R = Sessão Repete / R=Session Repeats DOMINGO, 6 DE SETEMBRO / SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th 07:45 – 09:00 Idioma Utilizado Idade Alvo Sala Age Focus Language Room CREDENCIAMENTO, CAFÉ e RECEPÇÃO / REGISTRATION & COFFEE RECEPTION / STANDS OPEN 09:10 – 09:30 ABERTURA / OPENING SESSION Horário / Time Título / Title Palestrante / Speaker 09:30 – 10:30 Keynote Literacy Development in a Second Language: What do our Students Need? Dr. Fred Genesee McGill University, Montreal, Canada Desenvolvimento do Letramento em uma Segunda Língua: O que nossos alunos precisam? Inglês Com tradução simultânea Todos All Teatro Auditorium English With translation Workshops 10:45 – 12:00 1. Easy as ABC: Academic language use in Dr. Margo Gottlieb English All WIDA University of Wisconsin4 Bilingual immersion Contexts R Madison, USA Academic language is at the heart of teaching and learning in bilingual immersion settings. How can teachers begin to embed this rigor into curriculum, instruction and assessment? Come see some strategies for use within and across languages. 2. Language and Literacy through Rigorous Dr. Rhonda Bondie Fordham University, USA English All 6 Discussions R Explore how group learning routines facilitate the development of multiple languages while promoting text-based literacy strategies such as reading comprehension and building arguments in the immersion classroom. See practical examples of how assessment data from discussions can be used to tailor instruction for student instructional needs and provide opportunities for student self-regulation of learning. 1 3. Applying Biliteracy and the Bridge to the Karen Beeman Center for Teaching for Biliteracy English All 4. Construindo o programa de imersão em Jamie Leite Utah State Office of Education Português Todos 1 Immersion Setting R Teaching for biliteracy requires careful planning of the strategic use of language so that students can benefit from metaling uistic analysis and cross-linguistic transfer. Using videos, photos, this session will explore the premises for teaching for biliteracy and will provide several examples of biliteracy in action with suggestions for implementation in an immersion setting. 8 português nos EUA R Em 2012, o estado de Utah, nos EUA, adicionou o ensino do português à sua crescente iniciativa de imersão em dupla linguagem. Esta sessão discutirá como a equipe do estado vem utilizando um material autêntico para a alfabetização em português e relacionando-o aos conteúdos e metas descritas no currículo comum americano nas seis escolas participantes, atendendo a mais de mil alunos matriculados. 5. The Effective Use of Differentiation in Dr. Anne Baldisseri & Andrea English 3-10 Davis 2 St. Paul’s School We will demonstrate how a strategy for Differentiated Instruction called Flag Time can help to establish routines for planning and assessment and introduce young children to self-reflection. Practical examples will address the need to provide specialized instruction to all students, including English Language Learners. Early Literacy Development 6. Concept Based Teaching and Learning Sonja Moll Ferreira English 6-14 3 Applied to the Language Classroom Esfera Escola International This workshop explores possibilities of applying the concept based approach to teaching/learning writing. After brief overview of most relevant language theorists and a few case studies, there will be hands on time. Thus I wish to offer teachers new outlooks on how to engage students in acquiring language production skills. 7. Young Learners and Metalinguistic Tatiana Simas & Burcu Polat Girassol Bilingual Program English All 7 Awareness: Building biliteracy What does biliteracy look like as we build it in the classroom? From early on, our students notice language and even compare it with their mother tongue as they learn. In this presentation, two first grade teachers from highlight the role of this metalinguistic awareness in promoting literacy. 2 Arlene Dousseau Pessoa & Português 4-11 Bianca Duarte Nunes 5 aquisição da escrita em séries iniciais Esfera Escola Internacional A apresentação propõe uma reflexão sobre o processo de alfabetização em uma escola bilíngue, com imersão em Inglês. Tem como propósito compartilhar melhores práticas de parceria entre tutoras de língua (Portuguesa e Inglesa) visando a concretização dos objetivos de comunicação escrita nas séries iniciais, em mais de uma língua. 