Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Version 5.3 SP1 October 2005 Copyright © 1994-2005 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Table of Contents Preface Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 ........................................................................................................................... 7 ................................................... Overview ................................................................................................... Understanding the Content Services for SAP architecture ............................. Supported SAP document formats ............................................................... Understanding SAP and Content Services for SAP terms .............................. 13 14 16 16 Conguring the ArchiveLink Interface for Content Services for SAP .................................................................................................. Overview ................................................................................................... oac0 — Defining a logical ArchiveID ............................................................ 19 19 20 oag1 – Configuring basic settings ................................................................. oanr – Configuring number ranges .............................................................. oaqi - Creating queues ................................................................................ oaat - Scheduling jobs ................................................................................. spad – Configuring optical archives as output devices................................... 20 21 21 22 22 sm50 – Verifying spool processes ................................................................. sole - Maintaining OLE applications ............................................................ oaa4 - Maintaining applications and configuring communications protocol ..................................................................................................... Special protocols..................................................................................... Protocol for anonymous logins ............................................................ Protocol for the SAP Inline Print List Viewer ........................................ Protocol for HTTP display ................................................................... 24 25 26 29 29 30 31 Customizing SAP Document Classes .................................................... oac0 – Configuring content repositories........................................................ sm59 – RFC destination archives .................................................................. sm59 - Testing connections ...................................................................... oac2 - Defining document types ................................................................... oac3 - Defining links ................................................................................... ALF Reports/Print Lists............................................................................... Testing archiving reports......................................................................... 33 33 36 37 38 39 40 40 Deleting archived and linked documents ..................................................... Customizing FAX - scanned documents ....................................................... oaws – Settings ....................................................................................... Optional for SAP workflow ..................................................................... Optional for bar code .............................................................................. 42 42 42 43 44 Testing scanning documents ........................................................................ 44 Introducing Content Services for SAP Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 13 3 Table of Contents ......................................................................... 49 Chapter 4 Creating Custom BAPIs Chapter 5 Conguring the DMS Interface for the Manage and View Components .......................................................................................... Configuring the Manage component ............................................................ Configuring the Manage and View components ....................................... Opening the Document Management Control Data window ..................... Configuring Document Management Control Data ....................................... Defining number ranges for document numbers ....................................... Defining document types ........................................................................ Defining and Maintaining Object Link descriptions .................................. Configuring general data ............................................................................ Defining Data Carrier and Data Carrier Types .......................................... Defining external DMS........................................................................ Defining data carrier type “server, front end” ....................................... Identifying Front-end computers ......................................................... Defining workstation application ............................................................. Defining workstation applications in network ...................................... Maintaining CAD systems ...................................................................... Configuring CAD integration ...................................................................... Configuring general data sub-levels ............................................................. Defining functions .................................................................................. Allocating field sets ................................................................................ Defining field sets (CAD->SAP) ............................................................... 53 53 53 54 55 56 56 59 60 61 61 62 63 64 65 67 67 69 69 70 70 Conguring SAP for PP-PI .................................................................... Configuring the Process Instruction category................................................ 71 71 Defining Process Instruction category DCTM ............................................... Configuring the Characteristics/Process Instruction category ......................... 72 72 Chapter 6 4 Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Table of Contents List of Figures Figure 1–1. Content Services for SAP and SAP ................................................................... Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 14 5 Table of Contents List of Tables Table 1–1. Table 2–1. Table 2–2. Terms and definitions ..................................................................................... Field descriptions of change output device screen ............................................. Field descriptions of change output device screen ............................................. 16 23 24 Table 2–3. Table 2–4. Table 2–5. Table 2–6. Table 2–7. Table 2–8. Table 2–9. Field descriptions ........................................................................................... Field descriptions ........................................................................................... Field descriptions ........................................................................................... Field descriptions ........................................................................................... Field descriptions ........................................................................................... Field descriptions ........................................................................................... Field descriptions ........................................................................................... 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 Table 3–1. Field descriptions ........................................................................................... 34 Table 3–2. Table 5–1. Table 5–2. Table 5–3. Table 5–4. Field descriptions of New Entries table ............................................................ Number ranges .............................................................................................. Field descriptions ........................................................................................... Field descriptions ........................................................................................... Object Link descriptions.................................................................................. 39 56 57 59 59 Table 5–5. Table 5–6. Table 5–7. Table 6–1. Object Link descriptions.................................................................................. Function values .............................................................................................. CAD field sets ................................................................................................ Field descriptions ........................................................................................... 60 69 70 73 6 Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Preface Purpose of this guide This guide explains how to configure SAP to use Content Services for SAP 5.3 SP1 (CS for SAP 5.3 SP1 or Content Services 5.3 SP1). It provides task-based instructions for configuring SAP, so that it works together with Content Services. Intended audience In order to address the manuals to the correct audience, the roles of the users of the manuals have been defined as follows: • System Administrator - This role covers users who install and configure Content Services. The Content Services application integrates Documentum and the SAP R/3 system. Therefore, system administrators may require experience with: — Windows XP, 2000, 2003, or HP-UX 11i — UNIX (if Documentum Content Server or SAP R/3 are installed on a UNIX-based platform). — Documentum Technologies like Content Server and DFC — SAP R/3 versions 4.6c or 4.7 — The following databases, depending on your system platform: — DB2 — Oracle — SQL Server — Sybase • Content Services Administrator - This role covers users who manage Content Services using WebAdmin. • Document Controller - This role covers those who release documents to SAP and maintain the links to those documents. • Capture Operator - This role covers users who scan documents and create links to the appropriate records in SAP. • Standard User - This role covers users who view documents using SAPGUI and the View component of Content Services. This manual is intended for system administrators. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 7 Preface Revision history This section contains a description of this document’s revision history. Revision history Revision Date Description January 2004 Initial publication of document for Content Services for SAP 5.2.5. Changed product name from eConnector to Content Services for SAP. Changed product version to 5.2.5 March 2004 Revised publication for Content Services for SAP 5.2.5 SP1 January 2005 Revised publication for Content Services for SAP 5.2.5 SP3 June 2005 Revised publication of document for CS for SAP - Archiving Server 5.3 October 2005 Revised publication for Content Services for SAP 5.3 SP1 Organization of this guide This guide contains the following chapters. The table below lists the information that you can expect to find in each. Organization of this guide 8 Chapter Contents Chapter 1, Introducing Content Services for SAP Provides an overview of Content Services for SAP. Chapter 2, Configuring the ArchiveLink Interface for Content Services for SAP Describes how to configure SAP for document, report and, data archiving. Chapter 3, Customizing SAP Document Classes Describes how to customize SAP document classes. Chapter 4, Creating Custom BAPIs Describes how to create custom BAPIs for linking and querying. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Preface Chapter Contents Chapter 5, Configuring the DMS Interface for the Manage and View Components Describes how to configure SAP’s DMS interface for the Manage and View components of Content Services. Chapter 6, Configuring SAP for PP-PI Describes how to configure SAP PP-PI for Content Services. Typographic conventions This guide uses the following text conventions: Typographic conventions used in this guide Convention Description > Represents a pop-up or pull-down menu. <Text enclosed within angle brackets> Represents a variable name for which you must provide a value, or a defined term. Information in this font Represents code samples, user input, and computer output. [] square brackets Used in method command syntax specifications, square brackets indicate an optional argument. {} curly brackets Used in method command syntax specifications, curly brackets indicate an optional argument that can be repeated more than once. Related documentation This manual forms part of a documentation suite designed to support those who install, configure, and use Content Services for SAP. The product and documentation suite can be found on Documentum’s download center: From Subscribenet, you can download the latest version of Content Services for SAP and the related documentation suite. To access the contents in Subscribenet, you will need to provide the login credentials assigned to you when you first applied for access. Note: Your login ID, by default, is your email address. If you cannot locate your password, use the password finder at the bottom of the login page. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 9 Preface If you’re accessing Subscribenet for the first time, you will need to apply for access and obtain a user name and password. Refer to Applying for access. Content Services for SAP — documentation suite Title Description Target role Content Services for SAP Release Notes Provides an overview of new and amended features, known bugs, limitations, miscellaneous technical notes, and documentation correctness and clarifications. Standard User, System Administrator, System Administrator (SAP), and Content Services Administrator Content Services for SAP Installation Guide Provides the procedures for installing Content Services. System Administrator Configuring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Describes the configuration tasks that need to be performed in SAP so that SAP can communicate with Content Services. System Administrator (SAP) Content Services for SAP Administration Guide Describes how to configure Content Services using the WebAdmin tool. Content Services Administrator Content Services for SAP User Guide Describes how SAP users view documents. Standard User Note: Content Services extensively uses SAP’s ArchiveLink component. Please refer to SAP ArchiveLink’s documentation for information on how you can perform advanced tasks. Applying for access To apply for access to Support online: 1. In your Web browser, open 2. Click the Support link. 3. Click the Request Access link. 4. Complete the form and send it. Documentum will respond to your request within two business days. 10 Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Preface Accessing documentation online Customers with a Software Support Agreement can read our product documentation at the Documentum Web site. You must have a valid user name and password, and Adobe Acrobat Exchange or Acrobat Reader installed on your system in order to view the documentation. To access documents online: 1. In your Web browser, open 2. Click the Support link. 3. Log on to the Support page. 4. Click the Documentation link. 5. Select how you want to display the documentation. 6. Click List. 7. Click the name of the document. Purchasing bound paper manuals Our product documentation is available for purchase as bound paper manuals. To place an order, call the Documentation Order Line at (925) 600-6666. You can pay with a purchase order, check, or credit card. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 11 Preface 12 Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Chapter 1 Introducing Content Services for SAP Overview The Content Services for SAP application integrates the Documentum content management system with the SAP R/3 system. It is an interface to the SAP R/3 system based on SAP’s standard DMS and ArchiveLink interfaces. Content Services for SAP provides the following functionalities: • Enables users to easily access and display documents stored in a Documentum repository from a variety of SAP modules. • Links documents stored in Documentum to a variety of SAP documents. • Archives SAP data, reports, and documents through ArchiveLinkTM certified interfaces in Documentum. • Stores and manages reports and outgoing documents in Documentum This chapter covers the following topics: • Understanding the Content Services for SAP architecture, page 14 • Supported SAP document formats, page 16 • Understanding SAP and Content Services for SAP terms, page 16 Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 13 Introducing Content Services for SAP Understanding the Content Services architecture for SAP Figure 1-1. Content Services for SAP and SAP Content Services for SAP consists of the following components: • RFC Archiving Server A server component that enables you to archive reports, data, incoming and outgoing documents from SAP to the Documentum repository. The archived reports and documents can later be retrieved and viewed through SAPGUI and Documentum clients. This component uses SAP Remote Function Calls (RFCs) to communicate with SAP. • 14 Agent services Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Introducing Content Services for SAP A server component that allows you to automate the linking process between SAP objects and documents, as well as maintain those links. This substantially improves productivity, information integrity, and information availability. • Capture Enables you to scan documents, store the images in a Documentum repository, and create a link to the appropriate transaction documents in SAP. Once this link is created, the document is accessible from SAPGUI, the SAP client interface. The Capture component is part of Documentum’s integration to ArchiveLink. • Manage Enables you to release Documentum documents to SAP, and to maintain those released documents. • View Enables you to view released Documentum documents from inside SAP. The View component supports the following operating systems: — Windows 2000 — Windows XP — Windows 2003 The View component must be installed on every R/3 client computer that needs to access reports, drawings and other documents stored in a Documentum repository. • Rendition Services Build-in filters that provide the following renditions:: — PDF rendition — ASCII text rendition — HTML rendition When one of these built-in filters are used, the desired document rendition is generated when the document is archived in the repository. • WebAdmin An administrative console that allows you to: — Create, configure, and manage archives — Manage certificates for the archive — Create repository connections for Content Services — Configure document archival for Content Services Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 15 Introducing Content Services for SAP Note: Please refer to the Content Services for SAP Release Notes for detailed information about specific OS versions and supported software environments. Supported SAP document formats Documentum supports the following SAP document classes/formats: • Incoming or Scanned Documents (FAX class, Tiff format) • Outgoing Documents (OTF class, PDF format) • Archived Data (REO class, REO format) • Reports or Print Lists (ALF class, ALF format) Understanding SAP and Content Services SAP terms for This section presents some terms and their definitions, as used in this guide. Table 1-1. Terms and denitions 16 Term Definition Content Services for SAP Product that connects Documentum to SAP and vice versa. Archiving Server Server component that, using an HTTP connection to SAP, enables you to archive reports, data, incoming and outgoing documents from SAP to the Documentum repository. Archiving Server is a J2EE Web application based on the SAP ArchiveLink interface. The archived reports and documents can later be retrieved and viewed through SAPGUI and Documentum clients. ArchiveLink Cross-functional interface that is part of the SAP Basis System. ArchiveLink handles storing and retrieving documents and data to and from a repository external to SAP. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Introducing Content Services for SAP Term Definition WebAdmin An administrative console that allows you to: • Create and manage archives • Manage certificates for the archive • Create repository connections for the Content Services Capture Scanning module for Documentum and SAP that is part of the Content Services for SAP suite. Capture Import Module that allows you to import scanned documents (or other documents) to SAP using the SAP ArchiveLink front-end interface. This module is used with third party scanning applications like Input Software. The import module is part of the same application as Content Services Capture. The Content Services Capture can operate in two different modes (scan and import). SAP DMS Document Management System that is part of the SAP Basis System. Presents a logical layer to integrate with external systems like AutoCAD or Documentum. Not directly related to ArchiveLink. SAP PLM Product Life-Cycle Management (PLM). SAP PLM provides an integrated environment that ensures all people involved in product development, manufacturing, and service have quick and secure access to current information. It provides a set of BAPI calls that can be used by external systems like Documentum. SAP Master Record A set of master data, such as customer or vendor data, which is used in the creation of SAP documents. SAPGUI SAP Graphical User Interface. Graphical menu/screen tool that connects a client to the SAP server. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 17 Introducing Content Services for SAP Term Definition Original Document Paper based version of a document. Example 1-1. An invoice may consist of two sheets of paper received from a supplier. Paper documents are scanned in and stored as electronic documents in EMC Documentum. SAP Document 18 An electronic transactional record of header data and line items in SAP. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Chapter 2 Conguring the ArchiveLink Interface for Content Services for SAP Overview The Archiving Server component is the part of the Content Services for SAP application that handles archive requests for a repository. This means that you can store and retrieve documents, reports, and data through SAP ArchiveLink and DMS interfaces. Once a document is released to Documentum, it is accessible from SAPGUI (the SAP client interface). It is also accessible from a Documentum Client such as Webtop. Prior to running the Content Services, the SAP R/3 system must also be configured. This chapter describes how to configure your R/3 ArchiveLink and other related transactions through SAPGUI and the R/3 system. Note: The configuration steps often reference direct transaction codes. These codes allow you to navigate directly to the correct configuration screen. Most of the system configuration is performed in the SAP Implementation Guide for R/3 customizing (IMG). You can navigate to this screen using the following transaction code: spro. When configuring Archive Services, you can configure either an HTTP-based Archive Server or an RFC (Remote Function Call) Archive Server. Note: Documentum recommends that all new installations are based on the HTTP-based Archive Server. The primary reason is that SAP will focus future development at the HTTP-based archive protocol. The configuration steps are different for RFC and HTTP based archiving. Configuration steps have been marked as being relevant only to RFC- or HTTP-based archiving. The various configuration tasks that you have to perform are described in the following sections: • oac0 — Defining a logical ArchiveID, page 20 • oag1 – Configuring basic settings, page 20 • oanr – Configuring number ranges, page 21 • oaqi - Creating queues, page 21 • oaat - Scheduling jobs, page 22 • spad – Configuring optical archives as output devices, page 22 Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 19 Conguring the ArchiveLink Interface for Content Services for SAP • sm50 – Verifying spool processes, page 24 • sole - Maintaining OLE applications, page 25 • oaa4 - Maintaining applications and configuring communications protocol, page 26 oac0 — Dening a logical ArchiveID Note: The name of the logical ArchiveID must be the same as the ArchiveID created using WebAdmin (refer to the Configuring, Viewing, and Editing Archives section of the Content Services for SAP Administration Guide). To dene a logical ArchiveID in SAP: 1. Execute the following transaction in the transaction code field: oac0. 2. In the Display Content Repositories: Overview page, click on any content repository (specifically whose Storage type is HTTP content server. 3. In the Display Content Repositories: Detail page, click the Display/Change icon The Copy as ... button is now enabled. 4. Click the Copy as ... button. 5. Edit the Content Rep. field so that it’s the same as ArchiveID created using WebAdmin (refer to the Configuring, Viewing, and Editing Archives section of the Content Services for SAP Administration Guide). 6. In the Transfer drctry field, enter the directory path where SAP can write the Print List till it is in the Storage Queue. 7. In the HTTP Server field, type your system name. Note: You are recommended to type the IP address of your system in this field. 8. In the HTTP Script field, type the following: /archivelink/archivelink/<name-of-repository> 9. To save the logical ArchiveID configuration, choose Content Repository→Save. oag1 – Conguring basic settings You must define the basic settings for ArchiveLink. To congure the basic settings: 20 1. Execute the following transaction in in the transaction code field: oag1. 2. Ensure that the Deactivate Print List Management in DMS box is checked. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Conguring the ArchiveLink Interface for Content Services for SAP 3. Save your changes. oanr – Conguring number ranges You must configure the number ranges for ArchiveLink. To congure the number ranges: 1. Execute the following transaction in the transaction code field: oanr. 2. To edit the configuration, click on the Intervals button (marked with a pencil). The Display Number Range Intervals window opens. 3. Configure the Number Range 01 with default values. 