Hector and Alicia Zubrzycki (INTA. Bella Vista. Corrientes) for assistance in locating affected groves and for help in collecting samples. The technical assistance of Mary H. Collins , Neil L. Berger and Denise Fardelmann is gratefuUy 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. Brlansky, R. H., L. W. Tirnmer, R. F. Lee and J. H. Graham. 1984. Relatíonship of xylern plugging to water uptake in citrus affected by citrus blight. Phytopathology (submitted). Cohen, M., R. R. Pelo si and R. H. Brlansky. 1983. Nature and location of xylem blockage structures in trees with citrus blight. Phy topathology 73: 1.125-1.130. Fischer, H. U., L. W. Tirnmer and G. W. MüJler. 1983. Comparison of decJinamiento, blight, dechuio , and marchitamiento repentino by use of uniform examinaton methods In: S. M. Garnsey, L. W. Timmer and J. A. Dodds (eds.). Proc, 9th Conf. Int. Organ: Citrus Virol, IOCV. Riverside (in press). Graham, J. H., L. W. Tirnmer and R. F. Lee. 1983. Comparison of zinc, water uptake by gravity infusion and syrínge inject ion tests for diagnosis of citrus blight. Proc. F/a. St ate Hort. Soco 96: 45-47: Lee, R. F., L. J. Marais, L. W. Tirnmer and J. H. Graham. 1984. Syringe injection of water into the trunk: a rapid diagnostic test for citrus blight , Plant Dis, (in press). Lima, J. E. O. and A. S. Borducchi. 1982. Observations on citrus blight in Brazil. Proc. F7a. State Hort, Soc . 95:72-75. Pagui, O. R., Y. S. Coelho and H. P. Santos Filho. 1983. Citrus decline in the State of Bahia. Brazil: occurrencc and responses to blight diagnostic tests. In: S. M. Garnse y , L. W. Timmer and PERPETUATION ross EDUARDO 8. acknowledged. Literature cited 1. J. A. Dodds (eds.). Proc. 9rn Conf 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Int. Organ. Citrus ViTol.IOCV. R iverside (in press). Pujol, A. R., R. E. Schwarz, M. V. Fernandez-Valieta and D. S. Rodriguez. 1972. A decline of citrus on trifoliata orange associated with tristeza. Pages 154-156. In: W. C. Price (ed.). Proc. 5th Conf. Int, Organ. Citrus Virol. University of Florida Press, Gainesville. Rossetti, V., H. K. Wu tscher , J. F. Childs, O. Rodriguez. C. S. Moreira, G. W. Milller, H. S. Prates, J. D. De Negri and A. Greve. 1980. Decline of citrus trees in the State of 530 Paulo , Brazil. Pages 251-259. In: E. C. Calavan, S~~ Carnsey and L. W. Timmer (eds.), Proc. 8th Conf Int. Organ. Citrus Virol. IOCV. Riverside. Schwarz, R. E.. T. Arguelles, P. Monsted, H. Wutscher and L. Terrnachuka. 1980. Studies on the cause of the fruta bolita or declinamiento disease of citrus in Argentina. Pages 241-250. In: E. C. Calavan, S. M. Garnsey and L. W. Tirnmer (eds.). Proc. 8th Con]. Int. Organ. Citrus Virol. IOCV. Riverside. Smith, P. F. and H. J. Reitz. 1977. A review of the nature and history of citrus blight in Florida. Proc. Int. Soco Citriculture 3: 88 i-884. Wutscher, H. K., H. G. Campiglia, C. Hardesty and A. A. Salibe. 1977. Sirnilarities between marchitamiento repentino disease in Uruguay and Argentina and blight of citrus in Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 90: 81-84. Wutscher, H. K., M. Cohen and R. H. Young. 1977. Zinc and water-soluble phenolic levels in the wood for the diagnosis of citrus blight.P/antDis. Rptr, 61:572-576. Wutscher, H. K., R. E. Schwarz , H. G. Campiglia , C. S. Moreira and V. Rosset ti, 1980. BlightIike citrus tree declines in South America and South Africa. HortScience 15: 588-590. ATTEMPT -OF DECLlNIO O. DE LIMA CNPMF - EMBRAPA, CJTRJC- JAC, CP. 28 13100 - Campinas, SP, Brazil LUIZ AUGUSTO B. C. DE VASCONCELLOS Horticultura, ESALQ-USP, CP 9 13400 - Piracicaba,SP, Brazil RUTER HIROCE Fert. Solo e Nu tr. Plantas - lA C, CP 28 13100 - Campinas, SP, Brazil OF CITRUS that a dechnio-related zinc-accumulatíon factor (ZAF) could be perpetuated with a single bud of a declínio-affected tree. However, no visual symptom of declínio was detected on propagated plants. Our objective was to study these declínio perpetuations at 6.5 years of age, in relation to declmio-related characteristics like trunk water-injection rate (WIR). root waterconductivity (RWC), and levels of zinc and potassium in the trunk, in order to verify perpetuation of declínio or declíniorelated characteristics. ANTONIO S. BORDUCCHI Faz. Sete Lagoas Agr. SA, B. Martinho Prado 13480 - Mogi-Gua{u, SP, Brazil Additional index words. Citrus decline, blight. Abstract. Healthy and