City of Lethbridge Recreation & Culture Outdoor, Community & Special Event Policy & Procedure Guide Purpose and Policy Statement............................................................................................. 4 Goals and Objectives .......................................................................................................... 4 Definitions........................................................................................................................... 4 Application Process ............................................................................................................ 6 Sites ................................................................................................................................. 6 Space Availability ........................................................................................................... 6 Event Restrictions ........................................................................................................... 6 Activity Restrictions ........................................................................................................ 6 Application Procedures for a Special Event ....................................................................... 7 Event Requirements ............................................................................................................ 9 Booking Priorities ............................................................................................................... 9 Fees & Charges ................................................................................................................. 10 Damages............................................................................................................................ 11 Garbage & Recycling/Site Clean-up/General Maintenance ............................................. 11 Regulatory Requirements.................................................................................................. 12 Bylaws ........................................................................................................................... 12 Summary of Noise bylaw Sheet 3-5270......................................................................... 12 Business Licensing ........................................................................................................ 12 Picketing on City Property............................................................................................ 13 Insurance Requirements................................................................................................ 13 Revenue Generation.......................................................................................................... 14 Admission Charges ....................................................................................................... 14 Registrations and Pledges............................................................................................. 15 Merchandise and Service Sales .................................................................................... 15 Events Sponsorship – Signage & On Site Promotion Policy............................................ 15 Alcohol Sales and Services............................................................................................... 16 Fireworks .......................................................................................................................... 16 Fire pits ............................................................................................................................. 16 Patio extension permits for special events ........................................................................ 16 Street Vendor By-law ....................................................................................................... 16 Food Specifications....................................................................................................... 26 Mobile Concessions ...................................................................................................... 26 Road Race Policy.............................................................................................................. 27 Vehicle Access.................................................................................................................. 30 Mapping Requirements..................................................................................................... 31 Block Parties Policy.......................................................................................................... 32 Weddings .......................................................................................................................... 32 General Information: .................................................................................................... 32 Conditions of Use: ........................................................................................................ 33 Marriage Commissioners.............................................................................................. 34 Equipment ......................................................................................................................... 34 City of Lethbridge Police.................................................................................................. 37 City of Lethbridge Fire Prevention ................................................................................... 37 Health & Safety Event Supervision .................................................................................. 37 Chinook Health Unit ......................................................................................................... 37 2 Alberta Liquor Control Board (AGLC) ............................................................................ 37 Municipal Funding Available (Grants)............................................................................. 38 How to Plan Accessible Outdoor Events .......................................................................... 38 Promoting Your Event ...................................................................................................... 40 Special Event Planning Checklist ..................................................................................... 41 Frequently Asked Questions ............................................................................................. 42 3 Purpose and Policy Statement Needs to be defined Goals and Objectives Needs to be defined Definitions Community Event Any event taking place on or in City of Lethbridge roadways or parklands. Each event must be registered and confirmed by the City of Lethbridge representative in compliance with the insurance requirements, business license requirements, parade permit requirements, and facility booking policies. Special Event A special event is a function having a unique, distinctive or unusual quality for a designated purpose or event. An example of a special event may be anything from a wedding to an air show. Outdoor Event An outdoor event is any event that happens in an outdoor setting. It could be either a special event or a community event. For example an air show would be both a special event as well as an outdoor event. Private Outdoor Event Any event that happens in a public place that is not open to public participation (eg. Wedding). Although they are a private function they may not block off public use of public land. Parkland Parkland is City of Lethbridge property which has been deemed parkland. This land is public which may be booked for public and private events (eg. Weddings) with the understanding that public has access. Open Space Any open space in the City, this includes parkland, boulevards, municipal resources, as well as the coulees or any other municipal open space. Roadways The City of Lethbridge roads (streets, alleys, public parking locations) are public property for use by motorists. If the roads are booked for another purpose that is approved by the City for a special event, then it is recognized and legitimate. 4 Car Show An event where cars of a specific nature are put on display for public viewing. The cars are to be parked at all times during the event. Eg. Antique cars, muscle cars (Street Machine Show ‘n Shine), etc. When parked on grassed areas plastic must be laid down under the cars to ensure fluids do not leak onto the ground. Ceremony A formal event to celebrate or solemnize something such as a wedding, an official opening, or an anniversary (eg. Remembrance Day). Cycling Events An event where bicycles are the main attraction. (eg. bike races) Demonstration/Rally A public show as a group to draw attention for or against an issue, cause, or person Festivals A program or series of performances or other cultural events, usually held at regular intervals, often in one place Outdoor Performances An outdoor event that involves a show, concert or performance as the main focus of the event. Outdoor Public Events All outdoor events open to the public that do not fall into a specific category. Parade/March An organized procession of people celebrating a special occasion and often including decorated vehicles or floats, a marching band, and people on horseback. A political demonstration or protest, in the form of an organized walk in procession by a group of people to a place in support of a particular cause. An organized procession of vehicles for a cause (eg. motorcycle parade) Runs/Walks An organized run, walk or race along City paths or roadways for competition or fundraising. Wedding Ceremony conducted in a public parkland space or formal photographs taken in public parkland space. 