COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 A COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 B COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 CONTENTSPage Number Directors, Advisors and Management Team ii Notice of Annual General Meeting iii Chairman’s Reportiv-v Corporate Governance viii - ix Directors’ report1 - 2 Statement by directors3 Independent audit report4 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 5 Consolidated statement of financial position 6 Consolidated statement of cash flows 7 Consolidated statement of changes in equity 8 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 9 - 32 Disclaimer on additional information Listing requirements of South Pacific Stock Exchange 33 Minutes of the previous AGM Proxy Form 34- 35 36-38 40 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 BOARD MEMBERS/ MANAGEMENT TEAM Left to Right: William Parkinson (Managing Director), Shaenaz Voss, Matthew Wilson, Pramesh Sharma and Jyoti Solanki (Group Financial Controller/ Company Secretary) Ian Jackson General Manager - CFL AUDITORS Adrian Au General Manager - PNG FM LTD SOLICITORS BANKERS REGISTERED OFFICE ERNST & YOUNG 231 Waimanu Road, Suva Telephone: (679) 331 4766 Chartered Accountants Suva. ii COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the 30th Annual General Meeting of the members of Communications (Fiji) Limited will be held at 10am on Tuesday, the 12th of May 2015, at 231 Waimanu Road, Suva to transact the following business: AGENDA General Business Minutes of the Previous Meetings held on 7th of May 2014: To receive, consider and adopt the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting held on 7th May 2014 as correct record of the meeting. Ordinary business: Item 1 Adoption of Financial Statements for the year ended 31st December 2014 To receive, consider and adopt the Audited financial position and Comprehensive Income Statement and the reports of the Directors and Auditors for the year ended 31st December 2014. Item 2 Election of Directors (a) Mr Pramesh Sharma retires by rotation in accordance with Article 108 of the Articles of Association of the Company, and being eligible offers himself for re-appointment as a director of the company. (b) Ms Shaenaz Voss retires by rotation in accordance with Article 108 of the Articles of Association of the Company, and being eligible offers herself for re-appointment as a director of the company. Item 3 Appointment of Auditors The board proposes that M/s. Ernst & Young, Chartered Accountants, be appointed auditors of the company for the year 2015 and that the board be authorized to fix their remuneration. Item 4 Declaration of Dividends The board recommends to adopt the 2nd interim dividend of $284,640 (8 cents per share) as final dividend for the year 2014 bringing the total dividends declared to 13cents. Other Business; Any other business brought up in conformity with the Articles of Association of the company. By order of the Board of Directors, Jyoti Solanki Company Secretary Dated: 21st April 2015 Suva, Fiji Islands iii COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT I am very pleased to report that the CFL Group posted a positive result for the year to December 2014. After tax profit came in at $1,474,957 (2013:$1,515,009) on a turnover of $13,224,193. Profit from operations of our core broadcast businesses in Fiji and Papua New Guinea went up by 18.13 per cent to $2,661,184 (2013: $2,252,598). This was underpinned by a record result from the Fiji operations of $1,368,161, a rise of 42.50 per cent over the previous year. Income from election-related advertising provided a boost for the Fiji performance. Even without this there was growth in revenue and profit reflecting a generally buoyant business and consumer climate. We calculate that there may be a dip in results in Fiji for 2015. But we do not expect this to be significant, given the current economic and commercial indicators. After a slow start, our PNG subsidiary, PNG FM Ltd, contributed an after-tax profit of K1,118,993 (F$892,410), a slight increase from 2013. Shareholders are aware that our recent policy in PNG has been one of consolidation, following the earlier strain on the company’s management systems and resources caused by very rapid growth. The administration of the company is now better organised and more soundly based. We expect the trend of growth evident in 2014 to continue in 2015. This will be a busy year featuring the Pacific Games in July and the 40th anniversary of Papua New Guinea’s independence. We can all be encouraged by the strength of CFL Group’s consolidated balance sheet. At year’s end the net worth of the group stood at $11,115,135, an increase of 8.7 per cent from 2013. Overall debt reduced by 8.94 per cent. An increase in equity improved the gearing ratio by three per cent to 19 per cent - well below our policy benchmark of 40 per cent or less. This low level of gearing is a reflection of financial stability. Earnings per share were a positive 41.45 cents, which places the Group in the top tier of companies in terms of their returns to shareholders. We have paid a total of just over $4 million in dividends in the 13 years since CFL listed on the South Pacific Stock Exchange and became a public company. For 2014 the CFL board approved a total dividend of 13 cents per share, divided into an interim payment of five cents and a final one of eight cents. Favourable market perceptions of CFL were reflected in continuing gains in our share price. This made CFL one of the best performers on the South Pacific Stock Exchange in 2014. The price went up to $4.10c per share in December 2014 and rose further in March 2015 to $4.12c. iv COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 The year ended on a positive note when our application for renewal of our broadcast licence was approved by the Telecommunications Authority of Fiji for a period of 15 years. This provides us with the certainty we require for operations and planning. We intend to invest approximately $700,000 in 2015 in strengthening and expanding transmission networks required to support the biggest commercial broadcaster in the Pacific Islands. The aim, as always, is to ensure that we provide the widest possible coverage and sound quality for the populations of Fiji and PNG. In line with global media developments we continue to develop our online presence through We organised one of the defining moments of the 2014 elections with the staging of a leaders’ debate broadcast exclusively on our radio stations. It had an additional multi-media dimension with video streaming on for audiences in Fiji and world wide. Once again the Tebbutt media survey demonstrated the extensive reach of our five Fiji stations. The survey revealed that 85.1 per cent of radio listeners surveyed listened to one of our stations over a seven day period. CFL’s 50 per cent shareholding in 231 Waimanu Road Ltd, owner of our headquarters building, gives us a consistent return. We have now taken responsibility for management of the property. It has been renovated and is fully tenanted. We are projecting that after-tax profitability of the company will rise to about $300,000 in 2015 (2014: $214,483) and in 2016 to $340,000. A new valuation is to be conducted in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. We expect this will have a significant positive impact on the 2015 balance sheet. The 41.7 per cent investment by PNG FM in Paradise Cinemas continues to present substantial challenges. We entered into this venture in partnership with Damodar Group Fiji Limited and City Pharmacy Limited Group, which is listed on the Port Moresby Stock Exchange. It was a groundbreaking initiative to bring cinema entertainment to PNG for the first time. Several factors formed the basis for this decision. It was a certainty that PNG would have a cinema industry. It is the largest and most populous country in the region, with a rapidly growing economy. Port Moresby is the biggest city among the Island nations. Paradise Cinemas operates complexes in Port Moresby at Vision City and Waigani Central. Development of the market, however, is more demanding than we anticipated. The company registered a loss for 2014 of K2,242,506 (FJD1,788,269). Shareholders are supporting the venture and the Paradise team is working hard to put it on course for profitability over the longer term. It is being closely monitored. There is a new push on marketing and promotion to capitalise on a strong line-up of movies. Auditors determined no impairment was required on the investment in 2014 but this may be considered in 2015 depending on circumstances. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the formation of Communications Fiji. We are planning a special birthday celebration in July. It’s been quite a journey from those small beginnings in Stewart Street, not far from our current home. We have achieved much and surmounted many difficulties. We intend to retain our position of market leadership and further enhance our ability to serve the best interests of our shareholders. In all of this we will be motivated and driven by the restless entrepreneurial energy which has always been a hallmark of CFL. We must use the anniversary milestone as an opportunity to focus on a future that holds as much promise as in 1985. Matt Wilson Chairman v CFL RADIO STATIONS COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 vi PNG FM RADIO STATIONS COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 vii COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GUIDELINE PROVIDED BY RESERVE BANK OF FIJI Role of the Board The role of the Board is to ensure that Management is provided with general and strategic direction to enhance corporate profit and shareholder’s value. Decisions made by the Board should safeguard interests of the shareholders by overseeing Management and regularly assessing controls and accountability systems. The Board The Board comprised of four Directors including one independent Director at the end of financial year 2014. All appointments and removal of directors are confirmed at the Annual General Meeting. The Board has set up a sub-committee to review the remuneration package of key personnel. This committee is chaired by Mr Pramesh Sharma with Ms Shaenaz Voss as the other member. Most of the decisions are made and dealt with collectively by the Board. Approval for urgent matters is sought via flying minutes. Board Meetings Board meeting discussions revolve around capital projects, financial performance and comparisons to budgets, editorial and operational matters, compliance with corporate governance requirements, management reports and the financial results of its subsidiaries and associates. Directors No. of meetings entitled to attend No. of meetings attended Mr Matthew Wilson (Chairman) 5 5 Mr William Parkinson (Managing Director) 5 5 (Alternate Director) 5 5 Mr Pramesh Sharma 5 5 Apologies Mrs Shaenaz Voss/ Mr Vilash Chand Responsibilities of the Board Each year the Board goes through the process of assessing the company’s strategic plan, performance targets, business objectives and internal control policies. All matters relating to corporate governance are handled by the Board collectively. The Finance department is responsible for producing financial information, monitoring external audits, reviewing half year and annual financial statements and monitoring company’s compliance with stock exchange and other requirements by external bodies. The Board is informed on these matters regularly by management and approval is sought by way of flying minutes, depending on the urgency of the matter. Constituting an Effective Board The CFM Board comprises of two Directors representing significant shareholders, one independent Directors and the Managing Director. All Directors are qualified individuals with wide experience in the media industry and the commercial sector. Appointments are based on qualification, skill, experience, knowledge and integrity of the individual. Appointment of a Chief Executive Officer (Managing Director) Mr William Parkinson continued in his role as Managing Director. His contract is extended till 31 December 2016 and will be due for renewal in 2017. His appointment by the Board was based on his over 30 years experience in the media industry in the Pacific and in recognition of his performance in leading Communications Fiji Ltd since its inception in 1984. The remuneration package for the Managing Director was decided by the Board based on independent advice sought from Chartered Accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers. viii COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Board and Company Secretary The Company Secretary, Jyoti Solanki is a Group Financial Controller and has substantial years of experience in management and accounting field. She is responsible for ensuring CFL and its subsidiary company PNGFM Ltd remains compliant to various regulatory requirements, meets statutory obligations, board policy and procedures. She maintains minutes of board meetings and is accountable to the Board on all governance issues. Timely and balanced Disclosures Board meetings are held on quarterly basis where company’s performance, strategies and operating results are discussed. On the basis of these discussions, major decisions are deliberated and approved by the Board. All the required material information is released periodically to the public through market announcements, as required under the rules of the South Pacific Stock Exchange. In between meetings, the Board is kept informed by the Managing Director on all the relevant matters transacting during the period. Promote ethical and responsible decision-making The Board realizes that no organization can flourish if there is an absence of ethical and responsible decision making. Therefore, the Board has placed strong emphasis on encouraging management to engage in discussions and training that would foster improved ethical and responsible decision making. Register of Interest The interests of the directors if any are noted during Board meetings. Respect the rights of shareholders The shareholders of CFM are well informed through market announcements, media briefings and the Annual General Meeting. The Company also has an official website which is updated on a regular basis. Accountability and Audit Each subsidiary is separately audited annually by an external auditor and an Independent audit report is presented to the Board. This report also forms part of the Annual Report. External auditors are appointed every year by shareholders in the Annual General Meeting. Though, the Company doesn’t have an internal audit team, special projects relating to Audit are performed by the Finance team and reports are presented to Management and the Board. Recognise and manage risk The Company does not have a separate risk management committee. However, the Managing Director, Company Secretary and General Managers conduct continuous assessment on material business and operational risks and transmit it to the Board. They also ensure that proper controls and procedures are in place to administer these risks. ix CFL 2014 EVENTS COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 FIJI SHOWCASE TADRA KAHANI x COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company DIRECTORS’ REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 In accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors, the Directors herewith submit the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position of the company and the group as at 31 December 2014, the related Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income, Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity and Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the year then ended on that date and report as follows: Directors Directors at the date of this report are: Mathew Wilson William Parkinson Pramesh Sharma Shaenaz Voss Vilash Chand (Alternate director) Principal activity The principal business activity of the company and the subsidiary company in the course of the year was the operation of commercial radio stations and there has been no significant change in this activity during the year. The associate companies provide wireless internet services, cinema entertainment and renting of a property respectively. Results The operating group profit for the year was $1,474,957 (2013: $1,515,009) after providing $451,295 (2013: $534,440) for income tax. The operating profit for the holding company for the year was $1,258,359 (2013: $953,561) after providing $132,580 (2013: $12,757) for income tax. Dividends The dividends declared and/or paid during the year was $355,800 (2013: $782,760). Subsequent to year end, the directors have declared a final dividend of $0.08 per share for the financial year ended 31 December 2014. Reserves The directors recommended that no transfer be made to reserves within the meaning of the Seventh Schedule of the Companies Act, 1983. Bad and doubtful debts Prior to the completion of the company’s and the group’s financial statements, the directors took reasonable steps to ascertain that action had been taken in relation to writing off bad debts and the provision for doubtful debts. In the opinion of directors, adequate provision has been made for doubtful debts. As at the date of this report, the directors are not aware of any circumstances which would render the amount written off for bad debts, or the provision for doubtful debts in the company and the group, inadequate to any substantial extent. Non-current assets Prior to the completion of the financial statements of the company and of the group, the directors took reasonable steps to ascertain whether any non-current assets were unlikely to be realized in the ordinary course of business as compared to their values as shown in the accounting records of the company and the group. Where necessary these assets have been written down or adequate provision has been made to bring the values of such assets to an amount that they might be expected to realize. As at the date of this report, the directors are not aware of any circumstances which would render the values attributed to non-current assets in the company’s and the group’s financial statements misleading. Unusual transactions In the opinion of the directors, the results of the operations of the company and of the group during the financial year were not substantially affected by any item, transaction or event of a material and unusual nature likely, in the opinion of the directors, to affect substantially the results of the operations of the company and the group in the current financial year, other than those reflected in the financial statements. 1 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company DIRECTORS’ REPORT continued FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 Events subsequent to balance date No matters or circumstances have arisen since the end of the financial year which significantly affected or may significantly affect the operations of the company and the group, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of the company and the group as reported in these financial statements. Other circumstances As at the date of this report : (i) no charge on the assets of the company and group has been given since the end of the financial year to secure the liabilities of any other person; (ii) no contingent liabilities have arisen since the end of the financial year for which the company and the group could become liable; and (iii) no contingent liabilities or other liabilities of the company and the group have become or are likely to become enforceable within the period of twelve months after the end of the financial year which, in the opinion of the directors, will or may substantially affect the ability of the company and the group to meet its obligations as and when they fall due. As at the date of this report, the directors are not aware of any circumstances that have arisen, not otherwise dealt with in this report or the company’s and its group’s financial statements, which would make adherence to the existing method of valuation of assets or liabilities of the company and its subsidiary misleading or inappropriate. Directors’ benefits Since the end of the previous financial year, no director has received or become entitled to receive a benefit (other than those included in the aggregate amount of emoluments received or due and receivable by directors shown in the financial statements or received as the fixed salary of a full-time employee of the company or of a related corporation) by reason of a contract made by the company or by a related corporation with the director or with a firm of which he is a member, or with a company in which he has a substantial financial interest. Directors’ interests Particulars of directors’ interests in the ordinary shares of the company during the year are as follows: Direct interest Indirect interest Mathew Wilson 112,736 Nil William Parkinson Nil 1,881,341 Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors in accordance with a resolution of the directors. Dated this day of 2015. Director: ………………………………………. 2 Director: ………………………………………. COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company STATEMENT BY DIRECTORS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 In accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors, we state that in our opinion: (i) the accompanying Statement of ComprehensiveIincome of the company and group is drawn up so as to give a true and fair view of the results of the company and the group for the year ended 31 December 2014; (ii) the accompanying Statement of Changes in Equity of the company and the group is drawn up so as to give a true and fair view of the changes in equity of the group for the year ended 31 December 2014; (iii) the accompanying Statement of Financial Position of the company and the group is drawn up so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company and the group as at 31 December 2014; (iv) the accompanying Statement of Cash Flows of the company and the group is drawn up so as to give a true and fair view of the statement of cash flows of the company and the group for the year ended 31 December 2014; (v) at the date of this statement there are reasonable grounds to believe the company and the group will be able to pay its debts as and when they fall due; and (vi) all related party transactions have been adequately recorded in the books of the company and group. Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors in accordance with a resolution of the directors. Dated this day of 2015. Director: ………………………………………. 3 Director: ………………………………………. COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Pacific House Level 7 1 Butt Street Suva Fiji PO Box 1359 Suva Fiji Tel: +679 331 4166 Fax: +679 330 0612 INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT To the members ofAUDIT COMMUNICATIONS INDEPENDENT REPORT (FIJI) LIMITED Scope To the members of COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED We have audited the accompanying Financial Statements of Communications (Fiji) Limited and its subsidiary ('the Group'), which comprise Scope the consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December 2013 and the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the We have audited the accompanying Financial Communications (Fiji) Limited and then its subsidiary Group’),of consolidated statement of changes in equity, theStatements consolidatedofstatement of cash flows for the year ended and(‘the a summary which comprise the consolidated Statement of Financial significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. Position as at 31 December 2014 and the consolidated Statement of ComprehensiveIincome, the consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity, the consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the year then endedand and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. Directors' Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements The directors and management are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated Financial Statements in Directors’ and Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements accordance Reportingfor Standards and the and requirements of the Fiji Act, 1983. This Statements responsibility The directorswith andInternational managementFinancial are responsible the preparation fair presentation of Companies the consolidated Financial includes: designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and the requirements of the Fiji Companies Act, 1983. This financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate responsibility includes: designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation accounting policies; and making estimates that the circumstances. of the consolidated financial statements thatare arereasonable free frominmaterial misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. Auditor's Responsibility Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the consolidated Financial Statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the consolidated Financial Statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and accordance with International Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated Financial Statements are free from material and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated Financial Statements are free from material misstatement. misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated Financial Statements. The procedures depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement An audit involves performingselected procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated Financialof Statements. The financial procedures selectedwhether dependdue ontothe auditor’s judgment, assessment the risks of material the consolidated statements, fraud or error. In makingincluding those riskthe assessments, theofauditor considers internal misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether fraud or error. In making thosefinancial risk assessments, the control relevant to the company and the group's preparation anddue fair to presentation of the consolidated statements in auditor order to considers internal control relevant to the company and the group’s and fairofpresentation the consolidated financialof design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but preparation not for the purpose expressing anof opinion on the effectiveness statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing the company and the group's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used andan the opinion on the effectiveness the company the group’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating appropriateness reasonableness of accountingof estimates made and by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of thethe consolidated financial of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall statements. presentation of the consolidated financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. Opinion Opinion InInour our opinion: opinion: (a) properbooks booksofofaccount accounthave havebeen been kept company group, soasfarit as it appears our examination a) proper kept byby thethe company andand the the group, so far appears from from our examination of those books, of those books, and and b) (b) the accompanying consolidated consolidated Financial which have have been been prepared prepared in in accordance accordance with with International Financial the accompanying Financial Statements Statements which Reporting Standards: International Financial Reporting Standards: i) are in agreement with the books of account; and i) are in agreement with the books of account; and ii) to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us: ii) to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us: a) give view of the of the company andcompany the groupand as atthe 31group December and of its 2014 financial (a)a true and givefair a true and fair state view of of affairs the state of affairs of the as at2013 31 December performance, changes in equity, and its cash flows for the year ended on that date; and and of its financial performance, changes in equity, and its cash flows for the year ended on that date;required and by the Fiji Companies Act, 1983 in the manner so required. b) give the information (b) give the information required by the Fiji Companies Act, 1983 in the manner so required. We have obtained all the information and explanations which, to the best of our knowledge and belief, were necessary for the purposes of We have obtained all the information and explanations which, to the best of our knowledge and belief, were necessary for the our audit. purposes of our audit. Suva, Fiji Ernst & Young Chartered Accountants 2014 5 4 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) (FIJI) LIMITED LIMITED (FIJI) and LIMITED and Subsidiary Subsidiary andDECEMBER Subsidiary company company company FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 2014 COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) (FIJI) LIMITED LIMITED (FIJI) and LIMITED and Subsidiary Subsidiary and Subsidiary company company company CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT STATEMENT STATEMENT OFOF COMPREHENSIVE COMPREHENSIVE OF COMPREHENSIVE COMPREHENSIVE INCOME INCOME INCOME CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT STATEMENT STATEMENT OF OF COMPREHENSIVE COMPREHENSIVE OF INCOME INCOMEINCOME FOR FOR THE THE YEAR FOR YEAR THE ENDED ENDED YEAR 31 31 ENDED DECEMBER DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 2014 FORFOR THETHE YEAR FOR YEAR THE ENDED ENDED YEAR 31 ENDED 31 DECEMBER DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 2014 Radio Radio income income Radio income income adio Radio income income Radio Other Other revenue revenue Other revenue Other Other revenue revenue Other revenue Salaries Salaries and and employee Salaries employee and benefits benefits employee benefits alaries Salaries and employee and Salaries employee and benefits employee benefits benefits Depreciation Depreciation and Depreciation and amortization and amortization amortization epreciation Depreciation and Depreciation amortization and amortization amortization and Other Other expenses expenses Other expenses expenses Other Other expenses expenses Other Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.4 4.5 4.5 rofit Profit fromfrom operations Profit operations from operations operations rofit Profit from from operations Profit operations from Group Group Group Group Group Group 2014 2013 2013 2013 2014 2013 $ $ $ $ $$ Holding Holding Company Company Holding Company Company Holding Holding Company Company Holding 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2013 2013 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 11,940,632 11,940,632 11,940,632 12,194,787 12,194,787 12,194,787 4,897,035 4,897,035 4,897,035 4,431,703 4,431,703 4,431,703 11,940,632 11,940,632 11,940,632 12,194,787 12,194,787 12,194,787 4,897,035 4,897,0354,897,035 4,431,703 4,431,7034,431,703 1,283,561 1,283,561 1,283,561 1,237,056 1,237,056 1,237,056 1,295,262 1,295,262 1,295,262 1,179,720 1,179,720 1,179,720 1,283,561 1,283,5611,283,561 1,237,056 1,237,0561,237,056 1,295,262 1,295,2621,295,262 1,179,720 1,179,7201,179,720 (3,447,652) (3,447,652) (3,447,652) (3,103,693) (3,103,693) (3,103,693) (2,043,656) (2,043,656) (2,043,656) (1,886,376) (1,886,376) (1,886,376 (3,447,652) (3,447,652) (3,447,652) (3,103,693) (3,103,693) (3,103,693) (2,043,656) (2,043,656) (2,043,656) (1,886,376) (1,886,376) (1,886,376) (904,843) (904,843) (904,843) (1,057,014) (1,057,014) (1,057,014) (475,248) (475,248) (475,248) (548,222) (548,222) (548,222 (904,843) (904,843)(904,843) (1,057,014) (1,057,014) (1,057,014) (475,248) (475,248)(475,248) (548,222) (548,222)(548,222) (6,210,514) (6,210,514) (6,210,514) (7,018,538) (7,018,538) (7,018,538) (2,305,232) (2,305,232) (2,305,232) (2,216,777) (2,216,777) (2,216,777 (6,210,514) (6,210,514) (6,210,514) (7,018,538) (7,018,538) (7,018,538) (2,305,232) (2,305,232) (2,305,232) (2,216,777) (2,216,777) (2,216,777) 2,661,184 2,661,184 2,661,184 2,252,598 2,252,598 2,252,598 1,368,161 1,368,161 1,368,161 960,048 960,048 960,048 2,661,184 2,661,1842,661,184 2,252,598 2,252,5982,252,598 1,368,161 1,368,1611,368,161 960,048 960,048 960,048 inance Finance costs costs Finance costs costs 4.6 4.6 inance Finance costs costs Finance 4.6 4.6 Share Share of (loss)/profit of (loss)/profit Share of of (loss)/profit associate of associate or of joint or associate joint venture venture or joint venture 4.7 4.7 hareShare of (loss)/profit of (loss)/profit Share ofof(loss)/profit associate of associate orof joint associate or joint venture venture or joint venture 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.6 4.7 4.7 rofit Profit before before income Profit income before tax tax income tax tax rofit Profit before before income Profit income before tax taxincome Income tax expense ncome tax expense expense Income tax expense expense ncome Income tax taxIncome expense tax 2014 2014 2014 2014 $ $ $$ (97,002) (97,002) (97,002) (115,360) (115,360) (115,360) (84,464) (84,464) (84,464) (105,636) (105,636) (105,636 (97,002) (97,002) (97,002) (115,360) (115,360)(115,360) (84,464) (84,464) (84,464) (105,636) (105,636)(105,636) (637,930) (637,930) (637,930) (87,789) (87,789) (87,789) 107,242 107,242 107,242 111,906 111,906 111,906 (637,930) (637,930) (87,789) (87,789) (87,789) 107,242 107,242 111,906 111,906 - (637,930) - 107,242 - 111,906 -- 1,926,252 1,926,252 1,926,252 2,049,449 2,049,449 2,049,449 1,390,939 1,390,939 1,390,939 966,318 966,318 966,318 1,926,252 1,926,2521,926,252 2,049,449 2,049,4492,049,449 1,390,939 1,390,9391,390,939 966,318 966,318 966,318 5 5 55 5 5 Net profit for the the for Net year profit year for the the year year et Net Net profit Net profit profit for for the year the profit year for (451,295) (451,295) (451,295) (534,440) (534,440) (534,440) (132,580) (132,580) (132,580) (12,757) (12,757) (12,757 (451,295) (451,295)(451,295) (534,440) (534,440)(534,440) (132,580) (132,580)(132,580) (12,757) (12,757) (12,757) 1,474,957 1,474,957 1,474,957 1,515,009 1,515,009 1,515,009 1,258,359 1,258,359 1,258,359 953,561 953,561 953,561 1,474,957 1,474,9571,474,957 1,515,009 1,515,0091,515,009 1,258,359 1,258,3591,258,359 953,561 953,561 953,561 Other comprehensive Other Other comprehensive Other comprehensive comprehensive comprehensive income income income income - Other Other Other comprehensive comprehensive income income income -- ---Other comprehensive income toreclassified beprofit reclassified tosubsequent profit or loss in subsequent periods : - Other Other comprehensive comprehensive Other comprehensive income income to be to reclassified be income reclassified to be to profit to or loss or to loss in profit subsequent in or loss in periods: subsequent periods: periods: OtherOther comprehensive comprehensive Other comprehensive income income to betoreclassified income be reclassified to be to reclassified profit to profit or loss or toin loss profit subsequent in subsequent or loss in periods: subsequent periods: periods: -xchange Exchange differences Exchange differences on differences on translation translation on of translation of foreign foreign of foreign xchange Exchange differences Exchange differences on differences on translation translation on oftranslation foreign of foreign of foreign operation operation operation 21 21 21 (229,014) (229,014) (229,014) (474,662) (474,662) (474,662) peration operation operation 21 21 21 (229,014) (229,014)(229,014) (474,662) (474,662)(474,662) --- --- --- --- --- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- Other Other comprehensive comprehensive Other comprehensive comprehensive income income for the the for income the year for the the year year Other Other comprehensive comprehensive Other income income for forincome year the year year for -- -- -- -- -- -- (229,014) (229,014) (229,014) (474,662) (474,662) (474,662) (229,014) (229,014)(229,014) (474,662) (474,662)(474,662) Total Total Total comprehensive comprehensive comprehensive comprehensive income income for the the for income the year for the the year year Total otal comprehensive comprehensive Total income income for forincome year the year year for arnings Earnings per share per share Earnings share (cents) (cents) per share share (cents) (cents) arnings per Earnings (cents) per Earnings per share (cents) 1,245,943 1,245,943 1,245,943 1,040,347 1,040,347 1,040,347 1,258,359 1,258,359 1,258,359 953,561 953,561 953,561 1,245,943 1,245,9431,245,943 1,040,347 1,040,3471,040,347 1,258,359 1,258,3591,258,359 953,561 953,561 953,561 6 6 66 6 6 41.45 41.45 41.45 41.45 41.45 42.58 42.58 42.58 41.45 42.58 42.58 42.58 The accompanying accompanying The accompanying accompanying notes notes formform an notes notes integral an form partan an part ofintegral integral this of Consolidated part Consolidated of this thisStatement Statement Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Comprehensive Statement of of Comprehensive Comprehensive Income. Income. Income. he The accompanying The accompanying The notes notes form form an integral an integral integral form part part of this of this Consolidated this part Consolidated of Consolidated Statement of Statement of Comprehensive Comprehensive of Income. Income. Income. The accompanying notes form an integral part of this Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income. 