Quantum theory, which best describes the underlying properties of the material universe, and which we exploit to marvellous effect in our everyday technology, was born in the period 1924-1926, following several decades of debate over whether the Newtonian, or classical, description of matter and its interactions could explain the world of the very small. Quantum theory has a very disturbing property, however, in that it is not a deterministic theory – in which a future event could be predicted with certainty – but a probabilistic theory – in which one could only speak of the probability that a future event would occur. This probabilistic interpretation, introduced by Max Born, lay at the heart of Albert Einstein’s discomfort with quantum mechanics, despite its many successes. He famously commented to Born: ‘The theory produces a good deal but … I am at all events convinced that (the Old One) does not play dice.’ At the same time, the scientific community was troubled by the philosophical foundations of quantum mechanics, which were so difficult to understand that many preferred to ignore them. Queen’s University Belfast has had a long and very fruitful relationship with quantum mechanics and its applications since those early days, initially through individuals such as Sir Harrie Massey, who came to Queen’s in 1933, before moving to become professor in University College London ( O1 ) – the academic link that this move created in atomic and molecular physics is still strong today, 80 years later. Also Sir David Bates, one of Massey’s PhD students, whose career at Queen’s was key to the foundation of the ‘Belfast School’, which educated generations of leaders in quantum mechanics. I recall, while a PhD student in Manchester in the mid-1970s, attending a conference in Queen’s during which the Belfast Telegraph had a photograph of 15-20 professors from around the world – all trained here. John Bell, as a Queen’s student in the late 1940s, was exposed to scientists who were expert in the use and application of quantum mechanics, which he put to good use in his own career. This exhibition of John Bell’s life and scientific legacy shows that he was not only willing to wrestle with these philosophical foundations but had the outstanding intellect to frame a test of them. Later experiments, described in the exhibition, showed that at a fundamental level quantum particles are entangled and that Einstein’s view of quantum mechanics was incorrect. Perhaps the most surprising outcome of Bell’s work is the development of quantum information theory which has applications to cryptography and quantum computing, topics covered in our public lecture series. In Queen’s, such work is carried out in the Quantum Technology Group led by Professor Mauro Paternostro in the School of Mathematics and Physics. Bell’s scientific legacy is alive and well at Queen’s and many other institutions worldwide. We hope that this exhibition gives you some idea of the enormous impact that John Bell’s ideas have had and continue to have on the scientific and artistic communities, and why some scientists rank him alongside Newton, Maxwell and Einstein. PROFESSOR TOM MILLAR Dean of Engineering & Physical Sciences JSB AS A STUDENT AT QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY, 1945 © Queen’s University Belfast ( O2 ) ACTION AT A DISTANCE: THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF JOHN STEWART BELL ( O3 ) JSB AT SEMINAR AT THE THEORY DIVISION, CERN, 1977 © CERN LECTURES Friday 7 November 2014 JOHN BELL AND BELFAST PROFESSOR EMERITUS ANDREW WHITAKER School of Mathematics & Physics Wednesday 12 November 2014 SECURITY IN A POST-QUANTUM WORLD PROFESSOR MAIRE O'NEILL Director of Research for Data Security Systems Centre for Secure Information Technologies Monday 17 November 2014 FROM JOHN BELL TO QUANTUM COMMUNICATION AND QUANTUM TELEPORTATION PROFESSOR ANTON ZEILINGER University of Vienna, whose research concerns the fundamental aspects and applications of quantum entanglement Wednesday 19 November 2014 LESS REALITY, MORE SECURITY PROFESSOR ARTUR EKERT University of Oxford, and the National University of Singapore. Director of the Centre for Quantum Technologies, he is best known as one of the inventors of quantum cryptography. Friday 21 November 2014 QUANTUMNESS IN A CLASSICAL WORLD? PROFESSOR MAURO PATERNOSTRO School of Mathematics & Physics All the lectures are free and will take place either in the Bell Lecture Theatre or in the Emeleus Lecture Theatre at 6.30pm. Further details can be found at www.naughtongallery.org ( O4 ) ACTION AT A DISTANCE: THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF JOHN STEWART BELL ( O5 ) ART AND BELL'S THEOREM RICHARD BELL RENATE BERTLMANN GERALDINE COX OLIVER JEFFERS RORY JEFFERS JONATHON KEATS KEVIN KOPACKA LUCY MCKENNA PHILIP MUSSEN AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA GREAT BRITAIN UNITED STATES NORTHERN IRELAND UNITED STATES GERMANY IRELAND NORTHERN IRELAND Art that responds to science is about metaphors; the connection of ideas and vocabulary from