Halifax Regional Municipality 2013/14 Annual Business Unit Budget (Approved) Legal, Insurance and Risk Management Services Legal, Insurance and Risk Management Services 2013/14 Budget and Business Plan Mission: To provide Halifax Regional Municipality with quality, cost effective, timely and accessible legal, insurance and risk management services for all facets of its operations across the organization. Halifax Regional Municipality 2013/14 Business Plans and Budget (Approved) Legal, Insurance and Risk Management Services Legal, Insurance and Risk Management Services Overview This business unit has two sections - Legal Services and Risk and Insurance Services which together provide support to HRM initiatives and operations. • Legal Services supports Regional Council, its boards, commissions, committees and the business units, to provide legal services including all litigation, contract drafting and review, By-law development and reform, property transactions, prosecution of municipal By-laws and provincial regulatory offences, and general advice. (When final hires are made, will consist of 18 lawyers and 10 staff = 28 FTE) • Risk and Insurance Services is responsible for the management, investigation and resolution of any insurance claim brought against or made on behalf of HRM, the application of sound risk management processes to identify, analyze, mitigate, respond to or avoid exposures, claims or other risks to HRM and the public and are responsible for the acquisition and maintenance of insurance coverage for Mayor, Council, Municipal operations, property, assets, Boards, Commissions or others for whom HRM is contractually obligated to respond to or provide insurance for. (4.5 FTE) Legal, Insurance and Risk Management Services Org Chart Director of Legal and Risk Management Legal Administrative Coordinator & Assistant to the Director Legal Assistants Manager of Risk and Insurance Civil Litigation Senior Senior Claims Claims Examiner Examiner General General Counsel Counsel & & Team Team Lead Lead Senior Senior Risk Risk & & Insurance Insurance Analyst Analyst Senior Senior Solicitor Solicitor Claims Claims & & Risk Risk Analyst Analyst Senior Senior Solicitor Solicitor Administrative Administrative Assistant Assistant (.5) (.5) Senior Senior Solicitor Solicitor Solicitor Services Senior Senior Solicitor Solicitor & & Team Team Lead Lead Senior Senior Solicitor Solicitor & & Conveyancing Conveyancing Lawyer Lawyer Senior Senior Solicitor Solicitor Senior Senior Solicitor Solicitor Solicitor Solicitor Solicitor Solicitor Legal Legal Assistant Assistant Legal Legal Assistant Assistant Senior Senior Solicitor Solicitor Solicitor Solicitor Prosecutions Senior Senior Solicitor Solicitor & & Team Team Lead Lead Solicitor Solicitor Prosecutions Prosecutions Coordinator Coordinator Legal Legal Assistant Assistant Legal Legal Assistant Assistant Solicitor Solicitor Solicitor Solicitor Solicitor Solicitor 10 per diem Crowns Real Real Estate Estate & & Conveyancing Conveyancing Paralegal Paralegal (to (to report report to to Conveyancing Conveyancing Lawyer) Lawyer) Legal Legal Assistant Assistant Legal Legal Assistant Assistant Legal Legal Assistant Assistant (to (to be be hired) hired) M2 Halifax Regional Municipality 2013/14 Business Plans and Budget (Approved) Legal, Insurance and Risk Management Services Funded Full Time Equivalents (FTE’s) Legal Insurance & Risk Management Services 2012/2013 Approved (Apr 1/12) 2013/2014 Proposed Change (+/-) 2013/2014 Approved Total FTEs 26 +6.5 32.5 Funded FTEs Includes full & part-time permanent positions Legal, Insurance and Risk Management Services Operating Budget Overview Legal Summary of Expense & Revenue Types Expenditures * Compensation and Benefits * Office * External Services * Supplies * Building Costs * Equipment & Communications * Other Goods & Services * Interdepartmental * Other Fiscal ** Total 2011-12 Budget 2012-13 Budget 2012-13 Actual 2013-14 Budget Budget Var. Var as % 2,450,165 2,480,000 2,558,374 3,050,800 570,800 23.0 76,719 68,900 91,259 117,600 48,700 70.7 341,813 360,100 582,744 508,100 148,000 41.1 4,000 4,000 10,000 21 112,334 110,400 140,864 180,900 70,500 63.9 (11,109) (371,336) (372,000) (293,969) (470,900) (98,900) 26.6 2,619,695 Revenues * Fee Revenues * Other Revenue ** Total (194,100) Net Surplus/Deficit 2,647,400 3,068,185 3,390,500 743,100 28.1 2011-12 Budget 2012-13 Budget 2012-13 Actual 2013-14 Budget Budget Var. Var as % (144,100) (209,400) (218,527) (211,500) (2,100) 1.0 (50,000) (29,642) (31,000) (31,000) 2,425,595 (209,400) 2,438,000 (248,169) 2,820,016 (242,500) 3,148,000 (33,100) 710,000 15.8 29.1 Legal Summary of Net Expenditures by Business Unit Division Cost Centers/Groups 2011-12 Budget 2012-13 Budget 2012-13 Actual 2013-14 Budget Budget Var. Var as % A110 Legal Services 2,425,595 2,438,000 2,818,360 3,148,000 710,000 29.1 A303 Risk & Insurance Services 1,656 * Legal Services 2,425,595 2,438,000 2,820,016 3,148,000 710,000 29.1 ** Total 2,425,595 2,438,000 2,820,016 3,148,000 710,000 29.1 Legal Service Area Budget Overview Service Area Insurance & Risk Management Summary of Expense & Revenue Types Legal Services Summary of Expense & Revenue Types 2011-12 Budget 2012-13 Budget 2012-13 Actual 2013-14 Budget 2013-14 Var. Var. % 1,656 2,425,595 2,438,000 2,818,360 3,148,000 710,000 29.1 2,425,595 2,438,000 2,820,016 3,148,000 710,000 29.1 M3 Halifax Regional Municipality 2013/14 Business Plans and Budget (Approved) Legal, Insurance and Risk Management Services Legal, Insurance and Risk Management Services Key Metrics Key Metrics and Drivers Compensation as a % of Total Expenditures per Dwelling (186,447 dwellings) 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Actual Actual Actual Projection Target 92% 91% 94% 88% 85% $14.11 $13.93 $14.57 $16.13 $16.49 Legal, Insurance and Risk Management Services Strategic Initiatives for 2013/14 Legal, Insurance and Risk Management Services has faced many challenges this year with the beginning of the implementation of approximately 80 recommendations put forward by the Catalyst Consulting report and recommendations of the Auditor General through his reports. Significant progress has been made during the last year, but there is still a lot of work to do. Legal Services has restructured so that the department is divided into three specialized teams of lawyers with support staff to provide excellence in customer service. Client service standards were developed and documented and Service Level Agreements are being implemented with each business unit to clarify expectations and solidify our commitment to provide quality, cost effective, timely and accessible legal services to HRM Council, its boards, commissions, committees and the business units. We intend to establish a web presence and have resources available on the intranet for easy reference. One major challenge continues to be electronic file/document/case management. Unfortunately, information technology solutions were not included as part of the Legal Services review and this is a key component in creating efficiencies in Legal Services. The review of administrative functions and the documentation of key administrative processes will continue during the coming year with a focus on increasing efficiencies where available. We are hopeful that the restructuring and addition of staff will accommodate the increased demand for internal legal services while providing excellence in service delivery to HRM. Although our budget will increase this year, we expect that HRM will experience an overall savings. Legal Services is in the early stages of its contract review project which is expected to continue over the next few years. A contract management team has been put in place and they are beginning to work cooperatively with the business unit departments to determine best practices and processes with respect to negotiations, drafting, approval and other legal issues related to agreements. Once complete, this will bring a significant amount of confidence to Council and HRM senior management in the integrity and enforceability of contracts. M4 Halifax Regional Municipality 2013/14 Business Plans and Budget (Approved) Legal, Insurance and Risk Management Services Legal Services is also in the early stages of the By-law review project. It is expected that significant progress will be made on this front in the next few years. It is a lengthy, collaborative project, sometimes involving several business units, but once complete, will provide HRM with a solid, unified set of By-laws. Restructuring throughout HRM has caused a significant increase in the requirement for legal advice and clarification regarding HRM processes as well as increased scrutiny of authority for binding HRM. Steps are being taken to ensure that staff are educated as to the role Legal, Insurance and Risk Management Services plays in their day to day business and what needs to be reviewed and/or approved by Legal. New policy is drafted (When to Consult Legal Services) and determinations