Closing Date:
Oceanside Place: Lighting Upgrade 2013
August 9, 2013
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Part I: General Instruction & Requirements of Bidding Process
Scope of Work:
Bid Call Instructions
Bid Ineligibility
Contract/Bid Documents
Bid Submission
Award Criteria
Evaluation Criteria
Offer Acceptance/Rejection
Workers’ Compensation
Business License
Patent Infringement
Purchasing Statement
Proposed Timelines
Part II: Specifications
Part III: Form of Tender
Schedule A
Appendix A
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Part I: General Instruction & Requirements of Bidding Process
A. Scope of Work:
The Regional District of Nanaimo is seeking tenders from qualified and Power Smart Alliance
approved electrical contractors to remove the existing high bay fixtures and replace with energy
efficient LED fixtures at Oceanside Place, located at 830 West Island Highway in the City of
Parksville. The work will involve the removal and replacement of 180 fixtures in the 2-main
rinks, lobby and the leisure skating rink.
B. Bid Call Instructions:
1. Sealed Tenders signed, executed and dated will be received up until 1:00 p.m. PDT August 9,
2013 and should be delivered to:
John Marcellus-Superintendent of Arena Services
Oceanside Place
830 West Island Highway
Parksville, B.C.
2. It is the sole responsibility of each Bidder to deliver their tender to the Oceanside Place Office
before the closing time. The Regional District of Nanaimo will not accept any responsibility for
bid documents delivered to other RDN facilities and at the discretion of the RDN may be
3. Faxed tenders will not be accepted.
4. Bidders shall submit three (3) original hard copies and one (1) electronic version in MS
Word/PDF format in the form of a CD/DVD or flash drive of the executed offer and the Bid Form
provided, signed and in a sealed envelope, clearly identified with the bidder’s name, project
name and the Regional District of Nanaimo’s name on the outside.
5. Tenders submitted may be withdrawn before the deadline upon written notice to the
Superintendent of Arena Services at the address above or by fax to 250-248-3294.
6. Tenders may be amended if received 24 hours prior to bid closing and if endorsed by the same
party or parties who signed the tender. Amendments submitted must be delivered in writing to
the Superintendent of Arena Services at the address above or by fax to 250-248-3294.
7. Submitted tenders must remain valid for 90 days following the closing time and date. Tenders
are irrevocable after the closing time and date.
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8. Bidders must respond to all specifications in order to be considered a valid tender. Tenders
having significant obvious errors will be rejected.
9. All prices shall be submitted in Canadian funds only and no authorization to pay in any foreign
currency will be permitted.
10. Attached Part III, Form of Tender, must be completed properly in order to be considered.
11. Throughout this Request for Tender, the following terminology shall be used:
a) “Contract” means the written agreement resulting from this Request for Tender
executed by the Regional District of Nanaimo and the Contractor;
b) “Contractor” means the successful bidder to the Request for Tender who enters into
a written contract with the Regional District of Nanaimo;
c) “Will”, “shall”, “must”, “mandatory”, or “required” means a requirement that must
be met in order to be considered;
d) “Bidder” means an individual or a company that submits, or intends to submit, a bid
in response to this Request for Tender;
e) “Should’, desirable’’, or “ask” means a requirement having a significant degree of
importance to the objectives of this Request for Tender.
12. The Regional District of Nanaimo reserves the right to reject any and all tenders for any reason
or to accept any tender received which the Regional District, in its sole unrestricted discretion
deems most advantageous to itself. The lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted.
The bidder acknowledges the Regional District’s rights under this clause and absolutely waives
any right of action against the Regional District for the Regional District’s failure to accept its’
tender whether such right of action arises in agreement, negligence, bad faith or any other
cause of action. The acceptance of any tender is subject to approval by the Board of the
Regional District or the officer or employee of the Regional District having authority to accept
the tender.
13. Unless otherwise requested in writing by the herein designated Regional District employee, a
bidder must not contact or communicate with any elected or appointed officer or employee of
the Regional District of Nanaimo other than the designated employee in relation to the proposal
prior to the award of such tender by the Regional Board (or alternatively the officer or employee
of the Regional District of Nanaimo having authority to accept the proposal). Any such
communication will result in disqualification of the tender from further consideration.
14. The Regional District of Nanaimo is subject to the provisions of The Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy Act. As a result, while Section 20 of the Act does offer some protection for
third party business interests, the Regional District cannot guarantee that any information
provided to the Regional District can or will be held in confidence.
