
1001: Getting Started
This session is designed to help you gain an understanding of how information is organized in the Bloomberg system for
easy rebieval.
Use BU to display a menu of Bloomberg's training resources, seminars worldwide.
Use HELP to search Bloomberg's database for information using a word or a phrase. It can also be used to find help on a
specific function.
To submlt a questlon to our 24-hour analyttcs desk, press <HELP> twice from anywhere else on the system
Use HDSK to display a list o l your outgoing Help Desk messages sent using HELP HELP.
Use PDF to modify the default analytical parameters of your Bloomberg. You can also modify the defaults for your
keyboard and the appearance of printed screens. Each user with their own login name and password can create a unique
set of personal defaults.
Use EASY to display a list of tips and shortcuts you can use on Bloomberg.
MSGM displays all of the message functions available on the Bloomberg.
Use EXCH to display a list of all the exchanges that are available through the Bloomberg.
Enter N <Go> to access the extensive world of Bloomberg News.
Use 6BX.L to display a menu of functions !ha! provide a comprehens;~!c: overvie>*! 3! hsw !o impor! and use B!oombeq data
in Excel, including a step-by-step guide, cheat sheets and descriptions of recent enhancements. You can also use BBXL to
display information on performing Bloomberg calculations in Excel (Calculation Overrides) and to view demonstration
Use BREP to display a menu of Bloomberg sales and installation representatives and their phone numbers. BREP allows
you to send messages directly to your sales or installation representatives or to the Analytics Desk.
Use PHON to set your defaults for accessing the Bloomberg PnON service that allows you to retrieve e-mail, quotes and
other information via a telephone or PDA when you are away from the Bloomberg Professional Service. You can use
PHON to add or change your ID number. PIN number and data categories.
Bloomberg Launchpad is a customizable, dynamic user interface, which takes extsting Bloomberg Professional service
functions and allows them to exist on your computer desktop. Bloomberg Launchpad builds an interactive workstation
riven by the Bloomberg Professional service's data, news and analytics in a format which allows YOU to access the
information you need, when you need it.
1002: Introduction to Real-time Monitoring
This session is designed to help you creale market monitors in the Bloomberg system to track securities,
monitor orice movements and news that move markets, to create charts on vour monitor screens and to view
slldtng lockers 'or up-to-date prce mon tonng The benef 1s are lnat yo^ wlll be a0 e to watch markets cnanse in
real-t~meallowlng you to ma6e your in/eslment dec~slonsmore 'ap~dlyand effic.enl,
You can review a set of samole 'New Worksheet' s. These are temDiates based on different reaions and
markets. You may select a template, modify it and save it as your own.
Use NW to display 8 create a list of Market Monitors. Once inside an NW. you may edit it to change its makeAND THEN CAME LAUNCHPAD1
up and appearance.
Bloomberg Launchpad is a customisable, dynamic user inledace, which takes existing Bloomberg Professional
service functions and allows them to exist on your computer desktop. Bloomberg Launchpad builds an
interactive wot%station driven by the Bloomberg Professional se~vice'sdata, news and analyiics in a format
which allows you to access the information you need, when you need it.
Use PDF<GO> 6cGO> to mod~tythe default parameters of your Launchpad and Worksheet Monitors
To launch Launchpad
To start using Launchpad type BLP <GO> on your Bloomberg. This will open the Launchpad toolbar. The
Toolbar is your main navigation point for your desktop. It provides navigation to Launchpad components and to
traditional Bloomberg appiication in lhe Bloomberg window.
Launchpad Toolbar
The Launchpad Toolbar consists of 5 buttons: File. Launch, Tools. Reveai and Help.
The File button will let you save, store, recall, delete, rename, edit and share views
The Launch button is used to open Launchpad components and access your favourites.
The Tools button lets you accesssample views. the group manager and the edit favourltes tool
The Reveal button brings all of the open Launchpad components to the foreground of your desktop.
The Help button allows you l o access the users guide for Launchpad or can be used to contact the Help Desk.
Group Manager
Use the Group Manager to link single security components together. This allows you to change multiple
Components instantly and quickiy access ail the single security information you need to make quick decisions.
The Favorites tool lets you build links to tradilional Bloomberg applications that are not Launchpad
COmpOnentS. This gives you access to everything you need directly from your desktop. You can use the
Favorites loo1 to incorporate previously created Bioomberg custom buttons.
1002: Introduction to Real-time Monitoring - Page 2
Launchpad Components
Each Launchpad component has a toolbar lhat allows to control and customize thal component.
Bring your lisl of securities to the desktop to gain faster access to Launchpad components and all other
Bloomberg functions. Link or import your security list from Portfolios. Indices. Lists. NWs, and Excel. Monitors
are unique to your login and can be re-used in multiple views. Drag and Drop securities to and from the monitor
to anywhere on your desktop.
Auto Launch at login
Launchpad can be set to open automatically when you login. Auto Launch will save you time and give you
quick access to all the infomation in your view. Type PDF <GO> on the Bloomberg to set your Launchpad
1003: Charting On Bloomberg
This session is designed to help you gain an understanding on how to use the various charting functions available on the
Bloomberg system. We will look at the Standard charting functionality along with the Customized Graphics area of G<GO>
Use TDEF to customize all the default settings within your login. Set your favourite Moving Averages and lndicator settings
so that you can see your charts in the format you want. You can also enableidisable the Interactive buttons that appear on
your charts to be cerlain you are getting all the options important to you.
Use GP. GPO or GPC to graph Historical Line Bar and Candlestick charts along with Moving Averages and Volume
Information. Data used to construct the charts is available by hitting the Page Forward key. Draw Trend Lines. Fibonacci
retracements, % Change targets on the chart for use during your session.
This allows you to display an inlraday currency prices graph with 24-hour price data. The function charts the last, change.
open, high and low values for each of the three major currency markets: New York. London and Tokyo.
GPL will graph historical Line. Bar and Candlestick charts for selected securities on a logarithmic scale. Use GPL f o ~
analysing very long range trends especially on a Weekly or Monthly periodicity as they can sometimes be more
advantageous than an arithmetic scale.
Use RSI or lRSl to see a Historical or lntraday chart of the Relative Strength Index. Hin~ngthe MENU key whilst viewing
this chart will show all the other historical and intraday technical indicator charts that are available.
Use GIP to graph lntraday Tick charts. Show single day trading activity or up to 30 days of Tick action with GIP30. You can
also go back to a specific trading day with the Page Back key.
Use IGPO or IGPC to graph lntraday Bar and Candlestick charts along wlth Movlng Averages and Volume lnformat~on
Sett~ngsfrom Page 3 of TDEF<GO> are used to d~splayyour favourtte lntraday data per~od
Use HMSM to graph historical reiailonships among market indices, economic statistics, equltles, bonds and pomollos over
specific time frames. You can Normalize the display for direct market comparisons and also access the data points used to
construct the chart by hitting the Page Forward key.
Use G to create and maintain customized technical charts thal highlight the trading patterns of a selected security on an
inlraday or historical basis. By graphing multiple technical sludies on the same chart, you can determine whether their
slgnals concur, thereby ga~ninginsight into the future movement of a security. Trend Lines drawn on the single security
Historical and lntraday charts G will remain on the charls unlil you remove them, allowing quick reference to previously
conducted analysis. G will also allow you to create Multiple Security graphs which can display up to 4 items. Spreads and
Ratios can also be created and dis~lavedfor comoarative analvsis. G offers vou access to the most advanced charting
functlonallty available and can be completely custom~zedto s u ~your
needs charts can be used as templates thal wlli
apply to any securlty or they can be created to dlsplay the same data items for the same security each tlme referenced
Use GEG to access easy loaded G worksheets. Both Single security and multiple security worksheets are available from
this section along with Line, Bar and Candle charts. Many popular lndicator charts are already set up and a large selection
of the DeMark lndicalors are also available. You can choose from the available lists to see the chart in question and then
save the worksheet templalc in your own login for.convenierd retrieval.
Enter N <GO> to access the extensive world of Bloomberg News.
Type TOP <GO> for instant access to the top Bloomberg News headlines from various market sectors and
around the world.
Use NI <GO> to search for news based on one keyword or news code. For example, type NI FED <GO> for
the latest insights in US monetary rate policy. Then use the amber search box to find a pafiicular word or
Use TNI <GO> to search for news by subject, company, andlor person, using filters such as keywords. date
ranges and different newswires as sources.
