Indicator and test papers

Testpapiere Seite 5 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Indicator and test papers
pH papers · qualitative and semi-quantitative test papers and test sticks
pH indicator papers and liquid indicators
Test papers
Indicator papers without colour scale
Universal and special indicator papers
DUOTEST and TRITEST indicator papers
PEHANON® indicator papers
pH-Fix indicator sticks – non-bleeding
Liquid indicators UNISOL
Test papers for qualitative determinations
Summary and ordering information
Description of qualitative test papers in alphabetical order
12 – 13
14 – 20
Test sticks and test papers for semi-quantitative determinations
QUANTOFIX® test sticks
Summary and ordering information
Description of QUANTOFIX® test sticks in alphabetical order
21 – 26
22 – 26
Other test sticks and test papers for semi-quantitative determinations
Ordering information
Description of test sticks / test papers in alphabetical order
27 – 30
Test sticks for microbiological diagnostics
31 – 32
Testpapiere Seite 6 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
pH indicator papers
Indicator papers without colour scale
For orientation and adjustment of pH values
Test papers
These products are simple, completely impregnated indicator
papers, which do not allow exact pH determinations, but pH
adjustments during special chemical procedures. For this
reason, no colour scale is provided with these papers.
Brilliant yellow paper
Yellow paper, which changes colour to red near neutral (pH
6.7 – 7.9).
Recommended application:
demonstration of a specific alkali concentration, which is required for special reactions.
Congo red paper
Red paper, which changes colour to blue in the pH range
3.0 – 5.0.
Congo paper is supplied in three versions of varying sensitivity:
Congo paper MN 816 N
normal sensitivity
Congo paper MN 260 HE
high sensitivity
Congo paper MN 616 T
medium sensitivity, between the above two types, recommended specifically for spot tests.
Recommended application:
Neutralisation analysis; detection of lactic acid in culture media, which contain lactic acid-producing strains of B. coli.
Litmus papers
Litmus paper is available in three modifications:
Litmus paper blue:
changes colour from blue to red when conditions change from
alkaline to acidic.
Litmus paper neutral:
violet indicator paper which changes to red under acid conditions and to blue under alkaline conditions.
Recommended application: neutralisation analyses
Nitrazine yellow paper
Yellow paper which changes to blue when the pH exceeds 6
towards alkaline conditions (greyish blue at pH 7; blue at pH
> 8).
Recommended application: neutralisation analyses
Phenolphthalein paper
White paper, which changes colour to red when the pH exceeds 8.3 towards alkaline conditions (red at pH > 10).
Indicator paper
Colour change, when pH changes
from → to
Brilliant yellow paper
Congo paper MN 816 N
Congo paper MN 616 T
Congo paper MN 260 HE
Litmus paper blue
Litmus paper neutral
Litmus paper red
Nitrazine yellow paper
Phenolphthalein paper
yellow → red
red → blue
red → blue
red → blue
blue → red
red ← violet → blue
red → blue
yellow → violet-blue
white → red
Refill pack:
Litmus paper red:
changes colour from red to blue when conditions change from
acidic to alkaline.
Recommended application:
General test for acidic or alkaline reaction: It serves in neutralisation reactions to check whether the change from acid to alkaline or vice versa has taken place. Litmus paper is the bestknown indicator paper.
Chemistry: Litmus is not a single, chemically defined substance but a natural product containing a mixture of substances. It is extracted from lichen and probably represents the
oldest known indicator dye.
6.7 – 7.9
5.0 – 3.0
5.0 – 3.0
5.0 – 3.0
8.0 – 5.0
5.0 – 8.0
5.0 – 8.0
6.0 – 7,0
8.3 – 10.0
Cat. No.
907 02
911 06
911 07
911 08
907 12
Refill pack
Cat. No.
907 03
911 16
911 17
911 18
907 13
Cat. No.
911 26
911 27
911 28
Cat. No.
907 01
907 04
907 05
907 11
plastic dispenser with 1 reel 5 m long and 7 mm wide, packed in individual cardboard box.
box with 3 reels 5 m long and 7 mm wide, each reel separately sealed in polyethylene
100 strips 10 x 70 mm
200 strips 20 x 70 mm
Testpapiere Seite 7 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
pH indicator papers
Universal and special indicator papers
Indicator paper
Test papers
These products are produced by total impregnation of the paper with a pH indicator or a mixture of several indicator dyes.
MACHEREY-NAGEL universal indicator paper covers the pH
renges 1 – 11 and 1 – 14; gradation of the colour scale is in
steps of 1.0 pH units or 1.0/2.0 units, respectively.
MACHEREY-NAGEL special indicator papers (narrow range
papers) usually cover a range of about 2 – 5 pH units in gradations of 0.2/0.3 or 0.5 units. Please note that indicator papers measure the pH of unbuffered or only weakly buffered
solutions less accurately than do indicator solutions. When
dealing with buffered solutions, however, indicator papers
work with the same degree of accuracy.
For pH measurements in weakly buffered or unbuffered solutions we recommend pH-Fix indicator sticks. The following
procedure is recommended when you attempt to measure the
pH value of unbuffered or weakly buffered solutions with universal or special indicator papers: a strip of indicator paper is
placed against the wall of a test tube which is then filled to the
brim with the solution to be tested. The indicator paper is left
in the test tube and its colour, viewed through the glass, is
compared with the colour scale after about 1 minute.
Cat. No.
Refill pack
Cat. No.
Cat. No.
902 01
902 04
902 02
902 24
902 03
902 05
902 06
902 07
902 08
902 09
902 10
902 11
902 12
902 13
902 14
902 25
902 26
902 27
902 28
902 29
902 30
902 31
902 32
902 33
902 34
pH 1 – 11
pH 1 – 14
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11
1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 12 – 14
Special indicator papers
pH 0.5 – 5.5
pH 3.8 – 5.8
pH 4.0 – 7.0
pH 5.4 – 7.0
pH 5.5 – 9.0
pH 6.4 – 8.0
pH 7.2 – 9.7
pH 8.0 – 10.0
pH 9.0 – 13.0
pH 12.0 – 14.0
0.5 – 1.0 – 1.5 – 2.0 – 2.5 – 3.0 – 3.5 – 4.0 – 4.5 – 5.0 – 5.5
<3.8 – 3.8 – 4.1 – 4.3 – 4.5 – 4.7 – 4.9 – 5.2 – 5.5 – 5.8 – >5.8
4.0 – 4.3 – 4.6 – 4.9 – 5.2 – 5.5 – 5.8 – 6.1 – 6.4 – 6.7 – 7.0
<5.4 – 5.4 – 5.7 – 6.0 – 6.2 – 6.4 – 6.7 – 7.0 – >7.0
5.5 – 6.0 – 6.5 – 7.0 – 7.5 – 8.0 – 8.5 – 9.0
<6.4 – 6.4 – 6.6 – 6.8 – 7.0 – 7.2 – 7.4 – 7.6 – 7.8 – 8.0 – >8.0
<7.2 – 7.2 – 7.5 – 7.8 – 8.1 – 8.4 – 8.7 – 9.0 – 9.3 – 9.7 – >9.7
8.0 – 8.2 – 8.4 – 8.7 – 9.0 – 9.2 – 9.6 – 10.0
9.0 – 9.5 – 10.0 – 10.5 – 11.0 – 11.5 – 12.0 – 12.5 – 13.0
12.0 – 12.5 – 13.0 – 13.5 – 14.0
Collections of universal and special indicator papers
pH-Set U-10
Refill pack:
box with 10 different reels of pH indicator paper (2 reels of universal indicator paper and
8 reels of different special indicator papers)
plastic dispenser with 3 reels of special indicator paper each 5 m long and 7 mm wide
(1 reel each of pH 0.5 – 5.5, pH 5.5 – 9.0, pH 9.0 – 13.0, gradation 0.5 pH units) and
3 colour scales
902 19
902 18
plastic dispenser with colour scale and 1 reel 5 m long and 7 mm wide, packed in individual cardboard box
box with 3 reels 5 m long and 7 mm wide, each reel separately sealed in polyethylene
100 strips 10 x 70 mm with colour scale
Testpapiere Seite 8 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
pH indicator papers
DUOTEST double-zone indicator papers
TRITEST triple-zone indicator papers
Test papers
TRITEST paper is an indicator paper combining highes accuracy with greatest ease of reading. Three complementary indicator zones on a single strip guarantee clear colour
differentiation and the possibility to estimate in-between values. The gradation is 1.0 pH unit. TRITEST is available for the
range pH 1–11, but in two types:
DUOTEST papers are indicator papers with greater accuracy
and increased ease of reading. Two complementary indicator
zones on one strip – separated by a white centre band – guarantee clear colour differentiation and a more accurate estimate of intermediate values. The white centre band is
hydrophobic and prevents that colours of the two indicator
zones run into one another, thus increasing accuracy. In addition the white band forms a good contrast to the coloured
test zones and furthermore adds mechanical strength to the
wet strip, because it repels water.
a) TRITEST in reel form (without hydrophobic zone)
paper strip of 10 mm width to which three adjoining indicator zones (1 main indicator and 2 auxiliary indicators)
have been applied
b) TRITEST L in reel form (with 2 hydrophobic zones)
paper strip of 6 m length and 14 mm width to which three
indicator zones (1 main indicator and 2 auxiliary indicators) have been applied. The indicator zones are separated by hydrophobic barriers. This guarantees a sharp
separation of the indicator zones which is of particular
advantage in pH determinations in the highly alkaline
Indicator paper
Cat. No.
Refill pack
Cat. No.
903 01
903 02
903 03
903 04
903 05
903 06
903 11
903 12
903 13
903 14
903 15
903 16
pH 1 – 12
pH 1.0 – 4.3
pH 3.5 – 6.8
pH 5.0 – 8.0
pH 7.0 – 10.0
pH 9.5 – 14.0
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11 – 12
1.0 – 1.3 – 1.6 – 1.9 – 2.2 – 2.5 – 2.8 – 3.1 – 3.4 – 3.7 – 4.0 – 4.3
3.5 – 3.8 – 4.1 – 4.4 – 4.7 – 5.0 – 5.3 – 5.6 – 5.9 – 6.2 – 6.5 – 6.8
5.0 – 5.3 – 5.6 – 5.9 – 6.2 – 6.5 – 6.8 – 7.1 – 7.4 – 7.7 – 8.0
7.0 – 7.3 – 7.6 – 7.9 – 8.2 – 8.5 – 8.8 – 9.1 – 9.4 – 9.7 – 10.0
9.5 – 10.0 – 10.5 – 11.0 – 11.5 – 12.0 – 12.5 – 13.0 – 13.5 – 14.0
Collection of DUOTEST indicator papers
pH-Set D 10
10 reels of DUOTEST (2 reels each of pH 1 – 12; 3.5 – 6.8; 5.0 – 8.0; 7.0 – 10.0;
1 reel each of pH 1.0 – 4.3 and 9.5 – 14.0)
903 19
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11
905 02
905 11
TRITEST pH 1 – 11
TRITEST L pH 1 – 11
Reel size:
Refill pack:
905 01
905 10
plastic dispenser with colour scale and 1 reel, packed in individual cardboard box.