5 Application Process Sites For community events held in City parks, on roadways or in public open spaces, each event must be registered and confirmed by a City of Lethbridge representative in compliance with insurance coverage and other booking policies. Registered events take precedence over all unregistered activities. A number of city-owned and operated parks may be suitable for holding large scale events. Contact the City of Lethbridge Facility Booking Clerk at (403) 320-3011 to discuss sites that may be appropriate for your event. Space Availability The peak season for outdoor events is typically mid-May until mid-October. Space is typically available for programmed activity between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. to coincide with the Noise Bylaw definition of daytime. Requests for earlier or later times may be considered on a case by case basis. Only one event is allowed in any given space at the same time. Priority will be given to traditional events. Requests for exclusive use of parkland or to use parkland & change admission require approval by motion of council (e.g. Archery Championships 2006) Event Restrictions The City of Lethbridge places priority on requests for space for special events which are open to the public and which have a recreational, cultural, environmental or community wellness mandate. Private functions, commercial functions and/or events that are primarily religious or political in nature may be considered on a case by case basis. If approved, these events will be required to adhere to the contents of this document and may also have additional conditions placed on them. Activity Restrictions Applicants are to identify all activities they wish to include as part of their event in the application form. As the event develops and planned activities change, the applicant must keep their liaison informed of these changes. All activities of an event are subject to prior approval of the City of Lethbridge before the event. Each space may have amenities or be located within a community that makes it distinct from other spaces. These unique features, in part, determine what activities are appropriate or inappropriate. Activities that may be approved in one site may not be appropriate in another. In addition, condition of the space and availability of staff may be key factors in determining appropriateness of an activity. The activities will determine many of the conditions that will be put into place and which other regulating bodies need contacted. Most restrictions that will be put into place are to ensure public safety and preservation of the space setting. Activities not generally permitted include those which: ♦ May cause significant damage to the space or environment ♦ Are specifically prohibited by bylaw and/or law ♦ Are distinctly incompatible with natural open space ♦ Involve undue risk to individuals or the City of Lethbridge 6 Permits are required to reserve sites for use. A Special Event Application Form must be completed in full, to begin the processing of a request. Incomplete applications will take much longer to process than complete ones. Applications must be signed by an authorized representative. The application is to be submitted to Recreation, Parks & Culture, Facility Booking Clerk. Organizers are requested to provide enough detail in the application so that a decision can be made about the appropriateness of the venue for the event. The application will be reviewed and approved by the Recreation, Parks & Culture and may also require review and approval by other City business units depending upon the event requests. The Facility Booking Clerk will be responsible for booking the event and will be the person through whom all additional requests, approvals, permissions and requirements will be communicated. The applicant is required to keep the Facility Booking Clerk informed of any changes as the event develops. Although initial approval for an event may be given, additional details may be required about program activities, production schedule, site layout, food and merchandise sales, vehicle access/use and public health and safety services. Organizers may also be asked to supply documentation as proof of licensing, insurance, indemnification and other legal requirements. It is important to note that although an event may receive approval to proceed with planning the event, final release of the permit will be withheld until all conditions have been met. Because it may take several days to ensure that the conditions have been properly met, proof of conditions should be submitted at least 21 days before the set up of the event. It is important to note that ability of a group to follow the guidelines contained in this document will be a factor in the approval of any future event requests by the group. Event evaluation may be collected and reviewed when processing future requests. Initial approval of a request may be rescinded if park/pathway maintenance or development issues come up between the date of application and the date of an event. Every effort will be made to limit the number of these types of cancellations. Application Procedures for a Special Event Permits will be issued for all approved events. Depending on the activities being undertaken, further permits, permissions or agreements may be required and will be identified as conditions when groups are notified that their booking has been approved. Generally, special events will require more than a simple permit and may be subject to additional or legal agreements or contracts. The approval process and terms and conditions of any permit or agreement, are guided by the information contained in this document, the current bylaws and laws. The history of 7 the event, the current condition or the park, pathway or space being used and public safety issues will influence approval conditions. A permit will be issued once the City feels confident that all established conditions have been or will be met and payment has been received. Some conditions may require submission of proof that they have been met before a permit will be released (i.e. copies of insurance certificates, site/race maps). Other conditions can only be observed on site during the event. Comments may be printed on the park permit to serve as a reminder of conditions imposed. It is important to remember that users are not limited to these conditions, and the rules contained in this document governed by law are still in effect. All requirements must be met and documents required submitted at least 14 days prior to the event. Organizers must carry the permit at the event and present it upon request. APPLICATION FORM 8 Event Requirements It is the responsibility of the event organizer to identify any on –site set up of structures, such as tents or booths, four (4) weeks in advance so that “First Call: can be contacted for buried service locations. Whether or not “First Aid Stations or Personnel” are required should also be ascertained early on in the planning process so that your organization can make arrangements with St. John Ambulance or other such service providers. Equipment and services to support special events are available, for a fee, from Recreation, Parks & Culture. These services are not guaranteed to be available at all times and should be requested as soon as possible after the event application has been approved. Contact the Facility Booking Clerk at (403) 320-3011 for equipment availability and fee structure. Although resources may be obtained from suppliers other than The City, The City reserves the right to approve the equipment being used and the technicians who are operating such equipment. If services or equipment from other supplies is deemed inappropriate or unsafe or in conflict with current City contracts, an event may be required to utilize the services of The City or a supplier approved by them. Booking Priorities Traditional booking dates of special events are generally respected from year to year, however; notice of intention to renew must be received in a timely fashion. The dates for renewal applications are as follows: ♦ November 1, of the previous year for all events happening in the upcoming year ♦ March 1, late application deadline for all events happening in that year ♦ One Month Prior to Event – Minimum time required (additional fees may apply) Renewal applications will be reviewed and groups will be advised of the status of applications within one month of the above submission deadlines. Applications for new events will be reviewed after these dates. Late renewal applications (submitted after these dates) will be considered with all other new applications. Additional applications will be reviewed as they are received. Although renewal applications for annual events are generally approved, the ability of a group to follow the guidelines contained in this document will be a factor in decisions to approve an event renewal application or to establish specific permit conditions. Priority of Allocating Space 1st Priority - City of Lethbridge, events 2nd Priority – Traditional annual events requesting same dates/locations 9 3rd Priority – Non profit organizations whose event is primarily of interest to the general public 4th Priority – non profit or private group whose event is of primary interest to the organizations Community multiple events – will be determined by the market. Special event approval process will assist in coordinate to meet all needs as best as possible. Fees & Charges Statement: Subsidize provision of equipment frequently used by not for profit event organizers that can be easily maintained and generally available from commercial or other rental sources Specialized equipment will not be purchases and maintained by the City of Lethbridge as they become obsolete & are not used by the majority of events Equipment provided by the community (tent rental, chair rental businesses) will not be purchased and maintained by the City of Lethbridge (will be market driven) Manpower will be charged at actual costs (work order) Equipment Rental/Service Access Charges apply for rental of Show Mobile (portable stage), Community Events Van, Bleachers, Race Equipment, Tables and Chairs, Extra Portable Washrooms. Charges apply for access to electricity, PA access (at Galt Gardens) and any other special services that may be requested. Set Up Support Services The number of City Staff man hours used to assist in the event set up/Take down will be charged directly to the organizing group. Charges will include truck rentals (if required) and overtime charges (if required) to support the event. Facility Rentals Regular facility rental fees (if applicable) will be charged for special events. Permit Fees Will be charged for all private events and all events providing less than one (1) month notice from the date application is received. Late Insurance/Site or Route Mapping Verification Fees Fees will be charged for all events providing less than two (2) weeks verification prior to event. Mapping Organizations will be charged for mapping services when applicable. City of Lethbridge mapping services are available by contacting Rick Andrews at or (403) 320-3028. 10 Maintenance or Repair The City may need to take action to correct an immediate concern of public safety. If action is made necessary solely because of the event, costs may be charged to the organizer. If an event organizer requests maintenance or repairs not normally provided or scheduled for the site, charges may be assessed for the support provided. Damages Damage caused as a result of negligence or misconduct is the responsibility of the organizer, whether caused directly by the organizer, any associated third party or the general public in attendance. City of Lethbridge staff base damage assessment upon a review of the site immediately before set up and as soon as possible after the take down of the event. The organizer should participate in these site inspections. When parks are used during the off season, some damage may not be assessable until a later date (i.e. damage to irrigation systems over winter). The costs to repair/replace the damage will be invoiced directly to the organizer upon completion of the repairs/replacement. Failure to pay an invoice will jeopardize future booking requests. Garbage & Recycling/Site Clean-up/General Maintenance Clean up of the site by the organizer during and after an event is mandatory. The City expects the site to be left in the condition it was first provided. There will be charges for staff time and supplies required to return the park to its pre-event state if not done by the organizer. On-site garbage cans are provided for use by the general public. Additional garbage bags and cans may be requested and may be included with the park site rental fee. Any unused garbage bags are to be returned to Parks staff. In locations where parks staff are assigned to a site, garbage collection assistance MAY be provided and will be included as part of the park site rental fee. In locations where staff are not stationed within the park, this service may be provided at an additional cost to the organizer. All support beyond on site garbage cans must be requested and confirmed well before the event. The City will provide all normal maintenance services to its current routine standards including but not restricted to grass cutting, snow and ice clearing and any regular housekeeping/janitorial supplies and services at the event location before and during the event. Any additional maintenance required by the organizer prior to or during the event, shall be at the sole cost and responsibility of the organizer. The organizer shall supply recycling containers for beverage cans and bottles. Recycling containers will be labeled with the words “Recycle” or “Cans & Bottles” and will have the Mobius Loop on the label or container to signify that it is a recycling container. 