4. Save your changes. oaqi - Creating queues When Print Lists are archived, the SAP print spooler puts the document into the asynchronous queue. The scheduler then picks up the document and sends it to the archive. The queue serves as a buffer for everything sent to an SAP archive. Other queues are used for outgoing documents and barcodes. These queues can be seen on the ArchiveLink Monitor screen (transaction code: oam1). If this screen shows the word MISSING instead of zeros, you must create queues and specify an administrator. Define an SAP user with the proper ArchiveLink administrator profile as the administrator for this queues. Defining an administrator will automatically create the queues. Check that the queues have been created by reviewing transaction oam1. To create queues: 1. Execute the following transaction in the transaction code field: oaqi The SAP ArchiveLink: Create All Queues (CFBC, CARA, CGDA) screen appears. 2. Fill in all the options with ‘x’. 3. Enter a valid SAP login name in the Queue Administrator field. 4. Choose Program>Execute. 5. Click Cancel to exit this window. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 21 Conguring the ArchiveLink Interface for Content Services for SAP oaat - Scheduling jobs The SAP schedule job periodically checks the output queue and sends all the items in the queues to the archive. You must configure the schedule job to successfully archive documents to an SAP archive. To schedule a job: 1. Execute the following transaction in the transaction code field: oaat 2. Create a new job. 3. Type ILQBATCH in the ABAP Program field. 4. To verify that there are no errors, click Check. 5. Save your changes. 6. Click Back to return to the Define Background Job window. 7. Click the Start Date button. 8. Set Start Time to Immediate. 9. Select the Periodic Job checkbox. 10. Click Period Values and specify an interval such as 20 minutes. This value should be determined by the following factors: • Frequency of archival • Time taken to archive your largest document; for example, your largest Print List 11. Save your changes 12. Click Exit. spad – Conguring optical archives as output devices An output device is the driver software for the logical output device which archives documents using the ArchiveLink interface. To correctly archive a document to SAP, you must define the output device as an optical archive. Configuring an output device includes defining the type, the device, the spool server, and so on. There should be only ONE ARCH device; therefore, prior to defining a device with the ARCH short name, you should delete any existing ARCH devices such as ARCHIXOS. To congure an optical archive as the output device: 1. 22 Start SAPGUI and connect to your R/3 server. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Conguring the ArchiveLink Interface for Content Services for SAP 2. Execute the following transaction in the in the transaction code field: spad. 3. Click the Output Devices button. 4. Click the pencil button to edit settings. Note: You can only have one printer and that printer must be named ARCH. If you are already using a printer named ARCH you can either delete it or using the existing ARCH device. 5. In case ARCH already exists, select device ARCH and click the Delete button. 6. Click the New Entries button to create a new output device. The Change Output Device screen is displayed. 7. Fill in the following information: Table 2-1. Field descriptions of change output device screen Field name Value Output Device ARCHIVE Short Name ARCH Device Type ARCHLINK Spool Server Select spool server from drop down list. Usually there is only one spool server listed Device Class Type A, for archive program Access Method Fill I, for archive service Location Fill Archive Message Fill ArchiveLink Device 8. Click Enter and the dialog box changes. 9. Save your changes. For this version, you will need to enter additional information after you have configured your archives. 10. Execute the following transaction in the in the transaction code field: oac0. 11. Click the pencil button to edit the settings. 12. Click New entries. The Maintain View for Archive Device screen is displayed. 13. Fill in the ArchiveID you plan to use for Print lists. For example, AA. Type ARCH into the Output Device field. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 23 Conguring the ArchiveLink Interface for Content Services for SAP Repeat step 13 for each archive. 14. Save your changes. The archive device name changes from ARCH to Archive device. To congure an optical archive as the output device for the Documentum installation for 4.x: 1. Execute the following transaction in the in the transaction code field: spad. 2. Click the Output Devices button. 3. Click the pencil button to edit settings. Note: You can only have one printer and that printer must be named ARCH. If you are already using a printer named ARCH you can either delete it or using the existing ARCH device. 4. In case ARCH already exists, select device ARCH and click the Delete button. 5. To create a new output device, click the New Entries button. The Change Output Device window opens. 6. Fill in the following information: Table 2-2. Field descriptions of change output device screen Field name Value Host Printer a Device Class A Access Method to Host Spool I Device Type ARCHLINK SAP ArchiveLink Archiver Spool Server Select spool server from drop-down list 7. Click Enter and the dialog box changes. 8. Save your changes. sm50 – Verifying spool processes Content Services uses the standard SAP print spooler to send reports to the ArchiveLink queue. To successfully archive a document, the print spooler must be running. To verify if a spool process is running: 1. 24 Execute the following transaction in the transaction code field: sm50. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Conguring the ArchiveLink Interface for Content Services for SAP 2. Verify that a process named SPO is waiting or running. If you do not have a spool process running, contact your SAP system administrator. Starting a spool process usually involves restarting the SAP server. sole - Maintaining OLE applications You must configure the OLE communications so that Content Services and SAPGUI can communicate with each other. OLE allows SAPGUI to display stored documents and to read the list of scanned documents in Content Services Capture’s linking queue. To congure OLE communication for Content Services Capture for 4.X: 1. Start SAPGUI. 2. Execute the following transaction in the transaction code field: sole. The Maintenance View for OLE Applications screen opens. 3. To configure Content Services Capture OLE communication, click the Edit button. 4. Click New Entries to create a new entry for a supported OLE application. 5. Enter the OLE application, click enter, then double-click the selected entry (highlighted in red). The Details screen opens. 6. Fill in the following information: Table 2-3. Field descriptions Field name Value OLE Application DOCLINKSCAN.DOCUMENT CLSID {135C6154-BFC0-11D0-B56900C04FD88E1E} Type Info Key NO_TYPELIB Language EN [English] Text Documentum Content Services Capture 7. Save your changes. 8. Click Back to return to the main OLE configuration screen. 9. Click Edit again to configure another Content Services OLE communication. 10. Click New Entries to create a new entry for a supported OLE application. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 25 Conguring the ArchiveLink Interface for Content Services for SAP 11. Click Enter, then double-click the selected entry (highlighted in red). The Details screen opens. 12. Fill in the following configuration information: Table 2-4. Field descriptions Field name Value OLE Application DMVIEW.DOCUMENT CLSID {B8192AB0-DB3A-11D0-97410060974A8A8D} Type Info Key NO_TYPELIB Language EN [English] Text Documentum Content Services View Enter the above information exactly as it is displayed. All other fields should be left blank. 13. Save your changes. 14. Execute the following transaction in the transaction code field: soli. The Type Info Loaded screen opens. Both the OLE applications you configured in the previous steps should be listed. 15. To load the configuration, double-click each new entry DMVIEW.DOCUMENT and DOCLINKSCAN.DOCUMENT (or in SAP 3.x, click Load TypeInfo). 16. Check to see if you configured these items correctly. a. A list of 32 items (NO_TYPELIB) displays if you configured these items correctly. b. If nothing opens: • Click the Change Language button (either on a menu or right click the item) • Select EN for English and then click Execute • Repeat steps 13-15 Note: You must see the 32 lines of NO_TYPELIB for the OLE to work. oaa4 - Maintaining applications and conguring communications protocol Complete the following procedure to map the OLE 2 methods just defined under SOLE that are called when a document is archived from Content Services Capture or when a document is displayed. The OLE 2 methods are assigned when the archive is 26 Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Conguring the ArchiveLink Interface for Content Services for SAP configured via PROTOCOL. Each pair of document type and SAP object type maps to an archive (these are described and ). For example, when a document is archived, the document type and object type point to an archive. The archive in turn is configured to use a certain protocol. From the protocol the SAPGUI determines how documents are to be scanned and viewed via OLE. To congure applications’ maintenance and the communications protocol to associate the correct OLE 2 method to an SAP archive for 4.x: 1. Execute the following transaction in the transaction code field: oaa4. A window opens, listing the available applications configured for your SAP system. 2. Choose Application Create. The Application Maintenance dialog opens. 3. Type DCTM in the Application field and click Back. DCTM is added to the list of available applications in the Applications Maintenance window. 4. Select DCTM in the Applications list (usually by double-clicking). 5. Select Displayed Stored Document (usually by double-clicking). 6. Fill in the following information: • Application: DMVIEW.DOCUMENT Table 2-5. Field descriptions Radio button Command S DOCBASE=<Your_Repository_Name> M Display @DID G @EID=ERRORCODE G @ETX=ERRORTEXT 7. Ensure that the Release generated object after call box is checked. 8. Go back to the previous window and select Archive From Frontend (usually by double-clicking). 9. Fill in the following information: • Application: DOCLINKSCAN.DOCUMENT Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 27 Conguring the ArchiveLink Interface for Content Services for SAP Table 2-6. Field descriptions Radio button Command M Scan G @EID=ERRORCODE G @ETX=ERRORTEXT G @DID=DOCID 10. Ensure that the Release generated object after call box is checked. 11. Return to the previous screen and save your configuration. 12. Display the changes made to transaction oaa4 and be sure that Display Stored Document and Archive From Frontend show Maintained. 13. Execute the following transaction: oa3. You should see a screen for SAP ArchiveLink: Communications interface administration. 14. Choose Create. The New Protocol dialog box opens. For example, you may wish to define the protocol name as CONSVC53SP1 for Content Services fro SAP 5.3 SP1. 15. Enter the appropriate version of the protocol depending on whether you will be needing RFC based archiving, version 0031 or HTTP based archiving, version 0045. You may need a protocol for each type if you plan to use RFC and HTTP archiving for example, ECONRFC and ECONHTTP. 16. Save your changes. The Overview of a Protocol window opens, displaying your newly-defined protocol. 17. Select Display Stored Document (usually by double-clicking). The Overview of a Protocol window opens showing a list of document classes. 18. Select the * row which indicates all document classes. 19. Click the pencil button. The Overview of a Protocoll dialog box opens. 20. Type OPEN in the Communication Type field to view linked documents through desktop applications. If HTTP archiving is used, the Communication Type HTTP can also be selected here to view linked documents directly in SAPGUI. 21. Press the [Enter] key. 22. Type DCTM in the Application field, and click Continue. 23. Save your changes. You are returned to the Overview of a Protocol window. 28 Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Conguring the ArchiveLink Interface for Content Services for SAP Note: This Protocol defines what method SAP will use to display an object. The DCTM application requires Content Services View to be installed on all PC’s that want to display Print lists (for other options look under SPECIAL PROTOCOLS). In this case the Web Admin Client has to be configured to make sure the Best Format sap_print_list is at the top of pdf and html. This is not required if PDF or HTML renditions are not created. See Content Services for SAP Administration Guide. 24. Double-click Archive from frontend. 25. Select the document class “*” and double-click. The Overview of Protocol dialog box opens. 26. Type OPEN in the Communication Type field. 27. Press the [Enter] key. 28. Type DCTM in the Application field, and click Continue. 