decHnio-affected 'Valencia' sweet orange (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck) budwood were propagated on rangpur lime (e. limonia Osbeck) and sweet orange rootstocks, and the trees planted in 1977. When the trees were 6.6 years olds, 31% of the decHnio-budwood trees and 25% of the healthy budwood trees on rangpur lime rootstock began to show decHnio-related zinc accumulation and reduced waterinjection rate in the trunk, followed by visual symptoms of decUnio. None of the trees on sweet orange rootstock showed visual symptoms of decHnio. There was no difference in average trunk water~njection rateo root water-conductivity, zinc content of bark and wood of the trunk, tree height and trunk circumference between declínio- and healthy-budwood trees on rangpur lime or sweet orange rootstocks. Material and Methods Dechruo-affected and healthy 'Valencia' sweet orange budwood were propagated on rangpur lime and sweet orange rootstocks by "t " budding. Four healthy-budwood trees on each rootstock, 13 decJínio-budwood trees on rangpur lime. and 7 decJínio-budwood trees on sweet orange were planted in April, 1977 at Mogi-Guacu, SP. The area has significan! incidence of declmío? , bu t experimental trees were planted on new land, at least l km from the nearest declínio-affected trees. Propagated plants were studied at 4 and 5.5 years of age and the results published elsewhere". When trees were 6.5 years old. the following declinio-related parameters were evaluated: trunk WIR, RWC, levels ofzinc and potassium in the t runk, tree height. and trunk circumference. Water-injection rate was determined Table 1 Zinc centent of the trunk bark of 'Valencia' trees propagated from and declínio-affected budwood on rangpur lime (ra I and sweet orange (sw) rootstocks Zn (¡J.g/g. Sampling year uree age i Introduction Declínio is a citrus-tree decline of unknown etiology which occurs in Brazil", lnvolvement of pathogenic organisms in the cause of declínio would be indicated by its transmission to unaffected trees, or its perpetuation. through budding. Results of transmission and perpetuation at ternpts. however , are still inconclusíve+":". Higher levels of zinc in the trunk bark. a characteristic of declínio-affected trees, were detected in young trees propagated from declínio-affected budwood at 4 and 5.5 years of age, when compared to trees from healthy budwood". This indicated 374 Budw ood source/ Healthy Declínio Healthy Declínio z y x Root st ock 1981 (4 yr} 1982 (5.5 yr) ra ra sw sw 37 bY 59 a x 58 93 68 52 b a b b 1983 (6.5 yr í 103 a 98 a 43 b 44 b Four to 8 t ree s per budwood source per year. Mean separation within years by Duncan's múltiple range test. 5% level 1981) and 1% level (1982 and 1983). Not sampled. Proc. lnt. SOCo Citriculture, /984. Vol. / Table 2 Trunk circumference, tree height, trunk water-injection trunk wood and bark of 6.5-year-old 'Valencia' trees declúiio-affected budwood. Budwood source/ Healthy Dechnio Healthy Dec1ínio Trunk Rootstock ra ra sw sw Height (m) circo (cm) 49 ± I 47 ± 2 3.6 3.4 41 ± 2 38 b 1 3.0 ± 0.1 3.0 ± 0.1 ± ± 0.1 O. I rate (WIR). root water-conductivity (RWC) and zinc and po tassium levels in the propagated on rangpur lime (ra) and sweet orange (sw) rootstock frorn healthy and WIRY Zn (¡.¡g . g-I) RWC (mI. S-I) (mI. cm - •. ml " I ) 57 ± 4 51 ± 9 59 ± 5 61 ± 4 0.6 ± 0.2 0.8 ± 0.1 0.9 ± 0.2 1.2±0.1 Wood 3.0 4.3 ± ± 1.6 1.2 1.4 1.2 ± ± 0.2 0.2 K (%) Bark 103 ± 6 98 ± 11 43 ± 5 44 ± 5 Wood 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.19 :!: i i ± 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 zy Four healthy trees for each rootstock, 8 declínío-trees for ra and 7 for sw. x Syringe-with-lever method (see tex t). Mean ± SE. Table 3 Rating of Ded ínio visual symptoms, trunk wa ter-injectio n ra te (WIR), root water conductivity (RWC), and zinc and potassium levels in the trunk wood and bark of 6.5-year-old 'Valencia' trees propagated from healthy and declinio-affected budwood on rangpur lime rootstock Budwood source Declínio rating- WIRY (mI. S-I) Healthy healthy (3) moderate healthy (9) early moderate advanced advanced 0.8 z 0.0 0.1 Declfnio z y x RWC (mI. cm " ". min-I) 1.1 ± 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 54 64 60 _:\ :!: ± 14 5 Zn (¡.