Type NH <GO> for a scrolling list of current news headlines from various newswires. The Bloomberg
newswire code is BN, so type N H BN <GO> to see all headlines from Bloomberg News.
Type NRC <GO> for a directory of all the news sources and research contributors on Bloomberg To disable
a news or research contributor enter an X in the yellow box beside its code Type 22<GO> to enable or
disable all newswires in a specific language
Use WECO <GO> to display a calendar of both current and expected economic releases from around the
world. The combination of the BLOOMBERG NEWS Survey and a historical database of the economic
statistics to be released, keeps you informed of what is happening with the global economy, allowing you to
make better market decisions
Use CECO <GO> to create a customized calendar of upcoming economic events that you can d~splay
through EVNT <GO>. You can create up to 45 different country and calendar type combinations.
Use ECST <GO> to display current and historical economic statistics for selected natlons. You can use
ECST to analyze trcnds in economic statistics using links to historical graphs. description pages and iiews.
ECST can help you ar?!icipate the possiblc future direction of an economy.
CBQ <GO> displays a market summary of benchmark statistics, a graph of recent moves in the benchmark
equity index, and a list of the three most active stock5 for a specific country. CBQ also displays long-term
debt ratings, economic statistics, top news headlines, and also provides access to calendars of economlc
releases. corporate events, and earnings repoils. CBQ presents all of this lnforrnation on a single screen.
so you can easily keep abreast of the developments in a selected country's markets from one screen
1005: Introduction to API
This session is designed to help you and show how to use Bloomberg API wizards to download data Onto your MS
Excel applications or proprietary models.
117 ,1
& & IK \ & . ,
The Bloomberg toolbar and drop down menu provide access to the wizards.
The Table Wizard is a tool used to download current data ranging from indicative data, such as ticker symbols to
complex calculations such as dutatlon and risk. It does also allow you to download real-time prices to create monitor in
MS Excel.
The Bloomberg History Wizard helps you to retrieve historical prices and fundamentals for a security or securities of
your choice and it does also allows you to create charts in MS Excel, using data downloaded.
The lntraday History helps you to set up spreadsheets with historical lntraday data quickly and easily in order to aid you
to monitor lntraday tends.
The Bulk Wizard can be used to download blocks of data. For example, you can use the Bulk Wizard to download the
members of an index, the cashflows for a bond, or the dividend history for a stock.
' B
In addition to the Wizards. the Fill Ranae and Field Search allows you to download data by expanding existing tables or
by creating new ones.
The Field Search is a search tool which allows you to locate the field codes or mnemonics to download a particular
piece of data. For example, the mnemonic for PIE Ration is PE RATIO.
The Fill Rangc works along side ltle Fieid Search to fiii in the Data for a range of tlelds and a range of Securities
selected. To use the Fill Range, locate the master cell on your table and then click on the Fill Range icon and the data
will then be populated accordingly. The master cell is the connecting cell above the first security, left of the first Cell.
The Enable Real Time Updates icon allows you to freeze your real time quotes, or refresh any stalic data in a
- ...
Use BBXL to display a menu of functions that provide a comprehensive overview of how to import and use Bloomberg
data in Excel. including a step-by-step guide, cheat sheets and descriptions of recent enhancements. You can also use
BBXL to display information on perlorming Bloomberg calculations in Excel (Calculation Overrides) and lo view
demonstration spreadsheets.
t i u i : lnrroaucrlon to rqutty moaule i
~ h , ssesston IS deslgned to help you to use Bloomberg to access informalion and perform analysis on stocks.
Use TOP STK to &splay the b p BLOOMBERG NEWS headlines relating to stocks
DES displays fundamental background information and financial data for a specific mmpany, warrant. mutual fund or equity option.
You can use DES tu quickly view this information in one convenient location.
Use RELS to display a comprehensive overview of a selected company. The ovewiew includes a list of all of the company's equity,
debt. preferred and money markel securitres as well as its description and lists of major subsidiaries and brand names.
BQ atspays a con?os le oveN8ew of key prce and lraoe 3ala I~,ldamenlal!nlormal on and n r r s for a se ecled eqully You can Lse
BQ lo v ew several sca eo-down Bloomberg f~nctlonson a s ryie screen
QRM displays individual trades with best bidlask quotes in chronological order for a selected exchange listed or over-the-munler
security for a specific time period. You can user QRM to gauge a security's intraday price movement to make timely trading decisions.
CF displays and searches for corporate filings. Securities & Exchange Commission's EDGAR (itings and Canadlan SEDAR filings for
a selected equity or corporate security.
ERN displays eor7rngs-per-s9are sdmmarfcz for a selecteo eqcan use ERN to delnmlnr trmcs &a l y of earnlngs and
numbers mnst d~rectlycornparaole lo analysts' estimates in oroer 13 c z ' l ~ rana yse a company's lundamenrals
DVO displays detailed information about a selecled security's dividendlsplil history Use DVD to determine how a security's gross or
nel dividend yield contributes to its overall returns.
Use EE lc o spay earnmngs prqecoons from 1,B.E S ' Zacks. Frsl Call ano loyo Aeza for a seecled el(u11y seculy
collects a I earr rqs est.m;~lcsfor a company in one pl;lcr .,c P a l you can quocrly gntlgc market expectat ons
ANR dlsplays a llst of analysts' recommendat~onsand a consensus rating for a selected equlty The consenSus ratlng is based on
analyst recommendatsons complied by Bloomberg reports and researchers around the world
Use MOST to display the day's most active stocks by volume. the leading advancers and decline- by percentage or net gainlioss and
stocks with the most value traded for a parficuiar exchange.
HlLO wlli drsplav Informatton on common stocks. deposltow receipts. closed end funds and real estate lnveslment trusts that have
reached a 5Kweek h~ghor low price
Use LVI to monitor equlttes with the largest volume increases by percentage when compared to thelr 1.5.20 or 90 day movlng average
HALT provldes you wlth a list of suspended or halted stocks for a selected stock exchange on a speclfic date
s a c-stom sane dynamr jse, ~P.C.,'~;F: wn ch lams existing Oloomnerg p~3fessnna seNca f.onCt.OnS an0
illlols them to ex:sS0- ,c9r cornpaler oesdop. Bloomberg ~d-rc:pao b ~ l o an
s lnleractwc worKstat or cr ,el by the Bluomoerg
v~olessionalsew ces oa: 4 -nhs ano analyt cs .n a furrn.rt, ni;
a :AS la. to acrcss i!re nformatton jo.. nee ! + ?i?n fo. nee0 I
. .
E102: Introduction to Equity Module 2
This session is designed lo help you to use Bloomberg to access information and perform anaiysls on stocks.
Use TOP STK to display the top BLOOMBERG NEWS headlines relating to stocks
WElS ranks the returns for a group of equity indices over a specified period in either local currency of each index or in an adjusted
base currency. You can use WElS to identify opportunities in global markets.
GRR ranks the returns of all industry groups in a selected index during a specified time. GRR displays the returns for all of the
components of an index in a single locations and gives you an overview of what constituted the performance of the index.
Use MRR to display Ule 10 best and 10 worst performing stocks of an index. MRR also ranks the returns of ail the components of a
selected index by simple price appreciation for a specified lime period.
RV displays customised reports with key technical and fundamental data that you can use to compare a selected equity to securities
wtth the same industry index or portfolio.
FA dcsplays Bnancual analysds statements for a selected company You can use FA to analyse the current fundamental strength and
h~stoncaltrends in spectfic areas of a company s balance sheet, Income and cash Row statements
GE provloes a graph ca 0 splay of lhe hslonwl prce an? maraet ratlos lor a seleclec secdr ty over a specified perlon 31 1 i e Use
GE to show wnethcr or no! a secdrtly 1s traalng a1 h slorica r gr or lo* raloos to 'c rc-lakve va1t.e
Use ACDR to disDiav exoected earninss announcement estimates and dates for comDanies in a selected reaian or countrv. You can
use ACDR to compare f"ture earningsaf a specific company against others in the company's country or region.
BBEA shows all news relating to earnings categorised according to regions It includes earnings estimates produced by analysts as
well as reports on profit warnings.
Use CACT to d i s ~ l a va calendar of CorDorate actions includina various corDorate events. ca~italchanges and distributions. You can
search the corp&at; action database by date range, country."corporate adtioddate types and cornpa& name. CACT allows you to
stay on top of the changing corporate climate. Use CACS to look up corporate actions for a speuflc security.