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15. Further information regarding the specifications in this solicitation/tender may be obtained
John Marcellus-Superintendent of Arena Services
Tel 250-248-3252
Fax 250-248-3294
In the Superintendent’s absence, proponents may contact:
Dean Banman, Manager of Recreation Services
Tel 250-248-3252
Fax 250-248-3294
C. Bid Ineligibility
1. Bids that are unsigned, improperly signed, conditional, illegible, obscure, contain
mathematical errors, erasures, alterations, or irregularities of any kind may, at the discretion
of the Regional District of Nanaimo, be rejected.
2. Bid forms and enclosures, which are improperly prepared, may at the discretion of the
Regional District of Nanaimo, be rejected.
3. Tenders submitted after the closing date and time shall be returned to the bidder unopened.
D. Meetings
1. Bidders are advised that a pre-tender site meeting is scheduled for July 23, 2013 at 11:00am PDT
at Oceanside Place, 830 West Island Highway, Parksville, B.C. for the purpose of responding to
bidders and their requests for information regarding the Request for Tender.
2. Bidders are advised that Tender opening will be conducted at Oceanside Place at 10am PDT on
August 13, 2013, at which time all bids received will be opened.
E. Contract/Bid Documents
1. Bid documents are available only for the purpose of obtaining offers for this project and their
use does not confer a license or grant for other purposes.
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2. If discrepancies or omissions are found, or clarification required within the Bid Documents,
immediately notify the Superintendent of Arena Services.
3. Addenda may be issued during the bidding period. All addenda shall become part of the
contract documents.
4. The Regional District of Nanaimo reserves the right to modify the terms on this Invitation to
Tender at any time at its sole discretion. Such modifications shall be communicated to all
bidders through formal addendums.
5. Bidders should be advised that the Regional District of Nanaimo posts all competitive bids and
any resulting addendums on the Regional District of Nanaimo website at . Where
in its sole discretion it considers it to be necessary, the Regional District of Nanaimo will issue
Addenda to amend any portion of this Invitation to Tender by posting them on the RDN website.
Such Addenda will become a part of the Tender document, and will supersede prior information.
Addenda issued after the pre-tender meeting will also be supplied.
6. For those bidders who download any competitive bid directly from the RDN website and who
have not contacted the Regional District of Nanaimo, it is their sole responsibility to access the
RDN website to determine if any addendums have been posted, and to download them. The
Regional District of Nanaimo does not maintain a bidder’s registry for documents downloaded
from the RDN website, and as a result, are unable to provide addendums in this situation.
7. For those bidders who obtained bid documents from the Regional District of Nanaimo, and not
through the RDN website, the Regional District of Nanaimo will formally provide the bidders
with the addendum through e-mail or fax transmission.
8. If a bidder finds, during examination of the contract documents, any errors, discrepancies,
omissions, ambiguities, or conflicts in or among the Tender documents, or is in doubt as to their
meaning, the bidder shall bring them to the attention of the Superintendent of Arenas Services,
not later than three (3) days prior to the tender closing date. Such questions shall be forwarded
in writing by hand deliver4y, courier, mail, facsimile, or e-mail. At the discretion of the Regional
District of Nanaimo, it may be determined to respond by clarifying existing Tender documents to
the inquirer only, by issuing an addendum to advise all bidders of additional information,
conditions, or essential clarifications, or may elect to decline to respond.
F. Bid Submission
1. The tender must be accompanied by either a Bid Bond in an amount of ten (10) percent (%) of
the tender price or in the form of a certified cheque made payable to the regional District of
Nanaimo in the amount of ten (10) percent (%) of the tender price. The Bid Bonds submitted by
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unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them, without interest, as soon as the successful bidder
has delivered to the Regional District of Nanaimo, a fully executed contract for the work, or the
period for which tenders are irrevocable has elapsed, whichever shall occur first.
2. The Bid Bond must be issued by a Surety Company licensed to conduct business in the province
of B.C. If the successful bidder fails, for any reason, to execute the Contract Agreement, the
portion of this Bid Bond will be forfeited to, and retained by the Regional District of Nanaimo for
which the Regional District of Nanaimo may legally contract with another party to perform the
work, if the latter amount be in excess of the former.
3. The certified cheque submitted by the successful bidder will be retained by the Regional District
of Nanaimo and will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders, without interest, as soon as the
successful bidder has delivered to the Regional District of Nanaimo, a fully executed contract for
the work, or the period for which tenders are irrevocable has elapsed, whichever shall occur
4. Any bidder submitting a Letter of Credit as a form of Performance Security agree that the
successful bidder should renew the Letter of Credit at least two (2) weeks prior to the expiry
date. If possible, an extension clause should be included within the Letter of Credit, such as
follows: “ This Letter of Credit shall be deemed to automatically extend, without amendment
from year to year, from the present or any future expiration date herein, unless notice is given at
least thirty (30) days prior to the present or any future expiration dates”.