5 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED (FIJI) and LIMITED Subsidiary and Subsidiary company company AT 31 DECEMBER 2014 CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL OF FINANCIAL POSITION POSITION AT 31 DECEMBER AT 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 Current assetsCurrent assets Cash and cash Cash equivalents and cash equivalents Trade receivables Trade receivables nventories Inventories Prepayments and Prepayments other assets and other assets ncome tax receivables Income tax receivables Non-current assets Non-current assets nvestment in subsidiary Investment in subsidiary nvestment in associates Investmentand in associates joint ventures and joint ventures Financial assetsFinancial assets ntangible assets Intangible assets Property, plantProperty, and equipment plant and equipment Total assets Notes Notes 9(a) 9(a) 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Total assets Current liabilities Current liabilities Trade and other Trade payables and other payables Employee benefit Employee liabilities benefit liabilities nterest-bearing Interest-bearing borrowings borrowings ncome tax payable Income tax payable Non-current liabilities Non-current liabilities nterest-bearing Interest-bearing borrowings borrowings Deferred tax liability Deferred tax liability Total equity Total equity 379,585 2,703,068 38,279 386,534 259,763 Group 2014 2013 $ $ 379,585 325,776 2,703,068 2,663,366 38,27938,920 386,534 491,688 259,763 - Holding Company Holding Company 2013 2014 $ $ 325,776 450 2,663,366 1,515,802 38,920 4,734 491,68880,393 - 87,589 2014 2013 $ $ 450 450 1,515,802 1,338,846 4,734 7,343 80,39378,927 87,58963,836 2013 $ 450 1,338,846 7,343 78,927 63,836 3,767,229 3,767,229 3,519,750 3,519,750 1,688,968 1,688,968 1,489,402 1,489,402 1,943,848 591,884 1,637,317 6,451,484 1,943,848 1,696,179 591,884 591,884 1,637,317 1,669,106 6,451,484 6,383,979 1,725,117 1,696,179 1,451,988 591,884 591,884 1,669,106 443,936 6,383,979 3,047,561 1,725,117 1,725,117 1,451,988 1,444,746 591,884 591,884 443,936 476,926 3,047,561 2,826,083 1,725,117 1,444,746 591,884 476,926 2,826,083 10,624,533 10,624,533 10,341,148 10,341,148 7,260,486 7,260,486 7,064,756 7,064,756 14,391,762 14,391,762 13,860,898 13,860,898 8,949,454 8,949,454 8,554,158 8,554,158 17 18 19 1,111,611 205,431 790,684 2,107,726 1,111,611 1,304,025 205,431 178,845 790,684 480,489 - 184,409 2,107,726 2,147,768 1,304,025 412,569 178,84570,814 480,489 634,653 184,409 2,147,768 1,118,036 412,569 772,936 70,81464,606 634,653 480,489 1,118,036 1,318,031 772,936 64,606 480,489 1,318,031 19 5 19 5 1,073,360 95,541 1,168,901 1,073,360 1,392,402 95,54195,736 1,168,901 1,488,138 1,392,402 1,073,360 95,736 172,285 1,488,138 1,245,645 1,073,360 1,392,402 172,285 160,511 1,245,645 1,552,913 1,392,402 160,511 1,552,913 3,276,627 3,276,627 3,635,906 3,635,906 2,363,681 2,363,681 2,870,944 2,870,944 11,115,135 11,115,135 10,224,992 10,224,992 6,585,773 6,585,773 5,683,214 5,683,214 3,558,000 253,685 7,303,450 3,558,000 3,558,000 253,685 482,699 7,303,450 6,184,293 3,558,000 3,558,000 482,69961,500 6,184,293 2,966,273 3,558,000 3,558,000 61,50061,500 2,966,273 2,063,714 3,558,000 61,500 2,063,714 11,115,135 11,115,135 10,224,992 10,224,992 6,585,773 6,585,773 5,683,214 5,683,214 Net assets Shareholders' equity Shareholders' equity Share capital Share capital Reserves Reserves Retained earnings Retained earnings Group 17 18 19 Total liabilities Total liabilities Net assets 2014 $ 20 21 20 21 The accompanying The accompanying notes form an notes integral form partanofintegral this Consolidated part of thisStatement Consolidated of Financial Statement Position. of Financial Position. Signed for and Signed on behalf for of and the onBoard behalfand of the in accordance Board and with in accordance a resolution with of athe resolution Directors. of the Directors. The accompanying notes form an integral part of this Consolidated Statement of Financial Position. Director: ………………………………………. Director: ………………………………………. Director: ………………………… Director: ………………………… 6 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OFcompany CASH FLOWS COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED (FIJI) (FIJI) LIMITED and LIMITED Subsidiary and and Subsidiary Subsidiary company company FOR THE STATEMENT YEAR DECEMBER 2014 CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT STATEMENT OF ENDED CASH OFFLOWS CASH OF 31 CASH FLOWS FLOWS FOR THE FOR YEAR FOR THEENDED THE YEAR YEAR ENDED 31 ENDED DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 2014 Note Note Note peratingOperating activities Operating activities activities eceipts from Receipts customers Receipts from from customers customers 2014 $ Group GroupGroup 20142014 2013 $ $ $ Holding Company Holding Holding Company Company 20132013 2014 $ $ $ 20142014 2013 $ $ $ 20132013 $ $ 13,261,441 13,261,441 13,261,441 13,336,923 13,336,923 13,336,923 6,036,426 6,036,426 6,036,426 5,556,886 5,556,886 5,556,886 aymentsPayments to suppliers Payments to and suppliers toemployees suppliers and employees and employees (9,762,787) (9,762,787) (9,762,787) (10,141,222) (10,141,222) (10,141,222) (4,570,542) (4,570,542) (4,570,542) (3,847,985) (3,847,985) (3,847,985) nterest and Interest bank Interest and charges bank andpaid bank charges charges paid paid (97,002) (97,002) (97,002) (115,360) (115,360) (115,360) (84,464) (84,464) (84,464) (105,636) (105,636) (105,636) ncome tax Income paidIncome tax paid tax paid (895,662) (895,662) (895,662) (1,306,749) (1,306,749) (1,306,749) (144,559) (144,559) (144,559) (230,431) (230,431) (230,431) et cash provided Net cash Net by cash provided Operating provided by Operating Activities by Operating Activities Activities 2,505,990 2,505,990 1,773,592 1,773,592 1,773,592 1,236,861 1,236,861 1,236,861 1,372,834 1,372,834 1,372,834 2,505,990 nvesting Investing activities Investing activities activities roceeds Proceeds from Proceeds sale from of plant from saleand of sale plant equipment of plant and equipment and equipment cquisition Acquisition of plant, Acquisition equipment of plant, of plant, equipment andequipment intangibles and intangibles and intangibles nvestment Investment in joint Investment venture in joint in venture joint venture ividendsDividends received Dividends received received 24,933 24,933 24,93335,950 35,950 35,95010,343 10,343 10,343 3,913 3,9133,913 (881,411) (881,411) (881,411) (1,161,273) (1,161,273) (1,161,273) (534,249) (534,249) (534,249) (648,211) (648,211) (648,211) (975,190) (975,190) (975,190) (199,648) (199,648) (199,648) 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 (1,731,668) (1,731,668) (1,731,668) (1,224,971) (1,224,971) (1,224,971) (423,906) (423,906) (423,906) (544,298) (544,298) (544,298) et cash flows Net cash Net used cash flows in Investing flows used used in Investing Activities in Investing Activities Activities nancing Financing activities Financing activities activities ividendsDividends paid Dividends to equity paid to holders paid equity to equity ofholders the parent holders of theofparent the parent dvance to Advance related Advance to party related to related partyparty epayment Repayment of secured Repayment ofloan secured ofprincipal secured loan principal loan principal epayment Repayment of lease Repayment principal of lease of lease principal principal (498,120) (498,120) (498,120) (853,920) (853,920) (853,920) (498,120) (498,120) (498,120) (853,920) (853,920) (853,920) (71,100) (71,100) (71,100) (58,962) (58,962) (58,962) (227,785) (227,785) (227,785) (359,449) (359,449) (359,449) (383,816) (383,816) (383,816) (359,449) (359,449) (359,449) (16,876) (16,876) (16,876) (65,478) (65,478) (65,478) (16,875) (16,875) (16,875) - Net et cash flows Net cash used cash flows in Financing flows used used in Financing Activities in Financing Activities Activities (813,881) (813,881) (813,881) (1,337,809) (1,337,809) (1,337,809) (898,811) (898,811) (898,811) (1,213,369) (1,213,369) (1,213,369) et (decrease)/increase Net (decrease)/increase Net (decrease)/increase in cash held in cash in cash held held (39,559) (39,559) (39,559) (789,188) (789,188) (789,188) (85,856) (85,856) (85,856) (384,833) (384,833) (384,833) ash and Cash cash Cash equivalents and cash and cash equivalents at the equivalents beginning at theatbeginning of the year beginning of year of year 222,065 222,065 222,065 1,080,685 1,080,685 1,080,685 (103,261) (103,261) (103,261) 281,572 281,572 281,572 ffects ofEffects exchange Effects of exchange rate of exchange changes rateon changes rate opening changes oncash opening onbalances opening cash cash balances balances ash and Cash cashCash and equivalents/(bank cash and cash equivalents/(bank equivalents/(bank overdraft)overdraft) at the overdraft) end at the atend the end 9(a) f year of year of year 9(a) 9(a) 7,512 7,5127,512 (69,432) (69,432) (69,432) - - - - - - 190,018 190,018 190,018 222,065 222,065 222,065 (189,117) (189,117) (189,117) (103,261) (103,261) (103,261) he accompanying The accompanying The accompanying notes form notes an integral notes form form anpart integral an ofintegral this part Consolidated of part this ofConsolidated thisStatement Consolidated Statement of Cash Statement Flows. of Cash of Cash Flows.Flows. The accompanying notes form an integral part of this Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows. 7 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OFcompany CHANGES IN EQUITY COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED (FIJI) (FIJI) LIMITED and LIMITED Subsidiary andand Subsidiary Subsidiary company company FOR THE YEAR 31 DECEMBER CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT STATEMENT STATEMENT OFENDED CHANGES OF OF CHANGES CHANGES IN EQUITY IN EQUITY IN EQUITY 2014 FOR THE FOR YEAR FOR THETHE ENDED YEAR YEAR ENDED 31ENDED DECEMBER 31 31 DECEMBER DECEMBER 2014 2014 2014 Notes Notes Notes Retained earnings Retained Retained earnings earnings Balance atBalance theBalance beginning at the at beginning the of the beginning year of the of year the year OperatingOperating profit Operating after profit tax profit afterafter tax tax DividendsDividends paid/proposed Dividends paid/proposed paid/proposed Balance atBalance theBalance endatofthe at theend the year end of the of year the year 7 7 7 2014 $ Group 2014 2014 $ $ Group Group 2013 $ 2013 2013 $ $ Holding Company Holding Holding Company Company 2014 $ 2014 2014 $ $ 2013 $ 2013 2013 $ $ 6,184,293 6,184,293 6,184,293 5,452,044 5,452,044 5,452,044 2,063,714 2,063,714 2,063,714 1,892,913 1,892,913 1,892,913 1,474,957 1,474,957 1,474,957 1,515,009 1,515,009 1,515,009 1,258,359 1,258,359 1,258,359 953,561 953,561 953,561 (355,800) (355,800) (355,800) (782,760) (782,760) (782,760) (355,800) (355,800) (355,800) (782,760) (782,760) (782,760) 7,303,450 7,303,450 7,303,450 6,184,293 6,184,293 6,184,293 2,966,273 2,966,273 2,966,273 2,063,714 2,063,714 2,063,714 Reserves Reserves Reserves Foreign currency Foreign Foreign translation currency currency translation reserve translation reserve reserve Balance atBalance theBalance beginning at the at beginning the of the beginning year of the of year the year MovementMovement arising Movement on arising translation arising on on translation of translation the of financial of the the financial financial statements statements ofstatements foreignof subsidiary foreign of foreign subsidiary subsidiary Balance atBalance theBalance endatofthe at theend the year end of the of year the year 21 21 21 421,199 421,199 421,199 895,861 895,861 895,861 - - - - - - (229,014) (229,014) (474,662) (474,662) (474,662) (229,014) - - - - - - 192,185 192,185 192,185 421,199 421,199 421,199 - - - - - - Share premium Share Share reserve premium premium reserve reserve Balance atBalance theBalance beginning at the at beginning the of the beginning year of the of year the year Movements Movements during Movements theduring year during the year the year Balance atBalance theBalance endatofthe at theend the year end of the of year the year 21 21 21 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 20 20 20 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 - 3,558,000 -3,558,000 - 3,558,000 -3,558,000 - 3,558,000 -3,558,000 - 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 Share capital Share Share capital capital Balance atMovements Balance the Balance beginning atthe the atyear beginning the of the beginning year ofyear the of year the year Movements during Movements during during the year the Balance atBalance theBalance endatofthe at theend the year end of the of year the year TotalTotal Total equity equity equity 11,115,135 11,115,135 11,115,135 10,224,992 10,224,992 10,224,992 6,585,773 6,585,773 6,585,773 5,683,214 5,683,214 5,683,214 The accompanying The The accompanying accompanying notes form notes annotes integral formform anpart integral anof integral this part Consolidated part of this of this Consolidated Statement Consolidated Statement of Statement Changes of in Changes of Equity. Changes in Equity. in Equity. The accompanying notes form an integral part of this Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity. 8 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 1. Corporate information The consolidated financial statements of Communications (Fiji) Limited and its subsidiary company (“the Group”) for the year ended 31 December 2014 were authorized for issue with a resolution of the directors on 27th March 2015. Communications (Fiji) Limited is a limited liability company incorporated and domiciled in Fiji whose shares are publicly traded on the South Pacific Stock Exchange. 2.1 Basis of preparation The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis. The consolidated financial statements are presented in Fiji dollars and all values are rounded to the nearest dollar except when otherwise indicated. Statement of compliance The consolidated financial statements of the group have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). The consolidated financial statements provide comparative information in respect of the previous period. Basis of consolidation The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of the group and its subsidiary as at 31 December 2014. Control is achieved when the group is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the investee. Specifically, the group controls an investee if and only if the group has: - power over the investee (i.e. existing rights that give it the current ability to direct the relevant activities of the investee); - exposure, or rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee; and - the ability to use its power over the investee to affect its returns. When the group has less than a majority of the voting or similar rights of an investee, the group considers all relevant facts and circumstances in assessing whether it has power over an investee, including: - the contractual arrangement with the other vote holders of the investee; - rights arising from other contractual arrangements; and - the group’s voting rights and potential voting rights. The group re-assesses whether it controls an investee if facts and circumstances indicate that there are changes to one or more of the three elements of control. Consolidation of a subsidiary begins when the group obtains control over the subsidiary and ceases when the group loses control of the subsidiary. Assets, liabilities, income and expenses of a subsidiary acquired or disposed of during the year are included in the statement of comprehensive income from the date the group gains control until the date the group ceases to control the subsidiary. A change in ownership interest of a subsidiary, without a loss of control, is accounted for as an equity transaction. If the group loses control over a subsidiary, it: - derecognizes the assets (including goodwill) and liabilities of the subsidiary; - derecognizes the cumulative translation differences recorded in equity; - recognizes the fair value of the consideration received; - recognizes the fair value of any investment retained; - recognizes any surplus or deficit in profit or loss; and - reclassifies the parent’s share of components previously recognized in other comprehensive income to profit or loss or retained earnings, as appropriate, as would be required if the group had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities. The financial statements of the subsidiary is prepared for the same reporting period as the parent company, using consistent accounting policies. All intra-group balances, income and expenses and unrealized gains and losses resulting from intra-group transactions are eliminated in full. On consolidation, subsidiary company PNG FM’s assets and liabilities has been translated at the rate of exchange ruling at balance date. Revenue and expense accounts have been translated using the average of the exchange rates ruling at the end of each month during the current financial year. The rate used to translate the assets and liabilities of PNG FM was 1.2818:1 (2013: 1.25221:1) while the average rate used to translate revenue and expense accounts was 1.2539:1 (2013: 1.1534:1). During the year, the PNG Kina was revalued by over 15%. 9 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 2.2 Significant accounting judgments, estimates and assumptions The preparation of the company and the group’s financial statements requires management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities, and the accompanying disclosures and COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) (FIJI) LIMITED LIMITED and Subsidiary andUncertainty Subsidiary company company the disclosure of contingent liabilities. about these assumptions and estimates could result in outcomes that require a NOTES NOTES TO THE TO THE CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued continued material adjustment to the carrying amount of the assets or liabilities affected in future periods. FOR FOR THE THE YEARYEAR ENDED ENDED 31 DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 20142014 Estimates and assumptions 2.2 Significant 2.2 Significant judgments, judgments, estimates estimates and and assumptions Theaccounting key accounting assumptions concerning theassumptions future and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the reporting date, that have a significant riskof of aand material adjustment to the carrying amounts assets and liabilities within the assumptions next financial The preparation The preparation of the company thecausing company and the group's the group's financial financial statements statements requires requires management management toof make to judgments, make judgments, estimates estimates and assumptions and that affect thatyear affect the the reported reported amounts amounts of revenues, of revenues, expenses, expenses, assets assets andits liabilities, and liabilities, and the and accompanying the accompanying disclosures disclosures and the and disclosure the disclosure of contingent of liabilities. liabilities. Uncertainty Uncertainty are discussed below. The group based assumptions and estimates on parameters available when thecontingent consolidated financial about about these these assumptions assumptions estimates and estimates could could result result in outcomes in outcomes that assumptions require that require a material aabout material adjustment adjustment to thetocarrying the carrying amount amount of the ofassets the assets or liabilities or liabilities statements wereand prepared. Existing circumstances and future developments, however, may change due to affected affected in future inchanges future periods. periods. market or circumstances arising beyond the control of the group. Such changes are reflected in the assumptions when they occur. Estimates Estimates and assumptions and assumptions The key The assumptions key assumptions concerning concerning the future the future and other and key other sources key sources of estimation of estimation uncertainty uncertainty at the at reporting the reporting date, that date,have that ahave significant a significant risk ofrisk causing of causing a a Impairment of non-financial assets material material adjustment adjustment to theto carrying the carrying amounts amounts of assets of assets and liabilities and liabilities within within the next thefinancial next financial year are year discussed are discussed below.below. The group The group based based its assumptions its assumptions and and Impairment existsavailable when the carrying value of anfinancial assetfinancial orstatements cashstatements generating unitprepared. (“CGU”) exceeds it recoverable amount, which is thefuture estimates estimates on parameters on parameters available when when the consolidated the consolidated were prepared. were Existing Existing circumstances circumstances and assumptions and assumptions about about future higher however, of its however, fairmay value lesschange costs disposal andchanges its use. The fair valuebeyond less costs ofofdisposal based on available developments, developments, change may due toof due market to market changes or value circumstances or in circumstances arising arising beyond the control the control theof group. thecalculations group. Such changes Such is changes are reflected are reflected in the in the assumptions assumptions whenoccur. they occur. data when from they binding sales transactions, conducted at arm’s length, for similar assets or observable market prices less incremental costs of disposing of the asset. The value in calculation is based on a DCF model. The cash flows are derived from the budget for the next five years and do not include restructuring activities that the group is not yet committed to or significant future investments that Impairment Impairment exists exists when the when carrying the carrying value of value an asset of an or asset cash orgenerating cash generating unit ("CGU") unit ("CGU") exceeds exceeds it recoverable it recoverable amount, amount, which which is the is higher the higher of its fair of its value fair value willofenhance the asset’s performance of thefair CGU being tested. The calculations recoverable amount is sensitive to the discount rate used for the less costs less costs disposal of disposal and itsand value its in value use.inThe use.fair Thevalue less valuecosts less costs of disposal of disposal calculations is based is based on available on available data from data binding from binding sales transactions, sales transactions, DCFatmodel as well assimilar the cash-inflows andprices theincremental growth rate used for extrapolation purposes. conducted conducted arm's at arm's length, length, for forexpected similar assetsassets orfuture observable or observable marketmarket prices less less incremental costs of costs disposing of disposing of the of asset. the asset. The value The in value calculation in calculation is based is based Impairment Impairment of non-financial of non-financial assetsassets on a DCF on amodel. DCF model. The cash Theflows cash are flows derived are derived from the from budget the budget for thefor next thefive nextyears five years and doand notdo include not include restructuring restructuring activities activities that the that group the group is not is yet not yet Taxes committed committed to or significant to or significant future future investments investments that will that enhance will enhance the asset's the asset's performance performance of theof CGU thebeing CGU tested. being tested. The recoverable The recoverable amount amount is sensitive is sensitive to to the discount the discount rate used ratefor used thefor DCF themodel DCF model as to wellthe as aswell the as expected the expected future cash-inflows cash-inflows the and growth the growth rate used ratein for used extrapolation for extrapolation purposes.and timing Uncertainties exist with respect interpretation of future complex taxand regulations, changes tax laws, andpurposes. the amount of future taxable income. The group establishes provisions, based on reasonable estimates, for possible consequences of audits by the tax authorities of the respective countries in which it operates. The amount of such provisions is based on various factors, such Taxes Taxes as experience ofwith previous taxinterpretation audits and differing interpretations of tax changes regulations bylaws, the taxable and theand responsible tax authority. Uncertainties Uncertainties exist with existrespect respect to theto the interpretation of complex of complex tax regulations, tax regulations, changes in tax in laws, tax and the and amount the amount and timing timing of future of future taxabletaxable income. income. Such differences inprovisions, interpretation may arise forestimates, a wide variety of issues depending onthe the conditions prevailing in respective the countries respective The group The group establishes establishes provisions, based based on reasonable on reasonable estimates, for possible for possible consequences consequences of audits of audits by by tax the authorities tax authorities of theof respective the countries in in of the group which which itdomicile operates. it operates. The amount The amount ofcompanies. such ofprovisions such provisions is based is based on various on various factors, factors, such as such experience as experience of previous of previous tax audits tax audits and differing and differing interpretations interpretations of tax of tax regulations regulations by thebytaxable the taxable and the andresponsible the responsible tax authority. tax authority. Such differences Such differences in interpretation in interpretation may arise may for arise a wide for a variety wide variety of issues of issues depending depending on theon the conditions conditions prevailing prevailing the in respective the domicile domicile of of group the group companies. companies. Deferred taxinassets arerespective recognized forthe unused tax losses to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the losses can be utilized. Significant management judgment is required to determine the amount of deferred tax assets that Deferred Deferred tax assets assets are recognized are recognized unused for unused losses tax losses to theto extent the extent that is probable it is probable that taxable that taxable profit will profit bewill available be available againstagainst which which the losses the losses can becan be can be tax recognized, basedfor upon thetax likely timing and levelthat of itfuture taxable profits together with future tax planning strategies. utilized. utilized. Significant Significant management management judgment judgment is required is required to determine to determine the amount the amount of deferred of deferred tax assets tax assets that can that becan recognized, be recognized, based based upon the upon likely the timing likely timing and level andoflevel future of future taxabletaxable profitsprofits together together with future with future tax planning tax planning strategies. strategies. 2.3 Changes in accounting policy and disclosures New and amended standards and interpretations 2.3 Changes 2.3 Changes in accounting in accounting policy policy and disclosures and disclosures The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of the previous financial year, except for the following new and amended standards effective as of 1 January 2014: New and New amended and amended standards standards and interpretations and interpretations The accounting The accounting policies policies adopted adopted are consistent are consistent with those with those of the of previous the previous financial financial year, except year, except for thefor following the following new and new amended and amended standards standards effective effective as as of 1 January of 1 January 2014: 2014: Reference Reference Title Title IAS 27IAS 27 IAS 32IAS 32 IFRS 10 IFRS 10 IFRS 12 IFRS 12 Amendment Amendment to IFRSto3IFRS 3 Amendment Amendment to IAS to 16IAS and16 IAS 38IAS 38 Separate Separate Financial Financial Statements Statements Offsetting Offsetting Financial Financial AssetsAssets and Financial and Financial Liabilities Liabilities Consolidated Consolidated Financial Financial Statements Statements Disclosure Disclosure of Interest of Interest in Other in Other Entities Entities Related Related party disclosures party disclosures and Clarification Clarification of acceptable of acceptable methods methods of depreciation of depreciation and and amortisation amortisation IFRS 9IFRS 9 Financial Financial Instruments Instruments IFRS 15 IFRS 15 Revenue Revenue from contracts from contracts with customers with customers Application Application date ofdate of ImpactImpact on financial on financial reportreport standard standard 1 1 1 1 1 January 1 January 2014 2014No impact No impact January 1 January 2014 2014No impact No impact January 1 January 2014 2014No impact No impact January 1 January 2014 2014No impact No impact July 12014 July 2014 No impact No impact The impact The impact of the of standard the standard is yet to is yet be to be 1 January 1 January 2016 2016 assessed assessed The impact The impact of the of standard the standard is yet to is yet be to be 1 January 1 January 2018 2018 assessed assessed The impact The impact of the of standard the standard is yet to is yet be to be 1 January 1 January 2017 2017 assessed assessed ThereThere There were no were significant no changes changes to theto group's the group's accounting accounting policies policies duringpolicies during the financial the financial year. were nosignificant significant changes to the group’s accounting during theyear. financial 10 year. COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 2.4 Summary of significant accounting policies (a) Intangible assets Intangible assets acquired separately are measured on initial recognition at cost. The cost of intangible assets acquired in a business combination is fair value as at the date of acquisition. Following initial recognition, intangible assets are carried at cost less any accumulated amortization and any accumulated impairment losses. Internally generated intangible assets, excluding capitalized development costs, are not capitalized and expenditure is reflected in the statement of ComprehensiveIincome in the year in which the expenditure is incurred. The useful lives of intangible assets are assessed as either finite or indefinite. Intangible assets with finite lives are amortized over the useful economic life and assessed for impairment whenever there is an indication that the intangible asset may be impaired. The amortization period and the amortization method for an intangible asset with a finite useful life is reviewed at least at each financial year end. Changes in the expected useful life or the expected pattern of consumption of future economic benefits embodied in the asset is accounted for by changing the amortization period or method, as appropriate, and are treated as a change in accounting estimate. The amortization expense on intangible assets with finite lives is recognized in the statement of comprehensive income in the expense category consistent with the function of intangible asset. Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives are tested for impairment annually either individually or at the cash generating unit level. Such intangibles are not amortized. The useful life of an intangible asset with an indefinite life is reviewed annually to determine whether indefinite life assessment continues to be supportable. If not, the change is the useful life assessment from indefinite to finite is made on a prospective basis. Gains or losses arising from derecognizing of an intangible asset are measured as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset and are recognized in the Statement of Comprehensive Income when the asset is derecognized. (b) Investment in associate or joint venture An associate is an entity over which the group has significant influence. Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee, but is not control or joint control over those policies. A joint venture is a type of joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement have rights to the net assets of the joint venture. Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exists only when decisions about the relevant activities require unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. Under the equity method, the investment in an associate is initially recognized at cost. The carrying amount of the investment is adjusted to recognize changes in the group’s share of net assets of the associate or joint venture since the acquisition date. Goodwill relating to the associate or joint venture is included in the carrying amount of the investment and is neither amortized nor individually tested for impairment. The statement of profit or loss reflects the group’s share of the results of operations of the associate or joint venture. Any change in other comprehensive income of those investees is presented as part of the group’s other comprehensive income. In addition, when there has been a change recognized directly in the equity of the associate or joint venture, the group recognizes its share of any changes, when applicable, in the statement of changes in equity. Unrealized gains or losses resulting from transactions between the group and the associate or joint venture are eliminated to the extent of the interest in the associate or joint venture. The aggregate of the group’s share of profit or loss of an associate or joint venture is shown on the face of the Statement of Comprehensive Income and represents profit or loss after tax. The financial statements of the associate or joint venture are prepared for the same reporting period as the group. Where necessary, adjustments are made to bring the accounting policies in line with those of the group. After application of the equity method, the group determines whether it is necessary to recognize an impairment loss on its investment in its associate or joint venture. At each reporting date, the group determines whether there is objective evidence that the investment in the associate or joint venture is impaired. If there is such evidence, the group calculates the amount of impairment as the difference between the recoverable amount of the associate or joint venture and its carrying value, then recognizes the loss as ‘Share of profit of associate or joint venture’ in the statement of comprehensive income. Upon loss of significant influence over the associate or joint control over the joint venture, the group measures and recognizes any retained investment at its fair value. Any difference between the carrying amount of the associate or joint venture upon loss of significant influence or joint control and the fair value of the retained investment and proceeds from disposal is recognized in profit or loss. 11 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 2.4 Summary of significant accounting policies continued (c) Impairment of non-financial assets The group assesses at each reporting date whether there is an indication that an asset may be impaired. If any such indication exists, or when annual impairment testing for an asset is required, the group estimates the asset’s recoverable amount. An asset’s recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s or cash-generating unit’s fair value less costs to sell and its value in use and is determined for an individual asset, unless the asset does not generate cash inflows that are largely independent of those from other assets or other groups of assets. Where the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount, the asset is considered impaired and is written down to its recoverable amount. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. In determining fair value less costs to sell, an appropriate valuation model is used. These calculations are corroborated by valuation multiples, quoted share prices for publicly traded subsidiary or other available fair value indicators. Impairment losses of continuing operations are recognized in the statement of comprehensive income in those expense categories consistent with the function of the impaired assets, except for property previously revalued where the revaluation was taken to equity. In this case, the impairment is also recognized in equity up to the amount of any previous revaluation. For assets excluding goodwill, an assessment is made at each reporting date as to whether there is any indication that previously recognized impairment losses may no longer exist or may have decreased. If such indication exists, the Group makes an estimate of recoverable amount. A previously recognized impairment loss is reversed only if there has been a change in the estimates used to determine the asset’s recoverable amount since the last impairment loss was recognized. If that is the case the carrying amount of the asset is increased to its recoverable amount. That increased amount cannot exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined, net of depreciation, had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset in prior years. Such reversal is recognized in the statement of comprehensive income unless the asset is carried at revalued amount, in which case the reversal is treated as a revaluation increase. The following criteria are also applied in assessing impairment of specific assets: Goodwill The group assesses whether there are any indication that goodwill is impaired at each reporting date. Goodwill is tested for impairment annually and when circumstances indicate that the carrying value may be impaired. Impairment is determined for goodwill by assessing the recoverable amount of the cash-generating units, to which the goodwill relates. Where the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit is less than their carrying amount an impairment loss is recognized. Impairment losses relating to goodwill cannot be reversed in future periods. The group performs its annual impairment test of goodwill as at 31 December. Intangible assets Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives are tested for impairment annually as at 31 December either individually or at the cash generating unit level, as appropriate. Associate and joint venture After application of the equity method, the group determines whether it is necessary to recognize an additional impairment loss of the group’s investment in its associate or joint venture. The group determines at each balance date whether there is any objective evidence that the investment in associate or joint venture and the acquisition cost requires impairment and recognizes the amount in the statement of comprehensive income. (d) Investments and other financial assets Financial assets within the scope of IAS 39 are classified as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, loans and receivables, held to maturity investments or available-for-sale financial assets, as appropriate. When financial assets are recognized initially, they are measured at fair value, plus, in the case of investments not at fair value through profit or loss, directly attributable transactions costs. The group determines the classification of its financial assets on initial recognition and, where allowed and appropriate, re-evaluates this designation at each financial year end. All regular way purchases and sales of financial assets are recognized on the trade date, which is the date that the group commits to purchase the asset. Regular way purchases or sales are purchases or sales of financial assets that require delivery of assets within the period generally established by regulation or convention in the marketplace. 12 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 2.4 Summary of significant accounting policies continued (c) Impairment of non-financial assets continued Loans and receivables Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. After initial measurement loans and receivables are carried at amortized cost using the effective interest method less any allowance for impairment. Gains and losses are recognized in the statement of comprehensive income when the loans and receivables are derecognized or impaired, as well as through the amortization process. Fair value The fair value of investments that are actively traded in organized financial markets is determined by reference to quoted market bid prices at the close of business at balance date. For investments where there is no active market, fair value is determined using valuation techniques. Such techniques include using recent arm’s length market transaction; reference to the current market value of another instrument which is substantially the same; discounted cash flow analysis or other valuation models. Amortized cost Loans and receivables are measured at amortized cost. This is computed using the effective interest method less any allowance for impairment. The calculation takes into account any premium or discount on acquisition and includes transaction costs and fees that are an integral part of the effective interest rate. (e) Impairment of financial assets The Group assess at each balance date whether a financial asset or group of financial assets is impaired. Assets carried at amortized cost If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss on assets carried at amortized cost has been incurred, the amount of the loss is measured as the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows (excluding future expected credit losses that have not been incurred) discounted at the financial asset’s original effective interest rate (i.e. the effective interest rate computed at initial recognition). The carrying amount of the asset is reduced through use of an allowance account. The amount of the loss shall be recognized in statement of comprehensive income. If, in a subsequent period, the amount of the impairment loss decreases and the decrease can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognized, the previously recognized impairment loss is reversed, to the extent that the carrying value of the asset does not exceed its amortized cost at the reversal date. Any subsequent reversal of an impairment loss is recognized in the statement of comprehensive income. In relation to trade receivables, a provision for impairment is made when there is objective evidence (such as the probability of insolvency or significant financial difficulties of the debtor) that the Group will not be able to collect all of the amounts due under the original terms of the invoice. The carrying amount of the receivable is reduced through use of an allowance account. Impaired debts are derecognized when they are assessed as uncollectible. (f) Inventories Inventories are valued at the lower of cost and net realizable value. Costs includes invoice value plus associated costs incurred in bringing each product to its present location and condition. Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale. (g) Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash at bank and on hand. For the purposes of the Statement of Cash Flows, cash and cash equivalents consist of cash and cash equivalents as defined above, net of outstanding bank overdrafts. 13 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 2.4 Summary of significant accounting policies continued (h) Trade and other receivables Trade receivables are recognized at original invoice amount (inclusive of VAT) less any provision for uncollectible debts. Bad debts are written off during the year in which they become known. A specific provision is raised for any doubtful debts. (i) Trade and other payables Liabilities for trade payables and other amounts are carried at cost (inclusive of VAT where applicable) which is the fair value of the consideration to be paid in the future for goods and services received whether or not billed to the entity. (j) Financial liabilities Interest-bearing loans and borrowings All loans and borrowings are initially recognized at fair value less directly attributable transaction costs, and have not been designated “as at fair value through profit or loss”. After initial recognition, interest-bearing loans and borrowings are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method. Gains and losses are recognized in the comprehensive income when the liabilities are derecognized as well as through the amortization process. (k) Borrowing costs Borrowing costs are recognized as an expense when incurred. (l) Property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment are stated at deemed cost less accumulated depreciation and any impairment in value. The principal depreciation rates in use are: Buildings Plant and equipment Motor vehicles 2% 5% - 30% 15% - 18% Profit and loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment are taken into account in determining profit or loss for the year. The carrying values of property, plant and equipment are reviewed for impairment when events or changes in circumstances indicate the carrying value may not be recoverable. If any such indication exists and where the carrying values exceed the estimated recoverable amount, the assets or cash-generating units are written down to their recoverable amount. The recoverable amount of property, plant and equipment is greater of net selling price and value in use. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. For an asset that does not generate largely independent cash inflows, the recoverable amount is determined for the cash generating unit to which the asset belongs. Impairment losses are recognized in the statement of comprehensive income. (m) Leases Finance leases, which transfer to the group substantially all the risks and benefits incidental to the ownership of the leased item, are capitalized at the inception of the lease at the fair value of the leased property or, if lower, at the present value of the minimum lease payments. Capitalized leased assets are depreciated over the period the benefit is expected to be realized from their use. Leases where the lessor retains substantially all the risks and benefits of ownership of the asset are classified as operating leases. Operating lease payments are recognized as an expense in the statement of comprehensive income on a straight line basis over the lease term. 14 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 2.4 Summary of significant accounting policies continued (n) Revenue Revenue is recognized to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the group and the revenue can be reliably measured. The following specific recognition criteria must also be met before revenue is recognized: Rendering of services Radio revenue is recognized when commercials are played or service is delivered. Proceeds from advance deposits are not recognized as revenue until the subsequent playing of commercials or delivery of service is performed. Dividends Revenue is recognized when the shareholders’ right to receive the payment is established. Rental income Rental income is accounted for on a straight line basis over the lease term on ongoing leases. (o) Employee benefits Annual leave Provision is made for annual leave to be payable to employees on the basis of statutory requirement on employment contract. Long service leave The liability for employees’ entitlements to long service leave represents the amount payable to employees, based on current wage and salary rates, for services provided up to balance date. The liability for long service leave increases according to the number of years of service completed by the employee. (p) Foreign currencies The consolidated financial statements are presented in Fiji dollars, which is the holding company’s functional and presentation currency. Each entity in the group determines its own functional currency and items included in the financial statements of each entity are measured using that functional currency. Transactions in foreign currencies are initially recorded at the functional currency rate ruling at the date of transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are retranslated at the functional currency rate of exchange ruling at balance date. All differences are taken to profit or loss with the exception of differences on foreign currency borrowings that provide a hedge against a net investment in a foreign entity. These are taken directly to equity until the disposal of the net investment, at which time they are recognized in comprehensive income. Tax charges and credits attributable to exchange differences on those borrowings are also dealt with in equity. Non-monetary items that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are translated using the exchange rates as at the dates of the initial transactions. Non-monetary items measured at fair value in a foreign currency are translated using the exchange rates at the date when fair value is determined. The assets and liabilities of foreign operations are translated into Fiji dollars at the rate of exchange ruling at balance date and its income statement is translated at the weighted average exchange rate for the year. The exchange difference arising on translation are taken directly to a separate component of equity. On disposal of the foreign entity, the deferred cumulative amount recognized in equity relating to that particular foreign operation is recognized in the statement of comprehensive income. (q) Business combinations and goodwill Business combinations are accounted for using the acquisition method. The cost of an acquisition is measured as the aggregate of the consideration transferred measured at acquisition date fair value and the amount of any non-controlling interests in the acquiree. For each business combination, the group elects whether to measure the non-controlling interests in the acquiree at fair value or at the proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets. Acquisition-related costs are expensed as incurred and included in expenses. When the Group acquires a business, it assesses the financial assets and liabilities assumed for appropriate classification and designation in accordance with the contractual terms, economic circumstances and pertinent conditions as at the acquisition date. This includes the separation of embedded derivatives in host contracts by the acquiree. 15 “A Look Back in Time – Celeb COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 in 90’s 16 brating 30 years of existence”. COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Cookie the Clown in action in the 90’s Tukini Cama of FM96 at Showcase in the early 90’s Waisale Serevi and Saimoni Rokini in the FM96 studio after the 1998 Hong Kong 7’s win. The Late Anirudh Diwakar, Navtarang Programme Director – September 1989 to August 2011. Jokatama Qio, Viti FM Drive Time Host – August 1998. Viti FM 2nd Birthday Celebration with the late, Mere Lomaloma, Unaisi Koroitamana and Viti FM Programme Director then, Vuli Salusalu – November 1998 Tukinu Cama with Brad Johnston, Fiji National Rugby 15’s coach – 1997. Launch of Mural with staff & Board Members, Chairman and Co-Founder, Matt Wilson (2nd from left) and former Chairman & Shareholder, Mr Hari Punja (3rd from left) - Dec 1997 17 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 2.4 Summary of significant accounting policies continued (q) Business combinations and goodwill continued If the business combination is achieved in stages, any previously held equity interest is re-measured at its acquisition date fair value and any resulting gain or loss is recognized in profit or loss. It is then considered in the determination of goodwill. Goodwill is initially measured at cost, being the excess of the aggregate of the consideration transferred and the amount recognized for non-controlling interests, and any previous interest held, over the net identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed. If the fair value of the net assets acquired is in excess of the aggregate consideration transferred, the group re-assesses whether it has correctly identified all of the assets acquired and all of the liabilities assumed and reviews the procedures used to measure the amounts to be recognized at the acquisition date. If the re-assessment still results in an excess of the fair value of net assets acquired over the aggregate consideration transferred, then the gain is recognized in profit or loss. After initial recognition, goodwill is measured at cost less any accumulated impairment losses. For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill acquired in a business combination is, from the acquisition date, allocated to each of the group’s cash-generating units that are expected to benefit from the combination, irrespective of whether other assets or liabilities of the acquiree are assigned to those units. Where goodwill has been allocated to a cash-generating unit and part of the operation within that unit is disposed of, the goodwill associated with the disposed operation is included in the carrying amount of the operation when determining the gain or loss on disposal. Goodwill disposed in these circumstances is measured based on the relative values of the disposed operation and the portion of the cash-generating unit retained. (r) Taxes Current income tax Current income tax assets and liabilities for the current and prior periods are measured at the amount expected to be recovered from or paid to the taxation authorities. The tax rates and tax laws used to compute the amount are those that are enacted or substantively enacted at balance date. Current income tax relating to items recognized directly in equity is recognized in equity and not in comprehensive income. Deferred tax Deferred income tax is provided using the liability method on temporary differences at balance date between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes. Deferred income tax liabilities are recognized for all taxable temporary differences, except: - where the deferred income tax liability arises from goodwill amortization or the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction that is not a business combination and, at the time of the transaction, affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profit or loss; and - in respect of taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiary, associates and interest in joint ventures, except where the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference can be controlled and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. Deferred income tax assets are recognized for all deductible temporary differences, carry forward of unused tax credits and unused tax losses, to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences, and the carry forward of unused tax credits and unused tax losses can be utilized except: - where the deferred income tax asset relating to the deductible temporary difference arises from the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction that it is not a business combination and, at the time of the transaction, affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profit or loss; and - in respect of deductible temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiary, associates and interests in joint ventures, deferred tax assets are recognized only to the extent that it is probable that the temporary differences will reverse in the foreseeable future and taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilized. 18 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company NOTES TO(FIJI) THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued UNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED LIMITED and Subsidiary and Subsidiary companycompany THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 S TO NOTES THE FOR CONSOLIDATED TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued continued HEFOR YEAR THE ENDED YEAR31 ENDED DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 2.4 Summary of significant accounting policies continued mmary 2.4 ofSummary significant ofaccounting significant policies accounting continued policies continued (r) Taxes continued es continued (r) Taxes continued erred taxDeferred continued tax continued Deferred tax continued The carrying amount of deferred income tax assets is reviewed at each balance date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer carryingThe amount carrying of deferred amount of income deferred tax income assets istax reviewed assets is atreviewed each balance at each date balance and reduced date and to the reduced extent to that the extent it is nothat longer it isprobable no longer that probable sufficient that sufficient sufficient profit will available tobeallow all or utilized. part of the deferred tax assetare toreassessed be utilized. able profit taxable will probable beprofit available willthat be to available allow all or totaxable part allowofallthe or part deferred of be the tax deferred asset totax asset utilized. to be Unrecognized Unrecognized deferred taxdeferred assets tax assets are reassessed at Unrecognized each balance at each balance deferred tax extent assets are athas each balance date and recognized to the extent that it has to become probable that future e and aredate recognized and are to recognized the to that the reassessed extent it has become that it probable become that probable future taxable thatare future profit taxable will allow profit the will deferred allow the taxdeferred asset tax be asset recovered. to be recovered. taxable profit will allow the deferred tax asset to be recovered. erred income Deferred tax income assets income and tax liabilities assets areliabilities measured areatmeasured the are tax rates at the that taxare rates expected that toexpected apply the apply year to when the the yearasset when isthe realized asset or is the realized liability or the isis liability is Deferred taxand assets and liabilities measured at the tax are rates that to areto expected to apply to the year when the asset tled, based settled, on realized tax based rateson tax tax rates laws) (and tax have laws)based been that enacted have been or substantively enacted or substantively enacted the enacted balance at the date. balance Deferred date. taxDeferred relating tax to items relating recognized to items recognized or(and the liability isthat settled, on tax rates (and tax laws) that at have been enacted or substantively enacted at the balance ctly in equity directly is recognized in equity is in recognized equity and in not equity in profit and not or loss. in profit or loss. date. Deferred tax relating to items recognized directly in equity is recognized in equity and not in profit or loss. erred income Deferred tax assets incomeand tax deferred assets and income deferred tax liabilities income tax areliabilities offset, ifare a legally offset,enforceable if a legally enforceable right exists right to setexists off current to set tax off current assets against tax assets current against tax current tax Deferred income tax assets andtodeferred income liabilities offset, if a legally enforceable right exists to set off current tax ilities and liabilities the deferred and the taxes deferred related taxes to the related same taxable the same entity taxable and tax the entity same and taxation theare same authority. taxation authority. es tax assets against current tax liabilities and the deferred taxes related to the same taxable entity and the same taxation authority. Sales tax Sales tax are enue, expenses Revenue, and expenses assets andrecognized assets are net recognized of the amount net of the of sales amount tax of except: sales tax except: Revenue, expenses and assets are recognized net of the amount of sales tax except: - where the wheretax theincurred sales tax on incurred a purchase on aofpurchase assets orofservices assets or is not services is not recoverable from the taxation from the authority, taxationinauthority, which case in which the sales casetax theis sales tax is - sales - where the sales tax incurred on a purchase of assets orrecoverable services is not recoverable from the taxation authority, in which case recognized as recognized part of the as acquisition part of the of acquisition the assetoforthe as part assetoforthe as expense part of the item expense as applicable; item as and applicable; and - - receivables receivables and payables stated the amount of sales tax included. receivables and -payables and arepayables stated with are stated theare amount with the of with sales amount tax of included. sales tax included. the sales tax is recognized as part of the acquisition of the asset or as part of the expense item as applicable; and net amount The net of sales amount of sales recoverable from, or payable from, to, or payable the taxation to, the authority taxationis authority included as is included part of receivables as part of receivables payables or in payables the Statement the of Statement of The nettaxes amount oftaxes salesrecoverable taxes recoverable from, or payable to, the taxation authority is included asorpart of receivables or in payables ancial Position. Financial Position. in the Statement of Financial Position. mparatives (s) Comparatives (s) Comparatives ere necessary, WhereWhere amounts necessary, relating amounts toamounts prior relating yearto have priorbeen year reclassified haveyear beenhave reclassified to conform to with conform presentation with presentation in thewith current in the year. currentin year. necessary, relating to prior been reclassified to conform presentation the current year. GMENT 3. INFORMATION SEGMENT INFORMATION 3. SEGMENT INFORMATION The its subsidiary operate predominantly in theservices commercial radioThe services industry. Theoperates holding company operates company Theand company its company subsidiary and itsand operate subsidiary predominantly operate predominantly in the commercial in the commercial radio radio industry. services industry. holding The company holding companyin operates Suva, Fiji inwhile Suva,itsin Fiji while its Suva, Fiji while its subsidiary operates in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. sidiary operates subsidiary in operates Port Moresby, in Port Papua Moresby, New Guinea. Papua New Guinea. (a) Geographical segments (a) Geographical Geographical segments segments The following tables present revenue and profit information and certain asset and liability information regarding geographical The following The tables following present tables revenue present revenue profit and profit information and certain and asset certain and liability asset and information liability information regarding geographical regarding geographical segments for segments the years for the years segments for the yearsand ended 31information December 2014 and 2013. ended 31 December ended 312014 December and 2013. 2014 and 2013. Year ended Year 31 December ended 312014 December 2014 Revenue Revenue External sales External sales Results Results Segment result Segment result Unallocated Unallocated expenses expenses Profit from operating Profit fromactivities operating activities Net finance Net costs finance costs Share of (loss)/profit Share of (loss)/profit of associateoforassociate joint venture or joint venture Profit beforeProfit income before tax income tax Income tax expense Income tax expense Net profit Net profit PNG $ PNG $ Fiji $ Fiji $ EliminationsEliminations Total $ $ $ 7,043,597 7,043,597 4,897,035 4,897,035 7,043,597 7,043,597 4,897,035 4,897,035 1,223,660 1,223,660 1,368,161 1,368,161 1,223,660 1,223,660 1,368,161 1,368,161 - Total $ -11,940,63211,940,632 -11,940,63211,940,632 69,363 69,363 69,363 2,661,184 2,661,184 69,363 2,661,184 2,661,184 465,950 465,950 1,390,939 1,390,939 69,363 (318,715) (318,715)(132,580) (132,580) 147,235 147,235 1,258,359 1,258,359 69,363 69,363 1,926,252 1,926,252 - (451,295) (451,295) 69,363 1,474,957 1,474,957 (12,538) (12,538) (84,464) (745,172) (745,172) 107,242 19 (84,464) 107,242 - - (97,002) (97,002) - (637,930) (637,930) COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company NOTES THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued MUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI)TO LIMITED (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary and Subsidiary company company ES NOTES TO THE TO CONSOLIDATED THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued continued FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 THE FOR YEAR THEENDED YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 3. SEGMENT INFORMATION SEGMENT 3. SEGMENT INFORMATION INFORMATION continued continued continued Year ended Year 31ended December 31 December 2014 2014 Assets and Assets liabilities and liabilities Segment Segment assets assets Investment Investment in associate in associate or joint venture or joint venture Total assets Total assets Segment Segment liabilities liabilities Total liabilities Total liabilities Other segment Other information segment information Capital expenditure: Capital expenditure: - fixed tangible fixed assets - tangible assets - intangible - intangible assets assets Amortization Amortization of intangible of intangible assets assets Depreciation Depreciation Doubtful and Doubtful bad debts and bad debts Cash flows Cash flows OperatingOperating activities activities Investing Investing activities activities Financing Financing activities activities Year ended Year 31ended December 31 December 2013 2013 Revenue Revenue External sales External sales Result Result result Segment Segment result Unallocated Unallocated expenses expenses Profit from Profit operating from operating activities activities Net finance Netcosts finance costs Share of (loss)/profit Share of (loss)/profit of associate of associate or joint venture or joint venture PNG $ PNG $ Fiji $ Fiji $ Eliminations Eliminations $ $ Total $ Total $ 5,797,961 5,797,961 7,497,466 7,497,466 (847,513) (847,513)12,447,914 12,447,914 491,860 491,860 1,451,988 1,451,988 - 1,943,848 1,943,848 6,289,821 6,289,821 8,949,454 8,949,454 (847,513) (847,513)14,391,762 14,391,762 1,335,687 1,335,687 2,363,681 2,363,681 (422,741) (422,741) 3,276,627 3,276,627 1,335,687 1,335,687 2,363,681 2,363,681 (422,741) (422,741) 3,276,627 3,276,627 336,614 336,614 8,518 8,518 8,309 8,309 421,101 421,101 6,583 6,583 627,906 627,906 40,169 40,169 465,132 465,132 402,089 402,089 (30,682) (30,682) - - 964,520 964,520 48,687 48,687 473,441 473,441 823,190 823,190 (24,099) (24,099) 1,269,129 1,269,129 1,236,861 1,236,861 (1,307,762) (1,307,762) (423,906) (423,906) 84,930 84,930 (898,811) (898,811) PNG PNG Restated Restated $ $ Fiji Fiji $ $ Eliminations Eliminations 7,763,084 7,763,084 4,431,703 4,431,703 7,763,084 7,763,084 4,431,703 4,431,703 1,467,975 1,467,975 1,467,975 1,467,975 $ $ - Total Total $ $ - 12,194,787 12,194,787 - 12,194,787 12,194,787 960,048 960,048 (175,425) (175,425) 2,252,598 2,252,598 960,048 960,048 (175,425) (175,425) 2,252,598 2,252,598 (9,724) (9,724) (105,636) (105,636) (199,695) (199,695) 111,906 111,906 - - (115,360) (115,360) (87,789) (87,789) Profit before Profit income beforetax income tax Income tax Income expense tax expense Net profitNet profit 1,258,556 1,258,556 (521,683) (521,683) 736,873 736,873 Assets and Assets liabilities and liabilities Segment Segment assets assets Investment Investment in associate in associate or joint venture or joint venture Total assets Total assets 6,359,423 6,359,423 7,109,412 7,109,412(1,304,116) (1,304,116)12,164,719 12,164,719 251,433 251,433 1,444,746 1,444,746 - 1,696,179 1,696,179 6,610,856 6,610,856 8,554,158 8,554,158(1,304,116) (1,304,116)13,860,898 13,860,898 Segment Segment liabilities liabilities Total liabilities Total liabilities 1,510,807 1,510,807 2,870,944 2,870,944 (745,845) (745,845) 3,635,906 3,635,906 1,510,807 1,510,807 2,870,944 2,870,944 (745,845) (745,845) 3,635,906 3,635,906 20 966,318 966,318 (175,425) (175,425) 2,049,449 2,049,449 (12,757) (12,757) (534,440) (534,440) 953,561 953,561 (175,425) (175,425) 1,515,009 1,515,009 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company MMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI)TO LIMITED (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary and Subsidiary company company NOTES THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued TES NOTES TO THE TO CONSOLIDATED THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued continued MMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED (FIJI)and LIMITED Subsidiary and Subsidiary company company FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 THE FOR YEAR THEENDED YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 TES TONOTES THE CONSOLIDATED TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continuedcontinued THE YEAR FOR THE ENDED YEAR 31ENDED DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 SEGMENT 3. SEGMENT INFORMATION INFORMATION continued continued 3. SEGMENT INFORMATION continued (a) Geographical segments continued (a) Geographical Geographical segments segments continued continued SEGMENT 3.