COMP compares the returns of a selecterl sncority !n its belchmark index and indust?+group (if auailable; ;
: other selected
securities. You can use COMP to evaluate a security's relative value and determine if it is ouUunderperforming other securilies or
Use HS to graph the spread between two securities using the price or yield over a specific time period. You can use HS to identify
opportunities to trade securtties based on the widening or tightening of spreads.
CIX is used to create custom index expressions using mathematical relationships, securities andlor numerlcai vaiues. Once you
create a CIX, you can use it to run analytic functions and monitor the CIX in Launchpad and NW.
Bloomberg Launchpad is a customisable, dynamic user interface, which takes existing Bloomberg Professional service functions and
allows them to exist on your computer desktop. Bloomberg Launchpad builds an interactive workstation driven by the Bloomberg
Protessional service's data, news and analytics in a format, which allows you to access the informatlon you need, when You need it.
E103: Real-time Monitoring of Equities
- Module 1
This session is designed to help you use Launchpad in Spreadsheet Mode to perform calculations that used to be
done in an Excel Spreadsheet on your Launchpad monitors lo obtain highly customized results.
Spreadsheet Mode
A spreadsheet is an interactive display and calculation application. This means that you are able to input data into
cells and perform custom calculations upon that data.
Adding Blank Columns
To add more columns right click on the existing column header and select "insert column"
Adding Spreadsheet Info
1) A coordinate grid will appear so that individual cells are now defined in the monitor
2) A spreadsheet expression box pop up will appear to enter formulae and change characteristics of
individual cells or multiple cells
Expression Box
The Expression box allows you to enter formulae based on other cells of information and also change attributes of
that cell. It consists of several drop down items. namely:
Layout: Allows you to justify cell information left, right or center.
Format: Changes the decimal place precision of the number or allows for number as fraction or integer.
ForegroundlBackground: Allows changing the color of the selected cell
Functions: Several Excel type functions for example SUM to be applied in selected cell formula.
Syntax of Fomlulas
Formulas follow a similar syntax that is used in Microsofl Excel. For example:
The following rules apply:
-Each formula should begin with an (=) equals sign.
-Cells are referred to by their column letter and row number, starting with A! at the top left corner.
-Cell ranges are represented using a ( : ) colon. For example. =B2:815.
-The column or row in each cell reference can be "fixed" for fill operations using a ($)dollar sign. For example.
AS1 to 6x the reference so it always refers to row !
-Operators are executed left to right, unless surrounded by parentheses. For example, there is no automatic order
precedence to place ' above +. So. =A1t(B212) is the correct way of causing the 12 to happen first, not =AI+B2/2.
Built-in functions
Some of the functions built-in to the expression evaluator are as follows:
=SUM (range) - Calculates the sum or all cells within the range
=INT (value) - Returns the integer value (no rounding)
-ROUND (value) - Returns the rounded Integer value
=MAX (valuel, value2) - Returns the largest of valuel and value2
=MIN (valuel, value2) - Returns the smallest of valuel and value2
=AVERAGE (range) -Calculates the average of all cells within range
=STDEV (range) - Calculates the standard deviation of all cells in range
=STOEVP (range) - Calculates the population standard deviation of all cells in range
=WTSUM (range) - Calculates a we~ghtedsum or range
=WTAVG (range) - Calculates a weighted average of range
=MID (valuel, value2) - Returns the middie value between valuel and value2, unless value1 or value2 is zero, in
which case the other value is returned
Bloom berg
E104: Real-time Monitoring of Equities
- Module 2
This session is designed to help you use the dynamic new user interface called Launchpad.
Bloomberg Launchpad is a customizable, dynamic user interface, which takes existing Bloomberg Professional
service functions and allows them to exist on your computer desktop. Bloomberg Launchpad builds an interactive
workstation driven by the Bloomberg Profess~onalservice's data, news and analyiics in a format which allows you
to access the information you need, when you need it.
To launch Launchpad
To start using Launchpad type BLP <GO> on your Bloomberg. This will open the Launchpad toolbar. The Toolbar
is your main navigation point for your desktop. It provides navigation to Launchpad components and to traditional
Bloomberg application in the Bloomberg window.
Launchpad Toolbar
T i e Launchpad Toolbar consists of 5 buttons: File. Launch, Tools, Reveal and Help
The File button will let you save, store, recall, delete, rename, edit and share vlews
The Launch button is used to open Launchpad components and access your favourites.
The Tools button lets you access sample views, the group manager and the edit favourites tool.
The Reveal button brings all of the open Launchpad components to the foreground of your desktop.
The Help button allows you to access the users guide for Launchpad or can be used to contact the Help Desk.
Group Manager
Use the Group Manager to link single security components together. This ailows you to change multiple
components inslantly and quickly access all the single security information you need to make quick decisions.
The Favorites tool lets you build links to traditional Bloomberg applications that are not Launchpad components.
This gives you access to everything you need directly from your desktop. You can use the Favorites tool to
Incorporate previously crcatcd Bloimberg ciistom buiiut~s.
Launchpad Components
Each Launchpad component has a toolbar that allows to control and customue that component
Bring your list of securities to the desktop to gain faster access to Launchpad components and all other Bloomberg
functions. Link or import your security list from Porifolios, Indices. L~sts,NWs. and Excel. Monitors are unique to
your login and can be re-used in mult~pleviews. Drag and Drop secur~tiesto and from the monitor to anywhere on
your desktop.
Auto Launch at login
Launchpad can be set to open automatically when you login. Auto Launch will save you time and give you quick
access to all the information in your view. Type PDF <GO> on the Bloomberg to set your Launchpad defaults.
E201: Equity Searches
This session focuses on using Bloomberg to perform equity search functions.
Use WE1 to monitor intraday changes and display historical returns for indices in NorthILatin America, EuropeIAfrica
and the Pacific Rim. WE1 enables you to stay abreast of changes in broad and overnight markets.
Use CBQ to display a market summaly of benchmark statistics, a graph of recent moves in the benchmark equity index
and a list of the three most active stocks for a specific country. CBQ also displays long-term debt ratings, economic
statistics, top news headlines and provides access to calendars of economic releases, corporate events and earnings
IBQ displays a comprehensive analysis of a specific industry and links to other related functions. You can use IBQ to
nionitor industry news and developments, analyse benchmark statistics and trace individual and group performance so
you can quickly address issues that impact your investment strategies.
Use ECO to display a calendar of economic releases. You can use ECO to monitor both historical, current and
expected releases of economic numbers around the world to stay abreast of market and financial activity on a global
Use DSRC to generate a list of companies or mutual funds based on a set of criteria you select. The criteria are based
on specific words (from the DES paragraph). country of domicile or whether a company is publicly or privately traded.
You can use DSRC to export your results to a porlfolio, NW worksheet, Launchpad, or Excel spreadsheet.
Use QSRC to generate a list of equity securities based on a set of criteria you select. A set of criteria can include
country, exchange, security type, index, industly group and a variety of numeric values. You can use QSRC to find
equities that meet your fundamental and technical criteria.
BQ displays a composite overview of key financial information for a selected security.
Use RV to display customised reports with key technical, fundamental and industry-specific data that you can use to
compare a selected equity to secur~tieswithin the same industry, index or portfolio.
Use G to create and maintain customised technical charts that highlight the trad~ngpatterns of a selected security on
an intraday or h~storicalbasis. By graphing multiple technical studies on the same chart, you can determine whether
their signals concur, thereby galnlng inslght into the future movement of a security.
CNP creates customised tours based on commands you select, with as many as 100 functions in each set. Each tour
can have up to 5 pages of commands. w~th20 lines on each page. You can have up to 35 pages of tours with 15 tours
on each page.
Bloomberg Launchpad is a customisable, dynamic user interface, which lakes existing Bloomberg Professional Service
functions and allows them to exist on your computer desktop. Bloomberg Launchpad builds an interactive workstation
driven by the Bloomberg Professional service's data, news and analytics in a format. which allows you to access the
information you need, when'you need it.
E202: Equity Portfolio
This session demonstrates the depth and power of Bloomberg analytics for an equity portfolio.
MSCl displays the Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) indices menu
WElS ranks the returns for a group of equity indices over a specified time period in either the local currency of each
index or in an adjusted base currency.
Use G to create and maintain customized technical charts that highlight the trading patterns of a selected security
on an intraday or historical basis.
Use QSRC to generate a list of equity securities based on a set of criteria you select
Use PRTU to display a list of portfolios you are entltled to update and delete. You can also create a portfolio using
Use PLST to display a list of portfolios that you have permission to view andlor update.