G. Award Criteria
1. The Regional District of Nanaimo intends to award this tender contract to the bidder that
submits the most favorable priced Tender, to the Regional District of Nanaimo, as indicated on
Part III, Form of Tender, and that complies with all of the requirements in this tender. However,
the lowest or any tender submitted may not necessarily be accepted by the Regional District of
Nanaimo, which at its sole discretion, reserves the right to reject any or all tenders. If the
Regional District of Nanaimo elects to reject all Tenders, the Regional District of Nanaimo will
not be liable to any bidder for any claims, whether for costs, damages incurred by any Bidder in
preparing the Tender, loss of anticipated profit in connection with the Contract, or any other
matter whatsoever.
2. If the Regional District of Nanaimo elects to reject all tenders, or declines to proceed with
project due to funding issues as stated in Section G-3, then the Regional District of Nanaimo will
not be liable to any bidder for any claims, whether for costs, damages incurred by any bidder in
preparing the tender, loss of anticipated profit in connection with the Contract, submission of
application to BC Hydro, or any other matter whatsoever.
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3. This project is contingent upon funding from various sources which includes, but may not be
limited to, grants, incentives and project budget. The Regional District of Nanaimo expects all
bidders to be “Alliance approved contractors” and that all bidders are providing bids with
products that will meet BC Hydro Power Smart Partner Incentive Program approval. The
successful bidder shall be expected to submit documentation to BC Hydro for potential
incentives or funding that are eligible from BC Hydro for the project. In the event that BC Hydro
requires specification changes to the successful tender submission, then the tendered price
must remain the same price as the original submission. In the event that funding from all
sources does not cover the project amount tendered, then the Regional District of Nanaimo
reserves the right to decline proceeding with the project. The execution of the Contract
agreement with the successful bidder will occur upon written confirmation of funding for the
entire tendered price of the project.
H. Evaluation Criteria
Tenders will be assessed against the following criteria, which are not intended to be exhaustive and are
not ranked in order of preference or priority:
1. Company (35 Points)
Short corporate background, history, overview, and experience of the Contractor;
Short corporate background, history, overview, and experience of the Lighting Supplier
Key Company personnel and their role and responsibilities
OH+S Safety Program
Anything else the proponent may wish to include to enhance this section
2. References (25 Points)
A separate section for references: Three ( 3) references from locations where similar services have
been provided within the past two (2) years. Indicate the term of the contract; provide a name,
address and telephone contact numbers. References shall be supplied for Contractor and Lighting
3. Financial Information (40 Points)
a. An outline of any value added concepts including but not limited to third party insured
warranties, programmable controls, color retention, loss of lumens, follow up evaluations or
assessments after completion of work, future adaptability of fixtures to other energy
b. Availability of parts and consideration of delivery times
c. any other information which the proponent believes is relevant to their tender;
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1. The successful bidder shall provide and maintain Comprehensive General Liability Insurance,
acceptable to the Regional District of Nanaimo and subject to the limits of not less than three
million dollars ($3,000,000) inclusive, per occurrence for bodily injury, death, damage to
property including the loss of use thereof. Prior to commencement of the work for the project,
the successful bidder shall provide the Regional District of Nanaimo with a certified true copy of
the Comprehensive General Liability Insurance Policy as described in Section H-4 below.
2. All liability insurance policies shall contain an endorsement to provide prior notice of changes
and cancellations. Such endorsement shall be in the following form” it is understood that and
agreed that the coverage by this policy will not be changed or amended in any way, nor
cancelled, until thirty (30) days after written notice of such change or cancellation has been
given to the Regional District of Nanaimo”.
3. With the exception of Automobile Liability Insurance, the insurance shall include the Regional
District of Nanaimo as an additional insured. Proof of same shall be provided to the Regional
District of Nanaimo for verification prior to commencing work on the project.
4. The Comprehensive General Liability Insurance shall have coverage for:
a) Premises and Operations Liability
b) Products or completed Operations Liability
c) Blanket Contractual Liability
d) Cross Liability
e) Equipment liability ( ie: man lifts)
f) Contingent Employer’s Liability
g) Personal injury liability arising out of false arrest, a detention or imprisonment, malicious
prosecution, libel, slander or defamation of character, invasion of privacy, wrongful eviction
or wrongful entry.