8. Parceria das professoras de línguas na 12:00 – 13:30 13:00 Horário / Time INTE RVALO PARA ALM OÇO / LUNCH BREAK OPCIONAL: Visite Nosso E.M (Reunir-se em frente à sala 3) / OPTIONAL: Visit our High School (meet in front of room 3) Título / Title Palestrante / Speaker Idioma Utilizado Language Idade Alvo Age Focus 9. Dr. Kathy Escamilla University of Colorado, USA English 6+ Understanding Biliterate Writing Development R Sala Room 1 13:30– 14:30 Workshops This presentation will demonstrate a method used for both summative and formative evaluation of children’s biliterate writing development in a program from the U.S. called Literacy Squared. The presentation will demonstrate how teachers can utilize this side by side assessment to better understand how children use what they know in two languages to communicate in writing. Implications for instruction will also be discussed. 10. A abordagem pedagógica para o ensino Dra. Elvira Souza Lima Português Todos 5 em duas linguas na infância Quarenta anos de pesquisa sobre como o cérebro aprende a ler e a escrever produziram conhecimentos que podem auxiliar na concepção e no planejamento do ensino em duas línguas na infância. Por outro lado, a ampliação dos conhecimentos sobre o desenvolvimento da criança explicitam como se processam o desenvolvimento e a aprendizagem. O planejamento pedagógico para o ensino do conhecimento formal em duas línguas traz especificidades, pois não se trata apenas de aprender uma segunda língua, mas de se apropriar de conteúdos e formar conceitos utilizando dois sistemas linguísticos. Para a pedagogia interessa, principalmente, como se realiza a formação de memórias nesta situação em particular. O desafio está em selecionar e formular atividades que levem os alunos a formar memórias de longa duração e a se beneficiar do ensino em duas línguas. 11. Contextual Integrity and Cross-Linguistic Connections in Primary Immersion Classrooms R Stacey Vanden Bosch add.a.lingua, USA English 3-11 2 3 This session explores practical ways to create cross-linguistic connections between the immersion and dominant languages while remaining cognizant of language status, student cognitive development, and instructional context. We will explore classroom scenarios and reflect upon current practice to discover simple and effective ways to support the development of metalanguage discussions, thinkaloud observations, and word work throughout content instruction with the goal of better L2 output. 12. Peer Review in Writing as an Effective Tool for the Immersion Classroom Daniele Blos Bolzan UFRGS and McGill University English 11 + 4 This presentation is based on research that investigated the collaboration patterns participants developed while engaged in peer review, highlighting the effects it had on the final versions of the texts. The results bring evidence to teachers of the feasibility of peer review in ESL writing in immersion settings. 13. Using Mentor Texts to Improve Students’ Writing Skills Emy Tomita Lavace Stewart Elementary, USA English 7+ 3 Using mentor texts to foster deep writing experiences for learners. During this session, participants will be exposed to mentor texts in English and Spanish. They will learn how to use them to differentiate and teach student no matter where they are to improve students’ writing skills. 14. Differentiated Assessment and Instruction for the Bilingual Learner Barbara Field & Lynn Notarainni Curriculum Associates, USA English All 6 The presentation will briefly trace the history of standards-based trends. We will follow up with proven solutions for differentiation with respect to bi-lingual learners (ELL), and research based practices for assessment and individualized instruction to insure success for every student and teacher in the English immersion classroom. 15. A Formação do Leitor Bilíngue – estudo de caso Luciana Henn Graded School Português 4-8 7 Quando um leitor começa a ler? A partir de filmages e fotos realizadas desde os primeiros meses de vida até os 6 anos de uma criança bilíngue (português/inglês), este workshop procura demonstrar os estágios de aquisição da leitura definidos por Lucy Calkins. 4 16. Developing Phonemic Awareness for an Effective Biliteracy Process Liliane Rodrigues & Ivana Brajato PlayPen English 5-8 8 Phonemic awareness is one of the best predictors of reading success. In this presentation we’ll go over some of the theories and ultimate researches on this area as well as showing how we implement it in the classroom and our strategies for when students struggle 17. Building a Brain that Reads: In the classroom R Dr. Donna Coch Dartmouth College, USA English 6+ 1 The human brain was not designed to read. Thus, learning to read is an amazingly complex task that requires the development, interconnection, and coordination of multiple skills and neural systems. From the visual processing of letters to the linking of speech sounds and letters to making meaningful connections to what the reader already knows, numerous neural systems are involved in reading. In this workshop, we will further explore neural and behavioral evidence related to some of these systems, and you will have the opportunity to discuss how specific classroom practices that you are using may or may not foster the development of these systems. 