PDSP displays the current position, cost, price. principal, and change from cost for each security in a selected portfolio. If the
portfolio has 50 securities or fewer, you can also calculate the total principal, cost, dollar, and percentage change. PDSP can be
used to evaluate the performance of the securities within your portfolio.
Use PBSK to create, update, and display a custom basket, which is a selected group of securities that you can link
to a worksheet or convert to an index.
PUD displays infotmationlinstructions for uploading/downloading portfolios from your personal computer to the
PCPY copies the contents of a portfolio or macro to an existing basket. You can use PCPY to combine portfolios or macros and
analyze them together using analytics available for baskets.
PHST generates price history for a selected basket.. A basket is a selected group of securities you can link to a worksheet or
turn into a custom index. Once you generate a price history, you can use a~ialyticalfunctions to assess the petiormance of the
Use PTD to display trade tickets that you entered through PTT <Go>. You can display all tickets, or tickets for a specific
Use PTT to enter Portfolio Trade Ticket to update positions in your portfolio. Use PTT to fill in the trade ticket for
the number of shares either bought or sold and the price.
E202: Equity Portfolio
- Page 2
PRPT creates a customized report for a selected portfolio Or macro. You can select the data by which each sector
and security in the report is separated allowing you to determine if your portfolio needs to be rebalanced.
RVP displays customized reports with key technical and fundamental data that you can use to compare equities
within a selected portfolio.
PTE allows you to set up and generate reports based on a number of different report categories. Menu items 1-5
allow you to generate a pre-set report on a selected portfolio or macro: Menu items 11-15 allow you to customise
your own report with data you specifically wish to view. Once you have set up/customised a report. they will be
saved on the PTE menu.
NPH displays up to three of the most recent news stories and research reports from the current and previous business day for
each security in a selected portfolio.
Use PRTS to create a report on a selected portfolio or macro of portfolios for a selected time period or against the
original cost. PRTS summarises the performance of lhe entire portfolio and each security within the portfolio. You
can generate the report immediately or schedule it to run periodically at a time of your choice. PRTS allows you to
quantify your gainsllosses over a selected period of time and measure porifolio averages so that you can make
informed decisions about possible restructuring of your portfolio.
RPT displays reports that are generated off-line for various analytic functions. RPT may be used to schedule future reports on a
daily, weekly, or monthly basis as well as on a specific business day. Reports are deleted after 5days.
E203: Advanced API for Equity
This seminar demonstrates the power of writing BLP. BLPH. BLPSH. BLPlT and BLPB statements in an Excel
Spreadsheet application. Through this course. we will also learn how to use calculation overrides and cell
referencing to link Bloomberg data in an effective manner.
Data can be filled onto your spreadsheet by writing simple formulas or BLP statements. The statements allow
flexibility in the data layout and the customization of your own proprietav formulas and each statement retrieves a
particular type of data.
Parameters can be a cell reference e.g. A1 or a string, e.g. "SIA SP EQUITY"
=BLP(Security, Field(s))
The BLP() Statement is used to download current prices and descriptive information. This statement allows you to
create real time monitors.
e.g., = BLP ("TLS AU <EQUITY>", "LAST PRICE") o r =BLP(AZ, $851)
Calculation override is a powerful feature within our Bloomberg API that allows you to study the relationships
between two or more financ~aivariables. Where two or more financial variables have a relationship, it is posslble to
override or assign a value for one of the variables to see the outcome in the other. In short, calculation override
provides you with the ability to perform Bloomberg's financial calculations in Excel over multiple securities. This
applies to fundamentals, currency adjusted market cap and volume weighted average price scenarios.
"EQY FUND YEAR, NET INCOME. "1995") or =BLP(AZ, $ B $ l : $ C $ l , D2)
=BLPH(Security, Field@). Start Date, End Date', Number of Points', Chronological Order*, Periodicity", NonTrading Days*, Filler', Show Dates*. Rows, Columns, Direction', Show Price', Currency',GPA')
The BLPH() Statements retrieves historical data, pricing or fundamental, for an indicated period or range in a highly
customizable manner.
e g . . = BLPH ("8 HK <EQUITY>". "PX LAST'. "01101102"...:Wj or =BLPH(A2, 01. C1 D l )
'optional parameters
=BLPSH(Security, Field(s), Date, Non-trading Days', Filler', (Omit), Currency')
The BLPSHO statements allows you to download a single point historical data for an lnd~cateddate.
e g . = BLPSH ("IBM <EQUITY>". "LAST PRICE". "10112102) or =BLPSH(AZ. $BS1. SBSZ)
'optional parameters
=BLPIT(Security, Field<s>. Start Datemime, End Datemime', Bar Size', Reverse Order'. DatelTime'.Rows,
Columns, Direction', Filler')
The BLPIT Statemerlts retrieves lntraday pricing to allow you to study lntraday market activity and identify arbitrage
opportun~tiesthat may arise from lntraday price actions.
e g . = BLPlT ("VOD LN <EQUITY>''. ''LAST PRICE", "10/12102 09 00". "10112102 1 1 . 0 0 , "10") or
=BLPIT(B3, 84, 05. 06. 07) ^optional parameters
=BI.PB(Securit?, Hulk Ficld)
The BLPB() Statements allows you to eas~lyaccess bulk data for a secur~tyYou can download data such as the
members of an index, bond cash flows, calllput schedules, optlon cha~nsetc
For parameter dcscription. please refer to BBXL<GO>. 4 < G 0 > Worksheet Funct!onslBypassin~?"?iza:ds.
€204: Introduction to Equity Futures and Options
This session is designed to help you gain confidence in using Bloomberg system as your Desktop for Exchange
Traded Futures and Options Markets.
Use CEPR to display a menu of futures and options exchanges. The directory provides lhe symbol, address.
phone and fax numbers, and Internet address for each exchange.
Use CTM to locate futures contracts when you are unsure of the exchange the contract trades on or do not know
of all the available exchanges on which a type of future contract trades.
OTM displays a menu of futures contracts for which listed options are available, grouped by financial, equity and
index, soft commodity, and hard commodity contracts. You can also sort the futures mntracts by predetermined
criteria or display the options for each contract.
This stand-alone function gives an overview of latest prices for world equity index futures. The FEPS function will
dictate whether you see day or night session prices or both.
TKA is a list of the 20 most active futures contracts worldwide. MOSO displays the day's most active options by
volume and the leading advancers and decliners by percentage or net gainlloss for a particular exchange.
Use DES to display financial information for a selected futures contract, as supplied by its exchange. DES
displays margin limits and daily up and down price limits allowing hedgers and speculators to view !he minimum
amounts they must post when buying or selling a futures contract.
CT allows you to monitor price movements across all expiries for a given underlying contract. such as the future
on the Standard and Poor's 500 index.
Use FHG to graph historical data for a selected future contract andior equity. The data items Consist of Statistics
on the selected security and/or their traded options.
FEPS may be used to set futures and optlons session defaults for all exchanges that have multiple trading
FSM displays the spreads between futures contract months for a given future.
The values appear in an eight by eight matrix and provide a quick snapshot of
all current spreads in a particular contract series.
E204: Introduction to Equity Futures and Options -Page 2
OMON displays real-time pricing for a selected exchange-listed security's call and put options. You can
customize multiple templates according to the option information you need. such as implied volatility levels. risk
measurements, and historical volatility. You can also filter the options according to center price, strike price, and
exchange criteria you select.
OMST displays the most active options - and the greatest upward and downward movers - for an underlying
equity or index. You can use OMST to identify which options for an underlying security best meet your trading
Use OVIOVX to create or calculate option values for a selected index or equity option using pricing assumptions
you define. You can use OVIOVX to save the options, so you can value them and mark to market your positions.
You can also use OVX to search for specific option types and model exotic options that you can send to other
HVT displays historical price volatilities for a selected security. You can use HVT to determine short- and longterm trends in historical volatility so that you can predict future volatility. This helps in the analysis of an
appropriate implied volatility to pay for an option. HVG graphs historical price volatility for a selected security.
HlVG graphs the historical implied volatility and prices for a selected security.
E205: Technical Analysis
- Module 1
This session is designed to help you gain an understanding of what Technical Analysis is. We will look at some basic chart patterns along
with various indicators that can assist in analysing the current and future direction of a particular market.