5. The successful bidder shall provide and maintain liability insurance in respect to owned and
licensed vehicles subject to limits of not less than three million dollars ($3,000,000).
J. Offer Acceptance/Rejection
1. Upon acceptance by the Regional District of Nanaimo, a written award notice will be issued to
the successful bidder.
2. The Regional District of Nanaimo shall not be obligated in any manner to any bidder until a
written agreement has been duly executed relating to an approved tender.
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K. Workers’ Compensation
1. The successful Contractor shall abide by all provisions of the Worker’s Compensation Act of B.C.
and upon request from the Regional District of Nanaimo, supply proof that all assessments have
been paid and are current.
2. The successful Contractor shall be required to attend a meeting regarding workplace orientation
and the applicable Safe Work Practices and Procedures of the Regional District of Nanaimo.
3. The successful Contractor shall ensure that all workers are trained and supervised in accordance
with the Workers’ Compensation Act, Division 3, Section 115, and are oriented to the applicable
Safe Work Procedures of the Regional District of Nanaimo that pertain to the work being
4. The successful bidder is required to supply a written Occupational Health and Safety Program, in
respect to WSBC Part 3 Rights and Responsibilities of the Regulation, which includes safe work
procedures, safety inspection procedures, and procedures for transporting injured workers. The
Contractor shall comply with, but not limited to, all regulations that apply to the work being
done. This program must identify and provide safety instructions for the work being performed
as outlined in the Tender documents.
L. Business License
The successful Contractor shall be required to provide a copy of their business license for the City
of Parksville.
M. Indemnity
Notwithstanding the providing of insurance coverage by the Contractor, the Contractor hereby
agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Regional District of Nanaimo, its officers, servants,
employees and each of them from and against claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions,
suits or proceedings by whomever made, brought or prosecuted and in any manner based upon,
arising out of, related to or occasioned by, or attributable to the negligent activities of the
Contractor, its servants, agents, employees, or sub-contractors, in providing the services and
performing the work of this Contract, excepting always the liability arising solely out of the negligent
act or omission of the Regional District of Nanaimo.
N. Patent Infringement
Bidders may be required to demonstrate to the Regional District of Nanaimo that the products,
materials, or processes in their bid do not infringe upon any patent, and that if, for any reason, a claim
is subsequently made by anyone suggesting that a patent has been infringed upon and that the
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Regional District of Nanaimo may be liable, such bidder shall indemnify the Regional District of
Nanaimo in every respect regarding the claim.
O. Purchasing Statement
The Regional District of Nanaimo encourages and promotes bidders to submit bids on Goods and
Services that may contain elements that may reduce damage to the environment. The Regional
District of Nanaimo supports purchasing decisions that achieve the best or favorable value for the
District by seeking arrangements that provide the optimum combination of quality, suitability, and
sustainability considerations into the contract award process.
P. Proposed Timelines
The following dates and activities are proposed for the project by the Regional District of Nanaimo.
Proposed Date
Tender Notification
Week of July15-19, 2013
Pre tender Meeting
July 23, 2013
Tender Closing
August 9, 2013
Tender Opening
August 13, 2013
Proposed Contract Completion
November 30, 2013
Q. Warranties
Bidders shall provide warranties on all components of the LED fixtures, programmable lighting
controls, motion sensors and workmanship. Warranties that are underwritten by third party insurers
are preferred wherever applicable. The warranties shall be clearly stated and defined in the bid for
each component of the fixture including, ballasts, drivers, sensors, lamps, loss of lumens, color
retention, surge protection and/or workmanship.
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Part II: Specifications
Scope of Work
1. The location of the work to be performed is at Oceanside Place, 830 West Island Highway, in the
City of Parksville, B.C.
2. The project shall include the removal and disposal of the existing high bay fixtures which are 320
W metal halide lamps in Section 1 and 250W metal halide lamps in Section 2 as outlined in
paragraph 6 below. The removed fixtures are to be recycled and disposed as per environmental
guidelines and it is the sole responsibility of the Contractor to perform the removal and disposal.
Bidders are requested to provide a disposal program for fixtures and components with their bid
submission for the purpose of complying with recycling standards.