(a) INFORMATION SEGMENT INFORMATION continued continued Year ended Year 31 ended December 31continued December 2013 continued 2013 continued (a) Geographical (a) Geographical segments segments continued Year ended 31 Year December ended 31 2013 December continued 2013 continued PNG PNG Restated Restated PNG $ $ PNG Restated Restated $ $ Fiji Fiji Eliminations Eliminations Total Total Fiji Eliminations Total $ $ Fiji Eliminations $ $ $ $ Total Other segment Other segment information information $ $ $ $ $ $ Capital expenditure: Capital expenditure: Other segment Other information segment information 455,562 455,562 604,136 604,136 1,059,698 1,059,698 tangible fixed assets tangible fixed assets Capital expenditure: Capital expenditure: intangible intangible assets assets 57,500 57,500 44,075 44,075 101,575 101,575 455,562 455,562604,136 604,136 --1,059,698 1,059,698 -Amortization tangible -of fixed tangible assets fixed assets Amortization intangible of intangible assets assets 2,519 2,519 70,436 70,436 72,955 72,955 -Depreciation intangible - assets intangible assets 57,500 506,273 57,500477,786 44,075 477,786 44,075 -- 101,575 101,575 Depreciation 506,273 984,059 984,059 Amortization of intangible of intangible assets 2,519 31,789 2,519 70,436 70,436 -- 72,955 72,955 Doubtful Doubtful and Amortization bad debts and bad assets debts 31,789 50,000 50,000 81,789 81,789 Depreciation Depreciation 506,273 506,273477,786 477,786 - 984,059 984,059 Doubtful and Doubtful bad debts and debts 31,789 31,789 50,000 50,000 - 81,789 81,789 Inter-segment Inter-segment revenues revenues arebad eliminated are eliminated upon consolidation upon consolidation and reflected and reflected in the 'adjustments in the 'adjustments and eliminations' and eliminations' column. column. - Inter-segment revenues are eliminated upon consolidation and reflected in the ‘adjustments and eliminations’ column. Inter-segment revenues are revenues eliminatedare upon eliminated consolidation upon consolidation and reflectedand in the reflected 'adjustments in the 'adjustments and eliminations' and column. eliminations' column. (b) Inter-segment Business (b) Business segments segments (b) company Business segments The company The and itssegments subsidiary and its subsidiary both operate both predominantly operate predominantly in the commercial in the commercial radio services radio services industry. industry. Revenue, Revenue, expenditure expenditure and certain and asset certain asset (b) Business (b) segments Business The company and its subsidiary operate predominantly in theand commercial radio services industry. expenditure andsegments information information regarding regarding business business segments segments for both the years for the ended years 31ended December 31 December 2014 2014 2013and are2013 the same are the as that same disclosed as thatRevenue, disclosed for geographical for geographical segments The company The andcompany its subsidiary and itsboth subsidiary operateboth predominantly operatesegments predominantly in the for commercial in years the radio commercial services industry. services Revenue, industry. Revenue, expenditure certainasasset and certain asset information regarding business the ended 31radio December 2014 andexpenditure 2013 are and the same thatcertain asset above. above. informationdisclosed regarding information business regarding segments business forsegments the years for ended the 31 years December ended 31 2014 December and 2013 2014 areand the2013 sameare as that the same disclosed as that for disclosed geographical for geographical segments segments for geographical segments above. above. above. REVENUE 4. REVENUE AND EXPENSES AND EXPENSES Group Group Holding Company Holding Company 4. REVENUE AND EXPENSES REVENUE 4.AND REVENUE EXPENSES AND EXPENSES 2014 $ 2014 Revenue, Revenue, expensesexpenses and finance andcosts finance for costs the year for include the yearthe include following: the following: $ 2014 Group $ 2014 $ 2013 2013 Group $ $ 2013 2013 $ $ 2014 2014 2013 2013 Holding Company Holding Company $ $ $ $ 2014 2014 2013 2013 $ $ $ $ Revenue, expenses Revenue, expenses finance costs and finance for the costs year include for the the yearfollowing: include the following: 4.1 Radio4.1 income Radio and income Advertising Advertising income income 10,993,993 10,993,99310,535,151 10,535,151 4,481,615 4,481,615 3,937,565 3,937,565 4.1 Radio income 4.1 Radio income Total Event Total Company Event Company Limited income Limitedand income otherand commercial other commercial 946,639 946,639 1,659,636 1,659,636 415,420 415,420 494,138 494,138 Advertising income 10,993,993 10,993,993 10,535,151 10,535,151 4,481,615 4,481,615 3,937,565 3,937,565 Advertising income income income Total Event Company Total Event Limited Company income Limited and other income commercial and other commercial 11,940,632 11,940,632 12,194,787 12,194,787 4,897,035 4,897,035 4,431,703 4,431,703 1,659,636 415,420 494,138 946,639 946,639 1,659,636 415,420 494,138 income income 11,940,632 11,940,632 12,194,787 12,194,787 4,897,035 4,897,035 4,431,703 4,431,703 4.2 Other 4.2 revenue Other revenue Other income Other income 612,671 612,671 291,978 291,978 337,872 337,872 218,839 218,839 4.2 Other revenue 4.2 Other revenue Gain on disposal Gain on of disposal assets of assets 9,597 9,597 18,101 18,101 9,597 9,597 3,913 3,913 Other incomeOther income 612,671 612,671291,978 291,978337,872 337,872218,839 218,839 Cinema advertising Cinema advertising 661,293 661,293 926,977 926,977 661,293 661,293 510,530 510,530 Gain on disposal Gainofon assets disposal of assets 9,597 9,597 18,101 18,101 9,597 9,597 3,913 3,913 Dividend income Dividend income 159,719 159,719 Cinema advertising 661,293926,977 926,977661,293 661,293510,530 510,530 Cinema advertising 661,293 Management Management fees fees 286,500 286,500 286,719 286,719 Dividend income - 159,719 159,719 Dividend income 1,283,561 1,283,561 1,237,056 1,237,056 1,295,262 1,295,262 1,179,720 1,179,720 fees - 286,500 286,500286,719 286,719 Management Management fees 1,283,561 1,283,561 1,237,056 1,237,056 1,295,262 1,295,262 1,179,720 1,179,720 4.3 Salaries 4.3 and Salaries employee and employee benefits benefits FNPF andFNPF FNU levy and FNU levy 295,393 295,393 175,878 175,878 168,061 168,061 305,286 305,286 4.3 employee Salaries and employee benefits 4.3 Salaries and benefits Salaries and Salaries wages and wages 2,406,286 1,633,055 1,633,055 1,584,419 1,584,419 2,620,227 2,620,227 2,406,286 FNPF and FNUFNPF levy and FNU levy 295,393175,878 175,878168,061 168,061 305,286 305,286295,393 Staff commission Staff commission and bonus and bonus 337,053 337,053 234,316 234,316 120,709 120,709 485,801 485,801 2,406,286 2,406,286 1,633,055 1,633,055 1,584,419 1,584,419 Salaries and wages Salaries and wages 2,620,227 2,620,227 Staff training Staff training 64,961 64,961 407 407 13,187 13,187 36,338 36,338 Staffand commission 337,053234,316 234,316120,709 120,709 Staff commission bonus and bonus 485,801337,053 485,801 3,447,652 3,447,652 3,103,693 3,103,693 2,043,656 2,043,656 1,886,376 1,886,376 64,961 407 13,187 13,187 407 Staff training Staff training 36,338 64,961 36,338 3,447,652 3,447,652 3,103,693 3,103,693 2,043,656 2,043,656 1,886,376 1,886,376 4.4 Depreciation 4.4 Depreciation and amortization and amortization Depreciation Depreciation 984,059 984,059 402,089 402,089 477,786 477,786 823,190 823,190 4.4 and Depreciation and amortization 4.4 Depreciation amortization Amortization Amortization of intangibles of intangibles assets assets 72,955 72,955 73,159 73,159 70,436 70,436 81,653 81,653 Depreciation Depreciation 984,059402,089 402,089477,786 477,786 823,190 823,190984,059 904,843 904,843 1,057,014 1,057,014 475,248 475,248 548,222 548,222 intangibles assets 72,955 73,159 73,159 70,436 70,436 Amortization Amortization of intangiblesof assets 81,653 81,653 72,955 904,843 904,843 475,248548,222 548,222 1,057,014 1,057,014475,248 21 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company NOTES TO THE(FIJI) CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and LIMITED Subsidiary and Subsidiary company company THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 NOTES TOFOR NOTES THE CONSOLIDATED TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIALFINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued continued FOR THE YEAR FOR THE ENDED YEAR 31 ENDED DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary and Subsidiary company company . REVENUE REVENUE EXPENSES continued EXPENSES FINANCIAL continued Group Group NOTES NOTES TO4.AND THE TO CONSOLIDATED THEAND CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued continued 2014 2014 2013 FOR THE FOR YEAR THEENDED YEAR (FIJI) ENDED 31 DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 company COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED and Subsidiary $ $ $ NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued 4. 4.5 REVENUE 4. REVENUE AND EXPENSES AND EXPENSES continued continued Group Group 4.5 Other expenses FOR Other THE expenses YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 Holding Company Holding Company 2013 2014 $ $ 2014 2013 $ $ 2013 $ Holding Company Holding Company 2014 2014 2013 2013 2014 2014 2013 2013 Auditors remuneration audit fees Auditors -remuneration - audit fees 79,847 79,847 79,847 79,847 12,900 12,900 12,900 12,900 $21,849 $ $21,849 $ $ 1,750 $ $ 1,750 $ - other services - other services 21,849 21,849 1,750 1,750 4. REVENUE AND EXPENSES continued Group Holding Company Bad debts Bad debts 6,011 6,011 2014 2013 2014 2013 4.5 Other 4.5 expenses Other expenses Managing Director's Managing emoluments Director's emoluments 185,000 185,000 185,000 185,00092,500 92,50092,500 92,500 Auditors Auditors remuneration remuneration - audit fees - audit fees 79,847 79,847 79,847 79,847 12,900 12,900 12,900 12,900 $ $ $ $ Directors’ feesDirectors’ fees 22,972 22,97227,355 27,35515,000 15,00018,688 18,688 - other services - other services 21,849 21,849 21,849 21,849 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 4.5 Other debts expenses Doubtful Doubtful debts (24,099) (24,099) 81,789 81,789 (30,682) (30,682) 50,000 50,000 Bad debtsBad debts 6,011 6,011 Auditors remuneration - audit fees 79,847 609,932 79,847 741,608 12,900 209,939 12,900 220,619 Operating lease Operating rentals lease rentals 609,932 741,608 209,939 220,619 ManagingManaging Director'sDirector's emoluments emoluments 185,000 185,000 185,000 185,000 92,500 92,500 92,500 92,500 - other services 21,849 5,315,013 21,849 5,875,079 1,750 2,003,825 1,750 1,820,320 Other operating Other expenses operating expenses 5,315,013 5,875,079 2,003,825 1,820,320 Directors’Directors’ fees fees 22,972 22,972 27,355 27,355 15,000 15,000 18,688 18,688 Bad debts 6,011 7,018,538 6,210,514- 6,210,514 7,018,538 2,305,232- 2,305,232 2,216,777- 2,216,777 Doubtful Doubtful debts debts (24,099)(24,099) 81,789 81,789 (30,682)(30,682) 50,000 50,000 Managing Director's emoluments 185,000 185,000 92,500 92,500 OperatingOperating lease rentals lease rentals 609,932 609,932 741,608 741,608 209,939 209,939 220,619 220,619 Directors’ fees 22,972 27,355 15,000 18,688 4.6 Finance costs 4.6 Finance costs Other operating Other operating expensesexpenses 5,315,013 5,315,013 5,875,079 5,875,079 2,003,825 2,003,825 1,820,320 1,820,320 Doubtful debts (24,099) 81,789 (30,682) 50,000 Finance charges payable under payable finance leases Finance charges under finance leases - 6,210,514 -7,018,538 687 - 2,305,232 -2,216,777 - 2,216,777 6,210,514 7,018,538 687 2,305,232 Operating rentals 609,932 741,608 114,67384,464 209,939 220,619 105,636 Bank loans andlease Bank overdrafts loans and overdrafts 97,002 97,002 114,673 84,464 105,636 Other operating expenses 5,315,013 5,875,079 115,36084,464 2,003,825 1,820,320 105,636 97,002 97,002 84,464 115,360 105,636 4.6 Finance 4.6 costs Finance costs 6,210,514 7,018,538 2,305,232 2,216,777 Finance charges Financepayable chargesunder payable finance underleases finance leases 687 687 4.7 Share of loss/(profit) 4.7 of ofloss/(profit) associate joint associate ventureor joint venture Bank loans Bank andShare loans overdrafts and overdraftsorof 97,002 97,002 114,673 114,673 84,464 84,464 105,636 105,636 4.6 Finance costs Share of profit Share from 231 of profit Waimanu from Rd 231Holdings Waimanu Limited Rd Holdings Limited (107,242) (107,242) (111,906) (111,906) (107,242) (107,242) (111,906) (111,906) 97,002 97,002 115,360 115,360 84,464 84,464 105,636 105,636 Finance charges payable underParadise finance leases Share of loss from Share Paradise of loss Cinemas from (PNG)Cinemas Limited (PNG) Limited 745,172 745,172 199,695687 199,695 - - Bank loans and overdrafts 97,002 637,93087,789 114,673 84,464 (107,242) 105,636 (111,906) 637,930 87,789 (107,242) (111,906) 4.7 Share 4.7 of loss/(profit) Share of loss/(profit) of associate of associate or joint venture or joint venture 97,002 115,360 84,464 105,636 Share of profit Share from of profit 231from Waimanu 231 Waimanu Rd Holdings Rd Limited Holdings Limited (107,242) (107,242) (111,906) (111,906) (107,242) (107,242) (111,906) (111,906) $745,172 745,172 $ $199,695 199,695 $ $ $$ $. INCOME TAX INCOME 5. of loss Share Share from ofTAX loss Paradise from Cinemas Paradise (PNG) Cinemas Limited (PNG) Limited 4.7 Share of loss/(profit) 5. INCOME TAX of associate or joint venture 637,930 637,930 87,789 87,789 (107,242) (107,242) (111,906) (111,906) The major components The majorfrom ofcomponents income tax expense of income fortax the expense years ended for the31 years December ended 2014 31 (107,242) December and 2013 2014 are: and 2013 are: Share of profit 231 Waimanu Rd Holdings Limited (111,906) (107,242) (111,906) The major components of income tax expense for the years ended 31 December 2014 and 2013 are: Share of loss from Paradise Cinemas (PNG) Limited 745,172 199,695 A reconciliationAbetween reconciliation tax expense between and taxthe expense product and ofthe accounting product profit of accounting multiplied profit by Fiji's multiplied domestic by Fiji's tax rate domestic for thetax years rateended for the31 years December ended 2014 31 December and 2014 and $ 637,930 $ $ $ $ (107,242) $ $ (111,906) $ 5. 5. TAX INCOME INCOME TAX 87,789 2013 is as A follows: 2013 is as follows: reconciliation between tax expense and the product of accounting profit multiplied by Fiji’s domestic tax rate for the years The majorThe components major31 components of incomeof2014 tax income expense for expense the years for the ended years 31ended December 31 December 2014 and2014 2013and are:2013 are: December andtax2013 Accountingended profit Accounting before income profit before tax income tax is as follows: 1,926,252 1,926,252 2,049,449 2,049,449 1,390,939 1,390,939 966,318 966,318 $ $ $ $ 5. INCOME TAX A reconciliation A reconciliation between between tax expense tax and expense the product and the of product accounting of accounting profit multiplied profit multiplied by Fiji's domestic by Fiji's domestic tax rate for taxthe rateyears for the ended years 31ended December 31 December 2014 and2014 and Prima facie taxPrima thereon facie at tax thethereon Fiji rate at of the 10%Fiji (2013: rate of18.5%) 10% (2013: 18.5%) 2013 as 2013 follows: is as follows: Theismajor components of income tax expense for the years ended 31 December 2014 and 2013 are: 192,625 192,625 379,148 379,148 139,094 139,094 178,769 178,769 Accounting profit income tax Accounting profit before income taxthe product of accounting profit multiplied 1,926,252 1,926,252 2,049,449 2,049,449 1,390,939 966,318 A reconciliation between tax expense by Fiji's235,288 domestic tax rate for167,699 the years ended 31 December 2014 and Effect of higher Effect taxbefore rates of higher in PNG tax rates inand PNG 235,288 167,699 - 1,390,939 - 966,318 asnon-deductible follows: Tax2013 effectisof Tax effect of non-deductible items items 9,829 9,829 119,546 119,546 9,829 9,829 5,791 5,791 Prima facie Prima tax facie thereon taxat thereon the Fijiat rate theofFiji10% rate(2013: of 10%18.5%) (2013: 18.5%) Share of loss/(profit) Share ofloss/(profit) associate orof joint associate ventureornon-deductible/nonjoint venture non-deductible/nonAccounting profitof before income tax 1,926,252 2,049,449 1,390,939 966,318 16,241 16,241 (10,724) (10,724) (20,703) (20,703) 379,148 139,094 178,769 192,625 192,625 379,148 139,094 178,769 taxable taxable 63,793 63,793 Effect of Effect higher of taxhigher rates tax in PNG rates in PNG 235,288 235,288 167,699 167,699 Prima facieEffect taxinthereon at the of 10% (2013: 18.5%) Effect of change Fiji oftax change rate in Fiji rate tax rate -(152,687) (152,687) -(152,687) (152,687) Tax effect Tax of effect non-deductible of non-deductible items items 9,829 9,829 119,546 119,546 9,829 9,829 5,791 5,791 Other Other 2,460 2,460 3,691 3,691 2,495 2,495 178,769 785 785 192,625 379,148 139,094 Share of loss/(profit) Share of loss/(profit) of associate of associate or joint venture or jointnon-deductible/nonventure non-deductible/nonUnder/(over) provision Under/(over) from provision prior yearfrom prior year (52,700) (52,700)16,241 802 16,241 802(10,724) (8,114)- (10,724) (8,114) 802- (20,703)802 (20,703) Effect of higher tax rates in PNG 235,288 167,699 taxable taxable 63,793 63,793 Tax effect of non-deductible items 9,829 119,546 9,829 5,791 Income tax attributable Income toattributable operating profit to operating profit 451,295 451,295 534,440(152,687) 534,440 132,580 132,580 12,757(152,687) 12,757 Effect of Effect change ofinchange Fijitax tax in rate Fiji tax rate (152,687) (152,687) Share of loss/(profit) of associate or joint venture non-deductible/nonOther Other 2,460 2,460 3,691 2,495 785 785 16,241 3,691 (10,724)2,495 (20,703) taxable 63,793 Under/(over) Under/(over) provision provision from prior from yearprior year (52,700) (52,700) 802 802 (8,114) (8,114) 802 802 (a) Consolidated (a) income Consolidated statement income statement Effect of change in Fiji tax rate (152,687) (152,687) Current income Current tax: income tax: Income tax Income attributable tax attributable to operating to operating profit profit 451,295 451,295 534,440 534,440 132,580 132,580 12,757 12,757 Other 2,460 3,691 2,495 785 Current income Current tax charge income taxyear charge 503,564 666,393802 666,393 126,464 136,950802 136,950 Under/(over) provision from prior (52,700) 503,564 (8,114) 126,464 Adjustments inAdjustments respect of previous in respect year of previous year (a)Income Consolidated (a) income statement income statement taxConsolidated attributable to operating profit Effect of change Effect in tax of rate change in tax rate Current income Currenttax: income tax: Origination andOrigination reversal oftax and temporary reversaldifferences of temporary differences Current income Current tax income charge charge (a) Consolidated income Income tax expense Income taxstatement expense Adjustments Adjustments in respectinof respect previous of year previous year Current income tax: Effect of Effect change ofinchange taxcharge rate in tax rate Current income tax Origination Origination and reversal and of reversal temporary of temporary differences differences Adjustments in respect of previous year Income tax Income expense tax expense Effect of change in tax rate Origination and reversal of temporary differences Income tax expense (52,700) (52,700) 802 802(8,114) (8,114) 802 802 451,295 534,440 132,580 12,757 -(152,687) (152,687) -(152,687) (152,687) 431 503,564 431 19,932 666,393 19,932 14,230 126,464 14,230 27,692 136,950 27,692 503,564 666,393 126,464 136,950 451,295 451,295 534,440 534,440 132,580 132,58012,757 12,757 (52,700)(52,700) 802 802 (8,114) (8,114) 802 802 503,564 431 431 (52,700) 451,295 451,295 431 451,295 22 (152,687) (152,687) 666,393 19,932 19,932 802 534,440 534,440 (152,687) 19,932 534,440 126,464 14,230 14,230 (8,114) 132,580 132,580 14,230 132,580 (152,687) (152,687) 136,950 27,692 27,692 802 12,757 12,757 (152,687) 27,692 12,757 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI)ENDED LIMITED and company2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company FOR THE YEAR 31Subsidiary DECEMBER NOTES THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued NOTES TO THE TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED (FIJI) and LIMITED Subsidiary and Subsidiary company continued company FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 INCOME NOTES TO5. NOTES THE CONSOLIDATED TOTAX THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIALFINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued continued FOR THE YEAR FOR THE ENDED YEAR 31ENDED DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 5. 5. Group Holding Company Group Holding Company 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 Group Company Holding INCOME TAX 5. continued INCOME TAX continued $ $ $ $ $Group $ Holding $ $ Company 2014 2014 2013 2013 2014 2014 2013 2013 Deferred tax (b) tax (b) Deferred $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Deferred tax assets/liabilities at 31 relates December relates to the following: Deferred tax assets/liabilities at 31 December to the following: tax Deferred tax (b) Deferred (b) Deferred assets/liabilities Deferred tax assets/liabilities at 31 December at 31 relates December to the relates following: to the following: Provision fordebts doubtful debts 36,787 54,564 3,856 6,924 Provision tax for doubtful 36,787 54,564 3,856 6,924 Employee entitlements 47,468 40,733 7,081 6,461 Employee entitlements 47,468 40,733 7,081 6,461 Provision for doubtful Provisiondebts for doubtful debts 36,787 (179,796) 36,787 54,564 (191,033) 54,564 3,856 (183,222) 3,856 6,924 (173,896) 6,924 Accelerated depreciation for taxand purposes Accelerated depreciation for tax purposes other and other (179,796) (191,033) (183,222) (173,896) Employee entitlements Employee entitlements 47,468 47,468 40,733 40,733 7,081 7,081 6,461 6,461 Nettax deferred Net deferred liabilitytax liability (95,541) (95,541) (95,736) (95,736)(172,285)(172,285)(160,511)(160,511) Accelerated depreciation Acceleratedfor depreciation tax purposes for and tax purposes other and other (179,796) (179,796) (191,033) (191,033) (183,222) (183,222) (173,896) (173,896) 5. TAX INCOME TAX continued INCOME continued Net deferred tax Netliability deferred tax liability Represented on the consolidated balance Represented on the consolidated balance sheet as: sheet as: (95,541) Deferred liability Deferred tax liability Represented on Represented the tax consolidated on the balance consolidated sheetbalance as: sheet as: (95,541) (95,541) (95,736) (95,736)(172,285)(172,285)(160,511)(160,511) Deferred tax liability Deferred tax liability (95,541) (95,736) (95,736) (172,285) (172,285) (160,511) (160,511) (95,541) (95,541) (95,736) (95,736)(172,285)(172,285)(160,511)(160,511) (95,541) (95,541) (95,736) (95,736) (172,285) (172,285) (160,511) (160,511) (95,541) $ $ (95,541) (95,736) $ $ (95,736) (172,285) (172,285) (160,511) (160,511) 6. 6. 6. PER EARNINGS EARNINGS SHAREPER SHARE EARNINGS PER SHARE 6. 6. profit EARNINGS PER EARNINGS SHARE PERafter SHARE Operating Operating afterprofit income taxincome tax 7. Weighted average number oftax shares outstanding 1,474,9573,558,000 1,474,957 1,515,0093,558,000 1,515,009 Operating profit Operating after income profit tax after income Weighted average of shares outstanding 3,558,000 3,558,000 Weighted average number of number shares outstanding Basic earnings per share (cents) 41.45 42.58 Basic earnings per share (cents) 41.45 42.58 Basic earnings per share (cents) 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 Weighted average Weighted number average of shares number outstanding of shares outstanding 41.45 41.45 42.58 42.58 Basic earningsBasic per share earnings (cents) per share (cents) Basicper share is calculated by the for netthe profit forattributable the year attributable to ordinary shareholders by theaverage weighted average Basic earnings share isper calculated thedividing net profit year toyear ordinary shareholders by the weighted number of number shares of shares Basicearnings earnings per sharebyisdividing calculated by dividing the net profit for the attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted outstanding outstanding during the during year. the year. average number ofshare shares outstanding during the year. Basic earnings Basic per share earnings is calculated per by is calculated dividing the bynet dividing profit the for net the profit year attributable for the yeartoattributable ordinary shareholders to ordinary by shareholders the weighted by the average weighted number average of shares number of shares There arethe noyear. convertible for the group. been no transaction involving ordinary shares orordinary potential ordinary shares There are no convertible redeemable preferencepreference shares for shares the group. There haveThere been have no transaction involving ordinary shares or potential shares outstanding during outstanding during theredeemable year. between theno reporting date and date of completion of these financial statements. between the reporting date and the date ofthe completion of these financial statements. There are convertible redeemable preference shares for the group. There have been no transaction involving ordinary shares or There are no convertible There are no redeemable convertiblepreference preference for theshares group.for the have group. been There have transaction been noinvolving ordinary involving shares ordinary or potential sharesordinary or potential shares ordinary shares potential ordinary sharesredeemable betweenshares the reporting dateThere and the date ofnocompletion oftransaction these financial statements. between the reporting between the datereporting and the date date of and completion the date of ofcompletion these financial of these statements. financial statements. $ $ $ $ 7. DIVIDENDS PAID AND PROPOSED $ $ $ $ DIVIDENDS PAID AND PROPOSED 7. 8. 8. Operating profit after income tax Declared paid year:PROPOSED Declared and paid inand year: DIVIDENDS 7. PAID DIVIDENDS AND PROPOSED PAIDinAND Final dividend 2013: 5 cents Final dividend for 2013: 5for cents (2012: 12 (2012: cents) 12 cents) Declared and paid Declared in2014: year: and 5paid in year: Interim dividend for 2014: 5 cents (2013: 6 cents) Interim dividend for cents (2013: 6 cents) Final dividend Final for 2013: dividend 5 cents forand 2013: (2012: 12 cents) (2012: 12 cents) Dividends declared paid5 cents Dividends declared and paid Interim dividend Interim for 2014: dividend 5 cents for 2014: (2013: 5 cents 6 cents) (2013: 6 cents) Declared but not paid: Declared but not paid: Dividends declared Dividends and paid declared and paid Interim dividend 2013: 4 cents Interim dividend for 2013: 4for cents Declared but not Declared paid: but not paid: Interim dividend Interim for 2013: dividend 4 cents for 2013: 4 cents 8.RECEIVABLES TRADE RECEIVABLES TRADE $ $ $ $ 1,474,957 1,515,009 1,474,957 1,515,009 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 177,900 177,900 426,960 426,960 177,900 177,900 426,960 426,960 177,900 177,900 213,480 213,480 177,900 177,900 213,480 213,480 177,900 177,900 426,960 426,960 177,900 177,900 426,960 426,960 355,800 355,800 640,440 640,440 355,800 355,800 640,440 640,440 177,900 177,900 213,480 213,480 177,900 177,900 213,480 213,480 355,800 355,800 640,440 640,440 355,800 355,800 640,440 640,440 142,320 142,320 142,320 142,320 $ - $ - 142,320 $ $ 142,320 $ - $ - 142,320 $ $ 142,320 TRADEreceivables RECEIVABLES 8. Trade TRADE RECEIVABLES receivables Trade Provision fordebts doubtful debts Provision for doubtful Trade receivables Trade receivables Provision for doubtful Provisiondebts for doubtful debts from related entities Receivable Receivable from related entities $ $ $ $ $ $ $978,779 2,480,824 2,591,935 1,122,793 2,480,824 2,591,935 1,122,793 (148,329)(148,329)(228,042)(228,042) (38,560) (38,560) (69,242) 2,480,824 2,480,824 2,591,935 2,591,935 1,122,793 1,122,793 978,779 2,332,4952,332,495 2,363,8932,363,893 1,084,2331,084,233 909,537 (148,329) (148,329) (228,042) (228,042) (38,560) (38,560) (69,242) 370,573 370,573 299,473 299,473 431,569 431,569 429,309 2,332,495 2,332,495 2,363,893 2,363,893 1,084,233 1,084,233 909,537 Receivable from Receivable related entities from related entities 2,703,068 2,663,366 1,515,802 1,338,846 370,5732,703,068 370,573 299,4732,663,366 299,473 431,5691,515,802 431,569 429,3091,338,846 429,309 2,703,068 For terms and conditions to related party receivable, 24. For terms and conditions relating to relating related party receivable, refer Note refer 24. Note 2,703,068 2,663,366 2,663,366 1,515,802 1,515,802 1,338,846 $ 978,779 (69,242) 978,779 909,537 (69,242) 429,309 909,537 1,338,846 Trade receivables are non-interest bearing and party areon generally on 30-90 day terms. At 31 December 2014, trade receivables of at thenominal group at nominal Trade receivables are non-interest and are generally 30-90 terms.Note At 31 2014, trade receivables of the group value of value of For terms and For conditions terms and relating conditions tobearing related relating party to receivable, related refer receivable, Noteday 24. refer 24.December (2013: $228,042) wereand impaired and fully provided for. Movements thefor provision for impairment of receivables were as follows: $148,329 $148,329 (2013: $228,042) were impaired fully provided for. Movements in the provision impairment of receivables were as follows: For terms and conditions relating to related party receivable, refer Notein 24. Trade receivables Trade are receivables non-interest arebearing non-interest and are bearing generally and on are30-90 generally dayon terms. 30-90 Atday 31 terms. December At 31 2014, December trade receivables 2014, trade ofreceivables the group at of nominal the group value at nominal of value of $148,329 (2013: $148,329 $228,042) (2013: were $228,042) impairedwere and fully impaired provided and fully for. Movements provided for.inMovements the provision in for the impairment provision for ofimpairment receivablesof were receivables as follows: were as follows: Trade receivables are non-interest bearing and are generally on 30-90 day terms. At 31 December 2014, trade receivables of the group at nominal value of $148,329 (2013: $228,042) were impaired and fully provided for. Movements in the provision for impairment of receivables were as follows: 23 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED (FIJI) and LIMITED Subsidiary and Subsidiary company company COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 NOTES TO NOTES THE CONSOLIDATED TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIALFINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued continued NOTES TOENDED THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED2014 and Subsidiary company continued FOR THE YEAR FOR THE ENDED YEAR 31 DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 2014 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) (FIJI) LIMITED LIMITED andand Subsidiary Subsidiary company company TRADE RECEIVABLES continued RECEIVABLES continued Group Group Holding Holding Company 8. 4.. REVENUE ANDTRADE EXPENSES continued Group Holding Company Company FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014continued NOTES NOTES TO TO THETHE CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued TRADE RECEIVABLES continued Group 8. 2014 2014 2013 2013 2014 2014 2013 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013Holding Company COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED (FIJI) and LIMITED Subsidiary and Subsidiary company company FOR FOR THETHE YEAR YEAR ENDED ENDED 31 31 DECEMBER DECEMBER 2014 2014 2014 2013 2014 2013 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Holding Company $ TRADE RECEIVABLES continued Group 8. NOTES TONOTES THE CONSOLIDATED TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIALFINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continuedcontinued2014 $ $ $ $ 2013 2014 2013 228,042Group 228,042 181,415 181,41569,242 69,24219,242 19,242 At 1 TRADE January At 1 January COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED (FIJI)and LIMITED Subsidiary and Subsidiary company company 4.5 Other expenses TRADE RECEIVABLES RECEIVABLES continued continued Group Holding Holding Company Company 8. 8. FOR THE YEAR FOR THE ENDED YEAR 31 ENDED DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 $ 181,415 $ 1 69,242 1the January 81,789 81,789 50,000 50,000 Charge for theremuneration year At year fees -$ 228,042 -$ 12,900 Auditors - audit 79,847 79,847 12,900 NOTES TO NOTES THECharge CONSOLIDATED TOforTHE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIALFINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued continued 2013 2014 2014 2013 2014 2014 2013 2013 81,789 5 Charge for the year (66,352) (66,352) (20,154) (20,154) Utilized UtilizedAt (30,682) (30,682) 228,042 181,415 1 services 21,849 1,750 1,750 1 January- other $ 21,849 $ Group $ $ $ Holding $ $69,242 $ TRADE RECEIVABLES TRADE RECEIVABLES continued continued Group Company Holding Company 8. Translation 8. FOR THE YEAR FOR THE ENDED YEAR 31ENDED DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 (66,352) (20,154) Utilized (13,361) (13,361) adjustment Translation adjustment (15,008) (15,008) - (30,682) - 81,789 5 Charge for the year -Bad debts 6,011 2014 2014 2013 2013 2014 201438,560 2013 201369,242 (13,361) Translation adjustment (15,008) -19,242 148,329 148,329 228,042 228,042 38,560 69,242 228,042 228,042 181,415 181,415 69,242 69,242 19,242 At December At 31 Utilized December At 31 1At January 1 January (66,352) (20,154) (30,682) Managing Director's emoluments 185,000 185,000 92,500 92,500 TRADE RECEIVABLES TRADE RECEIVABLES continued continued Group Holding Company 8. 8. the $ $ $228,042 $ Holding $ 38,560 $ 148,329 6 At 31 December 81,789 81,789$ 50,000 Charge Charge for for year the year - Group - $ -Company (13,361) (15,008) - 50,000 Directors’ fees Translation adjustment 22,972 27,355 15,000 18,688 At 31 December, At 31 theDecember, ageing analysis the ageing of trade analysis receivables of trade forreceivables the group is for asthe follows: group is(66,352) as follows: 2014 2014 2013 2013 2014 2014 2013 2013 (66,352) (20,154) (20,154) Utilized Utilized (30,682) (30,682) 148,329 228,042 38,560 6 At 31 December 228,042 228,042181,415 181,415(30,682) 69,242 69,24250,000 19,242 19,242 At 1Doubtful January At 1 January the ageing analysis of trade receivables for the group At 31 December, is as follows: debts 81,789 At 31 December, the ageing analysis of trade receivables for$(24,099) the group is $as follows: (13,361) (13,361) $(15,008) $ $ $ Translation Translation adjustment adjustment (15,008) - $ - $ 50,000 81,789 81,789 50,000 Charge for the Charge year rentals for the year - Past due but - 741,608 - 220,619 not Past impaired due but not impaired Operating lease 609,932 209,939 148,329 148,329 228,042 228,042 38,560 38,560 69,242 69,242 At 31 AtDecember 31 DecemberAt 31 December, the ageing analysis of trade receivables for the group is as228,042 follows: (66,352) (66,352) (20,154) (20,154) Utilized Utilized (30,682) Past due but not impaired (30,682) 228,042 181,415 181,415 69,242 69,242 19,242 19,242 At 1 Other January At 1 January operating expenses Total 2,003,825 Total < 30 days < 30 30 days - 5,315,013 60(13,361) days 30 - 60 60 days - 5,875,079 90(15,008) days 60 - 90 days > 90 days - > 90 days 1,820,320 (13,361) Translation adjustment Translation adjustment (15,008) 81,789 81,789 50,000 50,000 Charge for the Charge year for the year 6,210,514 2,216,777 not impaired 158,724 At 31 AtDecember, 31 December, the ageing the ageing analysis analysis of trade of trade receivables receivables for the for group the group is1,455,707 asisfollows: follows: Total <as 30 days 30 - 7,018,538 60 days Past due 60but - 2,305,232 90 days > 90 days 1,455,707 547,500 547,500 170,564 170,564 158,724 2,332,495 148,329 148,329 228,042 228,042 38,560 38,560 69,242 69,242 At 31 December At 312014 December 2014 2,332,495 (66,352) (66,352) (20,154) (20,154) Utilized Utilized (30,682) (30,682) 2014 2,332,495 1,803,871 1,455,707 170,564 158,724 2013 adjustment 2013 2,363,893 319,012 319,012 96,895 96,895 144,115 2,363,893 Total1,803,871 < 30 days 30 -due 60547,500 days 60 - 90144,115 days> 90 (13,361)PastPast (13,361) Translation adjustment Translation (15,008) (15,008) - days due but not but impaired not impaired 4.6 Finance costs 2013 1,803,871 319,012 96,895 144,115 2,363,893 At 31 December, At 31 the December, ageing analysis the ageing of trade analysis receivables of trade for receivables the group for is as the follows: group is as follows: 148,329 148,329 228,042 228,042 38,560 38,560 69,242 69,242 At 31 December At 31 December 2014 1,455,707 547,500 170,564 158,724 2,332,495 At 31Finance December, At 31 the December, ageing analysis the ageing of trade analysis receivables of trade for receivables the company for is the as company follows: is as follows: Total Total leases < 30<days 30 days 30 -30 60-days 60- days 60 -60 90-days 90687 days > 90>days 90 days charges payable under finance 2013 319,012 96,895 144,115 2,363,893 At 31 December, the ageing analysis of trade receivables 1,803,871 for the company is asbut follows: Past due Past not 170,564 impaired due but not impaired 2014 2014 1,455,707 1,455,707 547,500 170,564 158,724 158,724 2,332,495 Bank and overdrafts 97,002 84,464 105,636 Atloans 31AtDecember, the ageing analysis ofoftrade receivables forasthe the company is asdue follows: At 31 December, 31 the December, ageing analysis the ageing of2,332,495 trade analysis receivables tradefor receivables the group for is follows: group is547,500 as follows: Past but 114,673 not Past impaired due but not impaired At 2013 31 December, ageing analysis< of trade receivables the company is 60 as follows: 2013 1,803,871 1,803,871 319,012 319,012 96,895 144,115 2,363,893 2,363,893 97,002 115,360 84,464 not impaired Totalthe Total 30 days < 30 days 30for - 60 days 30 - 60 days - 90 days96,895 60Past - 90due days >but 90 144,115 days > 90 days 105,636 Past due but Past impaired due not Total Total < 30 days < 30 30 days - 60 days 30 - 60 60 days - 90not days 60but - 90 days > impaired 90 days > 90 days 2014 2014 1,455,707 1,455,707 547,500 547,500170,564 170,564 158,724 158,724 2,332,495 2,332,495 Past due but not impaired At 31 AtDecember, 31 December, the ageing the ageing analysis analysis of trade of trade receivables receivables for the for company the company is as is follows: as follows: Total 657,472 < 30295,651 days 30 - 60 days 60 - 9017,424 days > 90 days 2014 2014 1,084,233 657,472 295,651 113,686 113,686 17,424 1,084,233 Total or < 30 days < 30 days 30 - 60319,012 days 30 - 60 60 days - 90 96,895 days 60 - 90 96,895 days > 90 144,115 days > 90 144,115 days 2013 of associate 2013 1,803,871 1,803,871 319,012 2,363,893 2,363,893 4.7 Share of loss/(profit) joint Total venture 2014 657,472 295,651 113,686 17,424 1,084,233 2013 2013 909,537 524,366 524,366 243,765 243,765 56,572 56,572 84,834 84,834 909,537 Total < 30 days 30 60 days 60 90 days > 90 (111,906) days Past Past due due but not but impaired not impaired 2014 2,332,495 1,455,707 1,455,707 547,500 547,500 170,564 170,564 158,724 158,724 2,332,495 Share of profit2014 from 231 Waimanu Rd Holdings Limited (107,242) (111,906) (107,242) 2013 524,366 243,765 56,572 84,834 909,537 At 31 December, At 31 the December, ageing analysis the ageing of2014 trade analysis receivables of tradefor receivables the company for the is as company follows: is as follows: 657,472 295,651 113,686 1,084,233 1,803,871 2013Paradise 2013 1,803,871 319,012 319,012 144,11517,424 2,363,893 2,363,893 Share of loss from Cinemas (PNG) Limited 745,172 199,695 TotalTotal < 30 <days 30 days 30 -30 60 -days 60 days $ 60 -60 90 -96,895 days 90 days $ 96,895 > 90$ >144,115 days 90 days CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AND CASH EQUIVALENTS $ $ $ $ 84,834 $ 9. CASH . 