are being made in consultation with the CAO and the Business Unit Directors to determine requirements for the signature of Legal Services on Council Reports, and any documents required to be executed which bind the Municipality. The retirement of the manager of Risk and Insurance Services also provided challenges and has led to the restructuring of that department with newly defined roles and responsibilities to manage the workload with reduced staffing. The relocation of Risk and Insurance Services to the first floor, Duke Tower, has increased the ability of the division to provide claims handling and risk management advices in an effective manner. Summary of 2013/14 Legal, Insurance and Risk Management Services Changes New or Expanded Service By-law review project – a solicitor has been hired to carry out a complete review of HRM By-laws (new, amend existing, consolidate existing) Note that this is a multi-year project. Real Estate transactions completed “in house” – Senior lawyer and paralegal responsible for transactions, advice and assistance to Real Estate Contract Review – review and/or standardization of contracts, leases, where appropriate Note that this is a multi-year project. Tax Sales – backlog of approximately 300 files and ongoing work in tax sales Note that this is a multi-year project. Handling most litigation and commercial files “in house” except those to be determined by the Director of Legal Services as a conflict of interest, requiring specialized legal services or in other unusual circumstances Increase in number of claims handled “in house” (independent adjusting services) Priority Alignment Excellence in Service Delivery Excellence in Service Delivery Excellence in Service Delivery Financial Stewardship Excellence in Service Delivery Organizational Capacity M5 Halifax Regional Municipality 2013/14 Business Plans and Budget (Approved) Legal, Insurance and Risk Management Services 2013/14 Legal, Insurance and Risk Management Services Service Area Plans Legal Services: Legal Services is comprised of three service teams: Litigation, Prosecution, and Solicitor Services. Services Delivered: Litigation Services - represents HRM in proceedings involving the Municipality and its employees before the Supreme Court and administrative tribunals including arbitration panels, Labour Boards, Police Review Board, Human Rights Commission, NEB, UARB, and CTA Litigation Services – provides research, advice and opinions, on litigation and potential litigation matters Litigation Services – represents HRM in all actions and hearings made or brought against the HRM including mediation and alternative dispute resolution processes Prosecution Services – prosecutes violations under the Motor Vehicle Act, Liquor Control Act, Fire Safety Act, Protection of Property Act, 911 Act, Off Highway Vehicle Act, Smoke Free Places Act, Building Code, Land use violations, Development Agreement violations, violations of municipal by-laws, and various regulatory infractions as well as HRM-issued parking tickets, including all related applications and appeals Prosecution Services – Training - provides training to police and other staff in respect to prosecutions and other legal issues Solicitor Services - provides legal advice to Council in respect of the conduct of the business of the municipality; provides advice to management and staff on a wide range of topics, including related research on a daily basis for the HRM Solicitor Services – By-law Development and Reform – works with business units to develop, amend, and consolidate By-laws for the Municipality Solicitor Services - Contract Review - Legal Services works with business units to draft a wide array of legal agreements, leases, policies and MOU’s and assist in negotiations where required Solicitor Services - Property Conveyance, Tax Sales, and Related Advice – Completes property transactions for land acquisitions and disposals, title investigations, reviews and approves documents regarding encroachments, easements, and rights-of way, prepares conveyance documents for tax sales as well as provides ongoing advice to Real Estate on any number of issues M6 Halifax Regional Municipality 2013/14 Business Plans and Budget (Approved) Legal, Insurance and Risk Management Services Key Service Area Metrics Number of Files Opened Library HRWC Other Boards/Commissions CAO C&RS Council External & Corp Affairs Finance Fire HR Legal/Risk & Insurance P&I Police Transit TPW Prosecution Files 11/12 12/13 Actual Actual 542 798 7 3 7 30 2 43 79 8 121 13 4 41 5 143 13 5 14 9 136 92 171 122 25 21 30 45 80 68 246 168 2013/14 Legal Services - Key Deliverables BU # LIRM 1.1 LIRM 1.2 LIRM 1.3 LIRM 1.4 LIRM 1.5 LIRM 1.6 13/14 Deliverables Continue implementation of approx. 