NORSOK R-002 ANNEX F Portable Units Svein Harald Hetland, MSc, Teknisk Kravsetter og Faglig leder løfteutstyr BP Norge AS Målet med presentasjonen: • Bli kjent med krav i NORSOK R-002 Annex F • Forstå hva som er årsaken til de høye sikkerhetsfaktorene som benyttes i offshore løfteoperasjoner. Crane accidents NORSOK R-002 Annex F • NORSOK R-003 pt. 8.2 Festeanordning på komponent som skal løfte egenvekt skal være beskrevet i produsentens bruksanvisning eller dokumentert på annen måte. (Gruppe F5.) Det kreves ikke sertifisering av sakkyndigvirksomhet (eller DNV) av innfestningspunkter (løfteører på gruppe F5) . Standardisering gir en lettere hverdag for oss alle. Group Description Table F.1 – Groups of portable units Subject to NORSOK R-003 or R-005 Annex H and E F1 Offshore containers DNV CN 2.7-1 EN 12079 Portable unit with a maximum gross mass not exceeding 25 000 kg, for repeated use in the transport of goods or equipment, handled in open seas, to, from or between fixed and/or floating installations and ships. Unit and lifting set F2 Offshore service containers Unit and lifting set DNV CN 2.7-2 Portable unit built and equipped for a special service task, mainly for temporary installation, e.g. are laboratories, workshops, stores, power plants, control stations.) F3 Offshore portable units DNV CN 2.7-3 Portable unit or package with a primary structure frame and maximum gross weight not exceeding 100 tonnes, for repeated or single use, as defined in DNV Standard for Certification No. 2.7-3 clause 1.1.5 Type A Unit and lifting set F4 Heavy lift units and units for subsea lifting DNV RMO Lifting GL Noble Denton Heavy lift units are portable units with a maximum gross weight equal to or exceeding 50 tonnes planned to be lifted as suspended load onshore or offshore. Units for subsea lifting are portable units intended for lifting through wave zone and lowering in deep water to landing on seabed. Lifting set only F5 Lifted objects NORSOK R-002 Annex F This group includes any loads not belonging to the other groups, which are not in themselves lifting equipment, but fitted with attachment points for lifting accessories for lifting onshore, internally on an offshore installation or between installation and vessel. Lifted objects also includes objects with detachable transport skid/cradle. Lifting set only Examples of lifted objects may be 1.machines, components or equipment with fixed or detachable dedicated lifting points, 2.modules or structures with lifting point for intended for lifting during installation, maintenance and decommissioning. Typical unit weights from 2 tonnes to 50 tonnes but may be used for lifts up to 100 tonnes. Annex F Protable Units DNV CN 2.7-3 Risiko for fasthuking i fartøy 1. Permanent struktur eller utstyr som blir installert som en ny del, flyttet/fjernet som del av modifikasjon eller fjerning 2. Objekter som ikke kan løftes i en lastbærer 3. Ofte usymmetriske løft 4. Hvis en transport krybbe er benyttet som support for utstyret, så kan denne være boltet fast eller låst fast. 5. Løfteørene kan plasseres delvis på krybben eller på utstyret som blir løftet 1. Generelle krav er at toppløkken skal være lett tilgjengelig for anhukeren uten å klatre på lasten. Maksimalt 1.3m fra dekk. 2. Store flyttbare enheter over 25t skal ha 2 separate topp-løkker som skal legges ned på dekk 1.5m i fra slik at en slipper å løfte på tunge kroker og forløpere. 3. Bruk statisk bestemte løfte arrangement. Dvs. 2-3 stropper og flere enn 4 bør unngås. 4. Arbeidsvinkelen fra vertikalen bør være mellom 15 grader og 45 grader. Hvis den er mindre enn 15 grader skal hele lasten bli vurdert til å bli tatt av kun en stropp alene. 5. Krok skal posisjoneres vertikalt over tyngdepunkt for å få et horisontalt stødig løft. 6. Relativt lik lengden på slings bør tilstrebes 7. Minimum diameter for wire skal være 13mm. 8. Minimum diameter for kjetting skal være 8mm. WLLR-002 = W * WCF WLL W WCF = Inneholder egenvekt og usikkerhet i veiecelle eller vektestimat = Vekten på løftet objekt (veiecelle eller estimat) = Usikkerhetsfaktor “Weight contingency factor” METHOD OF DETERMINING THE WEIGHT WCF COMMENT Weighing 1.03 Incl. weighing by platform crane with calibrated loadcell within ±3% accuracy. Detailed calculation, based on upto-date drawings 1.1 NOTE; possibility of significant weight development during construction and fabrication. Detailed calculation, based on less updated drawings/info ≥1.2 WCF to be assessed specifically. A factor of 1.5 or more should be considered for demolition lift. (DAF)Dynamiske tilleggskrefter= rykk og napp, eller lite elastisitet DAF Dynamisk faktor Dynamic Amplification Factor Shows typical DAF values for lifting between installations (fixed or floating) and supply vessel, involving a typical offshore crane. Feil tyngdepunkt, CoG Centre of Gravity, COG envelope factor WCOG