DUOTEST and TRITEST: 5 m long and 10 mm wide, TRITEST L: 6 m long and 14 mm wide
box with 3 reels, each reel separately sealed in polyethylene
Testpapiere Seite 9 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
pH indicator papers
PEHANON® indicator papers
for pH measurement in coloured solutions
The indicator zone (unprinted field of about 6 mm width) is in
the middle of the strip, the comparison fields (4 mm wide) are
arranged above and below. The strip is submerged in the solution for about three seconds so that all colour zones are
wetted. The indicator zone (unprinted centre field) changes
colour according to the pH value of the solution and is then
compared against the colour fields on the strip. The pH value
is read from the closest matching field. An invisible hydropho-
Test papers
PEHANON® is a series of pH indicator papers where the indicator and colour scale are combined on a single strip. They
permit a fast, convenient and accurate determination of the
pH value since they eliminate the necessity to compare the
colour field against a separate scale. pH values are imprinted
on the strips. This presentation also permits the pH measurement of coloured solutions and suspensions, since the colour
of the test solution acts on the colour scale in the same manner as on the indicator field, resulting in a comparison of
mixed colours. The individual colour zones are separated by
hydrophobic barriers.
bic silicone barrier just above the top colour field prevents
capillary action of the test solution beyond that point and allows safe and clean handling with corrosive, toxic or otherwise noxious liquids.
The PEHANON® series covers the entire pH range from
0 to 14 with one universal paper and thirteen narrow ranges
which overlap to permit utmost selectivity for the range suited
to each particular need. The pH gradations within each strip
have been established to offer maximum colour differentiation from one comparison field to the next depending on the
individual indicator.
PEHANON® papers guarantee highest accuracy even when
testing coloured solutions! Again – as with universal and special indicator papers – best results are obtained for buffered
solutions and suspensions (see page 7).
PEHANON® range
pH 1 – 12
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11 – 12
pH 0 – 1.8
0 – 0.3 – 0.6 – 0.8 – 1.0 – 1.2 – 1.5 – 1.8
pH 1.0 – 2.8
1.0 – 1.3 – 1.6 – 1.8 – 2.0 – 2.2 – 2.5 – 2.8
pH 1.8 – 3.8
1.8 – 2.1 – 2.4 – 2.7 – 3.0 – 3.2 – 3.5 – 3.8
pH 2.8 – 4.6
2.8 – 3.1 – 3.4 – 3.6 – 3.8 – 4.0 – 4.3 – 4.6
pH 3.8 – 5.5
3.8 – 4.0 – 4.2 – 4.4 – 4.6 – 4.9 – 5.2 – 5.5
pH 4.0 – 9.0
4.0 – 4.5 – 5.0 – 5.5 – 6.0 – 6.5 – 7.0 – 7.5 – 8.0 – 8.5 – 9.0
pH 5.2 – 6.8
5.2 – 5.5 – 5.7 – 5.9 – 6.1 – 6.3 – 6.5 – 6.8
pH 6.0 – 8.1
6.0 – 6.3 – 6.6 – 6.9 – 7.2 – 7.5 – 7.8 – 8.1
pH 7.2 – 8.8
7.2 – 7.4 – 7.6 – 7.8 – 8.0 – 8.2 – 8.5 – 8.8
pH 8.0 – 9.7
8.0 – 8.2 – 8.4 – 8.6 – 8.8 – 9.1 – 9.4 – 9.7
pH 9.5 – 12.0
9.5 – 10.0 – 10.5 – 11.0 – 11.5 – 12.0
pH 10.5 – 13.0
10.5 – 11.0 – 11.5 – 12.0 – 12.5 – 13.0
pH 12.0 – 14.0
12.0 – 12.5 – 13.0 – 13.5 – 14.0
Presentation: plastic box containing 200 strips 11 x 100 mm
Cat. No.
904 01
904 11
904 12
904 13
904 14
904 15
904 24
904 16
904 17
904 19
904 20
904 21
904 22
904 23
Testpapiere Seite 10 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
pH indicator papers
pH-Fix indicator sticks – non-bleeding –
Recommended for pH measurement in weakly buffered or strongly alkaline solutions
Test papers
pH-Fix indicator sticks are for the rapid measurement of the
pH of a water sample.
In contrast to standard test papers, the pH-Fix indicator is
chemically bound to the cellulose fibres, avoiding bleeding
even in strongly alkaline samples. Furthermore there are the
following advantages:
Measurement of pH values is possible even in unbuffered solutions, since the sticks can be left in the solution
until the final reaction colour is obtanined.
Test samples are not contaminated by the indicator
dyes. Thus solutions can be used for further investigations.
Colours of the individual colour fields cannot run into
each other. This allows a more precise comparison the
the colour scale.
Specially developed indicator dyes guarantee a sharp
differentiation between the individual pH values and a
clear and easy comparison with the colour scale.
Length and stability of the plastic strips protect fingers
from contact with the test solution.
pH-Fix range
pH 0 – 14
0 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11 – 12 – 13 – 14
pH 0.0 – 6.0
0 – 0.5 – 1.0 – 1.5 – 2.0 – 2.5 – 3.0 – 3.5 – 4.0 – 4.5 – 5.0 – 5.5 – 6.0
pH 2.0 – 9.0
2.0 – 2.5 – 3.0 – 3.5 – 4.0 – 4.5 – 5.0 – 5.5 – 6.0 – 6.5 – 7.0 – 7.5 – 8.0 – 8.5 – 9.0
pH 4.5 – 10.0
4.5 – 5.0 – 5.5 – 6.0 – 6.5 – 7.0 – 7.5 – 8.0 – 8.5 – 9.0 – 9.5 – 10.0
pH 6.0 – 10.0
6.0 – 6.4 – 6.7 – 7.0 – 7.3 – 7.6 – 7.9 – 8.2 – 8.4 – 8.6 – 8.8 – 9.1 – 9.5 – 10.0
pH 7.0 – 14.0
7.0 – 7.5 – 8.0 – 8.5 – 9.0 – 9.5 – 10.0 – 10.5 – 11.0 – 11.5 – 12.0 – 12.5 – 13.0 – 13.5 – 14.0
pH 0.3 – 2.3
0.3 – 0.7 – 1.0 – 1.3 – 1.6 – 1.9 – 2.3
pH 1.7 – 3.8
1.7 – 2.0 – 2.3 – 2.6 – 2.9 – 3.2 – 3.5 – 3.8
pH 3.6 – 6.1
3.6 – 4.1 – 4.4 – 4.7 – 5.0 – 5.3 – 5.6 – 6.1
pH 5.1 – 7.2
5.1 – 5.4 – 5.7 – 6.0 – 6.3 – 6.6 – 6.9 – 7.2
pH 6.0 – 7.7
6.0 – 6.4 – 6.7 – 7.0 – 7.3 – 7.7
pH 7.5 – 9.5
7.5 – 7.9 – 8.2 – 8.4 – 8.6 – 8.8 – 9.1 – 9.5
pH 7.9 – 9.8
7.9 – 8.3 – 8.6 – 8.9 – 9.1 – 9.4 – 9.8
Presentation: box with 100 sticks 6 x 85 mm
: CE-marked according to the IvD-directive 98/79/EC
Cat. No.
921 10
921 15
921 18
921 20
921 22
921 25
921 80
921 90
921 30
921 40
921 50
921 60
921 70
Testpapiere Seite 11 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Liquid indicators
UNISOL indicator solutions for pH measurement in liquids
For pH measurement in pure water, in surface waters, in
very diluted acids or bases – i. e. in weakly buffered solutions – indicator papers find their limit of applicability
(acid-base error). For these applicaitons indicator solutions
are used, which are added to the analyte fluid. The resulting
colour is directly compared with the colour scale (UNISOL,
UNISOL indicator solutions are available for measurements
in different pH ranges.
UNISOL 113 covers the pH range from 1 to 13 and shows
several colour changes within this range. Starting on the acid
side the colour changes from red via yellow and green to
blue-violet, when the pH of the solution is increased successively. The gradation of the printed colour scale is in 1.0 pH
UNISOL 410 covers the more narrow range pH 4 – 10 with a
gradation of 0.5 units on the colour scale.
Fields of application:
pure water and waste water
water for aquariums
unbuffered solutions
surfaces of paper and similar products
UNISOL indicator solutions offer simple and convenient handling.
With UNISOL 113 one drop of the indicator solution, with
UNISOL 410 two drops are added to 5 ml of the colourless
Test papers
aqueous solution to be tested. The resulting colour is compared with the corresponding colour scale. One has to pay
attention, however, to the fact that the colour intensity depends on the indicator concentration and the thickness of the
coloured layer of the test solution. Spot plates or ordinary test
tubes may be used, but we recommend to use square measuring cells since the thickness of the layer is always constant
and permits accurate readings. Measuring cuvettes made
from glass or quartz are very expensive and, due to the danger of breakage, too valuable for rapid pH measurements outside the laboratory.
Precise pH results can be obtained by using the included
plastic cuvette MN 13/72, because it was used to balance colours for printing the colour scales.
Cat. No.
UNISOL indicator solutions
UNISOL 410 pH 4.0 – 10.0
910 02
UNISOL 113 pH 1.0 – 13.0
910 31
Presentation: 1 x 100 ml in drop bottle + colour scale
+ 1 plastic cuvette MN 13/72
UNISOL accessories
Plastic cuvettes MN 13/72 (pack of 5)
910 39
Other products for pH measurement
colorimetric determination
photometric determination
Colorimetric pH measurement is based on colour comparison
in a comparator. The transparent coloured solution allows an
unambiguous assignment of the pH value even for inexperienced eyes. These products are especially recommended for
the pH measurement in unbuffered solutions, e. g. of surface
waters (see page 50).
The efficient NANOCOLOR® photometers, too, allow pH
measurements independent of the human eye (see page 73,
Testpapiere Seite 12 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Test papers for qualitative determinations
Test papers
Test papers allow the qualitative detection of ions and chemical substances. They provide the information, whether a given component is present above the defined limit of detection.
Determination of
Test paper
Alkaline phosphatase in milk
Phosphatesmo MI
box of 50 test sticks 10 x 95 mm
906 12
Aluminium test paper
Ammonium test paper
box of 100 strips 20 x 70 mm
box of 200 strips 20 x 70 mm
907 21
907 22
Antimony test paper
Arsenic test paper = mercury bromide
Bismuth test paper
Peroxtesmo KM
turmeric paper
box of 200 strips 20 x 70 mm
box of 200 strips 20 x 70 mm
907 23
907 62
box of 200 strips 20 x 70 mm
box of 25 sheets 15 x 30 mm
box of 200 strips 20 x 70 mm
907 33
906 05
907 47
Aluminium ions
Ammonia, ammonium ions (NH3,
Antimony ions (Sb3+)
Arsenic, arsine (As, AsH3)
Bismuth ions (Bi3+)
Blood traces (peroxidase)
Boric acid, borates (H3BO3, BO33–)
Some test papers can also be used for the non-destructive
testing of materials.
Cat. No.
Testpapiere Seite 13 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Test papers for qualitative determinations
Application of test papers for qualitative determinations
Determination of
Chlorine, free halogens
Iron(II) ions (Fe2+)
Iron ions (Fe2+, Fe3+)
Lactoperoxidase in milk
Lead, lead ions (Pb, Pb2+)
Nickel(II) ions (Ni2+)
Nitrate and nitrite (NO3–, NO2–)
Nitrite ions (NO2–),
nitrous acid(HNO2),
ozone (O3)
Oil in water and soil
Oil, thickness of layer in oil separators
Peroxidase in foodstuffs
Peroxidase in milk
Potassium ions (K+)
Protein residues
Reducing agents, SO2, sulphite ions
Sulphur dioxide (SO2), sulphite ions
Silver ions (Ag+)
Sperm, acid phosphatase
Vat dyes, end-point of conversion
Water on the bottom of fuel tanks
Water in org. solvents
Water distribution in butter
Zirconium ions (Zr4+)
Sulphide test paper
dipyridyl paper
Iron test paper
Peroxtesmo MI
udder test paper
Nickel test paper
potassium iodide starch paper MN
816 N (normal sensitivity)
potassium iodide starch paper MN
616 T (for spot tests)
Oil test paper
AQUATEC test sticks
Peroxtesmo KO
Peroxtesmo MI
Potassium test paper
potassium iodate starch paper
Sulphite test paper
Silver test paper
Phosphatesmo KM
indanthrene yellow paper
AQUATEC test sticks
Zirconium test paper
box of 200 strips 20 x 70 mm
Cat. No.