¡g. g-I) Wood 1.5 7.7 ± O. I 1.6 9.6 12.0 6.4 10.8 ± 0.3 K (%) Bark 101 I 1I 79 126 90 149 204 Wood ± 8 ± 4 0.19 ± 0.01 0.25 0.18 ± 0.01 0.30 0.25 0.27 0.32 Individual trees, except for healthy trees where number of trees po oled tor mean ± SE calculation ís indicated in parentheses. Syringe-with-lever method (see tex t). Not determined. by the syringe-wíth-lever method". Injection was made through a 3.2 x 35 mm hole drilled in the trunk, 5-30 cm above the bud union. The syringe was filled with 7 mi 01' water. injection attempted for 5 s, and WIR (mi. S-I) calculated. Declmioaffected trees show rates around 0.1 mi. s -1 , while healthy trees show rates several times higher. Root water conductivíty was determined by ·connecting 0.5-1.5 cm-diameter root pieces to a vacuum pump and puUing water through them". Declínio trees show reduced RWC. Zinc and potassium levels were determined on 3 x 3 cm bark-patch sarnples' ..and wood samples extracted with a half-inch bit and manual drill8,9 • Accumulation of zinc in the trunk bark and wood, and of potassium in the trunk wood are characteristics of declínio-affected trees. Results and Discussion There was no difference in zinc levels of dechnio-affected or healthy budwood propagated on rangpur lime or sweet orange rootstocks, when trees were 6.5 years old (Table 1). The same happened for other characteristics studied, trunk circumference , tree height, WIR, RWC, and potassium levels (Table 2). Trees which originated from declínio-affected budwood budded on rangpur lime had shown higher zinc levels than healthy-budwood trees in 1981 and 1982 samples, when trees were 4 and 5.5 years old, respectively? (Table 1). No such difference existed for trees on sweet orange. The authors had concluded then that a ZAF could have been perpetuated, but nothing could be said about the perpetuation of declínio itself, since there were no visual symptoms of decline on propagated plants". Current results. however, do not confirm ZAF perpetuation (Table 1l. Four out of 13 declínio-budwood trees (31%) had reduced trunk WIR, RWC, and showed accumulation of zinc and potassium in the trunk, followed by visual symptoms of dechnio at 6.5 years of age (Table 3). Simultaneously, 1 out of 4 healthybudwood trees (25%) showed declmio-related characteristics. Proc. Int. Soco Citricu/ture. /984. Vol. l. Perpetuation of declínio or any of the dechruo-related characteristics studied, therefore, cannot be assumed from present results. Attempts to perpetuate blight , a citrus-tree decline of Florida, US, similar to declínio, have also been unsuccessful": 10. Our resu1ts, however, concern a small number of young trees in a single location. Continuous observation and testing of these propagated plants, as well as replication of the experiment with a greater number of trees in other locations are recommended. Literature cited 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Albrigo, L. G., and R. H. Young. 1979. Citrus tree decline complex and diagnostic identification of blight. Proc, Fla. State Hort. Soc. 92: 61-63. Lima, J. E. O. de, and A. S. Borducchi. 1982. Observations on citrus blight in Sáo Paulo, Brazil. Proc, Fla, Sta te Hort. Soco 95: 72-75. Lima. J. E. O. de, L. A. B. C. de VasconceUos, N. Guírado, and J. Pompeu Jr. 1984. Use of a simple device to test the specificity of the water-injection test for declínio of citrus. Proc. Int. Soco Citriculture (in press). Prates, H. S., N. Guirado and G. W. Müller. 1983. Declinio dos citros no Estado de Slio Paulo. l..aranja. 4: 147-164. Rodriguez, O., V. Rossetti, G. W. Müller, C. S. Moreira, H. S. Prates, J. D. De Negri and A. Greve. 1979. Declínio de plantas cítricas em S40 Paulo. Anais V. Congr. Soco Brasileira Fruticultura 927·932. Rosse tti , V. 1982. Declínio de plantas cítricas. Testes diagnósticos e tentativas de controle.l..aranja 3: 157-172. Smith, P. F., and H. J. Reitz. 1977. A review of the nature and history of citrus blight in Florida. Proc. Int. Soco Citriculture 3: 881-884. Wutscher, H. K., and C. Hardesty. 1979. Concentrations of 14 elements in tissues of blight-affected and healthy 'Valencia' orange trees.1. Amer. Soco Hort. Se;' 104: 9-11. Wutscher, H. K., M. Cohen and R. H. Young. 1977. Zinc and water-soluble phenolic leveIs in the wood for the diagnosis of citrus blight.Plant Dis: Reptr. 61: 572-576. Wutscher. H. K.• C. O. Youtsey , P. F. Smith. and M. Cohen. 1983. Negativo results in citrus blight transmission tests. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. (in press). 375