APSA Newsletter Template



michigan state university

February 2002



supervisors association




Lenny Govoni

355-7750/719-0624 govoni@gnds.msu.edu

Vice President for Contract


Jim Hensley

353-9565/202-5361 hensley@msu.edu

Vice President for Contract


Dan Chegwidden

353-9268/202-3514 chegwidd@msu.edu


Lori Senecal

355-9582 senecall@msu.edu

Membership Secretary

Deborah Sudduth

355-6527 sudduth@msu.edu

Recording Secretary

Kenda Tibbs

353-5923 tibbs@msu.edu

Corresponding Secretary

Chas Cloutier

353-5266 cwc@msu.edu


Rick Church

353-8608 churchri@msu.edu

Michael Gardner

355-5007 gardne24@msu.edu

Joe Garza

355-4550 garza@msu.edu

Barbara Harrison-King

355-5633 kingb@msu.edu

Ted Minnick

355-8485 minnickt@msu.edu

John Phillipich

353-1760 japhilli@pplant.msu.edu

Sara Siebert

355-0165 siebert@msu.edu

Andrew Verhage

355-3375 ext. 177 verhage@msu.edu

Nominations Requested for APSA Executive Board Elections

APSA Board elections will be held at the next semi-annual meeting, which is scheduled for 12 NOON-1:00 PM on Thursday, April 18, 2002 in Breslin

Center Meeting Room B.

A total of eight two-year positions are open. Nominations are being requested for the following positions: president, treasurer, membership secretary, recording secretary, and four director positions.

If you or someone you know has an interest in serving on the APSA Board, please submit the enclosed nomination form to Jennifer McManus at the

Grounds Maintenance Department. Nominations must be received by March

29 to be included in a pre-election newsletter that will be sent out to introduce the candidates to the membership. Any nominations received after

March 29 will have to be made from the floor at the semi-annual meeting.

Open APSA Board Position Descriptions

T erm of Office

Association, and, in the recess of the Executive Board, shall have the general control and management of the Association’s business and affairs, preside at all meetings, appoint all committee chairpersons and members, and perform all other duties that are normal to the office of the President.

T erm of Office

Association, keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures, and make disbursements as the business may require upon the order of the properly constituted Officers or Directors

APSA Outlook

Nominations Requested for APSA Executive Board Elections



T erm of Office list of the Association and of non-members who pay the service fee, coordinate the compiling of lists, and provide for release time and filing of documents as applies to the membership and as directed by the



T erm of Office

Association, retain all past minutes and records of such meetings, and prepare the agenda for all meetings as directed.


T erm of Office committees as appointed by the President.

Coalition Update

The MSU Coalition of Labor Organizations reached a tentative agreement with the University on

January 31, 2002. A draft copy of the agreement and the latest Coalition newsletters are posted on the main page of the APSA website (www.msu.edu/user/apsa). Several informational meeting are being held through February 22nd. The time and location of these meetings are posted on the APSA website, and all members of the participating unions are welcome to attend. Ballots will be mailed out to the membership during the week of February 18th, and must be returned by February 27th.

APSA Outlook

APSA Executive Board Nomination Form

Name of nominee:

Nominated for:

How many years at MSU:

Current position at MSU:

Past Involvement or Current Interest:

How many years as an APSA member:

Other interests or involvement at Michigan State University you would like to share:

Name of person making the nomination:

Campus Phone #:

Please Return Prior to March 29, 2002

Please fold in half so return address shows, tape closed and deposit in campus mail.

Thank you for helping to support the APSA!

APSA Outlook

Jennifer McManus

Grounds Maintenance Dept.


APSA Outlook

APSA Grievance/Counseling Report-January 8, 2002


Member received a five-day suspension for failure to perform job duties. The issue is whether the environment contributed to problems. In any case, the discipline is too severe. Step III was not fruitful.

Proceeding to arbitration.


Member is being suspended because subordinate embezzled university funds. Environmental issues contributed greatly to this occurrence. Step III was not fruitful. Expect the University to deny grievance.

This was settled before arbitration. Member’s discipline was reduced and all material referring to incident removed from personnel files.


Member was given a five day suspension for violating university sexual harassment policies. Step III held with no satisfactory resolution. Proceeding to arbitration.


Member received 21-day suspension for failure to report work time properly. Grievance filed citing discipline was too severe, given the circumstances. Proceeding to arbitration.


Member received written record of a verbal warning for communication and reliability issues. Step I was not fruitful. Proceeding.

Recent Counseling/Investigations


Member is being accused of unprofessional behavior by supervisor.


Member is currently supervising over 35 FTE’s. Asking advice on reclass or other relief. Monitoring.


Long time member has retirement concerns. Counseling.


Member feels grossly under-compensated for current position. Investigating and counseling.


Probationary member not getting along with new supervisor. Counseling.


Member concerned that administration is not supporting member’s position on discipline of subordinates. Discipline was supported, but situation is still being monitored.


Member is being reclassified into APA. No change in duties/level/pay. Counseling.


Opened file on a member who has a subordinate making allegations regarding harassing workplace environment.


Helping member execute agreement with department for retirement.

10. Member asking for assistance in considering job change. Counseling.

11. Helping member monitor personnel file. Removing any derogatory information.

12. Helping member respond to negative components of performance appraisal.

13. Continuing to work with Dr. Banks’office and CTU and APA to finalize plans for a faculty training session on the managing workers who are unionized.

APSA Outlook

Member Information

Semi-Annual Meeting

All members are invited to attend the next semi-annual meeting, which is scheduled for 12 NOON-1:00 PM on Thursday, April 18 in Breslin

Center Meeting Room B.

Complimentary buffet lunch begins at

11:30 AM. Please come and get involved in YOUR association!

Board Meeting Schedule

Have you ever wondered what goes on at the monthly Executive

Board meetings? How does the business of the association get done and by whom? Learn the answer to these and any other questions you might have by attending a monthly

Board meeting. All members in good standing are welcome! The Board meets the second Tuesday of each month in the Holden Hunt Club (in

Holden Hall). We meet for lunch at

11:30 AM with the meeting beginning around noon and ending around 1:30 PM. Future meetings are scheduled for March 12 and April 9.

APSA Web Site

Improvements continue to be made to our website (www.msu.edu/ user/apsa). If you are ever in need of quick access to our by-laws, contract, or Board member names and telephone numbers, then check out the website. We welcome any suggestions or ideas you may have to improve the site.


Many members already are aware of the benefits of the APSA

LISTSERV: interesting, thoughtprovoking, lively are just a few of adjectives that come to mind to describe the frequent discussions which take place on the LISTSERV.

It’s very simple to become a part of it all. You just send an e-mail message.

The message is addressed to

LISTSERV@msu.edu. The “message” is SUBSCRIBE APSA-L, followed by your name (as it appears on your PAN form). That’s all there is to it!

Here’s an example:

To: LISTSERV@msu.edu

Subject: [leave blank]


Sign up today and enjoy the benefits of staying in touch with other APSA members.





A APSA michigan state university

