Parent Newsletter Term 1 Week 6 2014

“In All Things May God Be Glorified”
Our Lady of the
Nativity School
Term 1 Week 6
Monday 3rd March 2014
OLN Parish Priest
Fr Paul Slyney
In the Parish of Our Lady of the Nativity
The Core Value for this term is Respect.
Dear Parents and community members,
Ash Wednesday commences the Church’s
season of Lent this week. The children will be
participating in a liturgy of the Word at
11.15a.m. Parents and guardians are very
welcome to attend.
Within the Catholic Church anyone under
the age of 14 are not expected to fast on Ash
Wednesday or on any other day, however,
students are often guided to set a goal that
contributes to making an improvement for
another. Some children choose to do a chore
to help out around dinnertime, others plan to
keep their room tidy, some hope to save
money and donate a dollar to Project
Compassion; others endeavour to grow in
prayer. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone
giving up playing their digital game for Lent,
but I have overheard teenagers saying they
had temporarily closed their social media
accounts for this season that leads into Holy
Week and Easter, what a time saver!
Although children are not required to fast
during Lent, choosing a goal that they
understand and is able to be worked towards
seems a good idea. This ancient tradition of
fasting remains an opportunity for the
potential of sacrifice to be learnt, and the
action of making a contribution experienced.
For Christians it is an action integrating faith
and reliance on the spirit to strengthen
character. The season of Lent sits well in
contemporary times; to know you have the
power to stand alone separate from the
crowd is a ‘muscle’ worth flexing from time to
On a totally different note, traffic flow in
Somers Street has always been a subject of
some concern, given the volume of users and
the narrowness of the street itself. In the
past, the OLN School community has been
asked to NOT park on the Eastern side
(Sydney side) of Somers Street for the full
length of the School boundary. This request
is in consideration of our neighbours and
has been practice since 2007. Please ensure
you follow this request if you are using
Somers Street. An alternative suggestion is to
use the marked parking spaces at the top of
Somers Street or the parking located in the
assistance in this matter is greatly
With my best regards,
Michael Cowley
Friday 11th April 2014 will be a Staff Development Day/Pupil Free Day at Our
Lady of the Nativity School. There will be NO SUPERVISION for students on this day.
The topic being addressed on the day will be Literacy.
Today your family will have received a Project Compassion money box as part of our school’s
fundraising mission for Term One.
Project Compassion is Caritas Australia’s annual fundraising and awareness raising appeal
that brings thousands of Australians into solidarity with the world's poor to help end poverty,
promote justice and uphold dignity.
Running through the six weeks of Lent each year, Project Compassion is an extraordinary,
ongoing demonstration of the faith, love and generosity of caring supporters, all in the name
of justice and peace. It is the lifeblood of Caritas Australia; without it, they could not do the
vital work they do.
Project Compassion 2014 carries Jesus’ commitment for all for a life of abundance: “I have
come so that they may have life and have it to the full.”
When reflecting on this verse, Pope Francis said: “Men and women of all times and all places
desire a full and beautiful life... a life that is not threatened by death but that can mature and
grow to its fullness.”
The Project Compassion 2014 fundraising campaign, aims to support Caritas Australia’s work
towards making this desire for a full and beautiful life, a reality.
I have witnessed the life enriching work that Caritas perform first hand, as I worked alongside
them on a special housing mission in Lima, Peru last year, and I encourage you to support
our appeal for funds so that they may continue to build a better world for all.
On Tuesday, 4th March (Week 6), pancakes will be on sale at the school canteen at recess.
This will form part of our fundraising activities for Project Compassion and will sell at a cost of
50c for two pancakes. Please try to have the correct money.
This Wednesday our school will celebrate the beginning of Lent with a liturgy for Ash
Wednesday. It will begin in the church at 11.15am with a Liturgy of the Word and the
collection of Ashes. Students will return to their classrooms to receive their Ashes. Parents are
welcome to attend the liturgy in the church and there will be an opportunity for parents to
receive the sign of Ashes during this time if they are unable to attend the Parish Mass.