apparently very different worlds in order to find a new resonance. All artists mine their individual experience for visual metaphors, but paradox and duality, the foundations of quantum theory are also the fundamentals of the artistic expression of human experience. The process of experimentation in materials and methodology and the constant act of construction and destruction to uncover a new way of seeing are common to both scientific and artistic endeavor. Like physics, art is inherent in nature. Over the past 50 years, artists have used the evolution of superposition or the quantum wave function from one state to another as a useful metaphor for grasping the immaterial and variable. John Stewart Bell’s legacy has been the inspiration for the nine artists featured in this exhibition. Some have worked directly from Bell’s life and science and others have come to his work through the championship of other scientists, authors and thinkers, such as Robert Anton Wilson. Renate Bertlmann, a friend of the Bell’s in Geneva, worked from life, documenting his interactions with RICHARD BELL, BELL’S THEOREM, 2002 © Milani Gallery, Brisbane ( O6 ) ACTION AT A DISTANCE: THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF JOHN STEWART BELL ( O7 ) her husband Reinhold. Rory Jeffers has been inspired by Bell’s own reference to his having “principles on Sunday” in extrapolating an imagined thought-diary. Some artists have investigated Bell’s scientific legacy in the lab: Geraldine Cox, originally a physicist herself, used her residency at Imperial College, London to explore the manifestation of Bell’s theories in nature; Lucy McKenna creates tessellated patterns from diagrams and equations found on the desks of physicists at CERN. Others manipulate the viewer into questioning their perception of reality: Philip Mussen subverts the archetypical medium of blackboard and chalk and embodies the Bell’s theorem’s elegant equation in the title of his piece; Kevin Kopacka uses sound and moving image to play with the notion of the mysterious in everyday occurrences. Conceptual artist and experimental philosopher, Jonathon Keats’ installation invites the visitor to physically participate in a quantum “marriage”, forever entangling themselves with another outside any of the usual legal or cultural matrimonial conventions. Finally, artists have used John Stewart Bell’s science to provoke and agitate. Oliver Jeffers’ trademark collage technique and appropriated imagery confronts the viewer with hidden variables applied to religious iconography. Richard Bell’s Bell’s Theorem, one of contemporary Australian art’s most significant works, is being shown in Europe for the first time as part of this exhibition. Using their shared names as a starting point, this is the first in a powerful series of paintings using Bell’s inequalities and ideas of non-locality to comment on Australia’s racism towards Aboriginal people. LUCY MCKENNA, QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT, 2014 This juxtaposition of art with science demonstrates the common goals of visualising the invisible and saying the unspeakable and reveals John Stewart Bell’s continuing influence on contemporary art practice. It is hoped that these works will themselves inspire further creative thought, practice and, perhaps, physics. Shan McAnena ( 08 ) ACTION AT A DISTANCE: THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF JOHN STEWART BELL ( 09 ) JOHN STEWART BELL 1928_ Born 28 June, Tate’s Avenue, Belfast. His interest in science from an early age earns him the nickname “the Prof”. 1944_ Leaves Belfast Technical High School Hired as a junior laboratory assistant in the Physics department at Queen’s University Belfast under its professors Karl Emeleus and Robert Sloane. 1945_ Receives a small grant from the Co-operative society and becomes student at Queen’s. 1948_ Graduates with a First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Experimental Physics. 1949_ Receives a First Class Bachelor’s degree in Mathematical Physics. Joins the accelerator design group at the Telecommunications Research Establishment at Malvern, Worcestershire. Meets Mary Ross, a member of the design group. 1951_ Design group at Malvern moves to Harwell, Oxfordshire to become part of the Theoretical Physics division at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment 1953_ Granted a year’s leave of absence from Harwell to work in the department of Mathematical Physics at the University of Birmingham. 1954_ Marries Mary Ross. 1955_ Publishes the paper Time reversal in field theory, the basis of his PhD. ( 10 ) ACTION AT A DISTANCE: THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF JOHN STEWART BELL 1956_ Awarded PhD in Physics by the University of Birmingham. 1960_ John and Mary move to the European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN) based in Geneva, Switzerland. 1963_ Year-long leave of absence spent in the USA at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre, California, the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Brandeis University, Massachusetts. 