ECON 323 503 Syllabus

Course title and number
Meeting times and location
Intermediate Microeconomics 323 Section 503
Spring 2012
MWF 12:05-12:55 (1002 ALLN)
Instructor Information
Telephone number
Email address
Office hours
Office location
Nataliya Pakhotina
MWF 1:00-2:00 pm
3060 ALLN
ECON 202; MATH 142
Textbook and/or Resource Material
“Microeconomics” Jeffrey M. Perloff, 6th edition, (Pearson) 9780131392663
or the customized textbook ECON 323: Microeconomic Theory
Course Description
This course is Intermediate Microeconomic Theory. You will review demand and supply model and then
focus on how this model is derived: how individual consumers make their decisions and how firms
(producers) behave in order to make themselves as well off as possible. How they interact in markets
and how their decisions determine price. We will also look at the markets, how they behave under
different conditions and how government regulation and taxes affect market performance.
Grading Policies
Exams: There will be two midterms and a final. Exam dates are
Midterm Exam 1 - February 20 (during regular class time)
Midterm Exam 2 - April 2 (during regular class time)
Final Exam – May 7, 10:30-12:30
None of the exams will be cumulative. The exams will mainly be composed of multiple choice questions
but they may also include some fill in the blank questions, short answer questions, problems, draw-agraph questions, and bonus questions.
Problem sets: There will be 3 take-home problem sets.
Your final grade in this course will be determined by your performance on:
 3 take-home problem sets (10%)
 midterm exam 1 (30%)
 midterm exam 2 (30%)
 final exam (30%).
Grading scale:
90 and above
80 to 89.99
70 to 79.99
60 to 69.99
59.99 and below
Missed exams: Students who miss an exam may be allowed to take a make-up exam, Makeup exams
may differ in both form and content from regularly scheduled exam. If you miss the exam you must
satisfy all of the following requirements in order to take a makeup exam:
 You missed the exam due to illness or university-excused absence.
 You must provide a satisfactory documentation explaining the reason for missing test (for
example, if you were ill, you must have a written excuse from your physician or from University
Health Center).
 You must notify me before exam or within next 48 hours after the exam.
Students who miss the exam and do not meet each of the three requirements above will receive a score
of zero for the exam.
On exams you may use an electronic calculator. Programmable calculators are not permitted. Graphing
calculators are not permitted. Calculators that allow you enter to text are not permitted. You may not use
your cellular telephone or any other wireless communication device as calculator.
Academic Resources
The Department of Economics offers both a tutoring lab (ALLN 3002) and fee-based private tutors. You
can find more information by calling 845-7351. Your textbook publisher offers ancillary study aid online.
Class web-site
The course information and grades will be posted on class web-site:
Tentative Outline of Topics
Week (dates)
Required Reading
1-2 (01/18-01/27)
3 (01/30-02/03)
4 (02/06-02/10)
Introduction, Supply and demand
Applying the supply-and-demand model
Consumer choice
Chapters 1-2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
5 (02/13-02/17)
February 20
6-7 (02/22-03/02)
8 (03/05-03/09)
9 (03/12-03/16)
10-11(03/19 – 03/30)
Applying the consumer theory
Midterm exam 1
Firms and production
Spring break (no classes)
Competitive firms and markets, Applying the
competitive model
Midterm exam 2
General Equilibrium and economic welfare
Chapter 5
Chapters 1-5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Pricing and advertising
Oligopoly and monopolistic competition, Factor
markets, Externalities, open-access, and public
Final exam 10:30-12:30
Chapter 12
Chapters 13, 15, 16
April 2
12 (04/4-04/06)
13 (04/09-04/13)
14 (04/16-04/20)
15-16 (04/23-04/30)
May 7
Chapters 8-9
Chapters 6-9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapters 10-13, 15, 16
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides
comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation
requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for
reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an
accommodation, please contact Disability Services, in Cain Hall, Room B118, or call 845-1637. For
additional information visit
Academic Integrity
“An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do.”
Upon accepting admission to Texas A&M University, a student immediately assumes a commitment to
uphold the Honor Code, to accept responsibility for learning, and to follow the philosophy and rules of
the Honor System. Students will be required to state their commitment on examinations, research
papers, and other academic work. Ignorance of the rules does not exclude any member of the TAMU
community from the requirements or the processes of the Honor System. For additional information
please visit:
On all course work, assignments, or examinations at Texas A&M University, the following Honor Pledge
shall be reprinted and signed by the student:
“On my honor, as an Aggie, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this academic work.”