Technical Requirements for the central SAP Solution

SAP Solution Manager
Installation Guide
Implementation Overview......................................................................................................... 2
SAP Solution Manager System Infrastructure .................................................................... 2
Technical Requirements for the central SAP Solution Manager system ....................... 3
Installation Options........................................................................................................ 3
Recommendations for the central SAP Solution Manager installation .......................... 4
Upgrade options............................................................................................................ 5
Technical Requirements for the connected satellite systems........................................ 5
Hardware Requirements ............................................................................................... 6
Technical Installation Manual ................................................................................................... 7
Definition and Installation of System Infrastructure............................................................. 7
System Dependent Installation Tasks ......................................................................... 10
Install the SAP Solution Manager (SAP Note 0402806) ................................................... 11
Set up Transaction SDCC for data transfer ...................................................................... 13
Setup SAP Support Desk ................................................................................................. 15
System dependent installation procedures ................................................................. 15
Installation Details for Additional Support Desk Components........................................... 24
SAP Note Assistant: .................................................................................................... 24
Microsoft NetMeeting .................................................................................................. 26
Getting started with the SAP Solution Manager................................................................ 28
Start your Solution Management ................................................................................. 28
Operations Section...................................................................................................... 29
Solution Monitoring ..................................................................................................... 29
Support Section........................................................................................................... 30
Licensing Agreement.............................................................................................................. 31
SAP Solution Manager ...........................................................................................................31
Further Information................................................................................................................. 33
Implementation Overview
Within this section we give a short overview of the technical infrastructure and what has to be
considered when implementing the SAP Solution Manager.
SAP Solution Manager System Infrastructure
The SAP Solution Manager is designed to run in a central ‘monitoring’ system at the
customer site where all other SAP systems and mySAP solutions (satellite systems) are
The entire Solution Landscape can be documented (‘living document’) in a central
system (in fact several Solution Landscapes can be managed)
SAP and Non-SAP Systems can be modeled
All core business processes can be graphically assigned to all available productive
systems in a solution landscape
All connected SAP systems can be monitored by the central SAP Solution Manager
Satellite systems submit data via RFC / agents into the central system
The system with the SAP Solution Manager installed has a connection to SAPNet R/3
Frontend and the SAP Service Marketplace to communicate with SAP Support Back
Customer Solution Landscape
Customer Satellite SAP R/3 Systems and mySAP
Solutions (SAP Release 3.1I or higher)
central monitoring system
SAPNet R/3 Frontend
Solution Manager
WAS 6.10
SAP Service Marketplace
Figure 1 Solution Landscape with the central SAP SAP Web Application Server 6.10 monitoring
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
Technical Requirements for the central SAP Solution Manager
The SAP Solution Manager is a technical add-on that can be installed on one of the
following platforms:
o SAP Web Application Server (SAP Web AS) 6.10 or higher
o SAP R/3 4.6C
o mySAP Workplace 2.11
If the SAP Solution Manager should be used within a web browser it needs to have
connected an SAP Internet Transaction Server (SAP ITS) 4.6D with the latest patch
level, too.
To access the SAP Solution Manager through a Web browser, Netscape Navigator 4.7
or higher or Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 / 5.01 is needed.
To access the SAP Solution Manager through the SAP GUI for Windows, a minimum
basis Release 4.6D version of the SAP GUI for Windows is necessary. For general
information on the SAP GUI, see SAP Note 26417.
o 6.10 version: the OCX is included in the newest SAP GUI installation
o 4.6D version: you have to install a graphical OCX on all relevant front-ends
For the generation of Service Session reports and the upload of questionnaires with the
SAP Solution Manager, Microsoft Office 2000, Service Pack 1, (additional) language
"English" has to be installed.
Installation Options
The SAP Solution Manager delivers the same functionality based on a SAP R/3 4.6C
installation as on a mySAP Workplace 2.11 or Web Application Server. The only difference
is the Support Desk application to set-up an internal SAP Support organization (customer
internal message handling) and the release dependencies of the monitored satellite systems:
SAP SAP Web Application Server (SAP Web AS):
The SAP Web Application Server installation of the SAP Solution Manager includes a
basic Support Desk application that can be used to create support notifications, send
them to SAP and receive an answer. It is not meant to be a complete Support Desk
instrument. Advanced features like Solution Database and Workflow are not covered.
This means on the other hand that it does not require additional customizing and is
fairly easy to use.
With the SAP Web Application Server all satellite systems from 6.10 down to release
3.1I can be monitored.
mySAP Workplace 2.11:
The mySAP Workplace 2.11 installation corresponds exactly to the one on the SAP
Web Application Server except of the releases to be monitored.
The SAP Solution Manager includes a basic Support Desk application that can be used
to create support notifications, send them to SAP and receive an answer. It is not
meant to be a complete Support Desk instrument. Advanced features like Solution
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
Database and Workflow are not covered. This means that it does not require additional
customizing and it is fairly easy to use.
With the mySAP Workplace 2.11 all satellite systems from 4.6x down to release 3.1I
can be monitored.
SAP R/3 4.6C System:
The 4.6C installation of the SAP Solution Manager supplies a very powerful Support
Desk application for advanced message processing including features like Workflow,
Solution Database, integration into standard R/3 components and so on. However, this
also means that the application is more complex to use and additional customizing and
training for the users has to take place. The functionality to send messages to SAP and
receive regular status updates and answers is a standard part of both versions of the
Support Desk.
With the SAP R/3 4.6C System all satellite systems from 4.6x down to release 3.1I
can be monitored.
Recommendations for the central SAP Solution Manager
The SAP Solution Manager serves as a platform that includes several features in one
application. The strength of the SAP Solution Manager is the strong integration into the Solution and the optimal knowledge transfer SAP-Partner-Customer including
central monitoring features, mainly focusing on core business processes. However, additional
features and tools (Support Desk, SAP Note Assistant, MS NetMeeting,…) that are integrated
in the SAP Solution Manager, also play important roles within a customer’s solution
It is important to understand that it is not necessary or useful to always have all integrated
SAP Solution Manager components installed on one system. For example it is possible to
install the SAP Solution Manager on one system and connect to another System where the
Support Desk is installed. The SAP Solution Manager then only serves as a portal to jump to
the included Support Desk system without notice.
If the customer‘s main focus is the management of core business processes through service
roadmaps and monitoring via SAP EarlyWatch Alert, Service Level Management (reporting)
and so on, SAP recommends the SAP Web Application Server as the best choice for the SAP
Solution Manager installation as it is also the platform for the SAP Solution Architect and has
fairly small hardware requirements.
However, if a mySAP Workplace 2.11 is already part of the customer’s solution the SAP
Solution Manager can be installed on that central platform. The monitoring then is only
possible for systems and releases lower than SAP Web Application Server 6.x. To achieve
full Support Desk functionality it is now possible to link to another SAP R/3 4.6C System
where the Support Desk has to be configured.
The 4.6C installation of the SAP Solution Manager can also monitor all systems from 4.6x
down to 3.1I. If the customer‘s main focus is advanced message processing with the Support
Desk and it should be installed together with the other SAP Solution Manager components in
one system, a 4.6C installation might be the right choice.
Note: To monitor SAP Web Application Server 6.x systems, the SAP Solution Manager has to be
installed on a SAP Web Application Server (SAP Web AS) 6.10. This is due to new kernel development
where data transfer from 6.x to 4.6x is not possible!