Dates for your calendar:
3rd March: Project Compassion begins
4th March: Shrove Tuesday pancake fundraiser
5th March: Ash Wednesday liturgy at 11.15am
9th - 15th March: Catholic Schools Week
13th March: Year 2 at Parish Mass 9.00am
16th March: Year 2 at Sunday Mass and Parish St Patrick’s Day celebration
17th March: St Patrick’s Day mufti fundraiser.
Mrs Joanne Potts (Acting REC)
Term 1 Week 6
Page 2
What’s on this Week!
The Tuckshop is open each Monday and
4th March
Breakfast is available on both Tuckshop
OLN Parish Mass Times Saturday 5pm & Sunday 8:30am
for Caritas
5th March
(Correct change would be appreciated)
 Tuckshop Open
 Sport Stage 2
 Sport K, Yr 1, Yr2
 Japanese
 Drama
50 cents for two (2)
 9am Book Club for Adults
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Fundraiser
Pancakes on sale at Morning Tea time.
 Sport Stage 3
 ASH WEDNESDAY Liturgy 11:15am OLN
7th March
Week 6 Tuesday 4th March
 Music
 10:30am Shrove Tuesday Pancake Fundraiser
Please note: there have been some Price
increases, effective this Term, so please
use the Summer Menu for Term 1 2014.
 Banking
8th March
(Week 7)
 Mercy Forum
OLMC Parramatta
Women, Four Voices, One Mission”
 Tuckshop Open
 Toddlers Group 8:45-11am
 Book Club for Adults 9-10am
 Stage 3 Visit to Bodington
St Patrick’s Day
11th March
 Banking
 Music
—Mufti Day
 9am Josephites Assoc Meeting
 6pm OLN Parent Teacher Evening
Monday 17th March (Week 8)
Come dressed in your best GREEN
mufti clothes and bring a gold coin
donation and help us raise funds for
Sensible mufti clothes
footwear is essential.
16th March
17th March
(Week 8)
 Book Club for Adults 9-10am
 1:45pm Sharing Talents
 7pm Josephites Assoc Meeting
13th March
 Tuckshop Open
 Sport Stage 2
 St Columba’s Visit to Year 6
 Year 2 Parish Mass 9:30am
 11:30am OLN Parish St Patrick’s
Day Celebration
 Sport Stage 3
14th March
 Sport K, Yr 1, Yr2
 Japanese
 Tuckshop Open
 Drama
 Toddlers Group 8:45-11am
 Whole School Assembly Yr 2 2pm
 St Patrick’s Day Mufti Day & Gold Coin
 Newsletter issued
Term 1 Week 6
More Dates
Page 3
“In All Things May God Be Glorified”
Our Lady of the Nativity School
7 Somers Street Lawson NSW 2783
Dear Parents & Carers,
Parents you may have heard of The Premier's
Reading Challenge, but last year we began The
Our Lady of the Nativity Reading Challenge to
encourage more students to participate. We
found that in the past there were difficulties
logging in for students/parents at home and
hence we decided to run a reading challenge
using the same guidelines as PRC. At the end of
the challenge students get a beautiful certificate
from the school and also the chance to win a
$50.00 book voucher from Glee Books.
As parents and educators we want our children
to develop a life-long enjoyment of reading and
hence this competition encourages the reading
of diverse recommended quality texts. Of course
we know you don't necessarily have to be in a
competition to love reading.
K-2 students are to read 30 books (25 PRC titles),
3-6 are to read 20 books (15 PRC titles). For the
young children, especially Kinders, parents read
the picture books to their child and read together
sight words they recognise. Visit the Premier's
Reading Challenge website to see details. Your
child will receive a reading log that needs to be
completed and sent back by the end of August.
Many PRC books are marked inside or with
stickers on the outside and children will be
assisted when borrowing.