SUPPORT 8 RESISTANCE Support is found at levels where there are more buyers than sellers. Resistance is found where there are
more sellers than buyers. Buyers at support levels place stop loss orders below the level and sellers at resistance levels place stop loss
orders above the level.
G - Use G <GO> to create and maintain customized technical charts that highlight the trading patterns of a selected security
on an intraday or historical basis. Charts can be used as templates that can be applied to any security or they can be
created to display the same data for the same security each time the template is used. GEG <GO> will also provide
examples of G worksheets that you can copy into your own login for future retrieval.
UPTRENDS / DOWNTRENDS 8 TREND CHANNELS Uptrend lines are drawn between a minimum of two low points on the chart whilst
downtrend lines are drawn between two high points. The more often the line is tested the more valid the line becomes for support or
resistance. Copying an Uptrend line and runrting this off a significant high or copying a Downtrend line and running this offa significant low
will provide a parallel trend channel.
DOUBLE TOPS 8 DOUBLE BOTTOMS -Formed when price touches a level and then moves in the opposite direction. It then retouches
the oflginal level and again moves away but does not return to original level. Sometimes referred to as an M top or a W bottom. The pattern
is confirmed when the level between the two topsibottoms is broken. A price target objective is given when this occurs which can be
referred to as a counterswing target.
HEAD B SHOULDER TOPS 8 BOTTOMS - A top consists of 3 distinctive peaks with the centre peak (head) higher than both peaks either
side (shoulders). A break of support (neckline) confirms the validity of the formation. A bottom consists of 3 distinctive lows with the centre
low (head) higher than both lows either side (shoulders). A break of resistance (neckline) confirms the validity of the formation. The distance
between the head and the neckline is used as a price objective when the neckline is breached. Subtract the value from the neckline for a
top and add the value to the neckline for a bottom.
TRIANGLE FORMATIONS -Symmetrical, Ascending and Descending -Can occur in both up and down trends.
Symmetrical triangles are formed by two converging, angled support and resistance lines.
Ascending triangles generally occur in uptrends and are formed by two converging lines. A flat or almost flat resistance line and a sharply
angled support line which supports rising prices. Break-outs generally occur through the flat line.
lines. A flat or almcst flat support linc and o
Descending triangles generally occur in down trends and are formed by t l ~ converging
sharply angled resistance line which supports rising prices. Break outs generally occur through the flat line.
MOVING AVERAGES -(MA) (Trending indicator) Trend following indicators that remove the market noise to reveal "actual" direction.
When using 2 moving averages together (usually 1 short period and 1 longer period) n hlly signal is generated when lha shorter period M 4
cuts through the longer period MA from below to above. A sell signal
is generated
when the shorter period MA cuts through the longer
period MA from above to below.
STOCHASTICS (Non Trending Indicator) Comprised of 2 lines (%K & %D) that oscillate between 0 and 100. An overbought zone Is set
between 80 - 100 and an oversold zone between 20 - 0.Signals are generated wheri a crossing of %K 8 %D from above or below the
zones occurs.
DIVERGENCE 8 CONVERGENCE -Applicable to many oscillators and is read as a comparison of the lower indicator chart and the upper
price chart. Divergence occurs at highs and is signalled when price continues to make a series of higher highs whtlst the indicator makes
lower highs. Convergence or bullish divergence occurs at lows and is signalled when price makes a series of lower lows whilsl the indicator
makes higher lows.
E301: Advanced Fundamental Analysis
This seminar focuses on advanced equity analytical functions. We will be looking at functions thal estimate, from
past data, the projected price movement of an equity relative to lhat of an index or another equity, the intrinsic
value of an equity, the risk of bankruptcy, also the implications of changes in capital structure.
FA displays financial analysis statements for a selected company. You can use FA to analyze the current
fundamental strength and historical trends in specific areas of a company's balance sheet, income stalement, and
cash flow statement.
Use BR to access research provided by contributors. BR categorizes research by company. pornolio, equity. and
fixed-incomeieconomic relaled stories. BR also lists several companies as additional sources of research
BETA displays the historical volatility of a selected equity compared to a broad based market index. You can use
BETA to help determine an equity's risk level. The beta is an essential calculation in computing the weighted
average cost of capital.
CRP d~splaysthe country rrsk premlum, whlch is a counlry's expecled n~arketrellrrn minus the corrcspono ng rfs<
free rate for all counlr~es/reg#ons
thal are currently avallablc The market return 1s c;i culated by taklnq a capllal
weighled average of the internal rate of relurn overall the members of the country's major index
Use EQRP to calculate the expected additional return (equity risk premium) sought above a specific
country/region's risk-free rate when investing in a selecled equity. You can use EQRP lo help measure the relative
riskheward of investing in a selected equity and/or equity market.
WACC dlsplays a selected company's cdrrent capttal structure You can use WACC to calc.jlatu ttw . v p f ~ xiriaie
of a company lncreaslng thelr long-term capltal ana lhe econom c ampact on shareholder v m e WACC ' , I n?
whether a company has been increasing or destroying shareholder value The above functions are essenllal to the
calculabon of WACC.
DCM ~ I c u I a t o sthe in::insic value of a selected e q ~ i l yusing the present value of :uture cash flows dia~uuniadd l
an appropriate rate. You can compare this theoretical value to the current price of the equity to determine whether
it is under or overvalued.
AZS forecasts the prooab.lily of a selected company enter ng bankr~ptc)htnm t l e next [no ,ea's YOL can " s u
AZS lo e v a l ~ a l ethe genera financna. condtlon of a company an0 lne assoc alec r s6 c l mes: 13 r tne se eaeo
security. You can brini this value Into Excel to see a historical trend
You can use QSRC to find ecjuilies that meet your fundamental and technical criteria. In particular the Historical
Growth Expression Builder can be used to screen equ~tiesto locate those thal have a consistent record in lerms of
your key fundamental ratios.
A .
r. .-,!:
. i
, ,
,, ~ .
E302: Options and Warrants on Equities and Indices
This seminar will discuss both exchange traded options and over-the-counter options and warrants. You will leam
how to use advanced analylics to customize an option monitor, to conduct valuation, to create options and
warrants, and perform scenario analysls on single and multipie options.
Use OSCN to senerate a list of options based on a set of criteria you select. A set of crlteria can include countrv.
exchange, secinly type. Index. ~ndustrygroup, an0 a varlety of underlying and opl,on fmttlng values YOL can U&
OSCN lo find options tndl meet ,o.r f~noamentalJn? lecln cai cr.ter8a ASRC ,s tne cdslom.zeo searcn faolnty for
OVIOVX can be used to create or calculate optton values for a selected Index or equity optlon using pricing
assumptions you define
OMON displays reai-time pricing for a selected exchange-listed security's call and put options. You can customize
multiple templates according to the option information you need, such as implied volatility levels, risk
measurements, and h~storicalvolatilitv. You can also filter the o ~ t i o n saccordina to center Drice. strike orice. and
excnange crflerla you select Lahe 0 t . 6 ~ .WCM &!I1dosplay you; selected data iems Iwarrants (options) exlst on
the Jndertylng an0 1s t h ~ ~sefi,
as a search fa-: illy
COAT PCAT o.sp'a) ca optson va.bal on scns t.vtty rneasdres for variods slr6e prlces lor an "nderiy~ngeqully
COAT allows you to evaluate scveral call opl~onsat once lo help you tdentlty the opllons that meet your v a l ~ eand
volatility objectives
HVG graphs historical price or yield volatility for a selected security. You can use HVG to identity trends in
historical volatility in order to help predict future volatility and thus more accurately price options and warrants. HVT
is invaluable in getting an overview of historical volatilities over various periods.
HlVG helps gauge historical price movement and volatility versus the market's prediction (implied) of volatility over
time. You can use HlVG to identity trends in price direction, predict trends in future volatility or draw correlations
between priceslyields and volatility.
HRH displays a hlsloncai return hlstogmm for a seiected securily. Yuu can use t1RI-l lo determine if a sccu~ity's
returns follow a normal theoretical distribution and, therefore, determine the validity of pricing model aSSumpti0nS.
SKE'N displays implied volatilities across differf!nt strike prices for a selected epuity. currency, commodity, or index
security. You can use SKEW to detect higher implied volatilities. which indicate that the security has a greater
chance of reaching a strike prlce than the odds predicted by a lognormal probability distribution.