29. Save your changes. If you repeat step 18 and 23, you should see that the * document class and the ALF document class are indicated as Maintained Explicitly. All other document classes should be indicated as Not Maintained Explicitly. Special protocols You have options for special use protocols which are configured slightly different from the standards described above. Anonymous login allows your name and password to be provided each time a login would normally be required. Another option is that you may wish to have Print lists displayed in the native proprietary format from SAPGUI instead of viewing them via Documentum renditions as described above. Protocol for anonymous logins To create a protocol for anonymous logins: 1. Fill in the following information: • Application: DMVIEW.DOCUMENT Table 2-7. Field descriptions Radio button Command S USER=<username> S PASSWORD=<password> Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 29 Conguring the ArchiveLink Interface for Content Services for SAP Radio button Command M Display @DID G @EID=ERRORCODE G @ETX=ERRORTEXT 2. Ensure that the Release generated object after call checkbox is selected. Then continue with the remaining steps. To create a protocol for anonymous capture logins: 1. Fill in the following information: • Application: DOCLINKSCAN.DOCUMENT Table 2-8. Field descriptions Radio button Command S DOCBASE=<repository> S USER=<username> S PASSWORD=<password> S DOMAIN=<domain> S CLIENT=<client> S SYSTEM=<system> M Scan G @EID=ERRORCODE G @ETX=ERRORTEXT G @DID=DOCID 2. Click Continue. 3. Ensure that the Release generated object after call checkbox is selected. Then continue with the remaining steps. Protocol for the SAP Inline Print List Viewer SAP R/3 includes a Print List viewing feature that allows you to view saved Print lists with SAPGUI in their native ALF format. To enable SAPGUI viewing you must configure the protocol to support the viewer. Note: If you convert Print List to PDF with renditioning, they can be viewed and annotated without SAPGUI. 30 Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Conguring the ArchiveLink Interface for Content Services for SAP To congure the Print List viewer to display the Print Lists in SAPGUI for 4.x: 1. Choose Create. The New Protocol dialog box opens. For example, you may wish to define the protocol name as ECONALF for Content Services for SAP with ALF Viewer. 2. Enter the appropriate version of the protocol depending on whether you will be needing RFC based archiving, version 0031 or HTTP based archiving, version 0045. You may need a protocol for each type if you plan to use RFC and HTTP archiving for example, ECONRFCA and ECONHTTPA. 3. Save your changes. The Overview of a Protocol window opens, displaying your newly-defined protocol. 4. Select Display Stored Document (usually by double-clicking). The Overview of a Protocol window opens showing a list of document classes. 5. Select the * row which indicates all document classes. 6. Click the pencil button. The Overview of a Protocol dialog box opens. 7. Type OPEN in the Communication Type field. 8. Press the [Enter] key. 9. Type DCTM in the Application field, and click Continue. 10. In the Overview of a Protocol window showing the list of document classes, select the ALF document class. 11. Click the pencil button. The Overview of Protocol dialog box opens. 12. Type R/3 in the Communication Type field then press the [Enter] key. No application is entered here. 13. Save your changes. You are returned to the Overview of a Protocol window. If you repeat step 4 and 11, you should see that the * document class is Maintained Explicitly as well as the ALF document class. All other document classes should show Not Maintained Explicitly. Protocol for HTTP display To create a protocol for HTTP display: 1. Fill in the following information: Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 31 Conguring the ArchiveLink Interface for Content Services for SAP • Application: DMVIEW.DOCUMENT Table 2-9. Field descriptions 32 Radio button Command S DOCBASE=<Your_Repository_Name> M Display @DID G @EID=ERRORCODE G @ETX=ERRORTEXT Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Chapter 3 Customizing SAP Document Classes The following sections describe how to archive document classes from SAP. The customization of each SAP setup is different depending on which document class the archived document belongs to. The document classes are: • ALF • FAX • OTF • REO For all classes you must configure a minimum of: • OAC0 • OAC2 • OAC3 plus any specific customizations. These customizations are described in the following sections: • oac0 – Configuring content repositories, page 33 • sm59 – RFC destination archives, page 36 • oac2 - Defining document types, page 38 • oac3 - Defining links, page 39 • ALF Reports/Print Lists, page 40 • Deleting archived and linked documents, page 42 • Customizing FAX - scanned documents, page 42 • Testing scanning documents, page 44 oac0 – Conguring content repositories SAP allows you to define a content repository (previously known as a logical archive). This content repository is mapped to a Documentum archive via WebAdmin. The Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 33 Customizing SAP Document Classes Documentum archive links to a set of rules such as content folders, Documentum document types, and so on in the Documentum repository. It is recommended that you store each document type in a separate archive. Using WebAdmin, you must create a matching archive for each ArchiveID defined in SAP. This ArchiveID defines what actions (types, folders, retention, and so on) are applied on a SAP document when it is archived. The following sections explain how to create an archive in SAP for each represented document class. When configuring Archives, you can configure either an HTTP-based Archives or RFC (Remote Function Call) Archives. The configuration steps are different for RFC vs. HTTP based archives. The configuration steps below have been listed as being relevant only to RFC- or HTTP-based archiving. Note: Documentum recommends that all new installations are based on the HTTP-based Archive Server. The primary reason is that SAP will focus future development at the HTTP-based archive protocol. However legacy RFC archives are still supported. To dene a SAP content repository (archive) for 4.x: 1. 2. Execute one of the folliwng transactions: • oac0 • spro Select SAP Reference IMG from the menu bar. The IMG window opens. 3. Navigate to Basis Components>Basic Services>SAP>ArchiveLink>Basic Settings>Maintain content repositories. 4. Click the pencil button to edit the table. 5. Click New Entries. 6. Select Full administration. The Change Content Repositories window opens. 7. Fill in the following information in the Change Content Repositories window: Table 3-1. Field descriptions 34 Field name Value Content rep Specify a two-letter archive name. For example, AA Description A meaningful name. For example, SAP Print lists (AA) Storage Type Select HTTP or RFC Protocol The previously configured protocol. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Customizing SAP Document Classes Field name Value Version No. 0045 for HTTP or 0031 for RFC Output Device ARCHIVE 8. The next few fields are configured based on whether HTTP or RFC was selected. • For HTTP: — HTTP srvr:p: <ip>:<port> For example, uses port 8080 IP is the IP address or name of the Web Server which is running the Content Services HTTP Content Server and the port number being used (default is 80). If you use a server name here, ensure that you can ping the server by name from the SAP server. If you use a port other than 80, use <ip>:<port>. — Program Content Services/archive/<repository>.asp Enter Content Services/archive/<repository>.asp where <repository> is the name of the repository that you will be archiving content into. You must have an HTTP service installed with Content Services for this repository. If you have not already done so, after specifying the program, you will need to create the HTTP service for a repository with a user name and password via the Content Services installation program. • For RFC: — RFC destination: Enter the RFC destination from /nSM59, Content Services Services, and WebAdmin. Refer to sm59 – RFC destination archives, page 36 for a description of how to create the Content Services RFC destination. • For HTTP and RFC: — Basic path: Type the network path to the location where SAP will put archived documents to be picked up by Content Services Archive. This directory should be referenced in the WebAdmin RFC destination configuration screen. NT Example: m:\sapshare\ UNIX Example: /sapmnt/DV2/global/archive/ This path must match the shared drive in the WebAdmin RFC Destination configuration screen. There must be a slash at the end of the path specification. For example, /sapshare/ or on Windows NT systems using a mapped network drive, for example, M:\. The path must always be terminated with / for Unix or \ for NT. — Arch path: Usually the same as the Basic path. Repeat this procedure to define the additional example archives BB and CC. You may use this procedure to define any Documentum archives in SAP. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 35 Customizing SAP Document Classes sm59 – RFC destination archives This section applies to RFC archiving only. The SAP server considers Content Services for SAP an external RFC service or RFC destination. The destination is identified with a symbolic name that was configured in Documentum during the Content Services Archive Service installation. The name of the RFC destination must be unique for each repository/SAP client connection and identical in the Content Services Archive Services and WebAdmin configurations. To congure the RFC destination: 1. Start SAPGUI and connect to your R/3 server. 2. Execute the folliwng transaction: sm59. 3. Select the folder icon labeled TCP/IP connections. 4. Click Create. 5. Type in a name for the RFC destination. Use the naming conventions that uniquely identify Documentum Content Services Archive connections, such as <DCTMHOSTNAME>_<SAPSYSID_CLIENT>. You must use the same destination name configured in the WebAdmin. Note: It is important that an exact match is made for the RFC connection to communicate. The ID is case sensitive and should not contain any spaces. 6. Type T in the Connection Type field. This specifies a TCP/IP connection. 7. Leave the Login parameters field blank. 8. Enter a description in the Description field. 9. Press [Enter]. 10. Click Registration. START is not correct here and will invalidate the program ID entry. 11. Copy the RFC destination name into the Program ID field. Documentum recommends that you copy and paste the name between WebAdmin and transaction code sm59 because the value of this field must correspond to the configuration parameter RFC Program ID in the WebAdmin ArchiveLink configuration tab RFC Destination parameter RFC Program ID. If you have not yet installed Content Services, you will need to make a note of this value so that you can configure your RFC destination in Content Services WebAdmin, and when the RFC services are installed on the Content Services host server. This value must be unique for each repository/SAP client connection which 36 Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Customizing SAP Document Classes is why the RFC destination name <DCTMHOSTNAME>_<SAPSYSID_CLIENT> is recommended. If two Content Services archive processes register under the same ID or name the second one connected receives all requests from SAP. The first process will not receive an error message so it will wait indefinitely for RFC requests that never come. 12. Save your changes. 13. Click Back to exit. You return to the RFC Destination window. 14. Verify that the parameters have not changed. This is a check to make sure the save operation succeeded. 15. Run the test described in sm59 - Testing connections, page 37. sm59 - Testing connections You must have created SM59 RFC destination, WebAdmin RFC config, and Content Services RFC services via the Content Services installation program and started with the SHARE user ID (refer to Installing Content Services for SAP) before you begin this procedure. To test the ArchiveLink RFC connection to Content Services archive: 1. Switch on debugging before processes or services are started the first time by setting the debug level: • Windows NT In the registry: Set HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Documentum\Doclink\ Archive\Docbase\<Name_Of_Repository> to 3. • UNIX In the dmal.ini file: Set the debug level to 3. 2. Start your Content Services services or processes. 3. Start SAPGUI and connect to your R/3 system. 4. Execute the following transaction: sm59. A new window opens, listing the folder hierarchy. 5. Click on the plus symbol in front of the folder labeled TCP/IP Connections. A list of all RFC Destinations opens. 6. Double-click on the RFC destination that links SAP to the repository via Content Services. 7. Click on Test Connection. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 37 Customizing SAP Document Classes A message appears on the status bar, stating that the connection is OK. A new window opens, displaying some performance figures (similar to ping). 