18. Contextual Integrity and Cross-Linguistic 14:40– 15:45 Workshops Connections in Primary Immersion Classrooms Stacey Vanden Bosch add.a.lingua, USA English All 2 This session explores practical ways to create cross-linguistic connections between the immersion and dominant languages while remaining cognizant of language status, student cognitive development, and instructional context. We will explore classroom scenarios and reflect upon current practice to discover simple and effective ways to support the development of metalanguage discussions, thinkaloud observations, and word work throughout content instruction with the goal of better L2 output. 19. Total Engagement, Language Acceleration Structures for the Immersion Classroom Rachel Treaster Kagan Professional Development English All 5 R Participants experience a number of active engagement instructional Kagan strategies proven to accelerate language acquisition. The strategies structure the interaction so all students frequently and equally produce and decode language, and radically increase language output, comprehensible input, and create a safe classroom in which students are comfortable trying on new language forms. Come learn how with little effort you can structure for total language engagement of your immersion students! 20. Assessing for Success: A Rigorous ‘GPS” for Learning Karen Mattos & Eloisa Galesso Graded School English All 3 We will share how administrators and teachers have been working together as researchers to intentionally collect, analyze, interpret and present data (in Portuguese and in English) that has helped inform stakeholders about the program, integrate curricula, c onstantly improve the program and, most importantly, tailor instruction to our diverse population towards excellence. 5 21. Moving Towards Biliteracy: Planning for explicit vocabulary instruction, crosslanguage connections and reading strategies Marcelle Doria & Daisy Duarte Escola Beit Yaacov English All 4 Presenters will be sharing a vocabulary/ reading planning form which works as a guide for teachers to choose and plan for exp licit vocabulary instruction while incorporating reading strategies and opportunities for developing cross-language connections. The presenters will explain the rationale behind each step and share examples of best practices. 22. Textos Mentores: inspirando, estimulando e guiando a produção escrita Renata C.S. Hounsell Bom Jesus - IELUSC Português 6-14 6 A escrita de textos informativos demanda um bom domínio da linguagem e de vocabulário acadêmico pelos alunos. Com todos os diferentes níveis de produção de linguagem que encontramos em sala de aula, o uso de textos mentores é considerado uma boa solução para a produção de textos de qualidade e que beneficiam não só o aprendizado, mas a estima dos alunos. 23. PANEL DISCUSSION / PAINEL DE DISCUSSÃO: How can we Best Help our Striving Readers in Immersion? De que maneira podemos ajudar melhor nossos leitores com dificuldades em programas de imersão? Dr. Fred Genesee McGill University, Canada & Dr. Rhonda Bondie Fordham University, USA Inglês Com tradução simultânea Todos Teatro All Auditorium English With translation Some students learning through a second language struggle to learn to read. It is very important to identify striving readers early so that their difficulties can be addressed. However, this is complicated because they are just beginning to learn the L2. A method for identifying struggling readers as early as preschool will be described and then suggestions for providing support will be given, including how to use a range of reading abilities as a strength when learning in other subjects. De que maneira podemos ajudar melhor nossos leitores com dificuldades em programas de imersão? 