11 Regulatory Requirements All events in City space must be in accordance with City by-laws. For more information please contact Regulatory Services at (403) 320-3074 or online at Bylaws Noise Bylaw is in effect from 10:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m. the following day (weekdays) and 10:00 p.m. until 9:00 a.m. the following day (weekends). Summary of Noise bylaw Sheet 3-5270 3.(1) Except to the extent allowed under this bylaw, no person shall make, continue to make or cause or allow to be made or continued any loud, unnecessary or unusual noise or any noise which annoys, disturbs, injures, endangers, or detracts from the comfort, repose, health, peace or safety of other persons within the limits of the City. (2) What constitutes a loud noise, an unnecessary noise, an unusual noise or a noise which annoys, disturbs, injuries, or endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace or safety of others is a question of fact to be determined by the Court which hears the prosecution of an offence against this bylaw. (3) Where an activity which is not specifically prohibited or restricted by any legislation of Canada or the Province of Alberta or by this bylaw involves making a sound which: (a) is or may be or may become; or (b) creates or produces or may create or produce; a disturbance or annoyance to other people or a danger to the comfort, repose, health, peace or safety of others, a person engaged in that activity shall do so in a manner creating as little as practicable under the circumstances. Business Licensing Any business, trade, profession, industry, occupation, employment, calling or anyone providing goods or service in the City of Lethbridge is required to hold a valid City of Lethbridge Business License. Licenses are required for Farmers’ and Flea Markets, Craft Sales or Trade Shows, Transient and Temporary Shows and Sales, and Corn, Fruit and Fish Trucks. For information about Business Licenses and fees please call (403) 320-3831. 12 Picketing on City Property No permit is required for picketing, although all bylaws apply. There can be no obstructions made; there must be free use and access of sidewalks. Insurance Requirements Required Insurance Certificate must be provided at least two (2) weeks in advance of the date of the event. Late verification of insurance will be levied a service charge. Comprehensive General Liability (including participants coverage) is required, for personal injury, including bodily injury and/or death sustained by any person or persons and damage to the property of others, for a limit of not less than Two Million ($2,000,000.00) Dollars per occurrence. The City of Lethbridge must be additionally named and included in a “Cross Liability Clause”. Please see the Certificate of Insurance form. INSURANCE FORM 13 Revenue Generation All revenue generating activities associated with special events must: - focus on event participants (e.g. race entry fees) & not the general public - focus on the organizations participating in the event & benefiting from the attraction of event participants or general public (e.g. food vendors, promotions) - be ancillary to a larger event Revenue generation activities are subject to any applicable government regulations (e.g. licensing requirements, gaming legislation, etc) Rationale: Event organizers may be given permission to generate revenues to off set organizational costs and/or raise funds for charities. To preserve the non commercial nature of parks, the revenue generating activities must focus only on event participants and not the general public. Commercial activities which are not apart of a larger event and/or are not within the site mandate are generally not approved. Participating organizations that benefit (sales revenue, fund raising, awareness, promotional) should share in the organization costs associated with the event and contribute to the long term sustainability of the event Admission Charges Event organizers may receive permission to earn revenue on site through admission fees, sales of event merchandise, charitable fundraising, and sales or food and beverages. This is intended to enable the organizer to enhance the range of public programs and services at the event. These permissions are normally limited to events coordinated by not for profit organizations. Requests to conduct activities that are primarily commercial in nature, are not part of a larger special event and/or do not have a recreational, cultural, environmental or community wellness mandate are discouraged but may be considered on a case by case basis. Recreation, Parks & Culture will be involved in reviewing and approving these requests. Revenue sources such as corporate sponsorship and public funding are generally not a concern of The City unless they impact the site or reflect on the image of The City or of site sponsors. Events with tobacco or alcohol sponsorship are subject to additional restrictions. Event organizers may be allowed to charge admission for the event by obtaining permission from Council. Permission to charge admission will be noted on the conditions of the permit. The organizer must physically enclose the area and post signage that details the closures and admission fees. 14 Registrations and Pledges The City has no interest in the participant registration or pledge revenues generated by runs/walks and tournaments as these funds are committed off-site. Merchandise and Service Sales Sales of merchandise and services are permitted only as a portion of a larger event. Merchandise and services must be related to the event and compatible with a public park. A list of vendors and items to be sold must be submitted by the organizer for review before the park permit is issued. The type and /or number of vendors will influence the specific conditions that are applied by The City. On site sales are required to have the appropriate business licenses. Depending on the situation, individual merchandisers may be required to have their own individual business licenses. Where the event has multiple merchandisers, the organizer may obtain a Market License to eliminate the need for each vendor to obtain a business license. In addition, the event organizer must ensure that all requirements related to the Chinook Health Region inspections, relevant bylaws and conditions listed in the contract are met; both by services operated directly and those provided by third parties. Events Sponsorship – Signage & On Site Promotion Policy Sponsorship Signage - sponsorship signs are limited to the event area and must be directed at event participants only - signs should be discreet and kept to a minimal level - sponsorship signs must be approved by staff prior to installation On Site Promotions - sampling of sponsors product & product displays are permitted with approval of the organizer & within the special event approval process - passive distribution of written material at a booth may be permitted with organizer approval & with in the special event approval process (garbage pickup implications) Sale of Goods & Services – Permitted Items - Items with the events name & logo - Items or services which support the theme of the event (e.g. light sticks for night events, kite making, etc.) - Festivals: expanded artistic products including art & crafts, musical recording etc. 15 Alcohol Sales and Services Sales and service of alcoholic beverages may be permitted only as a component of a larger event. Approval will depend on factors such as park site and type of event. Such requests may require additional review by the Recreation, Parks & Culture. If general approval is granted, an application to the Alberta Gaming and Liquor board is necessary and a permit granted from them. Fireworks A permit is required from Fire Prevention for all Fireworks within City limits; please refer them to 320-3800 to get the rules and regulations. Fire pits In public parkland where a fire pit is not provided a permit is required from Fire Prevention, please refer them to 320-3800 to get the rules and regulations. Patio extension permits for special events Development Services will handle (if necessary) all permits for this type of function. Street Vendor By-law Nick Armstrong handles these permits and inquiries. CONSOLIDATION OF A BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF LETHBRIDGE TO REGULATE USE OF STREETS WITHIN THE CITY OF LETHBRIDGE AND TO RESTRICT AND REGULATE ACTIVITY ON, ADJACENT, OR NEXT TO STREETS WITHIN THE CITY OF LETHBRIDGE **************************************** NOW THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LETHBRIDGE, DULY ASSEMBLED, HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: B/L 3446 1. This By-law shall be known as the "Streets By-law".5/29/78 DEFINITIONS 2. In this By-law unless the context otherwise requires: (a) "Bicycle" means any cycle propelled by human power upon which a person may ride, regardless of the number of wheels it may have; (b) "Boulevard" means that portion of street between the curb lines or lateral lines of a roadway, and the adjoining property lines, exclusive of the sidewalk; also that portion of a street between the curb lines or lateral lines of a divided roadway; (c) "City" means the Corporation of the City of Lethbridge or the area contained within the corporate boundaries of the City, as the context requires; (d) "City Manager" means the City Manager of the City of Lethbridge; (e) "Curb" means the actual curb, if there be one, and if there be no curb in existence shall mean the division of a highway between that part 16 (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) thereof intended for the use of vehicles and that part thereof intended for the use of pedestrians; B/L 4671 (e).1 "Highway" means any thoroughfare, street, road, trail, 10/24/94 avenue, parkway, driveway, viaduct, lane, alley, square, bridge, causeway, trestleway or other place, whether publicly or privately owned, any part of which the public is ordinarily entitled or permitted to use for the passage or parking of vehicles. "Hoarding" means a screen of boards enclosing a construction and material while builders are at work; "Peace Officer" means a member of the Police Force of the City of Lethbridge or a By-law Enforcement Officer of the City of Lethbridge; "Pedestrian" means a person afoot or a person in a wheelchair; "Roadway" shall include that portion of the street intended for vehicular traffic within the City; "Sidewalk" means that part of a highway primarily intended for the use of pedestrians and includes the part lying between the curb line or edge of the