1 Comprehensive Technology Plan Checklist 2013

Comprehensive Technology Plan Checklist
Please double-check:
 spelling
 acronyms
 grammar (including tense)
 dates (especially if you did any copying and pasting)
 page numbers in Appendix C and if present, the Table of Contents?
Does the document have:
 the same font throughout (size and style)
 the same language throughout
 no extra spaces in body of text
 no out of place characters (this is important if you created as a Google Doc then
downloaded to Word)
 consistency in
 charts
 tables
 paragraphs
 bullets and numbering
 spelling of products or titles
 a completed Appendix C and Appendix J in the final submission
 an optional description of the district (e.g., grade levels served, number of
schools…) to provide context for readers
Section 1: Plan Duration
Please list:
 start date of July 1, year (e.g., July 1, 2014)
 end date of June 30, year ( 3-year plan)
 if the plan is a comprehensive plan includes E-rate - or not?
Section 2: Stakeholders
Does the Plan:
 describe stakeholders
 name
 position (e.g., teacher, administrator,...)
 expertise (e.g., teacher, curriculum expert,...)
 role during development
 role during implementation
 explain why stakeholders were not solicited (if applicable)
 explain why a group of stakeholders (e.g., parents) were not included (if
 describe how they were involved in the development of the plan (contributed
ideas, etc.)
 describe how they will be involved in the implementation of the plan (advisory,
reviewer of documents, etc.)
Section 3: Curriculum
Section 3a: Overview of Teacher and Student Technology Access
Does the overview include:
 classrooms
 libraries
 media centers
 labs
 any programs that allow computers to go home
 any Bring Your Own Device programs
 access before, during, and after school (If there is no access before or after school,
say so)
 access at home data
 equipment
o projectors
o interactive whiteboards
o projectors
o digital cameras
o response systems
o other technologies readily available to teachers and students ?
 student-computer ratio
Section 3b: Overview of Technology Use to Support Teaching and Learning
*writing note- use charts as appropriate, organize into like groups (e.g. grade levels, schools
with 1:1 initiatives, iPad carts,..
 frequency of use (e.g., daily, weekly, occasionally,...)
 type of use (e.g., student research projects, independent practice,
 all grade levels (or explain why some are not included in overview)?
 alternative schools or programs
Section 3c: Overview of the District’s Curricular Goals Supported by the Tech Plan
Does your overview:
 focus on curricular goals (e.g., raise achievement in math, increase students in
AP classes,...)
 make explicit reference to district documents
o PI Plan
 state academic goals and outcomes for students by grade level or subject area?
Section 3d: Using Technology to Support District Curriculum Goals
*writing note - this section is best represented in table format that also includes section 3kmonitoring and evaluation (See end of document for an example.)
 goals that
o will have greatest potential to impact curricular goals (choose only a few
technology goals)
o are measurable
o directly aligned to curricular goal(s) from 3c
 objectives that
o will have greatest potential to address technology goals
o are measurable, e.g., percentage of students or schools
o are organized in a way that aligns to the curricular goals (e.g. grade level,
student group,...)
 benchmarks that
o are aligned to the objective(s)
o represent annual steps that extend from year to year (e.g., 45% in year 1,
65% in year 2 and 100% in year 3)
 an implementation plan that
o describes the actions and strategies to address objectives
o explicitly connects to objectives
o includes who will oversee/coordinate putting the implementation plan
into action (not necessarily the people implementing)?
Section 3e: Acquisition of Technology Skills and Information Literacy Skills
*writing note – use phrases such as grade level appropriate to delineate different goals. Use a
table format similar to section 3d.
Does the Plan:
 describe goals, objectives and benchmarks for technology skills (e.g., word
 describe goals, objectives and benchmarks for information literacy skills (e.g.,
conducting effective Internet searches, critically evaluating websites,...)
 align goals and objectives to your access and use of technology description from
3a and 3b?
Section 3f: Appropriate and Ethical Use of Information Technology, Including
Distinguishing Lawful From Unlawful Uses Of Copyrighted Works; the Concept and
Purpose of Both Copyright and Fair Use; Plagiarism, Distinguishing Lawful From
Unlawful Downloading and Peer to Peer File Sharing.
*writing note – you need to do more than simply state you have an AUP. You should be
describing how teachers, staff and students are made aware of these issues. Goals and an
implementation plan are needed, but measureable objectives are optional.
