Quad-Bus Series KVM Daisy-Chain Process

KVM | Quad-Bus Series
Quad-Bus Series | Daisy-Chain Process
All the Quad-Bus Series KVMs including Cat 5 and Expander
Ports are inter-connectable. There are essentially two rules for
Size doesn’t matter:
it is irrelevant if a 16-Port is a Slave to an 8-Port Master unit.
Two Heads are better than one:
A Dual-Console Unit must always be a Master to a SingleConsole Unit Slave.
As a default all Quad-Bus Series KVM Console Switches have their dip switches set so that they are ‘Master’
devices i.e. for a stand-alone configuration. Expander Ports generally have a Slave Configuration pre-set
9generally Slave 01). It is important to set the dip switches for devices wishing to be daisy-chained according to
the position that they will take in the daisy-chain. The dip switches are hidden behind the front panel. The Dip
Switch settings are shown below. Re-Power the device once the dip switches have been set
Once the dip switches have been set on each
device and the units re-powered then the LED
display on the front fascia of each KVM will
display its relevant ‘Bank’ number, that is to
say its position in the daisy-chain.
The exception to this (at this stage) is the ‘Master
Console’ which will continue to show the
‘Channel’ number as opposed to the ‘Bank’
If The daisy-chain units have their dip switches incorrectly set then this may affect the visibility of the units within
the daisy-chain configuration. In the example below because the slaves 02 and 03 have been incorrectly placed in
the chain, the daisy-chain skips from ’01’ to ’03’ and will then go on to look for ’04’ or higher – not a lower value
such as ’02’ so this unit is not seen.
Master ’00’ - Slave ’01’ - Slave ’03’ - Slave ’02’
Belkin Ltd Express Business Park Shipton Way Rushden England NN10 6GL | www.belkin.com
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KVM | Quad-Bus Series
Quad-Bus Series | Daisy-Chain Process
Once the dip switches have been set appropriately and verified,
the units can be connected by means of a Quad-Bus Series
Daisy-Chain Cable (F1D9402-XX). The Daisy-Chain cable is
available in lengths of up to 25 feet (7.5 metres)
This is a SCSI cable with multiple fine pins so care should be
taken when inserting the cable to avoid the pins being bent
as this may affect the performance of the daisy-chain.
The F1D9402-xx Daisy-Chain Cable should be connected from
the bottom (out) port of the Master Console Unit, to the top
a port of the fist Slave Unit. Once the cables are connected
correctly make sure that the thumbscrews are tightened.
Now that the dip switches are set and cables connected there is
only one thing left to do and that is to select the option for
daisy-chaining in the OSD of the Master Console.
This option is found when logged on as an Administrator only under ‘Setup’, ‘Options’, ‘Advanced’. Once the
tick box is selected a warning box will pop up alerting you to the fact that the KVM will be reset. Once the KVM
has reset the ‘Slave’ Banks will be visible and accessible via the OSD.
Troubleshooting |
Should the above steps be followed and the daisy-chained Slave Units still not display via the OSD then this can
only be down to one of the following factors;
• Check that the Daisy-Chain Cable has been inserted to the correct ports on each KVM (as shown above)
• Check that each Unit has the correct Dip-Switch setting as indicated in the settings table (Page 1)
• Check that the ‘Master’ Console OSD has been set to Daisy-Chain mode (as shown above)
If all these factors are correctly addressed and the problem persists then experience tells us that it can only be the
cabling at fault. Either the cables are not tight enough into the KVM sockets – a screwdriver can be used to tighten
the thumbscrews if needed – or at some point the fine PINS of the SCSI connector may have become bent
affecting the data transmission over the cable. If this is the case then technical Support should be contacted for
further advice.
Belkin Ltd Express Business Park Shipton Way Rushden England NN10 6GL | www.belkin.com
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