For objekter hvor CoG er kjent eller objekter som er relativt symmetriske hvor en kan forutse CoG: WCOG = 1.0 For komplekse strukturer med ukjent CoG: WCOG = 1.1 SKL=Skew load factor • SKL= 1.0 for en, to og tre løfteører • SKL=1.25 for et firepunktsløft DF=Design Faktor : DF p = partial load factor c = Consequence factor = p · c p c DF (p · c) Lifting points including attachments to object Single critical elements supporting the lifting point 1.34 1.25 1.68 Lifting accessories (spreader bar, shackles, slings etc) 1.34 1.25 1.68 Main elements which are supporting the lift point 1.34 1.10 1.48 Other structural elements of the lifted object 1.34 1.0 1.34 ELEMENT CATEGORY Redundans og kritikalitet Material resistance factor Rm Check against Minimum Breaking Load (MBL): • • • • Wire rope slings: Chain slings: Shackle and rings (incl master links) Fibre slings Rm = 2,0 Rm = 1,8 Rm = 1,8 Rm = 2,8 Check against yield strength for structural steel. Ref. NORSOK N-004: • Lifting lugs and structural parts Rm = 1,15 • Bolts and welds Rm = 1,3 WIRE WS 6x36 IWRC MBL=160 t Rm = 2,0 Forhold mellom flyt og bruddspenning Materialfaktor for stål mot flyt: • 1.15 for stål målt mot flyt • 1,3 for sveis/bolt målt mot flyt. Rm = 1,15 Kjetting målt mot brudd: • 1.3*1.2+x=1.56 + x=1,8 for kjetting x=deformasjonsfaktor Fiber stropper (Polypropylen, PP) Rm = 2,8 Siging av plast og fiber End termination factor e Wire rope slings: Ferrule secure termination EN 13411-3 Spliced terminations EN 13411-2 e = 0,9 e = 0,8 Chain slings EN 818-2 Fibre slings spliced termination EN 1492-4 Fibre, Soft/webbing slings EN 1492-1 and -2 e = 1,0 e = 0,9 e = 1,0 • • Sikkerhetsfaktor inneholder: Load factors Resistance factor DF = (p · n) APPLICATION TO FIND W COG SKL DAF 1 Rm p n e X X X 1 e Rm = MBL 9% 20% = 100% Lifting accessories Sling design WLL 10% MBL WCOG 11% X SKL 12,5% Rm DAF 20% X X DF 17% X ”Sikkerhets”-faktor: APPLICATION TO FIND W COG SKL DAF p 1 p n Rm e Lifting accessories Sling design MBL X X X X X Shackle selection MBL X X X X X Master link/ Forerunner MBL X X X X X X X X Check of structural capacity during lifting Check of structure capacity Design Load X Padeye design Design Load X Table 1: Factors relevant for lifting design X X X X X X X X X X Sikkerhetsfaktor for wire, Portable Unit, F5, R-002 (10 tonn): • • SF = WCoG * SKL* DAF * DF * e * Rm = SF = 1.1 * 1.25 * 2 * 1.7 * 1.11 * 2 = 10 Løfteøre på portable unit F5 (10t) • • SF = WCoG * SKL* DAF * DF * Rm = SF = 1.1 * 1.25 * 2 * 1.7 * 1.15 = 5,4 SWL / WLL (største tillatte arb.last) SWL Arbeidsvinkel 30 grader Sikkerhetsfaktor 4.5 WLL Arbeidsvinkel 45 grader Sikkerhetsfaktor 4.0 Dokumentasjon og merking F.1.1 Testing and documentation of lifting sets Lifting sets shall be tested and accompanied by documentation in accordance with Annex C as required for groups R1, R2 or R3 as applicable. F.7.4 Marking of lifting sling sets Lifting sling sets shall be marked with the following information: Manufacturer’s identifying mark; Numbers and/or letters identifying the sling with the certificate required by Annex C; The working load limit (according to this standard); Any legal marking (e.g. CE-marking where Machinery Directive applies); “Offboard lift” Reference to a rigging design drawing with specified sling angles for the lift F. Lifting arrangement drawing A lifting arrangement in this context consists of the lifted load and its dedicated lifting set. A lifting arrangement drawing shall be prepared. The following information (not limited to) shall be stated on the lifting arrangement drawing: net/gross weight of lifted object; GA-drawing of the lifting arrangement, showing the geometry of the load, including location of centre of gravity, and the sling assembly; WLLR-002F5 for the complete lifting set. Note that this particular WLL shall not include DAF. Thus it will express the maximum allowed weight of lifted object; WLL and MBL for each individual component of the lifting arrangement; working angles (angle between vertical and sling leg); sling and shackle type specification; material specification; certificate requirements; operational limitations; sling lengths and fabrication tolerances; Reference to applicable standards. Offboard WLL......tonnes ID mark CoG Instruction for Lifting : (Acc. to NORSOK R-002 Annex F5 Type of lift: - Inboard or onshore only: ……………………YES/NO - Offshore lift, inboard and onshore lift: ..……YES/NO Gross Mass of lifted object all inclusive: WLL=W*WCF =……………………..………metric tonnes Dynamic Amplifying Factor used: DAF=……. Pre-use check list: Lifting set certification included: ……………… YES/NO Lifting set and lifting attachments acceptable: YES/NO Dropped object potential checked: …………… YES/NO Acceptable protection included ……………… YES/NO Entanglement risk (>1.5m distance to other load): YES/NO NORSOK R-002 Annex F PORTABLE UNITS SPØRSMÅL