roadway and the adjacent property line, whether or not paved or improved; "Street" shall include every road, roadway, avenue, lane boulevard, sidewalk, thoroughfare, bridge and highway within the City; B/L 4671 (l) "Vehicle" means a device, in, upon or by which a person or 10/24/94 thing may be transported or drawn upon a street, but shall not include bicycles, which are dealt with in By-law No. 3515 and amendments thereto. PEDESTRIANS 3. No person shall crowd or jostle pedestrians on the street or sidewalk so as to create discomfort, disturbance or confusion. SIDEWALKS 4. No person shall lead or ride any horse, or drive any vehicle, on or along anysidewalk in the City. VEHICLES 5. No person shall allow any vehicle with lugs, flanges or tracks WITH LUGS, to pass over or along any crossing or culvert situated on any TRACKS street within the City until the person in charge thereof shall have laid down planking to be at least 4 metres in length and 8 centimetres in thickness and of sufficient width to completely protect the surface of any such crossing or culvert from contact with the wheels of such vehicle. DRAGGING 6. Except by permission in writing granted and signed by the City OBJECTS Manager no person shall allow any conveyance or vehicle or part of a conveyance or vehicle, or any object, article, matter or thing whatsoever to be dragged, hauled, propelled, driven or moved in any manner along, upon or over any street in the City unless mounted and moved on wheels, or loaded and carried on a wheeled vehicle. CROSSING 7. (1) The owner of any premises who wishes to afford access PERMIT thereto and/or egress therefrom across any sidewalk, boulevard, drain, watercourse, or gutter shall apply to the City Engineer for a Crossing Permit and the City Engineer may arrange for construction. (2) No such permit shall be granted excepting under the following circumstances, and subject to the following terms and conditions namely: 17 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) In a residential district the width of a crossing or bridge shall not exceed 4 metres for a single entrance or exit or 7 metres for a double entrance or exit. No crossing or bridge shall be located on any street or avenue within 8 metres of the prolongation of the lateral curb lines or the exterior edges of the roadways measured along the property line of the premises of which the crossing or bridge is furnished. The applicant shall agree and if the permit is granted shall be bound: (i) To pay all costs of construction, maintenance, repair, operation and replacement, (ii) To indemnify the City in respect of any and all damages and costs occasioned directly, indirectly, or incidentally by reason or the existence, maintenance, repair, operation or use of the said crossing or bridge, (iii) To keep the crossing or bridge clear and free from snow, ice, slush or dirt, (iv) To have the City construct the crossing or bridge at the applicant's expense. That the City Council shall have the right at any time to revoke the permit and remove the crossing or bridge. That all covenants and conditions shall constitute covenants running with the land benefited or served by the said crossing or bridge, and shall ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the applicant. SIDEWALKS 8. (1) Every concrete or paved walk leading from the curb or curb line AND across a boulevard to a City sidewalk, or leading from the inside DRIVEWAYS edge of a City sidewalk to any premises, and every driveway leadingfrom the curb or curb line across a City sidewalk to any premises, shall be laid level with the City sidewalk and no retaining wall shall be placed closer that 70 centimetres to any City sidewalk. (2) No person shall lay down or construct any retaining wall or any concrete or paved walk of the kind mentioned in subsection (1) of this Section without first having obtained from the City Engineer approval so to do, and no person shall lay down or construct any driveway of the kind mentioned in subsection (1) of this Section unless and until the provisions of Section 7 of this By-law have been complied with. IMMOBILE 9. No person shall place or suffer to stand upon any street within the City, VEHICLE any vehicle which has not attached thereto or is otherwise supplied with means of locomotion for hauling or propelling the same without delay. GOODS FOR 10. Subject to the provisions of Section 12 no person shall place any goods SALE wares or merchandise or other articles of any kind, other than signs as B/L 4391 permitted under the Signs Regulations of the City, upon any street or 11/6/90 sidewalk or hang or expose any goods or merchandise or other articles 18 outside any shop, warehouse or other building which shall project over any portion of the sidewalk or street more than 30 centimetres from the line or front of such person's house, shop or warehouse or do any act or thing which may in any way obstruct the free use of the street or sidewalk, but the provisions of this Section shall not be construed to interfere with the use of a portion of such street or sidewalk for a reasonable time during the taking in or delivery of goods, wares or merchandise. OBSTRUCTING11. No person shall stand in groups or sit or lounge upon chairs, STREET OR benches, or other things on any street or sidewalk in the City SIDEWALK so as to obstruct the free use of the said street or sidewalk by pedestrians. SELLING ON 12. (1) No person shall by any means sell anything whatsoever STREET OR upon any of the streets or sidewalks of the City unless SIDEWALK a permit has been granted by the City Engineer. B/L 4391 11/6/90 (2) The City Engineer may, in his discretion, issue a permit, refuse 11/6/90 to issue a permit or issue a permit upon such conditions as he deems appropriate. (3) Without restricting the generality of subsection (2) all permits 11/6/90 issued shall be subject to the following conditions: (a) That the permit is terminable upon 48 hours notice in writing or immediately upon breach of any condition by the applicant. (b) That the applicant shall maintain a minimum clearance of 1.82 meters (6 feet) of sidewalk for pedestrian movement. Sheet 6 – 3446 6/1/78 (c) No applicant may obtain a permit for an area larger than the front footage of the parcel of land adjacent to the sidewalk. (d) The applicant shall pay to the City a fee of $2.00 per day. ADVERTISING 13. No person shall advertise the sale of any article, matter or thing by the blowing of any horn, crying, hallooing or creating any other discordant noise in any of the streets in the City. DIGGING 14. (a) (i) No person shall break, tear up, or remove any UP STREET OR planking, pavement, sidewalk, curbing, gravel, or EXCAVATING other road surface or make an excavation in or under any street or sidewalk or public place in the City without first having obtained a permit from the City Engineer to do so. (ii) No person other than an employee of the City, properly authorized in that behalf, shall dig or remove any earth or other material from any street, nor shall any person deposit or place any earth or other material upon any street, except in accordance with the terms of a permission in writing issued to such persons for such purpose by the City Engineer. (iii) A permit shall become invalid if the work permitted in the permit is not commenced within seventy-two hours of its issuance. (b) Before commencing any excavation, the person shall obtain the field location of all underground facilities including those of, but not limited to the following, namely: 19 (c) (d) (e) (f) (i) City of Lethbridge Engineer Department (ii) City of Lethbridge Electric Department (iii) City of Lethbridge Community Services Department (iv) Canadian Western Natural Gas Company Ltd. (v) Alberta Government Telephones (vi) Lethbridge Cablevision The applicant for the permit shall carry out all work in respect to the excavation in accordance with current adopted City of Lethbridge engineering practice, including, but not limited to: (i) The excavating work (ii) The placing of the permit holders' work within the excavation (iii) The backfilling, compaction and restoration of the site, and (iv) Asphalt patching and concrete surfacing. The work shall, in every particular, be under and subject to the control of the City Engineer, and all orders, directions and instructions at any time given by the City Engineer with respect thereto, or respecting the conduct thereof, shall be obeyed by the permit holder and promptly and efficiently performed and complied with to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The works performed and completed shall be at the risk of the permit holder and it shall be a condition of the permit that he shall bear all loss or damage whatsoever from whatsoever cause arising, excepting either acts of third parties or acts of God, which may occur to the works, and if any such loss or damage occurs, the permit holder shall immediately, at his expense repair, restore and re-execute the work so damaged, so that the whole works, or the respective portions thereof shall be completed properly. The permit holder and all persons employed by him or under his control, and all employees of his sub-contractors (if any) shall use due care that no person or property is injured, and that no rights are infringed in the prosecution of the work. The permit holder shall solely be responsible for all claims, in respect of any injury to persons or to lands, or property of whatever description DIGGING UP and in respect of any infringement of any right, privilege STREET OR or easement occasioned in carrying on of the works, or any EXCAVATING (CONT'D) part thereof or by any neglect on the permit holder's part or on the part of any of his employees or any of his sub-contractors. The permit holder shall at his own expense make such temporary provisions as may be necessary to ensure the avoidance of any such damage, injury or infringement, and to prevent the interruption of, or danger or menace to, the traffic or any public or private road, and to secure to all persons the uninterrupted enjoyment of all their rights, in and during the performance of the said works. The permit holder shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Lethbridge and the employees of the City of Lethbridge from and against all claims and demands, loss, costs, damages, actions, suits or other proceedings by whomsoever made, brought or prosecuted in any manner based upon, occasioned by or attributed to any such damages, injury or infringement, and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the permit holder shall be responsible for all damages caused as a result of the said work, during construction and after. (g) The permit holder shall make suitable prior provisions with the City Engineer to accommodate all traffic, whether pedestrian or vehicular, 20 (h) (i) (j) over or around any part of the roadway upon which work is being performed, and shall at his own expense maintain such signs, barriers, fences, lights and flagmen as may be required for this purpose. If required by the City Engineer, a responsible flagman shall be maintained continuously on this work for the direction and control of traffic when construction operations or work zone conditions cause interruption and delay to traffic or hazard to traffic. (i) Where the highway is closed and traffic diverted entirely off the right-of-way, the permit holder shall, at