Branch Accounting Guidance Notes Introduction In order to regularise the Institute's VAT position, since 1 July 1996 UK branches of the Institute have been required to comply with a new accounting procedure specified by the auditors. The basic objective is to separate the branches' social activities from those aspects which will now fall within the definition of the Institute's official business operations. Definitions Branch Meeting and Social Activities :Branch meetings and quiz nights Branch technical and social visits Dinner-dances, dinners, lunches etc Other social functions Golfing and other sporting events Tombolas, raffles and other fund-raising activities. Branch Business Activities :Seminars, courses and other such events for which a registration fee is charged Branch programmes which contain paid advertising Any other activities of a business nature for which a charge is made. Procedure From 1 July 1996 branches must classify each of their activities (occurring after that date) into one or other of the above two definitions. If there is any doubt over how to classify a branch activity, advice should be sought from Lyn Bryden at Institute headquarters in Nottingham. Once activities are classified, the specific requirements set out below must be rigorously applied, or the Institute may run the risk of problems with HM Customs and Excise. Branch Meeting and Social Activities All bank (current and deposit), building society or other investment accounts maintained by branches must be re-named (or closed and new accounts opened as appropriate) so that the name, both on the account and on cheque-books, clearly indicates that it is a branch members' social account and not an official account of the incorporated Institute. The recommended format for the title of such accounts is - The Institute of Quarrying xxxx Branch, Social Account. Unless this is done, the donation (see 4.p.) by Nottingham of profits earned on branch business activities may not be accepted for deposit by the bank; (ie cheques from Nottingham will be made out to The Institute of Quarrying xxxx Branch, Social Account). These accounts should be used only to operate branch meeting and social activities as defined above and such funds cannot be used for branch business activities. Branch members are deemed to be responsible for operating branch meetings and social activities on their own account, rather than for, and on behalf of, the corporate body. As of 1 July 1996, a new Public Liability Insurance policy will be taken out specifically to provide cover for branch members whilst acting in this capacity. Branch Business Activities As in the past, branches will be wholly responsible for the planning and organisation of all their own branch business activities. All correspondence associated with branch business activities must be on a letterhead which bears the Institute's name, address of registered office, registered number, in addition to the information relevant to the branch, such as the Branch name and the name and address of the Branch Secretary. For legal, accounting and VAT purposes, all financial transactions must be processed through Institute headquarters in Nottingham and will form part of the audited accounts of the incorporated body. As these activities cannot be subsidised from branch social funds, and will not be subsidised by the Institute, it is essential that such events, publications etc are operated on a properly viable basis. For the avoidance of doubt, it is recommended that branch seminar booking forms clearly state the cost of the seminar, the amount of VAT applicable, the gross amount payable, and that an invoice will subsequently be issued (by Nottingham). Advertisers in branch programmes should be advised similarly. If pre-payment is required by a branch to secure a seminar place, the booking form should direct that such cheques be forwarded to the organising branch, made payable to The Institute of Quarrying. These cheques should not be banked by the branch, but forwarded en bloc to Nottingham. In respect of branch programme booklets, it is recommended that written acceptance of the advertisement fee and any artwork charges be obtained from advertisers. In the event that an advertiser refuses to pay an invoice for any reason, the matter will be referred to the branch officer responsible to resolve. It is the responsibility of the branch officer concerned to advise Nottingham subsequently if any credit note is to be issued. Once arrangements for a specific business activity have been finalised, a single document (see attached specimen) must be forwarded to the Treasurer setting out:The projected profit and loss account The sales invoice details The suppliers to be paid In order to allow for VAT recovery (where applicable), all suppliers must be advised that their invoices should be made out to The Institute of Quarrying, xxxx Branch and addressed to the branch address (such as the address of the Branch Secretary). In no circumstances should invoices be made out in the name of an individual only. VAT recovery will have the effect of reducing the cost of an activity to the branch, thereby increasing the profit. Once all suppliers invoices have been received by the Branch Secretary (or person organising the event or publication) the invoices should be approved by the said person, by signing each invoice, and forwarded in one batch to the Institute Treasurer. The Nottingham office will be responsible for invoicing, credit control and payment to the suppliers in accordance with the Institute's normal procedure. In the event that there is any difficulty in collecting an outstanding debt the branch concerned will be asked to assist in securing payment. Each branch's business activities will be controlled in a separate account in the Institute's nominal ledger, being debited with expenses and credited with income from each activity. Once all sales invoices have been paid, in all but exceptional circumstances, the balance on each account will be passed back to the branch concerned in the form of a donation from the corporate body to the branch, to be used only for appropriate charitable purposes such as donations to the Educational Development and Benevolent Funds, support for technical meetings, etc. In the event that a branch has a loss on its nominal ledger account at the end of a financial year, the position will be considered by the Finance and General Purposes Committee. Whilst engaged in branch business activities, members are covered by the Public Liability Insurance policy taken out in the name of the corporate body. Limits of Branch Officers' Authority Bye-Law 15.d establishes that:The Institute shall not be responsible for any liability incurred by or on behalf of any branch beyond any amount previously appropriated or contributed for any specific purpose by the Council. Neither a branch nor any of its officers or members shall incur any liability or enter into any contract or commitment in the name or on behalf of the Institute without express authority of the Council, and Any officer or member of a branch who incurs any liability or enters into any contract or commitment without the express authority of the Council shall be personally responsible and shall indemnify the Institute from and against all and any damages, costs, claims, actions and demands arising out of or in connection with any such liability, contract or commitment. It is proposed the Council resolve that until further notice each branch has general authority to enter into the following commitments in the name of or on behalf of the Institute at a maximum aggregate cost in each (calendar) year for each item not exceeding the figure set out below in brackets next to that item, namely:Branch Programme booklets - maximum annual cost £2,500 Branch Seminar - maximum annual cost £5,000 Any other legitimate business activity - maximum annual cost £2,000 NB. All figures indexed to RPI from January 1997 If a Branch wishes to exceed the maximum annual cost for any commitment or to incur any other commitment in the name of or on behalf of the Institute it shall first supply full details to and obtain the written approval of the Institute. If such approval is refused or granted on conditions which are unacceptable to the branch the matter shall at the written request of the branch be referred to the next meeting of the Council. Where a branch wishes to engage in 'any other legitimate business activity' (whether involving an annual cost of up to £2,000 or above this amount) or 'to incur any other commitment in the name of the Institute', the following procedure should be adopted: Details should be forwarded in writing to the Institute's Secretary The information should indicate whether the Institute's coat of arms is to be used Details of any associated individuals, companies or societies should be given Anticipated financial commitment and benefit should be quoted No firm commitment to proceed should be made until approval has been received in writing from the Secretary