80 recommendations from the Catalyst Consulting Report so that HRM Legal Services is positioned to handle the majority of legal issues facing HRM. This initiative includes hiring additional staff, moving work formerly done by outside legal firms “in house” and formalizing process and policies for carrying out HRM’s legal work. 7 Project Charters have been developed to itemize and implement the recommendations. Create efficiencies within the Business Unit, administratively and collaboratively with input internally and from other business units (technology, processes, file/case management, etc.) By-law review project – a solicitor has been hired to carry out a complete review of HRM By-laws (new, amend existing, consolidate existing) – This will be a multi-year project. Real Estate transactions completed “in house” – Senior lawyer and paralegal responsible for transactions, advice and assistance to Real Estate Contract Review – review and/or standardization of contracts, leases, where appropriate Tax Sales – backlog of approximately 300 files and ongoing work in tax sales. This will be a multi-year project. Strategic Alignment Excellence in Service Delivery Organizational Capacity Excellence in Service Delivery Excellence in Service Delivery Excellence in Service Delivery Financial Stewardship M7 Halifax Regional Municipality 2013/14 Business Plans and Budget (Approved) LIRM 1.7 LIRM 1.8 Legal, Insurance and Risk Management Services Handling most litigation and commercial files “in house” except those to be determined by the Director of Legal Services as a conflict of interest or requiring specialized legal services or in other unusual circumstances Become proactive stewards by increasing awareness of the role and responsibilities of Legal, Insurance and Risk Management Services within HRM Excellence in Service Delivery Excellence in Service Delivery Risk and Insurance Services: Risk and Insurance Services acts in conjunction with legal services to manage claims made against the HRM. This section manages the financing of HRM risk through insurance and a reserve. To reduce losses they seek to apply sound risk management processes to the identification, analysis, and mitigation of loss exposures to the HRM Services Delivered: Claims Handling – Investigation, management, resolution and administration of all insurance claims made against or on behalf of HRM Market HRM to national and international insurance companies Design and management of self-insurance program, reserve funds and insurance coverage to fit the needs of HRM operations Ongoing review, procurement and maintenance of optimum insurance coverage suitable to the needs of HRM Ongoing review of contracts, agreements, leases and special events to address risk exposures Conduct site assessments and obtain building appraisals Provide risk management advice, training and monitoring, particularly in the area of loss control to internal and external clients Key Service Area Metrics Claims received by policy year (June 1 – May 31) 10/11 11/12 12/13 Actual Actual Actual 1125 959 823 M8 Halifax Regional Municipality 2013/14 Business Plans and Budget (Approved) Legal, Insurance and Risk Management Services 2013/14 Risk and Insurance Services Key Deliverables BU # LIRM 2.1 LIRM 2.2 LIRM 2.3 LIRM 2.4 LIRM 2.5 LIRM 2.6 LIRM 2.7 LIRM 2.8 LIRM 2.9 LIRM 2.10 13/14 Deliverables Annual Insurance Renewal: Complete renewal for insurance program Building Valuation: Continue Building Appraisals Project appraising twenty buildings Adjuster RFP Full integration of integrated risk management system (multi-year project) Submission of aggregate reimbursement to former insurer (multi-year project) Provision of risk management seminars for internal and external clients to reduce exposure Development of risk matrix to identify areas of risk Implement standard reporting practises to all Business Units Web Site: Design for clarity of content and expansion of standard information Deductible Scheme: Create balanced and equitable means of allocation of deductible with enhanced reporting of losses to Business Unit Strategic Alignment Financial Stewardship Financial Stewardship Excellence in Service Delivery Excellence in Service Delivery Financial Stewardship Excellence in Service Delivery Excellence in Service