Current Economics 2016 - Tim Riley Publications

Current Economics Subscription Form 2016
Please return to the following address:
Tim Riley, Director, Tim Riley Publications Pty Ltd
PO Box 455 DEE WHY NSW 2099 E:
Phone (02) 9972 2059 Fax (02) 9972 0059
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Annual Subscription CE 2016 (six issues)
Class Set CE (10 copies per issue in 2016)
Back Issues CE 2015 (six issues)
The Current Economics (CE) newsletter assists students and
teachers in keeping up to date with current trends, issues and
government policies in the Australian and global economies.
Current Economics features articles on key topics in Australian
secondary economics courses, written and edited by Tim Riley.
Current Economics also includes economic statistics and
budget forecasts; analysis of trends in the Australian economy;
government policies; and briefs on selected economic issues.
Some of the topics covered during 2016 include:
• The Global Economic Outlook in 2016
• Australia’s Economic Prospects in 2016
• Challenges in China’s Future Economic Development
• Recent Trends in Australia’s International Trade
• The Effects of Movements in Australia’s Exchange Rate
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Subscription Form
• The Reserve Bank’s Conduct of Monetary Policy
• Recent Trends in the Labour Market and Unemployment
• The Distribution of Household Income and Wealth
TAX INVOICE PAYMENT (ABN: 30 063 689 412)
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• Fiscal Policy and the 2016-17 Federal Budget
• Microeconomic Reform and Productivity Growth
• Global Economic Development and the World Bank
$121 per year for six issues
($110 + $11 GST)
• Taxation Reform in the Australian Economy
• Competition Policy and Economic Performance
For more information on
Current Economics please contact:
Tim Riley, Director,
Tim Riley Publications Pty Ltd
Telephone (02) 9972 2059
or Fax (02) 9972 0059
PO Box 455 DEE WHY NSW 2099
Written and Edited by Tim Riley
ISSN 1325-9784 ABN 30 063 689 412 ACN 063 689 412
Current Economics articles in 2016
A 20 page newsletter
Six issues per year - bi-monthly
Three informative articles per issue
Student activities written for each article
The latest economic statistics and forecasts
Briefs on selected economic issues
Suitable for teachers, students and librarians
Available in class sets of 10 copies
Analysis of economic theories and issues
Tim Riley Publications Pty Ltd
ABN: 30 063 689 412 ISSN 1325-9784
Single Subscription Fee
$121 p.a. (inc. $11 GST)
Class Set Subscription Fee
$242 p.a. (inc. $22 GST)
*Available in electronic format (PDF)
upon request
January/February 2016
July/August 2016
The Global Economic Outlook in 2016
Tim Riley (Director, Economic Literacy Centre)
Recent Trends in the Labour Market and Unemployment
Tim Riley (Director, Economic Literacy Centre)
Australia’s Economic Prospects in 2016
Tim Riley (Director, Economic Literacy Centre)
The Distribution of Household Income and Wealth
Tim Riley (Director, Economic Literacy Centre)
Challenges in China’s Future Economic Development
Tim Riley (Director, Economic Literacy Centre)
Environmental Sustainability and the Kyoto Protocol
Tim Riley (Director, Economic Literacy Centre)
Economic Brief: The Economic Performance of the States
Economic Brief: The Causes of Unemployment
March/April 2016
September/October 2016
Recent Trends in Australia’s International Trade
Tim Riley (Director, Economic Literacy Centre)
Microeconomic Reform and Productivity Growth
Tim Riley (Director, Economic Literacy Centre)
The Effects of Movements in Australia’s Exchange Rate
Tim Riley (Director, Economic Literacy Centre)
Global Economic Development and the World Bank
Tim Riley (Director, Economic Literacy Centre)
The Roles of the IMF, WTO, World Bank and BIS
Tim Riley (Director, Economic Literacy Centre)
Recent Trends in Inflation and Wages Growth
Tim Riley (Director, Economic Literacy Centre)
Economic Brief: The Terms of Trade and Commodity Prices
Economic Brief: Headline and Underlying Inflation
May/June 2016
November/December 2016
Fiscal Policy and the 2016-17 Federal Budget
Tim Riley (Director, Economic Literacy Centre)
Taxation Reform in the Australian Economy
Tim Riley (Director, Economic Literacy Centre)
The Reserve Bank’s Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tim Riley (Director, Economic Literacy Centre)
Competition Policy and Economic Performance
Tim Riley (Director, Economic Literacy Centre)
Changes in the Sources of Australia’s Economic Growth
Tim Riley (Director, Economic Literacy Centre)
Recent Trends in Saving and Consumption
Tim Riley (Director, Economic Literacy Centre)
Economic Brief: The Arguments for and Against Tax Reform
Economic Brief: Investment and Interest Rates