8. Verify the connection by checking the Content Services log files. The following entries should appear in the log file on the Content Services server which may be located in C:\temp\dmalaxxxxxx.log: : >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> : SAP open Running RfcEnvironment Running RfcInstallFunction SAP event handler ok, entering event loop... Calling RfcDispatch... RfcDispatch returned 0 Calling RfcDispatch... RfcDispatch returned 0 Calling RfcDispatch... RfcDispatch returned 0 Calling RfcDispatch... Note: If you receive errors, check back through the configuration on SAP, WebAdmin, and the services or processes to verify there are no typos. You can turn on the RFC trace via the checkbox on SM59, and look for information in your logs. You may need to check the SAP gateway in your .../etc/services file. oac2 - Dening document types You must select which document types you will be archiving, and correlate those to SAP document classes, such as FAX, ALF, OTF, and REO, The list of document types provided by SAP, when using transaction OAC2, are the templates to be used for categorizing your SAP documents for archiving. You can customize the standard document types by using the SAP XYZ naming conventions. • FAX documents are documents that will be scanned and linked to SAP. • ALF are reports produced and linked from SAP. • OTF are outgoing SAPSCRIPT documents produced and linked from SAP. • REO documents are data archive files which are compressed by the SAP ADK and stored externally in that format. To dene document types for SAP: 1. Execute the following transaction in the transaction code field: oac2. 2. If you are defining a new document type, select New Entries. You may also copy existing document types. 3. 38 If you are modifying an existing document type, use Change and Details. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Customizing SAP Document Classes 4. Enter information in the Description and Doc. class fields as appropriate for your configuration. 5. When you have finished selecting document types, save your changes. oac3 - Dening links Using the link table, you can categorize SAP documents to define what combination of SAP object type (for example, SOOD) and SAP document type (for example, GENPRILIS) are stored and linked to which archive. The SAP document type is linked to the SAP document class, previously known as SAP document type (for example, ALF, OTF, REO) which determines how the document is produced and linked. For example, the ALF class refers to reports, FAX to scanned documents, and OTF to outgoing SAPSCRIPT documents. To dene links: 1. Execute the following transaction in the transaction code field: oac3. The Display View “Links for Content Repositories": Overview screen appears. 2. Select Table View > Display -> Change. 3. Fill in the following information in the New Entries table: Table 3-2. Field descriptions of New Entries table Field name Value Object Type Use legitimate object type such as SOOD for Print Lists, and BKPF for accounting documents Document Type The SAP doc type as defined in OAC2 above such as GENPRILIS S (Status) Enter an “x” in this column Arch. ID Enter the archive ID of a newly created archives for example, AA Link Enter the name of the link tables where links will be maintained. TOA01-TOA03 Ret Prd. 0 4. Save your changes. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 39 Customizing SAP Document Classes ALF Reports/Print Lists To customize ALF - Reports/Print lists you must perform the following procedures: • oac0 – Configuring content repositories, page 33 • oac2 - Defining document types, page 38 • oac3 - Defining links, page 39 Then perform the test. Testing archiving reports Once you have completed the configuration procedures in this section, you should test the new Print List archive by: • archiving a Print List • displaying the archived Print List The following section explains how to perform these tasks. To archive a Print List: 1. Execute the following transaction in the transaction code field: : f.21. 2. Click the Execute button. 3. In the List of Customer Open Items page that appears, select List>Print. The Print Screen List dialog box appears. 4. Click the Properties button. The Spool Request Attributes dialog box appears. 5. In the Parameters name column, click Output Options. 6. From the Storage Mode drop-down menu, select Archive only. Note: Whenever you edit a parameter in this dialog box, we recommend that you check the Show Selected Print Parameters on Initial Screen checkbox. This ensures that the customized settings are available in the initial Print Screen List dialog box. 7. Verify that the Object Type and Document Type fields contain the correct values, as configured in the New Entries table (refer to oac3 - Defining links, page 39). Pick the following values for example: SOOD GENPRILIS. If your Document Type is incorrectly configured, refer to the following procedures for configuring document types in SAP archives:oac2 - Defining document types, page 38 and oac3 - Defining links, page 39. 8. 40 Type additional information in the Information field. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Customizing SAP Document Classes This label may be anything you wish; for example, your initials. 9. Optionally, type a description of the Print List in the Text field. 10. In the Parameter name column, select General attributes > Time of printing. 11. From the Time of print drop-down list, select Print out immediately. 12. Click Continue in the Spool Request Attributes dialog box. 13. Click Continue in the Print Screen List dialog box. 14. To verify that the Print List is in the archiving queue, execute the following transaction in the transaction code field: oam1. The ArchiveLink Monitor screen appears. The Print List is now queued, waiting for the scheduler to pick it up and transfer it to the archive. oaat - Scheduling jobs, page 22, contains information about configuring the ArchiveLink scheduler. 15. To accelerate the transfer of the Print List from the queue to the archive in the repository, click Storage Queue. The Queue: Content server (CARA) screen appears. You should now see an entry for the newly-archived Print List in this screen. 16. To view the archiving parameter details, double-click the Print List entry. The Archiving request window opens. Verify that the details are correct 17. To archive the Print List in an archive located in a repository, click Execute. You should see a confirmation message that the queue has been processed. If no errors occur, you can continue testing by displaying the archived Print List. To display the newly-archived Print List in SAPGUI: 1. Execute the following transaction in the transaction code field: oadr. 2. To find a particular Print List, type appropriate search parameters in the appropriate fields. The ArchiveLink: Hit List for Stored Print Lists page appears. 3. Double-click an item in the list to select it. 4. Choose Print List>Display From Content Server. SAP executes the GET command to retrieve the document from the Documentum archive. The retrieved document is displayed in SAPGUI and has the DocumentID of the Print List in Documentum. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 41 Customizing SAP Document Classes Deleting archived and linked documents In a repository, if you delete version 1.0 of a document that is linked to SAP or archived from SAP, the link to SAP is also deleted. This is because the dm_relation object which creates the link to SAP is deleted when the parent object (which is always version 1.0) is deleted. We recommend that you do not delete the original version of objects that are linked to SAP if you want to maintain their link to SAP. If you need to delete version 1.0 of a document, but want to keep the link to SAP, then, after deleting the document, you must relink the object to SAP, outside of Content Services. Customizing FAX - scanned documents To customize FAX - Scanned Documents, you must perform the following procedures: • oac0 – Configuring content repositories, page 33 • oac2 - Defining document types, page 38 • oac3 - Defining links, page 39 Then you can make specific customizations using the following procedures: • oaws – Settings, page 42 • Optional for SAP workflow, page 43 • Optional for bar code, page 44 oaws – Settings OAWS contains the settings for routing and linking newly scanned FAX documents in SAP. For each document type, you can specify which type of archiving is available: • Store for subsequent entry (Early) • Store and Enter (Simultaneous) • Assign and Store (Late) For storing for subsequent entry which uses SAP workflow to move the image to the SAP inbox, you can specify what organizational object will be used for routing (like User) and then what specific organizational object to route to (like the SAP User ID). To display/change SAP settings for document types for 4.X: 1. 42 Type /NOAWS (previously /NSOA6) in the command field. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Customizing SAP Document Classes In earlier versions of SAP a Get Settings dialog opens if settings have been entered. If no Get Settings dialog opens, select Edit>Insert doc. type and build your own list of settings. When the new settings are saved, a name has to be specified under which the settings are stored. You may also have to create duplicate settings for early, simultaneous and late archiving instead of using the checkboxes described below. 2. Select a setting from the list of available settings, or create a new setting. 3. Choose the setting for the application where you wish to link scanned documents and select Entries. The Maintenance screen opens. 4. Select New Entries to choose an item from the Document Type list which matches your entries for OAC2 and OAC3. 5. For testing purposes, type US (USER) and your SAP ID in the Agent ID field. This enables you to send scanned documents to your SAP workflow inbox (You may want to integrate these entries with the SAP organizational roles, see your workflow consultant for details). 6. 7. Make sure that each checkbox is checked to use: • Storing For Subsequent Entry • Early Archiving (SAP workflow) • Store and Enter Simultaneous Archiving (no workflow) • Assign then Store Late Archiving (no workflow) Make sure to note the values of document type and object type fields. You will need these values to complete later configuration steps. For example, Incoming Invoice Preliminary Posting has an object type BKPF and object type FIIINPREL. Optional for SAP workow To configure all SAP object type/document type combinations you want to use with Storing for Subsequent Entry, please coordinate configuration with your SAP workflow consultant. • SWU3 - Workflow Initialization • SOA0 - Workflow Document Types • OACA - Workflow Parameters Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 43 Customizing SAP Document Classes Optional for bar code Bar codes are a good way to automatically scan and link documents that have already been entered into SAP transactions from paper. For example, you can enter an invoice with a bar code sticker, type or wand the bar code number and later, when all the invoices are scanned they can be automatically linked with their entry transactions. The information in this section assumes that you have already set up a bar code configuration object in WebAdmin. If you have not yet done this, refer to Content Services for SAP Administration Guide. This section explains how to configure SAP R/3 object types and document types to accept bar code on transactions in SAP to be later linked with scanned documents stored in a repository. • OAC5 - Bar Code Settings To congure all SAP object type/document type/User ID combinations you want to use with bar codes for 4.x. 1. Type /NOAC5 in the command window. 2. Click Edit. 3. Click New Entries. The Details of Added Entries window opens. 4. Enter any SAP object types for which you want a bar code dialog to open upon saving of that object. 5. Enter any SAP document types for which you want a bar code dialog to open upon saving of that document. 6. Enter any User IDs for which you want a bar code dialog to open upon saving under that user ID. 7. Save your changes. 8. Enter your object, document, and user ID to test your bar code. Testing scanning documents Once you have completed the customizing described above, you can test document scanning, linking and viewing the archived images. Refer to Content Services for SAP User Guide for Scanner Operators for information on the Capture component. To test scan and link documents: 1. 44 Start Content Services Capture from Programs>Documentum Content Services for SAP. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Customizing SAP Document Classes 2. Type your username and password for the repository. 3. In Content Services Capture, scan or import a few pages and fill in the default attributes. 4. From the Document Type drop-down list, select Sap_invoice (or other valid Documentum document type). 5. Click the Scan button. 6. Click OK to the message “No Scanner Available”. 7. Choose File>Import in Content Services Image Viewer. 8. Select an example TIFF image file from any directory on your file system. 9. While the image displays in Content Services Image Viewer, fill in the attributes. 10. Click the Add to Queue button from Content Services Capture and the image should disappear from the Viewer. 11. Minimize Content Services Capture. 12. In SAP, use transactions OAC2, SOA0, OACA, OAC3, OAC0 and OAWS to review the settings for the doc type you are planning to use. For example, FIIINPREL. 13. In WebAdmin, make sure you have set up an Archive for incoming fax which matches the Archive ID information found via OAC3 and OAC0. You can copy and modify an existing incoming document archive. 14. On your Content Services Server, make sure that the Archive Services are started with the correct: • RFC Destination • Share user ID • and that you IIS is up and running with HTTP, and certificates have been installed 15. To link the document with SAP workflow and remove it from the queue. 16. Maximize Content Services Capture. 17. Capture and select the document in the linking queue. 