Doe the plan describe:
 goals that address:
o students, teachers and staff (e.g., administration, office, aides, librarians...)
o copyright and fair use
o plagiarism
o implications for illegal file sharing
 how teachers/staff learn about ethical uses (an AUP is not an instructional
 how students learn about ethical uses
Does the plan:
 check CIPA compliance requirements for frequency of training and instruction?
Section 3g: Internet Safety and How Teachers and Students will be Trained to Protect
Online Privacy and Avoid Online Predators.
*writing note – you need goals and an implementation plan for this section, but measureable
objectives are optional.
Does the plan:
 discuss how teachers will be trained
 discuss how students will learn about:
o Internet safety (and avoiding online predators and cyber-bullying)
o online privacy
 check CIPA compliance requirements for frequency of training and instruction?
Section 3h: Description of Policy and Practices that ensure Equitable Technology Access
for all Students.
*writing note- goals, objectives, and benchmarks may be stated but are not required.
Does the plan:
 focus on equitable (not equal) access
 consider all student populations (e.g., regular ed., special needs, GATE, EL,
Special Ed.,...)
 consider students who do not have access at home
 describe existing policies and practices
 describe how you will expand or enhance existing policies and practices so that
all students have access when they need it (i.e., action steps)
Section 3i: Technology to make Student Record Keeping and Assessment more Efficient
and Supportive of Teachers’ Efforts to meet Individual Student Academic Needs.
Does the plan include:
 assessment tools
 student record keeping
 a description of how the data drives instruction to meet student needs
Section 3j: Use of Technology to Improve Two-Way Communication between Home and
*writing note – newsletters and school/teacher websites and notification systems are NOT
examples of two-way communication. Parent portals, email, and voicemail are examples of twoway communication.
Does the plan:
 list:
o measurable goals
o measurable objectives
o annual benchmarks
 describe:
o action steps/implementation plan to specifically support the goals and
Section 3k: Describe the Process that will be used to Monitor the Curricular Component
(Section 3d-3j) Goals, Objectives, Benchmarks, and Planned Implementation Activities
including Roles and Responsibilities
*writing note- if you put this in table format with 3d-j, simply add a note in this section that
directs the reader to that area of the plan
Does the plan:
 specifically align monitoring to the activities in 3d-3j
 provide a short overview that ties those activities together
 describe who will do what and when (e.g., principals will review PLC minutes
Section 4: Professional Development
Section 4a: Summary of the Teachers’ and Administrators’ Current Technology
Proficiency and Integration Skills and Needs for Professional Development.
*writing note – since the EdTech profile is no longer supported, consider creating a survey. You
will really need to plan ahead to allow time for survey administration and analysis. Keep this
section succinct. You can organize by school or grade level area.
Does the plan:
 list current level of technology proficiency
 list current level of integration skills
 discuss teachers
 discuss administrators
 name instrument used to collect the data
 list needs for professional development
o based on assessment
o based on plan’s needs and curricular goals from 3d-3j?
Section 4b: Plan for Providing Professional Development Opportunities based on District
Needs Assessment Data (4a) and the Curriculum Component Objectives (Sections 3d - 3j)
of the Plan.
*writing note- this section is also well suited for a table format. This section should be well
aligned to the whole plan. All PD must be connected to technology goals (which in turn are
connected to curricular goals).
Does the plan:
 discuss staff development to specifically address technology goals and objectives
in sections 3d-j
 include ongoing professional development opportunities, e.g., not ‘one-shot’
 include annual PD for staff to support sections 3f and 3g (CIPA compliance)
 state measurable goals, objectives and benchmarks (in the same way you did for
technology in section 3)
 describe an implementation/action plan for addressing goals
 check for alignment between PD that will allow technology plan to be
implemented and address curricular goals?
Section 4c: Describe the Process that will be used to Monitor the Professional Development
(Section 4b) Goals, Objectives, Benchmarks, and Planned Implementation activities
including Roles and Responsibilities.
*writing note- if you put this in table format with 3d-j, simply add a note in this section that
directs the reader to that area of the plan
Does the plan:
 specifically align monitoring to the activities in 4a -4b
 provide a short overview that ties those activities together
 describe who will do what and when (e.g., principals will collect and review sign
in sheets and completion surveys)?
Section 5: Infrastructure, Hardware,
Technical Support, & Software
Section 5a: Describe the Existing Hardware, Internet access, Electronic Learning
Resources, and Technical Support already in the District that will be used to Support the
Curriculum and Professional Development Components (Sections 3 & 4) of the plan.
