............ ........... ...... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................... Executive White Paper Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations How to redirect savings from outsourced pan-regional collateral operations to additional media placements and campaigns within existing operational budgets Business case for the full-service pan-regional collateral factory • Simple pay-for-page localization • Managed operations and systematized best practices • Instant automated collateral-artwork production and retailer modifications • Online workflow and approval platform • Online progress monitoring, reporting, and process quality controls. • Real-time workflow data interfaces to enterprise IT systems. STRATEGIC SPENDINGS STRATEGIC SPENDINGS STRATEGIC SPENDINGS FREED FTEs FOR NEW PROJECTS PRODUCTIVITY DIVIDEND INCREMENTAL STRATEGIC SPENDINGS Current Spend Greater Operational Efficiencies ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ProductivityDividend.1.5 ©2008 GISTICS, All rights reserved. OPERATIONAL SPENDINGS OPERATIONAL SPENDINGS OPERATIONAL SPENDINGS Future Spend .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Who helped produce this white paper? Who is GISTICS? Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... AUTHOR THINK TANK FOR EARLY-STAGE MARKETS Michael Moon GISTICS constitutes a think tank that speeds the adoption of new technology and disruptive innovations among enterprises and consumers. Founded in 1987, GISTICS Incorporated minimizes the risk of potential buyers through the following: • Interviews with successful early adopters of new technologies • Definition of the critical success patterns of successful early adopters • Activity-based analyses of adoption benefits on supply chains, workflows, and user activities • Visual explanations of how new technologies produce economic value • Investment analyses that justify the purchase of new technical systems • Project roadmaps that break down large-scale organizational changes into smaller two-week to two-month projects • Practitioner portals that clarify the next steps in rapid deployment and payback • Certified consultants that provide essential skills and resources President, CEO GISTICS Incorporated moon@gistics.com Charles caldwell President, CEO NextQuarter chas@nextquarter.com DESIGN, LAYOUT, EDITING, PRODUCTION LIANNE MUELLER Art Director Fly Design Media lianne@flydesignmedia.com iris alroy Production Artist GISTICS Incorporated research@gistics.com Kathleen McFadden kmcfadden@writetools.com Steve Turner Turner Associates steve@turnersf.com GISTICS drives the emergence of shared vocabularies, the adoption of effective problem-determination methods, and the development of unassailable investment analyses that justify purchases of new technologies or disruptive innovations. GISTICS attracts early adopters and pace setting solutioneers, demonstrating how they can use new technologies or disruptive innovations to make money by delivering new complex, integrated solutions to enterprise or consumer clients. GISTICS develops breakthrough market-making strategies for vendors of new technologies or disruptive innovations, using industry thought leadership, executive white papers, Webcasts, specialized Web sites, and a global trust network of advanced project managers within large enterprises, independent consultants, and small master-class solution providers. G i s t ic s h e l p s e n d - u s e f i r m s h a r n e s s n e w t e c h n o l o gi e s a n d di s r u p t iv e i n n o va t i o n s MAJOR LAUNCH: Products, Campaigns, Partnerships, Business Models GISTICS Incorporated 4171 Piedmont Avenue, Suite 210 Oakland CA 94611 USA www.gistics.com +1.510.450.9999 tel +1.510.450.0954 fax ©2008 GISTICS Incorporated. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. GISTICS and its agents have used their best efforts in collecting and preparing information published in this white paper Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations. GISTICS does not assume, and hereby disclaims, any liability for any loss or damage caused by errors and omissions in this white paper, whether such errors or such omissions resulted from negligence, accident, or other causes. V a l u e - C r e a t i o n Offer—market development T1 GISTICS Sales conversion Satisfaction fulfillment Primary Market C o l l a b o r a t i v e T2 P r o c e s s Strategic development Aftermarket Market-making scenario 1 Market-making scenario 2 S o l u t i o n e e r i n g Cycle time gain Necessary Conditions Strategic Value • Rationalized market and definitive business case • Differentiated value propositions • Completed satisfaction-fulfillment methodologies • Testimonials of early adopters • Network of certified consulting solutioneers • Thought-leadership Web destination • Leadership positioning in the market • Advantaged category definitions • Growing perception as the dominant “gorilla” • New “green field” markets and revenue streams • Loyalty lock-ins of category-defining marquee accounts MarketMakingScenarios.A.1.4 © 2007 GISTICS All rights reserved. GISTICS reduces the organizational and market barriers to the adoption of new technologies or disruptive innovations, publishing a variety of papers, presentations, and Web sites that explain how to realize the economic and social value of new technologies or disruptive innovations in a variety of organizations. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Demand creation Concept Market Market-making Scenarios gist \’jist\ n -s [AF, it lies (said of a legal action), fr. MF, 3d pers. sing. pres. indic. of gesir to lie, fr. L jacére to lie, fr. jacere to throw — more at jet (to spout)] 1: the ground or foundation of a legal action without which it would not be sustainable 2: the main point or material part (as of a question or debate) : the pith of a matter : essence (the ~ of a question) <the ~ of all that can be said upon the matter—R. L. Stevenson> —Webster’s Third New International Dictionary Unabridged ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations How to redirect savings from outsourced pan-regional collateral operations to additional media placements and campaigns within existing operational budgets PAGE 3 7 13 21 27 37 47 CONTENTS//SECTIONS Executive Summary Business Case Summary Marcom Supply Chains Center of Excellence for Pan-Regional Collateral Operations Payback Scenarios for outsourcing with Collateral Operations Activity-Automation Cells About GISTICS ABSTRACT Pan-regional collateral operations unlock the full potential of bringing attractive value propositions to market: • Speeding the localization and production of print-ready advertisements and marcom collateral by three to five weeks • Reducing the total cost of one localized page of collateral by 70 percent • Reducing the total print cost of one localized page by 30 percent • Freeing 35 percent of collateral production budgets for reinvestment in more media, online promotions, or direct mail • Enabling four to seven marcom staffers to perform higher added-value work These reductions of time to market and costs entail the following capabilities: • Centralized localization of copy and graphic images • Automated production of finished print-ready ads and collateral • Strategic sourcing of print production through print management firms Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations How do we summarize the business case for outsourcing international marketing communications to a center of excellence? EXECUTION THAT DRIVES SUCCESS REQUIRES AUTOMATION OF MARCOM PROCESSES This paper advances the proposition that effective marketing brings an attractive value proposition to those customers most likely and able to buy. However attractive a value proposition, it will fail to produce results without effective market coverage — the function of marketing communications or marcom. Effective market coverage entails the synchronized and rapid execution across multiple markets, multiple communication channels (print, online, broadcast), and multiple marcom formats (brochures, direct mail, trade promotions, point-of-purchase materials, and multimedia content for the Web and mobile devices). Research conducted by GISTICS of global marcom processes and workflows reveals a critical factor undermining effective market coverage: redundant, manual procedures and duplications associated with the time- and cost-intensive production and sourcing of collateral across global markets, multiple channels, and various collateral formats. This paper examines automation strategies for maximizing the productivity of collateral operations and in particular how to achieve these aims: • Reduce time-to-market for revenue-producing collateral • Maintain consistent brand-marketing messages • Increase the number of effective selling days • Reduce overall labor content, redundancies, and costs of marketing communications. CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... TH I S P A P ER C L A R I F I ES THE OUTSOUR C I N G OF P A N - RE G I ON A L C OLL A TER A L LOINNOVATION C A L I Z A T I ON A NProducts D P RO Dor U CServices, T I ON Enhanced Customer Value, Process Optimization : New MAJOR LAUNCH: Products, Campaigns, Partnerships, Business Models Offer—market development vendor Demand creation Sales conversion Satisfaction fulfillment external market Strategic development customer V a l u e - C r e a t i o n vendor P r o c e s s T1 10-week Time to market scenario Time to Value Scenarios T2 2-week Time to market scenario 8-week Cycle time savings Higher productivity Strategic value • Higher productivity of staff and trade partners • Fewer steps in end-to-end processes • Elimination of redundant activity • Greater transparency leading to insight and improvement • New markets and revenue streams • Greater competitiveness and market shares • Increased market coverage and faster time-to-market • Variable and fixed-cost reductions– source of productivity delivered Productivity drivers • Simplified architecture for global brand-voice • Central repository of marcom assets and design masters • Standardized localization procedures, systems, and tools • Database of translated terms Productivity Dividend: 12.4% OF CURRENT MARCOM BUDGET NOW AVAILABLE FOR MORE STRATEGIC USES • Automated XML publishing processes • Automated page-assembly and on-demand customization • Online review, approvals, and color-matched proofs • Real-time dashboards TimeToValue.D.1.7 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 GISTICS Senior management of global brand-marketing organizations will find this paper useful in assessing the merits of outsourcing production and localization of collateral to centers of excellence in pan-regional collateral operations.. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper How do we calculate productivity dividends, demonstrating how greater operational efficiency translates into higher sales? Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ECONOMIC EFFECT OF FASTER CYCLE TIME SHORTER PRODUCT LIFE CYCLES CAN LIMIT PROFITS Most firms drive innovation to market, offering new products, formulations, and packaging, or new services, enhancements, or configurations. In all but a few cases, these firms drive marketing communications to market by • Publishing printed ads, marketing collateral, and promotional materials • Broadcasting electronic ad spots and infomercials • Provisioning digital content and interactive engagement services to stationary PCs, mobile devices, and digital kiosks or point-of-purchase displays. As once noted by Peter Drucker, the expert on management and business, “Only two things add value: innovation and marketing. All else is cost.” This rather pithy and sage remark calls attention to what aspects of innovation and marketing create value, as well as how firms can use automation to maximize those aspects that deliver the greatest value. Simply put, most firms that sell products can maximize their profits by achieving two, , often offsetting, goals: • Sell goods or services with adequate, if not superior, profit margins, and • Sell higher unit volumes of these goods or services Profit margins reflect selling the right mix of products or services at prices that buyers will pay. Seasonal factors, the comparative value of one firm’s offering to another’s offering, and other factors will affect price sensitivity—what customers will pay. Another dimension of cycle time economics relates to velocity or how much annual revenue a firm can earn for each dollar or euro it has invested in its assets and operations—factories and people, respectively. Combined, margin and velocity become the most important measurement to a firm—return on investment— how we measure the effectiveness of automation and best practices. d e l ay e d p r o d u c t l a u n c h e s The pace of innovation continues to accelerate across all technical realms, giving large and small firms worldwide a real opportunity to develop new breakthrough products or services and drive them to market. This quite simply means that competition will continue to expand and intensify without a foreseeable end in sight. The figure below depicts how faster time to market of new products or services can produce incremental profit and revenues, as well as reduce total development costs with the desirable result of capturing lost margin or profits. For more about how firms can use automation to speed up their innovation processes, GISTICS offers the white paper entitled, the Impact of Enterprise Collaboration on Productivity of Intangible Assets. To find the white paper, just “Google” the title. The figure below also depicts how faster time to market of marketing communications helps maximize the value of bringing new products or services to potential customers. CYCLE TIME ACCELERATION FOR PAN-REGIONAL MARCOM Delays in getting to market reduce the effectiveness of otherwise attractive goods and services, representing the loss of days or weeks of product sales life cycles—unrecoverable in competitive markets—and therefore representing lost revenues and margin. Our research shows no greater loss than in delayed time to pan-regional markets. This paper identifies a primary source of these losses: distributed in-country localization of marketing collateral and ads, combined with low or nonexistent levels of reuse of digital brand and marcom assets. In significant part, the inefficiencies lead to excessive levels of project coordination (wasted staff time), extra cost (vendor charges), brand inconsistencies, and less net funds spent on strategic things such as media placements, fuller coverage of a market, ad words, etc. steal revenues and profits $600,000 Delayed product launches incur additional development costs as well as missed revenues and lost profit. Lost Margin from Delayed Launch $300,000 $0 Additional Development Cost from Delay ($100,000) 0 6 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SERIE S//MANAGEMENT ADVISORY Realized Margin Incremental Revenues from Faster Launches 12 18 MONTHS 24 CycleTimePaysOff.1.8 ©2008 GISTICS Incorporated, All rights reserved. EXPENSE AND MARGIN Incremental Profit from Faster Time-to-Market 30 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GISTICS 5 Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations How an outsourced pan-regional collateral operation deliver productivity dividends? motto declared: “Infrastructure: Got to have it. Build it. The revenues will come.” However, many firms built it, and the revenues did not come, or least, not as expected or needed to recoup the basic investments. COMPLEXITY TAX OF THE INTERNET Strategy constitutes a mechanism for marshalling or directing available resources to achieve maximum competitive strategy. While simple in concept, effective strategy requires a systems-based, holistic view of a marketing operation, the objectives the marketing team commits to achieve, and trade-offs between available resources and ways of harnessing these resources. However, the Internet compounds this formulation in several ways, adding dazzling new resources that often come with a heavy “complexity tax”—a requirement to develop new ways of thinking about strategy, managing an operation, and engaging customers. Internet complexity taxes come due for payment in these new resources: • Corporate Web content management systems and customer-facing content and Web services • Product or consumer engagement Web sites, content management systems, and content development • Search engine marketing, content optimization, and faceted taxonomy-driven searches on corporate and product web sites • Sponsored content and social networks, including viral videos, Webcasts, blogs, forums, etc. • Interactive services of a multimedia call center or help desk • Marketing services portals that integrate content and, increasingly, information of production systems through a marketing supply chain A close examination of the public financial reports of major brand-marketing firms indicates that the total expense for customer-facing and operational marketing systems, processes, and staffing remains the fastest growing category of corporate budgets. Yet much of this expense remains opaque, hidden, and largely unquantified. GISTICS’ research reveals that productivity gains (the ability to get more work done with the same number or fewer personnel) and cost-cutting measures (such as more uniform procurement processes and vendor consolidations) have paid much of the Internet complexity tax. The de facto OPERATIONAL AND STRATEGIC SPENDINGS The figure below depicts one of the strategic initiatives of most chief marketing officers, framing these essential questions: • What comprises the low added-value work of our marketing operations? • Where do our staff or partners expend a lot of time getting higher added-value work done? • What activities in higher added-value work of marketing suffer from high defect rates (requiring rework and added cost)? • What systems, processes, and accountabilities can deliver continuous, ongoing reductions of time, cost, and complexity within our marketing operations? • What activities and tasks can we outsource to partners better suited and equipped to deliver on time and within budget? The figure below suggests that a better, more efficient way to localize marcom materials and produce finished print-ready advertisements and collaterals can achieve significant levels of cost avoidance—what we call a productivity dividend. Later in this paper we analyze typical productivity dividends for outsourcing localization to a pan-regional collateral operation. This analysis identifies the number of full-time equivalents (FTEs) or staff that the productivity dividend makes available for new projects. This analysis also identifies how many already-budgeted funds the productivity dividend frees up for more strategic spendings. In summary, this paper makes the case that outsourcing the localization and production of ads and marcom materials to a collateral operation not only produces a productivity dividend with FTEs and new monies, but outsourcing also reduces the complexity tax through a global marketing operation. CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... G RE A TER O P ER A T I ON A L EFF I C I EN C Y C RE A TES NEW MONEY FOR STR A TE G I C S P EN D I N G S STRATEGIC SPENDINGS STRATEGIC SPENDINGS FREED FTEs FOR NEW PROJECTS PRODUCTIVITY DIVIDEND INCREMENTAL STRATEGIC SPENDINGS Current Spend Greater Operational Efficiencies ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 GISTICS ProductivityDividend.1.5 ©2008 GISTICS, All rights reserved. STRATEGIC SPENDINGS OPERATIONAL SPENDINGS OPERATIONAL SPENDINGS OPERATIONAL SPENDINGS Future Spend .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper ................... 12 11 10 9 What process maturities maximize the competitive advantage of a global marketing operation? What slows cycle times and increases cost in localizing printed collateral for pan-regional markets? What summarizes the progressive productivity dividend across the process maturities of a pan-regional collateral operation What financial analysis justifies the business decision to outsource localization to a pan-regional collateral operation? What capabilities comprise each stage of a process-maturity model for pan-regional collateral operations? 8 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS ADDRESSED IN THIS SECTION: PAGE 7 GISTICS series//Management Advisory B us ines s C as e S um m ar y SECTION II ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................... Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations What process maturities maximize the competitive advantage of a global marketing operation? PROGRESSIVE LEVELS OF PROCESS AUTOMATION Most executives know from experience that the right combination of process automation and operational excellence can produce stunning results: dramatic reduction in costs, improvement in business agility (or the ability to exploit short-lived opportunities), etc. Research performed by GISTICS spanning 20 years reveals that the concept of process-maturity levels summarizes the right combinations of process automation and operational excellence. The figure below depicts six levels of process maturity for pan-regional marketing communications and the localization of printed ads and collateral. OPTIMIZATION IS A JOURNEY, NOT A DESTINATION marcom supply chain, adding global transparency and status reporting for all active projects. Strategic Sourcing of Creative, Marketing Content, and Production produces a sizeable productivity dividend—new money to spend on more media, fuller market coverage, more ad words, specialized promotions, higher levels of personalized interaction or engagement with buyers, etc. Strategic sourcing entails the systematic reduction of inefficiency, operational costs, and cycle time delay and the reinvestment of those savings—productivity dividends—in more strategic areas. In no small part, greater levels of competitive bidding among all suppliers to the marketing supply chain— achieving lower costs on smaller aspects of a campaign, promotional items, collateral pieces, or constituent elements such as photography or translation—produce this productivity dividend. Concurrent Global or Pan-Regional Marketing across all media and collateral formats moves a marketing operation even closer to maximum competitive advantage. Here efficiencies enable a firm to coordinate and synchronize all of the marketing efforts and marcom assets, producing an “echo effect” in key markets. This echo effect results from broadcast, print, online, out-of-home/billboards, and in-store merchandising to surround and envelop targeted customers. This not only cuts through the noise and clutter of a market, but the echo effect also ensures that consumers notice an attractive value proposition and engage the vendor or provider in some form of instant, online interaction: on-demand customerization of promotional offers. m a t u r i t y y i e l d s h ig h e r p r o d u c t ivi t y divid e n d s GREATER EM EN TA MAXIMUM COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE L ST AB OR AT NG LL DI CO EN W SP LI N L C A CO O GI Q U TY TR TE IO N RA CONSISTENCY CR LESSER IN Fast, low-defect expression of brand-voice and differentiated offerings A successful firm, by the very nature of its success, does several, if not many, things right. However, rapid change or growth can induce otherwise successful firms to stumble; these firms must grow, adapt, and stabilize new levels of performance and operational excellence. Research of global or large regional marketing operations conducted by GISTICS indicates that most of these operations have thousands to tens of thousands digital files: editable and reusable marcom assets and fixed final-form content. Many but not yet most of these firms have achieved the first process maturity of marketing operations: a Global Marcom Asset Repository—a well-organized collection of marcom assets and content that authorized users can access by Web browsers. Fewer firms have achieved the g r e at p r o c e s s second process maturity of Centralized Collateral Production. This capability entails new investment in a basic collateral factory with dedicated project teams, systematized procedures, sophisticated XML copytext repositories, specialized ingest engines that transform collateral design masters into XML style sheets and automate publishing templates. Sourcing Alignment of Creative Partners entails changing how global or pan-regional marketing operations buy creative work products, using a growing network of lower cost, higher quality creative teams and boutique firms. The combination of a Global Marcom Asset Repository and Centralized Collateral Production enables a marketing operation to maintain brand consistency, provisioning templates, images, and design standards to individual creatives, teams, or firms. Asset Asset Federated Localization Processes Consolidation Consolidation (DAM only) with Manual Centralized expands the operational capabilities Localization and Production of the collateral factory and CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... O F RK LO PR O W S CE U S A M TO AT ION 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 LESSER Centralized Collateral Production and Localization Sourcing Alignment of Creative Partners Federalized Localization Workflows and Processes Strategic Sourcing Creative Content and Production Concurrent Global Marketing ProductivityDividend.C.1.5 ©2008 GISTICS Incorporated, All rights reserved. EFFECTIVENESS GREATER Crisp, timely, and relevent localized messages and imagery ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 GISTICS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations What slows cycle times and increases cost in localizing printed collateral for pan-regional markets? Finally, many localized adaptations of promotional materials will publish the names, contact information, and location of retail outlets of partners—who open new stores or relocate existing ones throughout the year. In summary, the figure to the right depicts a largely manual, nonautomated process that takes four to six weeks per design master. Research by GISTICS reveals that a major new product launch for EMEA markets will produce 6 to 10 pieces of collateral for each of the 20 to 40 markets serviced. This typically results in one or two delayed pieces per launch market; retailers often wait until they have a complete set before fully promoting the new product. The delay of one or two pieces will hold everything up, stealing effective product-sale days of a limited product lifecycle of 240 days or so. As shown elsewhere in this paper, a mere 25-day gain in time to market represents $8.3 million in incremental revenue. MANUAL, OFFLINE WORKFLOWS Pan-regional marketing communications consists of several thousand discrete projects per year. An in-depth examination of a typical project, from its specification in strategy to its production and delivery to points of sale and consumption, reveals several workflows, involving tens to hundreds of individuals across a panregional marketing operation. The figure to the right depicts three key workflows of pan-regional marketing operations and related marcom groups. Creative workflows entail the work of a marketing team at a headquarters and of global creative partners, producing master campaigns and brand identities. If the offered products include packaging and retail point of purchase merchandising, creative workflow will include two or more creative partners or teams. Creative workflow nonetheless will produce a design master and copy text; usually delivered as an Adobe InDesign or QuarkXpress file with companion illustrations, images, and P L A NN I N G A N D S C HE D UL I N G C OLL A B OR A T I ON fonts to a regional marketing operation, such as one focused on Europe, the Mideast, or Africa d I nsigh t s C reat ive Deve y an lop m teg 1 (EMEA). en 3 tr a t Localization workflows start with a regional marketing group that provides adaptation EMEA Creative Marketing insights and a localization brief—instructions Operations Workflow and guidelines for each regional localization team—5 to 15 teams for EMEA. Translations 4 C 2 of each language often require translation Collab nt r ea tive E uti on o r a ti ve R e f i ne m e xec treatments—two or three ways of interpreting 5 English text into a local language. Design Master (DM) and Copy Adaptation workflows often start with the delivery of finalized translations to a local Ins i gh t s Translation Tre tion at m pta 6 ent 8 da A s marketing office that coordinates with a local creative partner to rework the English-language design master for local market and production Localization EMEA Marketing requirements for 20 to 40 markets. Workflow Operations Adaptation workflows produce certified production-ready output, usually Acrobat 9 Fina liz ed at io n 7 PDF files that a print specialist has processed, Loc al izat i on Brie f Transl quality checked, and certified for the technical 10 production requirements of a specific print and Localized Text printing press. hts n Ins i g Adaptation Trea atio The number of these technical requirements tme apt 11 nt s 13 Ad for display ads and printed collateral exceed 40,000 for EMEA alone, and change whenever a printer updates or replaces a printing press. Local Adaptation Marketing The certified production-ready output Office Workflow addresses the added complexities of different page designs. 14 Fi 12 na liz ed Loc al izat i on Brie f Ada pta ti on Some page designs incorporate advanced graphic designs, such as spot varnishes, diecuts, six-color processes, and close alignment or registration of vector and rasterized artwork. 15 Other page designs use product information Certified Production-ready Output tables, commonly used in catalogs and in direct response promotions, that may also display DESIGN MASTER DESIGN MASTER DESIGN MASTER DESIGN MASTER technical data and prices in a local market Complex Simple Catalog Technical currency—any of which may change at the last Design Design Table Data minute. Pages Pages Placement Pages 1 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SERIE S//MANAGEMENT ADVISORY 2 3 4 Global Creative Partners Local Creative Partners ] 5-1 5T ea ms Regional Localization Teams ] 20 -40 Off ice s 4 to 6 weeks S CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... DESIGN MASTER Local Partner Pages 5 LocalizationWorkflows.A.1.5 ©2008 GISTICS Incorporated, All rights reserved. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GISTICS 9 Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations What summarizes the progressive productivity dividend across the process maturities of a pan-regional collateral operation? Time-to-market days gained represents total potential acceleration of marcom workflows and processes. However, A process-maturity level constitutes a stabilized operational in practice, most firms “reinvest” 30 to 50 percent of the capability of a center excellence such as a pan-regional days gained in achieving greater refinement or optimization collateral operation. of individual marcom projects, greater levels of integration The figure and table below depict the typical savings with other marcom activities, and fewer late-night hours accrued by level of process maturity of a pan-regional and weekends. collateral operation. These figures represent the new savings Total number of staff days saved aggregates hundreds to realized by each level and do not include savings from thousands of 5- to 20-minute slices of each worker’s day. previous levels. Days available for new projects summarizes these - 5Estimated cost avoidance represents a total potential to 20-minute slices of time across an entire marketing savings, including hard-cost savings in the form of lower operation. direct expenses and soft-cost savings in the form of Total number of staff full-time equivalents (FTEs) saved unburdening employees and independent contract workers. represents a realistic summary of operational efficiency Productivity dividend represents the amount of money— gains. However, to realize this gain, managers must hard-cost savings—that a firm can reallocate to other reallocate and reprioritize the work assignments of their spendings. For this reason, we call the productivity dividend staff and contractors. new money, calling attention to the opportunity to buy FTEs available for new projects represents the realistic more media or creative within a preexisting budget. outcome of such a reallocation of work among staff and contractors. FUN D S A V A I L A B LE FROM G RE A TER P RO D U C T I V I TY I N C RE A SE STR A TE G I C S P EN D I N G S EACH PROCESS-MATURITY LEVEL PAYS OPERATIONAL SPENDINGS OPERATIONAL SPENDINGS OPERATIONAL SPENDINGS STRATEGIC SPENDINGS STRATEGIC SPENDINGS STRATEGIC SPENDINGS FREED FTEs FOR NEW PROJECTS PRODUCTIVITY DIVIDEND INCREMENTAL STRATEGIC SPENDINGS Current Spend Greater Operational Efficiencies ProductivityDividend.1.5 ©2008 GISTICS, All rights reserved. The greatest savings and number of freed up FTEs result from Centralized Collateral Production, emphasizing the dramatic reduction of local in-country resources dedicated to translation of copy, regionalization of imagery, and production of final artwork for printed collateral. CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Future Spend SIX STAGES OF A PROCESS-MATURITY MODEL FOR A COLLATERAL OPERATION 0 1 2 3 4 5 Asset Consolidation Asset Consolidation (DAM only) with Manual Centralized Localization and Production Centralized Collateral Production Sourcing Alignment Federalized Localization Strategic Sourcing of of Creative Partners Workflows and Processes Creative Content and Production and Localization PROGRESSIVE ECONOMIC GAINS BY LEVEL OF PROCESS-MATURITY PHASE Estimated cost avoidance $2,124 $815,918 $6,632,361 $728,516 $1,849,227 $2,436,274 Productivity dividend: new money $1,487 $571,143 $4,642,653 $509,961 $1,294,459 $1,705,392 24 DAYS 13 DAYS 35 DAYS 12.5 DAYS 12.5 DAYS 26.5 DAYS Total number of staff days saved 2,575 DAYS 973 DAYS 8,014 DAYS 874 DAYS 2,142 DAYS 2,905 DAYS Days available for new projects 1,674 DAYS 633 DAYS 5,209 DAYS 568 DAYS 1,392 DAYS 1,888 DAYS Time-to-market days gained Detail data items $2,017 $762,125 $6,276,467 $684,430 $1,677,361 $2,275,235 Total Material Savings $65,345 $36,320 $231,573 $28,064 $129,485 $111,017 Total Overhead Savings $41,917 $17,473 $124,321 $16,021 $42,207 $50,022 Total Labor Savings FULL-TIME EQUIVALENTS (FTEs) ADDED BY GREATER OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY Total number of staff FTEs saved 11 4 34 4 9 12 FTEs available for new projects 7 3 22 2 6 8 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 GISTICS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations What financial analysis justifies the business decision to outsource localization to a pan-regional collateral operation? CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... OUTSOURCING ECONOMICS Outsourcing to a pan-regional collateral operation entails little or no upfront costs. Most of these operations charge by the individual unit cost of a localized, print-ready page, achieving a 70 percent cost reduction at level two, BUSINESS ASSUMPTIONS Annual revenues from EMEA operations Centralized Collateral Production. Additional dividends accrue in the form of lower costs for creative designs at level three, Sourcing Alignment of Creative Partners, faster time to secondary markets at level four, Federated Localization Processes, et cetera. COUNTS 1 FINANCIALS $1,000,000,000 Annual EMEA marketing spend $100,000,000 Amount spent on creative and related work ($30,000,000) Amount spent on media planning and placement ($49,000,000) Amount spent on collateral printing and distribution ($21,000,000) COLLATERAL PRODUCTION (averaged to industry benchmark) Number of outlets serviced 8,000 Number of annual product campaigns 40 Number of collateral format types per product 9 Number of pages per collateral format type 1 Number of pages to localize 360 Number of markets requiring localized collateral 25 Total number of pages localized 9,000 Number of localized pages with photographic images 4,500 Number of printed copies per collateral piece 10,000 Total number of printed collateral pieces PRODUCTION COSTS (averaged to industry benchmark) 90,000,000 INTERNAL EXTERNAL BASELINE Total labor costs of collateral printing and distribution $21,000,000 Create local market concept 68% 32% $4,200,000 Photography and retouch 34% 66% $4,410,000 Copy translation and design localization 18% 82% $336,000 Printing 12% 88% $10,584,000 22% 78% Distribution PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE DATA (averaged to industry benchmark) $1,470,000 1 $90 Annual product line revenues $0 $160,000,000 Number of days in product lifecycle 240 Percentage of total sales realized in first 90 days 65% Revenues per day in first 90 days $1,155,555 Number of days to produce localized collaterals 25 Revenues lost due to nonavailability of collaterals 50% Percentage of total lifecycle revenues lost 5.21% Total life cycle revenue lost due to nonavailability of collaterals 14.73% $2,016,626 ($8,333,333) MATERIAL SAVINGS $65,345 Global Marcom Asset Repository 5.57% $762,125 $36,320 $17,473 $571,143 Centralized Collateral Production 45.84% $6,276,467 $231,573 $124,321 $4,642,653 CYCLE TIME AND PRODUCTIVITY DIVIDENDS Baseline: DAM at headquarters; assets not localized Sourcing Alignment of Creative Partners LABOR SAVINGS OVERHEAD SAVINGS $41,917 NEW MONEY $1,486,721 5.00% $684,430 $28,064 $16,021 $509,961 Federated Localization Processes 12.25% $1,677,361 $129,485 $42,207 $1,294,337 Strategic Sourcing of Creative, Marketing Content, and Production 16.62% $2,275,235 $111,017 $50,022 $1,705,392 Total Labor Savings Total Material Savings Total Overhead Savings New Money Incremental Revenue created by recouping 25 days to market TOTAL ECONOMIC BENEFIT $13,692,243 $601,805 $291,962 $10,210,207 $8,333,333 $33,129,550 1 150 marketing and support staff in EMEA headquarters and 150 marketing and marcom staff in local countries ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SERIE S//MANAGEMENT ADVISORY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GISTICS 11 Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations What capabilities comprise each stage of a process-maturity model for pan-regional collateral operations? operational capabilities of a pan-regional collateral operation collateral operation achieves continuous, ongoing reduction of costs, defects, and process cycle times. Share and connect represents the integration of information and IT processes among loosely coupled systems of a marketing supply chain. The table below depicts the operational capabilities of a pan-regional collateral operation, calling attention to four domains. Collaboration support entails a growing set of best practices and system capabilities for speeding the communication, interaction, and collaboration among geographically dispersed teams. Asset quality control describes how a pan-regional GLOBAL MARCOM ASSET REPOSITORY 1 Higher quality, on-brand, collateral DESIGNS brought to market faster shared more wisely Process automation emphasizes the reengineering of business processes, the automation of workflows, and the development of real-time, policy-managed supply chains for marketing operations. CENTRALIZED COLLATERAL PRODUCTION SOURCING ALIGNMENT WITH CREATIVE PARTNERS FEDERALIZED LOCALIZATION PROCESSES STRATEGIC SOURCING OF PRODUCTION More relevant, on brand LOCALIZED VERSIONS of the central marketing materials at lower costs brought to market faster Greater pan-regional transparency and process controls enables more precise synchronization and faster roll out of COLLATERAL CAMPAIGNS Central production of PRINT COLLATERAL with fewer defects and review cycles at much lower cost to a more standardized quality Faster and better controlled distribution leads to the COLLATERAL FACING THE CUSTOMER at the point and time where it matters 2 3 4 CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Collaboration Support • Creative Project Workflows • Smart folders and work-inprocess queues • Web workbenches for creative and production groups • Auto-notification of asset users • Supported localization process • Project rooms and detailed Web-based notes • Certified “trusted advisors” on call • Auto-notification user in the process • Shared generation process for creative material • Standardized creative briefs • Generic Brand guidelines • Planning information and support on upstream process • Pan-Regional team • Pan-regional project status reporting • Instant work load prioritization and load balancing • Pan-Regional sourcing process • Pan-regional networked supply chain • Pan-regional planning & forecast • Pan-regional capacity forecast • Standardized processing of assets • Shared collateral-publishing templates • Multi-level user group and user permissions • Remote review and approvals with visual annotation Project-activity reporting • Standardized supply creative materials • Technical artwork standards for Agencies • Central execution and responsibility for image standardization • Central font and color management • Shared effectiveness information on assets and materials • Shared in store collateral evaluation teams • Distribution of efficiency data of items and campaigns • Standardized materials and paper types • Central paper buying • Central materials sourcing • Central supplier accreditation Digital print standards • Joined platform to work on • Classified and searchable Wiki-like collections of project notes • Controlled access to projects and assets • Single sign-on • Joined platform for agencies to supply to • Use of local agencies • Local generated creative ideas in Pan-Regional platform • Electronic exchange mechanisms for data • Versatile Web Service framework • Published SDK and APIs • Publish structured content to enterprise Web content management systems • Shared network of suppliers • Actively managed print supply network including local suppliers • Active bidding procedure for each within supplier network • Channel partner access • Automation to increase productivity and consistency of data • Rules-based translation of copy-text and metadata • Company specific terms reference • Integration with Product Data Management systems • Integration with life cycle management systems • Automation to increase productivity and consistency of ordering • Integrated “my price” quotation service for print and advertising • Integrated budget management • Channel partner bonus schemes Asset quality control • Standardized collection & storage of assets • Multiple views of a single asset • Detailed asset-use reporting • User-generated metadata (IPTC, EXIF, XMP) • Asset version & status control Share and connect • Easy distribution of assets • Automated metadata synchronisation with ERP • Authorization based access control Asset distribution tools Automation of manual work/process reengineering/productivity enhancement • Automated or facilitated processing of assets • Auto-generation of previews • On-demand generation of versions of a single asset. • Auto generation of asset property metadata • Auto-classification of textual content (MS Office, Adobe CS) • Auto-tagging assets with metadata • Hot folders, scripts and wizards • Automated artwork generation & application of CI • Automated artwork generation (DTP robot) • XML Style sheets and forms • Print or publication-ready files • Automated intake and quality control processes • Automated check incoming artwork against standards • Automated check incoming artwork against printer requirements • Automated PDF workflow • On-demand refresh of collateral layouts and versions • On-demand file transformation ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 GISTICS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper ................... ................... SECTION III SERIES//MANAGEMENT ADVISORY ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Marc om S upply C hains PAGE 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS ADDRESSED IN THIS SECTION: What constitutes the operational strategy of most CMOs? What confuses many executives about the key functions of a brand and related marketing? What single outcome must every marketing campaign, sales call, and eBusiness Web site accomplish? How has the structure of marketing communications evolved to maximize coverage across international markets? What constitutes a marketing supply-chain? How do pre-press activities of marketing collateral for a new product launch run into almost unfathomable complexity and time delay? How have marketing operations responded to globalization, integration of marcom supply chains, and demands for accountability with process transparency? GISTICS 13 Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations What constitutes the operational strategy of most CMOs? create and sustain competitive advantages in its selected markets. This includes the creation of the following: • New markets and revenue streams • New customers of existing and new offerings • Larger and more frequent orders from customers • Greater loyalty and acceptance of system lock-ins • Higher barriers to market entry Each business will emphasize one or more of these competitive advantages over others, reflecting economic conditions, corporate lifecycles, business process maturities, etc. One fact, however, remains constant: the demand to change with little or no forewarning. This calls attention to two more critical operational capabilities: business agility and organizational change management. Business agility describes the ability to reconfigure processes and workflows within a day or less. This capability requires an on-demand IT service management infrastructure and the technical capability to rapidly integrate new services to the all-important brand theaters of the firm. For many marketing operations, this means securing much of needed application software “as a service.” Organizational change management describes the systems, processes, and accountabilities for facilitating the rapid deployment of new systems, processes, and accountabilities. In many respects, organizational change management will determine medium- to long-term success in volatile markets punctuated by all manner of disruptive innovations and economic discontinuities. MARSHALS AVAILABLE RESOURCES Strategy constitutes a mechanism for directing available resources to achieve maximum competitive strategy. Most chief marketing officers (CMOs) know that this mechanism comprises systems, processes, and accountabilities for directing the resources of a complex marketing operation. The figure below depicts key dimensions of strategy, emphasizing how CMOs formulate strategy as an integrated system where each element interacts and affects all other elements of the system. Brand integrity defines an operational capability of a marketing operation: how marketing staff and partners create and execute marcom with clear brand values, consistent expressions, and credible messages. Brand integrity succeeds when customers and other stakeholders develop deep, resonant emotional connections with the brand and the brand’s community of users and advocates. Strategic differentiation entails the translation of customer insights and buying criteria to marcom, eliciting desire or need for the offered product or service. Strategic differentiation succeeds by achieving leadership in its market category. Market coverage describes the delivery of promotions and marcom to all the key touchpoints with customers and trade partners, integrating digital online channels and traditional print and broadcast channels with point of purchase promotions and packaging. Market coverage succeeds with the convergence of all marcom at points of purchase, creating an “echo effect” in the market. Marcom supply-chain orchestration describes the increasing levels of process integration among industry partners, emphasizing more agile sourcing and procurement of creative M A NY F A C TORS C ONTR I B UTE TO A SUST A I N A B LE C OM P ET I T I V E service, marketing content, and A D V A NT A G E production. Marcom supply-chain orchestration succeeds by producing productivity dividends: new money for strategic spendings. Digital brand interaction describes the newest and fastest USE SYSTEMS, PROCESSES, AND ACCOUNTABILITIES TO MARSHAL THESE RESOURCES OF A MARKETING OPERATION growing operational capability, provisioning contextualized BRAND STRATEGIC MARKET MARCOM DIGITAL BRAND INTEGRITY DIFFERENTIATION COVERAGE SUPPLY-CHAIN INTERACTION content and interactive services to ORCHESTRATION customers and other stakeholders. • Deep customer insights • Present at key buyer • End-to-end process and • Digital content and Web • Brand-value clarity Successfully executed, this produces touchpoints workflow integration services management • Buyer’s recognition of a • Brand-expression system desire or need • Online and offline • Strategic sourcing of consistency self-service satisfaction. CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... CMOs SUSTAINABLE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE. Innovation and marketing create value. Operational capabilities enable a firm to create innovation, drive new offerings to market, facilitate the buying and using process, and maintain infrastructure and systems enabling core operational capabilities. Marketing’s operational capabilities enable the firm to • Brand-message credibility • Leadership in market category AND PRODUCE THESE EXTERNAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS Emotional Connection “Wow” and Visceral Delight GISTICS Commanding Position in Market Greater Portion of Strategic Spending Self-Serve Satisfaction THUS ACHIEVING THESE SUSTAINABLE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES New markets and revenue streams New customers for existing and new offerings ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 media integration with creative and production • Comprehensive multipoints of purchase modal search and • Consolidated item-detail metadata schema • Synergies of multi-party, reporting of: -channel and -media: • On-demand digital ser- Efficiency “echo effects” and viral vices for self-directed - Effectiveness word-of-mouth customers - Business impact Larger and more frequent orders from customers Greater loyalty lock-ins Barriers to market CMOMandates.B.3.0 ©2008 GISTICS. All rights reserved .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations What confuses many executives about the key functions of a brand and related marketing? CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GRAND PURPOSE OF MARKETING NOT AN IDIOT, BUT YOUR WIFE (OR HUSBAND) Great marketing evokes desire among potential buyers, inducing individuals to want a particular brand. Marketing often starts with concrete demonstrations of the need for a particular product or service, calling attention to the following elements of a traditional promotion or pitch: • Known and familiar social contexts—home, leisure, work, school, social venues, inside a car • Physical or emotional breakdowns—accident or problematic condition evoking pain, frustration, etc. • Subsequent experiences of relief—often sudden and noticed by others • Attributions of relief to a particular brand—audio-visual identifiers, packaging, brand facets However, this approach nonetheless can fail due to a number of factors, including incomplete products, competition, high prices, etc. The figure below depicts an often-overlooked critical success factor: the emotional connection that buyers create and maintain with their chosen brands. Customers create their own emotional connection with a brand. Sellers assist buyers in creating this emotional connection by simplifying a choice in a cluttered market, reducing the real and perceived risks of the purchase and linking brand use to membership in an aspirational or acceptable peer group. Great marketers understand that marketing also creates and helps sustain relationships between buyers and sellers. With success, the nature of this relationship evolves over time from a buyer-seller relationship to customer-vendor, loyalist-franchise, and stakeholder-institutional citizen. As these relationships evolve, brands develop equity and social capital, generating not only positive word of mouth, but also forgiveness for the occasional blunder, as well as coaching insights for innovation. While almost unimaginable a decade ago, major organizations now invest huge sums in diversity, sustainability, and community development—all forms of deposit in the emotional bank accounts of customers and other stakeholders. This highlights another aspect of brands: great brands drive share price. Key development: Corporate boards now call upon chief marketing officers to use the systems, processes, and accountabilities to drive brand and corporate reputation. As this relates to a pan-regional collateral operation, the greater operational efficiencies also reduce carbon footprints and consumption of paper. A best-of-class collateral operation provides accurate, timely hard data documenting good institutional citizenship. t h e m o t iva t i o n s a n d e xp e c t a t i o n s o f b u y e r s e n e r giz e s t r a t e gic di f f e r e n t ia t i o n i n m a r k e t s SIMPLIFIED CHOICE RISK REDUCTION SELF-IDENTITY • Lower search cost • Faster time to transaction •Assured quality •Broad availability •Status confirmation •Belonging to aspirational group Buyer Motivations Brand Function Seller Motivations REORDERS •Lower selling costs •Higher more frequent purchases BrandFunction.1.5 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved. PRICE PREMIUM BARRIERS TO ENTRY DIFFERENTIATION PROMOTIONAL FOCUS SIMPLIFIED MESSAGING •Buy now •Forego discounts •Share price •Ride coattails •Block competitIon •Institutional citizenship •Distinctive capability • "Secret sauce" •Demographic segments •Copy and concepts •Ad word buys •Better media targeting •Higher search ratings ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SERIE S//MANAGEMENT ADVISORY CATEGORY CONTROL •Product lines •Cross-sell •Promotional synergy .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GISTICS 15 Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations What single outcome must every marketing campaign, sales call, and eBusiness Web site accomplish? EVERYTHING STARTS WITH THE CUSTOMER Many business and marketing executives forget the confusion and indecision of first-time buyers of an unfamiliar product or service. All too often, marketing professionals get too caught up in details of their products or services, the competition, and pressure to meet quarterly revenue targets. Marketing executives must battle every day that urge to make their selling messages and campaigns too cute, complex, or self-referential. Brilliant, breakthrough marketing facilitates the buying process, simplifying complexity and reaffirming that the customer already has all the answers. Great marketing helps customers discover what they already know about a new product or service, making it appear familiar and predestined to the customer. Marketing serves no greater purpose than helping the customer make the right buying decision. STRATEGIC SHIFT TO THE POINT OF PURCHASE In the last 30 years, marketing investments have shifted from mass advertising to promotion at the point of purchase. Why? Paradoxically, these self-directed consumers walk into stores with printed web pages and say “I want this. Now. Or forget about it.” This means that the retailer must have the referenced product in stock, or have printed collateral that matches the printed web page. Or, overwhelmed-with-it-all consumers walk into a store seeking that “A-ha” moment: “I like that!”. Crisp and localized print collateral that reinforces the impulse to buy. Online comparison shopping induces many of these self-directed consumers to come into a market firmly predisposed to buy a particular brand and from a particular firm. mastering the buying decision Marketing and sales executives must master the dynamics of a buying decision at the point of purchase: over the telephone, face to face, on Web sites, or by email. Increasingly, marketing and sales executives must customize heretofore “mass market communications” to particular customer groups and personalize the consideration and trial messages to the criteria of a particular individual. The term “customerization” describes this two-pronged strategy of customization and personalization. Large and midsize firms can customerize their marketing and sales proposals using workflow automation and document servers to reduce preparation and distribution costs as well as speed proposals to their designated client destination. CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... f i r s t a n d f o r e m o s t, m a r k e t i n g f aci l i t a t e s t h e b u y i n g d e ci s i o n YES-I'll Can we afford it? I like that $ $ $ $ $ $ $ take it! Buying.Dec.1.1 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved. With an increasing number of buying decisions made at the last possible moment, marketing and sales executives must master the dynamics of the point of purchase. This mastery involves helping buyers make the right decision, whether over the telephone, in face to face meetings, or through Web sites and email. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 GISTICS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations How has the structure of marketing communications evolved to maximize coverage across international markets? CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... INTEGRATION OF MARCOM SUPPLY CHAIN Emergence of the all-digital marcom supply chain will speed the redistribution of work to the most productive operations within the supply chain and drive operations toward higher levels of process transparency and brand governance The figure below depicts a natural progression toward a networked supply chain and centers of excellence. In particular, the activities of localization, production, fulfillment, and delivery migrate towards a centralized operations and extensive levels of work–flow automation. Uniform sourcing processes create consistent, high quality data — necessary for detailed reporting and ongoing process improvement. M A R C OM O P ER A T I ONS E V OLV E TOW A R D H I G HER LE V ELS OF G O V ERN A N C E & TR A NS P A REN C Y CENTRALIZED OPERATIONS FEDERALIZED LOCALIZATION PROCESSES GLOBAL BRAND MARKETING GLOBAL CREATIVE AGENCY ENGAGEMENT SERVICES MARCOM AND CATALOG Local Marketing Offices COLLATERAL AND PRINT Networked Production Houses Synchronized global market coverage with full detail reporting Networked Distribution and Detailing NETWORKED SUPPLY CHAIN PAN-REGIONAL OPERATIONS TRANSACTION AND INTERACTION DATA 2 1 E V O L U T I O N A R Y 3 T R E N D MARCOM ASSETS AND FINAL-FORM CONTENT ONE UNIFORM PRODUCTION WORKFLOW WITH DETAIL REPORTING GLOBAL BRAND MARKETER GLOBAL CREATIVE AGENCY PAN-REGIONAL PRODUCTION Local Marketing Offices Local Production Houses Local market coverage with some detail reporting Local Distribution and Detailing TRANSACTION AND INTERACTION DATA MARCOM ASSETS AND FINAL-FORM CONTENT 25 DISPARATE WORKFLOWS WITH NO DETAIL REPORTING LOCALIZATION ACTIVITY GLOBAL BRAND MARKETER GLOBAL CREATIVE AGENCY Local Marketing Offices Networked Creative Agency Local Production Houses Local Distribution and Detailing TRANSACTION AND INTERACTION DATA Local market coverage without uniform detail reporting MARCOM ASSETS AND FINAL-FORM CONTENT IMPACT ON MARKET COVERAGE AND TIME TO MARKET 4 UNIFORM SOURCING PROCESSES AND METRICS 25 DISPARATE WORKFLOWS WITH NO DETAIL REPORTING LOCALIZATION ACTIVITY GLOBAL BRAND MARKETER Regional Creative Offices Local Creative Agency Local Marketing Office Local Production Houses Local Distribution and Detailing TRANSACTION AND INTERACTION DATA Late off-brand local market coverage without detail reporting MARCOM ASSETS AND FINAL-FORM CONTENT DECENTRALIZED OPERATIONS KEY CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE NETWORKED LOCAL MarcomCentralized.3.1 ©2008 GISTICS, All rights reserved. Optimization of the marcom supply chain entails end-to-end integration of production workflows and business processes, calling attention to centers of excellence as key enablers. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SERIE S//MANAGEMENT ADVISORY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GISTICS 17 Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations What constitutes a marketing supply-chain? LOOSE-KNIT NETWORKS EXPOSED NOISY MEDIUM DISTORTS STRATEGY Chief marketing officers (CMOs) and their teams develop a marketing strategy and execute that strategy across multiple markets, regions, communications media, and suppliers or partners. The figure below depicts the inherent complexity of executing a brand-marketing strategy with clarity, consistency, and credibility. Each entity with its respective channel can distort or diminish an otherwise brilliant brand-marketing strategy. CMOs now seek ways to use technology and systems to “drive out the noise” in their marketing communications. This paper explores several operational strategies for minimizing the distortion of global, multichannel brandmarketing strategies. A n e t w o r k o f s u p p l i e r s t r a n s f o r m m a r k e t i n g g o a l s a n d s t r at e g i e s i n t o m u lt i c h a n n e l c o m m u n i c at i o n s , ta r g e t i n g k e y c u s t o m e r t o u c h p o i n t s MARKET INTERFACE MARCOM SUPPLY-CHAIN CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ABOVE THE LINE Broadcast Production Studios PostProduction Cable/ TV Networks/ Syndications Local Broadcast Editorial Creation Printing Distribution Webmaster/ Telemedia Developer Internet Service Provider Points of Presence on Web PostProduction Cable/ TV Networks Broadcast/ Fulfillment Periodicals Publisher/ Ad Sales Online Internet Application Designer Consumer Chief Marketing Officer Brand Manager Integrated Product Manager Marketing Manager Communications Agency Network Manager Corporate Communications • Sales Manager • Agencies Direct Response Firms Business Packaging Design Firm CAD Artwork Producer Assembly Manufacture Warehousing Distribution Printing Direct Mail/ Onsite Visits Detailers/ Rack Jobbers Point-of-Sale Coupons/ Gift Cards Printing Houses Fulfillment Centers Onsite Producers Staff and Talent Business Collateral Direct Sales Channel Sales Collateral/ Presentations Industrial Channel Merchandising Localization Teams Chains and Mass Merchants BELOW THE LINE • Local Agencies • Local Staff • Regional Marcom Agencies Merchandising Programs Catalog Resellers Catalog Houses Production Groups CUSTOMER SEGMENTS Infomercials Strategy Team • • Industrial • Supply- • • Chains Public Sector Events and Trade Shows Event Management Firm Exhibit Production Customer Loyalty / Trade Promotion Promotion Firm Printing Warehousing and Fulfillment Centers Specialty Print/ Manufacture Local/ Onsite Assemblage Artwork Production Outdoor/Environmental Billboard/ Mechanical Design Houses Production Branded Merchandise/Licenses Toy/Game Manufacturer Product Design/ Marketing Manufacturing Distribution ChainsMediaSpace.C.2.2 © 2008 GISTICS All rights reserved. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 GISTICS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations How do pre-press activities of marketing collateral for a newproduct launch run into almost unfathomable complexity and time delay? CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... COMPLEXITY AND COST OF LOCALIZATION FOR MULTICHANNEL MARCOM STRATEGY STRATEGIC DECISION PACKAGE • Research • Collaboration • Documentation • Meetings and Presentations 1. Business Goals and Metrics 2. Brand-Positioning Brief 3. Master Creative Brief NEW PRODUCT MASTER 1. SKU order processing data 2. Naming Conventions & Iconography 3.Regulatory Compliance CORE MARCOM ASSETS PACKAGING • Concepts • Design • Development PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT CAMPAIGN COLLATERAL 1. Photos 2. Illustrations 3. Logos & wordmarks 4. DTP-CAD layouts User Directions • Assembly • Reviews and Approvals • Distribute In-box Coupon Trade Promo Flyer POP Signage Trade Account Preso Deck Publicity Kit Product Brochure Display Ads In-Store Flyer/Shelf Talker Newsletter Article w/Photo Catalog Page Consumer Direct Mailer Banner Ads Rich Media Demo LOCALIZATION Arabic Chinese Danish Dutch English UK English US Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hindi Italian Japanese Korean Malay Norwegian Polish Portuguese Punjabi Russian Spanish Swedish Turkish Urdu CONSUMPTION-USE • Final-Form Output • Delivery and Staging • Detailing and Disposal MarConCascade.1.0 © 2005 GISTICS. All rights reserved. The figure to the right depicts one of the principal sources for cost and time delay for a global product launch: localization of marketing contents. Many new-product launches lead with two types of core marcom assets: packaging and marketing campaign collateral. The tight linkage between packaging and campaign materials often lead to difficult, costly, and problematic workflows. Requirements of colorprecise packaging and physical fabrication of packaging often entail the production of final photography and copy writing––material also needed for finalized marketing material ––only a few weeks before the scheduled launch. Late-to-marcom assets (photos of final packaging and products) cascade throughout production management of source marketing materials as well as localized versions. Localization consumes another three to 10 weeks, stealing precious time for a typical product-sales lifecycle of five months–– the average period of time in which most marketers realize 90 percent or more of total sales volume. C A S C A D E OF M A RKET I N G C ONTENT FABRICATED MATERIAL PRINTED MATERIAL DIGITAL MATERIAL INTERACTIVE MATERIAL Production management, localization and distribution workflows that rely on manual processes add three to 12 more weeks to get to market — much too late to exploit the initial buzz of a major launch––and represents as much as a quarter of a product selling-time lifecycle. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SERIE S//MANAGEMENT ADVISORY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GISTICS 19 Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations How have marketing operations responded to globalization, integration of marcom supply chains, and demands for accountability with process transparency? BIG SHIFTS UNDERWAY QUANTIFICATION OF RETURNS The imperative to improve operational efficiency of marketing entails several dramatic changes in traditional ways of doing business. The figure below depicts four major shifts now underway in most marketing operations. Measurement of returns on marketing investments entailed the use of syndicated research and the estimation of the number of impressions received by probable buyers as well as levels of awareness and recall of a brand and a brand’s key attributes among various market segments. The complexity of multichannel marketing programs; the greater emphasis on brand interaction, shorter planning, and mid-course correction cycles; and the expansion of below-the-line programs required more powerful and useful measurements. Return on marketing investment attempts to quantify the value and economic contribution of individual elements of a marketing program. Quantification of brand equity increasingly emphasizes brand interaction data and the number and types of customers that opt-in to particular promotions or interactive services. PLANNING SCOPE EXPANDS Traditionally, marketing operations developed and executed media plans that emphasized traditional advertising and some direct mail and publicity activities. The Web, email marketing campaigns, and dozens of other more direct or higher yield marketing tools have emerged and changed market dynamics and competition. As a result, marketing planners expanded their scope. They developed complex multichannel communications plans for maximum effect with targeted customer segments at the most strategic touchpoints along the paths to SUMMARY purchase—promotions, Web sites, and call centers. Executive management will demand greater accountability Marketing plans also target brand interactions along and transparency. a continuum of market development phases, piquing the These demands will require the disciplines of strategic interest of first-time buyers, reinforcing buying decisions of sourcing, process outsourcing, and workflow automation. recent customers, and promoting behaviors of loyalty and advocacy. Planning must not only emphasize mastery M A J OR SH I FTS UN D ERW A Y THROU G HOUT M A RKET I N G of multichannel communications, but planning O P ER A T I ONS M A N A G EMENT must also expand to include more complex and nuanced customer development processes. PAST TIMING CYCLES SHORTEN In the recent past, marketing operations developed and executed annual or semiannual programs. Globalization and the Internet forced planning cycles to shorten and, often, change abruptly. Marketing executives now review weekly status reports and key performance indicators derived from interactive media and call center activity. Shorter timing cycles with abrupt changes require higher levels of coordination through global marketing operations and the ability to execute strategy refinements in hours or days instead of weeks or months. Media plans FUTURE PLANNING SCOPE Semi-annual update TIMING CYCLES Above the line SPENDINGS GROWTH BELOW-THE-LINE SPENDING INCREASES Much of the real growth in marketing spends occurs below the line—a term that connotes expenses other than traditional broadcast and print advertising (above the line). Often these below-the-line expenses entail working with tens to hundreds of vendors and promotional outlets, resulting in added complexity and much higher transaction costs. Reach and awareness CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... QUANTIFICATION Brand interaction plans Monthly update Below the line ROMI and brand opt-ins Shifts4MOM.1.0 © 2007 GISTICS All rights reserved. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 GISTICS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper ................... ................... SECTION IV SERIES//MANAGEMENT ADVISORY ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... C ent er of Ex c ellenc e f or P an-R egio n a l C ollat eral Operat ions PAGE 22 23 24 25 26 27 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS ADDRESSED IN THIS SECTION: What constitutes a “center of excellence” for pan-regional collateral operations? What key components constitute a Collateral Factory, the technical infrastructure of a center of excellence in the marcom supply chain? What technologies comprise the digital media supply chain? What are the total lifecycle costs of enterprise DAM, comparing costs of internally deployed DAM versus the on-demand delivery of DAM? What are the total lifecycle costs of a collateral operation, comparing costs of internally deployed services versus the on-demand delivery of services? What constitutes a supply-chain strategy for marketing content? GISTICS 21 What constitutes a “center of excellence” for pan-regional collateral operations? Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations MARCOM OUTSOURCED Brand marketers can realize significant gains by outsourcing collateral operations to a center of excellence. The figure below depicts several key elements of such a center of excellence. Entry-points define meaningful first-engagements of a pan-regional collateral operation. Managed on-demand services refer to information technology that does not require purchase and deployment; rather, a collateral operation provisions a managed service as a rented or pay-as-you-use utility. This not only precludes capital outlays, lengthy startups, and costly maintenance but managed on-demand services can also scale upwards to downwards without delay or requirements to purchase and deploy new hardware. Smart collateral factory defines a set of online fixtures that underlie managed on-demand services and facilitates rapid execution of pan-regional collateral programs. Digital business model for a center of excellence for panregional collateral operations emphasizes the fiscal controls of an autonomous business operation that continues to drive best practices for marketing communications and media production into embedded workflow automation and ondemand systems. Continuous, ongoing process improvement entails statistical quality controls and an optimization strategy that we call a process maturity-model integration or PMMI . CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... FIXTURES OF CENTRALIZED MARCOM OPERATIONS C ENTERS OF E X C ELLEN C E D R I V E I NNO V A T I ON I NTO G LO B A L M A RKET I N G O P ER A T I ONS PERFORMANCE RESULTS ENTRY POINTS MANAGED ON-DEMAND SERVICES Pan-regional Product Launch IMPROVED MARKET COVERAGE • Self-service marcom portals • Print on demand • Digital asset management • Distance learning for brand -marketing certification INCREASED SALES Pan-regional Trade and Channel Promotion HIGHER ASSET UTILIZATION SMART COLLATERAL FACTORY Pan-regional End-Use Customer Program • Communications planner • Project manager • Media production • Strategic sourcing • Integrated fulfillment • Best-practice controls LOWER COST STRUCTURE SmartMarcomFactory.2.0 ©2008 GISTICS, All rights reserved. DIGITAL BUSINESS MODEL AUTONOMOUS BUSINESS OPERATIONS + MARCOM & MEDIA PRODUCTION BEST PRACTICES + WORKFLOW AUTOMATION & ON-DEMAND SERVICES ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22 GISTICS + STATISTICAL PROCESS-QUALITY IMPROVEMENT Centers of excellence for pan-regional collateral operations constitute a significant, ongoing investment in people, technology, and process, exceeding capital-return criteria for all but a few global enterprises. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper What key components constitute a Collateral Factory, the technical infrastructure of a center of excellence in the marcom supply chain? Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... INTEGRATED DIGITAL OPERATIONS MANAGED ON-DEMAND SERVICES The Collateral Factory constitutes a center of excellence in a marcom supply chain. The figure below depicts the key components of a Collateral Factory, emphasizing the three strategic applications and the provisioning of five managed ondemand services: The figure below depicts five interactive services that corporate users or trade partners may access through the Web. Online training and certification entail curricula and testing for corporate users or trade partners, ensuring brand governance and effective use of the collateral factory. Customization services entail the fulfillment of work orders for special-case localization and modification of preexisting collateral pieces. Self-service portals represent secure online workspaces for corporate users or trade partners. Marcom collateral stores enable corporate users or trade partners to order literature packs, place work orders for customization, and use online customization tools to make collateral from prebuilt templates. Print on demand enables corporate users or trade partners to direct final-form brochures, datasheets, and catalogs to local digital printing operations. STRATEGIC APPLICATIONS The figure below depicts the following strategic applications of a Smart Marcom Factory. Pan-regional product launches entail the synchronized delivery of print, broadcast, point-of-purchase, and digital collateral into 10 to 75 localized markets. Pan-regional trade or channel promotions emphasize the synchronized delivery of direct mail and point-of-purchase displays to retailing partners. Pan-regional end-use customer promotions emphasize the synchronized delivery of direct mail, online content, and mobile messaging to a cleansed database of registered customers. c o l l a t e r a l f ac t o r i e s d e l iv e r s t r a t e gic app l ica t i o n s t o u s e r s t h r o u g h o u t m a r c o m o p e r at i o n s Pan-regional Product Launches Pan-regional Pan-regional Trade and Channel End-Use Promotions Customer Promotions ENTRY-POINT SOLUTIONS MANAGED ON-DEMAND SERVICES Online Training and Certification Customization Services Self-service Portals Marcom Collateral Store Print On-Demand FIXTURES OF SMART MARCOM FACTORIES Multichannel Marcom Performance Dashboard Marcom Information Database DAM Repository Smart XML Collateral Templates Automated Publishing • Efficienct KPIs • Effectiveness KPIs • Business impact simulations • SKUs • Promo copy • Technical specs • Metadata • Logos and photos • Translation memory • PDFs • Presentations • Web content • Multi-format collateral types • XLST stylesheets • Finished print and online collateral • Ready-to-customize • Templated HTML Client Services Disciplines Communications planning Global project management Media production Strategic sourcing Integrated fullfilment Best practice controls SmartCollateralPlatform.1.0 ©2008 GISTICS. All rights reserved. DIGITAL SERVICES INFRASTRUCTURE ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SERIE S//MANAGEMENT ADVISORY Collateral Factories automate numerous procedures and eliminate duplicated activities throughout a marcom supply chain. These efficiency gains translate into greater market coverage for the current levels of investment. Faster cycle times and greater market coverage maximize key revenue drivers: new product launches, trade and channel promotions, and customer promotions across panregional markets. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GISTICS 23 What technologies comprise the digital media supply chain? Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations Complex systems integration The creation, management, and distribution of digital assets may entail the integration of as many as 13 systems. Most often, firms will add one or more new systems to their current IT infrastructure. Functions of a collateral factory Authoring represents a set of tools and practices for the creation of media assets and finished products such as brochures or Web pages. User Generated describes text, images, audio, or video files created by consumers and uploaded to a media-sharing portal or service. Syndication integrates external information or media feeds to the authoring or editorial operations, using open standards and XML. Ingest describes the tools and activities involved in digitizing images, photos, illustra­tions, video, and audio material. Asset repositories provide data management services such as version controls, check in/ check out, and assetactivity tracking. Contract management represents a set of tools and practices for managing the creation, nego­tiation, and execution of legal contracts. Key functions may include word processing, spread­sheets, project management and calendars, and assorted database services. Assessment AND valuation emphasize the secur­ing of legal rights and clearances for intellectual property as well as an accounting of the property’s value and royalty distributions. Key functions include collaboration tools, document management, pro­ject management and calendars, remote proofing, financial calculators, and database services. Workflow enables the routing, viewing, and approval of work in progress. Encoding entails specialized processing. For color printing, this means raster image processing of pages and images for a designated printing process (black-and-white, four-color, or six-color output). For video and audio, encoding formats the material for broadcast, DVD, or streaming presentation. Publishing systems format media assets for print, electronic, and online production. Commerce systems include traditional enter­prise computing systems as well as ERP, SCM, and B2B/B2C catalog commerce systems. Content managers organize material at specific Web sites, adding workflow routing and approvals to the complex task of managing massive Web­sites. They differ from portals in that they do not target departmental functions of a firm, nor do they gather, structure, and manage the presen­tation of legacy data. Rights management includes credit authoriza­tions, royalty distributions, and policy enforcement. Logistics includes physical and digital systems for fulfillment. Leading vendors include FedEx, UPS, and USPS, as well as Akamai and WAMNET Digital embassies, a term used to describe licensed software on end-user devices, terminate a brand resource value chain. Popular embassies include Microsoft Windows/ Office/Media Player, Real Networks Player, and Apple Mac OS/Sherlock/QuickTime. CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Integration Of A Media Value Chain The figure below also depicts the functions of an integrated media value chain. An enterprise integration framework represents three critical capabilities: media-oriented middleware, application servers optimized for the delivery of media services, and professional services with deep knowledge of media creation and workflow automation. Such a framework enables the rapid modular integration of new capabilities. Lacking this framework will entail expensive custom software development, high maintenance costs, and long lead-times to integrate new media services. key functions of an Integrated media value chain ENTERPRISE INTEGRATION FRAMEWORK User Generated Authoring Syndication Ingest Asset repositories Publishing systems Assess- Encoding Contract manage- ment & valuation ment BRMTechValueChain.1.9 © 2008 GISTICS, All rights reserved. Asset creation Workflow GISTICS Digital embassies Content managers TIME-TO-MARKET CYCLE Asset Asset management distribution ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Commerce Rights systems management Logistics eService applications .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations What are the total lifecycle costs of enterprise DAM, comparing costs of an internally deployed DAM versus the on-demand delivery of DAM? CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ENTERPRISE CLASS DAM : Software and Internal Data Center Deployment vs. Outsourced DAM Services Platform User Base: 250 creative users and 5000 asset users distributed globally STARTUP DAM Software - Internal Deployment YEAR 1 APPLICATIONS & SOFTWARE DAM software licenses / Outsourced platform setup fee Outsourced DAM Services Solution 7-month deployment YEAR 1 3-month deployment NOTES $250,000 NOTES License fees for DAM system software $20,000 Solution setup fee - includes all configuration Application & web server software licenses 63,500 License fees for web and application server software N/A No licensing fees - integrated platform Database management software licenses 40,000 License fees for DBMS software N/A No licensing fees - integrated platform Backup, archive & disaster recovery software licenses 35,000 License fees for backup and archive software N/A No licensing fees - integrated platform Server operating system licenses 16,000 License fees for server operating systems N/A No licensing fees - integrated platform SUBTOTAL $404,500 LABOR & CONSULTING $20,000 NOTES NOTES Strategy, oversight & project management $110,000 Planning, budgeting, tracking and project management Internal technical staff - operational and interface development $201,600 7 months FT, 1.5 FTE at $120/hour - 3 months FT, 0.5 FTE at $120/hour DAM vendor professional services - consulting firm $112,000 7 months, .5 FTE at $200/hour - 2 months, 0.5 FTE at $200/hour $10,000 Planning, budgeting, tracking and project management 3rd party high-availability network integration Consulting firm $18,000 3 week project, 1 FTE at $150/hour - Built-in solution capability Content & information architectures - consulting firm $48,000 3 week project, 2 FTE at $200/hour - 2 week project, 1 FTE at $200/hour Taxonomy & metadata schema - consulting firm $64,000 8 week project, 1 FTE at $200/hour - 4 week project, 1 FTE at $200/hour Asset / content migration services firm $72,000 12 week project, 2 FTE at $75/hour $72,000 12 week project, 2 FTE at $75/hour User & administrator training $72,000 6 week project, 2 FTE at $150/hour $12,000 1 week project, 2 FTE at $150/hour SUBTOTAL $697,600 HARDWARE & NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE $94,000 NOTES NOTES Internal data center modifications required for DAM operations $35,000 Improved network bandwidth - fibre channel etc. N/A No internally maintained infrastructure - hosted DAM system & database servers $25,000 4 DAM servers, 4 DB servers at $3,125 each N/A No hardware setup costs - integrated platform Application & web servers $28,000 3 App servers, 4 web servers at $4,000 each N/A No hardware setup costs - integrated platform 10 terabytes - fast RAID - fibre channel N/A No hardware setup costs - integrated platform Dedicated storage hardware & backup robotic tape drives Load balance, cache, fail-over hardware SUBTOTAL TOTAL STARTUP COSTS OPERATIONS $200,000 $40,000 4 LB switches at $6,000 each, 2 caches at $8,000 each $328,000 - $1,430,100 $114,000 YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 3 YR TOTAL YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 3 YR TOTAL APPLICATIONS & SOFTWARE DAM & server software maintenance fees $25,914 $61,700 $61,700 $149,314 N/A N/A N/A N/A $0 $0 $50,000 $50,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $144,000 $192,000 $192,000 $528,000 $25,914 $61,700 $111,700 $199,314 $144,000 $192,000 $192,000 $528,000 Program management $102,900 $245,000 $245,000 $592,900 N/A N/A N/A N/A Software support and maintenance $197,568 $470,400 $470,400 $1,138,368 N/A N/A N/A N/A Data integrity & metadata model maintenance $115,248 $274,400 $274,400 $664,048 N/A N/A N/A N/A Library services - ongoing asset ingest & indexing $123,480 $294,000 $294,000 $711,480 $123,480 $294,000 $294,000 $711,480 $30,870 $73,500 $73,500 $177,870 $27,563 $36,750 $36,750 $101,063 $570,066 $1,357,300 $1,357,300 $3,284,666 $151,043 $330,750 $330,750 $812,543 Portion of internal data center overhead & bandwidth charges $50,400 $120,000 $120,000 $290,400 N/A N/A N/A N/A High availability network vendor bandwidth charges $12,600 $30,000 $30,000 $72,600 N/A N/A N/A N/A Network infrastructure enhancements 7 hardware updates $10,080 $24,000 $24,000 $58,080 N/A N/A N/A N/A $73,080 $174,000 $174,000 $421,080 $0 $0 $0 $0 $669,060 $1,593,000 $1,643,000 $3,905,060 $295,043 $522,570 $522,570 $1,340,543 Software upgrades Outsourced service user fees SUBTOTAL LABOR & CONSULTING Training and user support SUBTOTAL HARDWARE & NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE SUBTOTAL TOTAL OPERATIONS COSTS COSTS $5,335,160 $1,454,543 The table above compares the total three-year costs of buying and using an Enterprise DAM solution, delivered as externally hosted client-licensed software and externally provisioned on-demand system. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SERIE S//MANAGEMENT ADVISORY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GISTICS 25 Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations What are the total lifecycle costs of a collateral operation, comparing costs of internally deployed services versus the on-demand delivery of services? COLLATERAL OPERATIONS: Software and Internally Deployed Services vs. Outsourced Collateral Services Platform User Base: 250 creative users, 500 receivers of print ready materials STARTUP Collateral Operation YEAR 1 APPLICATIONS & SOFTWARE MRM software licenses/Outsourced platform setup fees Outsourced On-Demand Collateral Operation 7-month deployment YEAR 1 3-month deployment NOTES $250,000 NOTES License fees for DAM system software $20,000 Solution setup fee - includes all configuration Application & web server software licenses - License fees for web and application server software N/A No licensing fees - integrated platform Database management software licenses - License fees for DBMS software N/A No licensing fees - integrated platform Backup, archive and disaster recovery software licenses - License fees for backup and archive software N/A No licensing fees - integrated platform Server operating system licenses - License fees for server operating systems N/A No licensing fees - integrated platform SUBTOTAL $250,000 $20,000 LABOR & CONSULTING NOTES Strategy, oversight & project management $200,000 Planning, budgeting, tracking and project management Internal technical staff - operational and interface development $201,600 7 months FT, 1.5 FTE at $120/hour NOTES $10,000 $32,000- Planning, budgeting, tracking and project management 1 months FT, 0.1 FTE at $200/hour Process and workflow determination and design $96,000 6 months, 0.3 FTE at $200/hour - 2 months, 0.5 FTE at $200/hour Artwork CI rule base $48,000 2 month project, 2 FTE at $150/hour - Built-in solution capability 6 months, 0.3 FTE at $150/hour - Graphical workflow setup and media/printer database Content and information architectures—consulting firm $432,000 $48,000 3 week project, 2 FTE at $200/hour $144,000 6 month project, 1 FTE at $150/hour $72,000 3 month project, 1 FTE at $150/hour Asset/content migration services firm $72,000 12 week project, 2 FTE at $75/hour $72,000 12 week project, 2 FTE at $75/hour User and administrator training $72,000 6 week project, 2 FTE at $150/hour $12,000 1 week project, 2 FTE at $150/hour Product data exchange design and implement SUBTOTAL - $1,313,600 HARDWARE & NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE 2 week project, 1 FTE at $200/hour $198,000 NOTES NOTES Internal data center modifications required for DAM operations $35,000 Improved network bandwidth - fibre channel etc. N/A No internally maintained infrastructure - hosted DAM system & database servers $25,000 4 DAM servers, 4 DB servers at $3,125 each N/A No hardware setup costs - integrated platform Application & web servers $28,000 3 App servers, 4 web servers at $4,000 each N/A No hardware setup costs - integrated platform Graphical workflow servers $28,000 3 App servers, 4 web servers, $4,000 each N/A No hardware setup costs - integrated platform Load balance, cache, fail-over hardware $40,000 4 LB switches at $6,000 each, 2 caches at $8,000 each N/A No hardware setup costs - integrated platform SUBTOTAL TOTAL STARTUP COSTS OPERATIONS $156,000 - $1,719,600 $218,000 YEAR 1 CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... YEAR 2 YEAR 3 3 YR TOTAL YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 3 YR TOTAL APPLICATIONS & SOFTWARE DAM & server software maintenance fees $25,914 $61,700 $61,700 $149,314 N/A N/A N/A N/A $0 $0 $50,000 $50,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $108,000 $144,000 $144,000 $396,000 $25,914 $61,700 $111,700 $199,314 $108,000 $144,000 $144,000 $396,000 Program management $102,900 $245,000 $245,000 $592,900 N/A N/A N/A N/A Software support and maintenance $197,568 $470,400 $470,400 $1,138,368 N/A N/A N/A N/A Data integrity & metadata model maintenance $115,248 $274,400 $274,400 $664,048 N/A N/A N/A N/A - - - - $350,000 $350,000 $350,000 $1,050,0000 Ongoing template loading and maintenance $100,000 $150,000 $150,000 $400,000 - - -0 - Support for non standard manual jobs (DTP) 135,000 135,000 135,000 $405,000 - - - - 30,870 73,500 73,500 $177,870 $27,563 $36,750 $36,750 $101,063 $681,586 $1,348,300 $1,48,300 $3,378,186 $377,563 $386,750 $386,750 $1,151,063 Portion of internal data center overhead & bandwidth charges $50,400 $120,000 $120,000 $290,400 N/A N/A N/A N/A High availability network vendor bandwidth charges $12,600 $30,000 $30,000 $72,600 N/A N/A N/A N/A Network infrastructure enhancements 7 hardware updates $10,080 $24,000 $24,000 $58,080 N/A N/A N/A N/A $73,080 $174,000 $174,000 $421,080 $0 $0 $0 $0 $780,580 $1,584,000 $1,634,000 $3,998,580 $485,563 $530,750 $530,730 $1,547,063 Software upgrades Outsourced service user fees SUBTOTAL LABOR & CONSULTING Ongoing localization project/operational support Training and user support SUBTOTAL HARDWARE & NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE SUBTOTAL TOTAL OPERATION COSTS COSTS $5,718,180 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 GISTICS $1,765,063 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper ................... ................... SECTION V SERIES//MANAGEMENT ADVISORY ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Pay back S c enarios f or Out s ourc ing wi t h C ollat eral Operat ions PAGE 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS ADDRESSED IN THIS SECTION: How does automated publishing work, a key component of a collateral factory? How do we summarize the hidden costs of a marcom supply chain, across a life cycle model for marcom assets? How do we analyze the hidden costs of a marcom supply chain (continued from previous page) What comprises the case for the consolidation of marcom assets, emphasizing the use of a DAM repository? What comprises the case for centralized localization using manual processes and a DAM repository? What comprises the case for a pan-regional collateral operation, using automated production processes? What comprises the case for the re-alignment of creative partners, emphasizing the cost efficiency of smaller, more agile creative boutiques? What comprises the case for the federalized localization of collateral, harnessing the efficiencies of translation memories and streamlined workflows, and integrated work-management dashboards for all production staff? What comprises the case for strategic sourcing of creative services, marketing content, and production, using competitive bidding through the marcom asset lifecycle? GISTICS 27 Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations How does automated publishing work, a key component of a collateral factory? TECHNOLOGY VALUE CHAIN Most end users will experience automated publishing as a set of managed services accessed through an online portal. Many of these managed services enable individual users to produce a variety of content packages or marketing collateral, or order custom services from marcom operations. The figure below depicts several key elements of an automated publishing system, a key capability of a panregional marcom supply chain. Editorial Copy Repositories contain textual copy vital and ready to use in all publications and marketing communications. This copy includes articles, advertising, copy-text, and naming conventions suitable for use on order forms, purchase orders, and catalog indices. These repositories contain a comprehensive set of metadata such as keywords and XML tags. Rich Media Repositories contain photographs, images, logos, documents, short-form videos, presentations, and final-form, ready-to-print collateral pieces (usually PDFs). These repositories enable users to search large collections and pinpoint needed items. The creation of Rich Media Repositories entails the cataloging of 10 to 30 unique identifiers (metadata), as well as confirming intellectual property rights, clearances, and reusability of each piece of media. Many firms discover that the creation of reusable media requires well-defined standards and procedures followed by all who create media components. Smart Layout Templates enable highly automated publishing workflows and provisioning self-service customization by marketing staffs and resellers. A library of templates represents a significant investment of time, knowledge, and money. Automated publishing systems combine XML-tagged data, reusable digital assets, and smart XML layout templates to produce needed publications and collateral. LOCALIZED OUTPUTS Smart Collateral Factories speed the production of collateral needed to ensure good market coverage. Physical final-form content represents ready-to-print pieces, including brochures, catalogs, direct mailers, pointof-purchase displays, and publications. Digital final-form content represents web pages or readyto-print pieces that staff or resellers may download from a digital inventory or order and pick up at a reprographics center. Ready-to-customize content represents a special class of digital assets and emphasizes tools and systems that enable staff or resellers to modify prebuilt publications, brochures, catalogs, and direct mail pieces. This may range from the simple procedure of adding logos for local resellers to more complex procedures such as building catalog pages with alternate copy or product images. Reusable digital assets not only include high-resolution source files of photos, logos, and product shots, but localized output may also entail automatic rendering and formatting, dynamic insertion of updated pricing and currencies, or substitution of one language for another even within an illustration or photograph. CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... a u t o m a t e d p u b l i s h i n g d r iv e s s e l f - s e r vic e c o l l a t e r a l f ac t o r y PHYSICAL FINAL FORM • Magazines & newsletters • Catalogs & mailers • Posters & POP displays L;OU MRxk 123 META HT 4564 DATA HTML SMs L;OU DATA SMs CGI 1424 1424DATABASE dhfk XML 4564 4564 hjxl hjxl EDITORIAL COPY REPOSITORY • Copy text • Metatags and hyperlinks • Search engine optimizations • Copyrights and permissions 1110010 010101 1010101 DIGITAL FINAL FORM Feugait distineo neque nobis singularis ne que dolore in letalis esse • PDFs • Web pages READY TO CUSTOMIZE • Formatted digital templates for print and Web pages –Ads & mailers –Articles with Ads RICH MEDIA REPOSITORY • Logos & photos • Translation memory • PDFs • Presentations • Remote proofing SMART LAYOUT TEMPLATES • XML stylesheets • Text properties AUTOMATED PUBLISHING • Finshed print & online collateral • Read-to-customize collateral • Templated HTML REUSABLE DIGITAL ASSETS • Ads • Articles • Ancillary Content • Presentations • Webcasts SmartContent.1.1bw ©2007 GISTICS Incorporated, All rights reserved. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 GISTICS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper How do we summarize the hidden costs of a marcom supply chain, across a life cycle model for marcom assets? Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations P RO G RESS I V E ST A G ES OF A P RO C ESS - M A TUR I TY MO D EL FOR A C OLL A TER A L O P ER A T I ON CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved CollateralOperations.2.0 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... LIFE CYCLE MODEL for MARCOM ASSETS Baseline Asset Centralized Consolidation with Collateral Production Manual, Centralized No Brand Standardization Localization and Production Processes Sourcing Realignment of Creative Partners and Localization Federal Localization Workflows and Processes Strategic Sourcing of Creative, Content and Production ECONOMIC GAINS FROM GREATER OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY IDEATE comprises 10 activities—research (market and customer requirements), conceptualize (a new product launch), specify (segmentation, pricing, promotion messaging, and revenues), quantify (attainable market size, growth rates, investments required, and probability of positive returns), validate (external research and prediction-market results), propose, prototype (packaging, promotions and programs), plan (schedule, budget, assign personnel, and secure organizational commitments), review (meet, discuss, interact, collaborate, rewrite, and resubmit), and authorize—that PRODUCE an approved new-product launch plan with marketing and creative briefs. Estimated cost avoidance $87,002 $16,297 $4,048 $148,143 $0 $433 Productivity dividend: new money $60,901 $11,408 $2,833 $103,700 $0 $303 Time-to-market days gained 1.0 0.5 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 Total number of staff FTEs saved 107 20 5 182 0 1 70 13 3 118 0 0 FTEs available for new projects Total Labor Savings $83,783 $15,694 $3,898 $142,662 -$167 $417 Total Material Savings $2,123 $398 $99 $3,615 -$4 $11 Total Overhead Savings $1,096 $205 $51 $1,867 -$2 $5 CREATE comprises 8 activities—compose (preliminary assets of layouts, copy text, images, video), design (a master template: layout, style sheets, fonts, images, forms, and metadata), license (additional media assets), notify (creative and client teams of items to review or messenger or overnight express physical artwork), retrieve ( receive items to review), review (creative work in a meeting, teleconference, or video conference), annotate (document needed changes, comments, or instructions), and approve—that PRODUCE a finalized design master (of an advertisement, brochure, catalog, direct mailer, flyer, package, point-of-purchase materials, or video spot) ready for distribution and production. Estimated cost avoidance $369,952 $119,949 $255,043 $170,096 $20,387 $299,825 Productivity dividend: new money $258,966 $83,964 $178,530 $119,067 $14,271 $209,877 Time-to-market days gained 4.0 1.5 3.5 1.0 0.0 5.0 Total number of staff FTEs saved 441 143 304 203 24 357 FTEs available for new projects 197 132 $345,017 $111,864 $237,853 $158,632 $19,013 $279,617 Total Material Savings $13,096 $4,246 $9,029 $6,021 $722 $10,614 Total Overhead Savings $11,838 $3,838 $8,161 $5,443 $652 $9,594 Total Labor Savings 286 93 16 232 MANAGE comprises 9 activities—upload (transferring large files across the Net), ingest (formatting assets for inclusion in an asset repository), catalog (assets with descriptive metadata), store (assets in a physical storage system), clear rights (including multiple copyrights and trademarks by designated country or geographic market), declare permissions (to use or modify an asset), track (source files and their derivatives, renditions, and compound expressions), audit (asset-activities, users, and policy compliance), and archive (collecting and compressing all assets used in a project into a policy-managed digital package)—that result in the PUBLISHING of ready-to-download marcom assets to a digital asset repository. Estimated cost avoidance $945,298 $209,959 $3,749,902 $120,139 $39,512 $15,083 Productivity dividend: new money $661,709 $146,972 $2,624,931 $84,097 $27,658 $10,558 5.0 3.0 6.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 1,173 261 4,654 149 49 19 Time-to-market days gained Total number of staff FTEs saved FTEs available for new projects 763 169 3,025 97 32 12 $918,830 $204,081 $3,644,904 $116,775 $38,406 $14,660 Total Material Savings $11,249 $2,499 $44,624 $1,430 $470 $179 Total Overhead Savings $15,219 $3,380 $60,373 $1,934 $636 $243 Total Labor Savings DISTRIBUTE comprises 8 activities—search (expose to search engines or user classes, search optimization, autoclassify for multi modal object-based retrievals), view (using standard browsers, PDF readers, and special rendering engines), download (transferring large files across the Net), render (for color-matching or proofing toolsets), encrypt (or link to a policy or rights management system), collect (copywriting, images, data, music-voiceovers, videos, design masters, fonts, forms, and project metadata), package (placing all assets in a shopping cart or distribution package), and promote (publishing assets to shared use areas, notifying likely users, and marketing special collections by email and internal newsletters)—that result in timely and error-free RECEIPT of marcom assets by authorized users. Estimated cost avoidance $350,052 $24,957 $259,039 $29,573 $99,674 $40,926 Productivity dividend: new money $245,036 $17,470 $181,327 $20,701 $69,772 $28,648 Time-to-market days gained 4.5 0.5 4.0 0.5 2.0 1.0 Total number of staff FTEs saved 413 29 306 35 118 48 FTEs available for new projects 269 19 199 23 77 31 $323,798 $23,085 $239,611 $27,355 $92,198 $37,857 Total Material Savings $20,233 $1,443 $14,972 $1,709 $5,761 $2,366 Total Overhead Savings $6,021 $429 $4,456 $509 $1,714 Total Labor Savings $704 (continued on next page) ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SERIE S//MANAGEMENT ADVISORY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GISTICS 29 Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations How do we summarize the hidden costs of a marcom supply chain, across a life cycle model for marcom assets? (continued from previous page) P RO G RESS I V E ST A G ES OF A P RO C ESS - M A TUR I TY MO D EL FOR A C OLL A TER A L O P ER A T I ON LIFE CYCLE MODEL for MARCOM ASSETS Baseline Asset Centralized Consolidation with Collateral Production Manual, Centralized No Brand Standardization Localization and Production Processes Sourcing Realignment of Creative Partners and Localization Federal Localization Workflows and Processes Strategic Sourcing of Creative, Content and Production ECONOMIC GAINS FROM GREATER OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY LOCALIZE comprises 10 activities—locate (project descriptions, schedules, and marcom assets), plan (project deliverables and needed resources), confirm (communications strategy and messaging tactics), translate (copy writing), regionalize (imagery and design layouts), rework (copywriting to regionalized design masters), copyfit (editing and reformatting), validate (formatting high-resolution artwork, producing finalized digital proofs, confirming color and registrations, and securing final approvals), rework (fixing defects), and publish creating high-resolution artwork)—that result in timely and error-free PRODUCTION of printing plates or films that meet the technical parameters of a specific lithographic, web, or digital printing press. Estimated cost avoidance $227,288 $339,598 $1,999,524 $185,226 $1,500,182 $1,199,830 Productivity dividend: new money $159,102 $237,719 $1,399,667 $129,658 $1,050,128 $839,881 Time-to-market days gained 2.5 2.0 12.0 4.0 7.0 8.0 Total number of staff FTEs saved 260 388 2,286 212 1,715 1,372 FTEs available for new projects 169 252 1,486 138 1,115 892 $203,514 $304,076 $1,790,374 $165,852 $1,343,263 $1,074,327 Total Material Savings $18,501 $27,643 $162,761 $15,077 $122,115 $97,666 Total Overhead Savings $5,273 $7,879 $46,389 $4,297 $34,804 $27,836 Total Labor Savings CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... CONSUME comprises 7 activities—order (selecting final-form print items, specifying quantities and manner of payment), version-acquire (specifying ad hoc formatting of files upon downloading), customerize (entailing the self-directed or automated personalization of copywritten material or graphics), decrypt-unlock (digital production master), print-play, process royalties (if due payable), and warehouse-dispose (storing or recycling printed or manufactured materials—that result in fast, effective CONVERGENCE of brand marketing and promotions in selected markets, creating an echo effect at points of purchase and incremental sales. Estimated cost avoidance Productivity dividend: new money $120,514 $89,797 $350,032 $40,030 $119,305 $849,936 $84,360 $62,858 $245,023 $28,021 $83,514 $594,955 Time-to-market days gained 6.0 4.0 9.0 3.0 2.0 9.0 Total number of staff FTEs saved 152 113 441 50 151 1,072 FTEs available for new projects Total Labor Savings Total Material Savings Total Overhead Savings 99 74 287 33 98 697 $119,044 $88,701 $345,762 $39,542 $117,850 $839,567 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,470 $1,096 $4,270 $488 $1,456 $10,369 ARCHIVE comprises 7 activities—query (databases, storage or record management systems, and digital asset repositories), analyze (query data and findings), report (formatting data and findings for presentation and quality management procedures), certify (the status of flagged or rights-controlled assets), journal (testifying the formal status of designated assets), archive (assets for long-term, offsite storage), and destroy (shredding optical media, wiping magnetic devices, and recycling physical artwork or films)—that result secure, confident OFFSITE STORAGE of marcom assets, project data, and related business records. Estimated cost avoidance $23,782 $15,362 $14,774 $35,308 $70,167 $30,241 Productivity dividend: new money $16,647 $10,753 $10,342 $24,716 $49,117 $21,169 Time-to-market days gained 1.0 1.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 3.0 Total number of staff FTEs saved 29 19 18 43 85 37 FTEs available for new projects 19 12 12 28 55 24 $28,790 Total Labor Savings $22,640 $14,625 $14,065 $33,613 $66,799 Total Material Savings $143 $92 $89 $212 $421 $181 Total Overhead Savings $999 $645 $621 $1,483 $2,947 $1,270 total economic gains FROM ALL PHASES OF COLLATERAL OPERATIONS Estimated cost avoidance $2,123,888 $815,918 $6,632,361 $728,516 $1,849,227 $2,436,274 Productivity dividend: new money $1,486,721 $571,143 $4,642,653 $509,961 $1,294,459 $1,705,392 Time-to-market days gained 24.0 13.0 35.0 12.5 12.5 26.5 Total number of staff days saved 2,575 973 8,014 874 2,142 2,905 Days available for new projects 1,674 633 5,209 568 1,392 1,888 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30 GISTICS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper What comprises the case for the consolidation of marcom assets, emphasizing the use of a DAM repository? Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... P RO G RESS I V E ST A G ES OF A P RO C ESS - M A TUR I TY MO D EL FOR A C OLL A TER A L O P ER A T I ON LIFE CYCLE MODEL for MARCOM ASSETS Asset Consolidation (DAM only) Asset Consolidation with Centralized Collateral Production Manual, Centralized Localization and Production Processes Sourcing Realignment Federal Localization of Creative Partners Workflows and Processes and Localization Strategic Sourcing of Creative, Content and Production Copy to come COLLABORATION SUPPORT: copy to come ASSET AND ASSET QUALITY CONTROL: copy to come SHARE AND CONNECT: copy to come AUTOMATION OF MANUAL WORK/PROCESS REENGINEERING: copy to come COMPARATIVE COST MODEL BASELINE PROCESS-MATURITY STAGE 1 No Brand Standardization COLLATERAL OPERATIONS Asset Consolidation (DAM only) PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL COST PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL COST TOTAL SAVINGS 4.10% $861 96.30% $829 4.10% $774 $87 96.30% $745 Materials 2.44% $84 $21 2.44% $19 Overhead $2 1.26% $11 1.26% $10 $1 29.80% $6,258 31.19% $5,888 $370 93.26% $5,836 93.26% $5,491 $345 Materials 3.54% $222 3.54% $208 $13 Overhead 3.20% $200 3.20% $188 $12 14.30% $3,003 10.90% $2,058 $945 IDEATE LABOR HOURS 9,316 Labor CREATE 65,575 Labor MANAGE 32,797 LABOR HOURS 8,375 61,699 97.20% $2,919 97.20% $2,000 $919 Materials 1.19% $36 1.19% $25 $11 Overhead 1.61% $48 1.61% $33 $15 7.60% $1,596 6.60% $1,246 $350 Labor DISTRIBUTE 16,588 22,473 92.50% $1,476 92.50% $1,153 $324 Materials 5.78% $92 5.78% $72 $20 Overhead 1.72% $28 1.72% $21 $6 37.40% $7,854 40.40% $7,627 $227 89.54% $7,033 89.54% $6,829 $204 Materials 8.14% $639 8.14% $621 $19 Overhead 2.32% $182 2.32% $177 $5 3.90% $819 3.70% $699 $121 Labor LOCALIZE 79,017 Labor CONSUME 9,090 12,950 76,730 98.78% $809 98.78% $690 $119 Materials 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 Overhead 1.22% $10 1.22% $9 $2 2.90% $609 3.10% $585 $24 Labor ANALYZE 6,514 7,752 95.20% $580 95.20% $557 $23 Materials 0.60% $4 0.60% $4 $0 Overhead 4.20% $26 4.20% $25 $1 100.00% $21,000 100.00% $18,878 $2,124 Labor Totals 6,260 ECONOMIC GAINS FROM THIS PROCESS-MATURITY STAGE Estimated cost avoidance ..........................................................................................................................$2,124 Productivity dividend (new money) ...........................................................................................................................