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
Upgrade options
SAP offers a migration tool (report) to transport the SAP Solution Manager including solution
landscapes and service reports from one system to the other, independent of the SAP System
release. This report is called "RDSWPMOVE" and can be called e.g. via the ABAP Editor
(transaction "SE38"). It can be used in two scenarios:
Move the whole SAP Solution Manager from a test system to a productive system on
the same SAP release (Example 4.6C to 4.6C)
Move the whole SAP Solution Manager from one system platform to another with a
different SAP release (Example mySAP Workplace 2.11 to SAP Web AS 6.10)
This does not include settings and data of the Support Desk application (notifications,
customizing settings).
Besides this SAP Solution Manager specific migration tool, SAP will offer upgrade paths
from SAP R/3 4.6C Support Desk to mySAP CRM and from 4.6D Basis (mySAP Workplace
2.11) to 6.10 SAP Web AS.
Technical Requirements for the connected satellite systems
The SAP Solution Manager monitors the entire Solution by using data,
transferred from the satellite systems to the SAP Solution Manager via transaction SDCC
(Service Data Control Center). Therefore:
The transaction SDCC has to be upgraded to at least version 2.3.
You can check this by executing report RTCCTOOL on all satellite systems – the
report’s output shows what notes have to be implemented. In general, SAP Note
116095 explains all necessary steps.
RFC connections have to be created in the satellite systems that point to the central
SAP Solution Manager system
Current Basis / ABA support package level have to be ensured on the satellite systems
according SAP Note 388814, if the customer wants to enable users on the satellite
systems to send problem messages to the central SAP Solution Manager system.
Checklist for Technical Requirements
Has the SAP Web Application Server 6.x, the SAP R/3 4.6C system, or the mySAP
Workplace 2.11 been installed and set-up as the central SAP Solution Manager
If the SAP Solution Manager should also be used within a Web browser, has the
Internet Transaction Server been set-up and updated to the current patch level?
Have the Basis / ABA Support Packages up to number 25 (SAP R/3 4.6C), number 14
(mySAP Workplace 2.11) or number 06 (Web Application Server) been imported on
the central system?
Have the relevant frontend PCs been equipped with a Web browser (Netscape
Navigator >=4.7 or Microsoft Internet Explorer >=5.0 / 5.01) and SAP GUI for
Windows (Release 4.6D or higher)?
Is the current version of transaction SDCC (version 2.3 or higher) imported on all
satellite systems and the central SAP Solution Manager system?
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
Has Microsoft Office 2000, Service Pack 1 (English) been installed on the
frontend PCs of the employees using the SAP Solution Manager?
Has the standard remote connection to SAP been configured and tested?
Has the Internet connection been configured and tested?
Hardware Requirements
To check the individual sizing requirements for the SAP Web Application Server (SAP Web
AS) 6.10, the SAP R/3 4.6C system or mySAP Workplace 2.11, please use the SAP
Quicksizer on the SAP Service Marketplace: To use it, you
only need your SAPNet R/3 Frontend access number:
After entering the required data, enter the number of users you plan to have using the
SAP Solution Manager and choose ‘Results’. Optionally, you can forward this data to
an SAP hardware partner to get a specific offer.
When you are sizing a SAP R/3 4.6C system, you can refer to the CS (Customer Service)
Application to get a sizing proposal for your Support Desk activities.
Your actual hardware requirements depend heavily on the workload from other components
(for example, business processes) running on the same server. You may have to increase the
size of the database to meet the requirements of higher message handling activities. The
impact of the SAP Solution Manager itself is relatively small. So you do not have to adjust the
standard sizing proposal for the 4.6C system, the mySAP Workplace 2.11, or the Web
Application Server.
Sizing Proposal for a SAP Web AS 6.10 only used for SAP Solution Manager:
One central server with 1 CPU and 1 GB of main memory together with 50 GB hard
disk space (standard sizing)
One central server with 2 CPUs, 1 GB of main memory, and 50 GB of available hard
disk space (high-end sizing)
Sizing Proposal for a SAP R/3 4.6C system only used for SAP Solution Manager:
One central server with 2 CPUs and 1 GB of main memory together with 50 GB hard
disk space (standard sizing)
One central server with 2 CPUs and 2 GB of main memory together with 50 GB hard
disk space (high-end sizing)
Sizing Proposal for a mySAP Workplace 2.11 system only used for SAP Solution Manager:
One central server with 1 CPU and 1 GB of main memory together with 50 GB hard
disk space (standard sizing)
One central server with 2 CPUs, 1 GB of main memory, and 50 GB of available hard
disk space (high-end sizing)
You may need additional hard disk space for storing high numbers of Service Session reports
when you want to keep a complete history of all reports. As a rule of thumb, the required disk
space in the central SAP Solution Manager system grows at a rate of 1MB per connected
satellite system per week.
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
Technical Installation Manual
Definition and Installation of System Infrastructure
The SAP Solution Manager is embedded in the entire solution landscape and system
infrastructure. Installed on a central system the SAP Solution Manager receives (regularly or
triggered by events) data from all connected satellite systems. All SAP Systems under official
SAP maintenance (i.e. currently all SAP releases as of 3.1I) can serve as a satellite system
(see restrictions of different platforms above).
The central SAP Solution Manager application can run as a technical add-on in a SAP R/3
4.6C, a mySAP Workplace 2.11 system with an underlying 4.6D R/3 basis system or a SAP
Web Application Server 6.10.
The only functional difference is the built-in Support Desk functionality for Support
Notification handling and that satellite systems from SAP Web Application Server (SAP Web
AS) 6.x on can only be monitored from the SAP Solution Manager on a SAP Web AS 6.10:
Basic Support Desk functionality (ready to run) in a mySAP Workplace / 6.10 SAP
Web AS
Advanced Support Desk functionality in a 4.6C application system
Monitoring of SAP Web Application Server (SAP Web AS) 6.10 >> Installation of
SAP Solution Manager on SAP Web AS 6.10
It is recommended that you install the SAP Solution Manager on its own separate, dedicated
server. This will preclude possible upgrade conflicts, will avoid the system load of the SAP
Solution Manager from affecting production, and will simplify routine maintenance of the
SAP server landscape. The system should have the state of ‘high-availability’ and be
productive. Technically, it is also possible to install the SAP Solution Manager in one of your
existing development, quality, or production systems that fulfill the release requirements.
Different Installation Options for SAP Solution Manager:
Option 1:
• Installation in a SAP R/3 4.6C system together with advanced Support Desk features
• The monitoring of SAP Web AS 6.x is not possible with this option
Option 2:
Installation in a mySAP Workplace 2.11 system together with basic Support Desk
The monitoring of SAP Web Application Server (SAP Web AS) 6.x is not possible
with this option
Option 3:
Installation on a SAP Web AS 6.10 together with basic Support Desk features
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
Option 4:
Installation on a mySAP Workplace 2.11 / SAP Web AS 6.10 and additional
installation of a standard SAP R/3 4.6C application system for advanced Support Desk
features only
Customer Satellite SAP Systems
(SAP releases 3.1I – 4.6x)
Standard 4.6C R/3 System
SAPNet R/3 Frontend
Solution Manager
SAP Solution Manager runs within nnec
standard 4.6C R/3 System including
advanced Support Desk features
SAP Service
Figure 2 SAP Solution Manager running on SAP R/3 4.6C System with advanced Support Desk
Customer Satellite SAP Systems
(SAP releases 3.1I – 4.6x)
mySAP Workplace 2.11
SAPNet R/3 Frontend
Solution Manager
SAP Solution Manager runs within
mySAP Workplace 2.11 including
basic Support Desk features
SAP Service
Figure 3 SAP Solution Manager running on mySAP Workplace 2.11 with basic Support Desk
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
Customer Satellite SAP Systems
(SAP releases 3.1I - 6.x)
6.10 Web Application Server
SAPNet R/3 Frontend
Solution Manager
SAP Solution Manager runs within
a 6.10 (or higher) Web Application
Server including basic
Support Desk features
SAP Service
Figure 4 SAP Solution Manager on a SAP Web Application Server with basic Support Desk
Customer Satellite SAP Systems
(SAP Basis 3.1I – 4.6x/6.10)
SAPNet R/3 Frontend
mySAP Workplace / 6.10 WAS
Solution Manager
SAP Solution Manager runs
within the mySAP Workplace /
WAS while advanced Support
Desk features run in a separate
standard R/3 system
Remote Connectivity
SAP Service Marketplace
Advanced Support Desk
Standard 4.6C R/3 System
Figure 5 SAP Solution Manager on mySAP Workplace or SAP Web AS 6.10 connected to a
separate SAP R/3 4.6C System with the Support Desk configured
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
System Dependent Installation Tasks
Option 1: Installation in a Standard R/3 Application System
Please install and configure a standard SAP R/3 4.6C Application System (new 4.6C systems
should be installed with Service Release 2) and import at least Basis / ABA Support Package