his own expense, provide and maintain such signs, barriers, lights and flagmen as may be necessary to direct the traveling public, which shall include signs and lights at every intersecting road over the entire length of the detour and over such part or parts of the detour as the circumstance may reasonably require and shall indicate by signs at both ends of the detour, the length of such detour. The permit holder shall promptly change or remove such signs, barriers, lights and flagmen as the work proceeds or is completed. (ii) All signs, barriers, and lights shall be constructed, installed and maintained in accordance with the City of Lethbridge standards and specifications. The permit holder shall notify the City Engineer immediately upon completion of the work permitted in the permit. Upon the completion of the work to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, the permit holder shall provide the City of Lethbridge with "as built" drawings, showing the exact location and construction of the works. B/L 3518 15. (1) No person shall construct or place any permanent 4/2/79 encroachment or obstruction of any kind, in, upon, under, TEMPORARY or overhanging any of the streets, lanes, or public ENCROACHMENTS ON places in the City of Lethbridge, unless authority has PUBLIC been granted pursuant to an Encroachment Agreement with RIGHT-OF-WAYS the City. (2) No person shall use or occupy any portion of a street, lane, or other public place for the placing thereon any building material, tools, machinery, hoarding or construction device of whatever nature unless a permit allowing same has been issued pursuant to subsection (4). (3) No person shall construct from a building or other structure, a temporary projection which extends over any portion of a street, lane or other public place, unless a permit allowing the same has been issued pursuant to subsection (4) below. (4) All applications for permits pursuant to subsections (2) or (3) shall be made to the City Engineer. The City Engineer may, in his discretion, issue a permit, refuse to issue a permit or issue a permit upon such conditions as he deems appropriate. (5) Without restricting the generality of subsection (4) all permits issued shall be subject to the following conditions: (a) That the permit is terminable upon 30 days notice in writing or 21 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) immediately upon the breach of any condition by the applicant. TEMPORARY (b) That the applicant shall indemnify the City in full ENCROACHMENTS for any damage whatsoever sustained by reason of the ON PUBLIC issuance of this permit, and shall provide the City RIGHT-OF-WAY with such public liability insurance or other security as the City may require. (c) That the applicant provide for: (i) convenient pedestrian movement; (ii) protection for pedestrians from any overhead projectiles; (d) That the applicant shall be responsible for the restoration of the street, lane or other public place to the condition it was in before his work commenced. A person who obtains a permit for the temporary use and occupation of streets, lanes or other public places pursuant to the provisions of this section shall pay to the City a monthly rate of: (a) ONE ($1.00) DOLLAR for each lineal foot or fraction thereof of right-of-way between the property line and curb or edge of roadway occupied by the operation; (b) TWENTY-FIVE (254) CENTS per square foot or fraction thereof of traffic lane on the roadway of a street so used, up to a maximum of 8 feet measured horizontally at right angles to the curb; (c) ONE ($1.00) DOLLAR per square foot or fraction thereof for any portion of a street so occupied which exceeds eight feet measured horizontally at right angles to the curb; (d) TWENTY-FIVE (254) CENTS per square foot or fraction thereof of laneway so used up to a maximum of five feet measured horizontally at right angles to the property line; (e) ONE ($1.00) DOLLAR per square foot or fraction thereof for any portion of a laneway so used which exceeds five feet measured horizontally at right angles to the property line. No owner or occupant of any premises shall allow any gate of such premises to swing or project over any street, lane or public place in the City Where a person obtains a permit to park, leave, stand or station a mobile crane or other mobile construction machine on a portion of a street or sidewalk which is not included in the area for which he is paying a fee pursuant to this section, he shall pay a daily charge or fee of $5.00 for each mobile crane or machine stationed thereon. Where a person wishes to unload cement, concrete in any form, structural or reinforcing steel, lumber, plaster, wood or any other building material whether similar or dissimilar from a street to be used in connection with a building operation, he shall obtain a permit in writing from the City Engineer and shall comply with all of the provisions and conditions of the permit but subject to subsection (10) of this Section, there shall not be any fee payable in connection with the issue of the permit. Where in connection with the use of a part of a sidewalk or the roadway of the street, the City considers it is necessary or desirable to hood or remove a parking meter so that it may not be used, the person in charge of the building operation in respect of which the meter is or meters are required to be hooded or removed shall pay for each inactivated parking meter: 22 (11) B/L 4671 (a) A fee of $10.00 for the first day and $3.20 per day 10/24/94 thereafter; (b) In addition to the fees payable pursuant to this section, the Permitee shall also pay to the City the entire cost and expense which the City incurs in moving and replacing any structure of any nature situated on the street or sidewalk at the time the building operation commenced and which it was necessary to remove to allow the use of a portion of the street or sidewalk for the building operation. Any person placing or causing any obstruction to be placed in or upon any street, lane or public place contrary to the provisions of this by-law shall remove or cause the removal of such obstruction within twenty-four hours after being notified so to do by the City Engineer. After the expiration of the said twenty-four hours, the City Engineer may remove or cause the removal of such obstruction, and such removal shall be at the expense of the said person causing or placing such obstruction on any street, lane or public place. PENALTY 16. Any person violating any of the provisions of Section 15 shall FOR be liable on summary conviction before a Provincial Judge in VIOLATION the City of Lethbridge to a penalty of $100.00 exclusive of costs, or in the case of the non-payment of fine and costs, to imprisonment for any period of time not exceeding 60 days. BARRICADES 17. A City of Lethbridge Certified Work Site Safety Supervisor or AND Peace Officer in any case where any of them deems it necessary SAFEGUARDS or advisable so to do may authorize the placing or setting up of B/L 4671 barricades and other safeguards including warning lights, 10/24/94 reflectors, signs and other safety devices on, in, about, along or across any street, within the City or on, in, about, along or BARRICADES across any part of any such street, and no person not authorized AND SAFEGUARDS so to do either by the Certified Work Site Safety Supervisor or Peace Officer shall remove, displace, tear down, overthrow, injure, damage or interfere in any way with any such barricade or safeguard placed or set up as aforesaid. DEFACING 18. No person shall deface or disfigure any building, wall, fence, railing, sign, OR monument, post, telegraph, telephone, electric light pole or other DISFIGURING property in the said City by cutting, breaking, daubing with paint or other substance, bill posting or in any way injure or deface the same. BARBED 19. The use of barbed wire on any fence or construction or erection WIRE abutting on any street within the City is hereby prohibited and any person erecting any fence or other construction of any kind whatsoever on which barbed wire is used and any person suffering any barbed wire to remain on any fence or other construction or erection now constructed or erected contrary to this Section shall be guilty of an infraction of this By-law. 20. Provided, however, that the provisions of the immediately preceding section shall not apply to lands lawfully used for the keeping of livestock not adjacent to any developed residential area nor to security fencing where the barbed wire portion or portions of such security fencing is not less than two 23 metres above the ground level. TACKS, NAILS, GLASS 21. No person shall deposit or leave or allow to fall upon any street in the City any tacks, nails, glass or other sharp or pointed material liable to injure the tires of any vehicle or the feet of any person passing on the said streets. INDECENT 22. No person shall post or put up any indecent placard, writing PLACARDS, or picture or write any indecent words or make any indecent DRAWINGS picture or drawing on any public or private building, wall, fence, sign, monument, post, sidewalk or pavement in any of the streets, parks or other public places of the City. STONES, 23. No person shall cast, project or throw any stones or balls of snow or ice ICE or other missiles in any of the streets or public places of the City. INJURY TO 24. No person shall destroy or injure any trees, shrubs, plants or TREES, flowers or injure the lawn on any boulevard, public park or SHRUBS public garden in the City. DISTURBANCES25. No person shall unnecessarily blow horns, ring bells or make any other disturbances in the streets or use loud blasphemous, abusive or grossly insulting language, or sing or shout in a boisterous manner or commit any nuisance by collecting, loitering or standing as idlers on any public sidewalk or street within the said City. B/L 4758 25(2) No person shall fight on any public sidewalk, boulevard or 1/15/96 highway within the said City. SNOW OR 26. REPEALED ICE ON SIDEWALKS AND ROOFS B/L 4865 12/1/97 SIGNS 27. No person unless authorized to do so by the City Manager shall B/L 4327 erect or maintain any sign upon a street in the City of 21/8/89 Lethbridge. PAINT 28. No person unless authorized so to do by the City Manager MARKS shall place any paint marks or other marker signs on any street, sidewalk, curb, or gutter, and the City Manager is hereby authorized to remove, erase or obliterate, as he sees fit, all unauthorized paint marks or marker signs which have heretofore been placed or which are hereafter placed on any street, sidewalk, curb or gutter. VIOLATIONS 29. Any person violating any of the provisions of this By-law or any AND other person responsible for such violation shall be liable on PENALTIES summary conviction before a Provincial Judge to a penalty not B/L 4758 exceeding $1,000.00 or imprisonment for not more than six (6) 1/15/96 months, or both. 24 NOTICE 30. Where any Peace Officer believes that any person has committed OR TAG a breach of any of the provisions of this By-law as set out in Schedule "A" hereto he may serve upon such person a notice or tag as provided herein. 