906 03
box of 200 strips 20 x 70 mm
box of 100 strips 20 x 70 mm
box of 40 sheets 40 x 25 mm
box of 200 strips 20 x 70 mm
reel of 5 m length
box of 200 strips 20 x 70 mm
box of 200 strips 20 x 70 mm
reel of 5 m length
reel of 5 m length
refill pack à 3 reels
booklet with 100 strips 10 x 75 mm
reel of 5 m length
box of 200 strips 20 x 70 mm
box of 100 strips 20 x 70 mm
box of 100 sheets 15 x 15 mm
box of 40 sheets 40 x 25 mm
PE bag with 20 sheets
box of 200 strips 20 x 70 mm
reel of 5 m length
reel of 5 m length
refill pack of 3 reels
booklet with 100 strips 10 x 75 mm
box of 200 strips 20 x 70 mm
907 24
907 28
906 01
907 29
906 04
907 50
906 03
906 04
907 44
907 45
907 46
907 61
907 25
907 26
906 27
906 02
907 48
907 30
906 11
907 54
907 55
907 56
907 58
box of 100 strips 20 x 70 mm
box of 100 test sticks 10 x 200 mm
box of 100 sheets 15 x 15 mm
box of 100 sheets 15 x 15 mm
box of 200 strips 20 x 70 mm
box of 60 test sticks 10 x 95 mm
reel of 5 m length
box of 100 strips 20 x 70 mm
box of 200 strips 20 x 70 mm
box of 25 sheets 15 x 30 mm
box of 200 strips 20 x 70 mm
box of 100 test sticks 10 x 200 mm
reel of 5 m length
box of 50 sheets 78 x 40 mm
box of 100 strips 20 x 70 mm
907 60
907 42
906 06
906 27
907 27
907 65
907 53
907 63
907 32
906 07
907 51
907 42
906 09
906 10
907 21
Test papers
Test paper
potassium iodide starch paper (see
Chromium, chromate (Cr(VI), CrO42–) Chromium test paper
Cobalt test paper
Cobalt ions (Co2+)
Copper, copper ions (Cu, Cu , Cu )
Copper test paper
Copper(II) ions (Cu2+)
Cyanides, hydrocyanic acid (CN–, HCN) Cyantesmo
Fluorides, hydrogen fluoride (F–, H2F2) Fluoride test paper
Halogens, especially free chlorine
Hydrocyanic acid, cyanides (HCN, CN–) Cyantesmo
Hydrogen sulphide (H2S),
lead acetate paper
sulphide ions (S2–)
Testpapiere Seite 14 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Test papers for qualitative determinations
Description of qualitative test papers in alphabetical order
Aluminium test paper
Cat. No. 907 21
Test papers
This test paper shows bright red spots on a yellow background in the presence of aluminium ions (Al3+). Fe, Zn, Cu
and Mn interfere with the determination of aluminium.
Under certain reaction conditions aluminium test paper can
be used for the determination of zirconium.
Limit of sensitivity: 10 mg/l Al3+
Ammonium test paper
Cat. No. 907 22
This test paper can be used for the detection of ammonium
ions as well as for gaseous ammonia. The white paper turns
brownish-yellow in the presence of ammonium ions or NH3.
This test paper is specific for the determination of NH4+.
Limit of sensitivity: 10 mg/l NH4+
Antimony test paper
Cat. No. 907 23
This test paper shows orange-red spots on a yellow background in the presence of antimony ions [Sb(III)]. Pentavalent
antimony, i.e. Sb(V), has to be reduced to Sb(III) with metallic
This test paper is specific for antimony.
Limit of sensitivity: 5 mg/l Sb3+
AQUATEC test sticks
the lower ends coincide. The test stick is then lowered into the
tank by means of a thin cord or wire until it reaches the bottom. Any water present beneath the fuel will dissolve the blue
layer (testing tim about 15 – 20 seconds). If the test stick was
lowered vertically to the bottom of the tank, the level of dissolved layer corresponds to the level of water present. For the
determination of oil layers in oil separators, the part of the
AQUATEC paper, which remains blue, indicates the thickness of the oil layer.
Arsenic test paper
(mercury bromide paper)
Cat. No. 907 62
This test paper is used for the determination of arsenic or arsine. It is based on the fact that arsine forms a coloured coordination compound with mercury compounds. The test paper
is exposed to AsH3, liberated with zinc/hydrochloric acid, by
holding the paper either over the test tube or over the end of
a gas exhaust tube.
Colour reaction: white → brown-black. The colour reaction is
faster, when the paper is first moistened before being used to
test for AsH3 in air.
Limit of sensitivity: 0.5 µg As
Recommended application: determination of arsenic in grape
must and wine, determination of arsine in air. In the latter
case the test paper should first be moistened with acetic anhydride.
Cat. No. 907 42
Test sticks for the determination of water in petrol and
fuel oil tanks or for the determination of the thickness of
oil layers in oil separators
Bismuth test paper
Cat. No. 907 33
In the presence of bismuth ions (Bi3+) this paper shows an orange-red discoloration on a pale-yellow background.
A number of metal ions produce yellow spots. These do not,
however, interfere with the determination of Bi.
Limit of sensitivity: 60 mg/l Bi3+
Sensitivity is reduced in the presence of nitric acid. The test
solution should not contain more than 2 to 3 percent HNO3.
Cat. No. 906 03
This test paper is used for the qualitative determination of free
halogens (chlorine, bromine, iodine). In the presence of these
compounds the pale yellow paper turns blue.
Free nitrous acid HNO2 (not nitrite ions) interferes, but can be
destroyed by additions of amidosulphuric acid.
Limit of sensitivity: 1 mg/l chlorine
In the course of time frequently water accumulates in petrol
and fuel oil storage tanks forming a layer underneath the fuel.
We recommend a special test stick to determine the depth of
this water layer.To ensure the proper function of oil separators, accumulated oil layers must be removed frequently. The
thickness of such oil layers can also be determined with
AQUATEC paper. The test stick consists of a polyester film
0.2 mm thick and 10 x 200 mm coated on one side with a dark
blue, water-soluble layer, which is insoluble in petrol and fuel
oil. In order to determine the presence of water beneath the
petrol or fuel oil, the test stick is fixed to a flat stainless steel
sheet (approx. 25 cm long, 3 cm wide and 3 mm thick) so that
Chromium test paper
Cat. No. 907 24
This test paper shows violet spots on a white background
upon application of solutions containing chromium. The reaction is based on the presence of chromium as chromate. Cr3+
ions must be converted to chromate. Interferences caused by
mercury salts or molybdates are readily circumvented.
Limit of sensitivity: 2 mg/l Cr3+ corresponding to 5 mg/l
Testpapiere Seite 15 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Test papers for qualitative determinations
Description of qualitative test papers in alphabetical order
Cobalt test paper
Cat. No. 907 29
This test paper shows green spots on a white background in
the presence of copper (Cu). It is specific for Cu.
Limit of sensitivity: 20 mg/l Cu2+
Note: For the determination of copper on surfaces and in alloys, checking for pores in metallic coatings on copper, for
criminal trace investigations (projectiles), and for the detection of copper-containing pesticides on plants, fruit or vegetables we recommend the specific and highly sensitive
Cuprotesmo paper (sensitivity to 0.05 µg).
Cat. No. 906 04
Cyantesmo is a test paper for the determination of hydrocyanic acid and cyanides in aqueous solutions and extracts. In
the presence of HCN, the pale green paper turns blue. It does
not react with alkaline cyanide solutions, but is very sensitive
to cyanide solutions weakly acidified with sulphuric acid.
Cyantesmo reacts intensively in the gas zone just above the
level of the solution to be tested.
Hexacyanoferrate(II), hexacyanoferrate(III), thiocyanate,
thiosulphate and free chlorine interfere. For further information refer to the instructions for use supplied with the paper.
Limit of sensitivity: 0.2 mg/l hydrocyanic acid (HCN)
Cat. No. 907 28
The white test paper turns blue upon application of cobalt ions
(Co2+). Interferences caused by iron or copper ions can be
circumvented (see instructions for use supplied with the paper).
Limit of sensitivity: 25 mg/l Co2+
Note: Non-destructive tests for the detection of cobalt in alloys are carried out as follows: apply 2 drops of acid solution
(= 50 ml hydrogen peroxide 3 % + 7.5 ml o-phosphoric acid
85 % + 5 ml hydrochloric acid 37 %) to the degreased steel
surface. After 30 to 60 seconds, absorb the liquid with the cobalt test paper. The presence of cobalt is indicated by a blue
colour, the intensity of which varies according to the Co content.
Limit of sensitivity: 0.5 % Co
Copper test paper
Test papers
Note: Non-destructive tests for the detection of chromium in
metal alloys are carried out as follows: Apply a drop of a proper acid solution (1 part hydrochloric acid 37 % + 4 parts hydrogen peroxide 3 %) to the degreased steel surface, wait 10 –
30 seconds, add some drops of sodium hydroxide solution
and cover the precipitate with filter paper. Press the chromium test paper on top of the filter paper. In the presence of
chromium, a violet spot appears when the test paper is
bathed in dilute sulphuric acid.
Limit of sensitivity: 0.1 % Cr
Dipyridyl paper
Cat. No. 907 25
Impregnated with α,α’-dipyridyl (= 2,2’-bipyridine), the paper
reacts when Fe2+ ions are present in mineral acid solutions,
yielding a deep red very stable complex cation.
Dipyridyl paper is specific for iron(II) (Fe2+) and permits the
detection of minute quantities of Fe2+, even in the presence
of substantial amounts of Fe3+.
Limit of sensitivity: 2 mg/l Fe2+
Fluoride test paper
Cat. No. 907 50
This paper is used for the determination of fluoride ions. The
pinkish-red paper turns yellowish-white if fluorides are
present in the test solution acidified with HCl.
Substantial amounts of chlorates, bromates and sulphates
cause white decolourations of the paper. These interferences
are readily circumvented.
Limit of sensitivity: 20 mg/l F–
Indanthrene yellow paper
Cat. No. 907 51
Indanthrene yellow paper is used to determine the end point
in the conversion of vat dyes to the leuco form. In the presence of excess sodium hydrosulphite (sodium dithionite) and
alkali the yellow paper turns blue. Because of the special purpose, indanthrene yellow paper is also called Hydrosulphite
Cat. No. 906 01
Preference should be given to this test paper for the detection
of copper and copper salts on surfaces and in ash, for the detection of pores in metallic coatings on copper containing materials, in criminal trace investigations (projectiles), and for
the detection of copper-containing pesticides on fruit and vegetables.
The yellow-white paper turns pink to purple-red in the presence of copper or copper salts. It reacts with metallic copper
as well as with Cu+ and Cu2+ ions.
The test paper is specific for Cu.
Limit of sensitivity: 0.05 µg Cu on surfaces as metallic Cu or
Cu salt, 3 – 5 mg/l Cu ions
Note: In addition to Cuprotesmo we supply a Copper test paper based on a different reaction (see above).