25. If possible, also import the Application Support Packages up to number 25.
Install a new standard SAP R/3 4.6C application system with Service Release 2 (when no
other 4.6C system is available)
Import all Basis / ABA Support Packages up to at least number 25
If possible, also import all APPL Support Packages up to number 25
When you want to use the SAP Solution Manager within your web browser:
o Install ITS server and configure the IACOR process to allow automatic
publishing of Internet service files on the SAP Solution Manager's ITS server
o Enter the address of the SAP Solution Manager's ITS server in table
TWPURLSVR in the SAP Solution Manager's system
Option 2: Installation in a mySAP Workplace System
Please install and configure a mySAP Workplace System 2.11 (for example via a Smart
Implementation according to and import at least Basis / ABA
Support Packages up to No. 14.
Install and configure a mySAP Workplace 2.11 according to the Smart Implementation
manual (see
This includes:
Configuration of the SAP Solution Manager System as a standard Workplace
component system
Installation of the appropriate Workplace Plug-in
Creation of RFC destination in the Workplace system
Creation of a logical system corresponding to the above RFC destination
Installation of ITS server:
Configure the IACOR process to allow automatic publishing of Internet service files
on the SAP Solution Manager's ITS server
Enter the address of the SAP Solution Manager's ITS server in table TWPURLSVR in
the SAP Solution Manager's system
Option 3: Installation in a Web Application Server 6.10
Please install and configure a 6.10 (or higher) SAP Web Application Server and import at
least Basis / ABA Support Package 06.
Install a new 6.10 Web Application Server
Import Support Packages for Basis / ABA up to at least number 06
For installation procedures see Option 2
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
Install the SAP Solution Manager (SAP Note
General Installation Tasks:
To achieve a graphical representation and visualization of system environments and business
processes within the SAP Solution Manager (currently only supported for MS Windows
frontends) check the following
o Prerequisite: SAPGUI release >= 4.6D (>=6.10 for SAP Web AS installation)
o Additional frontend components are located on the SAP Solution Manager CD
(directory "Frontend")
o Execute SOMANCON.EXE to begin the installation
o Execution on all frontends that work with the SAP Solution Manager
Option 1: Installation in a SAP R/3 4.6C System (see SAP Note 440172)
o Make sure that all 4.6C Basis / ABA Support Packages up to at least number 25 have
been imported (please see
o Import the technical add-on "SAP Solution Manager" for R/3 Basis Release 4.6C via
transaction "SAINT" from the CD (>> "DATA" >> "KITL02Y.SAR")
o Copy SAP Solution Manager role SAP_SV_SOLUTION_MANAGER (TA PFCG)
o Generate authorizations for the role and assign users to the role
o Create RFC Destination "SAPOSS"
Now you can use transaction "Solution_Manager" or your user menu entry. If you want to
use the SAP Solution Manager in a Web browser, you will have to:
o Use transaction SM30_SSM_VAR to create and assign values to the following
variables (the variables refer to the SAP Solution Manager ITS Server):
o DSWP_WEB_PROTOCOL - set this to 'http' or 'https' (without quotes)
o DSWP_WEB_SERVER - the address and port number of the SAP Solution
Manager web server (for example, '')
o DSWP_WEB_PATH - the path to the WGate program on the SAP Solution
Manager web server ('scripts/wgate' or 'cgi-bin/wgate')
o Publish the SAP Solution Manager Internet service files on the SAP Solution
Manager's ITS server from the SAP Solution Manager System (using the IACOR
o Do not select a transport request
o On the second screen, select 'Workbench settings' and ensure that the Internet
service files will be published to the correct ITS server
o Publish the following services: DSWP, DSA_SSWB, DSA_WNGUI
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
Option 2: Installation in mySAP Workplace 2.11 System (see SAP Note
Make sure that all Basis and ABA Support Packages for R/3 Release 4.6D up to No.14
have been imported (please see
o Import the technical add-on "SAP Solution Manager" for R/3 Basis Release 4.6D via
transaction "SAINT" from the CD (>> "DATA" >> "KITL03Y.SAR")
o Copy SAP Solution Manager role SAP_SV_SOLUTION_MANAGER (TA PFCG)
o Generate authorizations for the role and assign users to the role
o Create RFC Destination "SAPOSS"
Now you can use transaction "Solution_Manager" or your user menu entry. If you want to
use the SAP Solution Manager in a Web browser, you will have to
o Use transaction SM30_SSM_VAR to create and assign values to the following
variables (the variables refer to the SAP Solution Manager ITS Server):
o DSWP_WEB_PROTOCOL - set this to 'http' or 'https' (without quotes)
o DSWP_WEB_SERVER - the address and port number of the SAP Solution
Manager web server (for example, '')
o DSWP_WEB_PATH - the path to the WGate program on the SAP Solution
Manager web server ('scripts/wgate' or 'cgi-bin/wgate')
o Publish the SAP Solution Manager Internet service files on the SAP Solution
Manager's ITS server from the SAP Solution Manager System (using the IACOR
o Do not select a transport request
o On the second screen, select 'Workbench settings' and ensure that the Internet
service files will be published to the correct ITS server
o Publish the following services: DSWP, DSA_MINI, DSA_SSWB,
Option 3: Installation in an SAP Web Application Server 6.10 System (see
SAP Note 487020)
Make sure that at least Basis / ABA Support Package Number 06 has been imported
(please see
o Decompress the archive "KITL10G.SAR" (SAPCAR -xvf KITL10G.SAR).
o Import the technical add-on "SAP Solution Manager" for R/3 Basis Release 6.10
via transaction "SAINT" from the CD (>> "DATA" >> " KITL10G.SAR ")
o Apply the Support Packages "SAPKITL101.CAR" and "SAPKITL102.CAR" via
transaction "SPAM".