18. Start SAPGUI and select Office>Business Documents>Documents>Move> <your OAWS setting>. Size the windows so that you can see both SAP and Capture. 19. Select the SAP document type which points to your user ID. 20. Click the Store For Subsequent Entry icon. 21. Replace the existing text with meaningful text so you will be able to recognize the file in a later step. 22. Select Continue (Check). Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 45 Customizing SAP Document Classes The item is removed from the Content Services Capture Queue. 23. Exit out of the SAP dialog box. 24. Close Content Services Capture. To process the document in SAP, post it and link it to an SAP record. 25. In the SAP inbox type /NSIN1. 26. Go to Workflow and double-click to launch a workitem. The image should be retrieved from Documentum. The Process Document Type dialog box opens. 27. Click the Process button. You may need to move the image to see the SAP dialog. The SAP transaction displays. You may need to rearrange windows to see both image and SAPGUI. 28. Fill in the sap document with data appropriate to your installation. For example: • Document date: today’s date • Company code: 3000 • Currency/date: USD • Doc type: KR • PstKy: 31 Account: 3980 29. Click Enter. 30. In the Amount field, enter any amount you like. 31. In the Doc Header Text field, enter your Vendor Name. 32. Scroll to the bottom of the form and enter the following: • PstKy: 40 Account: 491000 33. Click Enter. 34. In the Amount field, enter the same amount entered in step 7 above or *. 35. Save the SAP Document. 36. Refresh the inbox. The workitem should have disappeared. 37. Close the Content Services Image Viewer. 38. From SAPGUI, enter the display version of the transaction above. 39. Select List and your User ID and Execute. The document you parked above should be displayed. 40. Choose this document. 46 Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Customizing SAP Document Classes 41. From your displayed document, select Environment>Object Links. 42. Select Archived Documents. The original document now displays. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 47 Customizing SAP Document Classes 48 Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Chapter 4 Creating Custom BAPIs Content Services for SAP enables you to create and install custom configuration objects — known as BAPIs — for linking and querying SAP data. To create a custom BAPI you must modify the custom.xml file that is included with the Content Services for SAP installation files. The installation files are available for downloading from (see the Installation Guide for more details on downloading the release). After modifying the custom.xml file as shown in the example below, when you install Content Services for SAP, the custom BAPI will be available for linking and querying via the Web Admin tool. In the following example, we are creating a custom BAPI to link and query purchase orders. The query type for this custom BAPI is EKPO Table. To create a custom BAPI: Note: This procedure must be done prior to installing the current release of Content Services for SAP. The custom BAPI is installed with the release and is available to end-users only after product installation. 1. Download and install the current release of Content Services for SAP Server. Details for downloading the release are provided in the Installation Guide. 2. Locate the file named custom.xml in the Server folder of the installation files. 3. Open the custom.xml file in a text editor or XML edtior. 4. Add the following sample XML code to the custom.xml file. Modify this code as appropriate to create your own custom BAPIs. You may copy/paste this sample code inside the Request ON_ERROR tag of the custom.xml file: <OBJECT_CREATE ON_EXIST="version"> <API_CONFIG TYPE="sap_query_plm_type_table" CLASS="sap"> <ATTRIBUTE NAME="object_name" IS_KEY="true">EKPO_Table</ATTRIBUTE> <ATTRIBUTE NAME="table_name">EKPO</ATTRIBUTE> <ATTRIBUTE NAME="function_module">RFC_READ_TABLE</ATTRIBUTE> <ATTRIBUTE NAME="sap_object_type">EKPO</ATTRIBUTE> <ATTRIBUTE NAME="query_parameters" IS_REPEATING="true"> <VALUE>Client=MANDT</VALUE> <VALUE>Document_Number=EBELN</VALUE> <VALUE>Item_Number=EBELP</VALUE> Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 49 Creating Custom BAPIs </ATTRIBUTE> <ATTRIBUTE NAME="parameter_defaults" IS_REPEATING="true"></ATTRIBUTE> <ATTRIBUTE NAME="result_parameters" IS_REPEATING="true"> <VALUE>Client=MANDT</VALUE> <VALUE>Document_Number=EBELN</VALUE> <VALUE>Item_Number=EBELP</VALUE> </ATTRIBUTE> <ATTRIBUTE NAME="key_attributes" IS_REPEATING="true"> <VALUE>Document_Number=EBELN</VALUE> </ATTRIBUTE> <ATTRIBUTE NAME="methods" IS_REPEATING="true"> <VALUE>Link</VALUE> </ATTRIBUTE> <ATTRIBUTE NAME="descriptive_field">EBELP</ATTRIBUTE> </API_CONFIG> </OBJECT_CREATE> Save the custom.xml file and close it. 5. Repeat these steps to create as many custom BAPIs as you need, creating separate XML elements in the custom.xml file for each custom BAPI. 6. To install the custom BAPIs into your repository, run the Content Services for SAP Server setup.exe file, choose Docbase Configuration, then for the version number choose Custom.XML. If you are creating custom BAPI of type "sap_query_type_plm" make sure the key name for the description field in the result parameters is called "Description" as shown in following sample code: <ATTRIBUTE NAME="result_parameters" IS_REPEATING="true"> <VALUE>Description=MATL_DESC,18,40</VALUE> </ATTRIBUTE> The attribute "descriptive_field" is used by Content Services Manage. The value of this attribute will be shown as the description in the query result dialog in Manage as shown in the following screenshot. In this example, EKPO_Table is used. 50 Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Creating Custom BAPIs Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 51 Creating Custom BAPIs 52 Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Chapter 5 Conguring the DMS Interface for the Manage and View Components The procedures in this chapter assume that the software is installed on at least one PC and that the Documentum repository is configured according to your business needs. It is assumed that a default installation of SAP has been performed. If this is not the case, you may find that the installation steps differ in your R/3 system. You must customize SAP before you can link documents to it. The customization work is necessary to configure the CAD Interface to your needs. Additionally, you must verify a number of parameters and certify that everything is configured properly. This chapter discusses the following topics: • Configuring the Manage component, page 53 • Configuring Document Management Control Data, page 55 • Configuring general data, page 60 • Configuring CAD integration, page 67 • Configuring general data sub-levels, page 69 The examples in this chapter also assume a SAP default installation. Conguring the Manage component The complete customization is done in the same SAP menu from SAPGUI. Conguring the Manage and View components To congure the Manage and View components for 3.x: 1. Start SAPGUI and connect to R/3. The SAP R/3 window appears. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 53 Conguring the DMS Interface for the Manage and View Components 2. Type /nspro in the command field. A dialog box may or may not be displayed. 3. Click Enter. 4. Click the Enterprise IMG button, F5 or click on the button for your specific project if you configure your system on a project basis. The Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing screen appears: 5. Click on Cross-Application Components, then click on Document Management from the expanded list of items. To congure the Manage and View components for 4.0: 1. Start SAPGUI and connect to R/3. The SAP R/3 window appears. 2. Type /nspro in the command field. A dialog box may or may not be displayed. 3. Click Enter. 4. Select Implement Projects>SAP Reference IMG (or click on the button for your specific project if you configure your system on a project basis). The Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing screen appears: 5. Click on Cross-Application Components, then click on Document Management System from the expanded list of items. Opening the Document Management Control Data window To open this window for 3.x: 1. Type /nspro in the command field. A dialog box may or may not be displayed. 2. Click Enter. 3. Click the Enterprise IMG button, F5 (or click on the button for your specific project if you configure your system on a project basis). The Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizingscreen appears: 4. 54 Click on Cross-Application Components, then click on Document Management from the expanded list of items. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Conguring the DMS Interface for the Manage and View Components To open this window for 4.x: 1. Type /nspro in the command field. 2. Select SAP Reference IMG (or click on the button for your specific project if you configure your system on a project basis). The Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing window appears: 3. Click on Cross-Application Components, then click on Document Management System from the expanded list of items. This window is the starting point for all configurations described in this chapter. Conguring Document Management Control Data You must verify several parameters in Document Management Control Data for 3.x. 1. To navigate there, single-click on the cabinet icons to expand the selection: 2. Cross-Application Components>Document Management>Control Data. The following four items appear in a list: 3. • Define number ranges for document numbers • Define document types • Maintain object link descriptions • Define object links Click on each item (marked with a green tick and a clock) to configure it. The following sections explain how to do this. You must verify several parameters in Document Management Control data for 4.0. 1. To navigate there, single-click on the cabinet icons to expand the selection: Cross-Application Components>Document Management>Control Data. The following four items appear in a list: 2. • Define number ranges for document numbers • Define document types Click on each item (marked with a green tick and a clock) to configure it. The following sections explain how to do this. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 55 Conguring the DMS Interface for the Manage and View Components You must verify several parameters in Document Management Control data for 4.x. 1. If necessary, open the Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing window and navigate to the Document Management System cabinet. (See Opening the Document Management Control Data window, page 54.) 2. To navigate there, single-click on the cabinet icons to expand the selection: Cross-Application Components>Document Management>Control Data. The following items appear in a list: 3. • Define number ranges for document numbers • Define document types Click on each item (marked with a green tick and a clock) to configure it. The following sections explain how to do this. Dening number ranges for document numbers To check the number ranges: 1. To edit the configuration, click on the Intervals button (marked with a red pen). The Display Number Range Intervals window appears: 2. You should see number ranges configured as in the following example: Table 5-1. Number ranges No. From number To number Ext. 01 00000000000000000001 00000000000000999999 Checked 02 00000000010000000000 00000009999999999999 Unchecked 03 00000010000000000000 99999999999999999999 Checked 04 00000000000001000000 00000000009999999999 Checked 3. Save changes if necessary. 4. Click the Back button twice. This returns you to the Document Management Control Data window. Dening document types To dene document types for 3.x and 4.0: 1. 56 Start SAPGUI and connect to R/3. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Conguring the DMS Interface for the Manage and View Components The SAP R/3 window appears. 2. Type /nspro in the command field. A dialog box may or may not be displayed. 3. Click Enter. 4. Select Implement Projects>SAP Reference IMG Cross-Application Components>Document Management>Define Document Types. A list of your configured Document types appears. 5. Starting with the document type DRW, define the parameters for each document type. Note: Since the PLM type objects are usually drawings, a default value of “DRW” is used. You can always override this setting in the Query Conditions field of the SAP Query Composer (refer to the “Creating, Viewing, and Editing an SAP Query” section of the Content Services for SAP Administration Guide). Example 5-1. You can assign the value of DocumentType as DES for a DES document type. For all document types, you can set the value of DocumentType as one of the following: • DocumentType=* • DocumentType= In this case, no value has been assigned to the parameter. The value for the parameter has been set to blank. 6. Click the box at the beginning of the document type line. 7. Click the magnifying glass button. Define the parameters for DRW as described below. Leave other fields blank. Table 5-2. Field descriptions Parameter Setting Doc. type desc Engin/Des. Drawing Version Assign. Checked Ass. of rev. lev Checked Archiving authorization Checked Change docs Checked Internal number range 02 External number range 01 Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 57 Conguring the DMS Interface for the Manage and View Components Parameter Setting Number exit MCDOKZNR Vers. no. incr. 1 File size 0 8. Save your changes. 