2013 524,366 243,765 56,572 909,537 Past due but Past not impaired due but not impaired 637,930 87,789 (107,242) (111,906) 2014 2014 657,472 295,651 295,651 113,686 17,424 1,084,233 1,084,233 CASH AND CASH $ 17,424 $ $ At 31 December, At 9. 31 the December, ageing analysis the ageing ofEQUIVALENTS trade analysis receivables of tradefor receivables the 657,472 company for the is ascompany follows: is as follows: $113,686 2013 2013 524,366 524,366 243,765 243,765 56,572 56,572 84,834 84,834 909,537 909,537 Total Total < 30 days < 30 days 30 60 days 30 60 60 days 90 days 60 90 days > 90 days > 90 days CASH AND CASH $the $ $ $ 9. For Past due but not Past impaired due butat not impaired (a) For 9. the purpose (a) ofthe theCASH purpose consolidated of EQUIVALENTS theStatement consolidated of Cash Statement Flows, of cash Cash and Flows, cash cash equivalents and cash comprise equivalents following comprise the 31following December: at 31 December: AND EQUIVALENTS $295,651 $113,686 $ 17,424 $ 5. INCOME TAXCASH 2014 2014 657,472 657,472 295,651 113,686 17,424 1,084,233 1,084,233 (a) For the purpose of the consolidated Statement of Cash Flows, cash and cash equivalents comprise the following at 31 December: CASH ANDAND CASH CASH EQUIVALENTS EQUIVALENTS $243,765 $ 30 - 60 $ 56,572 $ 60 - 90 56,572 $ $ $ 9. 9.CASH Total Total 909,537 < 30524,366 days < 30524,366 days 30 - 60 days 60 days - 90 days days > 90$days 2013 243,765 84,834 84,834 909,537 379,585 379,585 325,776 325,776 450> 90 days 450 450 450 Cash at bank Cash atincome bank 2013 The major components of tax expense for the years ended 31 December and 2013 are: equivalents (a) For theat purpose of the consolidated Statement Cash 2014 Flows, and cash comprise the following at 31 2014 2014 657,472 295,651 295,651 113,686 113,686 17,424 1,084,233 1,084,233 379,585comprise 325,776 450 Cash bank For the purpose the consolidated Statement of Cashof657,472 Flows, cash cash and cash equivalents the following at17,424 31December: December: (189,567) (189,567) (189,567) (189,567) (103,711) (103,711) (103,711) (103,711) Bank(a) overdraft Bank (Note overdraft 19) of (Note 19) reconciliation between tax expense the product of accounting profit524,366 multiplied by Fiji's domestic tax rate for the years 31 December and $ 2013 2013and909,537 524,366 243,765 56,572 56,572 84,834 84,834 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AND CASH EQUIVALENTS $ $243,765 $ $at $ended $2014 9. A 9. (189,567) (189,567) (103,711) (10 Bank overdraft (Note 19) of909,537 190,018 190,018 222,065 222,065 (189,117) (189,117) (103,261) (103,261) (a) (a) For the ForCASH purpose the purpose of the of consolidated theat consolidated Statement Statement Cash of Cash Flows, Flows, cashcash and and cashcash equivalents equivalents comprise comprise the following the following 31 atDecember: 31 December:$ 379,585 325,776 450 Cash bank 2013 is as follows: 190,018 222,065 (189,117) (10 (189,567) (189,567) (103,711) (10 Bank overdraft (Note 19) atAND bank earns Cash at interest bank earns at EQUIVALENTS floating interest rates at based floating onrates dailybased bank deposit on dailyrates. bank deposit Short-term rates. deposits Short-term are made deposits for varying are periods of between periods one of day between and450 one 379,585 325,776 450 450$ 450 at bank Cash at bank CASHCash CASH CASH EQUIVALENTS AND CASH $379,585 $ $325,776 $ made $ for varying $ $ day and 9. Cash 9. Accounting before income tax 1,926,252 2,049,449 1,390,939 966,318 190,018 222,065 (189,117) (10 (a) For theprofit purpose (a) For of the the purpose of the consolidated Statement Statement Cash Flows, ofbased cash Cash Flows, cash cash equivalents and cash equivalents the comprise following the at 31 following December: atdeposit 31 Cash atconsolidated bank earns at of floating rates on daily bank deposit rates. Short-term deposits are made for December: varying of between one three months, three depending months, on the depending immediate oninterest the requirements immediate of requirements the group, and ofand the earn group, interest and atearn thecomprise interest respective at the short-term respective deposit short-term rates. rates.periods (189,567) (189,567) (189,567) (189,567) (103,711) (103,711) (103,711) (103,711) Bank Bank overdraft overdraft (Note (Note 19) 19) three months, depending on the immediate requirements of the group, and earn interest at the respective short-term deposit rates. PrimaCash facieat tax thereon at at thebank Fiji rate of interest 10% (2013: 18.5%) 190,018 190,018 222,065 222,065 (189,117) (189,117) (103,261) (103,261) Cash earns at floating rates based on daily bank deposit rates. Short-term deposits are made for varying 450 periods of between one 379,585 379,585 325,776 325,776 450 450 450d bank Cash at bank (a) For the purpose (a) Forof the the purpose consolidated of the Statement consolidated of Statement Cash Flows,ofcash Cashand Flows, cashcash equivalents and cashcomprise equivalents the comprise following the at 31 following December: at 31 December: three months, depending on the immediate requirements the group, and earn borrowing interest at facilities theborrowing respective short-term deposit rates. 192,625 379,148 139,094 178,769 (189,567) (189,567) (189,567) (189,567) At 31Bank December At 31 2014, December the 2014, hadthe available group $Nil had available (2013: $200,000) $Nil (2013: ofof $200,000) undrawn committed of undrawn committed in respect facilities of in which respect all conditions of which all(103,711) conditions (103,711) (103,711) (103,711) overdraft Bank (Note overdraft 19)group (Note 19) CashCash at bank at bank earns earns interest interest at floating at floating ratesrates based based on daily on daily bankbank deposit deposit rates. rates. Short-term Short-term deposits deposits are made are made for varying for varying periods periods of between of between one one day day and and Atathad 31 December $200,000) of undrawn committed borrowing in respect all co Effect of higher tax rates in PNG 235,288 167,699 - facilities - of which precedent had precedent been met. been met. 2014, the group had available $Nil (2013: 379,585 379,585 325,776 325,776 450 450 450 450 190,018 190,018 222,065 222,065 (189,117) (189,117) (103,261) Cash at bank Cash bank Cash at bank earns interest at floating rates of based ongroup, daily deposit Short-term deposits are made for varying periods of (103,261) three three months, months, depending depending on the on immediate the immediate requirements requirements the of group, the and bank and earnearn interest interest atrates. the at respective the respective short-term short-term deposit deposit rates. rates. precedent had been met. Tax effect of non-deductible items 9,829 119,546 9,829 5,791 (189,567) (189,567) (189,567) (189,567) (103,711) (103,711) (103,711) (103,711) Bank overdraft Bank (Note overdraft 19) (Note 19) At 31 December 2014, the group had available $Nil (2013: $200,000) of undrawn committed borrowing facilities in respect of which all con between day and three months, depending onon the immediate requirements ofarethe group, and earn at the respective Cash at Cash earnsone atinterest bank earns at floating interest rates at floating based on rates daily based bank deposit daily bank rates.deposit Short-term rates.deposits Short-term made deposits for are varying made periods forinterest varying of between periods one of between day and one day and Share of bank loss/(profit) of associate or joint venture non-deductible/non190,018 222,065 (189,117) (189,117) (103,261) Group 190,018222,065 Group Holding Company Holding Company (103,261) 0. INVENTORIES 10. INVENTORIES precedent had been met. 16,241 (10,724) (20,703) short-term deposit rates. three months, three depending months, on depending the immediate on the requirements immediate requirements of the group, of and the earn group, interest and earn at the interest respective at the short-term respective deposit short-term rates. deposit rates. taxable At 31 At December 31 December 2014, the the group group had had available available $Nil $Nil (2013: (2013: $200,000) $200,000) of undrawn of 63,793 undrawn committed committed borrowing borrowing facilities facilities in respect in respect of which of which all conditions all conditions Group Holding Company 10.2014, INVENTORIES 2014 2014 2013 2013 2014 2014 2013 2013 precedent precedent had had been been met. met. Cash at Cash earns interest bank earns at floating interest rates at floating based on rates dailybased bank on deposit daily bank rates.deposit Short-term Short-term are made deposits for are varying made periods for varying periods2014 one of between day and one day2013 and Effect ofbank change in at Fiji tax rate -rates.deposits (152,687) - of between (152,687) 2014 2013 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Group Holding Company 10. INVENTORIES At 31 December 2014, the group had available $Nil (2013: $200,000) of undrawn committed borrowing facilities in respect of which three months,three depending months, on depending the immediate on the requirements immediate requirements of the group, of and the earn group, interest and at earn theinterest respective at the short-term respective deposit short-term rates. deposit rates. Other 2,460 3,691 2,495 785 all conditions $ $ $ $ At 31 December At 312014, December the group 2014,had theavailable group had $Nilavailable (2013: $200,000) $Nil (2013: of $200,000) undrawn committed of undrawn borrowing committed facilities borrowing in respect facilities of in which respect all conditions of which 201438,920 2013 4,734 2014 7,343 2013 all had conditions precedent had been met. Total Event Company Total Limited Company merchandise Limited merchandise 38,279Group 38,279 38,920 4,734 7,343 Under/(over) provision from prior year (52,700) 802 (8,114) 802 Group Holding Holding Company Company 10. 10. INVENTORIES INVENTORIES precedent precedent beenEvent met. had been met. $ 38,279 $ 38,920 $ 4,734 $ Total Event Company Limited merchandise 2014 2014 committed 2013 2013 facilities 2014 ofinwhich 2013 2013 At 31 December 31 2014, December group 2014, had the available group had $Nil (2013: $200,000) $Nil (2013: of$200,000) undrawn undrawn borrowing committed borrowing in2014 respect facilities respect all conditions of12,757 which all conditions Income tax attributable tothe operating profit 451,295 534,440 132,580 The amount ofAt The write-down amount of write-down inventories recognized of inventories as available an recognized expense as was an$Nil expense (2013: was $Nil). $Nil of (2013: $Nil). Event Limited 38,279 $ $ was $ $ $38,920 $ $ 4,734 $ been Total met. beenCompany met. Group Group Holding Company Holding Company 10. precedent INVENTORIES 10.hadprecedent INVENTORIES Thehad amount of write-down ofmerchandise inventories recognized as an expense $Nil (2013: $Nil). 2014 2014 2013 2013 2014 2014 2013 2013 1. PREPAYMENTS 11. PREPAYMENTS AND OTHER ASSETS AND ASSETS $ 38,279 $ $Nil). $ 4,734 $ 7,343 $ TotalTotal Event Event Company Company Limited Limited merchandise merchandise 38,279 38,920 38,920 $ 4,734 $ 7,343 (a) Consolidated income statement The amount ofOTHER write-down of inventories recognized as an expense was $Nil$ (2013: 11. PREPAYMENTS AND OTHER ASSETS Group Group Holding Company Holding Company 10. INVENTORIES 10. INVENTORIES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Current income tax: The The amount amount ofCurrent write-down of write-down of inventories of inventories recognized recognized as an asexpense an expense was was $Nil $Nil (2013: (2013: $Nil). $Nil). 2014 2014 2013 2013 2014 2014 2013 2013 Current Current income tax charge 11. PREPAYMENTS AND OTHER ASSETS 503,564 666,393 126,464 136,950 $ $ $ $ Total Event Company Total Event Limited Company merchandise Limited merchandise 38,279 38,279 38,920 38,920 4,734 4,734 7,343 7,343 Current $ $146,747 $ $138,044 $ 47,515 $ 47,515 $ 46,395 $ 46,395 Refundable deposits Refundable deposits 146,747 138,044 Adjustments in respect of previous year (52,700) 802 (8,114) 802 11. 11. PREPAYMENTS PREPAYMENTS AND AND OTHER OTHER ASSETS ASSETS $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Refundable depositsofrecognized 146,747 138,044 47,515 The amount of The write-down amount ofofwrite-down inventories inventoriesasrecognized an expenseaswas an expense $Nil (2013: was $Nil). $Nil (2013: $Nil).154,184 Prepayments Prepayments 101,517 101,517 154,184 30,592 30,59229,682 29,6824 Current TotalEffect Eventof Company Total Event Limited Company merchandise Limited merchandise 38,279 38,279 38,920 38,920 4,734 4,734 7,343 7,343 change in tax rate (152,687) (152,687) Prepayments 101,517 154,184 30,592 2 Other receivables Other receivables 138,270 138,270 199,460 199,460 2,286 2,286 2,850 2,850 The amount of write-down of inventories recognized as an expense was $Nil (2013: $Nil). Refundable deposits 146,747 138,044 47,515 4 Origination and reversal of temporary differences 431 19,932 14,230 27,692 Current Current Otherofof receivables 138,270 199,460 2,286 11. PREPAYMENTS 11. The PREPAYMENTS AND OTHER ASSETS AND OTHER ASSETS amount of The write-down amount write-down inventories of recognized inventories as recognized an expense as was an $Nil expense (2013: was $Nil). $Nil (2013: $Nil). $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Prepayments 101,517 154,184 30,592 2 451,295 534,440 132,580 12,757 386,534 386,534 491,688 491,688 80,393 80,393 78,927 78,927 Income tax expense Refundable Refundable deposits deposits 146,747 146,747 138,044 138,044 47,515 47,515 46,395 46,395 386,534 491,688 80,393 7 Other receivables 138,270 199,460 2,286 Prepayments Prepayments 101,517$ 154,184$ 30,592$ 29,682$ Current Current 11. PREPAYMENTS 11. PREPAYMENTS AND OTHER ASSETS AND OTHER ASSETS $101,517 $154,184 $ 30,592 $ 29,682 386,534 491,688 80,393 7 Other Other receivables receivables 138,270 138,270 199,460 199,460 2,286 2,286 2,850 2,850 Refundable deposits Refundable deposits 146,747 146,747138,044 138,044 47,515 47,515 46,395 46,395 Current Current 386,534 386,534 101,517491,688 491,688 154,184 80,393 80,393 30,592 78,927 78,927 29,682 Prepayments Prepayments 101,517 154,184 30,592 29,682 Other receivables Other receivables 138,270 138,270138,044 199,460 199,460 47,515 2,286 2,286 46,395 2,850 2,850 Refundable deposits Refundable deposits 146,747 146,747 138,044 47,515 46,395 Prepayments Prepayments Other receivables Other receivables 101,517 386,534 138,270 101,517 386,534154,184 491,688 138,270199,460 154,184 491,688 30,592 80,393 199,460 2,286 30,592 80,393 29,682 78,927 2,286 2,850 29,682 78,927 2,850 386,534 386,534491,688 491,688 80,393 80,393 78,927 78,927 24 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company NOTES TO LIMITED THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) (FIJI) and LIMITED Subsidiary and Subsidiary company company NOTES TOFOR NOTES THE CONSOLIDATED TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued continued THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company FOR THE FOR ENDED YEAR 31ENDED DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 2014STATEMENTS 2014 NOTES TOYEAR THE THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL continued COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) (FIJI) LIMITED LIMITED and and Subsidiary Subsidiary company company OR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 Group 12. INVESTMENT 12. INVESTMENT IN subsidiary IN subsidiary NOTES NOTES TO TO THETHE CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued continued 2014 2014 Group $ 2. FOR INVESTMENT INShares subsidiary FOR THETHE YEAR YEAR ENDED ENDED 31 31 DECEMBER DECEMBER 2014 2014 Shares in subsidiary companies: in subsidiary companies: $ Group Holding Company Holding Company 2013 2013 2014 2014 2013 2013 $ $ $ Holding Company $ $ $ 2014 2013 2014 2013 - Total Event - Company Total Event Limited Company Limited 2 2 2 2 Shares in subsidiary companies: $ $ $ - INVESTMENT PNG FM IN Pty -subsidiary Limited PNG FM(FIJI) Pty Limited - Group -1,725,115 1,725,115 1,725,115 1,725,115 COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED LIMITED andand Subsidiary Subsidiary company company $ Group Holding Holding Company Company 2. 12. INVESTMENT IN subsidiary - Total Event Company Limited 2 2 - 2013-1,725,117 1,725,117 1,725,117 1,725,117 2014 20142013 2014 2014 2013 2013 NOTES NOTES TO FM THE TOPtyTHE CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued continued - PNG Limited 1,725,115 1,725,115 Shares Shares in subsidiary in subsidiary companies: companies: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FORFOR THE THE YEAR YEAR ENDED ENDED 31 DECEMBER 31 2014 2014 - FM PtyofLimited 1,725,117 Communications Communications (Fiji) Limited holds (Fiji)DECEMBER Limited 100% of holds the 100% ordinary of shares the ordinary of PNGshares FM PtyofLimited. PNG -FM Pty results Limited.ofThe PNGresults PNG 1,725,117 FMhave Pty Limited been consolidated have been in consolidated these in these - Total - Communications Total Event Event Company Company Limited Limited - The - FM - The - results 2 2 (Fiji) Limited holds Total 100%Event ofLimited the ordinary shares of PNG Pty Limited. of PNG2 FM2 Pty Limited have financial statements. financial The statements. results ofThe Total results EventofCompany Company is included Limited in is the included results of theresults holdingofcompany. the company. - PNG - PNG FM Pty FM Limited Pty Limited - in - the - holding 1,725,115 1,725,115 1,725,115 1,725,115 Communications (Fiji) Limited holds 100% of the ordinary sharesThe of PNG FM Pty Limited. The Company results of PNG FM Pty have beenresults consolidated these been consolidated in these financial statements. results of Total Event Limited is Limited included in the of theinholding Group Holding Holding Company Company 2. 12. INVESTMENT INVESTMENT IN subsidiary IN subsidiary - Group 1,725,117 1,725,117 1,725,117 1,725,117 financial statements. The results of Total Event Company Limited is included in the results of- the holding company. company. 13. INVESTMENT 2014 2014 2013 13. INVESTMENT 2013 2013 IN ASSOCIATEINOR ASSOCIATE JOINT VENTURE OR JOINT VENTURE 20142014 20132013 2014 2014 2013 $consolidated Communications Communications (Fiji) (Fiji) Limited Limited holds holds 100% 100% of the of ordinary the ordinary shares shares of PNG of PNG FM Pty FM Limited. Pty results results of$PNG of $ PNG FM Pty FM Limited Pty Limited have beenbeen consolidated these in these$ Shares Shares in subsidiary in subsidiary companies: companies: $ Limited. $ The The $$ have $ $$ in $ 3. INVESTMENT 2014 2013 IN(a) ASSOCIATE ORresults JOINT VENTURE (a) Investment ofInvestment Communications of Communications (Fiji) Limited in (Fiji) 231 Limited Waimanu in is 231 Rd Holdings Waimanu Limited Rd Holdings financial statements. The The results of Total of Total Event Event Company Company Limited Limited included is included in the in results the results the of holding the holding company. - financial Total - statements. Total Event Event Company Company Limited Limited - of-Limited -company. 2 2 2 2 13. INVESTMENT IN ASSOCIATE OR JOINT VENTURE $ 1,725,115 $ 1,725,115 PNG FM PNG Pty FM Limited Pty Limited 1,725,115 1,725,115 The holding company The holding has company a shareholding has a of shareholding 50% interest of 50% in 231 interest Waimanu in 231 Rd Holdings WaimanuLimited, Rd Holdings a company Limited, involved a company in property involvedmanagement. in property management. The company's The company's (a) Investment of Communications (Fiji) Limited in 231 Waimanu Rd Holdings Limited -Holdings - Summarized - information 1,725,117 1,725,117 1,725,117 1,725,117 investment inIN investment 231 in of 231 Rd Holdings Waimanu Limited Rd Holdings is accounted Limited using the for equity using method. the equity method. financial Summarized financial of information 231 Waimanu of 2013 231 Rd2013 Holdings Waimanu Rd Holdings 3. 13. 2014 2014 ASSOCIATE IN Waimanu ASSOCIATE OR JOINT OR JOINT VENTURE VENTURE INVESTMENT INVESTMENT (a) Investment Communications (Fiji) Limitedisfor inaccounted 231 Waimanu Rd Limited The holding company a financial shareholding of 50% and interest in 231 Waimanu Holdings Limited, company involved in property The company's $ management. $ outinvolved $ property $ Limited, based Limited, on itshas IFRS based on its IFRS statements, financial statements, reconciliation and reconciliation with theRdcarrying with amount the carrying of athe amount investment of theare investment set outabelow: are set below: The holding company has a shareholding of 50% interest in 231 Waimanu Rd Holdings Limited, company in investment in 231 Waimanu Rdholds Holdings Limited is accounted for using equity method. financial information of have 231 been Waimanu Rd Holdings Communications Communications (Fiji) Limited Limited holds 100% 100% of Limited the ofin ordinary the shares shares of PNG ofthe FM PNG Pty FM Limited. Pty Limited. TheSummarized results The results of PNG of FM PNGPty FM Limited Pty Limited have been consolidated consolidated in these in these (a) (a) Investment Investment of Communications of(Fiji) Communications (Fiji) (Fiji) Limited 231 inordinary 231 Waimanu Waimanu Rd Holdings Rd Holdings Limited Limited management. The company’s investment inLimited 231 Waimanu Holdings is accounted for using the equity method. Limited, based on its IFRS financial statements, and reconciliation with the carrying of the the investment are set out below: financial financial statements. statements. The results The results of Total of Total EventEvent Company Company Limited is included is included in theRd inamount results the results of ofLimited holding the holding company. company. The The holding holding company company has a has shareholding a shareholding of 50% of 50% interest interest in 231 in 231 Waimanu Waimanu Rd Holdings Rd Holdings Limited, Limited, a company a company involved involved in property in property management. management. The The company's company's Summarized financial information of 231 Waimanu Rd Limited, based on its IFRS financial statements, reconciliation Current assets, Current including assets, cashincluding and cashcash equivalents and cashand equivalents prepayments andHoldings prepayments 347,610 and 347,610 352,756 352,756 investment investment in 231 in assets 231 Waimanu Waimanu Rdassets Holdings Rd Holdings Limited Limited is accounted is accounted for using for using the equity the equity method. method. Summarized Summarized financial financial information information of 231 of 231 Waimanu Waimanu Rd Holdings Rd Holdings Non-current Non-current 2,876,403 2,876,403 2,859,620 2,859,620 with the carrying amount of the investment are set out below: 3. 13. 2014 2014 2013 2013 INon ASSOCIATE IN ASSOCIATE OR JOINT OR JOINT VENTURE VENTURE INVESTMENT INVESTMENT Limited, Limited, based based its on IFRS its IFRS financial financial statements, statements, and and reconciliation reconciliation withwith the carrying the carrying amount amount of the of investment the investment are set are out set below: out below: Current assets, including cash and cash equivalents and prepayments 347,610 352,756 Current liabilities, Current including liabilities, tax payable including tax payable (15,669) (15,669) (14,284) (14,284) $ $ $ $ Non-current assets 2,876,403 2,859,620 Non-current liabilities, Non-current including liabilities, deferred including tax liabilities deferred tax liabilities (304,367) (304,367) (308,600) (308,600) (a) Investment (a) Investment of Communications of Communications (Fiji) (Fiji) Limited Limited in 231 in Waimanu 231 Waimanu Rd Holdings Rd Holdings Limited Limited Current liabilities, including tax payable (15,669) 2,903,977 (14,284) 2,889,492 Equity Equity 2,903,977 2,889,492 Current Current assets, assets, including including cashcash and and cashcash equivalents equivalents and and prepayments prepayments 347,610 347,610 352,756 352,756 The Non-current holding The holding company company has aincluding has shareholding a shareholding of 50% of 50% interest interest in 231 in Waimanu 231 Waimanu Rd Holdings Rd Holdings Limited, Limited, a company a company involved involved in property in property management. management. The (308,600) company's The company's liabilities, deferred tax liabilities (304,367) Non-current Non-current assets assets 2,876,403 2,876,403 2,859,620 2,859,620 investment investment in 231 in Proportion Waimanu 231group's Waimanu Rd Holdings Rdgroup's Holdings Limited Limited is accounted is accounted for using for using the equity the equity method. method. Summarized Summarized financial financial information information of 231 of Waimanu 231 Waimanu Rd Holdings Rd Holdings Equity 2,903,977 2,889,492 Proportion of the ofownership the ownership 50% 50% 50% 50% Current Current liabilities, liabilities, including including tax payable tax payable (15,669) (15,669) (14,284) (14,284) Limited, Limited, basedbased on its on IFRS itsinvestment financial IFRS financial statements, statements, and- 231 reconciliation and reconciliation with the withcarrying theLimited carrying amount amount of the ofinvestment the investment are set areout setbelow: out below: 1,444,746 1,444,746 Carrying amount Carrying of amount of 231 investment Waimanu Rd Holdings Waimanu Limited Rd Holdings 1,451,988 1,451,988 Non-current Non-current liabilities, liabilities, including including deferred deferred tax liabilities tax liabilities (304,367) (304,367) (308,600) (308,600) Proportion of the group's ownership 50% 50% Equity Equity 2,903,977 2,903,977 2,889,492 2,889,492 1,444,746 Carrying amount of investment - 231 Waimanu Rd Holdings Limited 1,451,988 Current Current assets, assets, including including cash cash andorcash and equivalents equivalents and and 347,610 347,610 352,756 352,756 Summarized statement Summarized of statement profit loss ofcash profit of 231 orWaimanu loss ofprepayments 231 Rd prepayments Holdings WaimanuLimited: Rd Holdings Limited: Non-current Non-current 2,876,403 2,876,403 2,859,620 2,859,620 Proportion Proportion ofassets the of assets group's the group's ownership ownership 50% 50% 50% 50% Revenue Revenue 358,622 358,622358,622 358,622 Summarized statement of profit or loss of Waimanu 231 Waimanu Rd Limited Holdings Limited: Current Current liabilities, liabilities, including tax payable (15,669) (15,669) (14,284) (14,284) Carrying Carrying amount amount of investment ofincluding investment -tax 231 -payable 231 Waimanu Rd Holdings Rd Holdings Limited 1,451,988 1,451,988 1,444,746 1,444,746 Expenses Expenses (78,778) (78,778) (78,778) (78,778) Non-current Non-current liabilities, liabilities, including including deferred deferred tax liabilities tax liabilities (304,367) (304,367) (308,600) (308,600) Revenue 358,622 358,622 279,844 279,844 279,844 279,844 Profit before tax Profit before tax Equity Equity 2,903,977 2,903,977 2,889,492 2,889,492 Expenses (78,778) (78,778) Summarized Summarized statement statement ofexpense profit of profit or loss or loss of 231 of 231 Waimanu Waimanu Rd Holdings Rd Holdings Limited: Limited: Income tax expense Income tax (56,033) (56,033) (56,033) (56,033) Profit before tax 279,844 279,844 for the Profit year for the year 223,811 223,811 223,811 223,811 Profit 347,260 Revenue Revenue 358,622 358,622 358,622 358,622 Proportion Proportion the ofgroup's the group's ownership ownership 50% 50% 50% 50% Income tax of expense (56,033) (56,033) (79,128) Expenses Expenses (78,778) (78,778) 107,242 (78,778) (78,778) 111,906 111,906 Group's share Group's ofof profit share for the of profit year the year 107,242 1,444,746 1,444,746 Carrying Carrying amount investment of investment - 231-for Waimanu 231 Waimanu Rd Holdings Rd Holdings Limited Limited 1,451,988 1,451,988 for amount the year 223,811 223,811 Profit Profit Profit before before tax tax 279,844 279,844 279,844 279,844 268,132 Income Income tax expense tax expense (56,033) (56,033) (56,033) (53,649) 111,906 share of profit Limited for year 107,242 231Group's Waimanu 231 Rd Holdings Waimanu Rdthe Holdings had no Limited contingent had no liabilities contingent or capital liabilities commitments or capital commitments as at 31 December as at 31 2013 December and 2014. 2013 and(56,033) 2014. Summarized Summarized statement of profit of profit or loss or of loss 231 of Waimanu 231 Waimanu Rd Holdings Rd Holdings Limited: Limited: Profit Profit for the forstatement year the year 223,811 223,811 223,811 223,811 214,483 (b) Waimanu Investment (b) ofInvestment PNG FM Limited of PNG in FM Paradise Cinemas in Paradise (PNG) Cinemas Limited (PNG) Limited as at 31 December 2013 and 2014. 358,622 231 Rd Holdings Limited had no Limited contingent liabilities or capital commitments Revenue Revenue 358,622 358,622 358,622 Group's Group's share share of profit of profit for the for year the year 107,242 107,242 111,906 111,906 The Expenses subsidiary, The PNG subsidiary, FM Limited PNGhas FMaLimited 41.67%has shareholding a 41.67% in shareholding Paradise Cinemas in Paradise (PNG) Cinemas Limited, (PNG) a company Limited,involved a company in cinema involved entertainment in cinema entertainment in Papua Newin Papua New Expenses (78,778) (78,778) (78,778) (78,778) (b) Investment of PNG FM Limited in Paradise Cinemas (PNG) Limited Guinea. The group's Guinea. The Paradise Cinemas in Paradise (PNG) Cinemas Limited(PNG) is accounted Limited isforaccounted using thefor equity usingmethod the equity in the method consolidated in279,844 the consolidated financial statements. financial statements. Profit Profit before before tax investment tax group'sininvestment 279,844 279,844 279,844 231 231 Waimanu Waimanu Rd Holdings Rd Holdings Limited Limited had had no contingent no contingent liabilities liabilities or capital or capital commitments commitments as at as 31 at December 31 December 2013 2013 and and 2014. 