o Copy SAP Solution Manager role SAP_SV_SOLUTION_MANAGER (TA
o Generate authorizations for the role and assign users to the role
Now you can use transaction "Solution_Manager" or your user menu entry
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
For all other steps see Option 2: Installation in a mySAP Workplace 2.11 system
Set up Transaction SDCC for Data Transfer
Satellite SAP
Solution Manager
SAP Support
(SDCC & Solution Manager)
SAPNet R/3 Frontend
Figure 6 SAP EarlyWatch Alert collects data on "Satellite" SAP Systems
To enable the status reporting functionality of all systems to the SAP Solution Manager
System the SAP EarlyWatch Alert Service runs in each satellite system and collects data
o SAP EarlyWatch Alert collects data on "Satellite" SAP Systems
o SAP EarlyWatch Alert Service is integral to the SAP Solution Manager landscape
o Service Data Control Center Transaction (SDCC) ≈ SAP EarlyWatch Alert Service
o Data is forwarded from the satellite systems to the "Central" SAP Solution Manager
system for processing
o All supported R/3 System releases are valid satellite systems
o All RED-Alerts in the summary reports will be send automatically to SAP (message
will be created automatically and send to SAP, too)
Set Up Transaction SDCC
Ensure that SAP EarlyWatch Alert Service transaction, SDCC version 2.3 is installed on all
SAP Solution Manager systems in the landscape – Supported releases and installation per
SAP Note 116095
1. Define / Check RFC destinations
o SAP Solution Manager System
SAPNet R/3 Frontend System
o Satellite Systems
SAP Solution Manager System
2. Customize SAP EarlyWatch Alert Service transaction SDCC
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
o Central SAP Solution Manager System
o All satellite systems (pointing to the Solution Manager system)
3. Generate service definitions
Define / Check RFC Destinations:
In the central SAP Solution Manager system, a RFC destination has to point to SAPNet
R/3 Frontend. This destination is used to connect to SAPNet R/3 Frontend for various
Forward "Red alerts" to SAP
Forward Service Sessions to SAP
Check for data model updates for the SAP Solution Manager
This RFC Destination is called SAPOSS and should normally already be there in your
system. Otherwise, you can create it using transaction "OSS1".
In the Satellite systems, a RFC Destination points to the central Solution Manager system
and is used to send EWA download data to the Solution Manager system.
There is no fixed naming rule for the RFC destination. SAP recommends to assign a
background user (that exists in the central system) to the RFC destination. You can assign
profile "D_SOLMAN_RFC" to the RFC user in the central system after SAP Solution
Manager has been installed
Customize EWA service transaction SDCC
Enter transaction SDCC and check via "Information
SDCC" that version 2.3
or higher is present. Otherwise, please import the necessary SDCC version according to
SAP Note 116095. When you start transaction SDCC for the first time, you will be asked
to schedule the ASM batch job. This job collects the EWA data and performs the
download to the Solution Manager system. A sensible time for scheduling this job is
during night when system activity is low. The job runs for about 5 minutes. As a rule of
thumb, 03.00 am is a good time for the ASM job.
Follow the menu path "Maintenance
Remote Environment
Default Target
Assign the RFC destination that points to the central SAP Solution Manager system under
" Support Workplace System". In the Solution Manager system itself, you
can enter destination "NONE".
Assign the RFC destination "SAPOSS" under "SAP Service Systems" if you still want to
send EWA data to SAP besides sending them to the SAP Solution Manager
Please choose "Maintenance
definition update from SAP.
Service Definitions" to get the latest service
Generate Service Definitions
Start transaction "SE37" and enter function module
Press Button "Single Test" (F8) and enter "ALL" under "option" and execute the test (F8).
Afterwards, the EWA service can be used to collect performance data and send them to
the SAP Solution Manager.
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
1. Use report "RTCCTOOL" to check whether additional SAP Notes have to be applied
on the satellite systems
2. Use report "BDLCUST" on the satellite system to check the proper configuration
3. Ensure that the ASM batch job is scheduled – and that it is scheduled at a "sensible"
time. It should be a time when there is not too much activity on the system and it should
be at least one hour before the central batch job on the SAP Solution Manager system
(06.00 am) starts. As a rule of thumb, 03.00 am is a good time for scheduling the job.
Setup SAP Support Desk
SAP Support Desk lowers your Solution Management cost by setting up an efficient internal
Support organization. It enables all SAP Users to contact their responsible Support unit from
within their daily work environment like:
o SAP Transaction
o SAP Workplace / Company Intranet
Important system data (transaction code, Support Package Level and many more) are
automatically copied into the Support Notification when the notification is created. The
Support Employee can access this data and use advanced tools like
o SAP Notes Search
o SAP Notes Assistant
o Customer-specific Solution Database
o Workflow and E-Mail notification
o MS NetMeeting for Application Sharing
o Interface to SAPNet R/3 Frontend to send notifications to SAP Support
System-dependent Installation Procedures
Option 1: Installation in a standard SAP R/3 4.6C Application System
By using this option, advanced Support Desk features will be installed. Based on the R/3
Notifications, powerful message handling fully integrated into SAP R/3 core business
processes is possible. This installation manual describes only the most important settings for
establishing SAP related message handling functions. In order to establish a general message
handling application, a separate consulting project might be necessary
Option 2: Installation in a mySAP Workplace 2.11 System
By using this option, basic Support Desk features will be installed. The following pages
describe the necessary installation and customizing tasks
Option 3: Installation in an SAP Web Application Server 6.10
By using this option, basic Support Desk features will be installed with the same functionality
as in a mySAP Workplace 2.11 system. As of release 6.10, the basic Support Desk features
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
are a part of SAP’s standard software delivery and there is no additional installation routine.
However, the basic customizing has to take place exactly as described under option 2.
Option 1: Installation details for Advanced Support Desk Functions in a
Standard SAP R/3 4.6C System:
o Installation of SAP Solution Manager in the SAP R/3 4.6C standard application
o Execute the command files
o Maintain Table of installation numbers
o Maintain RFC destinations for target system / SAPNet (SM59)
o Maintain authorization profiles
o Maintenance of the system settings / scheduling of the Batch Job
o Implement Support Packages in the sending SAP systems
o Define target system in the sending SAP systems
The user master data of all users that send / process support requests have to be maintained in
the central target system (alternatively, a dummy user can be used)
Installation Details for Advanced Support Desk (4.6C)
Execute the command files:
1. Use "SM29" in the productive client of the target system
2. Execute "P99_Q_R3_MEL"
3. Execute "P99_Q_R3_CAT"
4. Execute "P99_Q_R3_SYSTDAT"
This transfers the standard functionality from client "000" to the productive client.
