Matthieu Chemin MCGILL UNIVERSITY Department of Economics OFFICE ADDRESS, TELEPHONE & E-MAIL: Room 419, Leacock Building 855 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2T7 Tel.: 514-398-2951 Fax: 514-398-4938 email: DATE OF BIRTH: October 13, 1978 SEX: M CITIZENSHIP: French EDUCATION: 2001-2007 2000-2001 1998-2001 PhD, Economics, London School of Economics, UK. Thesis Title: “Institutions and Investment Climate for Small Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries”. Thesis Advisors and references: Tim Besley, Robin Burgess, Maitreesh Ghatak. MSc in Economics, London School of Economics (Distinction) MSc in Engineering Sciences, Ecole Centrale de Paris TEACHING EXPERIENCE: 2010 2010 2009-2010 2005-2010 2006-2009 2006-2010 2004-2005 2002-2004 2003-2004 2001-2003 2001-2002 Program evaluation (executive course, CIQSS) Econometrics 1 (Graduate, Sciences-Po) Microeconometrics (Graduate, Sciences Po) Microeconometrics (PhD, UQAM) Development Economics (Undergrad, UQAM) Introduction to Economics (Undergrad, UQAM) Economic Policy Analysis (Graduate, LSE) Econometrics (Graduate, LSE) Economics (1st year undergraduate, LSE) Econometrics (2nd year undergraduate, LSE) Linear Algebra, Mathematics for Engineers (2nd year undergraduate, King’s College) RELEVANT POSITIONS HELD: 2010-present 2005-2010 2002-2005 2001-2003 Summer 2003 Summer 2002 Summer 1999 Assistant Professor of Economics, McGill University. Assistant Professor of Economics, UQAM. Tutorial Fellow, LSE Research Assistant for Tim Besley and Robin Burgess, Department of Economics, LSE. Consultant, ‘Doing Business’ Project, Investment Climate Unit, The World Bank. Supervised by Program Manager Simeon Djankov. Summer Intern, Financial Sector Department, The World Bank. Supervised by Lead Economist Jo Ann Paulson. Research Assistant, Institute of Limnonogy, Irkoutsk, Siberia, Russia. Matthieu Chemin REFEREED JOURNAL ARTICLES Chemin, M., (2010), “Does the Quality of the Judiciary Shape Economic Activity? Evidence from a Judicial Reform in India”, forthcoming, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization. Chemin, M. and E. Wasmer, (2009), "Using Alsace-Moselle local laws to build a difference-in-differences estimation strategy of the employment effects of the 35-hour workweek regulation in France”, Journal of Labor Economics, Volume 27, Issue 4, Page 487–524, Oct 2009 Chemin, M., (2009), “The Impact of the Judiciary on Entrepreneurship: Evaluation of Pakistan's Access to Justice Programme”, Journal of Public Economics, Volume 93, Issues 1-2, February 2009, Pages 114-125. Chemin, M., (2009), “Do judiciaries matter for development? Evidence from India”, Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume 37, Issue 2, Pages 230-250. Chemin, M., (2008), “The Benefits and Costs of Microfinance: Evidence from Bangladesh”, (2008), Journal of Development Studies, 44(4), p. 463-484. Chemin, M. and E. Wasmer, (2008), “Regional difference-in-differences in France using the German annexation of Alsace-Moselle in 1870-1918”, NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics 2008, edited by Jeffrey Frankel and Christopher Pissarides. Chemin, M., (2008), “Entrepreneurship in Pakistan’’, forthcoming in the International Journal of Business and Globalisation. REVISE AND RESUBMIT Chemin, M., (2008), “Do Criminal Politicians Reduce Corruption? A discontinuity-based approach”, revise and resubmit at the Journal of Law and Economics. Chemin, M., and J. de Laat, (2009), Can Warm Glow Alleviate Credit Market Failures? Evidence from Online Peerto-Peer Lenders. Web appendix, revise and resubmit, Economic Development and Cultural Change. WORKING PAPERS Chemin, M., “Not Just When and Where: Does Student Financial Aid Affect Whether Individuals Enroll in, and Graduate from, Post-secondary Education?” Chemin, M., Dessy, S., Mbiekop, F., and S. Pallage, “The Economics of Child Trafficking”. WORK IN PROGRESS “The impact of rural electrification on poverty: evidence from a randomized experiment in Kenya”, with Joost de Laat “The impact of microfinance: evidence from an unusual loan experiment in Kenya”, with Joost de Laat “What makes people contribute to public goods? The impact of cheap talk and education workshops on contribution to en electricity cooperative”, with Joost de Laat “Insurance adoption: field experiment in a Jua Kali Association in Kenya”, with Joost de Laat “The impact of minimum income laws on incentives to find a job: using Alsace-Moselle local laws to build a difference-in-differences estimation strategy”, with Etienne Wasmer. “The impact of sick leave laws on absenteeism and job satisfaction: evidence from Alsace Moselle”, with Etienne Wasmer. Matthieu Chemin GRANTS 2009-2012 2008-2011 2008-2009 2007-2008 2007-2008 2007-2008 2007-2008 2006-2007 2006-2007 2006-2007 2005-2006 “The demand-side and supply-side issues of insurance provision to