Happy Reading
Maree Crawford Teacher/Librarian
Phone: 02 47591787
Fax: 02 47592605
Pre-paid envelopes have been sent home
previously. Each child must have their own
separate envelope, even if payment is enclosed
in a sibling’s envelope. Please ensure the correct
money is placed in the envelopes, change cannot
be given on photo day. Cheques are acceptable
and should be made out to The School
Photographer. (Promises to pay at a later day are
not accepted.) Photos can also be paid online at
The envelopes (no Cash no Cheques) can be
handed back to your child’s class teacher and will
be kept in a safe place and handed to the
children on photo day. Alternatively, your child
can give their envelope directly to the
photographer (money/payment enclosed) on the
We will commence with Year 2 first at approx
9am and work our way through the other classes,
ending with the Seniors. All students, plus class
teacher(s) will be photographed in the class
photograph regardless of whether or not they
are purchasing photos. The Family photos will be
taken after the class photos and a separate
envelope, including payment must be used for
these photo orders. (Family envelopes are
available from the Office)
The children will need to be dressed in their
Summer School Uniform (not Sports Uniform, no
polo shirts) and be neat and tidy in appearance.
Photos will be taken WITHOUT jumpers. All
students’ shirts must be tucked in.
The Uniform Shop is open each Thursday from 8:30am. Donations of good quality uniform items are
greatly appreciated. Please do not send in items that you would not consider appropriate for your own
child to wear.
The cost of Clothing Pool items of particularly good quality will be $5 per item.
Thanks to the additional volunteers who have offered their time to assist Mrs Himmelreich in the
Uniform Shop.
2014 OLN School Council President’s Report
A big thanks to all members who have attended meetings and helped at various events
throughout 2013. We have had consistent attendance from all members this year, which has
contributed to the smooth running of this council. A particular thank you to our executive,
Sharon, Louisa and Gerrin who have put in many, many hours of work.
The main goals for the school council this year were:
To raise money with a primary focus on “the Spring Fair”
To promote the role of the School Council within the parent body and making it more user
friendly and its business more transparent.
To contribute to the building of the OLN community
We have had a very successful year of fundraising and donated $10 000 to the school that has
contributed to the purchase of new technological devices and an upgrade of existing equipment.
The majority of money raised in 2013 came from the Spring Fair which was hugely successful
thanks to the dedicated and meticulous organization of Sharon Debien, dedicated stall holders
(particularly Srs Anna and Maureen whose stall raised the most) and parents digging deep on
the day. The OLN shopping trip was also once again a good fundraiser; thanks to Louisa
Harrison for bringing this together.
We have been faced with a number challenges (one new, one old) this year in relation to
fundraising. The first one is the increasing difficulties in conducting fundraising when money
cannot be handled through the office and the second one is given the small population of OLN
how do we sustain fundraising activities and share/promote the fundraising responsibilities
across the parent body.
We have had a number of community building events within our community that have brought
families together such as the Welcome BBQ, a number of Morning Teas following school events,
organized by Louisa Harrison and a working bee, organized by Greg Hill.
As a group we have identified the need for school council to support and actively promote OLN’s
place within the parish and the wider community through a stronger presence at local
community events such as the Love Lawson Festival.
We broadened our horizon a little this year and had a representative from School council (Josh
McKinnon) attend the Catholic Schools Conference and engaged in some minor lobbying re
school funding and road safety concerns.
All in all a productive year!
Cate Munro
2014 OLN School Council Office Bearers
President: Louisa Harrison
Vice President: Jenni O’Brien-Neal
Treasurer: Gerin James
Secretary: Sharon Debien
General Members
Clare Zugami, Bernadette Kerr, Lynne Briggs, Greg Hill, Leisel Huckel,
Mark Hanlon, Rachael Rayner, Diana Taylor, Michelle Cole
Saturday, 8 March (8pm – 10pm)
Science from the World's Biggest Telescope: The Square Kilometre Array
Dr Nick Seymour from CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science will discuss Australia's SKA
Pathfinder, currently under construction in WA, and his work with it. He will further discuss
the science to be done with the SKA in Australia and South Africa. The night will also include
a 3D astronomy movie that will run for 15-20 minutes, a tour of the dome area and stargazing
through various computerised telescopes. Our program will run regardless of the weather.
$15 adult, $10 child/concession and $40 family.