Testpapiere Seite 16 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Test papers for qualitative determinations
Description of qualitative test papers in alphabetical order
Cat. No. 907 65
Test papers
Rapid test for determination of protein contamination on
working surfaces in food industry.
Rubb the wet paper on the surface to be tested, and add the
colour reagent on the test pad. A colour change from yellow
to green indicates protein residues. The surface should be
cleaned then.
Limit of sensitivity: 50 µg BSA (bovine serum albumin) cause
a clear colour change to green.
Presentation: The test kit contains a box with 60 test sticks
and 2 reagents.
Nickel test paper
This test paper can be used for the determination of nickel in
solutions as well as in materials containing nickel (non-destructive testing of alloys). In the presence of nickel ions
(Ni2+) the white test paper turns red. Interferences caused by
iron, cobalt or copper can be circumvented as described in
the instructions for use supplied with the paper.
Limit of sensitivity: 10 mg/l Ni2+
Note: For the determination of nickel in alloys, apply 1 drop nitric acid 3 % to the degreased surface. After about 1 minute
absorb the liquid with the test paper. The presence of nickel
is indicated by an intense red colour. The paper can also be
used to test for nickel in consumer goods (zip fasteners,
bracelets, buttons etc.).
Limit of sensitivity: 0.5 % Ni
Iron test paper
Cat. No. 907 26
This test paper is used for the rapid detection of iron ions
(Fe2+ and Fe3+). These ions form brownish-red spots on a
yellowish-white background.
Mn, Mo, Ti and vanadium, if present as the cation, interfere.
Interferences caused by Mn, Mo and Ti can be circumvented,
however, not the interference caused by V. After prolonged
storage the sensitivity may decrease. In this case wait 1 – 5
seconds for evaluation.
Limit of sensitivity: 10 mg/l Fe2+ or Fe3+
Note: For specific detection of iron(II) (Fe2+) we recommend
our dipyridyl paper.
Lead acetate paper
Cat. No. 907 44
Lead acetate paper is a filter paper impregnated with lead acetate. In the presence of H2S (hydrogen sulphide) the white
paper turns brownish-black. Lead acetate reacts with H2S to
form black lead sulphide. With lower H2S concentrations,
however, the white paper assumes only a brown colour.
Limit of sensitivity: 1 drop of a solution with 5 mg/l sulphide
(S2–) gives a brown ring which is just visible.
Cat. No. 907 30
Cat. No. 906 11
This test paper is suited for the simultaneous detection of nitrate and nitrite. It is based on a colour reaction of nitrate and
nitrite ions in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid or
5 mol/l hydrochloric acid, when a suitable organic compound
is present.
The white Nitratesmo test paper reacts
1. when dipped into 5 mol/l hydrochloric acid in the presence of nitrite: colour change to lemon-yellow
2. when dipped into sulphuric acid 96 %
a) from white to red in the presence of nitrate alone or
large amounts of nitrate with small amounts of nitrite,
b) from white to orange-red in the presence of small
amounts of nitrate with large amounts of nitrite.
To detect very small amounts of nitrate in the presence of nitrite the latter has to be destroyed with amidosulphuric acid.
Chlorate, bromate, iodate, hypochlorite, vanadate and iodide
interfere with the Nitratesmo reaction; acetate, arsenate, hydrogen carbonate, borate, bromide, carbonate, and sulphite
do not interfere.
Limit of sensitivity: 10 mg/l nitrate (NO3–), 5 mg/l nitrite (NO2–)
Oil test paper
Cat. No. 907 60
This light blue paper turns dark blue in the presence of hydrocarbons, particularly gasoline, fuel oil, lubricating oil, etc. It is
recommended for the rapid determination of oil contaminations in water and/or soil.
see Udder test paper
Mercury bromide paper
see Arsenic test paper
Testpapiere Seite 17 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Test papers for qualitative determinations
Description of qualitative test papers in alphabetical order
Petroleum ether
(b. p. 40 – 80 °C)
Gasoline (high octane)
Fuel oil
Lubricating oil
Colour reaction
lower limit
[mg/l of
[mg/l of
When testing volatile substances, the colour reaction must be
evaluated immediately, because it fades rapidly.
Peroxtesmo KM
Peroxtesmo KO
Cat. No. 906 05
Cat. No. 906 06
Test papers for the detection of peroxidase or blood traces
Peroxtesmo KM for the detection of blood traces in criminal
investigation and forensic practice
A sample of the suspicious material is soaked in water or
physiological sodium chloride solution. Then the Peroxtesmo
paper is opened by seizing both ends of the plastic envelope
and tearing them apart. The wet sample, soaked for about 1
minute, is placed on the test paper. If traces of blood are
present, a distinct discoloration appears after a few seconds.
Peroxtesmo KO for the detection of peroxidase in foodprocessing industries
A drop of the liquid to be tested, e.g. vegetable juice, is applied to the test paper, or a section of a plant part is firmly
pressed against the test paper. Each blue or bluish-green discoloration within 2 minutes proves the presence of peroxidase.
Colour reaction: Peroxtesmo KO and Peroxtesmo KM react
with peroxidase or blood traces, forming blue spots on a white
Specificity: Peroxtesmo is specific for peroxidase, but not for
blood. For the latter, the use of Peroxtesmo can only be considered as a preliminary test.
Peroxtesmo MI
Test papers
To determine oil in water, move the paper back and forth a
few times in the test solution.
For detection of oil in soil, press the paper firmly against the
soil to be tested and rinse it with clear water.
With volatile hydrocarbons, the colour reaction of the test paper has to be evaluated immediately.
Limit of sensitivity: The sensitivity of the test paper is largely
dependent on the solubility of the hydrocarbons. By moving
the paper back and forth a few times at the surface of the water, the following amounts can be detected:
Cat. No. 906 27
Test paper for the detection of peroxidase in milk
The white paper turns dark blue in the presence of the enzyme lactoperoxidase. A drop of milk is applied to the test paper. Any blue coloration within 2 minutes indicates
lactoperoxidase in the sample.
This test serves to distinguish between raw milk and highly
heated milk. It can replace the frequently used test based on
guaiacol, which is toxic and has a bad smell.
Limit of sensitivity: 3% raw milk in heated milk
Presentation: box with 100 test papers 15 x 15 mm
Phosphatesmo KM
Cat. No. 906 07
Test paper for the detection of acid phosphatase
Application: detection of sperm spots in criminal investigations and forensic practice
The material to be tested is macroscopically checked for suspicious spots. Fabrics show a board-like appearance, and a
bluish, white or yellowish fluorescence under a quartz lamp.
The advantage of Phosphatesmo KM is that it permits – on
the scene of crime – rapid indicative tests whether the suspicious traces contain sperms or not.
Colour reaction: the test paper reacts with acid phosphatase
(sperm spots) yielding violet spots on a white background.
Specificity: Phosphatesmo is specific for acid phosphatase.
The reaction is not a suitable substitute for the microscopic
determination of live spermatozoa.
Testpapiere Seite 18 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Test papers for qualitative determinations
Description of qualitative test papers in alphabetical order
Phosphatesmo MI
Cat. No. 906 12
Test papers
Test sticks for the determination of alkaline phosphatase
in milk. Suitable as a rapid test for successful pasteurization of raw milk
Potassium test paper
This test paper shows potassium as orange-red spots on a
light yellow background.
Rubidium, cesium and thallium(I) also produce orange-red
colour reactions.
Excess of sodium and heavy metal ions reduce sensitivity.
Larger amounts of ammonium ions cause interfering discolourations.
In the instructions for use, which are supplied with the paper,
a special method is provided to circumvent any of these interferences.
Limit of sensitivity: 250 mg/l K+
Potassium iodate starch paper
Dip the test stick into the milk and incubate at 36 °C. A colour
change from white to yellow indicates the presence of raw
milk or non-pasteurized milk. No colour change indicates a
successful pasteurization.
Limit of sensitivity: 0.5% raw milk in pasteurized milk can be
Presentation: box with 50 test sticks 10 x 95 mm
Store the test sticks dry and cool (+2 to +8 °C).
Cat. No. 907 27
Cat. No. 907 53
Potassium iodate starch paper is a filter paper impregnated
with potassium iodate (KIO3) and starch, which is used for the
detection of sulphurous acid (H2SO3) and alkali sulphites.
The stoichiometry of the reaction is as follows:
2 IO3– + 5 SO32– + 2 H+ → 5 SO42– + I2 + H2O
The sulphurous acid reduces potassium iodate to form elemental iodine which reacts with the starch to a blue-violet
complex. Thus the white potassium iodate starch paper turns
blue-violet in the presence of H2SO3.
Limit of sensitivity: 5 mg/l SO2
Recommended application: detection of sulphur dioxide
(SO2) in the chemical laboratory, testing of meat products
suspected of containing added sulphite.
Note: For the detection of sulphite in meat products, also refer
to our Sulphite test paper.
Cat. No. 906 02
Plumbtesmo® provides a convenient and simple way to detect lead and lead salts in solutions or on any surface including painted surfaces, metal surfaces, dishes, ceramics, toys
and other items. It can also be used for criminalistic search for
traces of projectiles.
For detection of metallic lead and lead salts on surfaces, moisten the test paper with distilled water and press it against the
surface to be tested for about 1 to 2 minutes. Plumbtesmo is
white when dry and turns yellow when wet. Lead is indicated
when the paper turns pink to dark purple. Large quantities are
indicated immediately, smaller quantities after a few minutes.
The evaluation should be made within 15 minutes.
Plumbtesmo® can also be used as an indicator for lead in automobile exhaust pipes, when leaded gasoline has been
burnt. For this test Plumbtesmo® offers the following advantages:
the test can be performed directly on the vehicle
it is rapid and reliable and does not require any chemical skills
no additional laboratory equipment is necessary; some
distilled water, a spray bottle with acetone (to remove
the soot, if necessary), disposable gloves and the test
paper Plumbtesmo® for the detection of lead is all you
Potassium iodide starch paper
This is a filter paper impregnated with potassium iodide (KI)
and starch for the detection of nitrite and free chlorine.
Interferences by tellurium, silver, cadmium, barium and strontium are readily circumvented.
Limit of sensitivity: 0.05 µg lead on surfaces or as solid Pb
salt, 5 mg/l Pb2+ in solutions
Testpapiere Seite 19 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Test papers for qualitative determinations
Description of qualitative test papers in alphabetical order
Silver test paper
Turmeric paper
Cat. No. 907 47
Turmeric paper is a filter paper impregnated with curcumin,
the yellow dye extracted from the roots of Curcuma tinctoria
(yellow ginger). It is used to detect boric acid and borates.
Colour reaction: yellow → greenish black
Oxidising agents and iodide interfere.
Application: A drop of the acidified test solution (pH 1 – 2 with
HCl) has to be applied to the yellow test paper. The paper has
to be dried at 100 °C for about 3 minutes. After that a drop of
1 N NaOH is applied on the same spot. After 4 – 5 minutes
the spot turns to greenish-black in the presence of boron.
Brown-red colours are of no significance.
Limit of sensitivity: 20 mg/l boron (100 mg/l H3BO3)
Test papers
Nitrite or free chlorine oxidise potassium iodide to form elemental iodine which reacts with the starch to a blue-violet
Colour reaction: white → blue-violet
Potassium iodide starch paper may be used by dipping it into
the solution to be tested. More often, however, it is used in the
manner of a spot test by applying drops of the solution to the
MN 816 N standard grade
Cat. No. 907 54
MN 616 T recommended for spot tests Cat. No. 907 58
Limit of sensitivity: 1 mg/l NO2– / 1 mg/l free Cl2
Recommended application: end point detection during diazotations (for this reason, potassium iodide starch paper is
sometimes called "Diazonium paper"); determination of acetic acid anhydride; general test for organic substances which
release iodine; detection of residues of peracetic acid in dialysates.