*writing note – this section can be organized into subsections (Existing hardware, Internet
access,…). Depending on the size of your district, you can use a table with rows as schools/grade
levels/curriculum area and columns as technology.
Does the plan:
 describe what is currently in place to support the curriculum and professional
development sections. List:
o hardware
o Internet access
o electronic learning resources
 describe tech support
 include E-Rate equipment, if part of that program?
Section 5b: Describe the Technology Hardware, Electronic Learning Resources,
Networking and Telecommunications Infrastructure, Physical Plant Modifications, and
Technical Support needed by the District’s Teachers, Students, and Administrators to
Support the Activities in the Curriculum and Professional Development components of the
Does the plan describe:
 what is needed to implement the curriculum and staff development goals and
objectives. For example:
o hardware
o electronic learning resources
o networking
o physical plan modifications
o technical support
 check for alignment to specific goals and objectives
 include E-Rate equipment, if part of that program?
Section 5c: List of Clear Annual Benchmarks and a Timeline for obtaining the hardware,
infrastructure, learning resources and technical support required to support the other plan
components identified in Section 5b.
*writing note – this can be a table format that also combines section 5d.
Does the plan:
 list benchmarks/action items (what will be acquired/repurposed by whom and
 check that the timeline is aligned to the overall implementation of the technology
 include all the equipment listed in 5b
 check for consistency between all sections?
Section 5d: Describe the Process that will be used to Monitor Section 5b and 5c including
Roles and Responsibilities.
Does the plan:
 reference any monitoring included in section 5c
 provide a short overview that ties those activities together
 describe the process in sufficient detail, including who will do what and when?
Section 6: Funding & Budget
Section 6a: List established and potential funding sources.
Does the plan:
 include established and potential funding sources such as
o general and categorical funds
o in-kind services
o donations
o current or future grants
o pending bond measures
o fundraising
 confirm all funding sources are currently available (if available for only part of
the plan, list dates)?
Section 6b: Estimate Annual Implementation Costs for the Term of the Plan.
*writing note- this section is well suited to a table. You may also choose to add a column for
funding source to the table.
Does the plan:
 include estimates for:
o each year of the plan
o salaries and benefits for:
 administration
 teachers
 substitutes
 stipends
 classified tech support
 all cost items in sections 3-5
 allow for inflation each year
 give sufficient detail for each cost category
 cost items add up
Section 6c: Description of the district’s Replacement Policy for Obsolete Equipment.
*writing note- ‘planning to plan’ and lack of description of actual policy does not meet the
Does the plan:
 describe in sufficient detail the formal policy or actual practice
 review Ca. Ed. Code SEC. 84670, Et. Al. to ensure you are meeting
Section 6d: Describe the process that will be used to Monitor Ed Tech Funding,
Implementation Costs and New Funding Opportunities and to Adjust Budgets as Necessary.
Does the plan describe:
 how you will monitor the budget
 the process for potential budget revisions
 who is responsible
 what data will be used and how often it will be collected
 how often monitoring activities will occur
 check for alignment with overall plan goals?
Section 7: Monitoring & Evaluation
Section 7a: Describe the Process for Evaluating the Plan’s Overall Progress and Impact on
Teaching and Learning.
*writing note- each section of the plan has had its unique monitoring and evaluation. This
section is more comprehensive and is to ensure that the plan is being implemented as designated
and technology is in fact helping the district to meet curricular goals.
Does the plan:
 describe the overall monitoring and evaluation process
 refer back to sections 3-6, without repeating all the details
 say how the impact on student learning and teaching will be evaluated?
Section 7b: Schedule for Evaluating the Effect of Plan Implementation.
Is the timeline:
 realistic
 compliant with E-Rate, e.g. supplemental forms, due dates
 some level of the review is more than yearly
 aligned to the implementation of the plan
 comprehensive - in that it includes:
o who is evaluating
o what tools are being used
o explicit description of review?
Section 7c: Describe the Process and Frequency of Communicating Evaluation Results to
Tech Plan Stakeholders.
Does the plan describe:
 how results will be shared with stakeholders (e.g., at board meetings,
 how often results will be shared (e.g., monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly,..)?
Section 8: Collaborative Strategies With Adult Literacy Providers
If the district has identified Adult Literacy Providers, describe how the Program will be
developed in Collaboration with them. (If no adult literacy providers are indicated,
describe the process used to identify adult literacy providers or potential future outreach
*writing note – adult literacy refers to those who cannot read as well as English Language
Does the plan describe:
 the existing programs or partnerships your District has in place for providing
Adult Literacy
 the process to identify potential Adult Literacy partners in future years, if none are
currently available?