Maintain Table of installation numbers:
Use transaction "SAPSMOSS/O05" and fill in the installation numbers of all satellite systems
from which you want to send notifications to the central Solution Manager system. In the case
of more than one systems with the same installation number you just need to maintain the
number one time. If the sending systems are not listed, you will get the error “installation not
Maintain RFC destinations in the SAP Solution Manager System (SM59):
o Destination "SAP-OSS", connection type "3" (R/3 connection), Target system ID
"O01", client "001". You can copy RFC destination "SAPOSS" for your convenience
o Maintain a valid SAPNet User (R/3 Frontend) for connecting to SAPNet R/3 Frontend
- this user needs all authorizations for SAPNet R/3 Frontend (super user)
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
o Destination "SAP-OSS-LIST-O01" (for the batch job that updates all local messages
that were sent to SAP with the current information from SAP) – the S-user that is
maintained here needs all authorizations for SAPNet R/3 Frontend (Super User)
o Test both connections
o These RFC destination can also be generated automatically by using the Scope session
in the SAP Solution Manager
Maintain authorizations (transaction "SU01"):
Support employees:
o Insert parameter "/SAPSMOSS/01OSSUSID" with the User-ID of a SAPNet R/3
Frontend User with complete authorizations (for all users that are allowed to send
support requests to SAP)
o Role "SAP_SV_FDB_SUPPORT_LINE_LEVEL1" (1st Level ) or
o Role "SAP_SV_FDB_SUPPORT_LINE_LEVEL2" (2nd Level User)
o Role "SAP_SV_FDB_SUPPORT_LINE_ADMIN" (SysAdmin of the Support Desk)
End users (that create Support Requests):
o Create User Master Data
o Authority profile "S_RFC", Activity "Execute", Object "SAPSMO*"
o Authority profile "Q_QMEL", N.-Type "$$", TCODE "QM01", plant "*"
o Authority profile "Q_GP_CODE", Taskgroup "*", Catalog "*"
Customizing of the Notification Type "$$":
Assign number range:
o Transaction "IW20"
o Assign element "$$" to a new group with a
new number range
Maintain system settings:
o Maintain all areas under "System Settings" in the user menu (esp. installation numbers
of all sending systems)
o Schedule Batch Jobs for refresh SAPNet / target system
o "Worklist
Refresh Notifications
Schedule Batch Job"
o During the run of the batch job all support requests sent to SAP are refreshed - even
those that were not created via the interface
o In this case a local $$ notification is created with default data
o This can be controlled as described in SAP Note 422792
o Please implement the changes described in SAP Note 381206
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
o Publish MiniApp "MA_QM_NOTIFCOM" via SE80 - for details how to publish
internet services to the ITS, please refer to the additional documentation in your
installation suitcase
Maintain batch-jobs for OSS-Updates:
o Go to transaction /n/SAPSMOSS/U02
o Press "create variant"
o Put in a name for the variant and press "create"
o Set the sign in "no confirmed notifications" and press "Attributes"
o Put in a description and save
o Mark the variant and press "Schedule job"
o Maintain the execution date and press "Schedule periodically"
o Maintain the time period in which the job should be repeated (usually 30 minutes) and
press create
o In transaction SM37 under "Execute" you can check the status of the job
Activities in the sending systems:
To enable the users to submit support notifications from the sending systems, a specific
Basis Support Package Level has to be ensured depending on the system’s release:
o Basis Release 3.1I:
Number 82 (SAPKH31I82)
o Basis Release 4.0B:
Number 64 (SAPKH40B64)
o Basis Release 4.5B:
Number 42 (SAPKH45B42)
o Basis Release 4.6B:
Number 30 (SAPKB46B30)
o Basis Release 4.6C:
Number 19 (SAPKB46C19)
o Basis Release 4.6D: Number 09 (SAPKB46D09)
o Basis Release 6.10:
Number 01 (SAPKB61001)
o Without applying these support packages, creation of support notification will only
work as of release 4.5B or higher with limited functionality together with SAP Note
Maintain RFC destinations in the sending system (SM59):
o Maintain destination of the target system in all sending systems (connection type "3")
o If you do not maintain a user here, the end users have to identify themselves with
username / password when trying to send a notification to the central SAP Solution
Manager system
o Exception: When you use Single Sign on with a trusted system relationship, there is
no need to enter user / password
o If you maintain a generic (valid) user here, there is no need for the "real" users to enter
their passwords
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
Customizing in each sending system:
o Maintain table "BCOS_CUST" with transaction "SM30"
o Field 1:
o Field 2:
o Field 3:
<RFC destination of the target system> (or "NONE")
o Field 4:
o Field 5:
Option 2: Installation Details for Basic Support Desk Functions (mySAP
Workplace 2.11):
o Installation of SAP Solution Manager in the mySAP Workplace system (including
/ABA / Basis Support Packages up to No. 14)
o Maintain RFC destinations for target system / SAPNet (SM59)
o Maintain authorization profiles
o Maintenance of the system settings
o Implement Support Packages in the sending SAP systems
o Define target system in the sending SAP systems
The user master data of all users that send / process support requests have to be maintained in
the central target system Installation of SAP Solution Manager Framework:
o Previous to setting up the SAP Support Desk functions the SAP Solution Manager has
to be installed according to the installation guideline
o During this installation procedure, the basic Support Desk Functions are automatically
installed in the SAP Solution Manager System
Maintain RFC destinations in the SAP Solution Manager System (SM59):
o Destination "SAP-OSS", connection type "3" (R/3 connection), Target system ID
"O01", client "001". You can copy RFC destination "SAPOSS" for your convenience
o Maintain a valid SAPNet User (R/3 Frontend) for connecting to SAPNet R/3 Frontend
- this user needs all authorizations regarding message processing for all installation
numbers in SAPNet R/3 Frontend (super user)
o Destination "SAP-OSS-LIST-O01" (for the batch job that updates all local messages
that were sent to SAP with the current information from SAP) - the SAPNet User that
is maintained here needs all authorizations for all the customer’s installation numbers
in SAPNet R/3 Frontend (Super User)
o Test both connections
o These RFC destinations can also be generated automatically using the Scope Session
in the SAP Solution Manager
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
Maintain authorizations (transaction "SU01"):
Support employees:
o Insert parameter "/SAPNETUSID" with the
User-ID of a SAPNet R/3 Frontend User with
complete authorizations for messages
Administrator of the Support Desk system:
o Insert parameter "/SAPNETUSID" with the User-ID of a SAPNet R/3 Frontend User
with complete authorizations in SAPNet R/3 Frontend (for all users that are allowed to
send support requests to SAP)
End users (that create Support Requests):
o Create User Master Data
o Authority profile "S_RFC", Activity "Execute", Object "SAPSMO*" in the sending
system (where the user presses "Help >> Submit Support Notification")
o Assign Role "SAP_SV_FDB_NOTIF_BC_CREATE" in the SAP Solution Manager
Maintenance of System Settings:
o Please log on to the Support Desk system with an administrative user that has been
assigned to the Role "SAP_SV_FDB_NOTIF_BC_ADMIN"
o Please use the transactions from the user menu to maintain system settings:
o DNO_NOTIF Number Range Maintenance (mandatory)
o DNO_CUST01 Settings for Notification Type (not mandatory)
o DNO_CUST02 Settings for Partner Types (not mandatory)
o DNO_CUST03 Settings for Note Types (not mandatory)
o DNO_CUST04 Basis Notification: User Settings (not mandatory)
o DNO_CUST05 Subscreen Control (not mandatory)
Refresh all notifications sent to SAP from the user menu:
o A Batch Job will be available with the next release of the SAP Solution Manager
o In the meantime, there is an option to execute an online refresh for all support requests
that have been sent to SAP from the user menu
Publish MiniApp "DNO_NOTIF" via SE80
For details how to publish internet services to the ITS, please refer to the installation
Maintenance of System Settings:
o DNO_NOTIF Number Range Maintenance (mandatory)
o Choose entry "Number Range Maintenance" (Transaction "DNO_NOTIF")
from the user menu
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
o Hit Push button "Maintain Groups (F6)" then follow menu path "Group >>
Insert" (F6)
o Enter a description and a number range interval (from…to)
o Check the box in front of your new group and mark element "SLF1" with your
o Hit push button "Select Element" (F2) then hit Push Button "Assign Element
Group" (F5)Activities in the sending systems
o To enable the users to submit support notifications from the sending systems, a
specific Basis Support Package Level has to be ensured depending on the system’s
o Basis Release 3.1I:
Number 82 (SAPKH31I82)
o Basis Release 4.0B:
Number 64 (SAPKH40B64)
o Basis Release 4.5B:
Number 42 (SAPKH45B42)
o Basis Release 4.6B:
Number 30 (SAPKB46B30)
o Basis Release 4.6C:
Number 19 (SAPKB46C19)
o Basis Release 4.6D: Number 09 (SAPKB46D09)
o Basis Release 6.10:
Number 01 (SAPKB61001)
o Without applying these support packages, creation of support notification will only
work as of release 4.5B or higher with limited functionality together with SAP Note
Maintain RFC destinations in the sending system (SM59):
Maintain destination of the target system in all sending systems (connection type "3")
If you do not maintain a user here, the end users have to identify themselves with
username / password when trying to send a notification to the central SAP Solution
Manager system. Exception: When you use Single Sign-on or a trusted system
relationship, there is no need to enter user / password (when the user / password is the
same on both systems).