Bookings are essential: Book and pay online:, What’s On
Phone (02)4736 0135 or email
Roslyn McCourt l Administrative Officer
School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics
Tel: 02 4736 0135
Email: l
Office Hours: Mon, Wed and Thurs 8.30 am - 3.00 pm
The school fee statements for Term 1, 2014 were mailed out recently. The due date for
payment is on or before 7th March, unless alternative payment arrangements have been
made. If you have not received your statement could you please contact the office asap.
If you are experiencing difficulties with the payment of your school fees, please do not
hesitate to contact the office to arrange an appointment with the Principal. Please note that
as part of this process you may be required to complete a Statement of Financial Position
so that the Principal is aware of your current financial situation. All information provided
is treated with complete confidentiality.
School fees can be paid by Postbillpay, Bpay, EFTPOS, Direct Debit, cash or cheque.
All outstanding fees will be forwarded to the Catholic Education Office for their attention.
(MOB 0427941855)
Dear Parents/Carers,
Offers of Workshops
These school parents, or parishioners have offered to share these skills on a Wednesday afternoon from 1.40 –
2.50. We are very grateful for their generosity. When we have an idea of how many are interested in each, we
will work out the dates for each workshop. Please let me know if you are interested in any. Some have emailed
interest already. Either put your name in one of the boxes and return to Sr Maureen or ring her on 0427941855.
We would like to start the first session with Lisa Gorman (Public Speaking) on Wednesday 12th March. Thanks
Preparing Resumes and preparing for
interviews - Liesel Huckel
Basic Car Maintenance - Greg Hill.
Bernadette Kerr.
Geordine Britten
Rebecca Canning
Sr Anna
Michelle Wedesweiller
Cheryl Ambrosoli
Basic drawing skills – Lorraine Phillips
Crocheting – Sr Anna
Sylvia Himmelreich
Sr Maureen
Michelle Wedesweiller
Mary McGowen
Sue Casey
Wendy Starkey
Lidia de Vroome
Anne Gilmour
Sylvia Himmelreich
Tina Hanlon
Rebecca Canning
Making tomato relish or choko/cauliflower
pickles – Sr Anna
Public speaking or self- esteem and
confidence – Lisa Gorman
Rosemary Pearson
Sylvia Himmelreich,
Michelle Wedesweiler
Tina Hanlon
Mary McGowen
Cindy Mann
Libby Mundy (public speaking)
Tamarae Griffiths
Geordine Britten
Talk about Franciscan Spirituality – Sue
Effective communication, or personality
testing or team working or coaching and
working with different generations. – Renee
Geordine Britten
Child development, play based learning,
healthy lunch boxes – Kerri Robertson
Toddlers’ Group continues to go really well on a Monday from 8.45 – 11am. All welcome.
Josephite Associate meetings on Tuesday 11th March (9am at St Joseph’s convent – 332 GWH)
and Wednesday 12th March at 7pm. All welcome
It has been wonderful getting to know new families and reconnecting with familiar ones during
visits. Thanks.
A big thank you to all who volunteered to help with the Adopt a nan/pop program at Bodington –
with Stage 3 students. It started extremely well. Thanks Sr Maureen
News from the Bishops Office
St Patrick’s Cathedral Choir, Parramatta
Recruiting male and female singers in all voice parts.Develop vocal skills and learn more about the Catholic faith and
liturgy. Scholarship payments available to singers aged 16-35 who demonstrate music leadership skills. To arrange
an audition, contact the Director of Music, Bernard Kirkpatrick, tel 0430 431 884. For further information, visit
The Francis Effect: Living the Joy of the Gospel
The inspiring insights in this publication put forward by 12 prominent Australian Catholics follow the release of Pope
Francis' Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium. Published by Catholic Mission and Catholic Religious Australia,The Francis Effect: Living the Joy of the Gospel is available free online and in book form.