9. Click Back twice. This returns you to the Document Management Control Data screen. To dene document types for 4.x: 1. If necessary, open the Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing window and navigate to the Document Management System cabinet. To navigate there, single-click on the cabinet icons to expand the selection: Cross-Application Components > Document Management > Control Data. 2. Select Define Document Types. A list of your configured Document types appears. 3. Starting with the document type DRW, define the parameters for each document type you intend to store within Documentum. Note: Since the PLM type objects are usually drawings, a default value of “DRW” is used. You can always override this setting in the Query Conditions field of the SAP Query Composer (refer to the “Creating, Viewing, and Editing an SAP Query” section of the Content Services for SAP Administration Guide). Example 5-2. You can assign the value of DocumentType as DES for a DES document type. For all document types, you can set the value of DocumentType as one of the following: • DocumentType=* • DocumentType= In this case, no value has been assigned to the parameter. The value for the parameter has been set to blank. 4. Click the box at the beginning of the document type line. 5. Click the magnifying glass button. Define the parameters for DRW as described below. Leave all other fields blank. 58 Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Conguring the DMS Interface for the Manage and View Components Table 5-3. Field descriptions Parameter Setting Doc. type desc Engin/Des. Drawing Version Assign. Checked (optional) Ass. of rev. lev Checked (optional) Archiving authorization Checked Change docs Checked (optional) Internal number range 02 External number range 01 Number exit MCDOKZNR Vers. no. incr. 1 File size 0 6. Save your changes. 7. Click Back twice. You are returned to the Document Management Control Data window. Dening and Maintaining Object Link descriptions To dene and maintain object link descriptions for 3.x: 1. Verify that the following three items are configured and the names are spelled exactly as follows: Table 5-4. Object Link descriptions Lang. Object Name E EQUI Equipment master E IFLOT Functional location E MARA Material master 2. Click Back. This returns you to the Document Management Control Data screen. To dene and maintain object link descriptions for 4.0 and 4.x: 1. Select the document type. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 59 Conguring the DMS Interface for the Manage and View Components 2. Select Document Types>Maintain Object Link Descriptions. 3. Verify that the following three items are configured and the names are spelled exactly as follows: Table 5-5. Object Link descriptions Lang. Object Name EN EQUI Equipment master EN IFLOT Functional location EN MARA Material master 4. Click Back twice. You are returned to the Document Management Control Data window. Conguring general data This section explains how to configure several required parameters that are usually not configured in a default R/3 installation. To congure general data for 3.x and 4.0: 1. Start SAPGUI and connect to R/3. The SAP R/3 window appears. 2. Type /nspro in the command field. A dialog box may or may not be displayed. 3. Click Enter. 4. Select Implement Projects>SAP Reference IMG Cross-Application Components>Document Management>General Data. 5. Close the Document Management Control Data screen and navigate to the General Data level. The following items are listed: 6. 60 • Define data carrier types • Define data carriers • Identify front-end computers • Define workstation applications • Define workstation applications in network Click on each item (marked with a green tick and a clock) to configure it. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Conguring the DMS Interface for the Manage and View Components The following sections explain how to do this. To congure general data for 4.x: 1. If necessary, open the Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing window and navigate to the Document Management System cabinet. (To navigate there, single-click on the cabinet icons to expand the selection: Cross-Application Components>Document Management>General Data.) 2. Select General Data. The following items are listed: 3. • Define data carrier • Define workstation application • Maintain CAD systems Click on each item (marked with a green tick and a clock) to configure it. The following sections explain how to do this. Dening Data Carrier and Data Carrier Types Select Define data carrier from the list. This section describes how to configure the following settings under the Define Data Carrier Type window: • Define data carrier type “external DMS” • Define “external DMS” (document management system) • Define data carrier type “server, front end” • Identify frontend computers Dening external DMS To congure the DMS for 4.0: 1. Click the New Entries Button. 2. Define the following parameters: 3. • Data Car. = DOCUMENTUM • TY = EX • Description = Documentum Save the new entry. You should then go on to define the data carrier type “server, front end”. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 61 Conguring the DMS Interface for the Manage and View Components To congure the DMS for 4.x: 1. Select Define external DMS 2. Click the New Entries Button. 3. Define the following parameters: • TY = EX • Description = Documentum • Online and EX checked 4. Select “Define External DMS”. 5. Create a Data Carrier called “Documentum” of type EX with description = Documentum. 6. Save the new entry. You should then go on to define the data carrier type “server, front end”. Dening data carrier type “server, front end” Use the following procedure to congure a new carrier type for 3.x: 1. 2. Verify that type PC exists in the listing. • If the type PC exists verify the parameters listed in step 2. • If the type PC does not exist, click the New Entries button and set the parameters as listed in step 2. Define the following parameters: • Data car. type = PC • Online = checked • Printer = unchecked • Vault = unchecked • Ex = checked • CAD System = DEMO • Description = External DMS 3. Save your changes. 4. Exit this dialog. 5. Click Back. You should then go on to define the data carrier Use the following procedure to congure a new carrier type for 4.0 and 4.x 1. 62 Verify that type PC exists in the listing. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Conguring the DMS Interface for the Manage and View Components 2. • If the type PC exists, verify the parameters listed in step 2. • If the type PC does not exist, click the New Entries button and set the parameters as listed in step 2. Define the following parameters: • Type = PC • Description = Windows PC • Online = Checked • The Path entry should be left blank. 3. Save your changes. 4. Exit this dialog. 5. Click Back. You should then go on to define the data carrier. Identifying Front-end computers Use the following procedure to congure a default front-end computer (if not already congured) for 3.x: 1. Click the New Entries button. 2. Define the following parameters: • DataCar = DEFAULT • Ty = PC • Net address = DEFAULT • Description = Windows View component for default PC. 3. Save your changes. 4. Exit this dialog. 5. Click Back. You should then go on to define the workstation applications. Use the following procedure to congure a default front-end computer (if not already congured) for 4.0 and 4.x: 1. Navigate to the Define data carrier type “server, front end” option and select the type PC. 2. Select Identify frontend computers from the navigation area. 3. Make sure that the following entry is defined: • FrontendComputer. = DEFAULT Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 63 Conguring the DMS Interface for the Manage and View Components • Data carr. type = PC • Netw. address = DEFAULT • Description = Default for local PC. Note: If DEFAULT is not defined, check to see if it has been defined under a different data carrier. If this is the case, continue to use this data carrier from now on, instead of PC. 4. Save your changes. 5. Exit this dialog. 6. Click Back. You should then go on to define the workstation applications. Dening workstation application This section describes how to configure the following settings under the Document Management System Control Data window[Symbol_ZapfDingbats_228] General Data[Symbol_ZapfDingbats_228]Define workstation application section. The following entries must be configured in this window: • Define workstation application • Define workstation applications in network To congure a workstation application for 3.x: 1. Click the New Entries button. 2. Define the following parameters: • WS application = DCM • StartAut = checked • Description = Documentum View component • All the other check boxes must be unchecked 3. Save your changes. 4. Exit this dialog. 5. Click Back. You should then proceed to define the Workstation Applications in a Network. To congure a workstation application for 4.0 and 4.x: 64 1. Navigate to the “Define workstation application” settings in the Workstation Application dialog. 2. Click the New Entries button. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Conguring the DMS Interface for the Manage and View Components 3. Define the following parameters: • WS application = DCM • Description = Documentum View component • Start authorization = checked • All other fields should be left empty. • All the other check boxes must be unchecked 4. Save your new entry. 5. Exit this dialog. Dening workstation applications in network To congure a workstation application in the network for 3.x: 1. Click the New Entries Button. Define the following parameters: • DataCar type = PC • Applic. = DCM • ApplTyp = 1 (Display) You can configure Content Services to provide a print button in addition to a view one. This option is not available under WebView. To configure printing, add an identical entry which has the ApplTyp = 3 (Print) and define the program as dmview.exe /print %f • Program = dmview.exe If you have installed the View component somewhere other than the default SAP main program directory, you must define the path. If you installed WebView for viewing documents, you should define the Program as: dmwebview.exe %f host/rs-bin/RightSite.dll This configuration may look different for a UNIX Web server. • SourcePath = [leave this field empty] • StartAuth = Yes • Description = Documentum View component 2. Save your changes. 3. Exit this dialog. 4. Click Back. This is the final task for document management customization. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 65 Conguring the DMS Interface for the Manage and View Components To congure a workstation application in the network for 4.0: 1. Navigate to the “Define workstation applications” settings in the Workstation Application dialog. 2. Select the DCM entry and navigate to “Define workstation applications in network”. 3. Click New Entries and enter the following parameters: • WS application = DCM (this entry is read only) • Data carr. type = PC • Application Type = 1 (Display) You can configure Content Services to provide a print button in addition to a view one. This option is not available under WebView. To configure printing, add an identical entry which has the Application Type = 3 (Print) and define the program as dmview.exe /print %f • Path with prog. name = dmview.exe If you have installed the View component somewhere other than the default SAP main program directory, you must define the path. If you installed WebView for viewing documents, you should define the Program as: dmwebview.exe %f host/rs-bin/RightSite.dll This configuration may look different for a UNIX Web server. • Path for ref. file = [leave this field empty] • Start Authorization = Yes 4. Save your changes. 5. Exit this dialog. 6. Click Back. To congure a workstation application in the network for 4.x: 1. Navigate to the “Define workstation applications” settings in the Workstation Application dialog. 2. Select the DCM entry and navigate to “Define workstation applications in network”. 3. Click New Entries. Under 4.6, it is not possible to pass program arguments. For example, this means that it is not possible to launch dmview.exe with program arguments such as /PRINT to trigger the print function or the arguments required to use anonymous login. To get around this problem, see OSS notes: 0135155 and 0105208. 4. Enter the following parameters: • 66 WS application = DCM (this entry is read-only) Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Conguring the DMS Interface for the Manage and View Components • Data carr. type = PC • Application Type = 1 (Display) • Path with prog. name = dmview.exe If you have installed the View component somewhere other than the default SAP main program directory, you must define the path. If you have installed WebView for viewing documents, you must define the program as dmwebview.exe. (The previous note about passing program arguments applies also to dmview.exe. For example, If webview.exe is called without command line parameters, the user is prompted to fill in the host name under which the Web application runs. To get around this problem, see OSS notes: 0135155 and 0105208.) This configuration may look different for a UNIX Web server. • Path for ref. file = [leave this field empty] • Start Authorization = X (yes) 5. Save your changes. 6. Exit this dialog. 