If you maintain a user here, there is no need for the "send" users to enter their passwords.
However, in this case the generic user appears as "creator" in all messages! Therefore,
SAP recommends to use a trusted system relationship:
o A Trusted/Trusting relationship must always be set up in the Trusting system (central
SAP Solution Manager system)
o You can find a description in SAP Note 0128447 with individual steps for the
definition of a Trusted/Trusting relationship from the Trusted system (satellite system)
into the Trusting system (central SAP Solution Manager system)
Maintain RFC destinations in the sending system (SM59) – "Trusted System" settings
Customizing in each sending system:
o Maintain table "BCOS_CUST" with transaction "SM30"
o Field 1:
o Field 2:
o Field 3:
<RFC destination of the target system> (or "NONE")
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
o Field 4:
o Field 5:
Option 3: Installation Details for Basic Support Desk Functions (SAP
Web AS 6.10):
o Maintain RFC destinations for target system / SAPNet (SM59)
o Maintain authorization profiles
o Maintenance of the system settings
o Implement Support Packages in the sending SAP systems
o Define target system in the sending SAP systems
The user master data of all users that send / process support requests have to be maintained in
the central target system
Maintain RFC destinations in the SAP Solution Manager System (SM59):
o Destination "SAP-OSS", connection type "3" (R/3 connection), Target system ID
"O01", client "001". You can copy RFC destination "SAPOSS" for your convenience
o Maintain a valid SAPNet User (R/3 Frontend) for connecting to SAPNet R/3 Frontend
- this user needs all authorizations for SAPNet R/3 Frontend (super user)
o Destination "SAP-OSS-LIST-O01" (for the batch job that updates all local messages
that were sent to SAP with the current information from SAP) – the S-user that is
maintained here needs all authorizations for SAPNet R/3 Frontend (Super User)
o Test both connections
o These RFC destination can also be generated automatically by using the Scope session
in the SAP Solution Manager
Maintain authorizations (transaction "SU01"):
Support employees
o Insert parameter "/SAPNETUSID" with the
User-ID of a SAPNet R/3 Frontend User with
complete authorizations for messages
Administrator of the Support Desk system:
o Insert parameter "/SAPNETUSID" with the User-ID of a SAPNet R/3 Frontend User
with complete authorizations in SAPNet R/3 Frontend (for all users that are allowed to
send support requests to SAP)
End users (that create Support Requests):
o Create User Master Data
o Authority profile "S_RFC", Activity "Execute", Object "SAPSMO*" in the sending
system (where the user presses "Help è Submit Support Notification")
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
o Assign Role "SAP_SV_FDB_NOTIF_BC_CREATE" in the SAP Solution Manager
Maintenance of System Settings:
o Please log on to the Support Desk system with an administrative user that has been
assigned to the Role "SAP_SV_FDB_NOTIF_BC_ADMIN"
o Please use the transactions from the user menu to maintain system settings:
o DNO_NOTIF Number Range Maintenance (mandatory)
o DNO_CUST01 Settings for Notification Type (not mandatory)
o DNO_CUST02 Settings for Partner Types (not mandatory)
o DNO_CUST03 Settings for Note Types (not mandatory)
o DNO_CUST04 Basis Notification: User Settings (not mandatory)
o DNO_CUST05 Subscreen Control (not mandatory)
Refresh Notifications sent to SAP from the user menu:
o A Batch Job will be available with the next release of the SAP Solution Manager
o In the meantime, there is an option to execute an online refresh for all support requests
that have been sent to SAP from the user menu
Publish MiniApp "DNO_NOTIF" via SE80.
Maintenance of System Settings:
o DNO_NOTIF Number Range Maintenance (mandatory)
o Choose entry "Number Range Maintenance" (Transaction "DNO_NOTIF") from the
user menu
o Hit Push button "Maintain Groups (F6)" then follow menu path "Group è Insert" (F6)
o Enter a description and a number range interval (from…to)
o Check the box in front of your new group and mark element "SLF1" with your mouse
o Hit push button "Select Element" (F2) then hit Push Button "Assign Element Group"
Activities in the sending systems:
o To enable the users to submit support notifications from the sending systems, a
specific Basis Support Package Level has to be ensured depending on the system’s
o Basis Release 3.1I:
Number 82 (SAPKH31I82)
o Basis Release 4.0B:
Number 64 (SAPKH40B64)
o Basis Release 4.5B:
Number 42 (SAPKH45B42)
o Basis Release 4.6B:
Number 30 (SAPKB46B30)
o Basis Release 4.6C:
Number 19 (SAPKB46C19)
o Basis Release 4.6D: Number 09 (SAPKB46D09)
o Basis Release 6.10:
Number 01 (SAPKB61001)
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
o Without applying these support packages, creation of support notification will only
work as of release 4.5B or higher with limited functionality together with SAP Note
Maintain RFC destinations in the sending system (SM59) :
o Maintain destination of the target system in all sending systems (connection type "3")
If you do not maintain a user here, the end users have to identify themselves with
username / password when trying to send a notification to the central SAP Solution
Manager system. Exception: When you use Single Sign-on or a trusted system
relationship, there is no need to enter user / password (when the user / password is the
same on both systems)
If you maintain a user here, there is no need for the "real" users to enter their passwords.
However, in this case the generic user appears as "creator" in all messages! Therefore,
SAP recommends to use a trusted system relationship:
o A Trusted/Trusting relationship must always be set up in the Trusting system (central
SAP Solution Manager system)
You can find a description in SAP Note 0128447 with individual steps for the definition
of a Trusted/Trusting relationship from the Trusted system (satellite system) into the
Trusting system (central SAP Solution Manager system)
Maintain RFC destinations in the sending system (SM59) – "Trusted System" settings
Customizing in each sending system:
o Maintain table "BCOS_CUST" with transaction "SM30"
o Field 1:
o Field 2:
o Field 3:
<RFC destination of the target system> (or "NONE")
o Field 4:
o Field 5:
Installation Details for Additional Support Desk
SAP Note Assistant:
Using the SAP Note Assistant, you can automatically import SAP Note Corrections.
The SAP Note Assistant is to be installed on all systems, on which Note corrections should be
You can download this add-on free of charge from the SAP Service Marketplace
All technical requirements for using the SAP Note Assistant are explained in the
corresponding section of the media center
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
In particular, there are specific Basis / ABA Support Package levels required:
4.6D >>
SAPKB46D05 (or higher)
4.6C >>
SAPKB46C15 (or higher)
4.6B >>
SAPKB46B25 (or higher)
4.5B >>
SAPKH45B38 (or higher)
Benefits and features of the SAP Note Assistant:
o Automatic SAP Note implementation (including dependencies)
o Reporting via Note Browser
o Workflow options
o Modification support through integration with Modification Assistant
o Integration with transport management
o Easy installation
Limitations of the SAP Note Assistant
o Only ABAP coding can be implemented automatically no dictionary objects,
messages and so on
o You still have to read the SAP Note
o Note Assistant does NOT replace Support Packages
SAPNet Note database
Note Browser
Implement Correction
Reason for
Assistant (SE95)
Manual fallback
Specialized version of
split screen editor
Adjustment (SPAU)
SAP Note Assistant:
o Download SAP Notes add-on from the Service Marketplace
o Use Transaction SAINT to import the add-on
o Set the relevant software components to modifiable / restricted modifiable in SE03
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
o Set the software component "SAP_NOTES" (4.6B / 4.6C) resp. "SAP R/3 Basis
System (4.5B) to modifiable
o Create RFC Destination "SAPOSS" (should be already there)
o Specify Software components with transaction SNOTE via "Utilities" >> "Get release
o Now, you can use the Note Assistant via transaction SNOTE
Microsoft NetMeeting
The "Microsoft NetMeeting" functionality enables end users, internal Support employees (in
the SAP Solution Manager) AND SAP Backoffice Support employees to access the same
screen output and the same application via "Application Sharing".