CWS d~sulaysthe slandstil bleakeven, and 8'-exercised relu.ns 131 an ~ S tj.L ?ot.cii con!rrct sere5 a 1cn.nrJ ,Ow
oe:crrnane anacn slrlde &,ices m.gnt best ennanca yo-r profsl ;ma loss. Wrttlng covcrru calls is a loglcal
method of generating incremental returns on a portfolio,
13 4: CK
OSA calculates the potential profit or loss of an option strategy for a selected equity. You can use OSA to evaluate
how dianges in the horizon dale. underlying price, interest rates, and implied volatility affect an equity option. OSA
also allows you lo save your positions to a portfolio.
YOUcan use these two functions to set the defaults for optton madel ,d!v~dendmpul and Interest rate Inputs
E303: Equity Arbitrage
The aim of this seminar is to ensure that participants are familiar with the many Bloomberg functions that can highlight
price discrepancies between the main and secondary listings of a company or between a main listing and an ADR for
example. Where possible this can lead to risk free profits. or the cheapest way to gain exposure to an equity. The
seminar also looks at functions fwgenerating profits from the buying and selling of multiple securities.
QMC displays quotes from all the forefgn excnanges .pon wh~cha selected equlry trades. You can use OMC to convert
the bld, ask. and last prlces of the equ.ty into a commcn c-rrency and adlust for the number of shares per anolor
certificate (excluding taxes or other charges) in order to find arbitrage opportunities
Use EARB to display a list of stocks. American Depositary Receipts (ADRs), and Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs)
that trade on two exchanges and contain price differentials. EARB allows you to see possible arbitrage opportunities.
ADRM can be used to search for Depository Receipts by exchange and by country of origin. The function will convert the
ADR price into the base currency and show premium or diswunf so that arbitrage possibilities can be isolated.
POD grapns a selecteo Depos~toryReceipl's currency adjusled price against that of tne ,noer.y,ng equity pnce You can
use POD to aelerm ne poren: a aroltrage opportunlt~esbetween receipts and the r ~nderlylngoca, shares as the prlces
of the two securities d~vergeover time.
Use NAV to graph a selected closed-end fund's price and net asset value, as well as the discount or premium of its price
to net asset value. You can use NAV to determine if a fund is trading under or over its historical discount or premium.
These two functions can be used to search for instruments tradino at a discount and hence to locate arbitraae
Use MA to find comprehensive coverage on global merger and acquisition activity. You can use a standardized deal
search or create a customized search based on criteria that you specify. Up to the minute information can assist in
isolating arbitrage opportunities between bid terms and target price.
Use CiX to create a custom index expression (CiX) by applying an algebraic expression to an underlying set of
component securities. By allowing you to monitor the relationship between data series more easily, arbitrage
opportuni:ies can be made more obvious. The G and Launchpad functions can be used to display tnls dam and calculate
real-time PBL.
Use HS to graph the spread using the price or yield of two selected sea!rifins nvar a Tpecifll: time rrame. You can use
HS to identify opportune times to trade securities based on widening or tightening spreads.
tiRA estimates the strcngth of a hislortcal re a ' o l i n r >i?hcena depended var'able and anotlar ii~deprodl?nl
Val o 5 e .
YOL can study the relationsn#pbetween tne vni ai4o j lo sat>er lnslghts lnlo futdre price movements
CORRcan be used these functions to determine if securities, interest rates, currencies, and indices move inversely Or in
tandem with each other by ident~fyingpositive and negative-correlations between them. You can Compare VarlOUS
correlalions to one another in order to identify trade opportunities through changing spreads as well as evaluate
opportunities to minimize currency risk by hedging. FVIFVD Use FV to determine whether an equity-index futures
Contract is mispriced relative to the value of the corresponding cash index. FV determines a theoretical value of the
futures Contract based on the number of davs until the contract exoires.
the dividends oaid on the underlving
. - stocks 10
the index an0 Teva llng monef mjrkct rate: It the fut~rescontract is mkpr cec :wre r a , tie lmtrnla for a profitable
arollrage onlneen 1r.e mdex an0 tnc future FVD nlghlights the re3at.onsh.poetnee? tne ic.ertl:il flacx and .Is two eqd.tY
index futures contracts that are nearest to explratlon
- -
.. . . - . .
E304: Executing a Trade
Thcs session is designed to help gain an understanding of how to Perform pre-trade analpis and then use of Bloomberg's
electronic lrading platform to perform a trade.
QMC displays quotes from all the foreign exchanges upon which a security trades. You can use OMC to ConveR the bid, ask
and last prices of the equity into a common currency and adjust for the number of shares per receipt andlor certificate
(excluding taxes and other charges) in order to find arbitrage opportunities.
Use BE0 to monitor the best bids and olfers for trades on any of the available equity exchanges. wmmodih/ exchanges,
indices and currency exchanges. BBO is only available to users who subscribe lo real-time data provided by the associated
Use AOR to display the IargesUmost recent trades and volume weighted average trade value over a specified period of time
and date interval for a selected +ecurity. AQR also displays information for index futures that have volumes available. AOR
displays trades that have the largest potential effect on a stock so you can gauge market sentiment through current trading
activity and determine short-term buying and selling pressure. AOR also allows you to customise your VWAP calculation to
include or exclude cerlain condition code trades.
VAP displays a bar chart of lhe total number of shares traded at each price during the day for a selected security. VAP
itlustrales intraday supporl and resistance levels so that you can determine the price at which a buyer or seller would most
likely execute a trade VAP Is not available for currencies.
Use ORM lo asplay -no v c,a traces v\ In hest oldlask quotes in chron01og~calorccr lcr a seected excnange Isled or averthe-cou#ilersec~rllyfor a spec fc t me p?.#ofl. Yo2 can use ORM lo gauge scctrr 1, s nl.aoa, :r#ce movement. so )ou can
make more timely trading decisions
lOlM displays a menu of fundcons relating to lndications of Interest (101). All 101s w m e from participating sellside
brokeridealerswho feed the indications directly into the BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL"" service.
Use 101to create real-time composcte monitors of all indications of lnteresl (101s) and trade advertisement for customized
profiles. 101aliows you to easily w p y each profile's securities from an index or LIST <Go> (Your Lists). You can use 101 to
identify trends in supply and demand for equity markets and to find traders who provide the most liquidity in the stocks you
Use IOlD to create. delete, copy, and edit custom lists of up lo 100 institutional buyside firms. Sellside senders of indications
use these lists in conjunctton with Indications of Interest Send (IOIS <Go>) and 101Multpte Message Send (MIOI <Gm) to
target specific buyside firms.
Lse IIA to d$splaya real-lime compos.te irlcrl 1c.r -.'n nc c.a!ton%2nd lc9do ?d~,ec~,:.?*:!?-I? see! k- Z Y V .'c'~ 3~, c!czk.:
rot. <:an Lse IlA to ;dent ty trends # I s ~ p p y;wd uamanc n lne eq. ty markets and respond to traders *no Sraie 5 m :3r tllcru
Use EET to display Bloomberg's equity order routing menu NOTE: You must eslablish a trading relallanship wlth the broher
before you can execute a trade on-line
Use BYlSY to execute an equity trade through a Blwmberg Electronic Equity Marketplace contributor from which you
choose. Nole: You must be enabled by the broker you seled lo buylsell securities using BYiSY.
BLOT displays a lhst of your auto-execul~ontrades you can use BLOT to follow an aulo-execntlon transaction through the
entlre trade process
€305: Technical Analysis -Module 2
Tn:s sess Jn is ddsgneo to nr. :
ga.n an i.noeistaic og of Car0 es: cn panerns alori?; H .r s o r e b i j s ~
ir!erpretatons of tecnn ca nc colors. Floonacc ;Irld ,s s an0 the use of Ltore, :.ow
CANDLESTICK CHART (CNDL) Requires open, high. low and close data with greatest emphasis placed on the
relationship between the open and close. The region between the open and close is called the real body. A
coloured real body indicates a close lower than the open whilst a blank real body indicates a close higher than the
open. A vertlcal line extending above and below the real body represents the overall range on the day behveen the
high and low traded levels. This part of the candle is known as the shadow.
Sinale Candle Patterns:
Hammer Real body can be coloured or blank. Lower shadow is long 8 twice the length of the real body. Upper
shadow is short or non-existent. This candle represents a possible turning point at a low.
Shooting Star Real body can be coloured or blank. Upper shadow is long 8 twice the length of the real body.
Lower shadow is short or non-existent. This candle represents a possible turning
..point at a high.
