IPE Flashcards Education2Practice.org learn the key terminology for interprofessional care Flashcards These flashcards represent a list of key terms that are widely adopted by health care providers, educators, and administrators who implement interprofessional education/care initiatives in academic and health care delivery settings. In order to avoid confusion, and to remove language barriers, it is important for all members of an interprofessional initiative/ intervention to understand these terms. Even though each term may have several different definitions, the Education 2 Practice team chose definitions that most closely related to the successful integration of collaborative learning and care principles into health care delivery and education. TOOL KIT ALLIANCE FOR CLINICAL EXPERIENCE EDUCATION TO PRACTICE Education2Practice.org Fold Here The knowledge to be able to perform at a particular task (CIHC, 2007) Conflict An expressed struggle between at least two parties—one who perceives incompatible goals, scarce rewards and interference from the other party in achieving their goals (EHPIC, 2012) Core Competency The things that some…know how to do uniquely well and that have the scope to provide them with a betterthan-average degree of success over the long term (Gallon et al., 1995) tape after folding tape after folding Competency Fold Here Fold Here Debrief The process of spending a couple of minutes after a procedure, or at the end of a day, to assess what the team did well, what were the challenges, and what they will do differently the next time (Leonard, Graham, & Bonacum, 2004) Evaluation A systematic investigation of the merit, worth, or significance of an object (Scriven, 1998) tape after folding tape after folding Core Team The teams that provide patient care, and consist of team leaders, care providers, and continuity providers (WHO, 2011) Fold Here Fold Here Interprofessional Education …occurs when two or more professions learn about, from & with each other to enable effective collaboration & improve health outcomes (WHO, 2010) Outcome Something that follows as a result or consequence tape after folding tape after folding Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Occurs when multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds provide comprehensive health services by working with patients, their families, caregivers and communities to deliver the highest quality of care across settings (WHO, 2010) Fold Here Fold Here A series of actions or steps taken to achieve an end Role A shared set of expectations, values, attitudes, norms and beliefs governing one’s behavior in a particular position in society (Scott 1970; Linton 1945) Scope of Practice The definition provided in law that delineates what the profession does and places limits upon or confines the breadth of functions persons within a profession may lawfully perform (Riemersma, n.d.). tape after folding tape after folding Process Fold Here Fold Here Task A collection of individuals who are interdependent in their tasks, who share responsibility for outcomes, who see themselves and who are seen by others as an intact social entity embedded in one or more larger social systems and who manage their relationships across organizational borders (Cohen & Bailey, 1997) Uniprofessional Education The education that is undertaken by individuals within the same profession (UCSF, n.d.) Fold Here tape after folding tape after folding Sustainability The continuation or maintenance of a set of activities and resources intended to achieve the original objectives of a program or initiative (Pluye et al, 2004) tape after folding tape after folding Fold Here Fold Here