Section 9: Effective Research- Based Methods & Strategies
Section 9a: Summarize the Relevant Research and Describe how it supports the Plan’s
Curricular and Professional Development Goals.
*writing note- organize the section into curriculum and PD sub-sections. An annotated
bibliography is a suitable format for this section.
Does the plan:
 cite research that specifically supports plan goals, objectives and activities (e.g.,
if your district is implementing a 1:1 program, you focused on 1:1 research)
 cite current quality research- no older than five years
 distinguish between research and opinion or practitioner literature
 explicitly connect research to plan goals by explaining in a narrative how each
article/study is relevant to your unique plan?
Section 9b: Describe the District’s Plans to use Technology to Extend or Supplement the
District’s Curriculum with Rigorous Academic Courses and Curricula, including DistanceLearning Technologies.
*writing note – the purpose of this section is to give you an opportunity to look to the future and
go beyond what the plan is already accomplishing.
Does the plan:
 look into the future -go beyond what is mentioned in the plan
 consider how your students who need it can receive extra instruction (e.g., AP
 consider strategies such as
o online and hybrid learning
o streaming video
o virtual field trips
o video conferences with experts
o distance learning (distinguish between hybrid, online and distance)
Sample Section 3d:
All students will use technology to support their mastery of District and state academic
Goal 3d.1 The District will promote student collaboration and communication through virtual
and/or blended learning environments provided by a learning management system (LMS).
Not part of plan. Reviewer
Objective 3.d.1.
Online/Blended Learning
Given access to the LMS, by June 2017, 50% of
HS students will be able to collaborate and
communicate with peers and teachers on academic
Annual Benchmarks
All high school students and teachers will have
access to LMS.
This is an appropriate benc
because it is directly related
needed to meet the objectiv
LMS analytics will show that 25% of all High
School students with LMS access will be
This is appropriate because
evidence of gradual progres
This is measurable because
will be able to determine if
students are or aren’t collab
communicating using the L
collaborating with teachers and other students on
classroom content.
LMS analytics will show that 50% of all high
school students with LMS access will be
collaborating with teachers and other students on
classroom content.
This is appropriate as it is e
gradual progress to meet th
how it is essentially restatin
Implementation Plan for Objective 3.d.x Online/Blended Learning
Position(s) Responsible
Time Line
Monitoring and Evaluation
Identify learning
management system,
asynchronous and
synchronous solutions that
provide statistics on student
learning and collaboration
Director of Technology,
Director of Ed Tech,
July 2014 –
August 2014
Meeting agendas and minu
Systems comparison docu
Technology Committee ag
notes on adoption
Identify high quality
online/blended courses
through CLRN and other
Director of Technology
September 2014 •
Meeting agendas and minu
Course comparison docum
Technology Committee ag
notes on course identificat
Technology/LMS selection
Technology Advisory
High School Department
Course Instructors
Principals, Director of
Secondary Services,
Director of Ed Tech.
Technology Advisory
August •
September 2014 •
Meeting minutes
Applications of interested
Train pilot group in best
practices for blended/ online
Principals, Director of
Secondary Services,
Director of Ed Tech,
Director of Technology
District TOSAs
OCDE Instructors
September 2014 •
Course attendee’s survey r
analyzed by Principals, Di
Secondary Services to infl
planning for future trainin
Pilot 5 online courses
Principals, Director of
Secondary Services,
Director of Ed Tech,
Director of Technology
October 2014 May 2015
Student course results ana
Services leadership and pr
before full implementation
Train additional instructors
Principals, Director of
Secondary Services,
Director of Ed Tech,
Director of Technology
District TOSAs
OCDE Instructors
November December 2014
Course attendee’s survey r
analyzed by principals and
Secondary Services for an
Train high school teachers on Director of Ed Tech,
LMS and Blended learning
Director of Technology
District TOSAs and
May – July
Course attendees survey re
analyzed by principals and
Secondary Services for an
High School teachers begin
Principals, Director of
online course implementation Secondary Services,
Director of Ed Tech,
Director of Technology
Department Chairs
August 2015,
The Director of Secondary
Principals and Department
analyze student achieveme
annually for any needed m
in courses.
Student online course surv
also be analyzed using LM
Results will be used for an
course improvement.