Double Candle Patterns:
Bullish Engulfing -Signals a reversal to a downtrend. Highlighted by a small coloured real body candle which is
engulfed by a long blank reai body candle the next day.
Bearish Ensulfina Sianals a reversal l o an uotrend. Hiahliahted
bv a small blank real bodv candle which is
engulfed b) .I c r 9 W l o ~ r e orcJl boo, 2ano.e the next day
frorl t t rnan q ves dcfin;t.Cn Caltrrni
Use ChD-<GO, to see char:s %. tn candle v;ltttrrns ' o e l l ' ~ . ~1<GO,
ClvD.cnE~?> Y<GOr 6<GO> i\ a l s o g ve det18:.on 3f nany Candle patterns
MOVING AVERAGE CONVERGENCE DIVERGENCE (MACD) - A trending indicator that consists of a MACD line
and a Signal line. The MACD line is the difference between 2 exponential moving averages, generally a 12 period
sell sianals are aiven
and a 26veriod. The Slanal line is oenerallv. a 9 .period exoonential movina averaae. ~ u v a n d
wnen t h e ' h * lone
~ ~ crosses
acove or oelow the S.gna r l r Tne r(lstogri!m s h o i s tnedntlerence oilween In; two
I nes ti-, or Sell slgna s a,e s-a y represented wnen tne nstogram is in ?o, I .e or negntve lerrtor, aouve or
below zero. Divergence occurs at highs and is signalled when price continues to make a series of higher highs
whllst the ~ndicatormakes lower htghs. Convergence or bullish divergence occurs a l lows and is signalled when
price makes a series of lower lows whilst the ind~catormakes higher lows.
RELATIVE STRENGTH INDICATOR (RSI) A non-trending indicator that measures momentum by oscillating
between 0 and 100. An overbought condition is represented when the indictor is above the 70180 ievei 8 an
oversold condition is represented when the indicator IS below 30120. 75 and 25 are generally accepted levels.
Divergence and Convergencelbullish divergence can also exist within this indicalor and is determined in the same
way described for the MACD indicator above
FIBONACCI ANALYSIS (GPF)- Developed by Leonardo Fibonacci. a 13"' century mathematician. The Fibonacci
Sequence of numbers 1s 1. 1, 2, 3, 5. 8, 13, 21. 34, 55, BY, 144. 233. Where each 2 numbers added together
provide the next number in the sequence or where 1 number divided by the preceding number equals a constant
1.618. The main retracement and projection percentages used in trading are ,382. SO0 and 6 1 5 Once a range
has been identified, these levels become significant targets for any retracement or continuation move that occurs.
MONEY FLOW (GM)- Measure the net amount of money flowing into or out of a specified stock or index. It is a
cumulallve calculalion starting from the day prior to !he first trading dale being analysed hence it is dependent on
your start date. Dwergcncc, Convcrgence, or bullish divergence can also exist between price and the money Row
line. MFcGO> will provide a monitor of Weekly and Monthiy money flow for specific markets.
GcGO> Combine all of the above lndlcators on one chart wlth GcGO> Flnd example templates under the
GEG<GO> command In relatlon to F ~ b o n a ~relracernents,
you can set your own ranges by ustng the Fibonacci
button located w~thinthe dropdown 'lines' button at the top edge of the graph
DEMARK INDICATORS - A sophisticated suite of indicators developed by Tom DeMark.
Please see G<HELPs 9<GO> 2cG0, 14iGO> for access lo the complete HELP section for all available indicators.
E306: Volatility Risk
The vulnerability of all market sectors to changes in volatility poses signifcant risk to equity p o m o ~ i o ~ .
This seminar shows you tools to help manage risk. It looks at analyzing
. .volatility exoosure and
implementing hedging strategies.
OMON displays real-time pricing for a selected exchange-listed security's call and put options. You can
customize multiple templates according to the option information you need, such as implied volatility
levels, risk measurements, and historical volatility.
OVlOVX can be used to create or calculate option values for a selected index or equity option using
pncing assumptions you define.
HVG graphs historical price volatility for a selected security. You can use HVG to identify trends in
historical volatilily in order lo help predtct future volatility and hence an appropriate implied volatility lo
HlVG graphs the historical implied volatility and priceslyields for a selected security. HlVG helps gauge
historical price movement and volatility versus the market's prediction (implied) of voiatility over time.
You can use HlVG to identify trends in price direction, predict trends in future volatility, or draw
correlations between priceslyields and volatility.
HRH displays a historical return histogram for a selected security. You can use HRH to determine if a
security's returns follow a normal theoretical distribution and, therefore, determine the validity of pricing
model assumptions.
TRMS displays an equity or index's options series, implied call and put volatiiily for at-the-money
options, and historical volatility for up to 10 years. You can use TRMS to view the overall perspective on
a security's volatility across the entire term structure to assist in better pricing.
SKEW displays implied volatilities across different strike prices for a selected equity, currency,
commodity. or index security, You can use SKEW to detect higher Implied volatilities, which indicate
lhat the secunty has a greater chance of reaching a strike price than the odds predicted by a lognormal
probability distribution.
Use OI-IT to disp!ay cp!ion hcrizcn anabsis for co!l and pii: strikes fa; a selected eqbitj with unde(iying
optlons. OHT allows you to modify the underiying and option price. days lo expiration. horizon date.
short-term finance rale volatility at the horizon date so you can calculate future price changes based on
your own market assumptions.
OSA catculates the potential profit or loss of an ootton strateqv for a selected eaultv You can use OSA
interest rates, and implied volatil~tyaffect
to evaluate how changes in the horizon date, underlying
an equity option. OSA also ailows you to save your positions to a portfolio.
E307: M 8 A Analysis
This session is designed to help you gain an understanding of how to find information, such as news,
deal multiples and advisor involvement in the Mergers and Acquisitions field on Bloomberg.
TOP DEAL <GO> will bring you to the top corporate finance stories. NI MNA <GO> IS the command to
access news in the mergers and acquisition field.
MA gives comprehensive coverage on global merger and acquisition activity. You can use a
standardized deal search or create a customized search based on criteria that you specifv. MA also
orovides YOU with a snaoshot of the dav's too deals. a comorehensive list of ~nanciaiand-leoal advisor
;ankings,'and a breakddwn of global merge; and acqutsltlon statlsBcs
Yotr can use CACS tc u splay a 11stof corporate ana munlclpal acldons taken by a se~ectedcompany cr
mun~cipaiityover a giver^ date range CAC- ~..owsyou lo searcti by act.on type across mult~p~e
securities or markets or just a single company like CACS
You can use FA to analyze the current fundamental strength and hlstor~caltrends in spec~ficareas of a
company's balance sheet, Income statement. and cash flow statement
You can use CF to d~splayand download corporate fillngs for a given equlty or corporate security
GPCA displays a graph of historical corporate actions for a selected security. You can use GPCA to
gain insight into the market's reaction to company's corporate actions and how they may have impacted
the price of ib stock or debt. Bear in mind that the 'news' bulton on a GP graph allows you to link price
action to news on a more general level.
The CIX f-ncBon. because it allows "sols to create data hasea on an anlhmetcal formt. a s a valdable
fbna o r for uhether a p a l cd8ar bld is falrly valulr 2 a target company
You can use RV to do peer group analysis with respecl to deal multiples on a current merger or
LEAG a's;lays underwriter rank ?js across a varlely uf marcets lncludlrlg equlty and eq. :/-lnnked. fixed
~ n ~ ? - aec t sy?l!ca!ed !ce" rarie:s I;!,&.
L <GO, v.!l % r?
~ c !c
s 3 Iru.:ue tebe 'cr 1 l a l c a ! s l d lesa'
DSRC uenerates a list of comoanies or mutual funds based on a set of criteria vou select. The criteria are based on
spec~fil:uores country o l dumicle cr nhutticr a company 1s p i ~ uc y traded. You wr~use DSR: to save our r e s ~ l t stu
a ponfo 0 hv\r worksheet, or Exze spreaoslleet ana even o l l c hlorger ana Acqu.s 1 an Searcn l o look tor potenla (1A
activities between companies fourtd
E308: Equity Portfolio Management Strategy
his session is designed to help you perform in-depth valuation and risk analysis for your equity porffolio
using an array of tools on the Bloomberg Professional that will help you to make better informed
investment decisions.
Use PUD to quickly upload portfolios from your personal computer to the Bloomberg Professional so
that you can run Bloomberg ri:;k and performance analytics on it. Tnis will allow you to determine your
portfolio's strengths and weaknesses and adjust your investment strategy accordingly.