16:00 – 17:00 Plenária/Plenary Entendendo (Bi)Letramento de uma Perspectiva Biológica e Cultural Understanding Biliteracy from a Biological and Cultural Perspective 17:00 – 17:15 Dra. Elvira Souza Lima Português Com tradução simultânea Todos All Teatro Auditorium Portuguese With translation PERGUNTAS e RESPOSTAS / Q & A SESSION 6 SEGUNDA, 7 DE SETEMBRO/ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th Horário / Time Título / Title 08:00 – 09:00 Palestrante / Speaker Idioma Utilizado Language Idade Alvo Age Focus Sala Room CAFÉ e RECEPÇÃO / COFFEE RECEPTION / VISIT STANDS 09:00 – 10:00 Plenária/Plenary Biliteracy from the Start: Literacy Squared in Action (Bi)Letramento desde o início: ‘Letramento ao Quadrado’ em Ação 10:00 -10:15 10:15 – 11:00 Dr. Kathy Escamilla Inglês Com tradução simultânea University of Colorado Boulder, USA English With translation Todos All Teatro Auditorium PERGUNTAS e RESPOSTAS / Q & A SESSION COFFEE BREAK e RELACIONAMENTO 24. Easy as ABC: Academic language use in Dr. Margo Gottlieb English All WIDA - University of Wisconsin6 Madison, USA Academic language is at the heart of teaching and learning in bilingual immersion settings. How can teachers begin to embed t his rigor into curriculum, instruction and assessment? Come see some strategies for use within and across languages. Workshops 11:00– 12:15 Bilingual immersion Contexts 25. Building a Brain that Reads: In the classroom Dr. Donna Coch Dartmouth College, USA English All 1 The human brain was not designed to read. Thus, learning to read is an amazingly complex task that requires the development, interconnection, and coordination of multiple skills and neural systems. From the visual processing of letters to the linking of speech sounds and letters to making meaningful connections to what the reader already knows, numerous neural systems are involved in reading. In this workshop, we will further explore neural and behavioral evidence related to some of these systems, and you will have the opportunity to discuss how specific classroom practices that you are using may or may not foster the development of these systems. 26. Applying Biliteracy and the Bridge to the Immersion Setting Karen Beeman Center for Teaching for Biliteracy English All 5 Teaching for biliteracy requires careful planning of the strategic use of language so that students can benefit from metaling uistic 7 analysis and cross-linguistic transfer. Using videos, photos, this session will explore the premises for teaching for biliteracy and will provide several examples of biliteracy in action with suggestions for implementation in an immersion setting. 27. Building a Portuguese Dual Language Immersion Program in the USA Jamie Leite Utah State Office of Education English All 4 In 2012, Utah added Portuguese to its growing dual language immersion initiative. This session will discuss how the state team integrated an authentic Portuguese literacy program into the American common core for use in six Portuguese immersion schools with more than one thousand students enrolled. 28. Reading to Writing: Cross-Linguistic Read Susy Schraiber & Aloud Project Building to Side by Side Writing Assessment to Improve Output in Two Languages English 4-11 Alexandra Sumadosi 2 Escola Beit Yaacov This workshop will demonstrate three research-based methods to improve immersion language output while strengthening L1 in a 2nd grade classroom. First we will demonstrate how teachers can utilize a bilingual read aloud project (Dr. R. Lyster) to foster better vocabulary use (Dr. I. Beck) then move onto improving students writing with side by side assessment (Dr. K. Escamilla). We will explain how to implement as well as implications for instruction. 29. Increasing the Language Llearning Acquisition Pace for Beginner Students in the Bilingual Immersion Program Peter Isaac Lenting Pueri Domus – Aldeia da Serra English All 3 Exposing beginner learners to as much phonics based, spelling feature based and high frequency English vocabulary, in the form of short realistic texts, will give them the basic language skills to accompany any subject matter in the target language and to do so in the shortest period of time possible. 30. A Força da Transferência Linguística: Implementando o programa 'Being a Writer' em duas línguas Paula A.B. Moro & Erin Thomas Chapel School Português Todos 7 Como adaptar e implementar o Programa “Being a Writer” em português ? O Programa “Being a Writer”, desenhado pelo Center for the Collaborative Classroom, objetiva promover a habilidade de escrita autoral integrada ao desenvolvimento sócio-emocional do aluno. Conheça as etapas de execução, desafios e soluções propostas. Ana Angelica Melo Suriani & Português 4-8 Eliane Serrano Línguas no Processo de Alfabetização e 8 Aubrick Escola Bilíngue Letramento Bilíngue Multicultural Que influência uma língua exerce sobre outra durante o processo de alfabetização e letramento bilíngue? Que associações são feitas pelas crianças ao construírem suas hipóteses? Que elementos são comumente transferidos? Como o educador deve intervir para que essa interferência seja positiva? Como deve lidar com os erros provenientes desse processo? 