the poor: evidence from randomized experiments in the slums of Nairobi” ($136,785), CRSH. “How can Risk Management Expand the Reach and Effectiveness of Microfinance?” ($40,344), FQRSC. Grant supporting the impact evaluation of a community-based rural electrification project ($25,000), Lighting Africa Development Markteplace grant , World Bank. Grant supporting the impact evaluation of a community-based rural electrification project ($26,165), Stichting Dioraphte. Grant supporting the establishment of video-conferences to enhance teaching of development economics courses ($15,000), Fonds de développement pédagogique, UQAM. Grant supporting the impact evaluation of a community-based rural electrification project ($30,000), Northwater Foundation. Measuring the Effectiveness of Student Aid Project, Educational Policy Institute ($15,000). Project title “Does student financial aid cause more participation and persistence in post-secondary education ? Evidence from partner income shocks and marital status”, with Nicolas Marceau and Pier-André Bouchard. Investment Climate and Business Environment Research Fund ($50,000), CRDI, TrustAfrica and Foundation for sustainable enterprise and development Grant supporting the impact evaluation of a community-based rural electrification project ($30,000), Northwater Foundation. Grant supporting the impact evaluation of a community-based rural electrification project ($7,000), The French Embassy in Kenya. Research Grant UQAM PAFARC « The causal Impact of the judiciary on economic activity : evidence from India ». HONORS, SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS: 2004-2005 2002-2003 2002-2005 2001-2002 Royal Economic Society Junior Fellowship STICERD (LSE) Scholarship ESRC Studentship LSE Research Studentship PRESENTATION: • • • • • • • • • • • (scheduled) November 11th, 2010: 2010 LACEA Annual Meeting, Medellín, Colombia. (scheduled) August 1st, 2010: Summer workshop in development economics, BREAD, Universities of Trento and Verona, Italy. May 14th, 2010: BREAD conference on Development Economics, junior session, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. December 7th, 2009: Department of Economics, HEC Montreal, Canada. November 22nd, 2009: Department of Economics, McGill University, Montréal, Canada. November 9th, 2009: Department of Economics, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada. March 27th, 2009: Group of Research on International Business seminar series, HEC Montreal. March, 13th, 2009: Center for Developing Areas Studies seminar series, McGill University. October 25th, 2008: Measuring the Effectiveness of Student Aid conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada October, 18th 2008: 2008 Microfinance Conference, Yale University, Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) and the Financial Access Initiative (FAI), October 17th, 2008, New Haven. June 5th 2008: Annual Congress, Canadian Economics Association, Vancouver, British Columbia. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Matthieu Chemin February 22nd 2008: CIRPÉE-BREAD Conference on Development Economics, Junior presentations, Montréal, Quebec, Canada. October 26th 2007: Institutions, Organizations & Growth Program Conference, The Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Ottawa. July 17th 2007: Economics seminar, University of Quebec at Montreal. February 16th 2007: Organisation of the 4th CIRPÉE mini conference on Development Economics, Montréal, Canada. September 28th 2006: Annual Congress, CIRPEE center, Val-Morin, Canada August 26th 2006: European Economic Association, Annual meeting, Vienna, Austria. May 26th 2006: Annual Congress, Canadian Economics Association, Montréal, Canada. April 3rd 2006 : Annual Congress, Société Canadienne de science économique, Montréal, Canada, avril 2006. October 5th 2005: “Issues in Access to Justice and Dispute Resolution” Seminar, Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies, New Delhi, India. September 30th 2005: Economics seminar, McGill University. March 15th 2005: Economics seminar, Irvine University. February 28th 2005: Economics seminar, University of Quebec at Montreal December 3rd 2004: Economics of Industrial Development Conference, London School of Economics, organized by David Dollar (World Bank), Chang-tai Hsieh (Berkeley), John Sutton (LSE) and Robin Burgess (LSE). November 8th 2004: Development and Growth Seminar, London School of Economics. REFEREEING: Journal of Political Economy, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Labour Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Journal of Economic Development and Cultural Change, Labour Economics, Economics of Transition, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Canadian Journal of Economics, Journal of Development Studies, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Contemporary Economic Policy.