31. Services of any such notice or tag shall be sufficient if it is: (a) personally served (b) served by double registered mail PAYMENT 32. Upon production of any such notice or tag within seven days from the date of service of such notice, together with the payment of the sum specified in Schedule "A" hereto to a person authorized by the Chief of Police of the City to receive such payment, an official receipt for such payment shall be issued, and subject to the provisions of Section 34 and 35 below, such payment shall be accepted in lieu of prosecution. FAILING 33. If the person upon whom any such notice or tag is served fails TO PAY to pay the said sum within the time allotted, the provisions of Section 32 shall no longer apply. EXERCISING 34. Nothing in this By-law shall: RIGHT (a) prevent any person from exercising his right to defend any charge of committing a breach of any Section of this By-law. (b) prevent any person from laying an information or complaint against any other person (whether such other person has made a payment under the provisions of Section 32 or not) for committing a breach of any Sections of this By-law set out. REFUND 35. Where any person has made a payment pursuant to Section 32 and is prosecuted for the offence in respect of which such payment has been made, such payment shall be refunded. 36. It is the intention of City Council that each separate provision of this By-law shall be deemed independent of all other provisions herein and it is further the intention of City Council that if any provision of this By-law be declared invalid, all other provisions therefore shall remain valid and enforceable. SCHEDULE "A" SECTION OFFENCE PENALTY 3 Crowding on Streets $ 25.00 4 Vehicles, etc., on sidewalk $ 50.00 5 Vehicles passing over or along any crossing or culvert $ 25.00 6 Dragging objects, etc. $ 25.00 9 Leaving vehicle $ 25.00 10 Placing of goods on streets $ 25.00 25 11 Obstructing free use of streets $ 25.00 12 Selling on streets $ 25.00 13 Advertising sale of merchandise on streets $ 25.00 14(a)(i) Removal of planking, pavement, etc. $ 75.00 14(a)(ii) Removal of earth, etc. without permit $ 75.00 15 Hoarding without permit $ 50.00 17 Removal of barricades or safeguards by unauthorized persons $ 50.00 18 Deface or disfigure any public or private building, etc. $ 50.00 19 Use of barbed wire $ 25.00 21 Depositing or allowing to fall upon any street, any tacks, nails, etc. $ 25.00 22 Posting of indecent placards, etc. $ 25.00 23 Throwing of stones, etc. $ 25.00 24 Destroy or injure any trees, etc. $ 25.00 25 Blowing horns, abusive language, loitering, etc. $ 20.00 25(2) Fighting on sidewalk, boulevard or highway $100.00 26 Repealed B/L 4865 12/1/97 27 Erecting signs on street $ 50.00 28 Paint marks on sidewalk, etc. $ 50.00 Food Specifications All food shall come from an approved premise and it is recommended food be prepared by an approved premise. All perishable food shall be kept at a temperature of either below 4 C or above 60 C All food shall be protected from flies, dust and vermin. Please keep a list of the persons preparing the food. Garbage receptacles will be available. All dishes, cups, utensils will be single service. Hand washing facilities will be available/use of disposable gloves is also acceptable. Bleach will also be available for disinfecting of utensils and services. Mobile Concessions Event organizers must provide approval in writing and services must meet all CHR standards and requirements. Call 388-6666 for more information. Concessions in City of Lethbridge parks are generally contracted services. Floor, walls and ceiling in the kitchen area must be smooth, impervious and easily cleanable. All equipment in kitchen area, including preparation tables, cupboards and shelving must be smooth, impervious and easily cleanable. 26 There must be a minimum 20 gallon (91 litre) portable water storage tank and a 20 gallon (91 litre) wastewater storage tank. There must be a minimum two-compartment sink supplied with hot and cold water. A hand washing sink is required with soap and hand-drying facilities. There must be adequate refrigeration, freezer and hot-holding facilities (if applicable) There must be no storage of food in your and home, and storage arrangements for the mobile concession must be approved by the City of Lethbridge Licensing Department. The plumbing, ventilation, power supply and cooking equipment must be inspected and approved by an approving authority. Road Race Policy (Foot & Bicycle) Road races are events organized within the City of Lethbridge on public road right of way. Road races may involve walking, running and/or bicycle races. The road races are typically organized as community exercises, fund raising activities, marathons, etc. A road race may have significant impact on traffic operation within the city. In the interest of participant and road user safety, organizers of road races must confirm with the City of Lethbridge that the use of roadways is acceptable and that appropriate safety measures are in place. The permit process for road races is initiated through Recreation, Parks & Culture. Road race planning requires input from Traffic Operations, Lethbridge Regional Police Service Traffic Response Unit, and other pertinent City of Lethbridge departments dependent on the scope of the road race. Without approvals from the previous groups, events will not be permitted to proceed. Event organizers are encouraged to plan road races on lower speed and lower volume roadways. The safety of race participants and the motoring public, as well as impact to roadway operations are major considerations in the race approval process. Whenever possible road races should use a facility separated from motorized vehicle traffic, such as a pathway, stadium, or sports field. However, it is recognized that larger races can not be accommodated within enclosed facilities or entirely within the pathway network. Road races with components planned on arterial roadways must consider the requirement to maintain traffic flow while the road race is in progress. Temporary traffic control measures will be deployed at the race organizers expense to provide delineation between racers and vehicle traffic. The temporary traffic control may also provide a temporary speed limit reduction for the duration of the race. 27 Race participants are required to stay as close to the edge of the roadway as possible to maximum safety relative to operating vehicles in the adjacent travel lanes. The race organizer is required to provide a traffic control plan identifying intersection control for all intersections. The plan must be complete and received for review at least four weeks prior to the scheduled road race date. Failure to develop and provide a plan for review will result in a delayed or cancelled road race. The cost of providing traffic control is the responsibility of the organizer. No persons other than peace officers or trained flagpersons shall direct or attempt to control traffic during the road race. When trained flagpersons are used, special signing arrangements may be required. Road race organizers must identify police requirements as soon as possible in the planning process to enable provision of adequate police staff. Race volunteers that will be controlling traffic and/or providing services within the public right of way must be trained through the Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA) Flagperson Training Course and their qualifications must be up-to-date as per ACSA recommendations. The City of Lethbridge will assist race organizers with flagperson training. An operating procedure must be developed by the race organizers for flagpersons providing intersection control. The operating procedure may be specific to an individual intersection or may be generic relating to several intersections of similar operation. The operating procedure must be included with the traffic control plan for review. There are several levels of intersection control that may be required road race route. Type of Intersection Interchange Arterial/Arterial Signalized Intersection Arterial/Collector Signalized Intersection Collector/Collector Signalized Intersection STOP Controlled Intersection YIELD Controlled Intersection Type of Control Traffic control MUST be provided by City of Lethbridge Streets & Traffic Unit Traffic Control MUST be provided by Lethbridge Police Services Traffic Control Unit Dependent on size, complexity, traffic volumes and schedule Traffic Control MAY be provided by Lethbridge Police Services Traffic Control Unit or the traffic signal may be placed in FLASH to permit flagperson control with proper signage. Dependent on size, complexity, traffic volumes and schedule Traffic Control MAY be provided by Lethbridge Police Services Traffic Control Unit or the traffic signal may be placed in FLASH to permit flagperson control with proper signage. Pedestrian crossing may be managed by closure or flagperson control. Flagperson control requires proper signage. Temporary traffic control must be provided to identify the managed crossing to the motoring public. Pedestrian crossing may be managed by closure or flagperson control. Flagperson control requires proper signage. Temporary 28 Uncontrolled Intersection Roundabout traffic control must be provided to identify the managed crossing to the motoring public. Pedestrian crossing may be managed by closure or flagperson control. Flagperson control requires proper signage. Temporary traffic control must be provided to identify the managed crossing to the motoring public. Pedestrian crossings must be managed by trained flagpersons. Temporary traffic control must be provided to identify the managed crossing to the motoring public. Multiple flagpersons may be required to control a large and/or busy intersection. Two way radios may be required to enable the flagpersons to communicate. Race organizers will need to consider additional flagpersons to provide relief and cover problems that occur during the race. Road race planning should consider two flagpersons per intersection. The start and finish areas MUST be located off the public right of way or on a section of roadway that has been closed for the duration of the road race. The start and finish areas should be spacious enough to accommodate all participants. Spectators and participants are not permitted to congregate along the race route within the public right of way. Spectators and participants are not permitted to obstruct traffic. The race organizers MUST consider the provision of adequate off-road parking space within close proximity to the start and/or finish areas. All vehicles using on-street parking are required to comply with the Lethbridge Traffic Bylaw and the Alberta Traffic Safety Act. Vehicles not complying will be subject to enforcement. Race organizers and/or volunteers are not permitted to block roadways with their vehicles unless specific written direction has been received from Traffic Operations and/or the Lethbridge Police Traffic Response Unit. Check points, rest areas, water stations, and spectator viewing areas MUST be located off the roadway or within a section of the roadway that has been closed for that express purpose. Tents are not permitted to be placed in the right of way unless locations have been approved in writing by the Traffic Operations Manager. Tent locations to be considered must be identified four weeks prior to the road race. Whenever special events such as road races are conducted on active roadways there is a potential for tragedy. Race organizers need to weigh participants risk against the benefit of conducting the race within the road right of way. When the Lethbridge Police Traffic Response Unit and/or the City of Lethbridge Traffic Operations Manager feels the nature of the road race, the conditions of the race route, traffic volumes, traffic composition, etc create unacceptable risks the road race request may be denied. 