31. O Intercâmbio de Conhecimentos Entre 12:15 – 13:45 INTE RVALO PARA ALMOÇO / LUNCH BREAK 8 13:10 OPCIONAL: Visite nosso Escola Infantil (Reunir-se em hall do teatro) OPTIONAL: Visit our Preschool (meet in Auditorium Foyer) 13:45 – 14:00 Todos Rifa de Editoras / Raffle from the Sponsors All 14:00 – 15:00 Plenária/Plenary Building a Brain that Reads Construindo um Cérebro que Lê 15:00 – 15:15 Todos Teatro All Auditorium English With translation Título / Title Palestrante / Speaker Idioma Utilizado Language 32. Understanding Biliterate Writing Dr. Kathy Escamilla University of Colorado, USA English Development Workshops Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, USA Auditorium PERGUNTAS e RESPOSTAS / Q & A SESSION Horário / Time 15:30– 16:45 Dr. Donna Coch Inglês Com tradução simultânea Teatro Idade Alvo Age Focus Sala Room 6+ 1 This presentation will demonstrate a method used for both summative and formative evaluation of children’s biliterate writing development in a program from the U.S. called Literacy Squared. The presentation will demonstrate how teachers can utilize this side by side assessment to better understand how children use what they know in two languages to communicate in writing. Implications for instruction will also be discussed. 33. Language and Literacy through Rigorous Discussions Dr. Rhonda Bondie Fordham University, USA English All 7 Explore how group learning routines facilitate the development of multiple languages while promoting text-based literacy strategies such as reading comprehension and building arguments in the immersion classroom. See practical examples of how assessment data from discussions can be used to tailor instruction for student instructional needs and provide opportunities for student self-regulation of learning. 34. Total Engagement, Language Rachel Treaster English All Kagan Professional Development 5 Acceleration Structures for the Immersion Classroom Par Participants experience a number of active engagement instructional Kagan strategies proven to accelerate language acquisitio n. The strategies structure the interaction so all students frequently and equally produce and decode language, and radically increase 9 language output, comprehensible input, and create a safe classroom in which students are comfortable trying on new language forms. Come learn how with little effort you can structure for total language engagement of your immersion students! 35. Supporting Late Immersion Students History Writing Stella Kong Hong Kong Institute of Education English 11 + 2 This presentation reports a project to help a Grade 9 late immersion class in Hong Kong to write history essays over a semester. The work presents the pedagogical framework that guides the design of the writing activities. It also presents the analysis of students’ writing to showcase their content-language learning. 36. Creating a Dialogue Circle: Reading strategies as a platform to generate effective student output in writing and to produce academic language in a cooperative setting. Sherina Isolica & Ana Carolina Nalini Pueri Domus English 5-14 3 The “dialogue circle” offers an opportunity to make student thinking visible. We will explore experiences and successes on how to generate academic language output in the classroom. We will examine instructional goals, beginning with reading strategies us ing informational texts which then leads to writing and finally ends in a “dialogue circle.” 37. ‘Close Reading’: fundamentos, prácticas e sugestões para aulas de língua portuguesa Ana Paula Cortez Graded School Português Todos 6 Este workshop tem como objetivo proporcionar uma apresentação sobre a técnica de Close Reading, ou a leitura minuciosa, com observação dos fatos e detalhes do texto. Nele, abordaremos alguns mecanismos que servem para auxiliar os alunos-leitores a reconhecer aspectos marcantes do texto, incluindo conceitos retóricos, elementos estruturais ou referências culturais. Dessa maneira, para exemplificar esses mecanismos, serão apresentados o arcabouço teórico que fundamenta esta técnica, modelos de atividades para serem aplicadas em aula e exercícios que poderão ser discutidos pelos participantes. 38. Contação de História em Duas Línguas e suas Implicações na Aprendizagem de uma Segunda Língua Debora Silva & Cinira Soledade Colegio Helyos Português 5-11 4 A apresentação tem como objetivo revelar a leitura bilingue como uma prática educacional importante para o desenvolvimento e/ou aquisição de uma segunda língua, bem como um instrumento para motivar os alunos à leitura na língua materna e estrangeira. 10