Metrobank
Art & Design Excellence (MADE), Search for Outstanding Teachers (SOT), The Outstanding Philippine
Soldiers (TOPS), Country’s Outstanding Police Officers in Service (COPS), Search for Journalists of
the Year (JOY), Metrogold Scholarship Program (MSP), and Metrobank-MTAP-DepEd Math Challenge
(MMC). MBFI also spearheads the celebration of the National Teachers’ Month (NTM) held from
September 5 to October 5 of every year since 2008. The Foundation also implements the Fellowships
for International Understanding Program in partnership with selected international organizations and
diplomatic missions. It also supports programs aimed at educating the citizenry on public-interest
issues through research and lectures given by the distinguished chair holders of the Metrobank
Foundation Professorial Chair Lectures, established by the Foundation in partnership with reputable
educational institutions. MBFI is also the principal owner of the Manila Doctors Hospital (MDH), one of
the leading centers of wellness in the country. The Foundation recently celebrated its 35th year with the
theme, “Launching Dreams” serving as its beacon in the next five (5) years. It shall continue to Excel,
Engage, and Empower, but this time even more conscious in supporting the various sectors of the
Philippine community in pursuing their individual and collective dreams -- for an educated workforce, for
accessible medical care, for outstanding professional careers, and for a responsible and enlightened
citizenry. Through the Foundation’s recognition and social development programs, it shall continuously
strengthen and assist Filipinos in their endeavors, raising their abilities and improving their way of life,
inspiring and uplifting their spirits, so that one day, they may be empowered enough to know reality of
their dreams.