29 Road races should be held during daylight hours and under adequate visibility conditions. In case of inclement weather or poor visibility, road races should be suspended until conditions improve. Safety Road race participants should be encouraged to wear brightly coloured clothing or reflective vests. Road race organizers and volunteers MUST wear reflective vests at all times when they are within the road right of way. Road race participants enjoy the same rights and responsibilities as other road users. All rules of the road and traffic control devices MUST be obeyed. Organizers must have responsible persons available to provide guidance to the race participants and to ensure participants follow the race requirements. Signage must be placed along the road race route one week prior to the road race to advise drivers of the race time, race date and expected delay. Contingency plans must address how race organizers will resolve issues during the race. Issues may include but are not limited to: emergency vehicles on race route, ill flagperson, knocked down temporary traffic control, adjacent motor vehicle accident, etc. The road race organizer is responsible for all incidents occurring during, or resulting from, the road race. Liability insurance coverage to indemnify the City of Lethbridge is required prior to issuance of a road race permit. At a minimum, the following insurance coverage is required: • Carry and maintain $2 million liability insurance against third party claims • Be responsible for all damages arising from the event • Carry a maximum deductible no greater than $3,000. • All escort vehicles must carry liability insurance The City of Lethbridge assumes no responsibility for whatever may occur during or as a result of the road race. Road race organizers and participants are advised to exercise due care at all times. Vehicle Access Vehicles may be required during set up or take down stages of an event for loading and unloading of event equipment and supplies. Vehicles are generally prohibited from being on site during the event. All vehicles needing access to the park require approval from the City of Lethbridge and may require special permits. To address public safety and park preservation concerns, conditions will be applied in regards to designated routes, weight 30 limits, parking, speed, number of vehicles allowed, hours of access and travel on the grass. Vehicle access may be prohibited or suspended due to poor weather conditions, real or anticipated park attendance or inappropriate actions of drivers. The event organizer is responsible for the action of drivers of all vehicles that access the site for the duration of time covered by the park use permit. Organizers may be required to assign and identify one or more vehicle supervisors during these times. This may include: • Direct supervisor of vehicle access point to control access to the site. • On site supervisor(s) to observe vehicles to ensure operating restrictions are met Any vehicles that are required to be on site for the duration of the event are to be clearly indicated on the site map. Vehicles that have not been approved by the City of Lethbridge may be denied access to the site. Special events increase traffic congestion and the demand for parking in their vicinity. Event organizers should address these issues and transportation alternatives in their event planning. In addition to following posted parking restrictions on adjoining streets, vehicles are not to be parked on park turf. All vehicles that are parked illegally are subject to ticketing and towing. Permission to park vehicles on turf may be requested and considered in special circumstances. Vehicles used to support the set up, the event or the take down must have a plan supporting their use. This plan must identify the number of vehicles, the purpose of each vehicle, the approximate timing of use and a system to supervise the action of the drivers. This plan must be approved by the City of Lethbridge before the event. Mapping Requirements (races/site maps) Organizations will be charged for mapping services when applicable. City of Lethbridge mapping services are available by contacting Rick Andrews at or (403) 320-3028. 31 Block Parties Policy A permit is required when a group of residents wish to close off a City street (residential) for the purpose of a party. The Block Party Permit is issued through the City of Lethbridge Recreation, Parks and Culture Department for a nominal fee. In addition to the permit fee, applicants are responsible to provide for placement of barricades to close the street to vehicular traffic during the event. The City of Lethbridge will provide appropriate barricades for an additional fee. Application must be made in person by a homeowner on the block specified on the permit. Applicants must provide a petition signed by 100% of the residents on the block listing: names, addresses, owner or renter, approval or disapproval and reason for disapproval. A map showing the location of the block party and the location of the temporary street closure must be included with the application. Block Party approvals are granted on an individual basis considering such things as disapprovals on the petition, location and previous history of block parties at the location. Rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Block used may be occupied predominantly by owner/residents Block party time limits are 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Applicant must remain at the party until its conclusion No alcoholic beverages are permitted on the City streets No open fires are permitted on the City streets Emergency access must be permitted and available at all times during the event. (eg. Fire, ambulance or police vehicle or personnel) Weddings General Information: Special Event permits are required to book parkland for wedding ceremonies and photographs. Special Event permits take precedence over unbooked activity and provide a method of coordinating access for special occasions in parkland. Knowledge of events allows for the rescheduling of mowing, watering and other work crews to prevent interference with your event. The permits grant priority use for unserviced parkland. Request for additional services – e.g., electricity (if available at site), will be charged for based on the request. NOTE: Your event will be sharing the park with the general public. Recommendation: Visit the site while you are planning the event to ensure your plans are achievable at the site. Ensure an organizer arrives prior to the event and has the permit to present to the unbooked user, if necessary. 32 Conditions of Use: 1. To confirm the event booking the special event permit must be paid in full a minimum of one (1) month prior to the event. 2. The Event must not restrict trail use by general public. 3. A site plan showing any structures (e.g., tables, arches) requiring staking to secure must be received minimum two (2) weeks prior to the event to allow time for service marking. Organizer must call First Call (1-800-242-3447) and arrange a site visit to show where structure is to be set up. 4. Chairs: Provision of appropriate chairs, if required, is the responsibility of the organizer. Regular chairs puncture the turf and are a safety concern. Use chairs with full bottom wings or lawn chairs. Any damage to underground irrigation services will be charged to the user. 5. Parking: Parking is “first come – first served” in public parks. Reserved parking signs for the wedding party only (maximum 2 parking stalls) are available for a charge of $20.00 + GST. Contact 315-4215 two weeks prior to event to coordinate pick-up and return of the signs, if required. 6. Confetti: Confetti, rice, and bird seeds are not permitted. Please replace this wedding tradition with the blowing of bubbles. Any strewn rose petals must be picked up at the end of the booking. 7. The permit holder must assume responsibility for supervision of participants before, during, and after the event. 8. Should there be any damage to parkland and facilities, the organizer responsible for that time period shall pay any repair or replacement costs and assume responsibility for the actions of participants. 9. Liquor is not allowed within the parks. 10. Please report problems or concerns to Recreation, Parks & Culture (403) 3203011 (voice mail) 33 Marriage Commissioners NOTE: The City of Lethbridge is not responsible for the accuracy of this list. Gibbon, Norma 30 Mount Blakiston Place West Lethbridge, AB. T1K 6M5 Res: (403) 320-0635 Cell: (403) 394-4092 Fax: (403) 320-7040 Email: Stark, Debra 1602 – 7 Avenue South Lethbridge, AB. T1J 1L6 Res: (403) 380-2500 Email: Greening, Randolph 407 – 85 Foxbend Crescent N. Lethbridge, AB. T1H 5T4 Res: (403) 329-1962 Email: Odland, Louise 530 Normandy Road S Lethbridge, AB. T1J 4E9 Res: (403) 308-0822 Email: Mueller, Mr. Edward L. 2908 - 15 Avenue South Lethbridge, AB. T1K 0Y3 Res: (403) 329-4097 Email: Hing, Mr. Albert C.L.Q. 706 - 10 Street North Lethbridge, AB. T1H 2E2 Res: (403) 328-4340 MacLean, Alastair 123 Canyon Terrace West Lethbridge, AB T1K 6W7 Res: (403) 329-6284 Bus: (403) 328-3306 (ext 205) For a more up-to-date list of Alberta Commissioners please visit the Government of Alberta Website at Equipment City of Lethbridge Rentals – Community Events Van Portable Stage Bleachers Barricades Stop Signs, Vests, Pylons PA system (Galt Gardens Only) Please see the Fees and Charges sheet for more information. 