This is particularly useful for problems that cannot be reproduced in the SAP System via
Remote Logon but can be displayed on the user's desktop.
Front-End Problem
reported by end user
Support employee
asks end user for
Application sharing
MS NetMeeting
Application sharing
Solution Manager
Severe Problems!!
End user – help desk
SAP Support
Customer Help desk asks
SAP for Application sharing
with end user – help desk
Figure 7 SAP Support opens MS NetMeeting to enable application sharing with the customer’s
end user and/or help desk employee
Licenses for MS NetMeeting Software:
o Microsoft NetMeeting can be used free of charge within the scope of the
licensed use of the Microsoft "Windows NT" and "Windows 2000"
operating systems and Microsoft "Internet Explorer" (5.01 and higher)
o Other operating systems and application sharing tools can also be
used - however, SAP Back Office employees will not be able to
analyze problems "live"System prerequisites for MS NetMeeting software:
o The MS NetMeeting Software must be installed on all PCs on which MS NetMeeting
should be used. This includes all the PCs of users who should be allowed access to
Application Sharing for MS NetMeeting if a problem occurs. It also includes the PCs
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
of all SAP Solution Manager users, who should have access to the user's application if
a problem occurs.
o The system prerequisites for individual PCs are described and updated,
if necessary, on the Microsoft Homepage. You can find this information at the
following Internet address:
Install MS NetMeeting (English version):
o Download Microsoft NetMeeting 3.01 from the
Microsoft Homepage and follow the instructions
Initiating Application Sharing with MS NetMeeting:
o Start MS NetMeeting and select
"Tools" >> "Enable Sharing"
o Initiate the installation dialog with "Yes"
and follow the instructions
o Restart the PC according to the installation
dialog ("yes")
o Under "Options" >> "Bandwidth Settings",
set the bandwidth to "28880 Bits/s or faster modem".
Working with MS Netmeeting (SAP Note 356635):
Configuring the SAProuter:
o To enable SAP Back Office Support employees to connect to the MS NetMeeting
session, you must use the current SAProuter according to SAP Note 356635
o You have to EXPLICITLY authorize access via NetMeeting
Creating the Service Netbios connection:
o Log on to the SAPNet R/3 Frontend and press the SERVICE button
o Press the SERVICE CONNECTION button and double-click on the system, on which
you want to set up the MS NetMeeting connection
o Expand the SERVICE SELECTION entry
o Use the mouse to select the Netbios Connection entry and then press the
o In the dialog box that appears, specify a contact person and press SAVE
o You can now open the Service Netbios connection (The procedure explained above is
described in detail in SAP Note 31515)
MAINTAINING/CREATING the SAProuter configuration
o The SAProuter configuration has to be maintained in such a way that you are allowed
to access the host concerned (called "NMHOST1") via NetMeeting from the SAP
sapserv<N> Server
o NetMeeting uses the TCP/IP Port 1503 (this port must be explicitly released)
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
o The saprouttab configuration file details which connections can be used by the
respective ports
o Log on as <sid>adm
o Edit the saprouttab (for example, with vi, sappad.exe, and so on)
o If, in addition to the NetMeeting access, an R/3 GUI should also be accessed on one or
more R/3 systems, new ports must be included accordingly in the saprouttab
Example: Access to 2 R/3 Systems, whose instance numbers are '00' and '02':
p <IP address of sapservX> <IP address Server1> 3299
p <IP address of sapservX> <IP address Server1> 3200
p <IP address of sapservX> <IP address Server2> 3202
p <IP address of sapservX> <IP address NMHOST1> 1503 #NMC
(the last entry is for NetMeeting)
A generic entry in the form of 'p * * *' should NEVER appear in the saprouttab, even if this
results in access only being regulated through a GUI log as these entries permit a connection
from ANY host to ANY host (p = permit, * = each host)
Finally, save the file and import saprouttab again with ‘SAProuter -n’
Please refer to SAP Note 37001 for information about the entries in SAPROUTTAB to ensure
the router entries are adjusted according to your security policy.
Getting Started with the SAP Solution Manager
Start your Solution Management
Start the SAP Solution Manager with transaction "Solution_Manager" from your user menu.
You will have to create a first solution landscape by pressing the "new" button in the solution
landscape overview screen. Follow the instructions in the solution landscape wizard and enter
details like customer number and landscape name. In the landscape overview screen, you can
access general customizing settings by pressing the button "Global Setting".
After finishing the wizard you are brought into your landscape (initial state).
Under "Solution Scope", press "Define Solution Landscape" to define the satellite systems
that report to the central Solution Manager in your landscape.
Navigate through the session by following the check tree on the left side. The documentation
within the service session will guide you through the different checks. To record new
software components or to display the main software components of the chosen landscape
you have to maintain them under “Solution landscape overview” and “Software components
for productive hardware”.
After defining the system IDs (with installation number), you can save your work and leave
the session. Go to the satellite systems and enter transaction SDCC, refresh the session
overview, mark the EWA session (due for today) that has arrived and press the "Download"
button. Refresh the session status until the session has been downloaded to the Solution
Manager (green light in SDCC).
Go back to your Solution Landscape in the Solution Manager and hit the "Service Processing"
button. This will start a batch job that connects the downloaded EWA data to your session in
the Solution Manager.
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
After the batch job is finished, you can enter your "Define Solution Landscape" session again.
The availability sign for the EWA alert data should change from "red" to "green" in the
corresponding check.
To define your business processes, press the "Define Business Processes" button in the
"Solution Scope" section. You can now define a new business process and use a SAP
template for your convenience. Follow the on screen documentation and drag and drop the
steps of your business process upon the desired software components.
Afterwards, the other Solution Manager sections will be populated according to the systems
and business processes you have defined.
Operations Section
In the Operations Section, you can access all SAP services via the Service Catalog on the
Service Marketplace. Just click on the link and you are brought to the Service Marketplace.
You have to enter your S-User and password to order a Service.
The order confirmation will be sent to you in the "Service Channel" under the Support
"Best Practice" (self) services and documents can be accessed directly from the Operation
Solution Monitoring
In the Solution Monitoring section, you can access Self Services for Business Process
Monitoring, System Monitoring and Service Level Management.
Service Level Management:
Service Level Management enables you to integrate the performance information of the SAP
EarlyWatch Alert Service from all your systems belonging to the specific solution landscape
in one single report. Furthermore, Service Level Management allows you to report on the
status of your business process running across several systems on transaction code level.
Based on user-defined thresholds for specific transaction, Service Level Management gives
you the possibility to set-up technical Service Level Agreements between your IT and your
business departments. The EWA service is automatically scheduled on a weekly basis and
delivers its data each Monday. The corresponding SL Report is generated automatically
based on the desired scheduling and its customizing data. This customizing can be defined
by clicking on "Set-up SL Report"
Here, you define the systems that contribute to your SL Reporting and the technical contents.