1964_ Publishes the paper On the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox and posits Bell’s Inequality. 1972_ First of many experiments that have shown a violation of Bell's Inequality 1981_ Publishes the paper Bertlmann’s socks and the nature of reality where he compared the EPR paradox with Reinhold Bertlmann’s socks: if you observe one sock to be pink you can predict with certainty that the other sock is not pink. 1988_ Receives honorary degrees from Queens University Belfast and Trinity College, Dublin 1989_ Receives the Dannie Heinemann Prize for Mathematical Physics and the Hughes Medal "For his outstanding contributions to our understanding of the structure and interpretation of quantum theory, in particular demonstrating the unique nature of its predictions" 1990_ October, dies unexpectedly of a cerebral haemorrhage in Geneva, Switzerland. It is widely believed that Bell would have been awarded a Nobel Prize if he had lived. ( 11 ) QUANTUM BEFORE BELL’S THEOREM Quantum theory is the theoretical basis of most of modern physics; it explains the nature and behaviour of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level. 1900_ 1905_ From study of radiation of energy from hot objects, Max Planck deduces that the energy is emitted in discrete units or quanta. From the experimental results for the photoelectric effect, Albert Einstein shows that light has a particle-like nature, the particles being called photons, as well as its longestablished wavelike nature 1913_ Niels Bohr is the first to apply quantum theory to atoms 1924_ Louis de Broglie suggests that electrons have a wavelike nature as well as their long-established particle-like nature. 1925/6_ Werner Heisenberg and Erwin Schrödinger produce alternative versions of the new complete theory of quantum mechanics. Heisenberg’s is based on arrays of quantities – matrix mechanics, Schrödinger’s on waves – wave mechanics. 1927_ ( 12 ) Max Born introduces probabilities into quantum mechanics ACTION AT A DISTANCE: THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF JOHN STEWART BELL 1927_ 1928_ 1932_ Werner Heisenberg proposes that precise simultaneous measurement of the position and momentum of a particle is impossible. The more precisely the value of one is measured, the more uncertain must be the value of the other. Bohr outlines his framework of complementarity, known as the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory. John von Neumann produces a mathematical ‘proof’ that there could be no hidden variables in quantum mechanics. 1935_ Albert Einstein and his colleagues Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen (EPR) describe a situation in which the properties of each of two particles are undetermined but still totally correlated with those of the other particle. Erwin Schrödinger called this type of behaviour entanglement. Measurement of a property of one gives information of the corresponding property of the other, even though the particles may be separated by a long distance. Schrödinger introduces his famous cat-state paradox. 1952_ David Bohm produces a hidden variable theory of quantum theory. ( 13 ) JOHN BELL & MARTINUS VELTMAN AT CERN, 1973 © CERN/Emilio Segré archive, AIP THE COPENHAGEN INTERPRETATION The so-called Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory is a name given to the rather complex set of ideas presented by Niels Bohr. Those most involved in preaching the ‘gospel’ of Copenhagen were Bohr himself, Heisenberg and Wolfgang Pauli. For many years the ideas were taken as absolutely standard, the most important challenge being that of Einstein Podolsky Rosen (EPR) in 1935. From the 1960s John Bell criticized the interpretation vigorously, and largely as a result of this, several rival interpretations have come to the fore, including the many worlds interpretation. The Copenhagen interpretation says that you can only consider the value of a quantity at a measurement, so physics does not describe objective reality but only analyses the results of measurements. Since totally different experimental arrangements are required to measure position and momentum they must not be considered simultaneously. Position and momentum are described as complementary variables. Similarly wavelike and particlelike descriptions of a physical system are complementary; one may use one or the other but not both. The Copenhagen interpretation bans any thought of hidden variables, additional facts about the system over and above that provided by wave-function, which might provide knowledge about the system between measurements. Bohr insisted that the measurement apparatus must be treated according to the pre-quantum laws of Newton, but the observed system of atoms, electrons and so on must be analyzed using quantum theory. But there is no criterion for where the division between classical and quantum theory lies. John Bell called this the shifty split. Bohr had an alternative argument to this conceptual analysis – the more physical suggestion that ‘the