34 Rentals in Lethbridge Here is a list of some of the main rental places in Lethbridge; The City of Lethbridge is not responsible for the accuracy of this list. Lethbridge Custom Canvas 328-8424 Wards Rentals 327-9966 Tables: Rectangular 5 ft. Round Chairs: Delivery charges apply: Actual costs to customer from a moving company Wavetech Lighting & Sound 320-8110 PA Systems: $100.00 - $3,000.00 Ranging from small weddings to large outdoor concerts with lights and sound Exhibition Park 328-4491 ext 105 (Jackie) Tables: Rectangular 5 ft. Round $2.50 each/day Skirting/draping available in various colors Chairs: Risers, Stages, Screens: Westech Portable Toilets: 320-6166 Modern Industrial Rentals Barricades: 328-8896 ENMAX Tables: Rectangular Chairs: Risers, Stairs, Rugs, Stages 320-4040 Generators/Portable Heaters Murray’s Rentals, Wards Rentals Other heavy equipment rental businesses (yellow pages under Rental Equipment) Wedding Rentals Bells & Bows – 328-2355 Gold Leaf – 327-3401 Sweet Creations – 327-7276 35 Food Vendors Dine n’ Dash Fry Guy’s Chip Truck M & M Meat Shop Smokin Joes Mobile Deli Spanky’s World Famous Hot Dogs Vern’s Pizza Vice City Vending Wildrose Snack Services 634-5171 380-8787 329-6630 328-3043 320-1918 394-3100 634-0526 330-8863 36 City of Lethbridge Police A police escort is required for any parade or group using the main roadways that are not being blocked off or are not following the traffic safety laws. All escorts are arranged directly with Lethbridge Regional Police Services, Barb Tremel 330-5106. Billings are based at $90 per officer per hour with a $15.00 administration fee is levied for each estimate. City of Lethbridge Fire Prevention Permits are required for any group requesting fireworks, fire pits or any other types of fire related events (eg. Fire spinning) at their event. All permits are issued through Fire Prevention at 320-3800 Health & Safety Event Supervision Event & safety management - Food services Cash controls if required. Site/route check prior to event First aid support Emergency procedures: lost child Volunteer orientation Site map for all Event safety (for participants & spectators) Designation of a person responsible for safety of participants, spectators, & volunteers is required for all special events. Chinook Health Unit Any events that will be supplying, serving, or contracting food for their event will need to contact the Chinook Health Region at 388-6666. The organizers will be responsible for following all the rules and regulations set out by the CHR. Alberta Liquor Control Board (AGLC) For beer gardens or liquor permit information please contact Bloyce Coles 331-6500 or online at 37 Municipal Funding Available (Grants) The City of Lethbridge offers two grants for Special Events. The Civic Hosting Grant and the Lethbridge Community Event Support Program. Information on these grants can be found online at s/Grants+and+Hosting+Events/default.htm How to Plan Accessible Outdoor Events An accessible event is one in which everyone can participate fully regardless of their ability. Accessibility is not only for persons with disabilities but also for parents with young children pushing strollers and for seniors. None of us are getting younger. As we age it’s likely that we will require some form of accommodation to allow us to take part in events within our community. Become aware of the features that make your venue accessible. Hold your event at an accessible location or modify the location so that all persons can participate without assistance or with minimal help. Use this guide when planning outdoor events such as festivals, concerts, picnics, receptions, etc. Visible disabilities are obvious and readily seen. Examples are physical disabilities that require use of a wheelchair, crutches, cane or other mobility aids, amputation, etc. Invisible disabilities are not obvious and can’t be readily seen. Examples are a person who is blind, deafened or hard of hearing, or with a visual impairment, speech impediment, developmental disability, mental health or psychiatric disability, intellectual disability, learning disability and cardiac disability. Things to Consider: Parking • • • Public Entrance • • Emergencies • • Do you have designated disabled parking places? Are they as close to the entrance of the event as possible? Are event personnel familiar with the location of these parking spots? Is there a level entrance that persons using wheelchairs or mobility aids can pass over and wide enough for wheelchairs to pass through? (greater than 32” recommended) If the main entrance isn’t accessible, are there signs directing people to the accessible entrance? If the main entrance has steps does it also have a railing? In the event of an emergency are there auditory and visual alarms? 38 • • • Washrooms • • • • Way Finding Signage Entertainment Seating • • • • Lighting • • • Cables & Cords • Food • • • Tickets • • • Do you have an evacuation plan that addresses the evacuation of persons with special needs? Have you trained your staff in these evacuation procedures? Have you considered offering a free or reduced companion rate on the basis that the companion will assist the person with the disability in the event of an emergency? Have you provided, at minimum, two accessible outdoor portable washrooms? Are they located in accessible areas? Are large clear letters, understandable pictures/symbols used on the signs identifying the accessible washroom(s)? Do event personnel know where the accessible washrooms are located? Are large clear letters and plain language used on signs directing people to specific areas? Are they free from glare? Has an area been designated for people who use wheelchairs or mobility aids? Does this area have an unobstructed view of the entertainment area/stage? Are these areas integrated with other seating areas such as at the front, on the aisles or on the sides of the stage while ensuring an unobstructed view? Can a companion sit beside the person with the disability? Can you accommodate the deaf, deafened or hard of hearing? Are the areas of travel and the display/booth areas adequately lit? Have you provided covers over electrical cables or cords that cross aisles or pathways? Cable covers should be no more that ½” thick so that they do not become a tripping hazard and also, so that wheelchairs can traverse across them. Are there event personal available to assist participants to get their food/beverages? Is part of the food counter lowered to allow persons with mobility aids to access it easily? (34” is recommended) Is there a clear path between tables for a mobility aid user to maneuver? (42” is recommended) Is the queuing (line-up) area accessible for mobility aid users to maneuver? Is there color contrast between the barriers? Can tickets for accessible seating areas be ordered in advance of the event by phone? 39 General Etiquette: • Focus on peoples abilities • Be respectful. A wheelchair is an extension of the person’s body and in reality their legs. To lean on a wheelchair is the same as leaning on the actual person. Please give their “personal space” the same respect as you would someone standing in front of you. • Never touch a “service animal” without the owner’s permission. These animals are “on the job” when they are wearing their “harness or service wear”; they do not react the same as when they are not “on duty”. • Be patient; let individuals do things at their own pace – do not rush them. • Be observant; look to see if someone needs help. • ASK the person if they require any assistance, and then WAIT for the response. If requested, provide assistance. • Let the person guide you as to what kind of assistance they need. • Listen carefully and if you do not fully understand what was said, respectfully ask for something to be repeated. If you are speaking at length with someone, place yourself at eye level with the person so that you are not speaking “down” to them. • Speak to the person with the disability, not the individual who may accompany them. • Have a pen and paper handy to assist those who are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing. • DO NOT raise your voice unless requested to do so. • Be familiar with your location and know the most accessible routes. • A person with a disability has the same needs as anyone else. Respect the individual as a human being. Treat adults as adults. • Be yourself; it’s OK not to know what to do – consider it as an opportunity to learn something about living with a disability. Promoting Your Event Community Resource and Leisure Guide Recreation, Parks & Culture department produces a monthly publication called the Community Resource and Leisure Guide. Events that are approved prior to the monthly printing deadline will be included free of charge on the back page of the guide under the Calendar of Events Section (note: this is a one – two line ad only). Go to and submit your event information on the Calendar of Events. If you wish to advertise your event with a ¼, ½, or full page ad for a fee please email for more information or call (403) 320-3013. City of Lethbridge Website All special events that are open to the public will be placed on the City of Lethbridge website on the Calendar of Events. The information placed on the website will be based on the information given in the application. If you wish to have more information added you can go to and submit your event with more information. 40 Special Event Planning Checklist □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Pick your date and location; check availability with City of Lethbridge Recreation, Parks & Culture Department Decide on time for event (including set up and take down times) Determine what amenities will be required for the event o Bleachers o Electrical Access o Water Access o Extra Garbage Cans o PA System o Tables o Chairs o Extra Washrooms o Vests/Signage o Staging o Tents o Picnic Shelters Fill out and submit Special Event Application Form to Recreation, Parks & Culture Department at least one month prior to event Contact first call to do locates if any structures that require staking into the ground are going to be erected Obtain Insurance Certificate and provide a copy to Recreation, Parks & Culture at least 2 weeks prior to event Compile a route/site map and provide a copy to Recreation, Parks & Culture at least 2 weeks prior to event Set up a site meeting (if necessary) with City of Lethbridge staff and event organizers at least 2 weeks prior to event Determine what other service providers you may need and contact them for help o Police o Fire o Chinook Health Unit o ALCB (Alberta Liquor Control Board) o Transit o St. John’s Ambulance (or other first aid provider) o Security Ensure you have a contingency plan in place to accommodate weather which may affect your event 41 Frequently Asked Questions Q: A: Do I need a permit? Any use of public land in an organized fashion requires a permit. Eg. Weddings, festivals, parades, fundraisers, races, etc. Q: A: What are the insurance requirements and were do I obtain insurance? The City of Lethbridge requires an insurance policy of no less than two million dollars that includes a “Cross Liability Clause” naming the City of Lethbridge. Insurance can be obtained from an insurance broker of your choosing. Q: A: Where do I get a permit? A permit can be obtained by contact Recreation, Parks & Culture Department at the City of Lethbridge. An application form must be filled out and submitted at least one month prior to the event. The application form will start the approval process. Q: A: What happens once I submit an application form? The application form will be checked for accuracy and date/location availability will be determined. It then goes to a supervisor for approval and if it is basic a contract will be generated, if more detail is required the organizer will be contacted and a meeting will be set up with all parties involved. Q: A: How long does the approval process take? Depending upon the complexity of the event the approval process can take from 1 – 10 business days. For major events the planning process can take several months for all parties involved, make sure you allow enough time when submitting your application form. Q: A: Where do I obtain a liquor permit? Most liquor permits can be obtained through any liquor store, however, special event liquor permits must be obtained from the Alberta Liquor Control Board. Please see the appropriate section in this guide for more details. Q: A: What happens if someone else requests the same date & location as I do? Events that happened previously take priority for date and location; if both events are new a meeting will be set up with all parties involved to try to accommodate all needs. At this time only one event will be approved in a specific location at the same time. Q: A: Who do I call after hours if I need help with my event? The City of Lethbridge special event onsite staff carry a cell phone with them and can be reached at (403) 315-4215 if you require any help with your event. 42