Use PVAR to measure the maximum potential loss on a security or group of securities from a selected
portfolio or macro for a specified period and probability (degree of confidence). Value-At-Rlsk (VAR)
locuses on the potentlal occurrence of losses which are statistically unlikely, but not inconceivable.
"our ,ooriioiio's Benchmark Risk. PCMP allows vou to create a renort that
Use PCMP to consider ,
compares your specific portfolio (or macro of portfolios) with a Benchmark Index to see how the
performance and risk of your portfolio measures up against its benchmark.
Use PBAL to re-weight the securities within your portfolio (or macro of portfoiios). PBAL will help you to
rebalance by market capitalisation, risk. market value or equal positions. PBAL will even generate a
report for you displaying the effects of the re-weighting or physically change the portfolio positions if you
Use PER to calculate the total market risk for your portfolio (or macro of portfolios). PER will help you to
maximise your returns according to youimarket risk. PER displays the beta for your porliolio overall as
well as by market sector and individual security, helping you consider your market risk on many levels
and assist In your investment decisions.
Use OPSA to help you with optlon porliolio scenario analysis. Use 9PSA to evaluate the potential profit
or loss of a selected securitfs option strategy on your porlfoiio. OPSA will help you to vlew the proill or
loss given changes in the underlying security or changes in implied volatility.
the 1% change in implied volatility) of your porlfolio
Use Bloomberg's Launchpad as a single platform for monitoring holdings, benchmarks, news.
Communications and more so that can most eiflcientiy manage your portfolio holdinys.
F101: Introduction to Fixed Income Module 1
This session is designed to help you retrieve securities and perform top down analysis on the Bloomberg so that you
can leverage the market standard data and powerful analytic to make better researched decisions.
BTMM provides a comprehensive picture of the current interest rate outlook by rnonltorlng all major rateslsecurities
and economic releases for a selected country.
Access a global summarj of government bill, note, and benchmark bond rates for individual countries. Use the
generic bond tlckers to monitor yield changes in government bond markets for individual countries.
Analyze both current and h~storicalbenchmark international yield curves to determine where you can be best
positioned in the market.
Use FMC to compare yields across maturities of multiple corporate and government bond sectors to formulate a
strategy when analyzing trade ideas or issuing bonds.
Monitor new bond offerings and the news related to these issues with NIM so that you can find value in the new issue
market. Create custom searches to quickly find the bonds that meet your investment criteria.
Use RATC to display a list of current and historical credit ratings changes for various issues to evaluate the financial
security of the issuer. Customize a search to efficiently find the information you need.
Type <GOVT>TK<GO> for a comprehensive listing of government benchmark bonds organized by country.
To lookup a company's bonds type a corporate bond issuer's name followed by the <HELP> key and select 10cGO>
for companies. Select the correct company and choose from the options under the DEBT SECURITIES heading to
access a listing of a company's bonds so that you can see their debt obligations and begin yoiir rletailed analysis
Use DES as a mini-prospectus for a bond with all of the important descriptive details for the security in one place.
Use YA for customizable yield analysis. Calculate price or yield for a bond along with sensitivity measures like
Use YAS to price a selected security using spreads to a yield curve, calculate the yield spread to the interpolated
point on the benchmark curve, calculate risk and hedge ratios and calculate the cost of carry all in one place.
ALLO provides a liquidity platform by displaying a quick overview of the firms you are enabled for that are pricing a
selected secur~tyso you can locate the best market price. Use the amber boxes at the top to set your pricing
Select current and historical prlclng sources for specific fixed income SeCurlty classes with FMPS.
F102: Introduction to Fixed Income -Module 2
This session is a continuation of Module 1. It is designed to extend knowledge of fixed income on Bloomberg and will
look at fair market indices, bond searches, fair value, total return analysis and asset swaps amoung other functions. ~t
the end of this session you should be well equipped to analyze Fixed Income markets.
Use WBF to monitor prices or display yields for active bond futures contracts from around the world and choose custom
the display criteria, creating a customized view of the market.
FMCl displays a menu of fair market indices from around the world. Individual points that make up the Fair Market
Curves (FMC) are saved as indices, allowing you to compare spread relationships to spot trends and find value.
Use SRCH lo create up to 20 custom searches for government, corporate, and private securities using customized
criterla such as coupon, maturity, and country so that you can select the bonds that best meet your investment needs.
Use DES as a mini-prospectus for a bond with all of the important descriptive details for the security in one place.
ISSD provides a quick ove~viewof the financial data and operations of the issuer of the security, so you can thoroughly
evaluate the ability of the issuer to repay its debt.
View current and historical ratings for a specific issuer or fixed- income security from various ratings agencies to better
assess the credit worthiness of the issuer.
Determine how a company is leveraged using the matunty distribution of the outstanding debt.
Project total return for a bond versus the relevant treasury benchmark over a customized horizon period and taking into
account various interest rate scenarios.
RVM graphs the historical spread of a selected bond's yield to the corresponding interpolated point on the Treasury
curve compare the current spread of a bond to its average spread to see if the bond is currently trading rich or cheap.
Use BFV to determine a theoretical value for where a selected bond should trade compared to bonds trading in the same
industry and with the same credit rating.
Use FWCV to analyze projected forward rates for fair market curves, interest rate swap curves, and government curves
for three future dates so that you can adjust your investment strategy to best position yourself on the yield curve.
Use ASW to calculate the relative value of a selected bond through the interest rate swap market. Determine if it is better
to enter into an asset swap versus purchasing a floating rate instrument.
Use HS to graph the spread using the price or yield of two selected securities over a specific time frame to find opportune
times to trade securities based on .~deningand.tightenlng sprcads.
F103: Real-time Monitoring of FI -Module 1
This session is designed to help you use Launchpad in Spreadsheet Mode to pelform calculations that used to be done
in an Excel Spreadsheet on your Launchpad monitors to obtain highly customized results.
Spreadsheet Mode
A spreadsheet is an interactive display and calculation application. This means that you are able to input data into cells
and perform custom calculations upon that data.
Adding Blank Columns
To add more columns right click on the existing column header and select 'insert column".
Adding Spreadsheet Info
1. A coordinate grid will appear so that individual cells are now defined in the monitor
2. A spreadsheet expression box pop up will appear to enter formulae and change characteristics of individual
cells or multiple cells
Expression Box
The Expression box allows you to enter formulae based on other cells of information and also change attributes of that
cell. It consists of several drop down items, namely:
Layout: Allows you to justify cell information left, right or center.
Format: Changes the decimal place precision of the number or allows for number as fraction or integer.
ForegroundlBackground: Allows changing the color of the selected cell
Functions: Several Excel type functions for example SUM to be applied in selected cell formula.
Syntax of Formulas
Formulas follow a similar syntax that is used in Microsoft Excel. For example:
The followino
- rules aoolv:
-Each formula snou~ooeg !I In an ( = ) equals slgn
-Cells are referred lo nv lne r c2 ,rrn letter and row n,mber
starl~n(im In At al tne too left corner
-Cell ranges are represented using a ( : ) colon. For example, =B2:815.
-The column or row in each cell reference can be "fixed" for fill operations using a ($) dollar slgn. For example. A51 to
fix the reference so it always refers to row 1.
-Operators are executed lefi to righl, unless surrounded by parentheses. For example, there is no automatic order of
precedence to place 'above +. So, =AI+(B212) is the correct way of causing the I2 to happen first, not =A1+B212.
The functions built-in to the expression evaluator are as follows:
=SUM (range) - Calculates the sum or all cells within the range
=ABS (value) - Returns the absolute value
=INT (value) - Returns the integer value (no rounding)
=ROUND (value) - Returns the rounded integer value
=MAX (valuel, value2) - Returns the largest of valuel and value2
=MIN (valuel. value2) - Returns the smallest of valuel and value2
=FRAC (value) - Returns vaiue, but causes it to be shown as a fract~on
=SIGNED (value) - Returns value, but causes it to be shown signed
=AVERAGE (range) - Calculates the average of all cells within range
=STDEV (range) - Calculates the standard deviation of all cells in range
=STDEVP (range) - Calculates the population stahdard deviation of all cells in range
=WTSUM (range) - Calculates a weighted sum or range
=WTAVG (range) -Calculates a weighted average of range
=MID (valuel, value2) - Returns the mtddle
. value between valuel and value2, unless value1 or value2 is zero. in
which case the ottref value is returned