measurement disturbs the system’. EPR showed that this argument did not work. ( 16 ) ACTION AT A DISTANCE: THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF JOHN STEWART BELL John Bell was totally dissatisfied with the Copenhagen interpretation. He thought that physics should describe an objective reality not just describe the results of measurements, and that the inclusion of hidden variables could help to provide values for physical quantities between measurements. He argued against the shifty split for forty years. EPR In 1935 Albert Einstein and his colleagues Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen designed a thought experiment in which a pair of quantum systems may be described by a single wave-function. The results of measurements of properties of the two systems are intimately connected, or entangled. In David Bohm’s example, the wave-functions of two electrons A and B are entangled even though the two electrons may actually be separated by a long distance. If we were to measure the spin angular momentum of particle A, our result must be either plus or minus. If we get the result +, the corresponding value for particle B must immediately become -; if we get - for A, the value for B must become +. This led to two possible scenarios: • each electron had these values before any measurement. The Copenhagen interpretation does not allow this; it may be described as including hidden variables in the analysis or restoring an objective reality. • an influence travels instantaneously from particle A to particle B. This apparently contradicts the theory of special relativity which suggests that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Einstein approved of objective reality and also special relativity and his unquestioned conclusion was to agree with the first scenario. ( 17 ) © Kurt Gottfried BELL IN BELFAST John Stewart Bell was born on July 28 1928, the eldest son of John and Annie Bell of Tate’s Avenue, Belfast and to avoid confusion he was always known by his middle name at home. The second of four children, John Stewart was the only child of this working class family that was able to go to secondary school and he matriculated from Belfast Technical High School (now Belfast Metropolitan College) in 1944. Having applied for several jobs without success, at the age of sixteen John Stewart was offered a position as a laboratory technician in the Physics department at Queen’s. Encouraged by the academic staff who recognised his potential, Bell used money saved from his employment to enrol for a degree course and went on to graduate with a first-class degree in experimental physics in 1948. The following year he achieved a second degree in mathematical physics. HARWELL Encouraged by the crystallographer Paul Peter Ewald, in 1949 Bell joined the Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE) near Harwell in Oxfordshire, where he met fellow physicist Mary Ross who was to become his wife. They both worked on the theory of particle accelerators. Bell made crucial contributions to the important discovery of strong focussing, the principle that the net effect on a particle beam of charged particles passing through alternating field gradients is to make the beam converge. TATE’S AVENUE, BELFAST 1915 Public Record Office of Northern Ireland ref: LA/7/8/HF/4/163 ( 20 ) ACTION AT A DISTANCE: THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF JOHN STEWART BELL ( 21 ) MARY & JOHN AT STONEHENGE © Mary Bell CERN In 1960 John and Mary moved to the Centre for European Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva where he was to remain until his death. Whilst at CERN he published around eighty papers on high-energy physics and quantum field theory. In 1967 he made the important suggestion that the weak nuclear interaction should be described by a gauge theory. It is now known that all interactions, gravitational, electromagnetic, and weak and strong nuclear should be described in this way. In 1969, together with Roman Jackiw, he discovered the subject of anomalies; the coming of quantum theory led to breaking of classical symmetries. Their original paper has been the catalyst for an enormous amount of important work in this field and has been cited more than any of Bell’s famous quantum papers. Image Right: JSB’S DESK AT CERN © Renate Bertlmann ( 24 ) ACTION AT A DISTANCE: THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF JOHN STEWART BELL ( 25 ) JSB’S ID PHOTO, STANFORD UNIVERSITY, 1964 © SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory BELL’S THEOREM Whilst on sabbatical from CERN, visiting universities in the USA, Bell made his greatest contribution to quantum theory. Published on November 4th 1964, in a new and short-lived journal called Physics, On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox appeared to disprove Einstein’s theory of relativity with Bell’s non-locality theory. Using elegant mathematics, Bell's theorem asserts that if certain predictions of quantum theory are correct then our world is non-local. This means that