Cat. No. 907 32
This test paper shows silver ions (Ag+) as red-violet spots on
a salmon-red background.
Interferences caused by mercury and copper ions (Hg2+,
Cu2+) are readily circumvented. Gold, platinum and palladium
produce colour reaction similar to that of silver, but can be
Limit of sensitivity: 20 mg/l Ag+
Sulphide test paper
Cat. No. 907 61
In the presence of H2S or sulphide ions this paper turns from
white to brownish-black. This test does not contain any harmful substances which must be declared as hazardous. In contrast, lead acetate paper, which is comparable in application,
contains toxic reagents.
Limit of sensitivity: 1 drop of a solution containing 5 mg/l sulphide (S2–) gives a brown ring which is just visible.
Sulphite test paper
Cat. No. 907 63
This test paper is recommended for the rapid detection of sulphites and gaseous sulphur dioxide. The white paper turns
pink to brick-red in the presence of sulphite or free sulphur dioxide.
The paper does not react with sulphites in acidic solutions.
These have to be neutralised with solid sodium acetate. Thiosulphates only interfere with the determination of gaseous
sulphur dioxide.
Limit of sensitivity: 10 mg/l Na2SO3
Note: sulphite test paper can also be used for medical-diagnostic purposes as a rapid test for sulphite oxidase deficiency.
Udder test paper
Cat. No. 907 48
The udder test paper is a specially adapted indicator paper for
the rapid determination of streptococcal mastitis. Milk of cows
infected with this disease cannot be sold, if it is obviously
changed. Most cases of mastitis cause the pH value of the
milk to depart from the normal value, and the udder test paper
detects such changes. Occasionally, only one teat of an udder shows symptoms of the infection. Consequently, all four
teats require testing. The udder test paper contains four indicator areas, one for a sample from each teat.
Colour reaction: The milk of healthy cows changes the indicator colour to yellowish-green (pH 6.4 – 6.6). Milk from moderately afflicted animals causes the colour to turn green (pH
about 7) while milk from severe cases of mastitis gives rise to
different shades of blue (pH 7 – 8 or higher). If the indicator
remains yellow, the milk shows a pronounced acidic pH value
(pH 6.3 or less) indicating other types of diseases.
Presentation: 20 udder test papers 90 x 140 mm in PE bags,
with four indicator spots and imprinted cow and udder symbol.
Additionally the papers provide space for individual remarks.
Testpapiere Seite 20 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Test papers for qualitative determinations
Description of qualitative test papers in alphabetical order
Test papers
Vat dye conversion
see Indanthrene yellow paper
Indicator paper for the determination of water in butter
according to DIN 10 311
The storage life of butter is closely linked to the size of the water and buttermilk particles it contains. For this reason it is important to check the water distribution during the manufacturing process and before storing larger quantities. The WATOR
indicator paper allows an exact means for controlling the water distribution. Evaluation charts according to the 5-point
evaluation system are available on request.
On contact with water WATOR develops dark-blue spots, the
size and number of which is correlated to the distribution of
the water in the butter.
Cat. No. 906 09
WATESMO is a test paper for the detection of water in the liquid as well as the vapour phase
a) in the liquid phase
in aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons (gasoline, oil), in
isopropanol and higher alcohols, in waxes, for determination of absorptive moisture in salts,
in solid fats as well as aqueous emulsions of ointment
Depending on the type of sample, a water content of more
than 10 – 15% can be indicated with WATESMO paper.
b) in the vapour phase (indirect determination)
the test strip is dipped into absolutely anhydrous Isopropanol and, while still moist, is placed into the medium to
be tested, such as a current of air. The isopropanol acts
as a solvent aid between the water vapour and
WATESMO. After evaporation of the alcohol in the driest possible atmosphere, a blue colour will appear, the
intensity of which depends on the amount of water vapour present.
WATESMO changes colour from light blue to deep blue. Do
not touch the test paper, except with absolutely dry fingers or
forceps. When dry, the paper does not react with atmospheric
WATESMO indicates the absence of water, if the test strip remains colourless after evaporation of the solvent. Therefore it
can be used to indicate water seeping into waterproof containers, through impermeable clothing or other watertight
Exceptions and sources of error:
WATESMO cannot be used where methanol, dimethylformamide, dimethylsulphoxide or mixtures containing these
solvents are present. When dipped onto a solvent containing
substantial amounts of water, the test strips turns deep blue
immediately, i. e. even prior to evaporation of the solvent.
Allowing the test paper to dry in a moist atmosphere may also
produce a blue colour. Drying in a desiccator may therefore
be indicated (see above under b).
Zirconium test paper
Cat. No. 906 10
Cat. No. 907 21
This test paper shows zirconium as purple-red spots on a yellow background.
Note: Zirconium test paper is identical with the aluminium test
paper. For this reason it is important to follow the instructions
for the respective test. Only hafnium interferes.
Limit of sensitivity: 20 mg/l Zr4+
Testpapiere Seite 21 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Test sticks and test papers for semi-quantitative determinations
QUANTOFIX® test sticks for semi-quantitative determinations
Test papers
QUANTOFIX® test sticks meet the most important requirements for a modern quick-test:
dip and read
convenientthe analysis can be carried out without any
further equipment, only a single test stick of
QUANTOFIX® is needed
QUANTOFIX® test sticks are highly specific
– possible interferences are eliminated by
precipitation or masking
shelf life 2 1/2 years after production
(below +30 °C)
QUANTOFIX® Aluminium1)
QUANTOFIX® Ammonium1)
QUANTOFIX® Arsenic 10 1)
QUANTOFIX® Arsenic 501)
QUANTOFIX® Ascorbic acid
Colour change
Cat. No.
0–5–20–50–200–500 mg/l Al3+
pink to red
913 07
0–10–25–50–100–200–400 mg/l NH4+
yellow to orange
913 15
0 – 0.01 – 0.025 – 0.05 – 0.1 – 0.5 mg/l As3+/5+ white to yellowish-brown
913 34
0 – 0.05 – 0.1 – 0.5 – 1.0 – 1.7 – 3.0 mg/l As3+/5+ white to yellowish-brown
913 32
0–50–100–200–300–500–1000–2000 mg/l
yellow to green-blue
913 14
vitamin C
QUANTOFIX® Calcium1)
0–10–25–50–100 mg/l Ca2+
yellow to red
913 242)
QUANTOFIX Carbonate hardness 0–3–6–10–15–20 °d
light green to blue
913 23
0–500–1000–1500–2000– ≥ 3000 mg/l Cl–
brown to yellow
913 21
QUANTOFIX® Chlorine1)
0–1–3–10–30–100 mg/l Cl2
white to red-violet
913 17
QUANTOFIX® Chromate1)
0–3–10–30–100 mg/l CrO42–
white to violet
913 01
0–10–25–50–100–250–500–1000 mg/l Co2+
white to green-blue
913 03
0–10–30–100–300 mg/l Cu+/2+
white to red-violet
913 04
QUANTOFIX® Cyanide1)
0–1–3–10–30 mg/l CN–
white to red-violet
913 18
0–100–200–300–400 mg/l EDTA
red to yellow
913 35
QUANTOFIX® Formaldehyde1)
0–10–20–40–60–100–200 mg/l HCHO
beige to blue-violet
913 28
QUANTOFIX® Iron 10001)
0–5–20–50–100–250–500–1000 mg/l Fe2+/3+
white to dark red
913 02
QUANTOFIX® Iron 1001)
0–2–5–10–25–50–100 mg/l Fe2+/3+
white to blue-violet
913 08
QUANTOFIX® LubriCheck NEW! 0 – 15 – 50 – 75 – 130 – 200 mmol/l KOH
yellow to blue
913 36
QUANTOFIX® Molybdenum1)
0–5–20–50–100–250 mg/l Mo6+
white to green
913 25
0–10–25–50–100–250–500–1000 mg/l Ni2+
white to light red
913 05
QUANTOFIX® Nitrate/nitrite
0–10–25–50–100–250–500 mg/l NO3–
white to red-violet
913 13
white to red-violet
0–1–5–10–20–40–80 mg/l NO2–
0–1–5–10–20–40–80 mg/l NO2–
white to red-violet
913 11
QUANTOFIX Nitrite 3000
0–0.1–0.3–0.6–1–2–3 g/l NO2–
yellow to red
913 22
see Ozone test sticks page 29
light yellow to brown
QUANTOFIX® Peroxide 1000
0–50–150–300–500–800–1000 mg/l H2O2
white to brown
913 33
QUANTOFIX® Peroxide 100
0–1–3–10–30–100 mg/l H2O2
white to blue
913 12
QUANTOFIX® Peroxide 25
0–0.5–2–5–10–25 mg/l H2O2
white to blue
913 19
QUANTOFIX® Phosphate1)
0–3–10–25–50–100 mg/l PO43white to blue-green
913 20
QUANTOFIX® Potassium1)
0–200–400–700–1000–1500 mg/l K+
yellow to orange
913 16
NEW! 0 – 10 – 25 – 50 – 100 – 250 – 500 – 1000 mg/l yellow to blue-green
913 37
see Ag-Fix page 27
yellow to brown
<200 – >400 – >800 – >1200 – >1600 mg/l SO42– red to yellow
913 29
0–10–25–50–100–250–500–1000 mg/l SO32–
white to salmon
913 06
Swimming pool
see Swimming pool test page 30
0–10–25–50–100–250–500 mg/l Sn2+
white to dark blue
913 09
total Hardness
see AQUADUR® test sticks page 28
green to red
0–5–10–15–20–25 °d total hardness
green to red
913 26
aquarium owners
0–3–6–10–15–20 °d carbonate hardness
light green to blue
913 273)
yellow to red
pH 6.4–6.8–7.2–7.6–8.0–8.4
1) These tests are supplied complete with all reagents required for
Presentation: container with 100 test sticks 6 x 95 mm
2) Presentation: container with 60 test sticks
3) Presentation: container with 25 test sticks
the determination
: CE-marked according to the IvD-directive 98/79/EC
Testpapiere Seite 22 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Test sticks and test papers for semi-quantitative determinations
Description of QUANTOFIX® test sticks in alphabetical order
QUANTOFIX® Aluminium
Cat. No. 913 07
Test papers
Test sticks and reagents for the semi-quantitative determination of aluminium in solutions
Range: 5 – 500 mg/l Al3+
After dipping the test stick into the strongly alkaline test solution (pH 13.5 – 14) immerse the test area in 10 % acetic acid
for about 1 minute.
Be2+ interferes. Cu2+ interferes > 10 mg/l (precipitation with
KI or Cd powder). The following anions cause low results:
> 100 mg/l MnO4–, PO43–, SO32–, S2–
> 500 mg/l B4O72–, F–, [Fe(CN)63–], S2O42–, SiO44–, citrate and tartrate.
