C R E AT I V E B R A N D I N G Brand Community Best Practices for Apparel Industry Marketers A Blade Creative Branding e-Book ©2012 Blade Creative Branding Inc. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS The Secret to Success for Apparel Marketers............................................. 3 Your Brand is a Community.......................................................................... 4 What’s Your Role?........................................................................................ 5 “So How Does This Apply to My Industry?”.............................................. 6 The Right Stuff for Apparel Marketing....................................................... 7 Get the Right Stuff Now!............................................................................ 9 ©2012 Blade Creative Branding Inc. 2 THE SECRET TO SUCCESS FOR APPAREL MARKETERS Everyone wears clothes and footwear. But not every style of clothing or footwear is suited to every person. Duh! Choice is essential to consumers but, with that choice, comes confusion, competition, and the critical need for differentiation. The apparel industry relies on establishing character, promoting personality, and aligning with trends to build awareness and buzz. Because your customers’ brand choices are on public display, your core values the ones that create your brand community - are also on display in virtually every setting imaginable. You must look good all the time. That’s a lot of pressure. In this e-book, we’ll share with you some of the best practices for outfitting your brand community so well they return to you season after season. But first, we’ll introduce you to the basics of brand community marketing, and how this perspective applies to every industry in which we’ve worked. Attracting loyal followers to your label or store is a function of integrated marketing – branding, messaging and customer engagement – that creates energized word of mouth compelling consumers to choose you from an endless collection of options. Every aspect of the product experience, not only the garment itself, is an essential part of your customer’s brand experience. However well each element is handled has a direct effect on how well you build community around your brand and keep it growing. ©2012 Blade Creative Branding Inc. 3 YOUR BRAND IS A COMMUNITY At Blade, we see your brand as a destination your customers populate, creating a community. These people are attracted to your brand, and stay with it, because of the values they experience from your brand. Your brand’s ability to consistently deliver on those values establishes a dynamic relationship that needs to be nourished and managed. Seeing your brand as a community offers you a clear view of the important amenities, points of interest, core values and beliefs that attract community members, keep them in the fold, and encourage them to enlist others. ©2012 Blade Creative Branding Inc. Best of all, seeing your brand as a community provides clear insight as to where your marketing resources should be invested. If you know where and how people live in the community, you know what their priorities are and how to reach them. It’s all About the Relationship A successful brand today owes its creation and growth to a set of core principles: • Your brand is a destination, around which a community will form. • Your brand must create a connection with the members of its community. • You don’t own the brand or the community. • You’re part of a relationship based on values and experience. 4 WHAT’S YOUR ROLE? Because a brand community creates a working partnership, your role is to be the diligent guardian of the brand. That doesn’t entitle you to a lot of arbitrary control—mostly because you have a lot of obligations first. Internal Internal Stakeholders Stakeholders Shared Key Values Shared Key Values THE BRAND External External Stakeholders Stakeholders Shared Key Values Influencers ©2012 Blade Creative Branding Inc. 1 Ensuring you do everything you can to deliver on the brand’s promises. Sounds simple, but it can be tough as nails. 2 Anticipating the expectations of your brand community—and sometimes gently guiding them. 3 Regularly exploring new ways to keep the community buzzing by communicating the core values of your brand. 4 Align your brand and your promises with only those media or partners that share the same values. 5 Recognize that your brand community is a living, organic thing that can be evacuated at a moment’s notice if you do something toxic, or just plain dumb. 6 Never forget that your internal brand community (your employees) is the most important group of people you need to enlist. 5 “SO HOW DOES THIS APPLY TO MY INDUSTRY?” Here are a few key best practices for apparel marketers. 1 Look around for what may be hiding in plain sight Sometimes, the most important part of your brand story can be overlooked. Maybe it’s a performance guarantee, or an important longevity milestone. Whatever it is, look at what is in place right now and see how you can add more life to it. 4 Encourage membership in your brand community Building a database of your customers is absolutely essential. And the technology to do it is easy to access and can be just as easy to manage. Give your customers an incentive to sign up on price tags, instores, and on your website. 2 Encourage your customers to tell their stories Stories are the best way to build a community around your apparel because they encourage new members to join the fold. When your customers share their experience with your product, the result is powerful and lasting. 5 If you’re in retail, focus on more than just product Your retail location is a bricks and mortar opportunity for your staff and customers to experience the core values of your product, in a real life setting. Make that setting happy, comfortable, and irresistible to enter for your staff and customers. 3 Avoid the trap of chasing the hip factor If you happen to attract a trendy fringe group to your brand, be careful not to chase that market and leverage it for growth. These members are often capricious and chasing that flame can cause you to easily alienate your core brand community. 6 The sales channel is part of your community too Grow and celebrate your channel! Tell stories about channel partners successes! Give your sales channel ©2012 Blade Creative Branding Inc. the opportunity to demonstrate their identification with your community. And give them every reason to smile when they engage with your brand. 6 THE RIGHT STUFF FOR APPAREL MARKETING Dickies Workwear Blade’s relationship with Dickies was all about realigning the core values of the brand with the right community. After an exhaustive Canadian market audit, Blade worked closely with Dickies to rationalize the clothing company’s promotional investments to more closely connect with Canadians. Moving away from NASCAR and into hockey was a classic case of “They shoot, they score!” ©2012 Blade Creative Branding Inc. 7 THE RIGHT STUFF FOR APPAREL MARKETING KODIAK Boots Not many Canadian brands can claim over a century of quality and tradition. Blade discovered that KODIAK could. Then we created a Centennial marketing communications campaign program to elevate the company’s profile and re-establish KODIAK as a powerful Canadian icon known for innovation and excellence. ©2012 Blade Creative Branding Inc. 8 GET THE RIGHT STUFF NOW! At Blade, we value strong collaborative partnerships dedicated to creating results-oriented solutions—and we are keenly interested in pursuing working relationships that embrace that approach. 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