2014. The subsidiary, PNG Limited hasofinformation aParadise 41.67% Cinemas shareholding in Limited, Paradise Cinemas (PNG) Limited, company involved in cinema entertainment in Papua New Summarized financial Summarized information financial of Paradise (PNG) Cinemas (PNG) based Limited, onor its IFRS based financial on itsaIFRS statements, financial and statements, reconciliation and reconciliation with the carrying with amount the carrying of amount of Income Income tax expense taxFM expense (56,033) (56,033) (56,033) (56,033) 231 Waimanu Rd Holdings Limited had no contingent liabilities capital commitments as at 31 December 2013 and 2014. Guinea. The investment in Paradise Cinemas (PNG) Limited is accounted for using the equity method in the consolidated financial statements. the(b) investment the are investment set outLimited below: are set out forgroup's the for year the year 223,811 223,811 223,811 223,811 Profit Profit Investment of PNG FM Limited in below: Paradise Cinemas (PNG) Limited (b) Investment of PNG FM in Paradise Cinemas (PNG) Limited Summarized financial information of Paradise Cinemas (PNG) Limited, based on its IFRS financial statements, and reconciliation with the carrying amount of The The subsidiary, subsidiary, PNG PNG FM Limited FM Limited has has a 41.67% a 41.67% shareholding shareholding in Paradise in Paradise Cinemas Cinemas (PNG) (PNG) Limited, Limited, a company a company involved involved in cinema in cinema entertainment entertainment in Papua in Papua NewNew 338,034 (b)share Investment of cash PNG FMcash Limited in Paradise Cinemas (PNG) Limited Current assets, Current including assets, including and cash equivalents and cashand equivalents prepayments and prepayments 485,836 338,034 111,906 111,906 Group's Group's of profit of profit for the for year the year 107,242 107,242 485,836 the investment areshare set out below: Guinea. Guinea. The The group's group's investment investment in Paradise in Paradise Cinemas Cinemas (PNG) (PNG) Limited Limited is accounted is accounted for using for using the the equity equity method method in the in the consolidated consolidated financial financial statements. statements. Non-current assets Non-current assets 10,044,287 10,044,287 5,432,764 The subsidiary, PNG FM Limited has a 41.67% shareholding in Paradise Cinemas (PNG) Limited, a company involved in cinema 5,432,764 Summarized financial information information of Paradise of Paradise Cinemas Cinemas (PNG) Limited, Limited, based based on its onIFRS its as IFRS financial financial statements, statements, and and reconciliation reconciliation withwith the(8,106,543) carrying the carrying amount amount of of Current assets, including cash and cash equivalents and(PNG) prepayments 485,836 338,034 231Summarized Waimanu 231 Waimanu Rdfinancial Holdings Rd Holdings Limited Limited had no had contingent no contingent liabilities or capital or capital commitments commitments atas 31 atDecember 31 December 2013 2013 and 2014. and Current liabilities, Current including liabilities, tax payable including tax payable (8,106,543) entertainment in Papua New Guinea. The liabilities group’s investment in Paradise Cinemas (PNG) Limited is2014. accounted for using(2,797,750) the equity (2,797,750) the investment the investment are set are out set below: out below:deferred Non-current assets 10,044,287 5,432,764 Non-current liabilities, Non-current including liabilities, including tax liabilities deferred tax liabilities (1,243,117) (1,243,117) (2,269,036) method inofincluding the consolidated statements. Summarized financial information of Paradise Cinemas (PNG) Limited,(2,797,750) based on its (2,269,036) (b) Current Investment (b) Investment of PNG FM PNGLimited FMtax Limited in Paradise in financial Paradise Cinemas Cinemas (PNG)(PNG) Limited Limited liabilities, payable (8,106,543) Equity Equity 1,180,463 1,180,463 704,012 Current assets, including cash and cash equivalents and prepayments 485,836 338,034 704,012 Current assets, including cash and cash equivalents and prepayments 485,836 338,034 IFRSPNG financial statements, and reconciliation with carrying amount of Limited, theainvestment areinvolved setinout The Non-current subsidiary, The subsidiary, FM PNGLimited FM Limited has deferred ahas 41.67% a 41.67% shareholding shareholding in Paradise inthe Paradise Cinemas Cinemas (PNG)(PNG) Limited, company a company involved cinema inbelow: cinema entertainment entertainment in Papua in Papua New New liabilities, including tax liabilities (1,243,117) (2,269,036) Non-current assets 10,044,287 5,432,764 Non-current assets 10,044,287 5,432,764 Proportion of Proportion the group's of ownership the group's ownership 41.67% 41.67% 36% 36% Guinea. Guinea. The group's The group's investment investment in Paradise in Paradise Cinemas Cinemas (PNG)(PNG) Limited Limited is accounted is accounted for using for using the equity the equity method method in the in consolidated the consolidated financial financial statements. statements. Equity 1,180,463 704,012 Current liabilities, including tax payable Cinemas (8,106,543) 491,860 (2,797,750) 251,433 Current liabilities, including tax payable (8,106,543) (2,797,750) Carrying amount Carrying of investment amount - Paradise investment -Cinemas Paradise (PNG) Cinemas Limited (PNG) Limited 491,860 251,433 Summarized Summarized financial financial information information ofof Paradise of Paradise Cinemas (PNG) (PNG) Limited, Limited, basedbased on itsonIFRS its financial IFRS financial statements, statements, and reconciliation and reconciliation with with the carrying the carrying amount amount of of Non-current including deferred tax liabilities (1,243,117) Non-current including deferred tax liabilities (1,243,117) (2,269,036) Proportion ofliabilities, theliabilities, group's ownership 41.67% 36%(2,269,036) the investment the investment are set areout setbelow: out below: Equity 1,180,463 704,012 Equity 1,180,463 704,012 Carrying amount of investment - Paradise Cinemas (PNG) Limited 491,860 251,433 Current assets, including cash cash and cash equivalents and prepayments Current assets, including and cash equivalents and prepayments 485,836 485,836 338,034 338,034 Proportion of group's the group's ownership 41.67% Proportion of the ownership 41.67% 36%36% Non-current Non-current assets assets 10,044,287 10,044,287 5,432,764 5,432,764 Carrying amount of investment - Paradise Cinemas (PNG) Limited 491,860 Carrying amount of investment - Paradise Cinemas (PNG) Limited 491,860 251,433 251,433 Current Current liabilities, liabilities, including including tax payable tax payable (8,106,543) (8,106,543) (2,797,750) (2,797,750) Non-current Non-current liabilities, liabilities, including including deferred deferred tax liabilities tax liabilities (1,243,117) (1,243,117) (2,269,036) (2,269,036) Equity Equity 1,180,463 1,180,463 704,012 704,012 Proportion Proportion of the ofgroup's the group's ownership ownership Carrying Carrying amount amount of investment of investment - Paradise - Paradise Cinemas Cinemas (PNG)(PNG) Limited Limited 41.67% 41.67% 491,860 491,860 25 36% 36% 251,433 251,433 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company NOTES(FIJI) TO LIMITED THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI)and LIMITED Subsidiary and Subsidiary company company FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 NOTES TONOTES THE CONSOLIDATED TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued continued COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company FOR THE YEAR FOR THE ENDED YEAR 31ENDED DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED (FIJI) and LIMITED Subsidiary and Subsidiary company company 13. INVESTMENT IN ENDED ASSOCIATE INOR ASSOCIATE JOINT VENTURE OR JOINT VENTURE FORINVESTMENT THE 13. YEAR 31 DECEMBER 2014 NOTES TO NOTES THE CONSOLIDATED TO THEofCONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued continued (b) Investment (b) of Investment PNG FM Limited PNGinFM Paradise LimitedCinemas in Paradise (PNG) Cinemas Limited (PNG) Limited FORINVESTMENT THE YEAR FOR ENDED THE YEAR 31 ENDED DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 13. IN ASSOCIATE OR JOINTor VENTURE Summarized statement Summarized ofstatement profit loss of profit of Paradise or lossCinemas of Paradise (PNG) Cinemas Limited: (PNG) Limited: 2014 2014 2013 2013 $ 2014 $ $ 2013 $ (b) Revenue Investment of PNG FM Limited in Paradise Cinemas (PNG) Limited $ $ Revenue 5,763,724 5,763,724 5,990,577 5,990,577 2014 2014 2013 13. INVESTMENT 13. ININVESTMENT 2013 ASSOCIATE OR IN ASSOCIATE JOINT VENTURE OR JOINT VENTURE Expenses (7,552,137) (7,552,137) (6,589,661) (6,589,661) Summarized Expenses statement of profit or loss of Paradise Cinemas (PNG) Limited: (b) Profit Investment (b) of PNG Investment FM Limited of PNG in Paradise FM Limited Cinemas in Paradise (PNG) Cinemas Limited (PNG) Limited $ $ $ $ before Profit tax before tax (1,788,413) (1,788,413) (599,084) (599,084) Revenue 5,763,724 5,990,577 Income tax expense Income tax of expense Summarized statement Summarized profit statement or lossofofprofit Paradise or loss Cinemas of Paradise (PNG)Cinemas Limited: (PNG) Limited: Expenses (7,552,137) (6,589,661) Profit for theProfit year for the year (1,788,413) (1,788,413) (599,084) (599,084) Revenue Revenue 5,763,724 5,763,724 5,990,577 5,990,577 before tax (1,788,413) (599,084) Profit Expenses Expenses (7,552,137) (7,552,137) (6,589,661) (6,589,661 Income tax expense Group's share Group's of profit share for the of profit year for the year (745,172) (745,172) (199,695) (199,695) Profit for before tax Profit before tax (1,788,413) (1,788,413) (599,084) (599,084 the year (1,788,413) (599,084) Profit Paradise Cinemas Paradise (PNG) Cinemas Limited has provided Limited has a bank provided guarantee a bank amounting guaranteetoamounting $124,824to as$124,824 at 31 December as at 31 2014. December Paradise 2014. Cinemas Paradise (PNG) Cinemas Limited had- no Limited had no Income tax expense Income tax (PNG) expense - (PNG) Group's share of profit for the year (745,172) (1,788,413) capital commitments capital commitments as atfor 31 December as at 31 2013 December and has 2014. 2013 and 2014. for the year the year (599,084) Profit Profit Paradise Cinemas (PNG) Limited provided a bank guarantee amounting to $124,824 as at(1,788,413) 31 December 2014.(199,695) Paradise (599,084 Cinemas (PNG) Limited had noathe capital commitments as at 31 and 2014. Paradise Cinemas (PNG) Limited has provided bank toLimited $124,824 assupport at2013 December 2014. Paradise Cinemas (PNG) Limited had(PNG) no Limited. At 31Group's December At 31 2014, December the holding 2014, the holding company PNG authorised FM amounting Limited PNG toFM issue aDecember letter to issue of a 31 letter for ofthe support operations for the ofoperations Paradise Cinemas of Paradise (PNG) Cinemas Limited. (199,695) (199,695 share of Group's profit share for the ofcompany year profit forauthorised yearguarantee (745,172) (745,172) capital commitments as at 31 December 2013 and 2014. Paradise Cinemas Cinemas Limited2014, (PNG) has provided Limited ahas bank provided guarantee a authorised bank amounting guarantee to $124,824 amounting as to at $124,824 December at 2014. 31 Paradise 2014. Cinemas (PNG)Cinemas Limited (PNG) had noLimited had n AtParadise 31(PNG) December the holding company PNG FM Limited to31 issue a as letter of December support for the Paradise operations of Paradise At 31 December 2014, the holding company authorised PNG FM Limited Cinemas (PNG) Limited. capital commitments capital as commitments at 31 December asventure at 2013 31 December andventure 2014. 2013 and issue a letter of support for the operations of Paradise Total investment ininvestment associate or joint 1,943,848 1,943,848 1,696,179 1,696,179 Total in associate or joint Cinemas (PNG) Limited. At 31 December At Holdings 2014, 31 December the holding 2014, company the holding PNG authorised FM Limited to listed issue FM Limited aon letter ofissue support a letter for the of support operations for the of Paradise operations Cinemas of Paradise (PNG)Cinemas Limited. (PNG) Limited. 231 Waimanu 231 Rd Waimanu Limited Rd Holdings and PNG Limited FMauthorised Limited andcompany PNGare FM not Limited listed are on PNG not any stock exchange. anytostock exchange. Totalininvestment associate 1,943,848 1,696,179 Total investment associate or in joint venture or joint venture 14. FINANCIAL 14. ASSETS FINANCIAL ASSETS Group Group Holding Company Holding Company 231 Rd Holdings Limited and PNG FM are not listed on any stock exchange. TotalWaimanu investment Total in associate investment or in joint associate venture or Limited joint and venture 1,943,848 2014 1,943,848 1,696,179 2013 1,696,179 2014 2013exchange. 2013 2014 2013 231 Waimanu Rd Holdings Limited PNG FM Limited are2014 not listed on any stock $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 231 Waimanu Rd 231 Holdings Waimanu Limited Rd Holdings and PNG Limited FM Limited and PNG are FM notLimited listed on areany notstock listedexchange. on anyGroup stock exchange. 14. FINANCIAL ASSETS Holding Company 591,884 591,884591,884 591,884591,884 591,884591,884 591,884 Shares in i-Pac Shares Communications in i-Pac Communications Limited Limited 2014 2013 2014 2013 14. ASSETS FINANCIAL ASSETS 14. FINANCIAL Group Holding $ $ Group $ Holding Company $ Company 2014 2014 2013 2013 2014 2014 2013 2013 15. INTANGIBLE 15. ASSETS INTANGIBLE ASSETSLimited 591,884 591,884 591,884 591,884 Shares in i-Pac Communications $ $ $ $ Holding company Holding company $$ $ $ $$ $ $ Shares in i-Pac Shares Communications in i-Pac Communications Limited Limited Software Software 15. INTANGIBLE ASSETS Cost: Cost: Holding company 1 January 1 January ASSETS 15. At INTANGIBLE 15.At ASSETS INTANGIBLE Software Additions Additions Holding company Holding company Cost: At 31 December At 31 December Software At 1 January Software Cost: Cost: Additions Depreciation Depreciation and impairment: and impairment: At 1 1 January January 1 January 31 December At AtAt 1 January Additions Depreciation Additions Depreciation charge for the charge year for the year Depreciation and impairment: At 31 31 December December December At AtAt 3131 December At 1 January Depreciation and Depreciation impairment: and impairment: Depreciation charge forvalue the year Net book value Net book At 31 1 January At 1 January At December 591,884 591,884 591,884 591,884 591,884 591,884 591,884 591,884 $ $ 868,899 868,899824,824 824,824 40,169 44,075 $ 40,169 $ $ 44,075 $ 909,068 909,068868,899 868,899 868,899 824,824 40,169 44,075 868,899 868,899 824,824 824,824 909,068 868,899 321,537 321,537 391,973 391,973 40,169 40,169 44,075 44,075 70,436 73,159 73,159 70,436 909,068 909,068 868,899 868,899 465,132 465,132 391,973 391,973 321,537 391,973 70,436 73,159 443,936 443,936476,926 476,926 321,537 321,537 391,973 391,973 465,132 391,973 70,436 73,159 73,15970,436 Goodwill Goodwill Software 443,936 Software Total 476,926 Total 465,132 465,132 391,973 391,973 $ $ $ $ $ $ 443,936 443,936 476,926 2,433,968 476,926 1,507,569 1,507,569926,399 2,433,968 926,399 Goodwill Software Total 48,687 48,687 48,687 48,687 $ $ $ -Goodwill (1,328) (1,328) Total (1,328) Goodwill Software Software(1,328) Total 1,507,569 2,433,968 926,399 1,507,569 1,507,569 973,758 973,758 2,481,327 2,481,327 $ $ $ $ $ $ 48,687 48,687 1,507,569 1,507,569 2,433,968 2,433,968 926,399 926,399 (1,328) (1,328) - 394,293 48,687 48,687 48,687 48,687 1,507,569 973,758 2,481,327 764,862 764,862 370,569 370,569 394,293 (1,328) (1,328) (1,328) (1,328 79,336 79,336 79,336 79,336 1,507,569 1,507,569 973,758 2,481,327 2,481,327 - 973,758 (188) (188) (188) (188) 764,862 370,569 394,293 370,569 370,569473,441 473,441844,010 844,010 79,336 79,336 764,862 764,862 370,569 370,569 394,293 394,293 (188) (188) - 500,317 79,336 1,637,317 79,336 79,336 79,336 370,569 473,441 844,010 1,137,000 1,137,000 500,317 1,637,317 (188 (188) (188) (188) 370,569 1,137,000 370,569 473,441 473,441 844,010 1,669,106 844,010 1,137,000 532,106 532,106 1,669,106 1,137,000 500,317 1,637,317 Depreciation charge Depreciation for the charge year for the year Group Group Net book value At 31 December At 31 December Cost: Cost: Net1 book value Net book value At January At 2014 1 January 2014 Group Additions Additions Cost: Translation adjustment Translation adjustment Group Group At 1 January 2014 At 31 December AtCost: 31 2014 December 2014 Cost: Additions At 1 January 2014 Atimpairment: 1 January Translation adjustment Depreciation Depreciation and and2014 impairment: Additions Additions 31January December At 1 At 2014 12014 January 2014 Translation adjustment Translation adjustment Depreciation Depreciation charge for the charge year for the year Depreciation and At 31 December Atimpairment: 2014 31 December 2014 Translation adjustment Translation adjustment At 1 January 2014 At 31 December At 31 2014 December 2014 Depreciation and Depreciation impairment: and Depreciation charge for the year impairment: At 1written January 2014 Atwritten 1 January 2014 Translation adjustment Net down Net value: down value: Depreciation charge Depreciation for the charge year At 31 December At 31 2014 December 2014 for the year Translation adjustment Translation adjustment Net written down value: At 131 December At 31 December At January At 2014 1 2014 January 2014 2014 At 31 December 2014 Net written down Netvalue: written down value: At January 2014 At 131 December At 2014 31 December 2014 At 1 January 2014 At 1 January 2014 26 1,137,000 1,137,000 532,106 1,137,000 500,317 1,669,106 500,317 1,637,317 1,637,317 1,137,000 1,137,000 532,106 532,106 1,669,106 1,669,106 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 2014 NOTES TOFOR THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL31 STATEMENTS continued FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 15. INTANGIBLE ASSETS continued 15. INTANGIBLE ASSETS continued (a) Impairment testing of goodwill and intangibles with indefinite useful lives (a) Impairment testing of goodwill and intangibles with indefinite useful lives Goodwill acquired through business combination with indefinite life has been allocated to the subsidiary acquired which is an Goodwill acquired through business combination with indefinite life has been allocated to the subsidiary acquired which is an individual cash generating OMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) (FIJI) and LIMITED Subsidiary Subsidiary individual cashLIMITED generating unit, which isand alsocompany a reportablecompany segment, for impairment testing as follows: unit, which is also a reportable segment, for impairment testing as follows: NOTES TO THE NOTES CONSOLIDATED TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued continued OR THECarrying YEAR FORamount ENDED THE YEAR 31 DECEMBER ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 of goodwill Carrying amount of goodwill $ $ 1,137,000 1,137,000 5. INTANGIBLE ASSETS INTANGIBLE continued ASSETS continued The 15. recoverable amount of the subsidiary has been determined based on a value in use calculation using cash flow projections from financial budgets Thebyrecoverable amountcovering of the subsidiary has been determined based on a value in use calculation using cash flow projections approved senior management a and five intangibles year period. Theindefinite pre-tax discount rate applied to cash flow projection is 19% (2013: 19%) and cash (a) Impairment(a) testing Impairment of goodwill testing and of intangibles goodwill indefinite useful with lives useful lives from financial budgets approved bywith senior management covering a five year period. The as pre-tax discountaverage rate applied torate cash flows beyond the 5-year period are extrapolated using a 5% growth rate (2013: 5%) is the same the long growth forflow the Goodwill acquired Goodwill through acquired business through combination business with combination indefinite life withhas indefinite been allocated life has been tothat theallocated subsidiary to acquired the subsidiary whichterm acquired is an individual which is cash an generating individual cash generating projection iswhich 19%is(2013: 19%)for and cash flows beyond thetesting 5-yearasperiod are extrapolated using a 5% growth rate (2013: 5%) that is industry unit, whichinisPNG. also unit, a reportable also segment, a reportable impairment segment, for testing impairment as follows: follows: the same as the long term average growth rate for the industry in PNG. Key assumptions used in value in use calculations $ $ $ $ The calculation of value in use are most sensitive to the following assumptions: Carrying amount Carrying goodwill amount of goodwill 1,137,000 1,137,000 1,137,000 1,137,000 Key assumptions used in value in use calculations Discount rates; The recoverableThe amount recoverable of the amount subsidiary of has the been subsidiary determined has been based determined on a value based in use on calculation a value in use using calculation cash flowusing projections cash flow from projections financial budgets from financial budget Market share during budget period; The of value in use are most toyear the following approved by calculation senior approved management by seniorcovering management a five covering yearsensitive period. a five The pre-tax period. discount The assumptions: pre-tax rate applied discount to rate cashapplied flow projection to cash flow is 19% projection (2013: is 19%) 19%and (2013: cash19%) and cash rates used to extrapolate cash flows beyond the budget period; flows beyond the 5-year beyond period theare 5-year extrapolated period are using extrapolated a 5% growth usingrate a 5% (2013: growth 5%) rate that (2013: is the5%) same that as is the the long same term as average the longgrowth term average rate forgrowth the rate for the Growth -flows Discount rates; - in Political stability; and industry PNG.industry in PNG. - Market share during budget period; expenditure. Capital -Key Growth ratesinused to extrapolate cash flows beyond the budget period; Key assumptions used assumptions in value used use calculations in value in use calculations Discount rates-The Political andinsensitive The calculation of value calculation instability; use are of value most use are to most thesensitive followingto assumptions: the following assumptions: Discount rates reflect management's - Capital expenditure. - Discount rates; Discount rates; estimate of the risks specific to the unit. This is the benchmark used by management to assess operating performance and to evaluate future investment proposals. In determining the appropriate discount rate, regard has been given to the yield on a tenMarket share - during Market budget shareperiod; during budget period; year government bond at the beginning of the budgeted year. rates - Discount Growth rates - used Growth to extrapolate rates used cash to extrapolate flows beyond cashthe flows budget beyond period; the budget period; MarketDiscount share during budget period rates reflect estimate of the risks specific to the unit. This is the benchmark used by management to assess Political stability; Political and management’s stability; and These operating assumptions are important, because, as wellfuture as using industry data for growth rates management assess how discount the unit's rate, position, relative its performance and to evaluate investment proposals. In determining the appropriate regard has to been Capital expenditure. -change Capital competitors, might overexpenditure. the budget period. Management expects the Group's share of the PNG market to be stable over the budget period. given to the yield on a tenyear government bond at the beginning of the budgeted year. Discount rates Discount rates Discount ratesestimates Discount reflect management's rates reflect management's risks specific of theto risks the specific unit. This to is thethe unit. benchmark This is the used benchmark by management used bytomanagement assess operating to assess operating GrowthMarket rate share during budgetestimate period of theestimate performance and performance to evaluate and future to evaluate investment future proposals. investment In determining proposals. the In determining appropriatethe discount appropriate rate, regard discount hasrate, beenregard given has to the been yield given on to a tenthe yield on a ten Rates are based on published industry research. These year assumptions arebond important, because, the as well as using industry data for growth rates management assess how the unit’s year government bond government at the beginning atofthe thebeginning budgetedofyear. budgeted year. position, relative to its competitors, might change over the budget period. Management expects the Group’s share of the PNG Political stability Market share during Market budget shareperiod during budget period marketexpect to bethe stable overenvironment the budgettoperiod. Management political be over theasbudget period. These assumptions These are assumptions important, because, are important, as well because, asstable usingas industry well data usingfor industry growthdata rates formanagement growth ratesassess management how theassess unit's position, how the unit's relative position, to its relative to it competitors, might competitors, change over might thechange budgetover period. the Management budget period. expects Management the Group's expects share theofGroup's the PNG share market of the to be PNGstable market over to the be stable budgetover period. the budget period. Capital expenditure Growth rate estimates There are no significant capital expenditure adjusted in the budgeted period. The capital expenditure used in this calculation is assumed to be equal to Rates are based on published industry research. Growth rate estimates Growth rate estimates depreciation. Rates are basedRates on published are based industry on published research. industry research. stability 16. PROPERTY, Political PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Political stabilityPolitical expect stability the political environment to Management Holding company Plant and be stable the budget period. Landover and buildings equipment Motor vehicles Total Management expect Management the political expect environment the political toenvironment be stable over to the be stable budgetover period. the budget period. Cost: $ $ $ $ CapitalCapital expenditure Capital expenditure expenditure At 1 January 2014are no significant capital expenditure adjusted in the budgeted 486,026 period. 10,071,421 11,136,781is 579,334 There The capital expenditure used in this calculation There are no significant There arecapital no significant expenditure capital adjusted expenditure in the adjusted budgetedinperiod. the budgeted The capital period. expenditure The capital used expenditure in this calculation used in this is assumed calculation to be is assumed equal to to be equal to Additions 627,906 494,080 133,826 assumed to be equal to depreciation. depreciation. depreciation. Disposals (52,203) (3,501) (48,702) At 31 December 2014 486,026 10,562,000 664,458 11,712,484 6. PROPERTY, 16. PLANT PROPERTY, AND EQUIPMENT PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Plant and Plant and Land and buildings Land and buildings Motor vehicles Motor vehicles Total Total equipment equipment Holding company Holding company Depreciation and impairment: At 1 January 2014 Cost: Cost: Depreciation charge for the year At 1 January 2014 At 1 January 2014 Disposals Additions Additions At 31 December 2014 Disposals Disposals Net down value: At 31written December At2014 31 December 2014 At 31 December 2014 Depreciation and Depreciation impairment:and impairment: At At 1 January 2014 At11January January2014 2014 Depreciation charge Depreciation for the year charge for the year Disposals Disposals At 31 December At2014 31 December 2014 269,207 $ 17,425 486,026 286,632 486,026 199,394 7,679,898 361,593 $ $ $ $ 321,370 63,294 486,026 10,071,421 10,071,421 579,334 (47,864) -494,080 494,080 133,826 8,001,268 377,023 - (3,501) (3,501) (48,702) 486,026 10,562,000 10,562,000 664,458 2,560,732 287,435 8,310,698 $ $ $ 402,089 11,136,781 11,136,781 579,334 (47,864) 627,906 627,906 133,826 8,664,923 (52,203) (52,203 (48,702) 664,458 11,712,484 11,712,484 3,047,561 269,207 216,819 17,425 286,632 269,207 7,679,898 2,391,523 17,425 321,370 286,632 8,001,268 7,679,898 361,593 217,741 321,370 63,294 - (47,864) 8,001,268 377,023 8,310,698 361,593 2,826,083 63,294 402,089 (47,864) (47,864) 377,023 8,664,923 8,310,698 402,089 (47,864 8,664,923 Net written down Netvalue: written down value: At 31 December At2014 31 December 2014 199,394 199,394 2,560,732 2,560,732 287,435 287,435 3,047,561 3,047,561 At 1 January 2014 At 1 January 2014 216,819 216,819 2,391,523 2,391,523 217,741 217,741 2,826,083 2,826,083 27 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company NOTES TO LIMITED THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) (FIJI) and LIMITED Subsidiary and Subsidiary company company NOTES TOFOR NOTES THE CONSOLIDATED TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIALFINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued continued THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 FOR THE YEAR FOR THE ENDED YEAR 31ENDED DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED (FIJI) and LIMITED Subsidiary andSubsidiary Subsidiary company company company COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED (FIJI) and LIMITED Subsidiary and Subsidiary company company PLANT PROPERTY, AND EQUIPMENT PLANT AND continued EQUIPMENT continued Plant and 16. PROPERTY, 16. NOTES TO NOTES THE CONSOLIDATED TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued continued NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued Land and buildings Land and buildings equipment NOTES TO NOTES THE CONSOLIDATED TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIALFINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued continued FOR Group THE FOR YEAR FORTHE ENDED THEYEAR YEAR 31ENDED ENDED DECEMBER 31DECEMBER DECEMBER 2014 2014 31 2014 $ $ $ FOR THE YEAR FORGroup THE ENDED YEAR 31 ENDED DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 Cost: Cost: PLANT PROPERTY, EQUIPMENT PLANT AND continued EQUIPMENT continued 6. PROPERTY, 16. At 1 January 2014 At 1AND January 2014 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT continued 16. PLANT PROPERTY, AND EQUIPMENT PLANT AND continued EQUIPMENT continued 6. PROPERTY, 16. Additions Additions Group Group Disposals Group Disposals Group Group Cost: Cost: Translation adjustment Translation adjustment Cost: Cost: Cost: At January 2014 1 January 2014 At131 December At 2014 December 2014 At 1 31 January 2014 At 1 January 2014 At 1 January 2014 Additions Additions Additions Additions Additions Disposals Disposals DepreciationDisposals and Depreciation impairment: and impairment: Disposals Disposals Translation adjustment Translation adjustment At 1 January 2014 At 1 January 2014 Translation adjustment Translation adjustment Translation adjustment At 31 December At 2014 31 December 2014 Depreciation charge Depreciation for thecharge year for the year At 31 December 2014 At 31 December At 2014 31 December 2014 Disposals Disposals Depreciation and Depreciation impairment: and impairment: Translation adjustment Translation adjustment Depreciation and impairment: Depreciation and Depreciation impairment: and impairment: At January 2014 1 January 2014 At131 December At 2014 December 2014 At 1 31 January 2014 At 1 January charge 2014 At 1 January 2014 Depreciation Depreciation for the charge year forfor the year Depreciation charge the year Depreciation charge Depreciation for the charge year for the year Disposals Disposals Net written Disposals down Net written value: down value: Disposals Disposals Translation adjustment Translation adjustment At 31 December At 31 2014 December 2014 Translation adjustment Translation adjustment Translation adjustment At 31 December 2014 31 December 2014 AtAt 31 December 2014 At December At 2014 31 December 2014 At31 1 January 2014 1 January 2014 Plant and equipment Motor vehicles Motor vehicles Total $ $ $ $ Total $ Plant and Plant and 1,165,600 1,165,600 511,436 511,436 16,267,108 16,267,108 17,944,144 17,944,144 Plant and Plant and PlantMotor and vehiclesMotor vehicles Land and buildings Land and buildings Total Total equipment equipment 2,491 2,491 677,154 677,154 284,875 284,875 964,520 Total 964,520 Land and buildings equipment Motor vehicles Land and buildings Land and buildings equipment equipment Motor vehiclesMotor vehicles Total Total $ $ (94,802) $ $(94,802) -$ - $ (94,802) $ $(94,802) $$ $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (587) (587) (141,545) (141,545) (14,866) (14,866) (156,998) (156,998) 511,436 511,436 16,267,108 16,267,108 17,944,144 17,944,144 1,165,600 1,165,600 513,340 511,436 513,340 16,802,71716,267,108 16,802,717 1,340,807 1,165,600 1,340,807 18,656,86417,944,144 18,656,864 511,436 511,436 16,267,108 17,944,144 1,165,600 1,165,600 2,491 2,491 677,154 16,267,108 677,154 284,875 284,875 964,520 17,944,144 964,520 2,491 677,154 284,875 964,520 2,491 2,491 677,154 677,154 284,875 284,875 964,520 964,520 (94,802) (94,802) (94,802) - - - (94,802) (94,802) (94,802) -(141,545) - (94,802) (94,802) (94,802) (94,802) (587) (587) (141,545) (14,866) (14,866) (156,998) (156,998) 11,560,165 11,560,165 270,129 270,129 10,542,552 10,542,552 747,484 747,484 (587) (141,545) (14,866) (156,998) (587) (587) (141,545) 16,802,717 (141,545) (14,866) 1,340,807 (14,866) (156,998) 18,656,864 (156,998) 513,340 513,340 16,802,717 1,340,807 18,656,864 19,293 513,340 19,293 668,49116,802,717 668,491 135,406 1,340,807 135,406 823,19018,656,864 823,190 513,340 513,340 16,802,717 16,802,717 1,340,807 1,340,807 18,656,864 18,656,864 - (93,964) (93,964) (93,964) (93,964) (62) (62) (73,516) (73,516) (10,433) (10,433) (84,011) (84,011) 11,560,165 11,560,165 270,129 270,129 10,542,552 10,542,552 747,484 747,484 289,360 270,129 289,360 11,137,52710,542,552 11,137,527 778,493 747,484 778,493 12,205,38011,560,165 12,205,380 11,560,165 270,129 270,129 10,542,552 747,484 747,484 19,293 19,293 668,491 10,542,552 668,491 135,406 135,406 823,190 11,560,165 823,190 19,293 668,491 135,406 823,190 19,293 19,293 668,491 668,491 135,406 135,406 823,190 823,190 (93,964) (93,964) (93,964) - - - (93,964) (93,964) (93,964) -(62) - (93,964) (93,964) (93,964) (93,964) (62) (73,516) (73,516) (10,433) (10,433) (84,011) 6,451,484 (84,011) 223,980 223,980 241,307 241,307 562,314 562,314 6,451,484 (62) (73,516) (10,433) (84,011) (62) (62) (73,516) 11,137,527 (73,516) (10,433) (10,433) (84,011) 12,205,380 (84,011) 289,360 289,360 11,137,527 778,493 12,205,380 289,360 11,137,527778,493 778,493 12,205,380 289,360 289,360 11,137,527 778,493 778,493 12,205,380 241,307 241,307 238,851 11,137,527 238,851 418,116 418,116 6,383,979 12,205,380 6,383,979 Net written down Net value: written down value: Net written down value: Thewritten carrying amount Thevalue: carrying of plant amount and equipment of plant and held equipment under finance held under leasesfinance and hire leases purchase and hire contracts purchase for contracts the groupfor at the 31 December group at 31 2014 December was $126,916 2014 was $126,916 Net down Net written down value: 223,980 223,980 241,307 contracts 241,307 562,314 562,314 6,451,484 At 31 December At 2014 31 December 2014 223,980 241,307 562,314 6,451,484 At(2013: 31 December 2014 The carrying amount plant and underare finance leases and hire purchase for thehire group atand 316,451,484 December (2013: $8,701). Leased $8,701). assets Leased andofassets assets under andequipment hire assets purchase underheld hire contracts purchase contracts pledged asare security pledged forasthe security relatedfor finance the related lease and finance lease purchase hire liabilities. purchase liabilities. 223,980 223,980 241,307 241,307 562,314 562,314 6,451,484 6,451,484 At 31 December At 2014 31 December 2014 2014 was $126,916 (2013: $8,701). Leased assets and assets under hire purchase contracts are pledged as security for the related At 1 JanuaryAt 2014 At 1 January 2014 241,307 241,307 238,851 238,851 418,116 418,116 6,383,979 6,383,979 6,383,979 1 January 2014 241,307 238,851 418,116 finance lease and hireyear purchase Total non-cash Total addition non-cash during addition the during amounted theliabilities. year to $133,826. amounted to $133,826. At 1 January 2014 At 1 January 2014 241,307 241,307 238,851 238,851 418,116 418,116 6,383,979 6,383,979 The amount The carrying of buildings plant amount andwith equipment of held equipment under of finance held leases under finance and hire leases purchase and contracts hire purchase for the group for 31 the December group at 2014 31 December was 2014 was $126,916 Landcarrying and buildings Land and with aamount carrying amount aplant carrying ofand $224,513 amount (2013: $224,513 $241,310) (2013: are $241,310) subject to are a purchase first subject mortgage to acontracts first charge mortgage to secure charge allatof to the secure group's all of$126,916 bank the group's loans bank loans The carrying of plant and equipment held under finance leases and hire contracts forat the group 31 December 2014 was $126,916 The carrying amount The carrying of plant amount and of plant and held equipment under finance held under leases finance and hire leases purchase and contracts hire purchase for the contracts group for at related 31 theDecember group at 31 2014 December wasliabilities. $126,916 2014 wasliabilities. $126,916 (2013: $8,701). (2013: Leased $8,701). assets Leased andequipment assets assets under and hire assets purchase under contracts hire purchase arecontracts pledged contracts as are security pledged for the security related finance the lease and finance hire purchase lease and hire purchase Total non-cash addition during the year amounted to $133,826. (2013: $8,701). Leased assets and assets under hire purchase are pledged asas security forfor the related finance lease and hire purchase liabilities. (Note19). (Note19). (2013: $8,701). (2013: Leased $8,701). assets Leased and assets assets under andhire assets purchase under contracts hire purchase are pledged contracts asare security pledged for as thesecurity relatedfor finance the related lease and finance hire purchase lease and liabilities. hire purchase liabilities. As at 31 December As at 31 2014, December the gross 2014, carrying the gross amount carrying of fully amount depreciated of fullyproperty, depreciated plant property, and equipment plant and that equipment is still in use thatisis$6,653,749. still in use is $6,653,749. Total non-cash Total addition non-cash during addition thewith year during the year to $133,826. amounted to $133,826. Total non-cash addition during the year amounted $133,826. Land and buildings aamounted carrying amount of to $224,513 (2013: $241,310) are subject to a first mortgage charge to secure all of the Total non-cashTotal addition non-cash duringaddition the yearduring amounted the year to $133,826. amounted to $133,826. Land and buildings Land with and abuildings carrying with amount a carrying of $224,513 amount of $224,513 $241,310) (2013: are $241,310) subject to are a subject first subject mortgage a first charge mortgage to secure charge all to ofto the secure group's bank the loans group's bank loans Land and buildings a carrying amount of(2013: $224,513 (2013: $241,310) are toto a first mortgage charge secure allall ofof the group's bank loans group’s bank loanswith (Note19). Land and buildings Land with and buildings a carryingwith amount a carrying of $224,513 amount (2013: of $224,513 $241,310) (2013: are$241,310) subject to are a first subject mortgage to a first charge mortgage to secure charge all oftothe secure group's all of bank the loans group's bank loans (Note19). Group Group Holding Company Holding Company 17. (Note19). TRADE AND OTHER TRADE PAYABLES AND OTHER PAYABLES 17.