Cat. No. 913 15
Test sticks and reagents for the semi-quantitative determination of ammonium in solutions
Range: 10 – 400 mg/l NH4+
Cat. No. 913 24
Test sticks and reagents for the semi-quantitative determination of calcium in solutions
Range: 10 – 100 mg/l Ca2+
The following ions only interfere above the indicated concentrations:
> 1000 mg/l Al3+, As3+, NH4+, Sb3+, K+, Na+, Bi3+, Br–, Cl–,
CN–, CrO42–, [Fe(CN)6]3–, [Fe(CN)6]4–, I–,
NO2–, NO3–, PO43–, SCN–, S2O52–, acetate,
ascorbate, citrate, tartrate
> 500 mg/l Ba2+, Mg2+
> 250 mg/l Sr2+
> 100 mg/l MnO4
Heavy metals interfere above the following concentrations:
> 50 mg/l Ni2+
> 100 mg/l Mn2+
> 25 mg/l Fe , Fe , Pb
> 10 mg/l Cr3+, Co2+, Cu2+, Hg2+, Zn2+
QUANTOFIX® Carbonate hardness Cat. No. 913 23
Arsenic 50
Arsenic 10
Cat. No. 913 32
Cat. No. 913 34
Test sticks and reagents for semi-quantitative determination
of arsenic
QUANTOFIX® Arsenic 50
0.05 – 3 mg/l As3+/5+
QUANTOFIX® Arsenic 10
0.01 – 0.5 mg/l As3+/5+
Addition of zinc and a solid acid results in the formation of arsine from any arsenic compounds in the sample solution. Arsine reacts in the gaseous phase with mercury bromide of the
reaction zone of the test stick to form mixed arsenic/mercury
halides, which depending on concentration are coloured yellow to brown.
QUANTOFIX® Ascorbic acid
Test sticks for the semi-quantitative determination of the carbonate hardness
This test measures the concentration of carbonate and bicarbonate ions (CO32– and HCO3–) in water. The carbonate
hardness is a measure for the buffer capacity of the water. It
is also that part of the total hardness (determination see
AQUADUR), which can cause the formation of boiler scale.
Range: 3° – 20 °d (corresponds to 50 – 350 mg/l CaCO3)
Strong bases or other acid-consuming substances cause
false results.
Cat. No. 913 14
Test sticks for the semi-quantitative determination of vitamin
C in solutions.
Range: 50 – 2000 mg/l ascorbic acid
Store test sticks for ascorbic acid in a cool and dry place, protected from sunlight and moisture.
Testpapiere Seite 23 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Test sticks and test papers for semi-quantitative determinations
Description of QUANTOFIX® test sticks in alphabetical order
Cat. No. 913 21
CO32– CrO42–, NO2–, NO3–, PO43–, SO32–,
Cat. No. 913 04
Test sticks for the semi-quantitative determination of copper
(Cu+/Cu2+) in solutions
Range: 10 – 300 mg/l Cu+/Cu2+
Strongly acid solutions (pH < 2) have to be buffered to pH 2
to 6 using crystalline sodium acetate.
Test papers
Test sticks for the semi-quantitative determination of chloride
(Cl–) in solutions
Range: 500 – 3000 mg/l Cl–
QUANTOFIX® Chloride uses the same general principle as
the AQUADUR® test sticks (see page 28).
In the pH range 2 to 12 the reaction is independent of the pH
value of the solution to be analysed. Strongly acidic solutions
have to be adjusted to pH 5 – 7 with sodium hydroxide solution, alkaline solutions are adjusted to the same pH range
with nitric acid. Chloride concentrations greater 3000 mg/l
can be determined after defined dilution of the test sample
with distilled water.
The following ions only interfere above the indicated concentrations:
> 1000 mg/l Al3+, Ca2+, Cd2+, Ce4+, Cu2+, K+, Mg2+, Mn2+,
Na+, NH4+, Ni2+, Pb2+, Sn2+, Zn2+, BO3–,
Cat. No. 913 18
Test sticks and reagents for the semi-quantitative determination of cyanide in solutions
Range: 1 – 30 mg/l CN–
Only free cyanides or cyanide complexes which can be decomposed with chlorine are detected. Strongly alkaline solutions (pH > 10) must be adjusted to a pH of 6 – 7 using dilute
sulphuric acid. Thiocyanates in excess of 1 mg/l produce a
similar coloration. Iodide and bromide above 5 mg/l cause the
colour to fade as does sulphide above 20 mg/l.
SO42–, acetate, citrate, oxalate, tartrate, EDTA
> 500 mg/l Fe2+, Fe3+
> 200 mg/l I–,
> 100 mg/l Ag+, Br–, SCN–
> 75 mg/l Hg2+
> 20 mg/l CN–, S2O32–
> 10 mg/l S2–, ascorbate
Chloride test sticks have to be stored cool and dry, protected
from sunlight and moisture!
Store unopened packages in the refrigerator!
Cat. No. 913 17
Test sticks and reagents for the semi-quantitative determination of free chlorine in solutions
Range: 1 – 100 mg/l Cl2
Bromide and iodide above 5 mg/l cause fading of the colour.
Higher concentrations bleach out the colour. Nitrite can also
cause low readings. Strongly alkaline solutions (pH > 10)
have to be adjusted to a pH value of 6 – 7 using dilute sulphuric acid.
Cat. No. 913 01
Test sticks and reagents for the semi-quantitative determination of chromate in solutions
Range: 3 – 100 mg/l CrO42–
Interferences caused by molybdates are eliminated by addition of oxalic acid in crystalline form to the strongly acidic solution. Iron(III) ions are precipitated with sodium hydroxide
solution 32 %.
Cat. No. 913 03
Test sticks for the semi-quantitative determination of cobalt in
Range: 10 – 1000 mg/l Co2+
If the reaction colour does not appear on the colour scale,
larger quantities of interfering ions (Cu2+, Hg+) are present.
To eliminate these interferences, follow the procedure given
in the instructions for use provided with the test sticks.
Test sticks for the semi-quantitative determination of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) in solutions
Range: 100 – 400 mg/l EDTA
Complexing agents such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
(EDTA) are frequently used as additives in washing and
cleansing agents, cosmetics, in the photographic industry or
paper industry. Since the biological degradation of such compounds is very difficult, their dosing should be thorougly monitored. The proper dosage concentration can be checked with
QUANTOFIX® EDTA. The test sticks can also be used to detect the absence of complexing agents.
The following complexing agents can also be determined with
this method: nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA), cyclohexanedinitrilo(1,2)-tetraacetic acid, diethyltrinitrilopentaacetic acid, bis(aminoethyl)glycol ether N,N,N’,N’-tetraacetic acid.
Conversion factor: 1 mg/l EDTA = 0.7 mg/l NTA
QUANTOFIX® Formaldehyde
Cat. No. 913 28
Test sticks and reagents for the semi-quantitative determination of formaldehyde in solutions
Range: 10 – 200 mg/l HCHO
Other aldehydes such as acetaldehyde or glutardialdehyde
only react at higher concentrations, resulting in a discoloration which deviates from the colour scale. Acetone does not
react. Strong oxidising and reducing agents cause low results.
QUANTOFIX® Iron 1000
Cat. No. 913 35
Cat. No. 913 02
Test sticks and reagents for the semi-quantitative determination of iron (Fe2+/Fe3+) in solutions
Range: 5 – 1000 mg/l Fe2+/Fe3+
Some heavy metals, when present in larger concentrations,
can cause slight discolorations. These can be eliminated by
addition of a small quantity of cadmium powder.
Testpapiere Seite 24 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Test sticks and test papers for semi-quantitative determinations
Description of QUANTOFIX® test sticks in alphabetical order
Cat. No. 913 08
Test papers
Test sticks and reagents for the semi-quantitative determination of iron (Fe2+/Fe3+) in solutions
Range: 2 – 100 mg/l Fe2+/Fe3+
Cobalt > 50 mg/l Co2+ produces a yellow-brown colour, which
can be eliminated by boiling with sodium dithionite. Iron in
hexacyanoferrates is not determined unless it is first decomposed with conc. sulphuric acid.
Cat. No. 913 36
Test sticks for the semi-quantitative determination of the alkalinity of solutions. The test is suitable to determine the concentration of cooling lubricants.
Range: 15 – 200 mmol/l KOH
The principle of QUANTOFIX® LubriCheck is comparable to
AQUADUR test strips, described on page 28. It is an easy
dip-and-read test.
When metal parts are being machined (drilling, cutting...) cooling lubricants or coolants are indispensable to guarantee the quality of the
workpiece as well as the lifetime of the machines.
Using QUANTOFIX® LubriCheck the concentration
of the cooling lubricant can easily be checked on the
spot. This ensures optimal cooling and lubrication and at the
same time optimal quality of the workpiece.
QUANTOFIX® Molybdenum
Cat. No. 913 11
Test sticks for the semi-quantitative determination of nitrite
(NO2–) in solutions
Range: 1 – 80 mg/l NO2–
Between pH 1 and 13 the reaction is independent of the pH
value of the test solution. Strongly acidic solutions (pH < 1)
should be buffered with sodium acetate, and strongly alkaline
solutions (pH > 13) are adjusted to about pH 3 – 5 using citric
Store nitrite test sticks in a cool and dry place, protected from
sunlight and moisture.
QUANTOFIX® Nitrite 3000
Cat. No. 913 22
Test sticks for the semi-quantitative determination of high
concentrations of nitrite (NO2–) in solutions
Range: 0.1 – 3 g/l NO2–
Between pH 2 and 12 the reaction is independent of the pH
value of the test solution. Adjust strongly acidic solutions with
dilute sodium hydroxide solution and strongly alkaline solutions with dilute sulphuric acid to a pH of about 4 – 6.
Store nitrite test sticks in a cool and dry place, protected from
sunlight and moisture.
Cat. No. 913 25
Test sticks and reagents for the semi-quantitative determination of molybdenum
Range: 5 – 250 mg/l Mo6+
Store molybdenum test sticks in a cool and dry place, protected from sunlight and moisture (storage temperature below +
30 °C).
Cat. No. 913 05
Test sticks for the semi-quantitative determination of nickel
(Ni2+) in solutions
Range: 10 – 1000 mg/l Ni2+
If the reaction colour does not appear on the colour scale,
larger quantities of interfering ions (Co2+, Hg+) are present.
To eliminate these interferences, follow the procedure given
in the instructions for use provided with the test sticks.
QUANTOFIX® Nitrate/Nitrite
Cat. No. 913 13
Test sticks for the semi-quantitative determination of nitrate
and nitrite in solutions
Range: 10 – 500 mg/l NO3–, 1 – 80 mg/l NO2–
Because nitrite interferes with the determination of nitrate, the
test sticks contain an additional test field for nitrite. If this upper test field turns red indicating the presence of nitrite, the
NO2– has to be destroyed with amidosulphuric acid (Cat. No.
918 973); then the nitrate test is repeated with another test
stick. Following this procedure, 10 mg/l nitrate can be determined even when 1000 mg/l nitrite are present. Store nitrate
test sticks in a cool and dry place, protected from sunlight and
QUANTOFIX® Peroxide 1000
QUANTOFIX® Peroxide 100
QUANTOFIX® Peroxide 25
Cat. No. 913 33
Cat. No. 913 12
Cat. No. 913 19
Test sticks for the semi-quantitative determination of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and peroxides in solutions
QUANTOFIX® Peroxide 1000: 50 – 1000 mg/l H2O2
QUANTOFIX® Peroxide 100:
1 – 100 mg/l H2O2
QUANTOFIX® Peroxide 25:
0.5 – 25 mg/l H2O2
QUANTOFIX® Peroxide is also suited for the determination of
peracetic acid and other organic and inorganic hydroperoxides.
For the determination of hydroperoxides in organic solvents
the test field is moistened with a drop of water after evaporation of the solvent.