Contributors to the The Francis Effect include: Fr Noel Connolly SSC, Head of Mission Studies at the Columban Mission Institute; Fr Tim Norton SDV, Australian Provincial of the Society of the Divine Word Missionaries; Julie Edwards, CEO of Jesuit Social Services; and Joe Moloney, Research Officer with the Australian Catholic Migrant and
Refugee Office.
To read The Francis Effect – Living the Joy of the Gospel free online visit
To order a print copy call 1800 257 296 or
Preparing Music for the Easter Triduum
These workshops organised by the Office for Worship include ministerial chants for clergy (priests and deacons),
cantors and choir, with particular focus on the new translations and chants for the Unveiling of the Cross (Good Friday) and the Exsultet (Easter Vigil).
From 7.30pm-9pm on these dates:
13 March at St Patrick’s Cathedral Hall, 1 Marist Plc, Parramatta
20 March at St Nicholas of Myra Parish, 326 High St, Penrith
27 March at St Patrick’s Parish, 51-55 Allawah St, Blacktown
RSVP on the Monday before the workshop you want to attend: Office for Worship tel (02) 8838
Annual World Day of Prayer: 7 March
This year’s theme is ‘Streams in the Desert’. The ecumenical service has been prepared by Christians in Egypt. During the service join with them in prayer for the situation in Egypt. Money from the offerings will be directed to projects
of the Bible Society, particularly in Egypt. The prayer service will be followed by morning tea. From 9-11am in St
John’s Anglican Cathedral, Hunter Street East, opposite the Parramatta Town Hall. Further information tel Pamela
Freeman (02) 9873 1701.
Sisterhood Conference: 7-9 March
Sisterhood is a national Catholic women's movement that seeks to support women from all walks and stages of
life. The conference program includes keynote speakers, workshops, the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, adoration and prayer. Speakers: Sr Mary Rachel OP, Anna Krohn, Patrick Langrell, Fr Steve Fletcher MGL,
Francine Pirola. Venue: The Tops Conference Centre, Stanwell Tops. Cost: $225 includes meals & accom. BYO
sheets, towels, toiletries, etc. Registrations: Felicity Pollard tel 0420 541 772,
Grace & Silence Retreat Day: 8 March
Young women aged 17-30 who are discerning their vocation to marriage, single or consecrated life or who would like
to have a day of recollection are invited to the Schoenstatt Shrine at Mulgoa. Grace & Silence commences with a
short impulse followed by Eucharistic Adoration; silent prayer and reflection and concludes with a group rosary and
afternoon tea. From 9.30am-4.30pm. Cost $20 includes lunch. The Schoenstatt Shrine is at 230 Fairlight Rd,
Mulgoa. For further information and registration contact: Sister M Julie 0408 738 334,
If you have been separated or divorced and would benefit from regular shared discussion evenings
with others who are in a similar situation to you, come along to STEPPING BEYOND on the last Tuesday of each month at CCSS Centre, 51-59 Allawah St, Blacktown, at 7.30pm! You are very likely to be
supported and helped through the sharing of experiences on matters such as “How well are you stepping beyond? What do you want to step beyond? What are you currently stepping beyond? What is stopping you from stepping beyond? What have you learned as you keep stepping beyond?” Venue: CCSS
centre 51-59 Allawah St, Blacktown. Time: 7.30 – 9.30. Cost: $5.00. Registration: or Ph. 99330205
CatholicCare Solo Parent Ministry is commencing an eight session Bereavement Support Program in
Blacktown for men or women who have suffered the death of their spouse or long term partner. They
will be held on every second Tuesday commencing 4th March from 10.00am – 12.00pm at CCSS Centre 51-59 Allawah St Blacktown. Each fortnight we will take a different aspect of grief and have some
input, reflection, sharing and discussion about how grief is affecting you and how you are working
through it. You do not have to commit to the whole 8 Sessions when you come; you may just prefer to
come to Sessions that particularly seem fitted to your need. The first topic is “The Physical Effects of
Grief”. . Details and Registration: or Ph. 99330205
Counsellor I CatholicCare Social Services I Diocese of Parramatta
T: (02) 9933 0205 I F: (02) 9933 0299 I PO Box 2023 North Parramatta NSW 1750 I