(Note19). (Note19). (Note19). As at 31 December 2014, 31 December the gross 2014, carrying the gross amount carrying of fully amount depreciated fully property, plant property, and equipment plant and that equipment is still2013 in use that is2014 is $6,653,749. still use is $6,653,749. As atat31 31 December 2014, the gross carrying amount ofdepreciated fully depreciated property, plant and equipment that is still in use is 2013 2014 2014 2013 2013 AsAs December 2014, the gross carrying amount ofof fully depreciated property, plant and equipment that is still in in use is 2014 $6,653,749. As at 31 December As at 2014, 31 December the gross 2014, carrying the gross amount carrying of fullyamount depreciated of fully property, depreciated plantproperty, and equipment plant and thatequipment is still in use thatis is$6,653,749. still in use is $6,653,749. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $6,653,749. Trade payables Trade payables AND 17.OTHER TRADE PAYABLES AND OTHER PAYABLES 7. TRADE TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLES 17. AND TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLES 7. TRADE 17.OTHER Other payables OtherPAYABLES payables Dividend payable Dividend payable Payable to related Payable entity to related entity 187,990 267,620 267,620 Holding 34,921 Company 34,921 46,972 46,972 Group 187,990 Group Holding Company Group Holding Company Group Group Holding Company Holding Company2013 923,621 923,621 894,085 2013 894,085 377,648 377,648 330,941 330,941 2014 2014 2013 2014 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2014 2013 2014 2014 2013 - $ 142,320 2013 142,320 - $ 142,320 2013 142,320 $ $ $$ $$ $$ $$ $ $ $ $ $252,703 -$ -$ - $ 252,703 1,111,611 1,111,611 1,304,025 1,304,025 412,569 412,569 772,936 772,936 Trade payables Trade payables 187,990 187,990 267,620 267,620 34,921 34,921 46,972 46,972 Trade payables 187,990 267,620 34,921 46,972 Trade payablesTrade payables 187,990 187,990 267,620 267,620 34,921 34,921 46,972 46,972 Other payables Other payables 923,621 923,621 894,085 894,085 377,648 377,648 330,941 330,941 Other payables 923,621 894,085 377,648 330,941 Other payables Other payables 923,621 923,621 894,085 894,085 377,648 377,648 330,941 330,941 Dividend payable Dividend payable 142,320 142,320 Terms and conditions Terms and of the conditions above financial of the above liabilities: financial liabilities: Dividend payable - - 142,320 142,320 - - 142,320 142,320 Dividend payable Dividend payable 142,320 142,320 142,320 142,320 - 252,703 252,703 Payable to related Payable entity to related entity 252,703 Payable to related entity Trade payables Trade are non-interest payables arebearing non-interest and are bearing normally andsettled are normally on 60-day settled terms. terms. - on 60-day - 412,569 - 772,936 252,703 252,703 Payable to related Payable entity to related entity 1,111,611 1,111,611 1,304,025 1,304,025 412,569 772,936 1,111,611 1,304,025 412,569 772,936 Other payables Other are non-interest payables arebearing non-interest and have bearing an average and have term an average of 1,111,611 six months. term of six months. 1,111,611 1,304,025 1,304,025 412,569 412,569 772,936 772,936 payable - and Interest isabove normally payable settled is normally monthly settled throughout monthly the throughout financial year. the financial year. Terms- and Interest conditions ofconditions the financial liabilities: Terms conditions of the above financial liabilities: Terms and of the above financial liabilities: Terms- and For conditions Terms and of For the conditions aboveand financial of conditions the above liabilities: financial liabilities: terms and conditions terms relating to related relating parties, to related refer to parties, Note refer 24. to Note 24.60-day terms. Trade payables are payables non-interest bearing and are normally settled on 60-day terms. Trade payables are non-interest bearing and are normally settled - - Trade are non-interest bearing and are normally settled onon 60-day terms. Trade payables Trade are non-interest payables arebearing non-interest and arebearing normally andsettled are normally on 60-day settled terms. on 60-day terms. Other payables are payables non-interest bearing and have an and average term of six months. - Other Other payables are non-interest bearing and have an average term of months. are non-interest bearing have an average term of sixsix months. $ BENEFIT EMPLOYEE BENEFIT LIABILITIES 18. EMPLOYEE 18. Other payables - LIABILITIES Other are non-interest payables arebearing non-interest and have bearing an average and have term an of average six $months. term of six$months. Interest- payable is normally settled monthly throughout the financial the year. - Interest Interest payable normally settled monthly throughout the financial year. payable is is normally settled monthly throughout financial year. Interest payable - leave Interest is normally payable settled is normally monthly settled throughout monthly thethroughout financial year. the107,125 financial year. Annual Annual 101,119 - leave For terms conditions relating to related parties, referparties, to Noterefer 24. For terms and conditions relating related parties, refer Note 24. 107,125 - -and For terms and conditions relating toto related toto Note 24. - service For terms and For conditions terms and relating conditions to related relating parties, to related refer to parties, Note 24. refer to 98,306 Note 24. Long leave Long- service leave 98,306 77,726 $ 205,431 $ $205,431 $ 178,845 BENEFIT EMPLOYEE LIABILITIES BENEFIT LIABILITIES 8. EMPLOYEE 18. 18. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT LIABILITIES $ $ $ 18. BENEFIT EMPLOYEE LIABILITIES BENEFIT LIABILITIES 8. EMPLOYEE Annual leaveAnnual Annual leave leave Annual leave leave Annual leave leave Long service Long service Long service leave Long service leave Long service leave 107,125 107,125 98,306 98,306 205,431 205,431 28 107,125 101,119 107,125 107,125 101,119 98,306 77,726 98,306 98,306 77,726 205,431 178,845 205,431 205,431 178,845 $ $ 101,119 70,814 77,726 178,845 70,814 $ $ $ $ $ 101,11970,814 101,119 101,119 77,72670,814 77,726 77,72670,814 178,845 178,845 178,84570,814 $ $ 70,814 64,606 70,814 64,606 $ $ $ $ $ 70,81464,606 70,814 70,814 64,606 - - 64,606 70,814 70,814 70,81464,606 $ 64,606 64,606 $ $ $ 64,606 64,606 64,606 - 64,606 64,606 64,606 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) (FIJI) (FIJI) (FIJI) LIMITED and LIMITED LIMITED Subsidiary andand and Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary company company company company NOTES TO LIMITED THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued NOTESNOTES TO NOTES NOTES THE TOCONSOLIDATED TO THE TOTHE THE CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued continued continued continued FOR THE YEAR ENDED 312014 DECEMBER 2014 FOR THE FORFOR YEAR FOR THETHE THE YEAR ENDED YEAR YEAR ENDED 31 ENDED ENDED DECEMBER 31 31 DECEMBER 31DECEMBER DECEMBER 2014 2014 2014 COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED (FIJI) andLIMITED Subsidiary and company Subsidiary company NOTES TO THE NOTES CONSOLIDATED TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued continued Group Group Group Group 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 19. INTEREST-BEARING 19. YEAR 19. INTEREST-BEARING 19. INTEREST-BEARING INTEREST-BEARING BORROWINGS BORROWINGS BORROWINGS BORROWINGS FOR THE FOR ENDED THE YEAR 31 DECEMBER ENDED 31 2014 DECEMBER 2014 Holding Company Holding Holding Holding Company Company Company 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $ $$ Group Group Holding Company Holding Company 4% 4% 4% 4% Bank overdraft Bank overdraft Bank overdraft overdraft On demand On demand On Ondemand demand 189,567189,567 189,567 189,567 103,711103,711 103,711 103,711 189,567189,567 189,567 189,567 103,711103,711 103,711 103,711 2014 2014 2013 2013 2014 2014 2013 2013 9. INTEREST-BEARING 19.Bank INTEREST-BEARING BORROWINGS BORROWINGS 4% 4% 4% 4% Secured Secured loanSecured Secured loan loan loan Note 26NoteNote 26 Note26 26 552,606552,606 552,606 552,606 376,778376,778 376,778 376,778 396,575396,575 396,575 396,575 376,778376,778 376,778 376,778 $48,511 $ $48,511 $ Current Current Maturity Effective rate 4% % interest rate$%48,511 48,511 4% 4% 4% Lease liabilities Maturity Note 22interest Lease liabilities Lease Lease liabilities liabilities Note 22NoteEffective Note 22 22 48,511 - $ - - $ 48,511 48,511 48,511 -$ -Current Current Current Current $ MaturityMaturity Maturity Effective Maturity Effective interest Effective Effective interest rateinterest % interest rate rate %rate%% Bank overdraft Bank overdraftOn demand Secured loan Secured loan Note 26 Lease liabilities Lease liabilities Note 22 Non-current Non-current Non-current Non-current Secured Secured loanSecured Secured loan loan loan Lease liability Lease liability Lease Lease liability liability 4% On demand 4%26 Note 4%22 Note 26 Note 26NoteNote Note26 26 4% Note 22NoteNote 22 Note22 22 4% Non-current Non-current Secured loan Secured loan Note 26 Note 4%26 Lease Lease liability Note 22 Note 22 4% Detailsliability of Details interest Details Details of interest bearing ofof interest interest borrowings bearing bearing bearing borrowings are: borrowings borrowings are: are: are: Details of interest bearing borrowings are: 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% (a) Bank (a)overdraft (a) Bank (a) Bank overdraft Bank and overdraft overdraft secured and secured and loan andsecured are secured loan secured loan are loan secured as are are follows: secured secured as follows: asasfollows: follows: 189,567 189,567 103,711 103,711 189,567 189,567 103,711 103,711 790,684 480,489 634,653 480,489 790,684790,684 790,684 480,489480,489 480,489 634,653634,653 634,653 480,489480,489 480,489 552,606 552,606 376,778 376,778 396,575 396,575 376,778 376,778 48,511 48,511 - 48,511 48,511 - 988,789988,789 988,789 1,392,402 1,392,402 1,392,402 988,789988,789 988,789 1,392,402 1,392,402 1,392,402 988,789 1,392,402 988,789 1,392,402 790,684 790,684 480,489 480,489 634,653 634,653 480,489 480,489 84,571 84,571 84,571 - - 84,571 84,571 84,571 -84,571 84,571 1,073,360 1,073,360 1,073,360 1,073,360 1,392,402 1,392,402 1,392,402 1,392,402 1,073,360 1,073,360 1,073,360 1,073,360 1,392,402 1,392,402 1,392,402 1,392,402 988,789 84,571 988,789 1,392,402 84,571 - 1,392,402 988,789 - 84,571 988,789 1,392,402 84,571 - 1,392,402 - 1,073,360 1,073,360 1,392,402 1,392,402 1,073,360 1,073,360 1,392,402 1,392,402 (a) Bank overdraft and secured loan are secured as follows: Holding company Holding Holding Holding company company Details of interest Details bearing of company interest borrowings bearing are: borrowings are: The Holding company The bank overdraft The bank Thebank bank overdraft facility overdraft overdraft and facility loan facility facility and from and loan and Westpac loan from loanfrom Westpac from Banking Westpac Westpac Banking Corporation Banking Banking Corporation Corporation are Corporation secured are secured are by areasecured secured first byregistered aby first bya afirst registered first mortgage registered registered mortgage debenture mortgage mortgage debenture over debenture debenture theover assets over the over of assets the the the assets assets of the ofofthe the overdraft The bank overdraft facility and loan from Westpac Banking Corporation are secured by aloan first registered mortgage debenture (a) Bank (a) and Bank secured overdraft loan and aresecured secured loan as are secured as follows: company company and company company undertakings and undertakings and and undertakings including undertakings including its including uncalled including itsfollows: uncalled ad its its called uncalled uncalled adbut called ad ad unpaid called called butcapital. unpaid but butunpaid unpaid Interest capital. capital. capital. Interest on bank Interest Interest on overdrafts bank on onbank overdrafts bank and overdrafts overdrafts and accounts and loan andloan accounts loan areaccounts accounts charged are charged are atare the charged charged rate at the of atatrate the therate of rateofof 4.00%. over the assets of the company and undertakings including its uncalled ad called but unpaid capital. Interest on bank 4.00%. 4.00%. 4.00%. Holding company Holding company overdrafts and loan accounts are charged at theBanking rate are of Corporation 4.00%. The bank overdraft The bank facility overdraft and loanfacility from Westpac and loan Banking from Westpac Corporation secured by are a first secured registered by a first mortgage registered debenture mortgage over debenture the assetsover of the the assets of th Lease Lease liabilities liabilities liabilities (b) Lease (b)liabilities (b) (b) Lease company and undertakings company and including undertakings its uncalled including ad called its uncalled but unpaid ad called capital. but Interest unpaid capital. on bankInterest overdrafts on bank and loan overdrafts accounts andare loan charged accounts at the are rate charged of at the rate o Lease liabilities Lease Lease Lease liabilities were liabilities liabilities secured werewere secured were by asecured Master secured by aLease by Master bya aMaster Master agreement Lease Lease Lease agreement and agreement agreement a charge and a and over and charge a acharge leased charge overassets. over leased overleased leased assets. assets. assets. (b) Lease liabilities 4.00%. 4.00%. Lease liabilities were secured by a Master Lease agreement and a charge over leased assets. (b) Lease liabilities (b) Lease liabilities $ $ $$ $ $ 20. SHARE 20. 20. 20. SHARE CAPITAL SHARE SHARE CAPITAL CAPITAL CAPITAL Lease liabilities were Leasesecured liabilities bywere a Master secured Lease by agreement a Master Lease and a agreement charge over andleased a charge assets. over leased assets. Authorised Authorised capital Authorised Authorised capital capital capital 5,000,000 5,000,000 ordinary 5,000,000 5,000,000 ordinary shares ordinary ordinary of shares $1shares each shares of $1 ofof each $1 $1each each 0. SHARE CAPITAL 20. SHARE CAPITAL Issued and Issued paid Issued Issued and up capital paid and andpaid up paid capital up upcapital capital Authorised capital Authorised capital 3,558,000 3,558,000 ordinary 3,558,000 3,558,000 ordinary shares ordinary ordinary of shares $1shares each shares of $1 ofof each $1 $1each each 5,000,000 ordinary 5,000,000 shares ordinary of $1 each shares of $1 each 21. Issued RESERVES 21. and 21. RESERVES 21.paid RESERVES RESERVES Issued up capital and paid up capital 3,558,000 ordinary 3,558,000 shares ordinary of $1 each shares of $1 each Foreign currency Foreign Foreign Foreign currency translation currency currency translation reserve translation translation reserve reserve reserve At 1 January At 1At January At11January January 1. RESERVES 21. RESERVES CurrencyCurrency translation Currency Currency translation differences translation translation differences differences differences At 31 December At 31 At At December 31 31 December December Foreign currency Foreign translation currency reserve translation reserve At 1 January At 1 January Share premium Share Share Share premium reserve premium premium reserve reserve reserve Currency translation Currency differences translation differences At 31 1 January At 1At January AtAt 11January January At December 31 December Issue of Issue additional Issue Issue of additional of shares ofadditional additional - shares at ashares premium shares - at a- -at premium ata apremium premium Share reserve Share premium reserve At 31premium December At 31 At At December 31 31December December $$ $ $ $$ $ $ $$ 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 3,558,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 $ $ 3,558,000 $$ $ $ 3,558,000 3,558,000 $$ $ $ 3,558,000 3,558,000 421,199421,199 421,199 421,199 895,861895,861 895,861 895,861 $ $ $ $ $ (229,014) (229,014) (229,014) (229,014) (474,662) (474,662) (474,662) (474,662) 192,185192,185 192,185 192,185 421,199421,199 421,199 421,199 - $$ $ $ 3,558,000 3,558,000 -$ $ --- - $$ 3,558,000 -$ --- 421,199 421,199 895,861 895,861 (229,014) (229,014) (474,662) (474,662) 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 192,185 192,185 421,199 421,199 - 61,500 ----61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 At 1 January At 1 January Total reserves TotalTotal Total reserves reserves reserves Issue of additional Issue shares of additional - at a premium shares - at a premium At 31 DecemberAt 31 December Nature and Nature purpose Nature Nature and purpose and of and reserves purpose purpose of reserves ofofreserves reserves 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 253,685253,685 253,685 253,685 482,699482,699 482,699 482,699 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 Total reserves Total reserves Foreign currency Foreign Foreign Foreign currency translation currency currency translation reserve translation translation reserve reserve reserve 253,685 253,685 482,699 482,699 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 Foreign currency Foreign Foreign Foreign currency translation currency currency translation reserve translation translation is reserve used reserve reserve to is used record isisused to used exchange record totorecord record exchange differences exchange exchange differences arising differences differences from arising arising the arising from translation from the fromtranslation the the oftranslation translation the financial of the ofoffinancial the statements thefinancial financial statements of statements statements foreign of subsidiary. foreign ofofforeign foreign subsidiary. Itsubsidiary. is subsidiary. It is ItItisis Nature and purpose of reserves Nature and purpose of reserves Nature and purpose of reserves also used also to also used record alsoused to used the record toto effect record record theofeffect the hedging the effect effect of hedging net ofofhedging investments hedging net investments net netinvestments ininvestments foreign in operations. foreign ininforeign foreign operations. operations. operations. Foreign currencyForeign translation currency reserve translation reserve Share premium Share Share Share premium reserve premium premium reserve reserve reserve Foreign currency translation reserve Foreign currency Foreign translation currency reserve translation is used to reserve record is exchange used to record differences exchange arising differences from thearising translation from of the the translation financial statements of the financial of foreign statements subsidiary. of foreign It is subsidiary. It The share The premium The share Theshare share premium reserve premium premium arises reserve reserve reserve from arises the arises arises from issue from the from of issue shares the theissue issue ofat shares of aof premium. shares shares at a at premium. ata apremium. premium. Foreign currency is used to record exchange also used to record also the used effect to record oftranslation hedging the effect netreserve investments of hedging net in foreign investments operations. in foreign differences operations. arising from the translation of the financial statements of foreign subsidiary. It is also used to record the effect of hedging net investments in foreign operations. Share premium reserve Share premium reserve The share premium The reserve share premium arises from reserve the arises issue of from shares the at issue a premium. of shares at a premium. Share premium reserve The share premium reserve arises from the issue of shares at a premium. 29 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED (FIJI) and LIMITED Subsidiary and Subsidiary company company COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED (FIJI) and LIMITED Subsidiary and Subsidiary company company COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED (FIJI) and LIMITED Subsidiary and DECEMBER Subsidiary company company THE YEAR ENDED 31 2014 NOTES TOFOR NOTES THE CONSOLIDATED TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued continued NOTES TO NOTES THE CONSOLIDATED TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued NOTES NOTES THETHE CONSOLIDATED TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued continued continued OR THETO YEAR FOR ENDED YEAR 31 ENDED DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 2014FINANCIAL 2014 STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR FOR ENDED THE YEAR 31 ENDED DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 FOR THE YEAR FOR THE ENDED YEAR 31 ENDED DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 2. EXPENDITURE 22. COMMITMENTS EXPENDITURE COMMITMENTS 2. 2. EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE 22. COMMITMENTS COMMITMENTS EXPENDITURE COMMITMENTS 2. EXPENDITURE 22. COMMITMENTS EXPENDITURE COMMITMENTS (a) Capital expenditure (a) Capital commitments expenditure commitments (a) (a) Capital Capital expenditure expenditure (a) Capital commitments commitments expenditure commitments (a) Capital expenditure (a) Capital commitments expenditure commitments (b) Finance lease (b) commitments Finance lease commitments (b) (b) Finance Finance lease lease (b) commitments commitments Finance lease commitments (b) Finance lease (b) commitments Finance lease commitments Future commitments Future in commitments respect of finance in respect lease ofare finance as follows: lease are as follows: Future Future commitments commitments Future in in commitments respect respect of of finance finance in respect lease lease ofare are finance as as follows: follows: lease are as follows: Future commitments Future in commitments respect of finance in respect lease ofare finance as follows: lease are as follows: Within one year Within one year Within Within one one year year Within one year Within one year Within one year Total minimumTotal leaseminimum paymentslease payments Total Total minimum minimum Total lease leaseminimum payments payments lease payments Deduct future Deduct finance future charges finance charges Total minimum Total leaseminimum payments lease payments Deduct Deduct future future finance Deduct finance charges future charges finance charges Deduct future Deduct finance future charges finance charges Present value of Present minimum value lease of minimum payments lease payments Present Present value value of of Present minimum minimum value lease lease of minimum payments paymentslease payments Present value of Present minimum value lease of minimum paymentslease payments Analyzed as: Analyzed as: Analyzed Analyzed as: as: Analyzed as: Current Current Analyzed as: Analyzed as: Current Current Current Current Current Group Group Group Group Group 2014 2014 2013 Group Group 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 $ $ $ 2013 2014 2014 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $517,575517,575 - 517,575 517,575-517,575-- -517,575517,575- - 52,952 52,952 52,952 52,952 52,952 52,952 52,952 (4,440) 52,952 (4,440) (4,440) (4,440) 48,512 48,512 48,512 48,512 48,512 48,512 48,512 48,512 133,083 133,083 133,083 133,083 52,952 52,952 52,952 52,952 52,952 (4,440) 52,952 (4,440) (4,440) 48,512 48,512 48,512 48,512 48,512 48,512 133,083 133,083 133,083 Holding Company Holding Company Holding Company Company 2013 2014Holding 2014Holding 2013 Company Holding Company Holding Company2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 $ $ $ $ $ 2013 2014 2014 2013 2013 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ -$ 517,575 517,575 - 517,575 517,575 -517,575-- 517,575 517,575- ------ -- --- 52,952 52,952 52,952 52,952 52,952 52,952 52,952 (4,440) 52,952 (4,440) (4,440) (4,440) -48,512 -48,512 48,512 -48,512 -- -- - 48,512 - 48,512 48,512 - 133,083 -48,512 133,083 133,083 133,083 - 52,952 52,952 52,952 52,952 52,952 (4,440) 52,952 (4,440) (4,440) 48,512 48,512 48,512 48,512 48,512 48,512 133,083 133,083 133,083 - -------- ---- ---- -- (c) Operating(c) leaseOperating commitments lease commitments (c) (c) Operating Operating(c) lease leaseOperating commitments commitments lease commitments (c) Operating(c) leaseOperating commitments lease commitments Future commitments Future in commitments respect of operating in respectlease of operating are as follows: lease are as follows: Future Future commitments commitments Future in in commitments respect respect of of operating operating in respect lease lease of operating are are as as follows: follows: lease are as follows: Future commitments Future in commitments respect of operating in respectlease of operating are as follows: lease are as follows: Within one year Within one year 146,114 146,114 558,615 558,615 146,114 146,114 146,114 Within Within one one year year Within one year 146,114 146,114 146,114 558,615 558,615 558,615 146,114 146,114 146,114 146,114 146,114 After After but not one more year than but not fivemore yearsthan five years 586,788 586,788 586,788 586,788 586,788 586,788 586,788 Withinone oneyear year Within one year 146,114 146,114 558,615 558,615 146,114 146,114 146,114 After After one one year year After but but not not one more more year than than but not five five more years years than five years 586,788 586,788 586,788 586,788 586,788 586,788 586,788 586,788 586,788 586,788 586,788 More five More years than five than years 484,052 484,052 621,764 621,764 484,052 484,052 621,764 Afterthan one year After but not onemore year but not fivemore yearsthan five years 586,788 586,788 586,788 586,788 586,788 586,788 586,788 More More than than five five More years yearsthan five years 484,052 484,052 484,052 621,764 621,764 621,764 484,052 484,052 484,052 621,764 621,764 More thanlease fiveMinimum More yearsthanlease five payments years 484,052 484,052 621,764 621,764 484,052 484,052 621,764 Minimum payments 1,216,954 1,216,954 1,767,167 1,767,167 1,216,954 1,216,954 1,354,666 Minimum Minimum lease lease Minimum payments paymentslease payments 1,216,954 1,216,954 1,216,954 1,767,167 1,767,167 1,767,167 1,216,954 1,216,954 1,216,954 1,354,666 1,354,666 Minimum lease Minimum paymentslease payments 1,216,954 1,216,954 1,767,167 1,767,167 1,216,954 1,216,954 1,354,666 The group has The lease group agreements has lease foragreements office space. forThe office annual space. lease Therentals annualare lease recognized rentals are as an recognized expense as in the an expense current year. in the current year. group hasgroup lease agreements forspace. office space. The annual lease rentals are an expense the current year. The The The group group has has The lease lease agreements agreements has lease for foragreements office office space. forThe The office annual annual space. lease lease The rentals rentals annual are are lease recognized recognized rentals are as asrecognized an an recognized expense expense as as in in the the an expense current current year. year. inin the current year. The group has The lease group agreements has lease foragreements office space. forThe office annual space. lease Therentals annualare lease recognized rentals are as an recognized expense as in the an expense current year. in the current year. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3. CONTINGENT 23. LIABILITIES CONTINGENT LIABILITIES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3. 3. CONTINGENT CONTINGENT 23. LIABILITIES LIABILITIES CONTINGENT LIABILITIES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 23. LIABILITIES 3. CONTINGENT CONTINGENT LIABILITIES Fiji Electricity Authority Fiji Electricity Authority 8,660 8,660 8,660 8,660 8,660 8,660 8,660 Fiji Fiji Electricity Electricity Authority Authority Fiji Electricity Authority 8,660 8,660 8,660 8,567 8,660 8,660 8,660 8,567 8,660 8,660 8,660 8,567 8,660 8,660 Telecom Fiji Limited Telecom Fiji Limited 8,567 8,567 8,567 8,567 Fiji Electricity Authority Fiji Electricity Authority 8,660 8,660 8,660 8,660 8,660 8,660 8,660 Telecom Fiji Limited 8,567 8,567 8,567 8,567 8,567 8,567 Telecom Fiji Limited 8,567 Telecom Fiji Limited Telecom Fiji Limited 8,567 8,567 8,567 8,567 8,567 8,567 8,567 17,227 17,22717,227 17,22717,227 17,22717,227 17,22717,227 17,22717,227 17,22717,227 17,227 17,227 17,22717,227 17,22717,227 17,22717,227 146,114 146,114 586,788 146,114 586,788 621,764 586,788 621,764 621,764 1,354,666 1,354,666 1,354,666 $ $ $ 8,660 8,660 8,567 8,660 8,567 8,567 17,227 17,227 17,227 4. RELATED 24. PARTY RELATED DISCLOSURES PARTY DISCLOSURES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4. 4. RELATED RELATED 24. PARTY PARTY RELATED DISCLOSURES DISCLOSURES PARTY DISCLOSURES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4. RELATED 24. PARTY RELATED DISCLOSURES PARTY DISCLOSURES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (a) Directors (a) Directors (a) (a) Directors Directors (a) Directors (a) Directors (a) Directors Directors at anytime Directors during at anytime the yearduring were as thefollows: year were as follows: Directors Directors at at anytime anytime Directors during during at anytime the the year year during were were as as the follows: follows: year wereShaenaz as follows: Mathew Wilson, Mathew William Wilson, Parkinson, William Pramesh Parkinson, Sharma Pramesh and Sharma Voss. and Shaenaz Voss. Directors at anytime Directors during at anytime the year during were as the follows: year were as follows: Mathew Mathew Wilson, Wilson,Mathew William WilliamWilson, Parkinson, Parkinson, William Pramesh Pramesh Parkinson, Sharma Sharma Pramesh and and Shaenaz Shaenaz SharmaVoss. Voss. and Shaenaz Voss. Mathew Wilson,Mathew WilliamWilson, Parkinson, William Pramesh Parkinson, Sharma Pramesh and Shaenaz SharmaVoss. and Shaenaz Voss. Ownership interest Ownership interest Ownership interest Ownership interest (b) Ownership(b) interest Ownership in related interest parties in related parties Ownership Ownership interest interest Ownership interest Ownership Ownership interest interest Ownership interest (b) (b) Ownership Ownership(b) interest interest Ownership in in related related interest parties parties in related parties Ownership interest Ownership interest Ownership interest Ownership (b) PNG Ownership (b) interest Ownership in related interest parties in related parties FM Limited PNG FM Limited 100% 100% 100% interest 100% PNG PNG FM FM Limited Limited PNG FM Limited 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Total Event Company Total Event Limited Company Limited 100% 100% 100% PNG FM Limited PNG FM Limited 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% ----------Total Total Event Event Company Company Total Event Limited Limited Company Limited 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 231 Holdings 231 Limited HoldingsLimited Limited 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 100% 50% 50% TotalWaimanu Event Company TotalWaimanu Event Limited Company 100% 100% 100% 231 231 Waimanu Waimanu Holdings Holdings 231 Waimanu Limited Limited Holdings Limited 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Paradise Cinemas Paradise (PNG) Cinemas Limited (PNG) Limited Limited 41.7% 41.7% 36.0% 231 Waimanu Holdings 231 Waimanu Limited Holdings 50% 50% 36.0% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Paradise Paradise Cinemas Cinemas Paradise (PNG) (PNG)Cinemas Limited Limited (PNG) Limited 41.7% 41.7% 41.7% 36.0% 36.0% 36.0% --Paradise Cinemas Paradise (PNG)Cinemas Limited (PNG) Limited 41.7% 41.7% 36.0% 36.0% (c) The following (c) related The following party transactions related partyoccurred transactions during occurred the financial during year: the financial year: (c) (c) The The following following (c) related related The following party party transactions transactions related party occurred occurred transactions during during occurred the the financial financial during year: year: the financial year: (c) The (c) related The following party transactions related occurred transactions during the financial during the financial year: (i) following (i)with Transactions Transactions consolidated withparty subsidiary consolidated - PNG subsidiary FMoccurred Limited - PNG FMyear: Limited $ $ $ $ (i) (i) Transactions (i)with Transactions consolidated with subsidiary consolidated PNG subsidiary FM Limited PNG FM $ $ $ $ $ $ (i) Transactions (i)with Transactions consolidated withsubsidiary consolidated - PNG subsidiary FM Limited - PNG FM Limited Limited $ $ $ $ Costs incurred Costs on behalf incurred of the onsubsidiary behalf of the and subsidiary recovered and recovered 250,500 250,500 216,702 216,702 Costs Costs incurred incurred Costs on on behalf behalf incurred of of the the onsubsidiary subsidiary behalf of and the and subsidiary recovered recovered and recovered 250,500 250,500 250,500 216,702 216,702 216,702 Management fees Management fees 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 Costs incurred Costs on behalf incurred of the onsubsidiary behalf of the and subsidiary recovered and recovered 250,500 250,500 216,702 216,702 Management Management fees fees Management fees 36,000 36,000 36,00036,000 36,000 36,000 Management fees Management fees 36,000 36,00036,000 36,000 Transactions 231 Waimanu with Rd 231Holdings Waimanu Limited Rd Holdings Limited $ $ $ $ (ii) Transactions (ii)with Transactions 231 with 231 Holdings Waimanu Limited Rd $ $ $ $ $ $ (ii) (ii) Transactions (ii)with (ii) Transactions (ii)with Transactions 231 Waimanu Waimanu with Rd Rd 231 Holdings Waimanu Limited Rd Holdings Holdings Limited Limited $ $ $ $ Rental of officeRental and studio of office space and studio space 338,142 338,142 137,712 137,712 Rental Rental of of office office Rental and and studio studio of office space space and studio space 338,142 338,142 338,142 137,712 137,712 137,712 Dividends received Dividends received 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Rental of office Rental and studio of office space and studio space 338,142 338,142 137,712 137,712 Dividends Dividends received received Dividends received 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Dividends received Dividends received 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Related party transactions Related partyare transactions at normal commercial are at normal terms commercial and conditions. terms and conditions. Related Related party party transactions transactions Related party are are transactions at at normal normal commercial commercial are at normal terms terms commercial and and conditions. conditions. terms and conditions. Related party transactions at normal commercial terms and conditions. Related partyare transactions are at normal commercial terms and conditions. 