$1,487 Time-to-market days gained ........................................................................................................................24 DAYS Number of staff FTEs saved .........................................................................................................................11 FTEs Total FTE staff available for new projects ...........................................................................................................................7 FTEs ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SERIE S//MANAGEMENT ADVISORY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GISTICS 31 Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations What comprises the case for centralized localization using manual processes and a DAM repository? P RO G RESS I V E ST A G ES OF A P RO C ESS - M A TUR I TY MO D EL FOR A C OLL A TER A L O P ER A T I ON LIFE CYCLE MODEL for MARCOM ASSETS Asset Consolidation (DAM only) Asset Consolidation with Manual, Centralized Localization and Production Processes Centralized Collateral Production Sourcing Realignment of Creative Partners and Localization Federal Localization Workflows and Strategic Sourcing of Creative, Content and Processes Production Higher quality, on-brand, collateral DESIGNS brought to market faster and shared more widely COLLABORATION SUPPORT: Creative project workflows, smart folders and work-in-process queues, web workbenches for creative and production groups, auto-notification of asset users ASSET AND ASSET QUALITY CONTROL: Standardised collection & storage of assets, multiple views of a single asset, detailed asset-use reporting, User-generated metadata (IPTC, EXIF, XMP) and file-based metadata (Date created, color space, frame rates) ; asset version & status control, each version and asset-derivative and rendition tracked independently SHARE AND CONNECT: Easy distribution of assets, automated metadata synchronization with ERP, authorization based access control, asset distribution tools AUTOMATION OF MANUAL WORK/PROCESS REENGINEERING: Automated or facilitated processing of assets, one-pass tagging of new assets, auto-generation of previews, ondemand generation of versions of a single asset, auto generation of asset property metadata, auto-classification of textual content (MS Office, Adobe CS, and PDFs) COMPARATIVE COST MODEL COLLATERAL OPERATIONS PROCESS-MATURITY STAGE 1 PROCESS-MATURITY STAGE 2 Asset Consolidation (DAM only) Asset Consolidation with Manual, Centralized Localization and Production Processes LABOR HOURS PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL COST 4.10% $774 96.30% $745 Materials 2.44% Overhead IDEATE Labor 8,375 CREATE Labor 61,699 LABOR HOURS PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL COST TOTAL SAVINGS 4.20% $758 $16 96.30% $730 $16 $19 2.44% $19 $0 1.26% $10 1.26% $10 $0 31.19% $5,888 31.94% $5,768 $120 8,199 93.26% $5,491 93.26% $5,379 $112 Materials 3.54% $208 3.54% $204 $4 Overhead 3.20% $188 3.20% $185 $4 10.90% $2,058 10.23% $1,848 $210 MANAGE Labor 22,473 60,442 97.20% $2,000 97.20% $1,796 $204 Materials 1.19% $25 1.19% $22 $3 Overhead 1.61% $33 1.61% $30 $3 6.60% $1,246 6.76% $1,221 $25 DISTRIBUTE Labor 12,950 20,180 92.50% $1,153 92.50% $1,129 $23 Materials 5.78% $72 5.78% $71 $2 Overhead 1.72% $21 1.72% $21 $0 40.40% $7,627 40.34% $7,287 $340 LOCALIZE Labor 76,730 12,690 89.54% $6,829 89.54% $6,525 $304 Materials 8.14% $621 8.14% $593 $28 Overhead 2.32% $177 2.32% $169 $8 3.70% $699 3.37% $609 $90 CONSUME Labor 7,752 73,313 98.78% $690 98.78% $601 $89 Materials 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 Overhead 1.22% $9 1.22% $7 $1 3.10% $585 3.16% $570 $15 ANALYZE Labor 6,260 6,756 95.20% $557 95.20% $543 $14 Materials 0.60% $4 0.60% $3 $0 Overhead 4.20% $25 4.20% $24 $1 100.00% $18,878 100.00% $18,062 $816 Total Savings 6,096 CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ECONOMIC GAINS FROM previous process-maturity stage Estimated cost avoidance ......................................................................................................................$815,918 Productivity dividend (new money) ......................................................................................................................$571,143 Time-to-market days gained ........................................................................................................................13 DAYS Number of staff FTEs saved ..........................................................................................................................4 FTEs Total FTE staff available for new projects ..........................................................................................................................3 FTEs ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32 GISTICS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations What comprises the case for a pan-regional collateral operation, using automated production processes? CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... P RO G RESS I V E ST A G ES OF A P RO C ESS - M A TUR I TY MO D EL FOR A C OLL A TER A L O P ER A T I ON LIFE CYCLE MODEL for MARCOM ASSETS Asset Consolidation (DAM only) Asset Consolidation with Centralized Collateral Production Manual, Centralized Localization and Production Processes Production Processes Sourcing Realignment of Creative Partners and Localization Federal Localization Workflows Strategic Sourcing of Creative, Content and and Processes Production More relevant, on brand LOCALIZED VERSIONS of the central marketing materials at lower costs brought to market faster COLLABORATION SUPPORT: Supported localization process, project rooms and detailed Web-based notes, certified “trusted advisors” on call, auto-notification user in the process ASSET AND ASSET QUALITY CONTROL: Standardised processing of assets, shared collateral-publishing templates, multi-level user group and user permissions, remote review and approvals with visual mark-ups and annotation, project-activity reporting SHARE AND CONNECT: Joined platform to work on, classified and searchable wiki-like collections of project notes and transactions, controlled access to projects and assets, single sign-on AUTOMATION OF MANUAL WORK/PROCESS REENGINEERING: Automated artwork generation & application of CI, automated artwork generation (DTP robot), XML style sheets and forms, print or publication-ready files COMPARATIVE COST MODEL COLLATERAL OPERATIONS PROCESS-MATURITY STAGE 2 PROCESS-MATURITY STAGE 3 Asset Consolidation with Manual, Centralized Localization and Production Processes Centralized Collateral Production and Localization LABOR HOURS PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL COST 4.20% $758 96.30% $730 Materials 2.44% Overhead IDEATE 8,199 Labor CREATE 60,442 Labor LABOR HOURS PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL COST TOTAL SAVINGS 6.59% $754 $4 96.30% $726 $4 $18 2.44% $18 $0 1.26% $10 1.26% $10 $0 31.94% $5,768 48.17% $5,513 $255 8,155 57,769 93.26% $5,379 93.26% $5,142 $238 Materials 3.54% $204 3.54% $195 $9 Overhead 3.20% $185 3.20% $176 $8 10.23% $1,848 -16.62% -$1,902 $3,750 MANAGE 20,180 Labor -20,774 97.20% $1,796 97.20% -$1,849 $3,645 Materials 1.19% $22 1.19% -$23 $45 Overhead 1.61% $30 1.61% -$30 $60 6.76% $1,221 8.41% $962 $259 DISTRIBUTE 12,690 Labor 9,998 92.50% $1,129 92.50% $890 $240 Materials 5.78% $71 5.78% $56 $15 Overhead 1.72% $21 1.72% $16 $4 40.34% $7,287 46.20% $5,288 $2,000 LOCALIZE 73,313 Labor 53,197 89.54% $6,525 89.54% $4,735 $1,790 Materials 8.14% $593 8.14% $430 $163 Overhead 2.32% $169 2.32% $123 $47 3.37% $609 2.26% $259 $350 CONSUME 6,756 Labor 2,871 98.78% $601 98.78% $256 $346 Materials 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 Overhead 1.22% $8 1.22% $3 $4 3.16% $570 4.85% $555 $15 95.20% 0.60% $543 $3 95.20% 0.60% $529 $3 $14 $0 4.20% $24 4.20% $23 $1 100.00% $18,062 100.00% $11,445 $6,632 ANALYZE Labor Materials 6,096 Overhead Total Savings 5,938 ECONOMIC GAINS FROM previous process-maturity stage Estimated cost avoidance ....................................................................................................................$6,632,361 Productivity dividend (new money) ....................................................................................................................$4,642,653 Time-to-market days gained ........................................................................................................................35 DAYS Number of staff FTEs saved ........................................................................................................................34 FTEs Total FTE staff available for new projects ........................................................................................................................22 FTEs ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SERIE S//MANAGEMENT ADVISORY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GISTICS 33 Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations What comprises the case for the re-alignment of creative partners, emphasizing the cost efficiency of smaller, more agile creative boutiques? P RO G RESS I V E ST A G ES OF A P RO C ESS - M A TUR I TY MO D EL FOR A C OLL A TER A L O P ER A T I ON LIFE CYCLE MODEL for MARCOM ASSETS Asset Consolidation (DAM only) Asset Consolidation with Manual, Centralized Localization and Production Processes Centralized Collateral Production Sourcing Realignment of Creative Partners and Localization Federal Localization Workflows Strategic Sourcing of Creative, Content and and Processes Production Greater pan-regional transparency and process controls enables more precise synchronization and faster roll out of COLLATERAL CAMPAIGNS COLLABORATION SUPPORT: Shared generation process for creative material, standardised creative briefs, generic brand guidelines, planning information and support on upstream process ASSET AND ASSET QUALITY CONTROL: Standardized supply creative material, technical artwork standards for agencies, central execution and responsibility for image standardization, central font and color management SHARE AND CONNECT: Joined platform for agencies to supply to, use of local agencies, local generated creative ideas in pan-regional platform AUTOMATION OF MANUAL WORK/PROCESS REENGINEERING: Automated intake and quality control processes of new artwork, automated check incoming artwork against standards, automated check incoming artwork against printer requirements, automated PDF workflow, on-demand refresh of collateral layouts and versions, on-demand file transformation at output COMPARATIVE COST MODEL COLLATERAL OPERATIONS PROCESS-MATURITY STAGE 3 PROCESS-MATURITY STAGE 4 Centralized Collateral Production and Localization Sourcing Realignment of Creative Partners LABOR HOURS PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL COST LABOR HOURS PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL COST TOTAL SAVINGS 5.65% $606 $148 $0 6,552 96.30% $583 $142 $0 6.59% $754 Labor 8,155 96.30% Materials 2.44% $18 2.44% $15 $4 Overhead 1.26% $10 1.26% $8 $2 $0 48.17% $5,513 49.86% $5,343 $170 $300 Labor 57,769 93.26% 55,987 93.26% $4,983 $159 Materials 3.54% $195 3.54% $189 $6 $11 Overhead 3.20% $176 3.20% $171 $5 $10 -16.62% -$1,902 -18.87% -$2,022 $120 $15 IDEATE CREATE MANAGE $726 $5,142 -20,774 97.20% -22,086 97.20% -$1,966 $117 Materials 1.19% -$23 1.19% -$24 $1 $0 Overhead 1.61% -$30 1.61% -$32 $2 $0 8.41% $962 8.70% $932 $30 $41 Labor 9,998 92.50% 9,690 92.50% $862 $27 Materials 5.78% $56 5.78% $54 $2 $2 Overhead 1.72% $16 1.72% $16 $1 $1 46.20% $5,288 47.61% $5,102 $185 $1,200 Labor 53,197 89.54% 51,333 89.54% $4,569 $166 Materials 8.14% $430 8.14% $415 $15 $98 Overhead 2.32% $123 2.32% $118 $4 $28 2.26% $259 2.04% $219 $40 $850 Labor 2,871 98.78% 2,427 98.78% $216 $40 Materials 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $0 Overhead 1.22% $3 1.22% $3 $0 $10 Labor DISTRIBUTE LOCALIZE CONSUME 4.85% $555 Labor 5,938 95.20% Materials 0.60% Overhead 4.20% ANALYZE Total Savings -$1,849 $890 $4,735 $256 4.85% $520 $35 $30 5,560 95.20% $495 $34 $3 0.60% $3 $0 $0 $23 4.20% $22 $1 $1 100.00% $10,717 $729 100.00% $529 $11,445 CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ECONOMIC GAINS FROM previous process-maturity stage Estimated cost avoidance .......................................................................................................................$728,516 Productivity dividend (new money) .......................................................................................................................$509,961 Time-to-market days gained .....................................................................................................................12.5 DAYS Number of staff FTEs saved ..........................................................................................................................4 FTEs Total FTE staff available for new projects ..........................................................................................................................2 FTEs ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34 GISTICS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations What comprises the case for the federalized localization of collateral, harnessing the efficiencies of translation memories and streamlined workflows, and integrated work-management dashboards for all production staff? CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... P RO G RESS I V E ST A G ES OF A P RO C ESS - M A TUR I TY MO D EL FOR A C OLL A TER A L O P ER A T I ON LIFE CYCLE MODEL for MARCOM ASSETS Asset Consolidation (DAM only) Asset Consolidation with Centralized Collateral Production Manual, Centralized Localization and Production Processes Sourcing Realignment of Creative Partners and Localization Federal Localization Workflows Strategic Sourcing of Creative, Content and and Processes Production Central production of PRINT COLLATERAL with fewer defects and review cycles at much lower cost to a more standardized quality. COLLABORATION SUPPORT: Pan regional team, pan-regional project status reporting, instant work load prioritization and load balancing ASSET AND ASSET QUALITY CONTROL: Shared effectiveness information on assets and materials, shared in store collateral evaluation teams, distribution of efficiency data of items and campaigns SHARE AND CONNECT: Electronic exchange mechanisms for data, versatile Web service framework, published SDK and APIs, Publish structured content to enterprise Web content management systems AUTOMATION OF MANUAL WORK/PROCESS REENGINEERING: Automation to increase productivity and consistency of data, rules-based translation of copy-text and metadata, company specific terms reference, integration with product data management systems, integration with life cycle management systems COMPARATIVE COST MODEL COLLATERAL OPERATIONS PROCESS-MATURITY STAGE 4 PROCESS-MATURITY STAGE 5 Sourcing Realignment of Creative Partners Federal Localization Workflows and Processes LABOR HOURS PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL COST 5.65% $606 96.30% $583 Materials 2.44% Overhead IDEATE 6,552 Labor CREATE 55,987 Labor LABOR HOURS PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL COST TOTAL SAVINGS 6.83% $606 -$0 96.30% $583 -$0 $15 2.44% $15 -$0 1.26% $8 1.26% $8 -$0 49.85% $5,343 60.02% $5,323 $20 6,554 55,773 93.26% $4,983 93.26% $4,964 $18 Materials 3.54% $189 3.54% $189 $1 Overhead 3.20% $171 3.20% $170 $1 -18.87% -$2,022 -23.25% -$2,062 $40 MANAGE Labor 97.20% -$1,966 97.20% -$2,004 $38 Materials -22,086 1.19% -$24 1.19% -$25 $1 Overhead 1.61% -$32 1.61% -$33 $1 8.70% $932 9.39% $833 $100 DISTRIBUTE 9,691 Labor -22,518 8,655 92.50% $863 92.50% $770 $92 Materials 5.78% $54 5.78% $48 $6 Overhead 1.72% $16 1.72% $15 $2 47.61% $5,102 40.62% $3,602 $1,500 LOCALIZE 51,333 Labor 36,240 89.54% $4,569 89.54% $3,225 $1,343 Materials 8.14% $415 8.14% $293 $122 Overhead 2.32% $118 2.32% $84 $35 2.04% $219 1.12% $99 $119 CONSUME 2,427 98.78% $216 98.78% $98 $118 Materials Labor 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 Overhead 1.22% $3 1.22% $1 $2 4.85% $520 5.07% $450 $70 ANALYZE Labor 5,560 1,102 95.20% $495 95.20% $428 $67 Materials 0.60% $3 0.60% $3 $0 Overhead 4.20% $22 4.20% $19 $3 100.00% $10,717 100.00% $8,868 $1,849 Total Savings 4,809 ECONOMIC GAINS FROM previous process-maturity stage Estimated cost avoidance ....................................................................................................................$1,849,227 Productivity dividend (new money) ....................................................................................................................$1,294,459 Time-to-market days gained .....................................................................................................................12.5 DAYS Number of staff FTEs saved ..........................................................................................................................9 FTEs Total FTE staff available for new projects ..........................................................................................................................6 FTEs ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SERIE S//MANAGEMENT ADVISORY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GISTICS 35 Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations What comprises the case for strategic sourcing of creative services, marketing content, and production, using competitive bidding through the marcom asset lifecycle? P RO G RESS I V E ST A G ES OF A P RO C ESS - M A TUR I TY MO D EL FOR A C OLL A TER A L O P ER A T I ON LIFE CYCLE MODEL for MARCOM ASSETS Asset Consolidation (DAM only) Asset Consolidation with Manual, Centralized Localization and Production Processes Centralized Collateral Production Sourcing Realignment of Creative Partners and Localization Federal Localization Workflows Strategic Sourcing of Creative, content and and Processes Production Higher quality, on-brand, collateral DESIGNS brought to market faster and shared more widely COLLABORATION SUPPORT: Pan-regional sourcing process, pan-regional networked supply chain, pan-regional planning & forecast, pan-regional capacity forecast ASSET AND ASSET QUALITY CONTROL: Standardised materials and paper types, central paper buying, central materials sourcing, central supplier accreditation, digital print standards SHARE AND CONNECT: Shared network of suppliers , actively managed print supply network including local digital print suppliers, active bidding procedure for each print item within supplier network , channel partner access AUTOMATION OF MANUAL WORK/PROCESS REENGINEERING: Automation to increase productivity and consistency of ordering, integrated “my price” quotation service for print and advertising, integrated budget management, channel partner bonus schemes COMPARATIVE COST MODEL COLLATERAL OPERATIONS PROCESS-MATURITY STAGE 5 PROCESS-MATURITY STAGE 6 Federal Localization Workflows and Processes Strategic Sourcing of Creative, Content and Production LABOR HOURS PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL COST 6.83% $606 96.30% $583 Materials 2.44% Overhead IDEATE 6,554 Labor CREATE 55,773 Labor LABOR HOURS PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL COST TOTAL SAVINGS 9.41% $605 $0 96.30% $583 $0 $15 2.44% $15 $0 1.26% $8 1.26% $7 $0 60.02% $5,323 78.09% $5,023 $300 6,549 52,632 93.26% $4,964 93.26% $4,684 $280 Materials 3.54% $189 3.54% $178 $11 Overhead 3.20% $170 3.20% $161 $9 -23.25% -$2,062 -32.29% -$2,077 $15 MANAGE -22,518 Labor -22,683 97.20% -$2,004 97.20% -$2,019 $15 Materials 1.19% -$25 1.19% -$25 $0 Overhead 1.61% -$33 1.61% -$33 $0 9.39% $833 12.31% $792 $41 DISTRIBUTE 8,655 Labor 8,229 92.50% $770 92.50% $732 $38 Materials 5.78% $48 5.78% $46 $2 Overhead 1.72% $15 1.72% $14 $1 40.62% $3,602 37.35% $2,402 $1,200 LOCALIZE 36,240 Labor 24,169 89.54% $3,225 89.54% $2,151 $1,074 Materials 8.14% $293 8.14% $195 $98 Overhead 2.32% $84 2.32% $56 $28 1.12% $99 -11.67% -$751 $850 $840 CONSUME 1,102 Labor -8,331 98.78% $98 98.78% -$742 Materials 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 Overhead 1.22% $1 1.22% -$9 $10 5.07% $450 6.52% $419 $30 95.20% $428 95.20% $399 $29 Materials 0.60% $3 0.60% $2 $0 Overhead 4.20% $22 4.20% $19 $1 100% $8,868 100% $6,432 $2,436 ANALYZE Labor 4,809 Total Savings 4,486 $65,051 CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ECONOMIC GAINS FROM previous process-maturity stage Estimated cost avoidance ...................................................................................................................$2,436,274 Productivity dividend (new money) ....................................................................................................................$1,705,392 Time-to-market days gained .....................................................................................................................26.5 DAYS Number of staff FTEs saved ........................................................................................................................12 FTEs Total FTE staff available for new projects ..........................................................................................................................8 FTEs ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36 GISTICS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper ................... ................... SECTION VI ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... A c t iv it y - A ut om at ion C ells PAGE SERIES//MANAGEMENT ADVISORY 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS ADDRESSED IN THIS SECTION: How can an online collateral platform create localized design- templates, reducing workflow cycle time of five hours to 1.5 hours? How can an online collateral platform develop XML design templates for automated publishing workflows, reducing cycle time of thirteen days to zero? How can an online collateral platform translate English master copy-text to local languages, reducing cycle time of three days to one day? How can an online collateral platform finalize translated copy-text, reducing cycle time of five days to six hours? How can an online collateral platform facilitate the review and approval of localized final-form layouts, reducing cycle time of three weeks to four days? How can an online collateral platform update pricing or technical data of a localized published layout—reducing cycle times of two weeks to two days? How can an online collateral platform speed on-demand local digital-press production of a flyer, reducing cycle time of five days to one day? How can an online collateral platform speed on-demand production, review, and approval of local-market employment ads, reducing cycle time of one week to one day? What comprises the differentiated value proposition for outsourced pan-regional collateral operations of Adnovate? GISTICS 37 How can an online collateral platform create localized design-templates, reducing workflow cycle time of five hours to 1.5 hours? Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations ACTIVITY: CREATE LOCALIZED DESIGN-TEMPLATE, REDUCING WORKFLOW CYCLE TIME OF 5 HOURS TO 1.5 HOURS. LABOR TASKS (minutes) MANAGEMENT OF MARCOM ASSETS REQUIRES AN ACTIVITYBASED MODEL IDEATE Research Conceptualize Specify Quantify Validate Propose Plan Review Rewrite Authorize CREATE Compose Design License Notify Retrieve Review Annotate Approve MANAGE Upload Ingest Catalog Store Clear rights Declare Track Audit Archive DISTRIBUTE Search View Download Render Encrypt Collect Package Promote LOCALIZE Locate Confirm Plan translate Confirm Translateregionalize Regionalize Rework Copyfit Validate Publish CONSUME Order Version-acquire Customerize Decrypt-unlock Print-play Process royalties Warehouse-dispose SUBORDINATE ACTIVITIES Locate launch-materials package Distribute files to localization team Query Analyze Certify Destroy 60 480 30 Conduct team review and markup of templates, style sheets, and imagery, using in-person meetings, phone conferences, email threads, or web conferencing. Service capability of collateral operations includes the centralized collection of audio and visual notes and text changes, reducing errors or omissions. Develop and standardize style sheets for all collateral layouts. Partially not applicable; service capability of collateral operations automatically updates tagged XML copy-text and XML style sheets in asset repository, enabling direct viewing of copy within layout designs. Update or design new layouts and style sheets 180 0 Approve changes to design master and assets 300 30 1620 166 3.0 0.3 SUBTOTAL (minutes) CYCLE TIME Days required to complete LABOR COSTS (dollars) Group approves updated design layout, templates, style sheets, imagery, and formats, including vendor charges. Service capability of collateral operations provides real-time status reports, task assignments, and financial controls. Time required to create localized design-template. Per complete cycle Difference based on portion of work completed by different staff Global Headquarter Staff $10,204.72 $1,044.66 $200 per hour fully-burdened rate Global Agency Staff $16,072.44 $1,645.34 $180 per hour billing rate EMEA Headquarter Staff $9,184.25 $940.20 $180 per hour fully-burdened rate EMEA Agency Staff $10,714.96 $1,096.89 $120 per hour billing rate Local Marketing Staff $35,078.74 $3,591.02 $100 per hour fully-burdened rate Local Advertising Staff $48,472.44 $4,962.14 $80 per hour billing rate Translation Staff $10,332.28 $1,057.72 $60 per hour billing rate Blended labor rate TOTAL LABOR COSTS MATERIAL COSTS ($) $20,008.55 $2,048.28 Represents proportional hourly rate of team involved $140,060 $14,338 Per complete cycle MANUAL AUTOMATED NOTES Physical media (CD/DVD) $116.30 $11.91 Cost of CDs burned to support process Freight, courier, express mail $1,318.06 $134.93 Cost of mailings required to complete process Agency billing (ship, process) $2,907.49 $297.64 Cost of mailings by agency based on standard service fees TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS ANNUAL COSTS ($) Annual labor costs Annual material costs $4,341.86 $444.48 Per complete cycle MANUAL AUTOMATED NOTES $140,060 $14,338 Fully-burdened labor costs $4,342 $3,109 $147,511 SAVINGS $445 Total material costs associated with process $318 Total overhead costs associated with process $15,101 Per complete cycle PERCENT NOTES $125,722 89.76% Percent reduction in costs, automated vs. manual $3,897 89.76% Percent reduction in costs, automated vs. manual $129,619 VALUE EFFECT 2.8 Days gained by automating process ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GISTICS 5 Deliver files to review team via email; this may entail email-attached files to staff and/or external agencies, requiring assistance from associates and several repetitions due to the size of attached files and inconsistent Internet services. All assets and related material stored online in a collateral operations; no additional times needed for distribution. Ingestion of design masters automatically creates and stores XML style sheets and tagged XML copy-text in asset repository. Recommend changes to designs and copy Cycle time 38 29 72 TOTAL ECONOMIC GAIN INTANGIBLE GAINS Archive 360 Locate design master(s), copy-text documents, and creative brief presentation, accessing email attachments, shared drives, FTPs, extranets, and digital asset repositories and retrieving fonts, templates, style sheets, forms, media assets. All assets and related material stored online in a collateral operations. 240 Total material cost savings Journal Manual Clarify positioning/messaging Total labor savings Report NOTES Description of activities: italics indicates automation-assisted activities of a panAutomated regional collateral operation. Discuss localization requirements and refinements using formatted PDFs of design masters and copies of creative-brief presentation, using teleconferences or web conferencing workspaces; typically entails two discussions or meeting. Service capability of collateral operations includes instant workspaces that capture audio and visual notes and text changes, reducing need for recap meetings for missing or delayed personnel. Annual overhead costs TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS ECONOMIC GAINS ARCHIVE LABOR/MINUTES CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved CollateralOperations.2.0 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper How can an online collateral platform develop XML design templates for automated publishing workflows, reducing cycle time of thirteen days to zero? Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ACTIVITY: DEVELOP XML-DESIGN TEMPLATES FOR AUTOMATED PUBLISHING WORKFLOWS, REDUCING CYCLE TIME OF 13 DAYS TO ZERO. LABOR TASKS (minutes) MANAGEMENT OF MARCOM ASSETS REQUIRES AN ACTIVITYBASED MODEL IDEATE Research Conceptualize Specify Quantify Validate Propose Plan Review Rewrite Authorize CREATE Compose Design License Notify Retrieve Review Annotate Approve MANAGE Upload Ingest Catalog Store Clear rights Declare Track Audit Archive DISTRIBUTE Search View Download Render Encrypt Collect Package Promote LOCALIZE Locate Plan Confirm Confirm translate Translate regionalize Regionalize Rework Copyfit Validate Publish CONSUME Order Version-acquire Customerize Decrypt-unlock Print-play Process royalties Warehouse-dispose ARCHIVE SUBORDINATE ACTIVITIES LABOR/MINUTES NOTES Manual Description of activities: italics indicates automation-assisted activities of a pan-regional collateral operation. Automated Update style sheets 180 0 Graphic-design specialist reviews design change-recommendations, updating character, paragraph, object, and form style sheets, page master(s), document information (metadata), font families, swatches, visual vocabularies, and color profiles. Service capability of collateral operations enables direct updates to XML style sheets. Program XML style sheets and forms 900 0 XML programmer edits raw XML file, updating markup language using special editing tools. Not applicable to collateral operations. Debug XML style sheets and forms 1200 0 XML programmer and QA staffer debug XML code, validating output using special editing tools and hard-copy prints. Not applicable to collateral operations. Review and approve outputs 240 0 Input placeholder fill-text, distill PDF, review defects, rework underlying XML code until correct. Not applicable to collateral operations. Transition XML style sheets 120 0 Move files and data schemas from develop platform and QA environment to publishing platform. Not applicable to collateral operations. 2520 0 Time required to develop XML-design templates. 5 0 SUBTOTAL (minutes) CYCLE TIME Days required to complete LABOR COSTS (dollars) Global Headquarter Staff Global Agency Staff Per complete cycle Difference based on portion of work completed by different staff $7,937.01 $- $200 per hour fully-burdened rate $10,714.96 $- $180 per hour billing rate EMEA Headquarter Staff $7,143.31 $- $180 per hour fully-burdened rate EMEA Agency Staff $7,143.31 $- $120 per hour billing rate Local Marketing Staff $29,763.78 $- $100 per hour fully-burdened rate Local Advertising Staff $31,748.03 $- $80 per hour billing rate $- $- $60 per hour billing rate Translation Staff Blended labor rate $13,492.91 $- Represents proportional hourly rate of team involved TOTAL LABOR COSTS $94,450 MATERIAL COSTS ($) MANUAL AUTOMATED NOTES Physical media (CD/DVD) $- Per complete cycle $78.43 Freight, courier, express mail $- Cost of CDs burned to support process $888.85 $- Cost of mailings required to complete process Agency billing (ship, process) $1,960.69 $- Cost of mailings by agency based on standard service fees TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS $2,927.96 $- Per complete cycle ANNUAL COSTS ($) MANUAL AUTOMATED NOTES Annual labor costs $94,450 Annual material costs $2,928 Annual overhead costs $2,097 TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS $99,475 $- Fully-burdened labor costs $- Total material costs associated with process $- Total overhead costs associated with process $- Per complete cycle ECONOMIC GAINS SAVINGS Total labor savings $94,450 100.00% Percent reduction in costs, automated vs. manual $2,928 100.00% Percent reduction in costs, automated vs. manual Total material cost savings TOTAL ECONOMIC GAIN $97,378 INTANGIBLE GAINS Cycle time PERCENT NOTES VALUE 48 EFFECT Days gained by automating process Query Analyze Report Certify Journal Archive Destroy ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SERIE S//MANAGEMENT ADVISORY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GISTICS 39 How can an online collateral platform translate English master copy-text to local languages, reducing cycle time of three days to one day? Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations ACTIVITY: TRANSLATE ENGLISH MASTER COPY-TEXT TO LOCAL LANGUAGE, REDUCING CYCLE TIME OF 3 DAYS TO 1 DAY. LABOR TASKS (minutes) MANAGEMENT OF MARCOM ASSETS REQUIRES AN ACTIVITYBASED MODEL SUBORDINATE ACTIVITIES IDEATE Research Conceptualize Specify Quantify Validate Propose Plan Review Rewrite Authorize CREATE Compose Design License Notify Retrieve Review Annotate Approve MANAGE Upload Ingest Catalog Store Clear rights Declare Track Audit Archive DISTRIBUTE Search View Download Render Encrypt Collect Package Promote LOCALIZE Locate Plan Confirm translate Translate Regionalize regionalize Rework rework Copyfit Validate Publish CONSUME Order Version-acquire Customerize Decrypt-unlock Print-play Confirm assignment to translation team Process royalties Warehouse-dispose ARCHIVE Query Discuss localization options and treatments 360 6 Assign copy-text master to local copywriter, confirming receipt of creative brief, PDF design master, English text master, and scheduling commitments. Partially not applicable; collateral operation notifies affected users and update pan-regional production schedules. 240 Manage detail-producing discussions among headquarter marketing manager(s), marcom specialists, and translators, emphasizing localization options for copy and images. Service capability of collateral operations includes instant workspaces that capture audio and visual notes and text changes, reducing need for recap meetings for missing or delayed personnel. 12 Write initial draft of localized text 270 180 Development of sticky-notes, track changes, and color highlights in copy master. Translation memories automatically find and replace standard-rule words and phrases, eliminating 70 percent of labor required for initial draft. 30 3 Documents are distributed to headquarters’ marcom specialist and country marketing manager, agency copywriter. Partially not applicable; service capability of collateral operations automatically updates tagged XML copy-text and XML style sheets in asset repository. 1080 441 Time required to translate English master copy-text. 2.0 0.8 Per complete cycle Distribute initial draft for comments SUBTOTAL (minutes) CYCLE TIME Days required to complete LABOR COSTS (dollars) Global Headquarter Staff Global Agency Staff Difference based on portion of work completed by different staff $4,453.61 $13,360.82 EMEA Headquarter Staff $4,008.25 EMEA Agency Staff $8,907.22 $1,818.56 $200 per hour fully-burdened rate $5,455.67 $180 per hour billing rate $1,636.70 $180 per hour fully-burdened rate $3,637.11 $120 per hour billing rate Local Marketing Staff $29,690.72 $12,123.71 $100 per hour fully-burdened rate Local Advertising Staff $30,878.35 $12,608.66 $80 per hour billing rate $6,012.37 $2,455.05 $60 per hour billing rate Translation Staff Blended labor rate TOTAL LABOR COSTS MATERIAL COSTS ($) Physical media (CD/DVD) $13,901.62 $97,311 $5,676.49 Represents proportional hourly rate of team involved $39,735 Per complete cycle MANUAL AUTOMATED NOTES $80.80 $32.99 Cost of CDs burned to support process Freight, courier, express mail $915.77 Agency billing (ship, process) $2,020.08 TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS ANNUAL COSTS ($) $3,016.65 $1,231.80 Per complete cycle MANUAL AUTOMATED NOTES Annual labor costs $97,311 Annual material costs $3,017 Annual overhead costs $2,160 TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS $102,488 $373.94 Cost of mailings required to complete process $824.87 Cost of mailings by agency based on standard service fees $39,736 Fully-burdened labor costs $1,232 Total material costs associated with process $882 Total overhead costs associated with process $41,849 Per complete cycle ECONOMIC GAINS SAVINGS Total labor savings $57,576 59.17% Percent reduction in costs, automated vs. manual $1,785 59.17% Percent reduction in costs, automated vs. manual Cycle time Journal 240 180 INTANGIBLE GAINS Certify Manual Automated Description of activities: italics indicates automation-assisted activities of a pan-regional collateral operation. Requires detailed review and acceptance/decline of tracked changes in various documents, referencing creative briefs, previous work product, and media assets. Tracked changes of various documents not applicable; service capability of collateral operations automatically updates both XML style sheets and tagged XML copy- TOTAL ECONOMIC GAIN Report NOTES Update English copy-text master document Total material cost savings Analyze LABOR/MINUTES CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PERCENT NOTES $59,361 VALUE EFFECT 1.2 Days gained by automating process Archive Destroy ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40 GISTICS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper How can an online collateral platform finalize translated copy-text, reducing cycle time of five days to six hours? Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ACTIVITY: FINALIZE TRANSLATED COPY-TEXT, REDUCING CYCLE TIME OF 5 DAYS TO 6 HOURS. LABOR TASKS (minutes) MANAGEMENT OF MARCOM ASSETS REQUIRES AN ACTIVITYBASED MODEL IDEATE Research Conceptualize Specify Quantify Validate Propose Plan Review Rewrite Authorize CREATE Compose Design License Notify Retrieve Review Annotate Approve MANAGE Upload Ingest Catalog Store Clear rights Declare Track Audit Archive DISTRIBUTE Search View Download Render Encrypt Collect Package Promote LOCALIZE Locate Plan Confirm translate Translate regionalize Regionalize Rework rework Copyfit Validate Publish CONSUME Order Version-acquire Customerize Decrypt-unlock Print-play SUBORDINATE ACTIVITIES Compile comments and corrections Incorporate copy changes Translate all collateral copy/text 150 0 Collect all corrected copy-text files from localization team, creating a unified master-text document. Partially not applicable; service capability of collateral operations automatically updates tagged XML copy-text and XML style sheets in asset repository, enabling direct viewing of copy within layout designs. 60 45 Review approved recommendations and changes, updating copytext file. Not applicable; collateral operations automatically updates tagged XML copy-text and XML style sheets in asset repository. 540 138 Translate all text-copy to support target markets, creating side-byside comparisons of English master, preliminary translation, and finalized. Collateral operations automatically updates tagged XML copy-text and XML style sheets in asset repository, enabling direct viewing of copy within layout designs. Spell check and proofread all translated copy-text, fixing typos, context errors, and technical or pricing data errors. Collateral operations accesses pricing database and ERP systems of clients, automatically updating content and enabling direct viewing of copy within layout designs. 108 Approve edited text-copy 120 12 1050 303 2.0 0.6 SUBTOTAL (minutes) Sign-off by manager(s) on all translated copy/text (final version). Service capability of collateral operations provides real-time project status-tracking and direct viewing of all versions of text, including work in progress. Time required to finalize translated copy-text. CYCLE TIME Days required to complete LABOR COSTS (dollars) $- Global Agency Staff $- EMEA Headquarter Staff Per complete cycle Difference based on portion of work completed by different staff Global Headquarter Staff $5,361.70 $- $200 per hour fully-burdened rate $- $180 per hour billing rate $1,547.23 $180 per hour fully-burdened rate EMEA Agency Staff $15,638.30 $4,512.77 $120 per hour billing rate Local Marketing Staff $29,787.23 $8,595.74 $100 per hour fully-burdened rate Local Advertising Staff $30,978.72 $8,939.57 $80 per hour billing rate $6,031.91 $1,740.64 $60 per hour billing rate Translation Staff Blended labor rate TOTAL LABOR COSTS MATERIAL COSTS ($) Physical media (CD/DVD) Freight, courier, express mail $12,542.55 $87,798 $3,619.42 Represents proportional hourly rate of team involved $25,336 Per complete cycle MANUAL AUTOMATED NOTES $72.90 $826.24 $21.04 Cost of CDs burned to support process $238.43 Cost of mailings required to complete process Agency billing (ship, process) $1,822.59 $525.95 Cost of mailings by agency based on standard service fees TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS $2,721.73 $785.41 Per complete cycle ANNUAL COSTS ($) Annual labor costs MANUAL AUTOMATED NOTES $87,798 Annual material costs $2,722 Annual overhead costs $1,949 TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS $92,469 $25,336 Fully-burdened labor costs $785 Total material costs associated with process $563 Total overhead costs associated with process $26,684 Per complete cycle ECONOMIC GAINS SAVINGS Total labor savings $62,462 71.14% Percent reduction in costs, automated vs. manual $1,936 71.14% Percent reduction in costs, automated vs. manual Total material cost savings TOTAL ECONOMIC GAIN Analyze of activities: italics indicates automation-assisted Manual Automated Description activities of a pan-regional collateral operation. 180 Warehouse-dispose Query NOTES Spell check and proofread files Process royalties ARCHIVE LABOR/MINUTES INTANGIBLE GAINS Cycle time PERCENT NOTES $64,398 VALUE EFFECT 1.4 Days gained by automating process Report Certify Journal Archive Destroy ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SERIE S//MANAGEMENT ADVISORY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GISTICS 41 How can an online collateral platform facilitate the review and approval of localized final-form layouts, reducing cycle time of three weeks to four days? Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations ACTIVITY: REVIEW AND APPROVE LOCALIZED FINAL-FORM LAYOUTS, REDUCING CYCLE TIME OF 3 WEEKS TO 4 DAYS. LABOR TASKS (minutes) MANAGEMENT OF MARCOM ASSETS REQUIRES AN ACTIVITYBASED MODEL SUBORDINATE ACTIVITIES IDEATE Research Conceptualize Specify Quantify Validate Propose Plan Review Rewrite Authorize CREATE Compose Design License Notify Retrieve Review Annotate Approve MANAGE Upload Ingest Catalog Store Clear rights Declare Track Audit Archive DISTRIBUTE Search View Download Render Encrypt Collect Package Promote LOCALIZE Locate Plan Confirm Translate Regionalize Rework Copyfit Copyfit Validate Validate Publish Publish CONSUME Order Version-acquire Customerize Decrypt-unlock Print-play Layout localized brochure Process royalties Warehouse-dispose ARCHIVE Graphic designers layouts, copy-fits, and distills localized text and imagery, creating a formatted PDF ready for review. Service capability of collateral operations provides real-time project status-tracking and direct viewing of all versions of text, including work in progress. Gather content for localization package 30 0 Retrieve creative brief and localization notes, localized version; compress files for digital distribution via FTP or extranet file transport. Not applicable; already in central repository. Distribute package for review 10 1 Collect, package and distribute material for review (creative brief, localization notes, English master brochure, localized PDF). Not applicable; already in central repository. Review and approve localized designs Produce finalized local-market brochure SUBTOTAL (minutes) 1080 360 Sign-off by manager(s) of all localized master designs entail three interactions; manager(s) sign copies of final master designs (templates, style sheets, formats, fonts) and print-ready PDF file(s). Service capability of collateral operations includes instant workspaces that capture audio and visual notes and text changes, reducing need for recap meetings for missing or delayed personnel. 240 60 Gather comments and final instructions, implement design master and document master, distill into PDF, and post in completed job folder. Partially not applicable; service capability of collateral operations includes instant workspaces that associates audio and visual notes and changes to production master, reducing need for recap meetings for missing personnel or multi-party approvals. 1540 427 Time required to review and approve localized final-form layouts. 2.9 0.8 Per complete cycle CYCLE TIME Days required to complete LABOR COSTS (dollars) Global Headquarter Staff Global Agency Staff Difference based on portion of work completed by different staff $9,195.22 $12,413.55 EMEA Headquarter Staff $8,275.70 EMEA Agency Staff $8,275.70 $2,546.87 $200 per hour fully-burdened rate $3,438.27 $180 per hour billing rate $2,292.18 $180 per hour fully-burdened rate $2,292.18 $120 per hour billing rate Local Marketing Staff $36,780.90 $10,187.46 $100 per hour fully-burdened rate Local Advertising Staff $42,298.03 $11,715.58 $80 per hour billing rate Translation Staff Blended labor rate TOTAL LABOR COSTS MATERIAL COSTS ($) Physical media (CD/DVD) $$16,748.44 $97.35 $1,103.30 $2,433.76 TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS $3,634.41 ANNUAL COSTS ($) $305.59 Cost of mailings required to complete process $674.01 Cost of mailings by agency based on standard service fees $1,006.65 Per complete cycle MANUAL AUTOMATED $3,634 Annual overhead costs $2,603 NOTES $26.96 Cost of CDs burned to support process $117,239 Annual material costs TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS $32,473 Per complete cycle MANUAL AUTOMATED Agency billing (ship, process) Annual labor costs $- $60 per hour billing rate $4,638.93 Represents proportional hourly rate of team involved $117,239 Freight, courier, express mail NOTES $32,473 Fully-burdened labor costs $1,007 Total material costs associated with process $721 Total overhead costs associated with process $123,476 $34,200 Per complete cycle ECONOMIC GAINS SAVINGS Total labor savings $84,767 72.30% Percent reduction in costs, automated vs. manual $2,628 72.30% Percent reduction in costs, automated vs. manual Analyze TOTAL ECONOMIC GAIN INTANGIBLE GAINS Cycle time Journal MANUAL AUTOMATED Description of activities: italics indicates automation-assisted activities of a pan-regional collateral operation. 