Testpapiere Seite 25 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Test sticks and test papers for semi-quantitative determinations
Description of QUANTOFIX® test sticks in alphabetical order
The following ions do not interfere:
< 1000 mg/l Al3+, Ba2+, Bi3+, Ca2+, Fe2+/Fe3+, Mg2+, Mn2+,
Sr2+, Zn2+; < 200 mg/l NH4+, Hg+/Hg2+, Tl+; < 25 mg/l S2–
Protect test sticks from sunlight and moisture. Store package
in a cool and dry place (storage temperature below +30 °C).
Test papers
Between pH 2 and 9 the reaction is independent of the pH value of the test solution. Strongly acidic solutions should be
buffered with sodium acetate, alkaline solutions are adjusted
to pH 5 – 7 using citric acid. Strong oxidising agents interfere.
Store peroxide test sticks in a cool and dry place. Avoid exposing the sticks to sunlight and moisture. Store unopened
packs in a refrigerator!
Cat. No. 913 37
Test sticks for the semi-quantitative determination of quaternary ammonium compounds (QUATS) in solutions, i.e.
Range: 10 – 1000 mg/l Benzalkonium chloride
QUANTOFIX® QUAT can be used for the
general determination of quaternary ammonium compounds. The relation compound for
the color scale is benzalkonium chloride. For the
following other QUATs, concentrations can be
determined using additional information provided in the instruction leaflet:
N-Cetyl-N,N,N-trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), N-Cetylpyridinium bromide, Dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide
(LTAB), Octadecyltrimethylammonium bromide, Didecyldimethylammonium bromide, Hyamine® 1622 (Hyamine® is a
registered trade-mark from Rohm und Haas Co.), Cetyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride, Benzyldimethyldodecylammonium bromide
For special manufactures of test papers for quaternary ammonium compounds please see INDIQUAT page 28.
QUANTOFIX® Phosphate
Cat. No. 913 20
Test sticks and reagents for the semi-quantitative determination of ortho-phosphate (PO43–) in solutions
Range: 3 – 100 mg/l PO43–
Only ortho-phosphate is determined. Other phosphates, such
as poly-, pyro-, and metaphosphates, have to be decomposed for the determination of total phosphates. Silica (SiO2)
contents above 10 mg/l react in the same way giving a blue
coloration. Larger amounts of sulphide ions (S2–) cause a
brown colour of the test field, smaller concentrations cause
low results.
The following ions do not interfere:
< 1000 mg/l Ag+, Al3+, Cd2+, Co2+, Cr3+, Mg2+, Mn2+, NH4+,
Ni2+, Zn2+, Cl–, F–, NO3–, SO42–, citrate, oxalate, tartrate,
< 500 mg/l Ca2+, < 250 mg/l Pb2+, < 50 mg/l Cu2+,
< 25 mg/l Fe3+, 5 mg/l Fe2+, < 2 mg/l NO2–
QUANTOFIX® Potassium
Cat. No. 913 16
Test sticks and reagents for the semi-quantitative determination of potassium (K+) in solutions
Range: 200 – 1500 mg/l K+
Sodium ions > 3000 mg/l cause low results.
Cat. No. 913 29
Test sticks for the semi-quantitative determination of sulphate
in solutions
Range: 200 – 1600 mg/l SO42–
QUANTOFIX® sulphate uses the same general principle as
the AQUADUR® test sticks (see page 28).
Between pH 4 and 8 the reaction is independent of the pH value of the test solution. Strongly acidic samples have to be adjusted with sodium acetate, alkaline solutions are adjusted
using tartaric acid.
The following ions only interfere above the indicated concentrations:
> 1000 mg/l BrO3–, ClO3–, CrO42–, SO32–, S2O52–, SeO32–,
> 500 mg/l S2O42–, > 100 mg/l CN–, S2–
Cat. No. 913 06
Test sticks for the semi-quantitative determination of sulphite
in solutions
Range: 10 – 1000 mg/l SO32–
Strongly or weakly acidic solutions have to be buffered with
solid sodium acetate prior to testing, since the test paper does
not react with sulphites in acidic media. Sulphide ions interfere since they also produce a red reaction colour of the test
paper in neutral solution. This interference can be eliminated
by the addition of an excess of nickel(II) ions. The NiS formed
can be removed by filtration. Larger amounts of reducing
agents, such as hydroxylammonium chloride or ascorbic acid, interfere, causing low sulphite results.
Testpapiere Seite 26 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Test sticks and test papers for semi-quantitative determinations
Description of QUANTOFIX® test sticks in alphabetical order
Cat. No. 913 09
Test papers
Test sticks for the semi-quantitative determination of tin(II)ions in solutions
Range: 10 – 500 mg/l Sn2+
Tetravalent tin has to be reduced. To do this, add 0.5 ml hydrochloric acid 37 % and some magnesium turnings to 5 ml of
the test solution and heat to boiling temperature. Hexacyanoferrates interfere > 10 mg/l (yellow-brown colour) and must
be decomposed by evaporation with sulphuric acid 96 %.
Cat. No. 913 10
Test sticks and reagents for the semi-quantitative determination of zinc (Zn2+) in solutions
Range: 2 – 100 mg/l Zn2+
The following ions only interfere in larger concentrations:
> 1000 mg/l Ag+, Al3+, Bi3+, Ca2+, Cd2+, Co2+, Fe2+, Fe3+,
Mn2+, NH4+, Pb2+, Sn2+, Sn4+, Cl–, CrO42–,
NO2–, NO3–, PO43–, SCN–, SO32–, SO42–, acetate, ascorbate, citrate, oxalate, tartrate
The following ions will cause low results:
> 500 mg/l Cr3+,
> 200 mg/l CN–,
> 100 mg/l Mg2+,
> 50 mg/l S2–,
> 25 mg/l Ni2+.
The presence of Cu2+, > 10 mg/l Hg+/Hg2+ (precipitation with
iron or cadmium powder in weakly acidic solution) and
> 50 mg/l MnO4– (destroy with hydroxylammonium chloride
in acidic solution) cause a brown coloration of the test field.
QUANTOFIX® Multisticks for aquarium owners
Cat. No. 913 26 / 913 27
Test sticks for the semi-quantitative determination of the total
hardness (Ca2+, Mg2+), carbonate hardness (HCO3–, CO32–)
and the pH value of aquarium water
total hardness
5° – 25 °d
carbonate hardness 3° – 20 °d
pH value
6,4 – 8,4
The total hardness of a water is caused by its content of calcium and magnesium salts (Ca2+, Mg2+). When measuring
the total hardness, the sum of these salts is determined.
The carbonate hardness is a part of the total hardness and
is caused by that portion of alkaline earth metals which are
equivalent to the carbonate and hydrogen carbonate ions
(CO32–, HCO3–) present in the water. The carbonate hardness is thus a measure for the buffer properties of the water.
Water with a low carbonate hardness is not sufficiently buffered, therefore the pH value can fluctuate easily.
The pH value indicates whether the water is acidic, alkaline
or neutral. Water with a pH of 7 is called neutral. Towards lower pH values the water becomes increasingly acidic, towards
higher pH values it becomes more alkaline.
The QUANTOFIX® multisticks are a convenient tool for orienting measurement of these three parameters, which are
very important for aquarium waters.
Testpapiere Seite 27 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Test sticks and test papers for semi-quantitative determinations
Other test sticks and test papers for semi-quantitative determinations
Test paper / test stick
Chlorine test
Fluoride test
Moisture indicator
Ozone test sticks
Swimming pool test
water hardness
water hardness
fluoride ions
relative humidity
in air
ozone content in
halide ions
free chlorine
Cat. No.
0–1–2–3–5–7–10 g/l Ag+
0–0.5–1–2–3–5–7–10 g/l Ag+ /
pH 4–5–6–7–8
< 3, >5, >10, >15, >20, >25 °d
< 3, > 4, > 7, > 14, > 21 °d
10 – 50 – 100 – 200 mg/l Cl2
0–2–5–10–20–50–100 mg/l F–
customers request
20–30–40–50–60–70–80 %
reel of 5 m length
box of 100 test sticks 6 x 95 mm
907 40
907 41
box of 100 test sticks 6 x 95 mm
box of 100 test sticks 6 x 95 mm
reel of 5 m length
box of 30 test disks + reagent
reel of 5 m length
different presentations
912 01
912 20
907 09
907 34
908 01
< 90, 90–150, 150-210, > 210
µg/m3 O3
0–0.25–0.5–1–2–3–4–5 g/l NaCl
0–0.5–1–3–5–10 mg/l (ppm) Cl2
0–80–120–180–240 mg/l (ppm)
box of 12 test sticks 10 x 95 mm
907 36
box of 30 test disks
box of 50 test sticks 6 x 95 mm
906 08
907 52
Test papers
Ag-Fix (test paper)
Ag-Fix (test sticks)
silver and pH
Description of semi-quantitative test sticks / test papers in alphabetical order
Ag-Fix test sticks
Ag-Fix test paper
Cat. No. 907 41
Cat. No. 907 40
During operation of a fixing bath it is necessary to check the
silver content as well as the pH in regular intervals to insure
proper operation. A decrease in fixing capacity is noted as an
increase in silver concentration or an alteration of the pH value. The convenient Ag-Fix test sticks from MACHEREYNAGEL allow a simultaneous semi-quantitative determination
of silver and the pH value in photographic solutions.
With these sticks two paper zones are sealed onto the lower
end of a plastic strip, one for the determination of the silver
concentration and one for pH measurement. After dipping the
test sticks in the test solution the colours of the test zones are
compared with the colour scale on the container. Ag-Fix
comes in packages of 100 test sticks. The length of the sticks
has been chosen for safe and convenient handling.
The plug of the container is filled with a desiccant resulting in
a shelf life of 2 1/2 years for Ag-Fix sticks.
The determination is very simple: remove only as many sticks
as are required and close the container immediately. Do not
touch the test paper zone. Dip the test stick briefly into the fixing bath and strip of excess liquid. After 30 seconds compare
the test fields with the colour scale and read off results. AgFix test sticks and Ag-Fix paper are not suited for fixing baths
with pH values below 4. Concentrations above 10 g per litre
can be determined after dilution of the fixing bath.
Iron and copper ions interfere and show a falsely positive reaction. These ions can be determined with the test sticks
QUANTOFIX® Iron 100 (Cat. No. 913 08), QUANTOFIX® Iron
1000 (Cat. No. 913 02) or QUANTOFIX® Copper (Cat. No.
913 04).
Gradation test sticks:
Silver: 0 – 0.5 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 7 – 10 g/l Ag+
Gradation test paper:
Silver: 0 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 7 – 10 g/l Ag+
0 – 1/8 – 1/4 – 3/8 – 5/8 – 7/8 – 11/4 oz. per US gallon
Colour reactions:
ochreous → brown
yellow → blue
Testpapiere Seite 28 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Test sticks and test papers for semi-quantitative determinations
Description of semi-quantitative test sticks / test papers in alphabetical order
Aquadur® test sticks
Cat. No. 912 01/ 912 20
Test papers
Test sticks for determination of the water hardness
The hardness of water depends on its content of calcium and
magnesium salts. When measuring the total hardness, the
sum of these salts is determined.
It is expressed in mmol/l or in degrees of hardness, whereby
it is important to differentiate between German, English and
French values:
in Germany:
1 °d = 10 mg/l CaO = 17,8 mg/l CaCO3
in England:
1 °e = 14.3 mg/l CaCO3
in France
1 °f = 10 mg/l CaCO3
Conversion factors: 1 °d = 1.25 °e = 1.78 °f = 0.178 mmol/l
In the USA, the water hardness is simply expressed in terms
of mg/l CaCO3.