Based on your business process, you can enter transaction codes and thresholds for yellow
and red alerts for each step of your business process.
After finishing the customizing session, a new SL report has arrived. If you now hit the
"Service Processing" button, the SL Report will be generated based on the download data of
the most current EWA session for your systems. When you want to see the alerts from your
business process transactions right now, it will be necessary to create new EWA sessions
manually (by hitting the "new" button) or to wait for the next automatic creation of the EWA
session (next Monday). This is necessary, as the transaction codes that you have defined in
the "Set-up SL Report" session could not be analyzed in the EWA session that you have
executed before doing the SL customizing. The general performance date will be there in any
You can access additional documentation by clicking on the "Service Level Management" link
that points you to the corresponding Best Practice document on the Service Marketplace.
System Monitoring:
System Monitoring enables you to integrate real time alerts derived from CCMS and display
them on the core business process graphics. Click on "Set-up System Monitoring" to define
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
the software components that you want to monitor. Follow the instructions in the session to
create RFC destinations to the systems that you want to monitor and to specify the kind of
alerts you want to receive. The default monitoring template covers the most important points
and should be suitable in most cases.
Afterwards, click on "Display Alerts" to see the real time alerts on your business graphics. By
clicking on an alert, you will be brought in the corresponding analysis method from CCMS on
the remote system.
Additional documentation can be found by clicking on the link "Central System Monitoring for" that brings you to the corresponding Best Practice document on the Service
Finally, the self service "Central System Administration" can be used to perform the periodic
tasks of system administration. Just follow the instructions in the sessions to perform your
system management.
Business Process Monitoring:
Business Process Monitoring is also integrating real time alerts derived from CCMS and
additional alerts based on an hourly download service from the remote systems. As in
"System Monitoring", these alerts are displayed on the core business process graphics.
However, the alerts from Business Process Monitoring are not focused on software
components like the alerts from System Monitoring. Moreover, the alerts from Business
Process Monitoring are about transaction performance, exceptional situations concerning
background jobs and application specific issues (e.g. delivery due lists).
The central customizing can be defined by clicking on "Set-up Business Process Monitoring".
The set-up of your Business Process Management is a technical expert service (“Business
Process Management”) delivered by SAP and will not be supported as a self-service at the
The alerts from System Monitoring and Business Process Monitoring are always displayed
on the same graphics. Alerts from Business Process Monitoring are connected to a certain
step from the business process while alerts from System Monitoring are assigned to the
specific software component.
Additional documentation will be published via the Service Marketplace as soon as possible.
Support Section
In the Support Section, you can access a MiniApp regarding the Support Notifications from
the Support Desk, the Service Channel and a MiniApp regarding Service Marketplace
The Support Notifications MiniApp displays the Notifications created by the end users. You
can filter the notifications by using the various variants. By double-clicking on a notification, a
new window will be opened where you can process the notification.
The Service Channel shows your Workflow Items on the Service Marketplace (for example,
Service Confirmations). They are displayed based on the S-User you enter in the
identification pop-up. By clicking on a line in the Service Channel, you are brought to your
Inbox on the Service Marketplace where you can process your Workflow items.
The Service Marketplace Favorites MiniApp can be used to define quick links to aliases on
the Service Marketplace.
The overall Solution Manager documentation will be updated and published via the Service
Marketplace under htpp://
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
Licensing Agreement
SAP Solution Manager usage is based on the Software Licensing Agreement for the SAP
Solution Manager. This Software Licensing Agreement becomes effective by accepting our
Terms and Conditions when downloading the software or ordering the CD on the SAP
Service Marketplace.
Software Licensing Agreement (Loan Agreement)
SAP Solution Manager
SAP Aktiengesellschaft
Systems, Applications, Products in Data Processing
Neurottstrasse 16
69190 Walldorf
( hereinafter: SAP )
( hereinafter: Customer )
Art. 1:
The usage of the Software Product made available to the Customer is governed by the terms
of this License. The Customer will be unable to install the Software Product unless
confirming the License Terms by clicking "accept" when ordering or downloading the
Software. This Software Product is made available solely under the conditions set forth in
this License Agreement. Any reproduction or redistribution of the Software Product not in
accordance with the License is expressly prohibited by law and may result in severe civil and
criminal penalties.
Art. 2:
Subject Matter of the Agreement
The subject matter of the Agreement is the loan of a copy of the Software Product:
SAP Solution Manager
consisting of the usable machine readable programs and documentation for
demonstration purposes ("Software Product").
As configured this Software Product shall only be used for the Monitoring of and the
Service Delivery for SAP software components fully licensed by the customer. Especially
the use of this Software Product for the Monitoring of and the Service Delivery for SAP
software components licensed from third parties shall not be permitted
The right to use the Services contained in this Software is subject to a separate Services
License Agreement and therefore requires the conclusion of such an Agreement which is
offered via the SAP Service Catalog.
SAP does not provide software maintenance for the Software Product. Software
maintenance of the Software Product therefore shall be not included.
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
2. All other services shall be charged according to the rates for services quoted in the
SAP List of Prices and Conditions and shall be subject to a separate contract.
Art. 3:
There will be no charge for the software license
Art. 4:
Delivery Date and Duration of the Contract
The Software Product is delivered with its download or the CD ordered via the SAP
Service Marketplace.
This Agreement shall take effect when the Customer has confirmed the License by
clicking the "Accept"-Button when downloading the software or ordering the CD.
Art. 5:
Exclusion of Warranty
As the Software Product is transferred to the Customer on a loan basis and free of charge,
SAP cannot guarantee that the software is error-free, without material defects or suitable for
a specific application under third-party rights. Technical data, sales brochures, advertising
text and quality descriptions produced by SAP do not indicate any assurance of particular
Art. 6:
The Customer shall maintain the software properly and carefully. The Customer shall be
liable for any damage caused to the software, arising from failure to meet this obligation.
Irrespective of the legal reasons, SAP shall only be liable for damage, including
unauthorized operation, if this (i) can be compensated under the Product Liability Act or
(ii) if caused due to gross negligence or intent by SAP or (iii) if based on the failure of a
guaranteed attribute.
If SAP is liable for gross negligence or intent caused by employees who are neither
agents or managerial employees of SAP, the total liability for such damage and a
maximum limit on the scope of any such damage shall depend on the extent to which its
occurrence ought to have anticipated by SAP when concluding the contract, due to the
circumstances known to it at that point in time representing a typical transfer of the
In the case of Art. 5.3 above, SAP shall not be liable for indirect damage, consequential
damage caused by a defect or lost profit.
SAP and the Customer agree that the typical foreseeable extent of damage shall under
no circumstances exceed EUR 50,000.
The Customer shall take adequate measures for the protection of data and programs, in
particular by making backup copies at the minimum intervals recommended by SAP.
SAP shall not be liable for the loss of data and its recovery, notwithstanding the other
limitations of the present Art. 5 if this loss could have been avoided by observing this
The exclusion or the limitation of claims in accordance with the present Art. 5 includes
claims against employees or agents of SAP.
Art. 7:
Terms and Conditions
In all other respects, SAP's General Terms and Conditions and SAP's then current List of
Prices and Conditions shall apply.
SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG
Further Information
Information on the SAP Service Marketplace
For more information about the SAP Solution Manager, visit the SAP Service Marketplace at
Feedback and Questions
Send any feedback by writing an SAP customer message for component SV-GST. You can
do this, for example, at
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SAP Solution Manager - Installation Procedure
© 2001 SAP AG