5 Query Certify NOTES 180 Total material cost savings Report LABOR/MINUTES CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PERCENT NOTES $87,394 VALUE EFFECT 2.1 Days gained by automating process Archive Destroy ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42 GISTICS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper How can an online collateral platform update pricing or technical data of a localized published layout—reducing cycle times of two weeks to two days? Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ACTIVITY: UPDATE PRICING OR TECHNICAL DATA OF A LOCALIZED PUBLISHED LAYOUT—REDUCING CYCLE TIMES OF 2 WEEKS TO 2 DAYS. LABOR TASKS (minutes) MANAGEMENT OF MARCOM ASSETS REQUIRES AN ACTIVITYBASED MODEL IDEATE Research Conceptualize Specify Quantify Validate Propose Plan Review Rewrite Authorize CREATE Compose Design License Notify Retrieve Review Annotate Approve MANAGE Upload Ingest Catalog Store Clear rights Declare Track Audit Archive DISTRIBUTE Search View Download Render Encrypt Collect Package Promote LOCALIZE Locate Plan Confirm Translate Regionalize ReworkCopyfit Copyfit Validate Validate Publish Publish CONSUME Order Version-acquire Customerize Decrypt-unlock Print-play Process royalties Warehouse-dispose ARCHIVE Query Analyze Report Certify SUBORDINATE ACTIVITIES LABOR/MINUTES Manual NOTES Automated Description of activities: italics indicates automation-assisted activities of a pan-regional collateral operation. Notify collateral operations of update 60 10 Email or fax received notifying collateral team of affected items (brochure, ad, flyer, etc.) Partially not applicable; collateral operations accesses pricing database and ERP systems of clients, automatically updating content and enabling direct viewing of updated copy within layout designs. Retrieve source files of affected items 60 0 Search and retrieve all source files (from agency, local market office, email inbox, printer). Not applicable; all assets and versions in asset repository. Update source files 84 10 Change data items, reflow text, rebuild tables, distill PDF, and validate file data and properties. Partially not applicable; collateral operations automatically update all-related documents and tables, enabling direct viewing of updated copy within layout designs. Send to pre-press operations 20 0 Gather source assets (photos, approved text-copy, templates, fonts, color profiles, etc.) and send to pre-press operations to RIP printerspecific PDF and digital proof(s). Partially not applicable; collateral operations automatically produces printer-specific versions layouts. 72 15 Receive color-corrected digital proof, review and approve with comments; printer relinks and renders high-resolution images and graphics, producing films, digital proofs or printing plates. Partially not applicable; collateral operations provisions remote digital proofs, enabling 24-hour access for review and approvals. SUBTOTAL (minutes) 296 35 Time required to update pricing/technical data of localized published layout. CYCLE TIME Days required to complete 0.6 0.1 Per complete cycle Approve color-corrected digital proof LABOR COSTS (dollars) Difference based on portion of work completed by different staff Global Headquarter Staff $- Global Agency Staff EMEA Headquarter Staff EMEA Agency Staff $$1,441.95 $961.30 Local Marketing Staff $11,014.86 Local Advertising Staff $7,209.73 Translation Staff Blended labor rate TOTAL LABOR COSTS MATERIAL COSTS ($) Physical media (CD/DVD) $480.65 $3,015.50 $21,109 MANUAL $17.53 $- $200 per hour fully-burdened rate $- $180 per hour billing rate $171.63 $180 per hour fully-burdened rate $114.42 $120 per hour billing rate $1,311.08 $100 per hour fully-burdened rate $858.16 $80 per hour billing rate $57.21 $60 per hour billing rate $358.93 Represents proportional hourly rate of team involved $2,513 Per complete cycle AUTOMATED NOTES $2.09 Cost of CDs burned to support process Freight, courier, express mail $198.65 $23.64 Cost of mailings required to complete process Agency billing (ship, process) $438.19 $52.16 Cost of mailings by agency based on standard service fees TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS ANNUAL COSTS ($) $654.36 MANUAL Annual labor costs $21,109 Annual material costs $654 Annual overhead costs $469 TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS $22,231 $77.89 Per complete cycle AUTOMATED NOTES $2,513 Fully-burdened labor costs $78 Total material costs associated with process $56 Total overhead costs associated with process $2,646 Per complete cycle ECONOMIC GAINS SAVINGS Total labor savings $18,596 88.10% Percent reduction in costs, automated vs. manual $576 88.10% Percent reduction in costs, automated vs. manual Total material cost savings TOTAL ECONOMIC GAIN INTANGIBLE GAINS PERCENT NOTES $19,172 VALUE Cycle time EFFECT 0.5 Days gained by automating process Journal Archive Destroy ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SERIE S//MANAGEMENT ADVISORY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GISTICS 43 How can an online collateral platform speed on-demand local digital-press production of a flyer, reducing cycle time of five days to one day? Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations ACTIVITY: ON-DEMAND LOCAL DIGITAL-PRESS PRODUCTION OF A FLYER, REDUCING CYCLE TIME OF 5 DAYS TO 1 DAY. LABOR TASKS (minutes) MANAGEMENT OF MARCOM ASSETS REQUIRES AN ACTIVITYBASED MODEL IDEATE Research Conceptualize Specify Quantify Validate Propose Plan Review Rewrite Authorize CREATE Compose Design License Notify Retrieve Review Annotate Approve MANAGE Upload Ingest Catalog Store Clear rights Declare Track Audit Archive DISTRIBUTE Search View Download Render Encrypt Collect Package Promote LOCALIZE Locate Plan Confirm Translate Regionalize Rework Copyfit Validate Validaterework Publish CONSUMEPublish Order Version-acquire Customerize Decrypt-unlock Print-play Process royalties Warehouse-dispose ARCHIVE SUBORDINATE ACTIVITIES Manual Automated Description of activities: italics indicates automation-assisted activities of a pan-regional collateral operation. Client adds PDF notes 132 79 Check and approve changes to all files 120 72 Sign-off on layout and all changes by manager(s). Instant workspaces that capture audio and visual notes and text changes reducing cycle time for approvals. 108 65 Update layout, check and correct based on review and modifications Update layout, check copyfitting and imagery replacements and make corrections. Partially not applicable; collateral operations automatically update all-related documents and tables, enabling direct viewing of updated copy within layout designs. 60 5 660 528 Printer receives approvals and produces collateral items according to plan, production notes, and budget. Partially not applicable; collateral operations automatically notifies printer of approved work, reducing hand-off confirmations and workflows. 1080 749 Time required to complete local digital-press production. 2.0 1.4 Per complete cycle Update layout, check and correct Distribute files for approval Print collateral to specifications SUBTOTAL (minutes) Deliver localized source elements to manager(s) for review of versions Deliver package & transfer elements to reviewers—generate review derivatives (PDF). Not applicable; already online. CYCLE TIME Days required to complete LABOR COSTS (dollars) Global Headquarter Staff Global Agency Staff EMEA Headquarter Staff EMEA Agency Staff Difference based on portion of work completed by different staff $$$22,870.59 $- $- $200 per hour fully-burdened rate $- $180 per hour billing rate $15,856.94 $180 per hour fully-burdened rate $- $120 per hour billing rate Local Marketing Staff $25,411.76 $17,618.82 $100 per hour fully-burdened rate Local Advertising Staff $45,741.18 $31,713.88 $80 per hour billing rate Translation Staff Blended labor rate TOTAL LABOR COSTS MATERIAL COSTS ($) Physical media (CD/DVD) $$13,431.93 $94,024 $- $60 per hour billing rate $9,312.81 Represents proportional hourly rate of team involved $65,190 Per complete cycle MANUAL AUTOMATED $78.07 NOTES $54.13 Cost of CDs burned to support process Freight, courier, express mail $884.83 Agency billing (ship, process) $1,951.83 $1,353.27 Cost of mailings by agency based on standard service fees TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS $2,914.73 $2,020.88 Per complete cycle ANNUAL COSTS ($) Annual labor costs $613.48 Cost of mailings required to complete process MANUAL AUTOMATED $94,024 Annual material costs $2,915 Annual overhead costs $2,087 TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS $99,026 NOTES $65,190 Fully-burdened labor costs $2,021 Total material costs associated with process $1,447 Total overhead costs associated with process $68,658 Per complete cycle ECONOMIC GAINS SAVINGS Total labor savings $28,834 30.67% Percent reduction in costs, automated vs. manual $894 30.67% Percent reduction in costs, automated vs. manual Total material cost savings TOTAL ECONOMIC GAIN Cycle time Analyze NOTES Create draft notes including instructing to support production, specifying changes of content, images, etc. Partially not applicable; service capability of collateral operations includes instant workspaces that capture audio and visual notes and text changes, reducing need for recap meetings for missing personnel or multi-party approvals. INTANGIBLE GAINS Query LABOR/MINUTES CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PERCENT NOTES $29,728 VALUE EFFECT 0.6 Days gained by automating process Report Certify Journal Archive Destroy ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 44 GISTICS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper How can an online collateral platform speed on-demand production, review, and approval of local-market employment ads, reducing cycle time of one week to one day? Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ACTIVITY: ON-DEMAND PRODUCTION, REVIEW, AND APPROVAL OF LOCAL-MARKET EMPLOYMENT ADS, REDUCING CYCLE TIME OF 1 WEEK TO 1 DAY. LABOR TASKS (minutes) MANAGEMENT OF MARCOM ASSETS REQUIRES AN ACTIVITYBASED MODEL IDEATE Research Conceptualize Specify Quantify Validate Propose Plan Review Rewrite Authorize CREATE Compose Design License Notify Retrieve Review Annotate Approve MANAGE Upload Ingest Catalog Store Clear rights Declare Track Audit Archive DISTRIBUTE Search View Download Render Encrypt Collect Package Promote LOCALIZE Locate Plan Confirm Translate Regionalize Validate Rework Copyfit rework Validate Publish Publish CONSUME Order Version-acquire Customerize Decrypt-unlock Print-play Process royalties Warehouse-dispose SUBORDINATE ACTIVITIES LABOR/MINUTES NOTES Manual Automated Description of activities: italics indicates automation-assisted activities of a pan-regional collateral operation. Create new localized ad design 180 5 Receive approved translation-text, locate design master, copyfit text for a new layout, and distill localized text and images, creating a formatted PDF ready for review. Partially not applicable; service capability of collateral operations uses tagged XML copy-text and XML style sheets in asset repository, creating an online layout of full ad design. Gather content for localization package 30 0 Retrieve localized versions and notes, compress files for digital distribution via FTP or extranet file transport, upload to the Net, and hope that it gets through without error or disruption. Not applicable; already online. Distribute package for review 10 1 Collect, package and distribute material for review (creative brief, localization notes, English master ad, localized PDF). Not applicable; already online. Review and approve localized designs 1080 360 Produce finalized local-market brochure 240 60 1540 427 SUBTOTAL (minutes) Sign-off by manager(s) of all localized master designs (three interactions) - manager(s) sign copies of final master designs (templates, style sheets, formats, fonts) - print and sign PDF file(s). Partially not applicable; service capability of collateral operations includes instant workspaces that associates audio and visual notes and changes to production master, reducing need for recap meetings for missing personnel or multi-party approvals. Gather comments and final instructions, implement design master and document master, distill into PDF, and post in completed job folder. Not applicable; already online. Time required to complete production, review and approval. CYCLE TIME Days required to complete 2.9 0.8 Per complete cycle LABOR COSTS (dollars) Difference based on portion of work completed by different staff Global Headquarter Staff $- Global Agency Staff EMEA Headquarter Staff $- $200 per hour fully-burdened rate $$18,482.40 EMEA Agency Staff $- $180 per hour billing rate $5,119.20 $180 per hour fully-burdened rate $- $- $120 per hour billing rate Local Marketing Staff $51,340.00 $14,220.00 $100 per hour fully-burdened rate Local Advertising Staff $41,072.00 $11,376.00 $80 per hour billing rate Translation Staff Blended labor rate TOTAL LABOR COSTS MATERIAL COSTS ($) Physical media (CD/DVD) $$15,842.06 $110,894 $- $60 per hour billing rate $4,387.89 Represents proportional hourly rate of team involved $30,715 Per complete cycle MANUAL AUTOMATED $92.08 NOTES $25.50 Cost of CDs burned to support process Freight, courier, express mail $1,043.60 $289.05 Cost of mailings required to complete process Agency billing (ship, process) $2,302.05 $637.61 Cost of mailings by agency based on standard service fees TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS $3,437.73 $952.17 Per complete cycle ANNUAL COSTS ($) Annual labor costs MANUAL AUTOMATED $110,894 Annual material costs $3,438 Annual overhead costs $2,462 TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS $116,794 NOTES $30,715 Fully-burdened labor costs $952 Total material costs associated with process $682 Total overhead costs associated with process $32,349 Per complete cycle ECONOMIC GAINS SAVINGS Query Total labor savings $80,179 72.30% Percent reduction in costs, automated vs. manual Analyze Total material cost savings $2,486 72.30% Percent reduction in costs, automated vs. manual Report TOTAL ECONOMIC GAIN ARCHIVE Certify Journal Archive INTANGIBLE GAINS PERCENT NOTES $82,665 VALUE EFFECT Cycle time 2.1 Days gained by automating process Destroy ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SERIE S//MANAGEMENT ADVISORY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GISTICS 45 What comprises the differentiated value proposition for outsourced pan-regional collateral operations of Adnovate? Pan-Regional Marketing Productivity Dividends from Outsourced Collateral Operations Analyst’s summary FOR Global marketers with EMEA operations and pan-regional dealer or reseller networks, Their national sales organizations and retail partner with regular promotions and advertising campaigns, WHO SUPPORT WHO NEED More efficient ways to source the localization and production of print collateral, point-of-purchase materials, display ads, and recruitment ads, WHO SUFFER Delays in getting to pan-regional markets as well as the unacceptable trade-off of high cost or low quality in localized materials, WHO ACCEPT That manual, duplicated, and offline workflows add unnecessary burdens in project coordination among headquarter and regional staff as well as add extra cost, and brand inconsistencies Only Adnovate produces strategic cost savings that enable EMEA marketers to increasetheir spendings on additional media placements and campaigns without increasing operational budgets, USING Centralized, on-demand collateral factory to localize marketing content and produce final-form advertisements and marcom collateral that: SPEEDS The time-to-pan-regional-markets by three to five weeks REDUCES Total cost of a printed page of collateral by 30 percent RELIEVES The aggregated workload of four to seven full-time marcom and procurement professionals, AND ENABLES The reallocation of operational cost saving to other revenue generating investments (more media, higher production value media, greater levels of personalization). UNLIKE Production studios of ad agencies such as TFG/Saatchi and Capps/Publicis, or independent studios such as TAG Worldwide, that lack full integration of •Instant automated collateral artwork production •Online workflow and approval platform for work in process •Online status and progress monitoring, reporting, and process quality controls •Low per-unit costing of localized pages OR UNLIKE Pan-regional marcom operations groups from as Freedman International, that lack: •A fully transparent view of cost-per-localized-page and cost-per-printed-page of marketing collateral •Real-time XML workflow data and application interfaces to client IT systems •Low per-unit costing of localized pages OR UNLIKE Onsite collateral production platforms from Saepio and PageFlex, or on-demand publishing modules of MRM systems from Aprimo, AssetLink, or ADAM that do not provide: •Fully managed operations with expert teams and systematized best practices •Same-day service for programming new publishing templates and stylesheets, requiring instead custom programs, delays, and high costs •Simple on-demand, pay-for-production business arrangement, requiring instead that clients make significant ongoing investments in maintenance of a collateral operations CollateralOperations.2.9 ©2008 GISTICS All rights reserved ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GISTICS concludes that the superior productivity of Adnovate’s collateral factory delivers a significant productivity dividend, freeing up several staffers and significant sums of money from operational spending; budgeted monies that the chief marketing officer can redirect to increased spendings in more strategic areas (more media, ad words, etc.) without increasing annual operating budgets. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 46 GISTICS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... executive white paper What differentiates GISTICS as a think tank for market-making? FOR Growth-oriented providers of new technologies or disruptive innovations WHO NEED More effective ways to create sales in early-stage markets or disrupted segments within established markets WHO ACCEPT That new technologies or disruptive innovations confuse or frighten most potential buyers, leading to long sales cycles with low sales conversion rates WHO KNOW That traditional marketing and business development practices constitute an ineffective way to find early adopters WHO WANT To establish a new market category for their products, services, or platforms GISTICS Provides the unique capabilities of a digital think tank for market-making, DEVELOPING The strategic business case and investment analyses that justify buying decisions in early-stage market niches DEFINING The problem-determination methods for a buying organization ATTRACTING The prospective early adopters and solution providers of new technologies or disruptive innovations USING Rich media (live or prerecorded Webcast presentations or screencast demonstrations), social networks (user-generated content of blogs, discussions, podcasts, Webcasts, uploaded videos, etc.), and a robust digital platform. CLIENTS Partnering with GISTICS, benefit from • Breakthrough strategies for market making • Thought-leadership white papers and Webcasts • Executive insight portals and master-practitioner teleconferences • Trusted introductions to key market makers: advanced project directors, IT project managers, independent consultants, and small solution providers UNLIKE Research firms such as Gartner, Forrester, or Frost & Sullivan who define the basic ideas of a new market category, develop shallow business cases for disruptive new technologies, and recommend the use of traditional marketing and business development practices OR UNLIKE High-tech marketing consultancies such as the Chasm Group who edit their client’s big-picture strategies, define strategic messaging frameworks, and recommend (but do not implement) go-to-market strategies consisting of one-off tactical programs and an ineffective mix of traditional and guerilla marketing practices OR UNLIKE Promotion and marketing-service firms who supplement the client’s business development with strategic messaging, Web site makeovers, direct mail and newsletters, and other marketing communications activities ONLY GISTICS Maximizes sales for new technologies or disruptive innovations in early-stage markets or disrupted segments of established markets, using structured, scalable, and flexible programs to meet or exceed client criteria for value, satisfaction, and quality. S OUTED ATEGORIES MARKET INFRASTRUCTURE Academic Papers/ Blogs 100% nd s 0% Demonstrated Feasibility Proven Business Value Consultants/ Integrators Established Solutions Market-making T h i n k Ta n k { Cumulative Adoption ms Newsletters/ Conferences Trade Pubs/ Business Press Commodities Financial Analysts Aftermarket Replacements Adoption Curve AdoptionCurve.E.1.0 ©2007 GISTICS, All rights reserved. Researcher Early Adopter Pragmatist Conservative Laggard ................... ECONOMIC ACTORS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................... Thought Leadership...Executed Worldwide ................... 4171 Piedmont Avenue, Suite #210 Oakland, CA 94611 USA Tel +1.510.450.9999 Fax +1.510.450.0954 info@gistics.com www.gistics.com GISTICS Incorporated 4171 Piedmont Avenue, Suite 210 Oakland, CA 94611 USA www.gistics.com +1.510.450.9999 tel +1.510.450.0954 fax ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................