30 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company NOTES TO THE(FIJI) CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued OMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and LIMITED Subsidiary and company Subsidiary company THE YEAR ENDED FINANCIAL 31 DECEMBER 2014 NOTES TO FOR THE NOTES CONSOLIDATED TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued continued OR THE YEAR FOR ENDED THE YEAR 31 DECEMBER ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 Group COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company Group 2014 2014 2013 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued $ $ $ FOR (d) THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 (d) Compensation of Compensation key management of keypersonnel management personnel DISCLOSURES PARTYcontinued DISCLOSURES continued 4. RELATED PARTY 24. RELATED Short-term employee Short-term benefits employee benefits Superannuation Superannuation contribution contribution PARTY DISCLOSURES continued 24. RELATED (d) Compensation of key management personnel (e) Owings from (e) related Owings entities from related entities Short-term employee benefits Paradise Cinemas Paradise (PNG) Cinemas Limited (PNG) Limited Superannuation contribution PNG FM LimitedPNG FM Limited (e) Owings from related entities (f) (Receivables)/owing (f) (Receivables)/owing to related entity to related entity Paradise Cinemas (PNG) Limited PNG FM LimitedPNG FM Limited 399,618 31,969 431,587 $ 370,573 370,573 $ - (g) Directors' interests (g) Directors' in an employee-share interests intoanrelated employee-share incentive plan incentive plan (f) (Receivables)/owing entity (g) Directors’ interests in an employee-share incentive plan 399,618 479,357 Group 31,969 38,349 2014 517,706 $431,587 Holding Company Holding Company 2013 2014 2014 2013 2013 $ $ $ $ $ 479,357 296,161 38,349 23,693 2013 319,854 $517,706 296,161 293,460 Holding Company 293,460 23,693 23,477 23,477 2014 2013 316,937 $319,854 $316,937 $ $ 399,618 370,573 299,473 31,969 431,587 370,573 299,473 $ $ $ 370,573 - $ $ 479,357 299,473 38,349 - 431,569 517,706 299,473 431,569 $ $ $ 299,473 -(161,979) $ $ 296,161 23,693 431,569 429,309 319,854 431,569 429,309 $ $ $ (161,979) 252,703 431,569 $ 293,460 23,477 429,309 316,937 429,309 $ $ 252,703 429,309 $ $ $ $ 370,573 - -(161,979) 299,473 (161,979) 252,703 431,569 No share options No share options granted have tobeen staff, granted executives to staff, andstaff, executives the non-executive and the members non-executive of themembers Board of of Directors the Board under of- Directors this scheme. under this scheme. PNG FM been Limited (161,979) Nohave share options have been granted to executives and the non-executive members of the Board of Directors under this scheme. - 5. COMPANY25. DETAILS COMPANY DETAILS - (161,979) 252,703 429,309 252,703 252,703 (g) Directors' interests in an employee-share incentive plan 25. COMPANY DETAILS (a) Company incorporation (a) Company incorporation No share options have been granted to staff, executives and the non-executive members of the Board of Directors under this scheme. (a) Company incorporation The legal form of The the legal company form ofisthe a public company company, is a public domiciled company, and incorporated domiciled and in incorporated the Republic in of the Fiji under Republic theofCompanies Fiji under the Act,Companies 1983. Act, 1983. The legal form of the company is a public company, domiciled and incorporated in the Republic of Fiji under the Companies DETAILS 25. COMPANY Act, 1983. (b) Registered (b) office/Company Registered office/Company operation operation The company's operations company's andoperations registered and office registered is located office at 231 is located Waimanu at Road, 231 Waimanu Suva while Road, the Suva subsidiary while the is insubsidiary Papua New is Guinea. in PapuaThe New associate Guinea. The associate (a) The Company incorporation (b) Registered office/Company operation company namely company 231 Waimanu namely Rd 231 Holdings Waimanu Limited Rd Holdings operateLimited from 231 operate Waimanu fromRoad, 231 Waimanu Suva. Road, Suva. The legal form of the company is a public company, domiciled and incorporated in the Republic of Fiji under the Companies Act, 1983. The company’s operations and registered office is located at 231 Waimanu Road, Suva while the subsidiary is in Papua New (c) Number of (c) employees Number employees Guinea.ofThe associate company namely 231 Waimanu Rd Holdings Limited operate from 231 Waimanu Road, Suva. (b) Registered office/Company operation As at balance date, As atthe balance company date,employed the company a total employed of 125 employees a total of 125 (Group: employees 254 employees (Group: 254 - 2013: employees 164 employees). - 2013: 164 employees). The company's operations and registered office is located at 231 Waimanu Road, Suva while the subsidiary is in Papua New Guinea. The associate (c) Number of employees company namely 231 Waimanu Rd Holdings Limited operate from 231 Waimanu Road, Suva. 6. FINANCIAL RISKFINANCIAL MANAGEMENT RISK OBJECTIVES MANAGEMENT AND OBJECTIVES POLICIESemployed AND POLICIES 26. As at balance date, the company a total of 125 employees (Group: 254 employees - 2013: 164 employees). (c) Number of employees The group's principal The group's financial principal liabilities financial comprises liabilities bankcomprises overdrafts, bank finance overdrafts, leases, finance hire purchase leases,contracts, hire purchase trade contracts, payables trade and loans. payables The and mainloans. purpose Theof main purpose o 26. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES atis balance date, company employed total of operations. 125 employees (Group: 254 employees employees). these financial liabilities theseAsfinancial to raise liabilities finance isthe to for raise the finance group's for operations. thea group's The group has various The group financial has various assets financial such -as2013: assets trade 164 receivables such as trade andreceivables cash , which and arise cash , which arise itsdirectly The group’s principal financial liabilities comprises bank overdrafts, finance leases, hire purchase contracts, trade payables and directly from operations. from its operations. MANAGEMENT ANDliabilities POLICIES is to raise finance for the group’s operations. The group has various financial 26. FINANCIAL loans. TheRISK main purpose of OBJECTIVES these financial The main risk arising The main from riskthe arising company's from the financial company's statements financial arestatements interest rate areand interest credit rate risk. and Thecredit Boardrisk. of Directors The Boardreviews of Directors and agrees reviews policies and agrees for policies fo assets such as trade receivables and cash , which arise directly from its operations. group's principal financial liabilities comprises bank overdrafts, finance leases, hire purchase contracts, trade payables and loans. The main purpose o managing each The managing of these risks each which of these are risks summarized which are below. summarized below. these financial liabilities is to raise finance for the group's operations. The group has various financial assets such as trade receivables and cash , which arise risk The main arising from the company’s financial statements are interest rate and credit risk. The Board of Directors reviews Interest rate Interest raterisk risk directly from its operations. and agrees policies for managing each ofin these risks which are summarized below. The group's exposure The group's to theexposure risk of changes to the risk in market of changes interest market rates relates interestprimarily rates relates to theprimarily group's to long-term the group's debtlong-term obligationsdebt withobligations floating interest with floating rates. interest rates The isgroup's main risk arising the financial statements are interest raterate anddebts. credit risk. The Board of Directors reviews and agrees policies fo The group's policy The to manage policy itsisinterest tofrom manage costcompany's itsusing interest a mix cost of fixed using and a mix variable of fixed rate and debts. variable managing each risk of these risks which are summarized below. Interest rate The following sensitivity The following analysis sensitivity is based analysis on theisinterest based on rate the risk interest exposures rate in risk existence exposures at in the existence balance date: at the balance date: 2014 2013 The group’s exposure to the risk of changes in market interest rates relates primarily to the group’s long-term debt obligations Increase / Increase / with floating interest rates. The group’s policy is to manage its interest cost using a mix of fixed variable rate Effectand on profit Effect on debts. profit (decrease) in (decrease) in Interest rate risk The group's exposure to the risk of changes in market interest rates relates primarily to the group's long-term debt obligations with floating interest rates before tax interest rate interestbefore rate tax The group's policy is to manage its interest cost using a mix of fixed and variable rate debts. The following sensitivity analysis is based on the interest rate risk exposures in existence at the balance date: $ $ The following sensitivity analysis is based on the interest rate risk exposures in existence at the balance date: +10% +10% 2014 (16,768) (16,768) Increase -10% -10% / 16,768 16,768 Effect on profit (decrease) in tax interest +10% +10%rate (11,536) before(11,536) 2013 -10% 2014 -10% +10% -10% +10% -10% 2013 31 11,536 $ 11,536 (16,768) 16,768 (11,536) 11,536 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary company NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI)RISK LIMITED (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiary and Subsidiary company 26. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES AND company POLICIES continued NOTES TO NOTES THE CONSOLIDATED TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS continued COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED and Subsidiarycontinued company Foreign currency risk 31 DECEMBER OR THEFOR YEAR THE ENDED YEAR 31 ENDED DECEMBER 2014 2014 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS continued The group has an investment in Papua New Guinea. The movement in the Kina/Fiji dollar exchange rates are recorded in equity and FOR THE YEARonENDED DECEMBER 2014 will be realized disposal31 of the investment. 6. FINANCIAL 26. RISK FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT RISK MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES AND continued POLICIES continued Foreign currency Foreign risk currency risk 26. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES continued The group has transactional currency exposures. Such exposures arises from purchases by the group in currencies other than Fijian The group has TheForeign an group investment has an investment inrisk Papua New in Papua Guinea.New TheGuinea. movement The in movement the Kina/Fiji in the dollar Kina/Fiji exchange dollarrates exchange are recorded rates arein recorded equity and in equity will be and realized will be on realized on currency dollars. disposal of the disposal investment. of the investment. The group has an investment in Papua New Guinea. The movement in the Kina/Fiji dollar exchange rates are recorded in equity and will be realized on The group has Thetransactional group transactional currency exposures. currency Such exposures. exposures Sucharises exposures from arises purchases fromby purchases the group byinthe currencies group inother currencies than Fijian otherdollars. than Fijian dollars. Credit riskhas disposal of the investment. isThe the group’s that allcurrency customers who wish trade onarises creditfrom terms are subject creditin verification procedures. addition, group haspolicy transactional exposures. Suchtoexposures purchases by thetogroup currencies other than FijianIn dollars. Credit risk It Credit risk receivable balances are onwho anwish ongoing basis with the result thatverification the group’s exposure bad debts is notbalances significant. It is the group's It isCredit the policy group's that all policy customers that monitored all who customers wish to trade on to credit trade terms on credit are subject terms are to credit subject to credit verification procedures. procedures. Into addition, In receivable addition, receivable arebalances are risk There are no significant concentrations of credit risk within the group. monitored on monitored an ongoing on an basis ongoing with the basis result withthat the the result group's that the exposure group'stoexposure bad debts to isbad notdebts significant. is not significant. There are no There significant are no concentrations significant concentrations of credit of credit It is the group's policy that all customers who wish to trade on credit terms are subject to credit verification procedures. In addition, receivable balances are risk within the riskgroup. within the group. monitored on an ongoing basis with the result that the group's exposure to bad debts is not significant. There are no significant concentrations of credi Liquidity risk risk within Liquidity riskLiquidity risk the group. The table below summarizes the maturity profile of the Group’s liabilities at 31 December based on contractual undiscounted The table below TheLiquidity table summarizes below the maturitythe profile maturity of the profile Group's of the liabilities Group's at liabilities 31 December at 31based December on contractual based on contractual undiscounted undiscounted payments: payments: risk summarizes payments: The table below summarizes the maturity profile of the Group's liabilities at 31 December based on contractual undiscounted payments: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 31 December 312014 December 2014 Total Total On demand On demand< 1 year < 1 year 1 - 5 years 1 - 5 years> 5 years > 5 years $ $ $ $ Interest-bearing Interest-bearing borrowings 1,864,044 1,864,044 189,567 On189,567 1,073,360 31 Decemberborrowings 2014 Total demand 601,117 <601,117 1 year 1,073,360 1 - 5 years > 5 years Trade and other Tradepayables and other payables 1,111,611 1,111,611 187,990 187,990 923,621 923,621 Interest-bearing borrowings 1,864,044 189,567 601,117 1,073,360 3,108,737 3,108,737 377,557 377,557 1,573,249 1,573,249 1,157,931 1,157,931 - 1,524,738 1,073,360 2,975,655 Trade and other payables 1,111,611 187,990 923,621 3,108,737 377,557 1,573,249 1,157,931 31 December 312013 December 2013 Total Total On demand On demand< 1 year < 1 year 1 - 5 years 1 - 5 years> 5 years > 5 years Interest-bearing Interest-bearing borrowings 31 Decemberborrowings 2013 Trade and other Tradepayables and other payables Interest-bearing borrowings Trade and other payables 1,872,891 1,872,891 103,711 On103,711 1,021,204 Total demand 376,778 <376,778 1 year 1,021,204 1 - 5 years 371,198 > 371,198 5 years 1,304,025 1,304,025 267,620 267,6201,036,405 1,036,405 1,872,891 103,711 376,778 1,021,204 371,198 3,176,916 3,176,916 371,331 371,331 1,413,183 1,413,183 1,021,204 1,021,204 371,198 371,198 1,304,025 267,620 1,036,405 3,176,916 371,331 1,413,183 1,021,204 371,198 Capital management Capital management Capital management The primaryThe The objective primary ofobjective the group's of of the capital group's management capital management is to ensureisthat to ensure itismaintains that ita maintains strong a strong ratingcredit arating healthy andcapital arating healthy ratio capital in aorder ratio to support incapital order to support primary objective the group’s capital management to ensure that itcredit maintains aand strong credit and healthy Capital management its businessratio its and business maximize andshareholder maximize shareholder value. value. in order to support its business and maximize shareholder value. The primary objective of the group's capital management is to ensure that it maintains a strong credit rating and a healthy capital ratio in order to suppor The group manages Theits group itsmanages capital its capitaland structure makes adjustments and makes adjustments to it, in lighttoofit,changes in light of in economic changes inconditions. economic To conditions. maintainTo or maintain adjust the orcapital adjust structure, the capital structure, business andstructure maximize shareholder value. The groupmay manages its capital structure and makescapital adjustments to to it, shareholders inorlight changes inNoeconomic conditions. maintain the group may the adjust group the dividend adjust the payment dividend to payment shareholders, to shareholders, return return to shareholders capital issueofnew orshares. issue new changes shares. No were changes made were in To themade objectives, in theorobjectives, The group manages its capital structure and makes adjustments to it, in light of changes in economic conditions. To maintain or adjust the capital structure polices or processes polices the orduring processes the structure, year during 31the December yeargroup 312013 December and 31 2013 December and 312014. December 2014. adjust capital the may adjust the dividend payment to shareholders, return capital to shareholders or issue new the group may adjust the dividend payment to shareholders, return capital to shareholders or issue new shares. No changes were made in the objectives shares. Noorchanges were made in the objectives,2013 polices or processes during the year 31 December 2013 and 31 December 2014. processes the 31 December anddebt 31 December The group monitors Thepolices group capital monitors usingcapital a during gearing using ratio, ayear gearing which ratio, is netwhich debt is divided net by total divided capital by2014. total plus capital debt. The plusgroup's debt. The policy group's is to policy keep the is to gearing keep the ratio gearing below ratio below 40%. The group 40%. includes The group netincludes debt, interest-bearing net debt, interest-bearing borrowings,borrowings, trade and other tradepayables and other less payables cash and less cash cash equivalents, and cash equivalents, excluding discounted excluding discounted operations. operations. The group monitorscapital capital using using aa gearing ratio, which is net debtdebt divided by total capitalcapital plus debt. The group's policy is to keepisthe The group monitors gearing is of net divided byunrealized total plus debt. group’s policy to gearing keep ratio below Capital includes Capital any includes preference any shares, preference equity shares, attributable equity attributable toratio, equitywhich holders to equity the holders parent of less the parent any less anygains unrealized reserve. gainsThe reserve. The ratio groupbelow includes netThe debt, interest-bearing borrowings, trade and otherborrowings, payables lesstrade cash and and cash excluding discounted the40%. gearing 40%. group includes net debt, interest-bearing otherequivalents, payables less cash and cash operations Capital includes any preference shares, equity attributable to equity holders of the parent less any unrealized gains reserve. equivalents, excluding discounted operations. Capital includes any preference shares, equity attributable to equity holders of the parent less any unrealized gains reserve. Interest-bearing Interest-bearing borrowings borrowings Trade and other Tradepayables and other payables Interest-bearing borrowings Less: cash and Less: short cashterm and deposits short term deposits Trade and other payables Net debt Net debt Less: cash and short term deposits Equity Equity Net debt Group Group 2013 2013 2014 Group $ $ $ 2014 2013 1,864,044 1,864,0441,872,891 1,872,891 $ $ 1,111,611 1,111,6111,304,025 1,304,025 1,864,044 1,872,891 (379,585) (379,585)(325,776) (325,776) 1,111,611 1,304,025 2,596,070 2,596,0702,851,140 2,851,140 (379,585) (325,776) 11,115,13511,115,135 10,224,99210,224,992 2,596,070 2,851,140 2014 $ Total capitalTotal capital Equity 11,115,13511,115,135 10,224,99210,224,992 11,115,135 10,224,992 Capital and Capital netTotal debt and net debt capital 13,711,20513,711,205 13,076,13213,076,132 11,115,135 10,224,992 Gearing ratio Gearing ratio Capital and net debt 19% Gearing ratio 7. SUBSEQUENT 27. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS EVENTS 19% 22% 13,711,205 19% 22% 13,076,132 22% There has27. not There arisen hasinnot thearisen interval in the between interval thebetween end of the the financial end of the year financial and the year date and of the thisdate report of any this other reportitem, any other transaction item, transaction or event of or a material event ofand a material and SUBSEQUENT EVENTS 27.unusual SUBSEQUENT EVENTS unusual nature likely, nature in thelikely, opinion in the of the opinion directors, of thetodirectors, affect significantly to affect significantly the operations the of operations the company of the and company the Group, and the the results Group, of thethose results operations of those or operations or There has not arisen in the interval between the end of the financial year and the date of this report any other item, transaction or event of a material and the state ofThere the affairs state ofof the affairs company of the company the Group andas the reported Group the as in reported these financial in these statements. financial statements. has not arisen inand the interval between end of the financial year and the date of this report any other item, transaction or unusual nature likely, in the opinion of the directors, to affect significantly the operations of the company and the Group, the results of those operations o event of a material and unusual nature likely, in the opinion of the directors, to affect significantly the operations of the company the state of affairs of the company and the Group as reported in these financial statements. and the Group, the results of those operations or the state of affairs of the company and the Group as reported in these financial statements. 32 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LIMITED DISCLAIMER ON ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 Disclaimer on additional Information The additional financial information, being the detailed SPSE disclosure requirements and detailed Income Statement has been compiled by the management of Communications (Fiji) Limited. To the extent permitted by law, Ernst & Young does not accept liability for any loss or damage which any person, other than Communications (Fiji) Limited may suffer arising from any negligence on our part. No person should rely on the additional financial information without having an audit or review conducted. 33 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS (FIJI) LTD LISTING REQUIRMENTS OF SOUTH PACIFIC STOCK EXCHANGE (A) Schedule of each class of shares held by Directors and Senior Management under listing rule 6.31(iv) as at 31st December 2014 NamesNo of Shares Parkinson Holdings Ltd 1,881,341 Unit Trust of Fiji (Trustee Company) Ltd 388,627 BSP Life(Fiji) Ltd 275,855 Matt Wilson 112,736 Ian Jackson 14,500 Loretta Jackson 9,500 Adrian Au2,000 Malakai Fredrick Veisamasama 2,000 Doris King 1,500 Charles Taylor 1,500 Ateca Toganivalu 1,000 Vijay Narayan 1,000 Vijay Varma (B) 500 Shareholdings of those persons holding twenty largest blocks of shares under listing rule 6.31(iv) Shareholder Name No. of Shares Total % Holdings 1 Parkinson Holdings Ltd 1,881,341 52.88 2 Unit Trust of Fiji (Trustee Company) Ltd 388,627 10.92 3 BSP Investments (Fiji) Ltd 275,855 7.75 4 JP Bayly Trust 167,333 4.70 5 Matt Wilson 112,736 3.17 6 Deborah Keola Yasmeen Dean 95,262 2.68 7 FHL Trustees Limited ATF Fijiam Holdings Unit Trust 62,000 1.74 8 FijiCare Insurance Ltd 35,000 0.98 9 Lautoka Stevedoring (Fiji) Company Ltd 34,100 0.96 10 Amy Lynn Bergquist 34,000 0.96 11 Aequi-Libria Associates Ltd 26,700 0.75 12 Erik Larson and Karla Larson –Wadd,JTwros 24,400 0.69 13 Ian & Loretta Jackson 24,000 0.67 14 Eta & Radike Qereqeretabua 21,200 0.60 15 Graham Eden 20,891 0.59 16 Reddy’s Enterprises Ltd 20,000 0.56 17 Roland F Schultz 15,000 0.42 18 Nabukeru Village - Apanisa 14,795 0.42 19 Arthur John Reynolds & Julian Reynolds 12,400 0.35 20 Jignesh Chauhan 12,000 0.34 34 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 (C) Disclosure under listing rule 6.31 (viii) PNG FM LTD (PNG)FJD PARADISE CINEMAS (PNG)FJD 231 WAIMANU RD (FIJI) Percentage of Shareholding 100% 41.67% $ $ Turnover 7,268,468 2,691,511 338,142 Other Income 49,975 614,420 9,118 7,318,443 3,305,931 347,260 Depreciation and amortization 423,693 1,044,473 28,454 Interest Expense 60,006 397,797 - Other Expenses 5,623,616 3,652,086 50,674 Income Tax Expense 318,718 - 53,649 6,426,033 5,094,356 132,777 Net Profit/(loss) after Tax 892,410 (1,788,425) 214,483 Total Assets 8,024,090 10,092,385 2,299,217 Total Liabilities 1,439,260 9,349,660 320,036 Shareholders Fund 6,584,830 742,725 1,979,181 (D) Disclosure under Listing Rule 6.31 (ix) There were no contracts existing which had director’s material interest in it. (E) Disclosure under listing Rule 6.31(xii) Summary of key Financial Results for the previous five years (Consolidated) 50% $ 2014 2013 2012 * Restated 2011* Restated 2010 2009 Net Profit After Tax 1,474,957 1,515,009 2,219,621 642,379 1,318,038 1,412,000 Current Assets 3,767,229 3,519,750 4,254,733 2,916,787 2,227,503 1,674,925 Non- Current Assets 10,624,533 10,341,148 10,550,686 9,453,014 8,064,207 7,697,295 Total Assets 14,391,762 13,860,898 14,805,419 12,369,801 10,291,710 9,372,220 Current Liabilities 2,107,726 2,147,768 3,256,048 2,314,050 1,842,070 1,411,133 Non- Current Liabilities 1,168,901 1,488,138 1,581,966 2,652,045 1,592,517 1,954,625 Total Liabilities 3,276,627 3,635,906 4,838,014 4,966,095 3,434,587 3,365,758 Shareholders’ Equity 11,115,135 10,224,992 9,967,405 7,403,706 6,857,123 6,006,462 (F) Disclosure under listing Rule 6.31(xiii)(a) (Consolidated) 2014Cents 2013 Cents Dividend Declared per share 0.13 0.15 Earnings per share 41.45 42.58 62.38 Net tangible assets per share 266.38 240.00 234.00 (G) 2012 cents 0.24 Disclosure under listing Rule 6.31(xiii) (d) Share price during the year (cents per share) 2014 Highest 4.10 Lowest 2.94 On 31st December 2014 4.10 35 2011cents 2010cents 2009cents 0.10 0.08 0.08 24.64 37.04 39.69 160.96 151.62 127.28 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 MINUTES OF THE 29TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Minutes of the Twenty Ninth Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on the 7th of May 2014, at 231 Waimanu Road, at 10.00am. Present: Mr. Matthew Wilson Chairman Mr. William Parkinson Mr Pramesh Sharma Ms. Jyoti Solanki Company Secretary Ms Elenoa Kaloumaira Mr. Steven Pickering (E&Y) Mr. Sikeli Tuinamuana(E&Y) Ms. Krishika Narayan(SPSE) Mrs. Doris Southwick Mrs. Ateca Toganivalu Ms Misau Atalifo Mr. Vijay Narayan Ms. Sufi Dean Mr Charles Taylor Ms. Siale Mr Malakai Vaisamasama Mr. Philip Wilikibau Apologies: Shaenaz Voss Quorum: The Quorum required was met and recorded. Opening of AGM The Chairman welcomed the shareholders and attendees. Note of Thanks by Chairman: Good morning and welcome to this the 29th annual general meeting of Communications Fiji Ltd. By now you will have read reports in the media about the 2013 results as outlined in the annual report, and in a statement to the South Pacific Stock Exchange. I described 2013 as a year of contrast. It was divided into two parts. We began very strongly in the first six months and then Group performance dropped significantly in the last half. The reason for this was a slump in the economy of Papua New Guinea that had a damaging impact on the revenue figures of our subsidiary PNG FM. Commercial activity slowed when the construction phase of the massive Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) project wound down. There was also a shift in commodity prices and a fall in the value of the kina. Many companies felt the combined effect of these developments in terms of reduced income and profit. Management and employees in Fiji held the line well in a very competitive market that showed little growth. Their efforts produced a small increase in profit. You are aware that Group profit for the year was $1,515,009, well down on the record profit for 2012. However, to place the 2013 figure in context, it was the second biggest profit in our history. I am pleased to tell you that so far this year, Fiji is tracking ahead of 2013. This can be attributed to a lift in the economy related to the 2014 elections. There are positive sentiments among consumers and in the commercial community. We look forward to a successful transition to parliamentary rule. This in itself will spur further confidence and create an enhanced business climate. Looking to the future, Fiji, the company’s home, will always be important for the Group. It is a country of enormous unrealized potential. But, as a media company, we are somewhat constrained by ownership restrictions. If we can successfully argue for these to 36 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 be relaxed somewhat, the outlook here will improve. PNG FM is central to our vision for expansion. Papua New Guinea is a new economic and business frontier. It has rich natural resources, a large population by Pacific Island standards and a relatively substantial landmass. It is strategically located as a bridge between Asia and the Pacific. This is our twentieth year of operation in PNG and we are therefore familiar with the cyclical nature of the national patterns of growth. The current cycle is still holding back our performance. We do not expect a significant increase in profit this year. However, there are indications and forecasts that conditions next year will produce a surge in business. Our priority is to ensure PNG FM is ready for that. The company has tripled in size in the last four years and, naturally, challenges have come with that rate of growth. We are continuing to invest in reorganisation and restructuring to address the transformation. Internal controls are now tighter and financial management is centralized through head office in Suva, with the assistance of IT and banking technology. This is working well. The board had its first meeting in Port Moresby last month. This gave your directors an opportunity to hear from the PNG FM team leaders and other executives. We were very impressed with their levels of talent, their vision and closeness to the market. The directors were shown around the first Paradise Cinemas complex and a second one at Waigani to cater to a different market. We hold a third shareholding in this venture. The visit to Port Moresby was very productive. The CFM Group has the most talented and experienced pool of broadcast professionals in the Pacific. For some time we have been drawing on the skills of executives in Suva - especially in accounting, creative and engineering - to provide short-term hands-on assistance for the development of the PNG enterprise. We are now taking this policy of support to a new level with the appointment of Charles Taylor, a versatile and highly experienced manager from head office, as deputy general manager in Papua New Guinea. Charles will work very closely with PNG FM team leaders to help them fine-tune the organizational framework and systems and deliver results to budget. He should be in place by June for an initial term of two years. This appointment will free up the general manager, Adrian Au, to spend more time on overall supervision, especially on financial management in close collaboration with the Group Financial Controller, Jyoti Solanki. Shareholders will obviously have noticed the rise and rise of the CFM share price. This is a testament to the hard work, skill and determination of many people and to the confidence of the market. We will shortly be asking you to formalize the payment of a third interim dividend of five cents per share, bringing the final dividend for 2013 to 15 cents per share. I thank my fellow directors for their contributions to the work of the board during the year and express our appreciation for the support of you, the shareholders. Confirmation of Minutes: The Minutes of the twenty eighth Annual General Meeting held on the 26th of April 2013 were read and approved. The motion to adopt the minutes was moved by Mr Vijay Narayan and seconded by Ms. Sufi Dean and approved unanimously. Matters arising from the Minutes: No Matters Arising Audited Accounts: The Chairman went through Audited Financials page by page and highlighted on major information and disclosures. Auditors were present to answer any technical questions raised by shareholders, however, there were no major issue or questions were asked by shareholders. 37 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 The Audited Balance Sheet, Profit and loss and Directors reports were received and adopted. The motion was moved by Pramesh Sharma and seconded by Ms. Elenoa. Election of Director: Mr Matt Wilson was only director due for re-appointment under article 108 of Article of Association of the company. At this stage Mr Matt Wilson stepped aside as the chairman while William Parkinson assumed the role and moved the motion of his re-appointment. Pramesh Sharma seconded his motion and all the present shareholders approved unanimously. Appointment of Auditors: The meeting resolved to re appoint M/s Ernst & Young as auditors. The motion was proposed by Mr. Malakai Vaisamasama, seconded by Mr. Pramesh Sharma. Dividends: The meeting noted that a 3rd Interim Dividend of $177,900 (5cents per share) has been adopted as the final Dividend for the year 2013. The motion was moved by Ms. Sufi Dean, seconded by Mr. Malakai Vaisamasama and adopted unanimously. Other Matters: William Parkinson clarified about some publicity about the sale of Dominion Insurance. Since Dominion Insurance owns other 50% in 231 Waimanu Rd he will get some clarification on the deal and if required market announcement will be made in near future. Vote of Thanks: Pramesh Sharma thanked the CFL & PNGFM management team for the continuing strong performance in 2014. There being no other business Chairman Mr. Matt Wilson closed the meeting at 10.30 am. Approved ………………………. Chairman 38 CFL 2014 FINAL EVENT COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Fiji’s Biggest Night Out – The Annual Fiji Street Party 39 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COMMUNICATIONS FIJI LTD Private Mail Bag, Suva, Fiji. Phone: 3 314 766 e-mail: Fax: 3 303 748 APPOINTMENT OF PROXY THE COMPANY SECRETARY, I/We__________________________________________of ___________________________________________________________ being a member of Communications Fiji Limited, hereby appoint, _____________________________________________of ____________________________________________________________ or failing him/her ______________________________of _____________________________________________________________ as my/our proxy, to vote for me/us and on my/our behalf at the Annual General Meeting of Communications Fiji Limited to be held on 12th of May, 2015 and at any adjournment thereof Signed this ____________________________________________day of _____________________________________________2015 Signature of Member: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Member: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Witness: __________________________________________________________________________________________ In case of a body corporate, this form should be under its Seal or be signed by an Officer or an Attorney duly authorized by it. This form is to be used in favour of/against* the resolution. *Strike out which ever is not applicable. Unless otherwise instructed, the proxy may vote as he/she thinks fit. This proxy form, to be effective, must reach the registered office of the Company, 231 Waimanu Road, Suva, no less than 48 hours before the time of holding the meeting. 40 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 41 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 42 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 43 COMMUNICATION FIJI LIMTED ANNUAL REPORT 2014 CFL: FM96, Legend FM, Navtarang, Radio Sargam, Viti FM, Total Event Company, & CFL CinemADs, PNG FM: Nau FM, Yumi FM, Legend FM, Total Event Company, & CinemADs PNG Paradise Cinemas LTD 231 Waimanu Rd LTD 44