sub-atomic particles can interact even if they are too far apart in space and too close together in time for them to be connected even by signals moving at the speed of light. The paper was initially overlooked but later discovered by a group of young physicists, experimentally tested and named as Bell’s inequality or Bell’s Theorem. His work has reinvigorated study of the foundations of quantum theory and has led to many significant and interesting ideas. Unassuming and modest about his own work, Bell is remembered for his intellectual precision, integrity, and generosity, as well as a keen Ulster sense of humour. He was a frequent visitor to Belfast, where his family remained. John Bell died of a stroke at his home 1 October 1990 in Geneva, aged 62. Describing him as one of the top ten physicists of the twentieth century, the Institute of Physics mounted a plaque commemorating his pioneering work on the old physics building in the quadrangle at Queen’s in 2002. The acknowledgement of Bell’s contribution at CERN includes the naming of a street name after him in Geneva. ( 26 ) ACTION AT A DISTANCE: THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF JOHN STEWART BELL ( 27 ) Bell’s theorem asserts that if certain predictions of quantum theory are correct then our world is “non-local”. This means that sub-atomic particles can interact even if they are too far apart in space and too close together in time for them to be connected even by signals moving at the speed of light. PHILIP MUSSEN, p(a,c) – p(b,a) – p(b,c) ≤ 1, 2014 ( 30 ) ACTION AT A DISTANCE: THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF JOHN STEWART BELL ( 31 ) © Renate Bertlmann QUANTUM AFTER BELL Quantum theory currently provides the most accurate predictions for frontier experiments. It can be used to describe the physics of atoms, molecules, nuclei, elementary particles, solids and plasmas and to handle optics at the single photon level. Many of the concepts studied by Bell and those who developed his work have formed the basis of the new subject area of quantum information theory, which includes such topics as quantum computing, quantum communication, and quantum cryptography. The subject is one of the most important growth areas in science in the 21st century. JOHN STEWART BELL PRIZE In 2008, the John Stewart Bell Prize was created by the Centre for Quantum Information and Quantum Control at the University of Toronto. The award recognizes major advances relating to the foundations of quantum mechanics and to the applications of these principles. The first prize-winner was Nicolas Gisin and subsequent medals have been awarded to Sandu Popescu, Michel Devoret and Robert Schoelkopf. ( 32 ) ACTION AT A DISTANCE: THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF JOHN STEWART BELL ( 33 ) QUANTUM AT QUEEN’S Queen’s is currently at the forefront of the research in astrophysics, plasma physics, material science, and theoretical quantum physics, in particular atomic/ molecular physics and quantum information processing. Research in theoretical quantum physics at Queen’s focuses on the interaction between light or electrons and atoms, the description of anti-matter, the production of atomic data of astrophysical relevance and, in particular, the study of the possibilities for the establishment of a new generation of technological devices based on quantum. Work in this topic often exploits Bell’s achievements. Queen’s quantum researchers put in place Bell’s theorem to understand what sets the quantum world apart from the classical one and enforce quantum features in large systems. GERALDINE COX, STILL FROM NATURE’S IMAGINATION, 2013 ( 34 ) ACTION AT A DISTANCE: THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF JOHN STEWART BELL ( 35 ) Published on the occasion of the exhibition ACTION AT A DISTANCE: THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF JOHN STEWART BELL At the Naughton Gallery, Queen’s University Belfast 5-30 NOVEMBER 2014 Curators Professor Tom Millar, Dean of Engineering & Physical Sciences Professor Andrew Whitaker, School of Mathematics & Physics Professor Mauro Paternostro, School of Mathematics & Physics Shan McAnena, The Naughton Gallery Assistant Curators Ben Crothers Stephen Doyle Paul McAlorum With thanks to Mary Bell Reinhold Bertlmann Renate Bertlmann Nick Herbert CERN Royal Irish Academy University of Birmingham Rory Jeffers Milani Gallery, Brisbane Modernism, San Francisco Lazarides, London Front cover and inside front cover: John Bell commenting the famous Bell’s Inequalities 1982 ©CERN Inside Back cover: Nick Herbert, Bell’s Theorem Blues, 2014 ©2014 the artists and the Naughton Gallery, Queen’s University Belfast All rights reserved. No part of this book may be produced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the permission of the artist, author, photographer and publisher. Queen’s University Belfast, BT7 1NN +44(0)28 90973580 art@qub.ac.uk www.naughtongallery.org ( 36 ) ACTION AT A DISTANCE: THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF JOHN STEWART BELL