Sophomore Research Paper

Sophomore Summer Research Paper
Write a 3-5 - page research paper on:
What three colleges/universities should I attend and why, based on academics, athletics,
research etc?
Basic Requirements:
1) You must include one college from Colleges that Change Lives by Loren Pope
and you must use The Gatekeepers by Jacque Steinberg as one of your sources.
a. The paper must be word processed/typed, must have page numbers in the
top right-hand corner of each page after the first, must have a maximum of
1 inch margins throughout, must be double spaced, and must be printed
out in 12 point type font (Courier or Times Roman).
b. You may use a cover sheet or place necessary information in the top lefthand corner of the first page of your paper.
c. Your paper must have a brief but appropriately illustrative title.
d. Staple your papers in the top left-hand corner.
e. Do NOT use plastic covers or binders of any sort.
2. Research
a. The paper must have at least 1 independent scholarly source for each page
in length and a separate bibliography (at the end) conforming to MLA .
b. Internet sources are acceptable, but must come from reputable, preferably
academic, sites (.edu domain names) and be properly cited.
c. You should cite at least once from each of the sources listed in your
bibliography in the body of the paper.
d. You must not use Wikipedia.
3. Citations
a. In writing the paper, all sources of information must be cited , even
when the writer is not quoting directly.
b. In a research paper you should use and display the use of a wide range of
sources in your footnotes
4. General Requirements:
5. Structure
a. The paper must have a concrete thesis stated in its introductory
paragraph. Furthermore, the importance of the information and arguments
in the paper should always explicitly support a clearly developed and
defended thesis that is central to your topic.
b. Each following paragraph and each example/argument should be
explicitly chosen and developed to support that thesis.
c. The conclusion should restate the thesis as an answered question and,
ideally, extend the argument to issues of greater historical concern. As the
old saying goes, "Tell 'em what you're gunna tell 'em [introduction], tell
'em [and show/demonstrate to them in the body of the paper], tell 'em what
you told 'em [conclusion]."
d. Analysis and argumentation are crucial. Your paper should always be
able to pass the “so what?” test; that is, you should always seek to
convince your reader of the importance and interest of your topic.
6. Body Paragraphs
a. General narratives of development or descriptions of situations must be
supported with concrete and specific evidence. Specific examples,
quotations, and other evidence are essential to historical analysis. Thus,
note these points:
b. Paragraphs within the body of a research paper should generally have at
least one source citation and one concrete example each.
c. You must cite your sources even when paraphrasing or relating
information in your own words drawn from a specific source.
d. Even though you are writing a research paper, and will naturally rely on
secondary-source analyses, incorporation of primary-source materials
relating to your topic is always desirable.
e. Overuse of quotations can detract from the quality of your paper.
Generally speaking, you should only quote those phrases that are
outstandingly striking and illustrative or use long quotations (of a full
sentence or more) when the material is so powerful that it cannot be
paraphrased without detracting from its usefulness.