3. The project shall also include the installation of energy efficient LED fixtures and lenses to
replace the removed fixtures. All components of the LED fixtures shall be ULC or CSA approved
and shall be approved products as per BC Hydro requirements and conditions of the BC Hydro
Power Smart Partner Incentive Program and qualify for BC Hydro incentives. The Contractor
shall work with the Regional District of Nanaimo to submit the application for incentives to BC
Hydro. All BC Hydro or other incentives shall remain the property of the Regional District of
4. The Contractor shall be an “Alliance approved” Contractor and shall be prepared to:
a) Register with the BC Hydro Power Smart Partner Incentive Program;
b) Submit to the Regional District of Nanaimo, a completed electronic copy of the BC
Hydro Power Smart Program lighting spreadsheet within two (2) weeks of the
awarding of the contract.
c) Accept BC Hydro changes to the proposed lighting components;
d) Accept that all of these parameters must be met prior to any work commencing.
5. All work to be performed by the Contractor shall be undertaken in a manner to minimize the
impact on the facility user schedule and to the public that enjoy the use of the facility. The
Contractor is expected to ensure that work areas are cleaned up and ready for public use after
each work period or session. Work shall be coordinated through the Contractor and the
Superintendent of Arena Services to ensure that this expectation is achieved. This may result in
evening or weekend work to complete the project. A typical facility schedule is outlined in
Schedule A. An outline of a proposed work schedule to meet proposed timelines shall be
included with the Tender.
6. The Contractor shall ensure that all work performed is in accordance to industry standards and
regulations. The installation shall be performed by qualified trade persons experienced in
lighting retrofits.
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7. The Contractor shall supply a written Occupational Health and Safety Program, in respect to
WSBC Part 3 Rights and Responsibilities of the Regulation, which includes safe work procedures,
safety inspection procedures, and procedures for transporting injured workers.
8. The Contractor shall provide notice to Work Safe BC a minimum of 24 hours prior to the
commencement of work as per WSBC Part 20.2 “Notice of Project” (NOP).
9. The Regional District of Nanaimo will provide an orientation for the Contractor and workers for
the facility and on the Regional District of Nanaimo Operational and Safe Work Procedures that
are applicable to the work to be performed. Due to the nature and timing of the work to be
performed, the Regional District of Nanaimo shall provide staff to be on site whenever the
Contractor is performing work for the project.
10. The Contractor shall supply the equipment required to perform the work. This shall include but
not be limited to man lifts, ladders, scaffolding, tools, safety equipment and protection
materials, signage and disposal containers.
11. The project shall be divided into two (2) separate sections of work. The Howie Meeker and
Victor Kraatz Rinks as Section1, and the Pond and Lobby as Section 2.
Section 1
a) Howie Meeker Rink
b) Victor Kraatz Rink
96 fixtures
63 fixtures
Total: 159 fixtures
Section 2
Lobby 12 fixtures
Pond 9 fixtures
Total: 21 fixtures
12. All fixtures shall be installed at the same height as existing. Minimum light levels in all areas are
to be maintained or exceeded as follows:
a) Howie Meeker Rink
75 f/c
b) Victor Kraatz Rink
50 f/c
c) Lobby
d) Pond
13. Existing voltage is 347 V to all fixtures.
14. In line surge protection shall be provided to protect all of the components of the lighting
15. Programmable lighting controls shall be provided that allows motion sensing and for adjusting
step down dimming of lighting in three (3) stages for each individual fixture.
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16. The Contractor shall use existing electrical wiring wherever possible. The Contractor shall ensure
that damages do not occur to any existing wiring or equipment.
17. The Contractor shall ensure that all materials used for mounting, hanging and securing the
fixtures meet or exceed the manufacturer’s specifications.
18. The Contractor shall provide two (2) copies of the necessary instructions to ensure specified
operation and maintenance, and for ordering replacement products of all of the lighting
19. The Contractor shall provide written warranties on all components of the LED fixtures,
programmable lighting controls, motion sensors and workmanship.
20. The Contractor shall ensure that installed fixtures are cleaned upon completion of the project.
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Part III:
Form of Tender
Bidders must complete this form and sign it.
Print Name of Company:
To perform the work pursuant to the terms and conditions outlined in the Invitation to Tender
outlined herein, F.O.B. Parksville. All charges to complete the project are included in the total
tendered amount (s) shown below, unless otherwise stated.
Sub Total:
Attachments Included with Tender:
(please check( √))
Disposal Program:
OH+S Program ___
Letter of Credit
Bid Bond/Cheque
Note: Bidders are reminded to complete the pricing section shown above completely in order to be
Name of Company Bidding:
Authorized Signature: ________________________
Print Name:
Postal Code:
Phone No.:
E-mail: ______________________________
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Oceanside Place
Typical Winter Season Ice Usage
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Appendix A
Rink Layouts
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