7. Click Back. Maintaining CAD systems To congure and verify the CAD systems for 4.x: 1. Select Maintain CAD Systems. 2. Click New Entries. 3. Enter the following parameters: • CAD System = DEMO • Description = Documentum. 4. Save your changes. 5. Exit this dialog. Conguring CAD integration Go up one level and enter the CAD Integration configuration area of the IMG guide. Select the Define control parameters entry. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 67 Conguring the DMS Interface for the Manage and View Components To congure and verify the control parameters for 3.x and 4.0: 1. Start SAPGUI and connect to R/3. The SAP R/3 window appears. 2. Type /NSPRO in the command field. A dialog box may or may not be displayed. 3. Click Enter. 4. Select Implement Projects>SAP Reference IMG Cross-Application Components>Document Management>CAD Integration. 5. Edit or verify the following parameters: • Max. number of matchcode recs = 50 • Separator in data-string = @ (hex 40) • Max. length of send string = 03001 The remaining parameters on this screen are not relevant and do not need to be edited. 6. Save your changes. 7. Exit this dialog. Save the settings even if nothing was modified. The parameters given above are the default parameters. You may receive an error message here stating that control parameters are not defined for the current client. If this happens, save the settings even if you have not modified anything. To congure and verify the control parameters for 4.x: 1. Select CAD Integration. 2. Edit or verify the following parameters: • Max. number of matchcode recs = 50 • Separator in data-string = @ (hex 40) • Max. length of send string = 03001 The remaining parameters on this window are not relevant and do not need to be edited. 3. Save your changes. 4. Exit this dialog. Save the settings even if nothing was modified. The parameters given above are the default parameters. 68 Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Conguring the DMS Interface for the Manage and View Components You may receive an error message here stating that control parameters are not defined for the current client. If this happens, save the settings even if you have not modified anything. Conguring general data sub-levels This section describes how to verify the basic configuration values for the sub-levels associated with the CAD Integration General Data level. Verifying the values in the general data sub-levels ensures that the CAD Interface is properly configured. This interface is defined with a number of tables that are configured for client 000 for 3.x and 100 for 4.x when the SAP server is installed. Because these tables are not always duplicated to other clients it’s important to verify them. Note: The lists displayed in this manual do not show the complete tables but they show items that must be there. If the number of items in your tables is much lower than the numbers given in this manual, then your tables may not be complete. In this case, copy a new set of tables from client 000. Do not try to enter these values manually. Dening functions Use the Position button to verify that the following items in the table are defined. This table must contain about 180 entries:. Table 5-6. Function values Proc. Code Sub-process code DOCCH DO DOCCR MR DOCRQ CL EQUIRQ MR MATRQ MR Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 69 Conguring the DMS Interface for the Manage and View Components Allocating eld sets The following entries must be configured. This step allows you to verify whether the CAD system name as configured in Defining Data Carrier and Data Carrier Types, page 61 is correct. Use the position button to find the following items: • CAD system = DEMO • Proc. Code = DOCCR • Sub -process code = MR • Direction = U • Set name = DCCRDAT Dening eld sets (CAD->SAP) Choose General Data>Define field sets>CAD>SAP to define CAD Field Sets. This table contains more than 300 items. The following items must be configured: Table 5-7. CAD eld sets 70 Field set Field name DCCRDAT DOC_NUMBER DCCRDAT DOC_TYPE DCCRDAT DOC_PART DCCRDAT DOC_VERS DCCRDAT DESCRIPT_D DCCRDAT DISP_APPL DCCRDAT DATA_CARR DCCRDAT ORIGINAL DCCRDAT PROTOCOL Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Chapter 6 Conguring SAP for PP-PI Documentum Content Services for SAP allows you to link documents stored in a Documentum repository to an SAP PP-PI (Production Planning for Process Industries) instruction sheet. Documents are thus directly accessible from SAP PP-PI sheets. SAP PP-PI modules control the manufacturing process in process industry environments. PP-PI allows you to define hyperlinks to external applications, enabling you to retrieve documents (such as recipes or SOPs) from a Documentum repository by using a configurable query together with specific parameters. This mechanism is very flexible and is independent of the Documentum or ArchiveLink system. Documents are linked to SAP PP-PI with a query stored in Documentum. This information in this chapter assumes that the Content Services View is installed on at least one PC and that the Documentum repository is configured according to your business needs. You must customize the SAP server before you can use hyperlinks from a PP-PI sheet. This section explains how to create and configure the mandatory new process instruction categories. These concepts are described in the following sections: • Configuring the Process Instruction category, page 71 • Defining Process Instruction category DCTM, page 72 • Configuring the Characteristics/Process Instruction category, page 72 Conguring the Process Instruction category To get into the SAP customization menu follow these steps: 1. Start SAPGUI and connect to R/3. 2. To invoke the SAP configuration tool, type /nspro into the command field. A dialog box appears. 3. Click Enter to exit the dialog box. 4. Click the Enterprise IMG button (or click your specific project if you configure your system on a project base). Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 71 Conguring SAP for PP-PI This brings you to Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing window. 5. Navigate to the process instruction categories subfolder. To get there, click Production Planning for Process Industries folder>Process management>Process instructions>Process instruction categories for the R/3 PI sheet. 6. Click on Define Process Instruction Categories. Dening Process Instruction category DCTM To congure a new Process Instruction category: 1. Click the New Entries Button. 2. Define the category DCTM: • Process Instr.type’ type must be 6. • Description is ‘Documentum Content Services’. 3. Save the new item. 4. Click Back to return to the previous window. Conguring the Characteristics/Process Instruction category To congure the Characteristics/Process Instruction category: You must have a screen resolution of at least 600x800 to be able to enter characteristics of the new process instruction category. 1. Click on Characteristics/Process instruction category. 2. Enter the value for PPPI_FUNCTION_NAME. The default value for this field is WS_EXECUTE 3. Enter the value for PPPI_BUTTON_TEXT. The default value is Show Related Documents. This text can be changed to reflect your customized installation. 4. Enter the value for PPPI_EXPORT_PARAMETER. The default value for this field is ‘PROGRAM’ 5. Enter the value for PPPI_STRING_CONSTANT. This field specifies the absolute path or relative path (if installation directory is in the PATH environment variable on every PC) of the Content Services View executable. 72 Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Conguring SAP for PP-PI The default location of the Content Services View executable is the SAPGUI installation directory. This is a system-wide setting. The maximum numbers of characters is 30. 6. Enter the value for PPPI_EXPORT_PARAMETER. The default value for this field is COMMANDLINE. 7. Enter the value for PPPI_STRING_CONSTANT. The value of this field is the command line passed to Content Services View. You may either leave this field blank for now, or enter the repository name and the query name. The command line has some constraints: 8. • The maximum string length is 30 characters. • All letters are capitalized. Enter the value for the characteristics described below. Table 6-1. Field descriptions Characteristic Default characteristic value / Comments PPPI_FUNCTION_NAME WS_EXECUTE PPPI_BUTTON_TEXT Show Related Documents This text can be changed to reflect your customized installation. PPPI_EXPORT_PARAMETER PROGRAM PPPI_STRING_CONSTANT This field specifies the absolute path or relative path (if installation directory is in the PATH environment variable on every PC) of the Content Services View executable. The default location of the Content Services View executable is the SAPGUI installation directory. This is a system-wide setting. The maximum numbers of characters is 30. Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 73 Conguring SAP for PP-PI Characteristic Default characteristic value / Comments PPPI_EXPORT_PARAMETER COMMANDLINE PPPI_STRING_CONSTANT The value of this field is the command line passed to Content Services View. You may either leave this field blank for now, or enter the repository name and the query name. The command line has some constraints: • The maximum string length is 30 characters. • All letters are capitalized. 9. Save your changes. 10. Exit this dialog. 74 Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Index A Administrative Console, 15 Agent services, 15 ALF, 38, 40 ALF class, 16 ALF format, 16 Anonymous Login protocol, 29 archived and deleting documents, deleting, 42 archived data, 16 archived Print List displaying in SAPGUI, 41 ArchiveLink Monitor window, 41 archiving Print List, 40 archiving reports testing, 40 Archiving request window, 41 Archiving Server, 14 asynchronous queue, 21 number ranges, 21 optical archive as output device, 22 content repositories, 33 Content Services, see Content Services for SAP Content Services for SAP, 7 defined, 13 Content Services for SAP administrator, 7 Content Services server, 38 creating queues, 21 creating links, 7 CS for SAP, see Content Services for SAP D CAD field sets, 70 CAD Integration, configuring, 67 capture operator, 7 class ALF, 16 FAX, 16 OTF, 16 REO, 16 configuration procedures, 36, 67 configuring basic settings, 20 Manage, 53 DB2, 7 defining document types, 38 links, 39 logical ArchiveID, 20 deleting archived and linked documents, 42 displaying archived Print List in SAPGUI, 41 dmview.exe, 65 to 67 document incoming, 16 outgoing, 16 scanned, 16 supported formats in SAP, 16 document controller, 7 document formats, supported in SAP, 16 Document Management General Data, 64 to 66, 69 document types ALF, 38 defining, 38 FAX, 38 OTF, 38 REO, 38 Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP 75 B bar codes, 44 basic settings, configuring, 20 C Index documents, 42, 55 F f.21, 40 FAX, 38, 42 FAX class, 16 field sets, allocating, 70 format ALF, 16 PDF, 16 REO, 16 Tiff, 16 frequency of archival, 22 G General Data, 69 to 70 I P Inline Print List Viewer protocol, 30 intended audience, 7 PDF format, 16 prerequisites system administrator, 7 Print List, 40 archived, displaying in SAPGUI, 41 archiving, 40 Print Lists, 16 ALF class, 16 ALF format, 16 protocol Anonymous Login, 29 Inline Print List Viewer, 30 purpose of the guide, 7 J jobs, scheduling, 22 L linking, 42 links defining, 39 logical ArchiveID defining, 20 Q M queues, creating, 21 maintaining links, 7 Manage, 53 to 55 R N number ranges, configuring, 21 O oaa4, 27 oaat, 22 oac0, 20, 33 OAC0, 34 76 oac2, 38 oac3, 39 oadr, 41 oag1, 20 oam1, 21 oanr, 21 oaq1, 21 oaqi, 21 OAWS, 42 OLE, application, 25 optical archive, configuring as output device, 22 Oracle, 7 OTF, 38 OTF class, 16 output device configuring logical archive as, 22 releasing documents to SAP, 7 REO, 38 REO class, 16 REO format, 16 Reports, see Print Lists RFC destination archive, 36 S SAP print spooler, 24 Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP Index supported document formats in, 16 transaction code, f.21, 40 transaction code, oaat, 22 transaction code, oac0, 20, 33 transaction code, oac2, 38 transaction code, oac3, 39 transaction code, oadr, 41 transaction code, oag1, 20 transaction code, oam1, 21 transaction code, oanr, 21 transaction code, oaq1, 21 transaction code, oaqi, 21 transaction code, sm50, 24 transaction code, spad, 22 transaction code, spro, 19 SAP Document Classes customizing, 33 SAP Server, 53 to 55 SAP Workflow, 43 SAPGUI ArchiveLink Monitor window, 41 Archiving request window, 41 displaying archived Print List in, 41 Queue Administrator field, 21 scanning documents, 7 scheduling jobs, 22 settings, 42 sm50, 24 SM59, 36 to 37 SOLE, 25 spad, 22 SPO process, 24 spool process, 24 spool processes, verifying, 24 spro, 19 SQL Server, 7 standard user, 7 supported databases, 7 DB2, 7 Oracle, 7 SQL Server, 7 Sybase, 7 supported document formats in SAP, 16 ALF class, 16 Conguring SAP R/3 for Content Services for SAP ALF format, 16 FAX class, 16 OTF class, 16 PDF format, 16 REO class, 16 REO format, 16 Tiff format, 16 Sybase, 7 system administrator, 7 prerequisites, 7 T test scanning, 44 testing the connection, 37 Tiff format, 16 transaction code f.21, 40 oaat, 22 oac0, 20, 33 oac2, 38 oac3, 39 oadr, 41 oag1, 20 oam1, 21 oanr, 21 oaq1, 21 oaqi, 21 sm50, 24 spad, 22 spro, 19 Transfer drctry field, 20 U ueue Administrator field, 21 user roles, 7 V verifying, spool processes, 24 View, 53 to 55 W WebAdmin, 15 77