Apart from the above values, water is often simply classified
as "soft water", or "hard water" etc. The following values generally apply to these terms:
below 50 mg/l CaCO3 – very soft water
50 – 120 mg/l CaCO3 – soft water
120 – 240 mg/l CaCO3 – medium hard water
240 – 360 mg/l CaCO3 – hard water
above 360 mg/l CaCO3 – very hard water
The hardness of water is often of importance where no laboratory facilities for the analytical determination exist. In these
cases Aquadur® provides a quick method for an indicative
reading. Its sensitivity is adequate for textile establishments
of moderate size, in dyeing, laundries, small water works,
boiler rooms as well as in pisciculture, aquaria and also for
household use.
Sensitivity: Aquadur® allows the determination of the water
hardness from 0 to over 21 °d, i.e. up to about 360 mg/l
CaCO3. Standard gradations are:
0 – 5 – 10 – 15 – 20 – 25 °d or 0 – 4 – 7 – 14 – 21 °d
Other sizes and other gradations are available (bulk package
with 5000 sticks or single-sealed [pack of 1000]).
< 3 °d
> 4 °d
> 7 °d
> 14 °d
> 21 °d
1 °d = 1.78 °f = 1.25 °e = 17.8 mg/l CaCO3
Chlorine test
Test paper for the semi-quantitative determination of
50 – 200 ppm chlorine
The white paper turns blue-violet in the presence of Cl2. The
test is particularly suitable for high range applications in disinfectant solutions which are for example used in food and
beverage industry and animal farms.
Gradation 10 – 50 – 100 – 200 mg/l Cl2
Presentation: reel of 5 m length and 10 mm width
Fluoride test
Cat. No. 907 34
Test disks and reagent for the semi-quantitative determination of fluoride ions
Gradation 0 – 2 – 5 – 10 – 20 – 50 – 100 mg/l F–
(each kit contains a colour comparison scale)
The reaction is based on the bleaching action of fluoride ions
on an aluminium colour complex.
The fluoride test is especially suited for rapid control of fluoride concentrations. Its purpose is to define concentration
ranges and to detect values which fall short of or exceed given limits. Chlorates and bromates cause white discolourations of the test paper. Addition of sodium dithionite
(Na2S2O4) will circumvent this interference without affecting
the fluoride test.
Large concentrations of sulphate also cause discolorations.
Addition of barium chloride (BaCl2) eliminates this interference. When testing intensely coloured solutions the colour of
the sample must be taken into account for evaluation.
Colour reaction: green → red
Method of application: Dip the stick briefly into the water and
shake off excess liquid. After 1 minute compare with the colour scale. The stick should be held by the end and care
should be taken not to touch the test papers.
Cat. No. 907 09
Cat. No. 909 00 – 909 02
This paper is used for the semi-quantitative determination of
the concentration of quaternary ammonium compounds
(QUATS) in disinfectant solutions. Since concentration and
composition of these solutions vary widely from one product
to the next INDIQUAT papers are tailored to each individual
disinfectant. This is why we supply INDIQUAT papers only to
Testpapiere Seite 29 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Test sticks and test papers for semi-quantitative determinations
Description of semi-quantitative test sticks / test papers in alphabetical order
Moisture indicator
Cat. No. 908 01
This represents a simple method for the determination of the
relative atmospheric humidity. It consists of a series of absorbent papers impregnated with various chemicals which
change the colour or the paper from blue to pink or vice versa,
according to the relative moisture of the air.
The illustrated moisture indicator is supplied as pack of 12 adhesive labels 50 x 100 mm and permits readings for a range
from 20 to 80 percent relative atmospheric humidity. It should
be read at the point where the transition colour from pink to
blue appears.
Indicator for relative atmospheric humidity
% 20
moisture indicators from MACHEREY-NAGEL are free of toxic and cancerogenic materials and thus eliminate any health
and safety risk. The clear colour change from red to yellow
ensures an even more precise reading than with established
humidity indicators based on cobalt chloride.
Moisture indicators without cobalt chloride are available on
Ozone test sticks
Test papers
Consumers can purchase INDIQUAT papers
from the producer of the
respective disinfectant.
Presentation: reels of 5
m length and 10 mm
width in black plastic dispensers with colour
scale. Special designs
for labels or scales on request.
Cat. No. 907 36
Ozone is a colourless toxic gas. It is irritating to eyes and mucous membranes and can cause respiratory complaints. An
ozone content of 180 µg/m3 is considered as critical value
above which sensitive persons should avoid stronger physical exertion. The ozone values published by public media like
press, radio or TV represent the ozone concentrations in the
vicinity of the measuring stations. However, actual ozone values in other locations can considerably deviate from these
published values due to meteorological and chemical influences such as wind, solar radiation, exhaust gases from vehicles etc. For this reason a local measurement of ozone
concentrations is recommended.
Ozone test sticks are a convenient test for orienting determination of the ozone concentration in air. Similar to the
QUANTOFIX® test sticks they consists of plastic strips
10 mm wide, onto which a test paper has been sealed at the
lower end. This allows easy handling of the test.
80 %
comparison colour
Limit of sensitivity: about ±5 % relative moisture. Where temperatures are substantially above or below 20 °C, corrections
have to be made as follows: add 2.5 % relative moisture per
5° temperature increase, or subtract 2.5 % relative moisture
per 5° temperature decrease.
Note: Special sizes and presentations can be produced to
customer’s specification and design.
Moisture indicator without cobalt chloride
Established humidity indicators are based on cobalt chloride
(CoCl2), which is rated as carcinognic and toxic. Contact to
these types of indicators represents a health and safety risk
to staff involved in handling and packing. The new non-toxic
Ranges and gradation:
< 90, 90 – 150, 150 – 210, > 210 µg/m3 ozone
Method of application: Place a test stick in the open air, protected from wind; if necessary, fix the test stick with a piece of
adhesive tape. After 10 minutes compare the test field with
the colour scale on the container.
Testpapiere Seite 30 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Test sticks and test papers for semi-quantitative determinations
Description of semi-quantitative test sticks / test papers in alphabetical order
Test papers
Interferences: Other oxidising reagents (e. g. chlorine) cause
a similar colour change and simulate higher ozone values.
The measuring ranges are valid for a relative atmospheric humidity of 30 to 60 %. Humidity values below 30 % can cause
low ozone results, humidity above 60 % can result in higher
ozone values.
Cat. No. 906 08
Test paper for the quantitative determination of halide ions
This test is based on a reaction between the halide ions Cl–,
Br–, I– and a coloured silver salt, which is decolourised by the
reaction. Although the paper will react with all of the above halides, it is most frequently used for the determination of chloride
and thus, indirectly, for the detection of NaCl. It is for this purpose that Saltesmo paper is specially recommended.
Saltesmo is most commonly used in the analysis of foodstuffs1). It is an accepted practice to calculate the total halide
content of a given sample, converted to the equivalent NaCl
value, as the chloride content of the sample. The determination of the chloride content is important for the quality control
and also permits comparison between different brands of the
same product, e. g. tomato products1).
The Saltesmo reaction is a "micro-titration on paper"2). As
such, it is particularly suited for rapid checks on halogen ion
or halide concentrations. Its purpose is to define concentration ranges and to detect values which fall short of or exceed
labelled amounts.
Cyanide and thiocyanate also bleach the brown colour. Fluoride ions do not interfere.
Limit of sensitivity: Saltesmo permits the semi-quantitative
determination of NaCl.
Concentration gradations:
0 – 0,25 – 0,5 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 g NaCl/litre
(each package is supplied with a comparison scale).
1) A Schaller, Fruchtsaftindustrie 9 (1964) 147 – 161
Swimming pool test
Cat. No. 907 52
This swimming pool test consists of test sticks for the semiquantitative determination of free chlorine, alkalinity and the
pH value of swimming pool water.
Parameter: Ranges:
Colour change
Free chlorine 0.5 – 10 mg/l Cl2
yellow → violet
80 – 240 mg/l CaCO3 light green → dark green
6.4 – 8.4
yellow → red
^ 1 ppm)
(1 mg/l =
These test sticks are a convenient tool for orienting measurement of three parameters which are very important for swimming pool water.
Now with easier application:
Dip test stick with all test fields into the swimming pool water
and make 5 back-and-forth movements. Shake off excess liquid. Read off the results for chlorine immediately and the results for pH and alkalinity after 30 seconds.
The gradation and evaluation of the values for free chlorine,
alkalinity and pH on the colour scale follow the rules and limiting values valid for the USA.
Förg und M. Staub, Chem. Rdsch. (Solothurn, Switzerland) 17 (1964) Nr. 19
Testpapiere Seite 31 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Test sticks for microbiological diagnostics
BioFix® test sticks and test strips
BioFix® is a family of test strips or test sticks belonging to the
group of in-vitro diagnostics. They have been developed for
BioFix® Oxidase
rapid detection of the enzyme cytochromoxidase
in microorganisms
BioFix® Indole
rapid detection of indole production by
rapid detection of the enzyme L-alanineAminopeptidase aminopeptidase in microorganisms and
evaluation of GRAM properties
Shelf life: at least 2 years after production when stored between +2 ˚C and +8 ˚C
Packing unit: Container with 50 test sticks or test strips and reagents, if required
: CE-marked according to the IvD-directive 98/79/EC
BioFix® test sticks and test strips meet the requirements for
a modern rapid test:
only few working steps and ready-to-use reagents
safe results with low effort
clear results by visual evaluation
results in a few minutes
no additional accessories necessary
Colour change
for positive test
colourless to
colourless to
colourless to
Cat. No.
test sticks
5.5 x 95 mm
test strips
11 x 98 mm
test sticks
5.5 x 95 mm
960 001
Test papers
the rapid detection of microbial properties or metabolic parameters.
960 002
960 003
BioFix® test strips are strips of absorbent paper 11 mm wide
and 98 mm long, which are either completely impregnated
with an indicator reagent or where several indicators have
been applied as stripes.
With BioFix® test sticks one or several indicator papers are
sealed onto the end of a plastic strip which is 0.2 mm thick,
5.5 mm wide and 95 mm long.
The length of the BioFix® test sticks and test strips allows a
safe and hygienic handling even when testing microorganisms with potential hazard. The plug of the container is filled
with a desiccant for increased shelf life of the sticks and
strips. Depending on the test the BioFix® package may contain additional reagents.
low price per test
Testpapiere Seite 32 Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 1:56 13
Test sticks for microbiological diagnostics
BioFix® test sticks and test strips
BioFix® Indole
How is BioFix® used?
Test papers
Handling of
test sticks and strips is very easy:
apply microorganisms
wait several minutes
visual evaluation of the colour change of the test field or
test strip.
Cat. No. 960 002
With an inoculating loop a well-grown, separate colony of the
strain of microorganisms to be diagnosed is taken from the
culture medium and applied to the end of the test strip.
A bluish-green colour indicates indole-positive strains.
Bacillus brevis
BioFix® Aminopeptidase
Escherichia coli
Cat. No. 960 003
The colony to be diagnosed is suspended in a small volume
of distilled water, and the test stick is dipped into this suspension. Yellow colouration indicates aminopeptidase-positive
strains (= GRAM-negative microorganisms).
BioFix® Oxidase
Cat. No. 960 001
With an inoculating loop a well-grown, separate colony of the
strain of microorganisms to be diagnosed is taken from the
culture medium and applied to the test field of the stick.
A blue-violet colour indicates oxidase-positive strains.
Enterobacter aerogenes
Escherichia coli
Enterococcus faecalis
Pseudomonas aeruginosa