Delivery Excellence in Service Delivery Excellence in Service Delivery Excellence in Service Delivery M9 Halifax Regional Municipality 2013/14 Business Plans and Budget (Approved) Legal, Insurance and Risk Management Services Legal Summary of Net Expenditures by Business Unit Division Cost Centers/Groups 2011-12 Budget 2012-13 Budget 2012-13 Actual 2013-14 Budget Budget Var. Var as % A110 Legal Services 2,425,595 2,438,000 2,818,360 3,148,000 710,000 29.1 A303 Risk & Insurance Services 1,656 * Legal Services 2,425,595 2,438,000 2,820,016 3,148,000 710,000 29.1 ** Total 2,425,595 2,438,000 2,820,016 3,148,000 710,000 29.1 Legal Summary of Gross Expenditures Cost Centers/Groups 2011-12 Budget 2012-13 Budget 2012-13 Actual 2013-14 Budget Budget Var. Var as % A110 Legal Services 2,619,695 2,647,400 3,066,529 3,390,500 743,100 28.1 A303 Risk & Insurance Services 1,656 * Legal Services 2,619,695 2,647,400 3,068,185 3,390,500 743,100 28.1 ** Total 2,619,695 2,647,400 3,068,185 3,390,500 743,100 28.1 Legal Summary of Gross Revenue Cost Centers/Groups 2011-12 Budget 2012-13 Budget 2012-13 Actual 2013-14 Budget Budget Var. Var as % A110 Legal Services (194,100) (209,400) (248,169) (242,500) (33,100) 15.8 * Legal Services (194,100) (209,400) (248,169) (242,500) (33,100) 15.8 ** Total (194,100) (209,400) (248,169) (242,500) (33,100) 15.8 M10 Halifax Regional Municipality 2013/14 Business Plans and Budget (Approved) Legal, Insurance and Risk Management Services Legal Summary Details Expenditures 6001 Salaries - Regular 6002 Salaries - Overtime 6005 PDP Increases 6054 Vacation payout 6100 Benefits - Salaries 6110 Vacancy Management 6152 Retirement Incentives 6153 Severence 6154 Workers' Compensation 6199 Comp & Ben InterDept * Compensation and Benefits 6201 Telephone 6202 Courier/Postage 6203 Office Furn/Equip 6204 Computer S/W & Lic 6205 Printing & Reproduction 6207 Office Supplies 6299 Other Office Expenses * Office 6301 Professional Fees 6302 Legal Fees 6303 Consulting Fees 6309 Litigation Disbursements 6314 Prosecution Services 6399 Contract Services * External Services 6499 Other Supplies * Supplies 6699 Other Building Cost * Building Costs 6702 Small Tools * Equipment & Communications 6901 Membership Dues 6902 Conferences and Workshops 6903 Travel - Local 6904 Travel - Out of Town 6905 Training & Education 6914 Recruiting 6917 Books and Periodicals 6918 Meals 6938 Rewarding Excellence 6999 Other Goods and Services * Other Goods & Services 7008 ItnTrsf IT & Commun 7010 IntTrfr Insur Funds 9911 PM Labour-Reg * Interdepartmental 8008 Transfer to/from Reserves * Other Fiscal ** Total Revenues 5250 Sales of Services Other * Fee Revenues 5508 Recov External Parti * Other Revenue ** Total Net Surplus/Deficit 2011-12 Budget 2012-13 Budget 2012-13 Actual 2013-14 Budget Budget Var. Var as % 2,083,543 2,150,400 2,128,401 2,595,400 445,000 20.7 889 1,000 3,565 2,500 1,500 150.0 (36,168) 11,207 327,367 342,000 350,747 427,300 85,300 24.9 (50,600) (20,000) 30,600 (60.5) 11,989 12,000 11,898 15,200 3,200 26.7 99,543 26,377 25,200 26,314 30,400 5,200 20.6 (37,133) 2,450,165 2,480,000 2,558,374 3,050,800 570,800 23.0 13,250 14,500 16,694 22,400 7,900 54.5 3,600 3,600 5,791 5,600 2,000 55.6 7,907 4,100 16,023 11,100 7,000 170.7 30,562 28,800 32,659 54,000 25,200 87.5 4,400 3,500 1,500 (2,000) (57.1) 17,000 14,400 20,074 23,000 8,600 59.7 18 76,719 68,900 91,259 117,600 48,700 70.7 442 60,500 60,500 160,813 170,000 266,888 250,000 80,000 47.1 109,466 25,000 27,000 42,132 27,000 156,000 163,100 160,615 163,100 3,202 7,500 7,500 341,813 360,100 582,744 508,100 148,000 41.1 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 10,000 10,000 21 21 58,000 58,000 55,511 80,200 22,200 38.3 5,000 5,000 6,000 6,900 9,016 9,900 3,000 43.5 6,035 6,000 1,616 8,000 2,000 33.3 9,817 9,200 32,251 40,500 31,300 340.2 210 30,000 30,000 41,301 35,000 5,000 16.7 582 300 603 500 200 66.7 1,000 25 800 800 900 331 1,000 1,000 112,334 110,400 140,864 180,900 70,500 63.9 600 (11,727) 18 (11,109) (371,336) (372,000) (293,969) (470,900) (98,900) 26.6 (371,336) (372,000) (293,969) (470,900) (98,900) 26.6 2,619,695 2,647,400 3,068,185 3,390,500 743,100 28.1 2011-12 Budget 2012-13 Budget 2012-13 Actual 2013-14 Budget Budget Var. Var as % (144,100) (209,400) (218,527) (211,500) (2,100) 1.0 (144,100) (209,400) (218,527) (211,500) (2,100) 1.0 (50,000) (29,642) (31,000) (31,000) (50,000) (29,642) (31,000) (31,000) (194,100) 2,425,595 (209,400) 2,438,000 (248,169) 2,820,016 (242,500) 3,148,000 (33,100) 710,000 15.8 29.1 M11